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T - ;ifX'y tK S ?,k _ Sa• 3, _ a .a' :'£ , :`5 d-•?? ?•: • {! ij?,; r'sVY 2J•. h ? ?i t?- - C "?[ r?:::, _:??. 's' "?`Ll- r' ,:d.•'.?1•: .+•.. S'.e.i} 5..?. .,c.,-;I?. g' t 3?.' ''? ? 'F-:.' ''R" J45', 'F' 'f •'.' J• S" ! :Cv'` t4.4 i.M e.? L?'? -p'?`•1'-.T •'?: y ? J ?'K•.. iCa'r ?..: '.5 Iv. .-[: ..ln 'r ?t` l / 4. 's. 4\':"rr •i'? cry ??. 'vtE r 9+..x 1%^ "{'? •.-l'w '? i ?"•' `?' Gt'.. i`ni}.. Rt•, ' •?- xl. e ,k?? - ? sic' ? xrs'J `N ?•?:• S C! ::}+ r; S': ,:y <' Fem. • 1.r.. t':?!' ???"'?r. T - t ?i'f.4 S•. a. ..x '1 df I s .°f[.:,?:;'. ?:. :.fir !. .°?•.•. ` vt1 " ? y ???1? 'I°ZI '.r.?rn, '' ?' : r' f" ?If.• }t?4}'? •.s. k 'lf ?, :?: ,.Sk ??k?r#' ''S , 33?? "'?L'f ;:+?'•'Y?' •`'? .Y '•f '? rA" !^M?.1.. i•i^h:(. Lar...,.+?,.v.:......... .:.w? ?.,,J'? "1?,• Mme. ?;!• ??. !'lk, LfYi ts"t "???4 x. P: Tom.:,.?.'?£.:? - i .•^c.a 5.... .eak4. 34. .. •?.??,.:?'>.? '.`rrc,f{,,;??''?•''.'..,<a,:?S"r::?•;? iq'c 1 ;.Y ?f' 17 1,? ,,335 S:3 .L tic 4, tl- k ? ? ? r? 'i `7 ?k'A?RC r.^„„.X sw?`,rF ?f tf .!> 1. •..,. )` ":r:. CITY CO -MI$9I011 ME3TING 1 1 '? r ORDINANCE NO - 570 AN ORDIVANC^'. PROF;IBITIM ME SALE TO C7:ILPREN VIIDER Me AGE OF 19 YEARS OF ANY BOOK Ol{ 'WV1- AZINE, OR OTHER PUBLICATION, 11; '..HICH THEME I5 PROMINEWLY FEATURLD i.11 ACCOUNT OF CRIME, + 1ND '"MICH DEPICTS BY THE USE Or DR,kWINOS OR i r`H%)_OGiW'HS THL 00"'150101: OR ATTII.PPED r-im- • WISSI,Ai OF CEIMLIN CRIMES OF VORCZ. VIOLiJ= OR DLOOMMIED. r.. roc w ^ : °'_ '.'_•..'"•..- W1MRE„3,The Co=ission has found as a fact that there is a great nTauoe in the. number and variety of illustrated crime books, magazines,'und otnarpublications being offered for sale in this City, which books, magazines, and other publications de&l in nubstantial part with crimes of force, violence and blood- shed, and that massy of such books or magazines are designed in form so as t.7 resemble closely those devoted in substance to mat- ters of humor and adventure and published primarily for sale to children; and are often placed for sale side by side with such humorous and adventure magnzines; and '?WREAS It appears that children below the ape of eighteen years OToeptible and impressionable character, are often stimulated by collections of pictures and stories of criminal sets, and do in fact often commit such crimes partly because In- cited to do so by ouch publications; and "arEREAS, The possibility of harm by restricting free utter- vince tiou r`gh harmless publications is too remote and too neg- ligible consequence of dealing with the evil of the publications herein described, when in the heads of children; THE3EFORE, M IT ORDiINED BY' THE OITY C0174ISSION OF THE CITY OF Cj.%_W.t,ATSR, FLO41DA. Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation is guilty of a misdemeanor vrho sells, gives affray or in any may Iurnishes to any person under the age of ei:teen years any book, magazine, ur,uther publication in which there is prominently featured an account or crime, and i4 icb depicts, by the use of drawings or rnotographs, the cormission or attempted comclisvion of the crimes of arson, assault .ith'a deadly ucapon, burglary, homicide, kid- napping, mayhem, murder, rape, robbery, theft, or manslaughter. Section 2. This ordinance shall not apply to those accounts of crime wilch are part o: the general dissemim tion of news, nor to such drawings and photographs used to illustrate such ac- counts. Section 3. The prohibitions or this ordinance do not apply to any action either positively permitted or prohibited by eonstitu- ticrnl provision o: by general law. Section 4. If any provision of this ordinance, or the appli- cation thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby. Section 5. Every viclation of this ordinance is a misde- r_ennor nunishnble by Imprisonment in the city Jail for not core than three months or by a line of not more then t%o hundred dol- lars, or,by Loth such fine and imnrisonirent. Section b. This Ordin-nee shell take ef:e:t Immediately upin vr.sssre by the City Commission of the City of 0lea: wLter , Florid a. PA-M-0 ANC ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, rlorida; 'oy Passed on ri_st Reading april 4, 19L9 Passed on Second ReadinC?.pril_ld, 1a49 PaLsed an Third Reudin6 ?-sri1 21, 1GL9 OiiKnedy-, F?arry D. Snrreant nycr-Cane 13572t A_.cST; 1slaredf H. G. llinPo city duG t Or an4 er . tit! 1 ?1`"'!7>7,', wr^' :.''{!i ..,.?a...'S1?l,"..< '?,5 - :rsp?;ter ,,.•.. ...t,, t ;,`, "` s"tit ? '•'?{?.j°?'? ?sk` S t i s '. r - z? • r !,.fay' ? s' i .r, 'i/?4 ??k.tc:tac"+' .7 F. 7?Tl4[+ „?.?e,,'nrRrd;.sb?!,? dh3?y.Y? :_.%,Ri •F..?wi? ?s?: ?r^.v'?':o- '?c;'-?R k t ' rGty, a"z,? *...N-..•v??'Y•,? ,r:'f?.!r. .ar?lxrk'+:,ira s?fi _?,? r#,y?.,sat ,.x?. ?X? ?. ?? ?§?a''.Yk°6T•?i'r':S ?Y.:fnti. ''4'e-[4fr?ti ;'7?'? fk-r ??? n ti[.I ?i.4 , t ?;• ?.?,??o..x".?Ll?'. ?'.r,./1'?`? Y?,.;SP'S.?4,t ?! y r -vy - ?,.r. ? ??"?. ' .'?-?"""-";".. -.."°I'-' . ? -...» . _ ..? r' . ...:'. _: n . ,??•; . "?... ; ._ .:1 *^ti?'. ^ ...t-, :,: «»iY?:r,..: i, ..a.z?k:,;:?' ?'a?;..« ? . , -?=c'.:.3t??3 k??. v;iys71:is::Rt'.S:,ist? ."? •1 °6.; S:-,a; t'' ^ts.? - '2"];'.'.e , s•: °:i'.. t:- a'1 `^fY? ;;F. :i , 4. 'e?. '3. Wl, ".? ,'F af?s.,•.?:.. '.a'? ?F;A.. ?t,'..,7'•v' ;r ?4;x< e ? ^'i,'?`??"' fx'3:?.''s,-c? ?".?3-:....a+,: ''?'..: 11 -??y,/ 'f .f Fj'?E. f E f'. ?-?<;3,.' .':'Ee^` i. k'EA'° ?1?•r??.' ^@CC? :•'R'°' ?'_l?^'," s} I ?4 5 ?•?- dia. 1? Y'?1, t IK. '?'1i y).1 ? ! ]„- 1 wo F r ??..-+'?. Y ee S4 Z' ?`• ? 1 ? ? r s y S ? •? A .......... ?rF?:dr tb: KPz ?Y" s7'"r?t;?• ??'3?" .. + Ns.a. r:w 9? ry. J ?. ? CITY coMiasOxoir aErTzr.a r Apr11 1o - - - -;L.,. +Y`is;:;:ury?`f•'"yy'.I`S?? ,s'ti?, Y' a 17here being no further businene to acme before the Sonrdr the Meet- ;a° s ing was adjourned. . ! f 5' }N's Mayor-Co J 9e liner ., r • - - -. .' Ail -i;?. . y x-?' 1 ! ATTEST: «- ?.?+?St?ta;?' ??. r' ? vj1~?1•°,. Y.? E?:!_sti'???"'??:??, ?:/.,*4?.;'.? .,t.`,.N ?,' 1 rt Y??F ??Yz`£??t"?4rtrf?a2r37 i',i ty Auditor ar ??f'y??^?,atla?,??,..?„??"i'?,4; L?0 e?• «'. #r?'}?ysa??a`s r? t?f!{,¢;y6p? P:',?i" lfy,F .. 41 ?±y ``• 7 i +^F. Sh :ri? ".3$,SJ .Fv Y b. cE'q? F{ L ??riy-Iu"y."•;.).'?: Ityrit 1Z a;MQ"?' cif•'r,'?S('3?"`v?;''???e'•st?'1 Y ?arllr iy?i „,a,'Yi.',?r'"?y?-'`' 1 n5?• n Rif 4,5 5,y ?«`L`?!U'{?F?t .?(•,'yT " ?l+%????. iC.y?d s ' '•i ? . ?r;?s ? ? l•F'1 s sa' [iM? y? .ate?" is?. • E'`;{ '-emu j`" .?iyt7r? y?? ?? t??>*`ys^ ?• ?'- - I s .. F-= ??Ya J :y, •: FF,.?hj u#. _•`? ?? ay?Y r?ij?4ti5'? ,f ?'5.,. f ??`? [' L 4; r IIr ,y. r;• 1 71. py,??cr•r,? ' ? 1 x. f y ?r?? ?° ? ' 1 1 .all •?` .1 +wwwwwr?h?ti?w?. wY?? , ? Si eT?