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'?.E ,'tr .»'§ i i, :fr' .s? .,°s •.N •, i+ _ •`i? _ k : t. •!. ~ .Y ,.•;;•::???' ,?.*k :CSR': _., y `?? 1'.r. 3. ? :.? .,i'•" .•?a .?,.?'r,. ::!'' :l... AL' {. ,k^ b ,?f,..,'Yfi J, X€.zJ!'. 'Y ?Iu rtli,' r` .,v - i!?':'• •J `,il; r.l: .i 'i??' i?r,A ] ..a s•:,9-'; s •r• "".-:e r' °c'if:; ?f ?: k ?a• ?,F' r! ?I :'f ?.t :sa 4 "'i:n:fir ?•? 7.?? ri*s? 1 - ff t. i kin °-fiM '4. ,i'?4cf ,¢ d, r •'e` . ]rel_7X,°yli`5ir5r,l ?L^: `?' .s, z.k.a: ,. ---?•it?es?si3?: 7ft.';1r1i?v:n:gi?s.?M •.s.L?? t. iV'?F?r,.,_ '.?s.•,ii?J..e?L?t?s..c.?*?t,.t;',•??sWs:(•?i.»S.a... d:.L?....... >v ?Ac,,.?`?.{ ? ..f a>.,rl.?..-.r_?.?:.:':.M..r.:nw-'?a.w. ?-.......,-.._ •sr.i:•?w..::.:.:'?.?:w,. .a.,•'i.a"a=<.-.r.?.X•p`a^?.-'??:"' ?. .`,a. r?,rz a'rc`,';"} } 'iJi rl,,r.`;+?:,>• + rr- f ??<?`' S,ir l" .',' y, • t,,v i:}!e.' ~'01,1. 1.i ° d' •ur :?'¢i°:rJ t°i;f. i e°?:':? ?"' Eiev"i•. ' 7„',E,Hyr?'?•F _ 3 !'{` X>?:i'•??a„?'iD'd rD *'^'Sf:i.?": ?• `if',• .i' ?ajrj Y ? :;,•i.,F ?l ?f,`",r`-',%;'!'C' {i `, is I .,.''•k,< ,o't. {'?ba;i?e,:+37.?S,F1'°I" KYS; a;: f CITY C0l.'NISSZ01. DCE;,TING March 7. 1949 lti. Conulaarutiori of requust for 50 ft, 211 i;un rain on ran 11ecu tit an entirre- tod coat of 4;413.00 17. Conuid'eratiori of the extension or WJ it, 1211 gus rauin on Malligun ave. w ? F Pit an estimated cost of 4125-00 18. A lotter from the Buy Vie%' ghat., ,.. G, crew, President. 19. Cunsideratian of the widening of 'tyrtle ,,venue on the East side of North Cleveland and the oonstructicn of store uey.er catch buskin. March 2, 1949 His Honor The 1 n.mr ,lnd city CoLurianianers of nle!lr%,,ter. Florida rentlen,rn : ' The C1`11e Club of tiny View. Clesimater, ?lorida, submits for r?aur considereti0n r,nd f,ation, tht folloxinr chsnre in the Boning Ordinance covering Gt.;If to Hay Blvd., %a'it from Belcher Road to I:c via Ca-unev.uy. 1. E%uviue the present zoning or aLer and 'Ane in the territory autllr:ad xitn tha exception of the tuo guy Vie% Permits now in existence; nsa.ely the Cuutiel:.ay - TtAvorn and Ovt rlys Bait & 'r`ich Co. Thera is under constuotion rim tit 3200 Gulf to Buy Blvd., a oullaing designated us -'Three Stores anti Three Toilets". The avner % u a u At Club Uporutor in the State of New Jerury before coming to Cleurtuter. Three years ago he started negotiating for a Ilight Club site on the Gulf. to Bey blvd., tut the Property owners would not sell him any lend on the P.ivd for that purpose. Ho?.ever, he tecurud' 150 ft. 11rdntabe on tte 31.45. In the 3200 !Block facing the ?reuhyterian Church and next door to a private fucily l.ith six (6) children rtuii ing in age from 7 to 18 yearn. [loon eontactinf; the owners renresertative, he atated the miner was planning to occupy the three stores; one to be a Beer & ";ine place kith pool parlor, the second store to be a'Liquor Package store if possible and the third store to be a Restaurant. In rear of the stores he is planning a group of cheap cabins to rent for ;1.010 per night . You are all fantiliur with the I=orul and degrading experience cost eorrmunites have suffered from this type of establishments, es- pecially where the teen arers and youth are concerned. Gentlemen: The future imrortsnee of -ulf to Huy Blvd is too :,rest an asart to the City of Clearwater to linve it cluttered up with wine, beer and Jake lox establishments. It is the rain enproech to the ne:ti Central High School and Stndium. It is one of the important connecting links with Cor?ntsl Iii h::Coy. It is a "Slim ;'lindow" throun v.hich t1;e traveler, tourist end investor fora, tY.eir first conception of Clear'.%eter. ,The Territory enst fram Belcher Heed on gulf to Buy Blvd. to the Cause%.ay, then north to Safety Harbor boundary line and approximately the uuL. a distance south, rep:ecents the voting precinct., of say 'lie%. T1te entire list t of vot era and property ot.n ers in that Cou.a.unity art! petitioning you to make the revision re'.;uostl:d and would like to dis- ouss it %,Itn you at the next public meetir:g of the City Co=issioners. Sincerely yours, ;he Bay Via% Civic Club (signed) .. C. Drew A. C. Dreg, President Herbert Fields, Vice Pres. "larren (reen, Sect. Trenaurer. !F.:;.ay=s3 °sJ•'„11.:r'I'}'.al:. rle •: is l??._.-',,y? '?;»';-`?F?t.`,1;:•i.:T,':':; iii :, ??`i ?•:??4.:;k'?; t :3s ::" .fit.:,t} ?•'?,`;: s?i?•113????i??k .Eiir a. .?1.. 41 {^si6?l•'?A??.nnnn--?pp''yuiti?••,3t??jp?',gF*tiN?- , (e'.d`}54?7iyw i.4t'?'•s??1?j mavE,t '; it+'Fi": , ORDII;ANCE 310. 568 ,.11 ORDINANCE ,k: t'Pi1IC. 9ErTlllti 6o o- OMV:*Sk,;CE NO. 404 AS e?l1LT:'01:.D, 3=INfa -IC O.t:,T %!:CE 0: 7F- CITY OF rLEA.X'7,TIR, BY w.s'.Ti.3LI S'.-D L=-'ITS L MI'l-, ",',.In 0M)II::.::C_. i^ O srfs:;:r BY :H. CI:7 014:,'w:I:C1011 OF '."H:: C171F OF CL AR•'A ER, -C . "Y CO*. 'a'LORI;In: ' , I ` I i ` •J . -:-All ,