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Page tiro- City of Clenr:atrr, ?larida -Ccm-issicn,•;irutas
July 6, 15x+6 .cr.tInued
1??,<?°•ni; ash E
i ,
Coruissionor.rrew read a let-or signed b:, ;Ire, Sxi:i:, Correo;cr."_irt; Secrntar;
of the Good Citiaerle Le" o of Sunset Point, which wl o.ttachod n ':etiticn ~rotostisg
the wale of boor And xine nt the Multa :rvern, ;aa:ate: on this Za#1 slt'e cf :ow,las
Avenue, S:nsrt Pointl also protesting, :he issi:cui.:a of boar, ':ins aril liquor licer.cn
for territory north of Stavensen'-i Creek. -.ho Cortistdca }tirectei t..o City flan::
to n6tnowlo4-o the petition and Inform Y•ra. Smith that tho City Co miceien hod no r.uthor-
ity rernrding sale of bear And vine nt the Shultz .AVern as tIU-i locr-Alon ur•a outside
the City limits= plea to inform Itrr. S.:+ith that all pro_ert, north of Stevenson's
Creek is at present _oned rrniast tko silo of hard liq+:cr rn't tl.+Et thr Cit;° %nmisslon
is not of the opinion that they have any right to _ono aLainnt the arle of beer and wiro.
City Manager _enratt as a matter of general Information„ road a notice from
the Engineering Department of the United States Arsy stating that anal rpplicntion had
bean made to the "&apartment of the Ar,:,v by Ventre. It. J. i•rauChe*, :red iio:tlth, raximc.
nlonCo, GeorCe lWaim, I.T. J. Youngblood, Terrell L. You:ngblocd, vuc-: !'lildrr, F•rreisoo
C }on%aloa and John. S. ^.nglor, c/o loo 11, butler, Civil Mnginerr, ail C :,turn Stro^t,
Clenr'-•a_er, Florida, for a-permit to construct groins, in tho Gulf of Itrxico, tt their
properties in City Pnrlc subdivison rnd Clearwi ter 3oaak: Far'r_. bot+:•een ,!nrianno Street
and Ambler Street. Clearwater 3ench Island. Clenrx'tor, Tlariin. The applicrntn rro-
pooe to construct eleven timber groins, an about 168-foot centers. .-ho :roire would
7roject into the wF.terrsp about 1L0 font from the seawall lira, and mould :a Conntracted
"nit pilan on rbout 5-feat centers, ataF„erod, with vo 4r z 6" timlea :nd one ply of 2-
incl, ei:catkin;. .he noat cauthe-1,1T ,roin stauld be about 75 :'net north of .!arianzie street
the the ^oet northerly groin :rcul3 be at the cou.h^rly line of Ambler Street. The top
of the I;roino could be 5 feet above near low Ymter at the 1r.ndurzin ens'e, cum Q,:-foot
abo:•e that da:u:m rt the seavrrd on_.
T`. "arc moved b:, Cc riissioner Zrev, seconded I Coa.:istioner brae rn! unna-
Imcusl,,- carried that the Citt Ccmnision adjourn an" reconvene no Trustees of tke
:alcyae's Pension,?.ad.
.ommioeionnr Crnno read, letters from the Adrisorl Cc='.tteo rroo=ondiny
that Sliee Jean Howell, Ta-ea J. Cater, and Luther Alien be accepted into nembership
and Into tho ?enrion -a•d. It woo moved by Co=iecienor Crcne, seconded by Co=issionor
Sarg'eent and unani=ausly carried that thoso parties bo a:srroTad rind accepted as members.
:he, various papers, ordinan^es, lottero, etc., ^entianod in *.see ^int+--ea are
set cut: ralov raid are herewith made a part thereof.
= :Fl*_CIiT
eC": 'r-T..3?HC:II S:.?YIC-1 PMVIXITC, :'GP. E: =T?.C=Ii C:' SUCH ^_A!, A:;: PFZ-
SC.°.I9T.lIG P=11.1;:11:5 :0.°° 711-7 71CLATICS C_? ': 1I5 M":1WMz.
3. IT OM-AI:"M jY 7= CITY CC:!1!ISSIC:I C: 7i"_ CI-.T OF TLC_ 17A:
Section 1. There is hereby levied by the City of Cloar'ator on each and every
yurrhase in said City of electricity. metered or bottled Can (natural or tnaufnctured),
water service, and local tela,hone service, a tax of five (°s) ;or cent of tl:c charge Made
by the seller thereof, which tax sha11 be in aver? cnao paid. b:r the -.%=Chaser, for the
use of said Cit:F, to the Sailer of such electricity, Can, water or tele;.hons service at
the time of prTingr the chargo therefor, but net less o'•.en than monthly, tehich tax
nrecaods shall be used for street and sanitnr:• :urrovea.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of every seller of electricity, metered cr
bottled gne (natural or manufactured), water service, or local t-lephcne service, to col-
lect frets :he nurchnner, for the use of said City, the tax hereby- leviol, at `.he tiwo of
cellectin4 tl:e selling price charged for each trrneactien, and to repart and_nr over,
an or before the fifteenth dry of a+cL calendar month, +mito the .retcurer of Raid City
all such taxoe levied end colloatod during the preceding calendar month. It ahaull ':e
unlawful for any seller to collect the price of any sale of electricit7, xetored or bottled
Can (natural or manufactured), water service, or tolophone worvice, without, at the same
tire, collecting the tax hereby levied in respect to such sale or sales, unleee such
seller shall elect to assume and :A7 such ta- lrithcut colleetir.; the mare from ::se
purchaser. Any cello.- : ailirw- to collect such tax at the tine of collecting- the ^.r ice of
any sale, where the seller has not elected to ansuac and ra., such tax, cl'.all'be liable
to said Cit7 for the amount of such ta; in like manner as if tlie sa-,a had been actu,•tlly
paid to the seller, =. the City 'Innrr_er of grid City shall cnuso to be brou,;ht sill =its
and actions and to ta.%e all -roceedin:,n in the nr3:ie of said City to mr,• :e aecsseary for
the reocvery of ±uch tax; HCSrX7.:H, that thr seller shall not be liable for the
pr,-ent of such tax u_on uncolleot•d bills. ?f am, nsrcheser si:a11 fail, neglect or
refuse to -.ny to the seller, the sel'ler's said c1.rrgo, anL the tax heret;r 's•'oted =-I as
hereby req::ir a!, on acecunt of the arlo fcr ::hick such charge in mrsio, or eith•rr, , the seller
nkaIl have and is hermb:• vested with the rir',lst, powrr and autharity to iwsociatol• `-le-
ccatinue furthrr service to rush:urc?4ccr until the taz and the ce_;.crue bill s:mll
have been : rile. in full.
-'s r
' t Yt..Y :' Jr l :'t •
114 c-t: •,r'i 'y~r
,'°SYr3 ••'` at+:i`y'r? ?•ryr+ t 5
Cr,S?.tJ t, .F
, r +rti!";?: • F "•.^,'^ ?•.W sari."'
.7.h-4..:..pR.:'j`,?:'kS?`glM?rt"+.fi!?.?'.,?w+;r,.. t•tt•.v °Y•?._,. e, ?, ::o•, •. '7,`:.''rn.. '?t..v.:: t'= yri"x:. -...i .C' acv. L.r •h:n`+'Y'1?'?!}"Cc
ir;si, ?. t3 t ?J , .,,''';? iz:FS;,??t::??°:,'•.;':T,>•.>;:;F..?•yr?
4? E: ?' 'r, .1. t. .,. -r. ',.z..;,.w`viii:n,•?"'E'{ry.•;{?:3"'?'?,i •?t?Xr?.. `S•.1hs
r5.?u = 3?.,h ;.?r'i`nd: Tr'ti: ?'." i:s' •t-•s.t• -:. •? .n ?a„"F ¢?i;' .,3n ? - i$j
;.s?,e r p .ASt':. qqyy`_ ?1". '_i 1, j,:r: •,a" ;. r' {t. •. J, °y':.,,.?.}. r ?`: -?r ':r, l 'i:r
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:b. .} =; ;ti :? °rl`.3i`d'?` '•'r' .t°.''+ ,i'F iv't'4.:e'-5 `" '? :v ?,.
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' q o3
Page Three- City of Ciecrr•nter, Florian - 1.0=ieslon Minutes
July 6. 19h8 Continued
Ordinraoo 0560-Continued
or bottles a>, natural
91 Section sale nd over-, seller of electricity, -rat
r`r.:?-4?`,''','-:rid;?, itit:.u:s''?.?',';.?,•;'.. ,!..•-•
or manufactured), water service, aid Lacai,telephane rorriea shall keep complete recorzia
"` "•'"t„'- 'z;'ET r;;w, '!`e'„'? ', ',:3 shotrin+; all sales in sniff City of such caattodi:iaz or service, ?;hich rocoris shall allow
:he price charged upon each sale, the da:e thereof, and the dr.to of payment therefor, cad
avid records ahnll to Y°apt open for inapoction by the lulu nuthoriaod AGGMn of said City
.?.??•? ? during busyness tsars an all businena Snare, matt enid dal; authorised agents of raid City
•,. ?',}F?:,???A_ ?•sY'q' ??;;?: i ahsill Enva th^ right, I:asrer and authorit,v t0 nake auch trnnneript thereof during such
i{;;(`'t.•r,ts?; s;y:`•?: timen as tI:ay mvv danira.
State of slarida. and political nub-
Section 4 alto United Sttes of America, a,
' e tp .?
iivisiona and aSr oneian thereof aro hreby oxempted from ptme
,,,,•.,t,., •t,••s, ?f :?, ' y nt of tkte taxes b7 t.,i¦
:.sue. ,,,; ,,•, ?:
Ors:inrince. Sail tax shall not a.3ply to snlea of bottled water, ror to long distance
telephono service, nor to coin box telaphonos.
Z4, 4
Section f. In all cr.sao where th(' seller of electricity, metered or bottled gas
,.,--?,.,..,?,..,.,,,?y,.,.,:..y..,•,.,, (natural or manafaatured), water manses or local telephone service collects the 7rica
thereof at monthly porieds, the tax hereby levied may be cc:rputed an the ag r•agsto amount
of on-an during such ;?eried, provided tlu t the amount of tux to be eollaa:ed shall 3e
?, % ,try v Y ` `sz' '% the nearest whole cent to the vzrount eea:putol.
:`.;i•; 5:`.;tl:;{1u =4;=:; +4 0 , ' Section 6. :or the puroon of thin Ordnance, = sale shall be iotermine3 to be
ma-le in the Oily of Glearw tar in every inntanco there e_ac..icihr, noternl or bottled
as (natural or mrau.'actured), wr.ter anrviaa and local telephono aorvica is delivered to
, a _tr_c.:aeor rooi3itsg within the limits a_ the City o_ Clanrnater, r garilaen of vhathor
te?d$ ti?;i 'i ': tin rooilenoa or business office or headgtutrtero of the sellers be tncntek within the
s yi?f`''NtJ;r ;•;: limits of the City of L'=enr•, star or oleotrhera.
ercon im cr corporation. viol:-ting any provision of this
;;.:.'.':.. •. Section 7. AM, _ a ,
C:-`.:xance chap. U,-CA Ccnviatica in the ;•tunieipal Court of the Citu of C:.orr•.tater. be
puriahed by a fine not axreeding $2550.00 or by Imprisonnont not ereeadinc, thirty days, or
by both such find and izsprieanment. •
Sestina B. In the event cry xaotion, paragraph, ser.:onco, clatsso or ,.ortioa
"? •..;, , 314?A ,rr,,;,,. ,?}?,.?,.-R,} -, of t'.t_a riinanea nYrli, for any ror'.aon, be hold t:nconetitutienrtl, invalid or ineffaa»
,, ,;{ : - 5'•;x =r?",:;1 f? tine, the same aha:l not regent', nedlify or in any wine affect an, other section,
err.`Fh' sentence or :ortion of thin Ordinance. The Cit- Coez:ivsion of acid City
' '...it ;lit:r3„itt , ?';: f. •
?: ,?:_,%>?:? ''.';-°rr^,? ',C?-+^•_»'•• k:aroo3• ::aclaras that it trould have enac.ol each e02run:a section, ,nrrgra:h, eenteace,
cIauae and portions b:' this! Orliaaaea. irrespective of rs; other section, paragraph,entence, aimuse or portion thereof.
Sacticn e;. All Ordinances and _rarts of Ordinances in conflict har
, ';'r?x-,[l?s?:,s _q,r.iR: •,;,z atrith ot:nll be,
;1 •. ,.r F; s,'ti;s ;?:;eye , J'. nd the some are hereby repealed.
Section 10. L•pan its gas3 a. this Ordinance shall become effective and ap-
plicable to all p t an an3 tCtrr Jt::, • 5th 194
^ + ?" ux6:nses made anti all bills rendered o
• C
PAS5? ?I:L .i«OP:y by the 0i...? o«: fa9lon of the City of 011eas• '.rater, "loridar
i. .,?•,'}r;1i='. '?..?1.:?r•:e;^'-rs_.,z,. ASSN on^•irat 3eas_:Z Jura 21 1648
?ASSrD on Second ?eaLin June 2l 1 }
P.15SZD on 'bird Herdizrg? July t, 1945 ZST
City Auditor end C_ar:<
VieV`' •'ry.1'it" % x* ?-
`?°,,- r,? v}'.r •, '"'-. .Y, ?1`.wi,ij' ??rr?arr,.••rr
`:`;'i 7, ?t?iis,`.:' ?K'.•'t I?^;?? Dr. G. H. Clanton
Dr. G. B. Cl=ton
o C. 30, 246
' Clear,•ater, :la.
r,.t: %i?r`E;"µ2t,'''1 ?}'?'2: r"?•?iYg4?i?t:.} !'r?"',?.
s i ?'•i.1` fa .S4?i?t;' rS• y, I, ,n1,2
*ear Sir:
a: ;'-",? z ???' wt:'i?s;:K?,•xil?re?#"'aii ?fi,
Since try _ reacnt lease on the :.1t7 7r operty expires r.. the end of this wcnth I am
regCOati:.,r, a :ana5terl of ?=sz nano.
(Sinned) G. ... :Inttn, :fi:
V V4
s ?
r: `rte Agars), ,'io ,
, t
... "fit - ts:: l..r•.,?::?..x"..,. ",?31,;.?..