603';}.«gi.S 4.1';'5"' • ?- SL +sF' ?••.? y' Fw 31 "k } ?{f ? .y •5° ' Jake ? ' tt } + e$ ,'fir. '"•s :?:..?'-. i' iY. V'Z? +?• 1 ). p9• - tea ?.l? ; ?'4}, t"•r'4/FV(?' 17 e4 J. '1. .f ° S e 1', ? ?_3+'? yb? Yi :'Y•Y b'y'•r.': `,;bras [, r? 5:'",? e },tiv 1 therein is so located and equipped as to'comply with all zoning, building and health ordinances, rules and regulations of the City. Upon consideration of such application for hard- ship and exemption certificates, the City Manager shall, cause an inspection to be made of the trailer or house car and its,site and upon his finding that the trailer or house car and its owner or user is in full, compliance with all zoning, building and health ordinances, rules and regulations of the ^ - 4V i, gip:: e ? ,r •`e;$ e' ' <,d.s t ket,.e r r , f; ?v'r 6 `'; r6). :y„ t+ p`::t" i?r,"?e'r!."`1.. 1.'?'kp i?F.r,;:?i: i ,'9 '";•'(. ?_" _ sa , r'f 1, e `<) e•. .s. ., ,..,,tl,. ....,r,:, ,. ::s`a;.rM?R $,?',K ,r t•'>? kW`4. :' ,••• !' r.t. rc": ,• _...'.ruw<..i1.i... s.J,APsY?'.t•Y.'.t,If :?`+St?,? i?::y" . s_ P:. I, ., ORDINANCE NO:603,_„ s: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER NO. 30, OIL THE CODE OF THE CITY OF CLEAR''?'iA`I'ER, FLORIDA, f 1950, RELATING TO TRAILERS, BY ADDING SECTION ? 4A THERETO PROVIDING FOR FURTHER EXCEPTIONS IN CASE OF EXTREME; Oft UNDUE HARDSHIP: AND BY FURTHER ADDING THERETO SECTION 413 PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN APPEALS TO THE CITY COMMISSION. 1 BE IT OaDAINED. BY THE CITY Cpl;24ISSION OF THE, CITY OF CL EARWATE;R, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Chapter No. 30 of the Code of the City of Clearwater 1950 relating to trailers is amended by adding thereto additional, Sections 4A and 4B as .Follows: "SECTION A. FURTHER EXCEPTIONS - HARDSHIP. Provided however, in such instances where the enforcement of this Act would cause undue and extreme hardship on the owners and/or users of house cars, and trailers located within the City of Clearwater, such persons may make written application to the City Manager for a temporary CERTIFICATE OF HARDSHIP AND EXEMPTION, which application shall state the grounds of hardship upon which it is based and shall accurately describe the location of Ghe trailer or house car mentioned therein. Said application shall also 7. show that the trailer or house car mentioned 4 :< fir:'' A,F: ;• :}``.'ks;.?••;; `?'?,x;? ? ,f <ri "4_`:°I"- s:if ,'';'?.•r ..k '.'Li i; 11• s• s.t{'!'?'r',?', 3,p rift; ;iii --`•,F,F (! `i 44 k (? i1:' 't`?•S? ""i,`,?,•y' f-•;z fi't ', ,?e ,t1 ? ri= ?.•iif???'kY1??'J?ry?? :. . T--:h irk;, 77 `.' r • f 3P x' .. 4r' : k ' .:...y,; .. .._. ...., a .. = t .,,c?a?.r-.,e-uf...a„n =e ,^ - , ...«t, .,.,. Jir:wG•i-Cn•7?43rase`:et®:ir-'r w+;.+`,.r4.i I ' City, and upon his further finding that the ° : rr ` :•. °::m :,'e. 1 enforcement of this ordinance against the applicant would create extreme and undue hardship to the applicant, he shall issue to the applicant a quarterly, semi--annual or annual certificate of hardship and exemption whichever seems justified under the facts of the application, and said certificate shall exempt the applicant from enforce6ent of the provisions of this Act only during the period for which it is issued. Should the City Manager find that no extreme and undue hardship exists or that the applicant has not complied with the :.y< City Ordinances herein required to be observed, he shall deny the application." "SECTION 4B -- APPEALS TO CITY COIYIMISSION ? `, r•; r;' In all instances wherein the City Manager shall deny application for Certificate of Hardship and : Exemption, the applicants having certificates so '.• ' denied shall have the right, upon application made `;.' • ? ?' {' ' ` in writing to the City Manager within ten (10) days F.... _i, after the date. of said City Manager's adverse ruling on such applications, of an appeal of said:;' ,.. s' adverse ruling to the City Commission of the City1 of Clearwater, Upon an application for an appeal being made to the City Manager within the time herein provided it shall be the duty of said City Manager to trans mit said application for appeal together with all matters and facts appertaining to the original F';.jx•;;, 'x j,rc'- '.' ;.:: application for Certificate of Hardship and Exemption to the City Commission. n`fy"n3 :'?yr`'sl'?•i4: ?$:<'1- ?41i""'^.?, -.V ., '. '. 11, '_': 2_ r6 .4.4 ri!'a t, ,c,•1K n' 3 e??,'ti.ry.. <1 ?r x S a 4,` r % ?R. w „ :•` V °}.1,...13:?_•a't?,.??,•,.•.r...?,, .. ..... a. <..N....... + », r+ a .....»... ?:K? Upon receipt from the City Manager of an application for appeal, the City Commission shall after reasonable notice to the applicant proceed with the hearing of said Appeal and render its decision either affirming or over--ruling the City Manager with reference thereto." SECTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the some are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective an and after its passage. PASSED ON,THE FIRST READIN:57 f PASSED ON THE SECOND RFADIv!" i PASSED ON THE THIRD READIId r.? t. 1,7,rf 6 wV??1 f.r?l€r,.•:?Y?'}i?41t'?.'lL.?; +1'•?.?+. 1 ,s Mayor-Commis toner ' t iu itar Clerk 1 T, =yr r' .'y .?!• 'Ldp .?•.!" -3.. ,r - a[S i. , .r Ord' -* b03" s1 , . •i. i'M3;if ? t .'.'f^".a. ":'S'?Y4f:n'e i.•'1.t.?'9-:3t ?Fx`_',t:i;. ?'1• a r?l•. .'d x 7 ,' t { p 4h 1 t: ° J -f: • iii kE'-F:_ _, •1? j.?}}' .}, '.F'. '1 r S ORDINANCE NO. 603 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER NO. 20, OF THE, CODE i OF THE CITY OF CLEARWA- TER, FLORIDA, 1960, RELATING TO TRAILERS, BY ADDING SEC- TION 4A THERETO PROVIDING FOR FURTHER EXCEPTION$ IN CASE OF EXTREME OR UNDUE 1ARDSHIP: AND BY FURTHER ADDING THERETO SECTION 40 PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN AP- PEALS TO THE CITY COMMIS- SION, BE IT ORDAINED 13Y THE CITY C01111ISSION Or THE CITY OF CLEARIVATI;II, rLOI RDA: SECTION I, That Chapter No. 20 of the Code of tho City of Clearwater 1950 relating to trailers 1s amended by adding thereto additional Sections 4A anti 4B as follows: "SECTION 4A. FURTHER EXCEP- TIONS - HARDSHIP. Provided hotvover, In such instances ulliere tho cnforceruent of this Act would Callao undue and extreme hard- ship on the owners and/or users of house Cara and trailers located within the City of Clearwater, such persons may make written application to the City Manager for a temporary CERTI- VICATE Or HARDSHIP AND EX- EMPTION, which application shall state the grounds of hardship upon which it is based and shall accurately describe the loentfoii of the trailer or houso car mentioned therein. Said application shall also allow that tite traller or house car mantiorted therein is so located and equipped as to c0111- ply with all zoning, building and health ordinances, roles and regulations of the City. Upon consideration of such applica- cation for hardship and exemption cor- tificates, the City Manager shall cause an inspection to be made of the trailer or house car and its site and upon Ilia finding that the trailer or house car and its owner or user is in full com- pliance vith. all telling, building and " health ordinances, rules and regula- tions of the City, and upon his further tinging that the enforcement of this or- dlnnnco agninat the applicant would ' create extreme and undue hardship to the applicant, he shall Issue to the ap- plicant a quarterly, semi-annual or an. nual certificate of hardablp and exemp- tion whichever seems Justified under tho facts of the application, and said certificate shall exempt the applicant front enforcement of the provialons of this Act only during the period for which It Is Issued. Should the City Manager find that no extreme and un- titfe hardship exists or that the appli- cant has not compiled with the City ordinances herein requlred to be ob- served, lie shall deny the application." "SECTION 411 - APPEALS TO CI'T'Y COMMISSION. In all instances wherein the City Manager shall deny application for Cartiflvato of Hardship and Exemption, the uppllcants having certificates so denied tshnii have the right, upon application mado In writing to the City Manager within ten (10) days after the date of said City Manager's ndvurse ruling on such applications, of an appeal of snid adverse ruling to the City Contmiasslon of the City of Clear- water. Upon an application for an appeal being made to the City Manager with- in tho time herehi provided. It shall bo the duty of said City Manager to transmit said application for appeal to- gether with all matters and facts ap- pertaining to the original application for Certificate of Hardship and Exemp- tion to the City Commission. Upon receipt from the City tfanager of an application for appeal, the City Comtntasion shall after reasonable no- tice to the applicant proceed with the hearing of said Appeal and render Its decision either affirming or over-ruling ' tiie City Manager with reforenco thereto." SECTION All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby re- pealed. SIsCTIO:V 2. This ordlnnneo shall become effective on and after Its passage, PASSED ON THE FIRST READING January 1L, 19S1. PASSED ON THU SECOND READ• 1NG January 29, 1951. PASSED ON THE THIRD READ. ING February b, 1951. Herbert M. Brown MayoriCommtssioner Atloat: ? It. O, Wingo City Auditor & Clerk .j < t r? . '• X5,,'7''... ?, ` '_i . 1 THE CLEARWATER SUN I' Published Daily Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida 1 OOUNTX OF PINELLAS: STATE OF FLORIDA Before the undersigned authority personally appeared IV. S. Vsehaeh, who on oath says that he is the General Manager of tho Clearwater Slur, a daily no%vapaper published at Clearwater to Pinellas Ootmty, Merida, that the attached copy of advertisement, being a ...... _ N t3 ? Pr1 Q? ....................................... .... ...C ..... In the matter' of =.' • .. n sr o re .... Am ed.ing,.chagt ..N.....3?,... 4A n?.?C4..?W.Q .er.g ....... ` :..::` a`Qlf7t?D .................................... ........... XW tnas Pubtiahed In saaid newspaper In the Issues of ......... F.?? .14&xy .. ao.. ? 9 5 ............. 64 ................................................... Aftiant further says that the said Clearwater Sun is a newspaper published at Clearwater, In Bald Pinellas County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has ' heretofore been continuously publid d in said Pinellas County, Florida, each day and has been entered as second class nail clatter at the post office In Clearwater, in said Pinellas County, Florida, for a period of one year rraxt preceding the first ,V publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and aftlant further says that he has neither Paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, :•'' 4 rebate, co p aunfaslca or refund for the purpose of securing this aadv t for ublication in the said newspaper. f ,/ .. Sworn to bed before me thiji day of V ,February., ADD. 29. 7(;'iprz.:di,`v`?•f?'? 4 i ; ''GSM""?;.' i cs? >:' (//y/?? "'#`t 1.5i?r,'' r'. {BIIi11I.) Notary public 'ssly r9 DoPk, u •t F x f :: buiPut v w . ri•a ,.',.+ra r ' ~' u rauransul 'F & ,'` ,?, '?• fi' ? 'YL I.. ,dV s4u69 uapal4ua+o? Fly ?:4 W?,+?n 0,'d„ ?=?°`,,"`?.' '1561 aio4c '14ia'+1 ?t,o•,,,.. ¦ble-1 4% VPls?li to ?'._. 1i ,._,.._:? _'_z`! C'3, .. _ t'-"+L?+'.*r.?,+rn._?!-aa:-msvE?...x a'..-+.,n.-ter.-t->. >.. •- w. ...".--n :. x.. -.... w-..?..,...fi ... - - • • NOTICE ill' PASSAGE or ' 01WIN.1NCT: ttt E '' NOTICE IB 1IEILimi UIVEN or { the pamuge of the following Ordhs-' ] 1111ae of the city of CleatwAter, Or- # dlnaoec No. 609: 4 - .. SAr.m MIND AN ORDINANCE I AWNDINTI CHAPTER NO. 30 OP, T'IiF. CODB OF T;W CITY OP CLFARWATER. In ORIDA, 1050. ' "MATING TO TRAILERS. 13Y. 1 . ADDING SECTION !A THFIINTO rrt0viDING FOR FURTHER F'T-' J CEPTIONS IN CABF. OF EXTRF.I W OIL TINDUE IIARDAHtPS: AND I3Y' P-UR"fM ADOTNO THFt31 M: BF(MON 4_ PnOVTDTNn FOR, CERTAIN APPEAU3 TO TITE CITY COUNIIBSION. Aforementioned ordlnail V" l b th n na neared an lte firat rexd n ' 15th day of annuarv tG61, eetond , re-Adlnq an the 211th day of JAnunrv 1651 and the third readlnq aN the Pith daV at Fehrnrrv 1951. :''. . It. O. WINf1O city Audltor and Clerk.. ' !f( ?y..r.r.....<?°rF.^.'Ty1?vl..khsw+.1?-.'.-'•-•-.'^'.^.?'........y,...•,...,w .,4. ` .'( , ,•1.}<F. €