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?1 ^y7? 1F/ ..I' .xya'?},, ?y'?}: r(t„'_PF?• A.i..•! -•s i?' ly4r:i;°?'.;' >a3wi. 7a'.?n.r: U?'a.w:}Sl t':1?erv ,?'?``? .-?§ci? ''•ar:t ,?•: T?•? 3t S,?A;r L. 6` :t 2 el?,l'.,
M?4 ?'?"`w ? tg?`.`?'i?'l?i?l.r :•:: <El.•dkr:t-.?..fiif"..i"s. ufl?S b.'.. !?'b "Y 2M: I?,?.'..'r??w i?t c_xv ?'. ?•E1.°: ..jM.,)i?...o.. taws'Axs':••!>'s??`a?r.:.,i,r.,'tlti`:?A?.`rn- ?'S??v.3?"e'?..{g..??•i•. }1f.:'???3F'?. -. .s?S... L.ir'.??.?:i•. .
IL_ •e
.. v
try ? i ORDItTrUrE 0. 573
:: ?: 't ' ??r 1•; .,..?,?.,??` tltJalBEI; 538, n$ ALf17T1rD, THE lILCONOI.:G BEVZRA01;
' rhs y?t _ ;: •,' OriDIJUXCE, BY =.AHLY Si LC Ifi`!II:O l1?" ,
:I: 4 OF SALE 011 : TAYS RI S .?. s
?,.d;??;? ?.? 1•i ?'?±w"=r?;?=.r;?• "--Bz IT nannr:ED BY Tim' CII':' GO!x:i.ISa-c11 011F, CITY OF CL°A.R r1r.R,
FLORID11: ...:. -
SECTION 1. That Zection 25 of Ordinance No. 538, as ar,ended,
being the Alcoholic peberake Ordinance, be, and the um
y e
is hereby
M1;M ? amended as follcrhri:
g':.;:° '• _?'''u'z Section 29. HOUR4 OF SELLIM,. No alcohol le
beverRrY9 w:: defined in this Ord1nrnCc
shell be mold,
niven vv,£y, cansured, served or permitted to be nerved
•,.v_,,?;;?.R??,a;4??`??;:l,,r??n?_er?,f.'?v or consumed in any plnco of business liceneed hereunder
{y??v;.4V?fy?;?:r?.c.r;?•:q,_?5,?,=,.? . betxeen the hours of 1:00 and 8:00 on Keek days
s? F ?e ,?, ,?`? {'?• „ end betxeen the hours of 1:00 n.;4. an Suntla ;s and 8-QO
on I,:urduy; provided, t:owever, taut 'lines and beers
., ,'t.. u',,^{t `' ref {.,M1,.
o;.i'.,{^`rw?sy.;j?.LF? ur nt.y beverude containing less tr:an fourteen (14) Per
- M: ? G fah. 1$? 1 ::' ?«A t Ffv'f• C,, r, • = r
..,,.-k. cent ui alconel by t%ei may be
?#?t ra, salmi bet:.een .loan and
es :'
??.?•????.??',??xi,,?li'?„{,?,';pw:•?,7t,.a.:-, r•iid:i.,?t ots Surdaya and provided further that any uleaho-
?:""?.Jl. ;W1r .ic haveruEEs au defined herein mrt be
V" .•> may sold on Sundays
+ry'p ;cat''.'•:,?'?'?^?.,;?s,+'i??a`?i.{,
l between Noon and :.:ifinivht in an j any place of business actually
operating as a restaurant vlhere regular full course c:e@ls
'''S' ,: ;,Y::s. i .?' fit. ? •''° : .
are available and offered for sale.
?' rS„^Y.? ).Y• aA."','. ft w.°.w.F f. Ri.'.;i
:;ECTInt. 2. All 0rdirsncPs or parts of Ordi
ct ? ,`,,,,,.•,t:;.a;,„ ranges in con-
4? d •l`sx'g rr` Apr ?,Y * ,?*i tliet herawith are hereby repelled.
y;7, ECTIOtf 3•
shall become eff v
Vile Ordinance ecti a Immediately
upon ;:ssaa -e
f"?r+,l?ri?_Itii ?'?'}Ri?`«rtY `9?.'$4?t{; f.: R.!aSL,• i - . ,
?•?aS.:A`,teiCy?` y?}???,ti f? _t?4_,'Y;?7.E.`ygt3°.fPyR.•=` '., ,
ik s 1 s YrS ' Yt4 s ?j +? ;ZS:-D iiP17 .?MP__O BY 17Z .ITY tJ0!,i:I,^51QI;+ of tht City or
c ,'?,,:•? ?.•° ,;_~;,.?,., xl?-??:?' :lecr;•.£ter Flar d
Y• js f`r7, }Y 3 ? ? ? t is P43SED on first reading, ::u 17, 1949
3w -e r:,?` ,srlae,: ??''",' :•rts"-?,'r i?:; nS.....I} VA seeord rs@ding, :.@y. 17, 19L9
r 7! '"llkx':fJ. '.?:5 L-ey'e` "• Pry SLZ:D on thl_rG eFati g, " 17, 1949
3 le"
:Rn,=l::,.;.: .ffYi.•?•]?rfj•,.ir?`ylvJ {:FiEd) fI@rrV D• Sarvcant
::uyor Coc:•. as aver
'r.. C. :lingo (sinned)
': Cy Auc_ ttoor?& Clerk.
There beire ::o further bus mess to cone before the Board, tr.e :meeting
vess adjourned.
I. '
?? I/J/ r/ J07Il r
t;i :.1.=_ to r K G.er
??5i:.:'hls.sll.. "t?tt.?'^t n,.+.• .st.r-,r• d, r.. .m.. «, t
...r,..w-o• ? •va r,-* •n . g ? ? ls• a• v-?-r 'r - y... ;,r1 ?., ?wti x;. ?a 1?? ° ? 7
a . ::,:'•3 ?w .; ',;'+`.'?e^-?? ,, .ki: `-+:"IS'ta.:Y,? ,'??''ert 's' .?,..c? vr<j°'•?:."1--Y..??•.ri '11.+:_.^: i. :,?f'.•r"('?i;i•a .'_ .r7,? ?5_ ,,?.. ? '?',: °s?.?' ' af.
:?: `' ,?0•? ?. S!,r .5 'irf?,'`.I.e .t 'its'.
.4.-?.n`?s?5ax _:r- .??.{i'•?`r.,.i, c'J::e'. _:1? S=.I!< _.,.. .,. _ ._.. .:.f~• . _ ..r _. ..d.'?'.-._•?. >. ._ _?,._ _ ? ?. __....ta-`?t'•i??iv::5,.7s`?'e_.??`1 .:'rt.'??, _ 9?.?-,.i4??
C=. COF't.:TF'^Zbt' '•.ah'PItS3
.ray 11. , 11. 4Y
T:se,l,Ctt:s rcrrr'F6:Elon of the C€ty•of :,le-rv.,tF.r net in npeCial nes5ian the
evani.nq of ;:ny 14, lnhq !,t 7:3,' p-'L:- in the Cit.;,' F:n11 With the follcv,ing ir
bers 'prtuunt:
F'.arry 1). WarCeet:t - ':?;'ar C?r.:r..iusl:3nur <• •
' !!:, B. C.plar, ter, - Cor.:r lauiorcr.
Lq,lSnd F. F:rovr Cow..luui-%iner
4u; L. i:ejinedy - Comrl.lnuioncr
hbaant - I:o::e
„€no prauent: Boyc ,,. Barnett - City ,.:anat:ar
On the rt.uti+t'g being celled to orders City F.tanager Bennett re.,ort.ed th%tt
he had 'eontaeted Counts Coruniusioner John ChOdnut, rolutive to the county Riv-
ing thei lot,juut north or the city jail to tho city-and that Mr. Ctiennut €n- .
formed him the request had not bean placed before the County Commission. Corr-
rAssionor Dre•A suggeated thn t the City 1:anagor and the City Clark check un
the manner in which the lot v,na deeded to the county b;t the- City and take up
the ciutter, at the next meeting, of the Cout}ty ConmiDaion. I.:ayor surgeant and
City Manager Bennett agreed to meet uIth the County Commission rsnd proaent a
requent for the rroperty..
Thern betnrt no further bualness to come before the board, the meetin: 'Ann
.,r.yo o ss oner r
is-.T T:
C-ty Au for Cur
s F
' 4 •
11w?wrwww??.r 3 '.7 =01 11 1
a,{, 4R1i.?tsYF`" 7777: ??. '' :f 5•v ?')s •rZ' •C::" Z
Fis.Jsa- r