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' k. °' 1 ? ,yr?n?,. ±?.' °'•l"'.?a, i1.i 7. '[r .? "' y, °'>x rN.". .:S{• .f i'ii" '.irf ,r ?`L ?i"r'? .: ?;i..,it ,[, i,..._ 1,.. t'. •'.a.n ?'='i1- 7 .C3 If S ?F i» 'd ?Y3, 3t- w 1 4 ?? ?k.• .?q? PS.a,3 -•t}.e-f,?,_. .?a. ;rh :it;` arG"r: y,?.n•.: ,'•,r .;.^ ,J-:^;,•• ''> ?._t.- ':k?,. z1?t?'i'D.?ss?. .t`? srtbe Y, 3 ? .t•1? ?y ,> . i t.. v.?r: ?; .s, 't°" tn. 1 tr'y' ,r" -.4" ?,' ':S' w?Y' !, r .'.-.., la.Y, `>e'i»!. •dI:'i\ ft.,.+:, ?: ti ?. q}???ry ?., ? '?:?'.s•' ?\. •?•i ."?r:<'.. 't'.S ,b_ •, Far' :sr9.` ,.3 .1 x. F 4 ??r1' ' ,1 ?"-0 "iV ".T ?ti ?" . r. 'f, 1. " s Pr .:. r°?^ . ? . ''3t', ..?.. r /^z7, , f ??. .L,Y'?y>:i4 t"?.. •f ? - 4 . ?, l.b, '? '+ /?` G"?.?_ S''_?' 1'j^. ? ..ur >r .a•...,E ?^ ? ?,, 7,•?.} .?: •w ? 4- °:k:.p??re:? £a.; pj"."+.':" ;?•• '?:.3`s%:• ;;i' cKs.. x? ,r;?i•?s?sy'?; ?w+'+3f ?'"+ S .: "4,' { 1' i, !?`•- jy? _,, .5 .f' i ?EeY: .•i. 'y, r,?+,1 ?3. h? y`?? Sa rf.• rY.i?: <i..l ? .?Y .t+ '-1`!,a Y" f'`, 'Y;1:!. .?q`i''ti.• ? ?..7-', ?{. ?xf '' k? ft 44 .n ?I t, ?}??? &?¢?;°V s7j ?Y~ ,,;.nr+: x. +r' ?,% ?ti: i,.rt :: r'? •? ?.' :r` ?rw?: .y,4rt`?5,. ?J,art'?- "?t{r? °¢ 4 `3?.r' , _ ylr ..-.9=lSfi•.gA^?x ?, ' . , ' '????di.'6a-.s?kE•1? ?`irE.?«.v,?...`'?,???5!?.a7".j?,fr.rite•.e:,? r..`.,,.., '... ,.•? a..-«?ysb,J;::w'?rb?e ,,, 4°?'?'wra?reS' •.. ?..k.?:?..+sYMt?a?r,. ??tJ el?'r"7?PPz'?`?s :c`. '7C 1?.'; . Y?'?tEvFb?" ??.r,• :?Ai°ry.3 "•F.{k.-i R'y?i?)7. '. .?,4w.1 ?. ;if4.S.?.:'ab,`.'s`IirS lw r:•a:.:\7CS!:''..}7... 4, tyx"t`.?r',•yt-,•!i';'a'yt?', r?: 7' "``? .. "'•: Y.r ??~a,• '"ft,. .' ?`;?: °X' .ate". ,?.z^eI•r?'rr..x rd.::?11:a.: ?... .'^.!'1: e,' - .._._.. ll Oii:D I*N1- 'C .: I i [:. 553 ;rovidi.tf; for the solo and It,t.rr1 of 45; S,UOJ :..uni3i;u1 Utility ;:avunue Jurtificatori, .:arias of 19117, Ind :z:nkin,; s,aclfia provioion Ls to " t;,a inturast r:t:i t.iay ,,ro to biitr. ?w f, fi • • nrovi::i.in %)La uuda by Urdin::noa -Ia. 550 _do;rted 110v=bar 17, 1947, for the isuaLlwo of ;;525,joj Lunicipal Utility covanue CortitiaLtes, ;:arias of 191,7, of thj Jit:- of c:1sI.;,Ltor, :lorWu, and in slid ordinance it W113 nipvlaod t:iut o_id carti.*icLtac beLr such ruts or rates of :nter':st and b(J L;Jl(i Ltui Ioliv,trod in euch ..Lnrar cad unon such terms us guy b'a pros- crib-A u;• the City uo::tlu:io_i; and : ai.:ik-.!.j said City Cor:nioaion has nagotiatod for the sulo of quid e0rtIf_'CLt05 Lnd has received u nro.rasLl fracs B. Z'. VLn Ingen 1. Co. Inc. for thu _rurchuao tharcof, W1110h t)ro_oscl hzs been duly oonsidered and found to be Ldvcntc_-sous fr3M tha -riet':pint of tha city: :I.1 it Ordained by the 0ity .:s=iusion of tha City of fallof`,s: ?18?_:'atu*, 71orlau, La Sactian 1. That u•,:on Laing :advised in the pronisas it is hereby :let?x: inod that the bid of J. r.• Von Ing%in L Co. Inc., for tho ilurcheso of '5^5,OOD L:unici,:ul Utility :cevonua vartlficates, ;cries of 191.7, u_:on toms or 1.513,450.OU, Lnd viith c cout)on interest rota of Thiou(3;;) Per cent 3;r ,,,:.• t_na=, is the higL,.tst and best bid received, Lit! suid oertifioLtos be s."4 ti:3 s=a oro hereby u?aurdod to geld B. J. Van InQan a: Co. Inc., 5eetian 2. `.''hut said certifietites shall b:r prepared, e,.oouted, i suod, sold and dulivored with provisions for peynunt of inturest tit the rata if :hroo par cant 3;3 por unnuit. Section 3. That the form of egraenent of sale of said certificates to B. T. Van Ing'jn L Co. Inc., be and the sLma is horpiby Lp roved, Lad the :.:eyar, irit i..Lnuger and City <,uditar and Clark ;:re hereby :uthor1z3d to oxeoute ;,aid tureauant :'or cnd on b©hulz of the City of Clear'..cter ::ad to Lffix the corparntc soul of s:.id cit:, th2.z;to. Section 4. ThtA by r sLssa of th a urVant n-aad for funds to i;.J, the cast of ii:;7r ova::onto, extjns!3ns Lad b:s :ter.-ni is to t::u M unicl-ul utility :rro_ artlas of si,id city anti for tlrcf ;resurvLt!3n of tl::r houlth, s_f-r and aalfLra of the inhr,'aitunts if st-ld city Ln ':1=ergsn y is .h !r tb;r dr}a1 :red, Lad this ordlnr.ncc nht:ll ba In full force and affect i=odit:tel:' upoin its tda-lcion. 11,1".' i G 'sq? 11lr.'!•';• ?'!x kr'' ?'iF ? ?; j.{.f yi??r. •ijbriwry 10, 1948 -'?n'.y75R?E+?iL: Cssnr...wsraau?.c•?.:?-'"4!.?vwr3ahZ•`.?e?i#rs•r.rktrsr4..:•?r?!r,`- ,.rug. e7ESr..cE?.4d?Nr,..srfcx.SPx u.e.`k.:?er? :a'se?t?.3v. ,"-,4"Ya^'!•S:i°..,7 ,.a•._ " '.?' .?..'.?°, 3,? e:'.`, a'.:::?, .. 4Y::?`S`??.:I?".e, ts:.,. •... ;'sY -- •.... -.-.,--• ,wr.,.-....e«.--.,"..B«• .-vr++.1,_„_..,?"._..... ..-.. ...y.,.. ,..,?r._ .?--,-F-.. _.-.R?-r"-.-„r-.-.. ..?1 ':a . ?:`: .'? .; :/ e : ,. _ ? .8 ,t . „. t ?-«.... t+;r.? , •t'}?,??. ?r.?'? :sue w r> 5 w .4- ,J._ .1'::.;f. ;?--?. Lr'„ Y C-e .f Y.. .o•}. w -,4?::f. s`.•,%y:i'- +--i:, "+1"r`,,'y .'a: w•? ra.K, .:f•, .b ' ?°. fit, ? z ,4' l• :¢ • .!rt. 'ti. 55'.?.?5,-?-*, ,?. ?.++` •'e'? .a`-'' ?:. F o:f. 'ir''`e ))??- y,{?F ?. °.?. .:`" .%t. "Y s'• F . d e a ?• y., - 1 i,. :?Y ?? y a?:l . ?'yM`'?"-'? ?„ `Y .. ?' R ? ?1y •^Ai. Sr".' m.'?-: ' •.Y• I? •RY1S-. .'j -"'' 'tky:. :'y;s. R5'd •^?.f':.. ?} .i.•.. t.'A',ai. •:3a`yy 'C_: •'l i," ?' ? 1 £?.; L:s. •`ti'•', :?:• -:s'^"., -?a'?i r.2?.,. x ;SL ? t.:z..•+ _3a.• r d" 545, '?Y . ye .. +f .5?„" g ¢. 9M1E -tr,,.•g ` r. ?r ., ?.:; < ,. ?C'2i"px .a: ',f+ 9?T?r??3?_• ° 1}f.' ` i -`'gin: ,;"??'5..? '? .e ''?' M:.. ?::17r¢• _ 1.....tae ,,^:JI' •, i.':. r•s M .d c., . ?y y?' ?,}?zae, .?,°,^,?.<N•ti<..s ?a i., E?. f,?, _y.-. ?.li '?„ ?$'??°;"„-` ?,: i •:?? N. i -'MV ,4 tc2 t?S' . I? ?` ..:F ;s .?w ,??? .G.4. L. .1 ?.. .: t{., '?s. .5?.e•.`).?".-.'k:?,.1:i`y?•r.::?.f.0?<=.t..'_ra? •T. .Sf'. -,i.... «. a„Y. =s sr r ;+ . a,' 'r,: ^'s _.'i`.vh=i'. `- :": :a-; ^ ?'•i: .Y,':.^,?,1, :: a:"?]]??- :?, .,1;.,F r'.. .??r? r ,t"yv Ir1 ,..+°` r Y < •?.?¢.?,:xµ, ?.}. '=`..e ?n?s? rF1 ';r.-S L r<;,;•a`x T4. >Rl i`,? Waf_ 7 ••> ;i i•.,T t,'. s .'.1 ?' .?rv.:3?; •',.: ,'??'1,:";,r•.? :r. ',? .5, .?, .yh;?? .? ; ?s ?. ?_.3 .f' ? ?d•, ?l`?}:^. T: +' ? 9r 3...5'-„.j.jFV.. ?.??•3 .Fa ?' it ?"?ri'}ir?',:. ? •r ' rN t ^ "?, ?r` . ? ??f?i 7 ?:'.rr 1 . i+r :'L. =??a? zh ?:':1.,'-•J?, t• ?:- "' y', :? m = t•t ? da..._v?o: ?:.* ? r`• fib' s e?'? _- - '.a.. J .r ? :y?^ f `. ? ,jj ` v"? i'; eR .}?,r, y. ; •.:1,¢; • ?'•''°"' ?¢? r R':.::ds.,'".'.? j,•SG'+ i• iw -;rr1- ?d't?,?.i.? •E'?.?•, MN. .j re +6'.• ' F.y? :^.?T .! k'?•yi _ 10c~ } a ? t +,?. .laJ•.} .?t .' }5`. ,{' .S? 5. ,,:?4",•f''!-a' l ;. ? ? '•l R Si .}.? ?` s'- '`rYi ?'?1_?'SL-?. ?'J ?' ,; :?"? 3 ?' hie ?4.p.; ,y?.ti. ,R? r,as?.i''s?•:•?- ?: is ,k.; ."i''??':.:,<'? :si:°,';.a=?;-` :e: ,,a .M,. ?} ?s7 .r?`;. `i"' .f. ',4. .5•:ri. a. r. .. s 5 '?1 e aM?.F"+' ? v•. '3:?=.' ' a`._ ?"sa .x a ,i . ?';•?7. ? 5"a •,i.+'}?,.,.. •Z' ? r'r,, Y?;..i; ^d.,5ir .r '. 1? R .r •.?' y ^k. .. •"'i +.4 ? `r°, eit':?? 5 >.?'. ; sEy ''? rC" ;•y :' 9' . 1, " ?:.. ,b. tti 1r'?;-° ,.ll?.r-4! s'4" . xs` _'?., .t`. ?n '? ._,..:t.-1.._k,1,v.,?,r?,....?1,': , . .. .. ... .... .? -?._. .. __. .!1,..:.1 ._F.a ,,?. a `•Yfs' ? '??? 5Y F ? 1 1•vr3sid and tspprovad iubruury 10, 191,8, + , •'s K,;.i-"• Jt= kYrc'?.`•LSRL %5' IT.11....:.3:.571€.'.t'sJ. d,.r?, t8: •..>5a3...1? ri •„ c 7 :M r , ' -+r• i t3;S tur and Ulork r r . Ij ? w .. V-???f? ¢`?w.'?a'$?i?, t?}r5'i i:f` ' MI.T 7AP ¢?,?43efha [',a?;TY dY\is 1:7 r . ry•??SY di Ll.a?? All ' FS: C u 4+s'???' i..u;?ur • ,,pprov ad: cabruury 10, 1946. ty .•ttornoy :lity of vlc Gr:'tur ,aa}4r:,irt•ar, , lorldu Yor yourrIVa 1CMJ ,i1M 1:-1.L:WTi1?1V: :iis LZ....D (,ir525,000.00) l }iiICI?..I. , L;ILI:Y .t_X_.: L dated Jeco:aber 1, 1f47 and b,ariny interest , at tha zutl of (3;i) Three 1?0'r'o3nt z:cxurlar,,from?1948 to 1963, Laos full;; dancribdd in ; out' official :iotico of ::ule, S+hiuh is tsttachod hereto and r-.bde a 11Lrt hereof, uo will ymy Five Hundred Thirtoen Thousand Your Iiundred.:ifty Collurs S: n3/100 (;513,1.50.04) for uccruad iatsrest` to data' of doiiver,'. In eaaordE;nce trittt the t3rms of uLid,Votiae of Sala, vie L:ttnah :hbrata Cashi3r's Jhack No. 49386, is-imed by tha Florida .104anal rank tad .rust Cola zny ;:t 7Lyt bld to your order in the amount of T_". Z:OGSs,ND :ire '•:L':ir15:M Respectfully stta=ittod, , By ?. Hodge-•si.:ned fi +F + ybruary 10, 1918 0oi:rd of City 'sar•.issioaors City Of :;LAXNJLtUr, Florida Cantieuun: r`or your logully Issued properly asaeutad Y525,000 City of Clae:r,rctor, Floridu, Luniciuul Utility :wvsnuo Cer tificotus, and in all respects to be as i_oro full:' outlined in -our a_°fical notic-3 of sale, which is ettuchcd hereto and ::uJe L port horcof, Fro will pcy you ;;'521,955.00 and accrued intor_st from dsto of cortificutus to data of delivery. Mo cirtifieutcs shall be d?.,tod Doeu;bar 1, 1;47 Lni slmll ::turd on . Dacti:abcr 1st of .)ach yrsur 19466 throuch 1963 incluaivo, cLllublo 1:1 uccord"Lice with tho notice of sale and b3ur interest Lit 3 1/4 percent. .. inc± aaI and late. eat stall be :jL: ably c t the ;hxmic al 3u..:c Lew :.'rust vv't r.n; , ::?':r York, :ism !or?. It is our u::darst:.a31.,qa the city -r,i:1 i'uralsh us .Athaut sost :: ul up•,rovinLS opinion a: l;essrs Lnd Cutler, ..ttar:icys, 01' { oLf.o, I11Lra :alivor; to be ,:t-de in :Wei :or% r"Ltv, 1:esr fork. c anclosa as avi.luzo. of our -_aid f alga cart;.:; ed for ';1t?, 503.n•? wl-,L4Olo to t:10 ord•3r of tha it., ral:Sttrar, :•Ioridu, r.hi.h is to be hold by ou unobehud, s..ould this bid b s eccaptsd ,zndinc 1olivar'y of aeid Ca_ ificatos to us., Should, for any reusoa, tiro fLI.I to caL,•ly :'Elth the ter:13 of tifia uld, ^11.^^--^•'w?"mow."---•-?.?»?.-. -•?r,. - •?St.. ,w+-•.,.•..r.-•..,?..?„ .w.- -++" + 5 low- i1 r j tstir .¢; .._._..??L... ?t ?' , " ''a • r, - - L, .1•, ..t r,?Frr; }.??r mt'?;r'a•'.r "4YF,?"'u;, •?r,w.r+?,•Tw+w?-..«-.,..--... - 1,.. ?. .,,ir,..-r` l' ' I fp 1. W_ , Al 4 •3 +aim..x3.??.-:a.x.'?.r".•:5r,>~:3.'ssq#srlr.'x*??'a?•.:- '"al'.'i{.t+!£.z?.?;?•?°li,+iq?s:':.+_w?xzck:;n:rarx?a+?:'.s,:«-:?ralri:?tY?.?.?r?c:?1,.?:"r...s?? .r?'?.:.c.??,.:?. 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T < ? v4v; d.v:x•, ? ."# -i` ?• f,. ;.•z,.•: r?.,.; .- ?JC,S; f,. • '.rr;.a:°k,` $.-- '1 ?: , r -^r' Y' =t y'?r ^" • z Yy:._,etw ?...5;.e.;. .i... ,r°.:. ass,,,,. •a ••4> a '?j e L '? .r, •, F '"<- ? ;.'`M,,,:":.:.. .s.•.4_°?•.r •, i-,.,4 ,.5, Y '" .''"o.',...:..•F>".s• ?;"i?•,It?+p, r .tiats?3 W.e3.+:ye;wfrah.'r3 G'.lru'Ft`,a"r°,tY,'}i...,}xkrrr.'-;!1"n'.r.?.¢W?S•:'I?7S:.#+j t ?l??k..r?b?dr.r,.:'.•;.»ix?a«ww.:i•R.',t=•5,, t•, rj. -J...i_ ?.?•_^ _ _ ° - lr??l? `• `f?:s;t'y ?a°5' ii'???`?r?•`Ra'•;?°• + '+per±.p?arr.r..w-.-...,.._,....-... ... ,. ... .?...v.•.?•,,- .............r...s...-.- --_•^-..?..._ ?.,?-. __.. .. _ _._. _M _.. .- . ?... ..-- .. ?' ki"_.??:'?.;."?„{".•?;§" ,s-?°,t ?"' . yrr3•);II'CiJn i11 1_3C3rdonaa lwitki Jeatlast 120 or tllt? jht;rto 3f tiio ±i 4;; 5_• ..- 6C Lwmdad. j ' I Olin-jr i'r3 ?('z'ty s , ::• Fictlor _stute _ u/.• A111,1h .ciahLrr3fl ;r ! of l ? -5 -? ots 2 3 , ,.t, ,. ,.- ,27 City I31k 1; I r. ,nollu .iel,;ats .iub. i carry .,. Cuine 906 1roapeat t,va. of Lots 23,:1,,2.5,20,2 f City l{ 1, i.t,?n311L lt? i;..ts tta. t L.yrtia lliol:ty r ..j. - 40B II. Greenwood t.vs. Lot 21, 131b: 1, ? City Country flub itdy ' i',.3-M I .M) A&ZUa."m by the City Carylassian of tac City of .1cLr:,t,tet•, this 1st r:.,' of Lil r. ...Di 1'NO . /3 --?_ ti ?? , ? ?. `..: fxn'. I• ` :FI 'r M" V .tt:t for tlna U 1- +'• ^c•r•;;$,. J n': Sba Oz Y'. {v >"', 4' T;ts i a° .k ry TIM UIr.'Y BU ' •'` r?. K: 5gksi?"r L::Ii«+ Li3,1.. .t.X'rl.i3... Iw,i3 .<. ? '. ,:- s , ..?li'1I:iGo r.il,7 JnJa' Cli.i,^...I:l13. •a;rt?`':.14k•,i'..a=.?±•+`???„p 1`Uit J.: IT O:L't..YII aY TiL3. C11 11T 0011Z;13:i N11 O :r ? ? S ? r': ?s ?•,: ? T`H.: CITY OF CLc..ii;i.,T l...,i, c3.:Jxtl.Dn: k?• ?,, ?•?»i9?'31.??;':,?'.??'• )y edNJMUa yly. - i3ectiott 1. Tittit Lila City i3uilditV; Code, trliich •„?a, by Urdin.,i?ce :Io, 519 dt 3ted October' 1, 1945 nude the Southern Stur urd Juilt:ing .:ode, 'ae cnd the =ie r ?', 13 heraby attended us follows, (n) J,- re zli )M, oubseotioris (C) cad (A) of SeetIm 2201.2 t»?d substituting r kph:`;` in t.11'3 nluce tr32?Jf the f011o17in'- "SnbeaatLin C - livery fixed .. +. ?` ?"q`"a•d ~ { bj lit leLst oi;ltt (61} fret vile ;Ivtry t`a'r uee tit lcust'tan 1010 z'.et in fire ,3-"t?+? •° iw iw<`? (' cl-sir 4at•„eon :;te lo:',not .wa+nt of projectian and the side.wt•lk or r•roun:t bNiot. Uid shall be set back Et IeLSL t*;W (210 fist frm n1 curb line. The coa3trnct;3:t ' of s•:ne shall ;7a of sufficient 7tre..,rth to ti:ittlst.:,ld Jid1:7t:r; rra.:tltsr cJ:lditi3na." ?.?''??`"x" ?k`?•-• ;!, j (b) r35' rlj ,ouling Section 2:01•3 End substituting the folbtring i1t t-1:t tl::ce ;e?]r• ?, ?,;..??-° r.?, ;t "Section 2201 ble avw 2 nr • ??? .3 i us .td dray ourtttirs s° (u) L-3t:.blt t:;n1:ia!: shiUl be tit 1•elst sewn (7') ;.let in `ho clai_ • t ;ai ;)I' y au lo:rost 'rojeutian find t..e Jr ;;round balo;; :td : b. t ae :.•ucE:• L : l .ti:1- two (210 f-_ 25t _ra:a th.. CU. D l.:te..11 sua.l atw.._:;= ?fi'-.?"','r' "'..'?" ?•'F`i ??et } ahull be ou:l:7arted an ::.etzl fr..r..e ,=•' .1 ?;T x s;;? ;? -- a r:ttcci: nd t3 .:ta bui,ldr _ng. ??.,? ?? -G_ =c ?,,•, £; ($} NO rtL tuar ,4ll eant'.Ln Lay -:re L.• eft: ° ys•?y.° e arc 'f Grow: cu t .. or ottt::r rr,,ri3 can3tr11ct_J.I .?}'•' ?r t°'S.?t' :?°?'r•?rs:: CJnS ,: l1iL 3n 10.+ t.1t:. t: :u SdY3t1 (71 ) faJt a1s.1' nac rJ'l_. 4 .ayrol`S • t:tl:l_:1•':; LJat•C '_A:k SLS::{f S[1L11 >;V ,•,,, i' . ::' ?4 3 ?$?• 'C ? ?•,' a .. , e the :? ?t be.a.. "ran t: c:l.b ..s .oov? :??';,'•?~.•? s?:••' S1• , 1Olt 2 l . Tlt.t" ? .;1_ ord.. !:t: 1 "ans --,A a:art3 if _a con.,114t .rtlCt ^s L-a z ,-:?9?',?-@:.?i';=•te"?•?"7t.•,?:?; kstpr.: a-;t"rq: l'ts. Lea t;_e oLt:n -re i'eraluf re'°• Glad. S ??=1 !7r/?? ` i a1'lyi- ?1• y :iNCti•'.a 3. Phis ardili:lllCS 3liall ud03:.::: sf;'aC»iVt: il•?:e5it,t_1y 11;73[7 ;L..St:t'?. r r• F;'+*' 'r- ?'!°. -q •': " s i1 l{' dRS i b fq'h? i4 bl; thb City Ca:nissian of the Cit of .leu_ wEtsr, ;bride: ?'•: x;??>? 5" A. :t sr,ed'o t _`!s•3t .zel di::1; abru.r_v lei, 19L8 :ter Fl•f `_: jr"i.c`•„.lFj;f?r < I .1a t OJiI: :i. ,bl'll $,em, s?K,•, i's:?38dr 3:1 ;v x _ to , 1948 i_azs..-d a:, 1f+rL 1,_ 3.948 a•. Cit. ..uditor and L'lt?:k ' • t . is - ? .?. .??__rll?,rylr±? .r"rP ._w?il?' ?A r r ..y?an r?.wt:ytnl.^ ?. .t.?,..,,wt•. i?.,'d?'•??""`??`? ,r<...r - .,.s,,,i_,?1„^r,