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64tsi,'"e'f,.t?`;s7F+i-"r*. .<.m?:<:,'. u. ,.'sm: `4•ru, ,.o-..'n.•., ewgnc.,-?y?... s'F`??":•. ?° 7.`''<;i3'wo-.•.34;Palti,;Akk:.i?yr.E.;r•,.e..nw.,t,'a??rw?yr e?'•:+za7».rtti••i Yt ;.kPtS"
f, lid <?t?) .L? LPG. ` .J ,V f•,<:: .N 1, «J.?f• .;., t'`:+
4? -??W,?c' 4.:?.:... =? 3.•,. .._.°.. _? -tea '_:'. ii'.., ,
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GS?'1 COi??1I5:iIC11 1v=riTlliL] r.
February 7, tpso
ordinance #!369--continued
otherwise regulut9 the distribution or sale of nowBr,%;aara regularly nold ::.,j 30PY
u or by annual subscription or to prevent the lawful distribution of rnli;;i:as or
political natter or of anything other than eormoroial and aun;tttaas
Soction 3. a^hat if any section, part of section, zt*ntansu ar Qla ) '
Ordinance shall be ad judgad to be invalid by a court of acs:; a•:s:st ,'u:tis l: sw::si, t ooh
decision shall not affect the validitp of.any other port.-tor. ui stn--« '.'at ai:n31
r be restrietod and limited in its operation and effect to thit~ nnoel"ia of said
Son`ion or Sections involved in the litigation in whiakr wiuh duciaion 3•1sull ::eve boon
1 rendered.
Section 4. Any parson rho ahell violnto an; provision or provislnns of tltia
ordinance shall upon conviction in the 1:unicipal Court of the City of Clearrrstor be
punished by o fine not to exceed Ono Hundred Dollars {yl0U.?7pj or irpr.'3cm%*nt for not
more than oixtq days, or by both such'fine and L7prisonmont.
Section 5. All ordinances or ports of Ordinances in conflict herewith are to the
extant of said conflict hereby expresal7 repealed.
Section 0. ^.'hia ordinance shall tako affect irrsodiatoly upon '-IS ;nsmga.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Cocs.^siasion of the City of Cloorsratur, Florida3
PASSED ON FIRST READING, January 30, 1954.
PASSED ON SECOUD MADI11G, January 30, 1050.
PASUM ON THIRD A13) FI1'AL RZkDI1110, rebruu"•J 7, 10150.
Leland 1.. =rroiv
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C ;;? due to a c?l?"
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