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August 21, 1950
CRDII:A1;C2 :]C. 50B
-,•,,..,...•,•?...,..r,..c a rwVe•.•+?r?
AN 01WINANGN O This CITY OV CL1i,IR1YAT :Ii, : urlt«-ik
Cal'UNISI.; I«{PRESSII:(l A CM. %R AM ?l1LJ :"T Iii ::vi:R IM M; MNE UIRINO M4.13MU1 0? T:'. CC.2',U 13T ::.:'.`_".' A.;
' 101=1.1 TO Id:fli:iR III TIM C1:'ICl; 0? T:' :
OF BAxU CIr Z AM) T:iWU;A T:i11 TO CCi,;Pt. ITii+i}i+:a ki]+.:Iiwr.i%::
]'1ri EkS the Ooverra.:ant of the City of Clearwater, Flori.:a 'a ostab-
liolied under the authority of the State of Florida; and
IYI{ir=S the State of Florida is itself constituted on the fun-
damontal basin that justice be cotablishod, public oraor be maintained and
liberty perpetuated; and
h71ILMM the political idoolor7 which includes in its tonats the on-
forced rule by one political party of state nocialism with its attendunt
practices of supromac, of the state, oupprenaion of individual rights and
support of athoiam is ]mown and in heroin defined an Communism, and in
oppoaad, hostile and repugnant to, and destructive of, our e::nrensod basic
foundations; and
711iliRFAS the objectives of the Communist Part,; in the United States
and of its officers and r..enbors are to advance and promote the objective*
of the aforesaid political ideology and to dofast contrary ob,',octivoa of
the United States of America, by moans of force, violence, treachery, de-
ceit, eapionageI sabotage, terrorism, creation of fear, deatniction of
morals and tho eventual overthrow of the United States Ooverm-ent by force,
iri:.tli;AS groups or individuals, either organised or unorJ;anizcd, which
support the acne political ideology as that advanced by the Cormunists, with-
out actually identifying themselves as such, by advocating non-campliance
with the national defense effort of this country and similar actions which
onlarge the existing emorgencv, actuaII7 aid and abet the C=aunwnta, and
should be and are no classified and considered in this ordinance.
WHERZAS C- unism an heroin defined constitutes a olenr and present
danger to our Democracy; and to the peace, safety and general welfare of the
citizens of the City of Clearsratar, and
77IiEMS the City of Clearwater, ?Iorida is chargeable with the re-
aponaibility of preserving the individual riglits guaranteed b;; the Consti-
tution of the State of Florida, the Constitution of the United Staten of
America and our Loelaration of Independence, now therefore,
t. r.
SECTION 1. :hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person, group of '`<'°, •'=::ES r ?; :t`''?.
arsons or oor oration either aim 1y or collectively, to prcmete, advocate
P p 7 f} !
,.; '.f•.... +sr.vbl=_a,4,;Yja:.c, '.
support, encourage advertise disseminate or otherwise advance either b
.Yord3, signs, gosturen, writings, pictures or other fo= of cormunication •;?'::
?.%oY;??;.: ,.
1 `
the political ideology known as Communism as herein defined within the ?•? ... s,?;
Ii.•.rito of said Cit
S :
', b l,tos ISr ..
:' ?
orlon is a mom-
SECTION 2. It shall be Prlra facie evidence that a
. t
•'.. ;
. ,.ion or distri-
ber of such Communist Party if lie shall ongage in the oiroula
bution of any printed or written natter issued or purporting to have been
h th
, or
lasuad by or over the nar•:e of such Communist Party or any
if ',,o shall engage in the circulation or distribution of an, printed or
written matter issued or purporting to have been issued byo or over the name -
'rrt °;;;* ?•, '
any person
any organization
or to have
tabliahod to to be or y
been a
b roof other than the rims facie evidence referred to in this section,
or if he shall be found in any secret or nonpublic place in voluntary aaso-
d t °'- r •.d re 1. z'„°:.
=? fY'- r•
e or
. ,.lon with any person or persona esta
elation or eotan:nica ,
have been a menber of such Co=unist Part by roof or other than the ri.:a
facie evidence referred to in this section.
` :?.., ?.S'?•iL., tall' 9, 'Si;
. :
SECTIO:: 3. :-very member of the Ccm. unlat Part7i Cc=unist or
au porter of the Cosm:runist political ideolot.;7 herein defined who comas into ?$¢:=.k.:•
:r?{',m,:j;;_?: :'''
,the City of Clearwater, Florida from any point outside of such Cit7i whother i ;? ?Y ;,°.sr ?, ' '• ' ;'•::;
in transit through said City or othorrise, shall report to the Chief of
Police of the Cit; of Clearwater, 21crida within fort?-a_gl:t (48) hours after ??f? ?w?cy;•? .•:;> ?,,,, ,
his or her arrival within the boundaries of said cltry and shall furnish to
s the Chief of Police :n a written stataz~ent, signed t; ouch parson, the truce r 1 ?,<{I ;
[f;? ;'
:1 .(11 =?
=0 of such person, and each other rare or alias by xhich such person is or
han been 'known, a full and coriploto description of himself or herself, the ;;:+',•`''FE P&5°.,1 : "t ?;r..:._,
place or nlooes whore he or she has been within the proceding ninety (80) ,;: :fi r, .; ,? :-,`;''_ ,s•°!?;;1-;: }
liar rasidonce atoppins
t a or address of ill or
days, ta1;c hor with tho loo ticr. ,
? c fF}?,4v L' Y, ? ? y-s
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an "woo Won
August 21, 19;3
,. U:•ainance ::c. ;?J:. Cr,;;tra,
piece or living quart ua in avid city of Cleatnatir and enoh une tneveuf, 't I
a deauriptlon of the onuracter or each auon G:1att:o, wn-:tilt:' a 1lutol, apartment
hcuse, dwelling hcuaa Wr otherwise, giving the satmet nu:Auv t,terett', jr any,
ur any description of the acidreyn or ie,outlon thorvuf 'en w'll :;4 Iduntlfy the
.lane no to make It puaaible foo luestlun, and the l engtn c r time ;'or anich hi:
er one expects or Intandu to re!sidu within Liu territuvial b' undArica of the
City of Clearwater, Florida. At the tirnto of fut'nianin,; axon Infor•rnatiun Gala
person shall be phutugraj:hed and finrcrprinted by aaid Cilicf of sober:, nhd
said photograph and fingerprints anail bps mmde 3 punt of the permanent recorda
of the Police D':pavtmu;:t of the City of Clear'.:stet', Florida
SECTION 4. Evury person rouiding srichin tiie city of Clearwater, Florida,
at the time this urd!nance becomes effective. who is a member of the Conununlut
Wrtn is it C0^100st, or who is a supporter of the Coi".unlsst ideology, au
defined herein, shall within forty-eight (?8) houra from and tifter the effec-
tive date: hereof, furnish to the said Chief of Police, In a written ututement
signed by such poraon,'all of the information required to be furnlaned under
tn'_ pravlaiona of said Section 3, and together with the ccuupaticrs or en:ploy-
mant In which the said persons i3 now engaged, the name of the employer, the
buoiniaa engaged in by .:'aid employer, and the nature and cilaracter tnureos .
SECTION 7. Vary person coming under the pro•r'_91on3 cf St.cd:n 3 and
n_ryof :shall a.ter the registt'atien an provided theruln thereafter duel,
tau& y:uluunue in Onid City snake }re°kiy, personal appearances at the City
Fo=jo Hundquarters at sues reasonable times an may be precer_bcd by the ihl of
police for the purpose of keeping Bald reg13tration record •:urVent.
SaCTIO;d v. Friar to leaving the City limits of wai-d City for any pur-
!L.!U, every such poruon heroin specified an required to r':f,.Ster shall record
:;,tot the Chief of Polie< of :said Cit,, his cr :°aer date cf departure, deatinatiun,
snd approximate irate of return.
SECTION r. In the event that any peroon herein upt+elfied as requiva:i
4 r2Si3ter, Gin311 zi.an6c isio or her place far renidtince, stopping place: cr
=nG quarters to dry new cr different place or places uLthin ::ne !said City
Clearratcv, Florida, other than the place last reported to the Chief cf
PL'_Ice in :such report herein provided for, auc:, person, small, rrititit rwenty-
:r (2}) il.urn after ve oving himself or herself irons the place of abode firut
;ji•ien, :lot fy 3al'd Chief r,! Police, in a. t'rrit::cnn and 41gned .itatemet, of z,u.,il
-aarge of adareas, and shall furnish in auen wrivtcn s.:LCmeht to said uhittf
ral'_ce his or he: ne:'r addrus3, and c3eh cno :.iercof.
SECTION! >:. It :.flail be unlawful for any person. :'r:aulr::A tiby any pro-
:isiosn cf thin orcitnance to rurniah any ouch lrfor:sat-Icn +:r vepzrt tC rail,
.eg'_eet or r ezuze to inat.e such report, cv tc fur :1 sa any aua:: _Information,
Asucprapa cr !'ln';C:'pr1hL's, or to fail, neglect or refuse to render or furnish
tt: ;ime :rlthin the time prescribed in China ordinance or cc fail, ?rnElect or
rcfuat to f:vnish to call Chief of police :litnin 3uoh :rote, any info: ration,
aoto6!•apher fingerprints required to be furnianed by any provl_ioh of tnis
_vdirtance, or to furnizil any false, untrue cr ;nial.eadin i : °3:matiOn or itate-
.1.1Qnt relating to any Ineormaulon required by any rcviuicn of tn la .rdinarce
o be :a We or furni:shcd.
SECTION 9. I_ any :section, a'ub-se'o ton, paragraon, sub-paragraph,
,lauze, word or phras'! of tin!3 Grdinance be declared by' any -.our t 0-0 ccmpul.- :nt
jC:i3ui tips to be ui-.(:;natituticnal, it .:hall In no :lay affect t:ne :ali'lity
cr.. res.alul ng povtlrn.s Cf this ordinance.
SW111O,( 10. .'n person guilty of vi,?lat'ion of any pro';ioicr. of ..a
foil ar:ce shall be }.un.ljaed by impricor:nr,ntf.:r not mcru than Slay (60)»days.
SECTION !I. Thica crdinance 13 it_r'by dealar'ed to be an emergency
_; ilrsas:ce, :onions 'shall taite .ffect upon its casaage an provided by laic.
?A33ED C:! FIRST r"ading, Au,suat 21Gt,
PA33ED ON S:::O::D veadinu, Auguut 21st,
PASSED r1:?D ADOPTED oil tilird and final veading, AuE;u3t 21,
H. G. 111 ntiJ
1. ?'e`°,•'• x art' •'.
Ulu jqyo?g?
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