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b . .il.;if. .•4jz:r`r April 17, 1950 s
'k"'f o,'•'"° ,;n•°a.T ORDINANCE 110. 593 l
011DINA1ICES N0. 409 and 110. 539; PROVIDING DEF'IIII-
BE IT OHDAIIIED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Floridat
SECTION 1. That Ordinances No. 469 and No. 539, being ordinancos of the
City of Clearwater, relating to garbage and trash collection, are hereby repealed.
SECTION' 2. That the provisions of all other Ordinances of the City of clear-
water, Florida in conr:lct herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby
SECTION 3. Dofinitionat The following words, terms and phrases when used in
this ordinance shall be construed to have the same moaning as hereinafter defined:
.T., (a) Egoist Garbage: The terra moist garbage shall be construed to mean
any and all animal, fruit and vegetable refuse matter whether cooked or raw, or any
`` can, container, or other rntorial from which any animal, fruit or vegetable natter
has been removed which night beoome sour, spoiled, rotten or putrid and from Ch ieh
obnoxious odors are liable to be emitted or to which f11en or other insects are
liable to be attracted.
c (b) Dry Garbage; The tern dry garbage shall be construed to mean any
and all papers, banes aaaka tartans containers and boxes which have not cane into
r•,yr7.r..rr_,.,j contact with animal, fruit and vegetable matter or from which obnoxious odors cannot
be emitted and to which flies and other insects will not be attracted.
"J. (a) Trash: The word trash is hereby defined to mean and include--
' yard clippings, graaa cuttings, leaves and such other small rubbish (other than that
as defined in the terms 'Itrsviat garbage" and "dry garbage") as ordinarily accumulates
about a residential promises.
{d} Waste baterials: '.'ho terra waste materials is hereby defined to
` r.`'' I' ^1 j'„ `'-''"Fi4 ` t,''s<'"F .' ' ?` f mean and include sand, rood, atone, brick, cement, concrete, roofing and other refuse
building materials usually left over from a construction or re-.modeling project.
}' ,,;?' G`? •.^: '%Y: ?r :4'r;:.,'-` Also, trees, tree limbs, tree trunks and tree stumps.
,? '; r°:, '.' ? k :.,r`'•;<,:?°.:r?;1?,,;:i`? (e) Garbage Can: The tam garbage can shall be construed to mean only
an impervious, cylindric, metallic can, constructed of not less than No. 28 gauge
material which has a pommnent metallic bottom constructed as a part thereof, and
which has a removable metallic lid no designed as to act as close fitting hood and
• t which further has two handles placed on opposite sides near tap Co facilitate the
";;;t.?' lifting and handling thereof. No can shall be of more than thirty-two (32) gallon
1?x`' capacity, nor shall it be used for other than a moist or dry garbage container.
• rl-,-.•?.'1,,,,,•'' (f) Garbage Box: Any wooden or metallic box constructed so that the
contents will be kept dry and intact therein and in which dry rarbaae vnl shall be
deposited. The. s?.ce, design and location of all garbage boxes shall be approved by
the City kanago: of the city of Clearwater or his authorized agent.
SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of all owners of residences, busineaaea, po-
t fesalonal of_^icaa, stores, shops, restaurants, hotels, boarding houses, apartment
•o:.?;,'' r:':.'f•t•°`? houses or ether establishments in the Cit of Clearwater, to supply each of said
' '' ., ;i, , s "''ta." s: ' ;::,• ; astabliahmentn with garbage cans or garbage boxes as defined in this ordinance.
SECTION 5. All garbage as defined in this Ordinance shall be deposited in
"f;=:?'=°;'7t',:' ,:>_:` tl; '':'r'r';x'-•;; receptacles provided for such purpose. Prior to depositing the sane for collection
in garbage cans or garbage boxes the owner or customer shall crush or collapse, as
' "''`i?`'•?''i?: w ? nearly as possible, all wooden or cardboard boxes or crates.
.1 ".• `:' i'{ f SECTION 6. It is hereby declared unlawful and a violation of this Ordinance
for any person, firm or corporation to do or permit to be done any of the following
acts or practices:
'` F_ !•."=f v'' `;'4.',t.''""'' "' (a) To deposit on or bury in, or cause to be deposited on or buried
in, any land, public square, street, alley, vacant lot or unoccupied lot, the waters
aT.stir> };`d of Clearwater Bay, Stevenson Creek, or any other creek, water course or ditch within
the City Limits of the City of'Clear'water, any garbage or other noxious, malodorous
or o.fonsivo matter.
(b) To deposit or place In or cause to be deposited or placed in a
garbage can any materials other than those defined in this ordinance as r+taist or dry
{ . •. ,a $5x`?%', s a. 7 <G r.r, ! garbage.
fl: lfJAl3?.f F?, `tr??ate ,y s•K.j r .
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(a) To deposit or place in or cause to be deposited or placed in a
garbage box any materials other than those defined in this Ordinance as dry garbage.
F,:`P,: •,k,ti? F??? r'r, ell i s•P?} 21f)?'.?e.
+? aYff Fx`? r (d) To fail or neglect to keep or cause to be kept clean and sanitary
?''t.?,. ?jg p. •y: ^ y.. "• ,W or tightly covered and in good state of repair all garbage cans and garbage boxes.
A? fit= •,?-'?'E?i`f?:r?+t??.rl (e) To use or supply garbage cans and garbage boxes other than those
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April 17, 1950
ORDIMM8 t10. 693---continued
defined and provided for in th s o nonce.
(f) To place or allow to be placed upon the streets, alloys, curbinga
or sidewalks of the city of Clearwater any rubbish, sweepings, debris, trash or
wasto materiala of any kind wilioh might be a menace to traffic both vehicular and
pedestrian or which might endanger the proper operation of the Cityls serer or
drainage system.
(g) To collect or permit to be collected by any one the garbage from
any garbage can or garbage box other than by persona regularly employed by the City
of Clearwater for that purpose or by persons working under contract with the City
of Clearwater by a special written permit from the City Manager of the City of
Clearwater or his authorized agent.
(h) To violate any of the provisions or sections of thin Ordinance or
any reasonable interpretation of the same.
SECTION 7. (a) That for ouch home and/or business in the City of Clearwater,
the head or person in charge thereof shall pay to the City a monthly garbage collection
charge of $1.00 with an allowance of not more than two garbage receptacles per
family or business.
(b) That for each multiple dwelling unit acoo=odatinp, four (4) or
more families, the owner of the premises served "hall be responsible to the City
for a monthly garbage collection charge of Four 144.00) Dollar" for the first eight
(0) garbage receptacles and fifty cents (604) per month for each such receptacle
in excess of eight (8). For the purposes of this Ordinance, where garbago
receptacles are centrally located in one garbage collection point thereat, trailer
parka and motels are claaaed an multiple dwellings.
(o) That for each building containing four (4) or more separate offices
for physicians, dentist", dental repair facilities, lawyers, real estate brokers,
insurance agents, clinics, laboratories or other similar or related businesses, the
owner of the premises served shall be responsible to the City for a month.17 garbage
collection charge of Four Dollars (44.00) for the first eight (8) garbage receptacles
and fifty cents (50;e) per month for each such receptacle in excess of eight (8).
(d)F That for each business unit whore collections are made six (6)
tire" each week, the owner or person in charge shall pay to the City of Clearwater
a monthly garbage collection charge of Four Dollars (44.CO).
(e) That upon application of the owner or upon his investigation the
City Manager is hereby vested with authority after consideration of the volume,
quantity and required frequency of collection of garbage and trash in each particular
situation to classify and desienato certain businesses an "special business garbage
customers", These cuatcmers shall pay a garbage and trash collection charge, which
shall be in lieu of all others herein prescribed, as follows:
For collection six times each week of not to exceed,
at each collection, three and ono-half (3j) cubic
yards (ono-half truck load) the sum of Six (48.00)
Dollars per month.
For collection six times each week of not to exceed,
at each collection, seven (7) cubic yards (one truck
load) the sum of Twelve ($12.00) Dollars a month.
Should any person feel aggrieved by an administrative ruling of the City
Manager under and by virtue of the terms of this Section such person ray file a
written complaint in duplicate with the City Clark not later than twenty-four (24)
hours prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Commission and set forth,
briefly, the grievance complained of. The Clerk, upon receipt of such complaint,
shall place said matter on the Agenda for hearing at the next ensuing meeting of the
Cocmisaion. If such complaint be adj'idged well founded, then the CocMiasion shall
rake such reeor=endationa and amendments no it deems meet and proper; otherwise the
designation or classification of the City 1,anaFor shall be final.
(f) That the monthly rates provided for in Sub-unctions (a), (b), (o),
(d) and (a) "hall be doubled each re"pectiva charge for services or collection made
cutside the City Limits; provided, however, that the City shall not collect trash
outside the City Linits.
(g) That the monthly charges provided for in Sub-sectiona (a), (b), (c),
(d) and (e) shall be billed on the monthly statements issued by the City for gas
and/or water services at the some time no such other charges, provided that such
garbage collection charge shall be itemized separately on such statement.
h That maid garbage collection charge herein provided for al:all be
( ) The
paid within ten (10) days after date of mailing statement, as stamped thereon, or
such collection service shall be discontinued until all such charges shall be paid
in full.
SECTION B. That the service charges referred to in this Ordinance shall apply
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April 17, 1050
ORDI11WCE 110. '593---continued +':`?" a.`j,f\`,= >:ar®; °•'.,')2' '
only for the collection of moist (arbor dry garbage and trash, all no defined
.. , t : heroin and that the City shall not collect wants materials, derinod herein as in-
1 eluding generally "refuse building materials usually loft over (rata n construction
t g .. or remodeling project and also trees, tree limbo, true trunks and treo stumps. ;
hr ? , , ?s 9. Any person violating any of the provisions or thin Ordinande shall,
SECTION CTxOY I ? :i •'?
?'-i r upon eonviotion in Llunieipal Court, be fined in a sum not exaeoding, 13200.00, or be
sentenced to the City Jail far a term not exceeding thirty (30) days, or m%7 be
punished by both-fine and imprinonrent, in the disarotion of the Court.
?fS,.{fr SECTION 10. That this Ordinnnoo shall baeoto effective on Play lat., 1960.
4 5,'446 ? 46 `• . '
PASSED on First. Reading March 20, 1960.
PASSED on Second }tending, as amended, April 3, 1980
PASSED '(7E"°'$j'ij`ir
AIM ADOPTED on Third and Final Heading, as amended, `ly;, ?.:,•:: ; -•??
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