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"l. i-s • ..3'-'.{ a ?. ..5, \•, .•l •,) ,i ,t... .Y.: °x ?. .j Yy ,.y y^f-. y.R ?. ,y as ' ,. i(. '?,7\ - . 1"r I • i)i: (i' f. i ?•J •'LY.M•'9' v? .. ' .!„ f ?'? r ...G .l..l. md,'•:. f. , tf k.v.. ?a J txl ? ,'N ,t^ F' [• .rr'•' 4t1+ ° .:.,4'} ,c, . s 4.1e. 9. ?4t?? '1M?GrV Ji: '.l....-?2."rlA .R ? S 4.'. A. r?.'1 j' :., `• t 5l'? J s:<.-.r.h'•e ]J4 ..t I. •?%. -. Fe' - }v b:e.ti ?4'.IS.. i':l' Y b .Y'.:' •9 "V tl 4 S`Y '?A 4 F '-J" 1'? .1f_?- IS,4r5. '.A'i':: :... r 1$-x•,.'.<_'c 44. ?h? ,h7 1' y .1. ..rt,> a^if€?,i :"'°••,+). }- ..,?: ;L`vy< pw?• _.,?.. '.?:4 - ,.l•;'. .€?.. ,??'. ?' ..!'4',•<:" d: uEe "`';'?'?: ctj'•'G ""..?. Y., rt Y^-: .,w 4""l!:? ..5 yy Rp. -IP 33 p A,. ^.. v} ?S: s i CF 3?°',?`,' ..4: ''K•:.?:.. 'i ??. .' €i'F' ,€?L' •F$?.•4 r; t•'f•.,a,.` .?.ey. ', .1 >?,. ;F {•-.ii f.,,u ..?r? .'ar?.g ?"?f????Y .}GL-"f?,'",-. ky.. `.5 t? .1 4?? •YS,•, t>..", 'jr7- d, .! jjy .s n N t i't'. i. 'i?, ,'?? P4dv ,'1• c.l.' 'Fl. ?v ? s.. C .ter ? - ., 1'• y 'C ?.' 'I`r. Tea `!j: r .. y 1 t t °° t d `.K w xi ?a fir lid •4. ,car. ?"?? ;3,' .s S1 ?? 1 , ?..:ass"' '•:v:,TR..;?,E.'!'k'J?-^.•r'f a:?L-e.•..d":a'=1i.'::'P.-$"4.'a,trs?.vr, ?•,?.s,?.y .;r,.,?rti>xXi::,ra'x.,?.:?3.. }-?'.i?i•r?*»? >f r,.?TA'*:w,+r=' .f,. ?,Hi!•N'jA. ti..:. 1 ?: F' 7; `; s a?*i' L, t , yt3.. 1t >!s d tr?aJ'?% . 1? 4, ?S.iii+'4:e'§,,++s4[,"?,•iJ,?°4,?,T,'y .•r;S,. ,^a';i`i A:b,?'?'•fz"S.1 e•A1 ?..?. :.. 'rOL?.f '": '. 1. •h ?i"t?T?JI????fi? ?'-t` '`<,:?: :S' •'^#??? 4.ivy.<?`` ??.«?t'.¢?? 1. .iii, .1 •. ?tt ?Vti''. •!}': ?E,'f • -y,r a ^?' •?'fY'•;'. fir-?'.Si ?'j.,e!?'4??,. •::°'•'' ^ •? ?iil.'??Iyl.9`'?y?•''I ,?•i 0 IWICZ NO, __5 RDII 48 . Ir U]{DIIr:42JC1:..I..::rDi]IG o:?n2 L.:1 L' iii]. 408, AY- M"L..TING 7114TM .3'ritVX'.2 ;iITH2:r Tip.: CITY BY c:tuVZ3..:C ria R-GU.- Lr TIOIi3 i.!%) Y&2.3 FOR T-IiII:IG, 5: 1{7I3 i CO:r:i:73T1:0;W (. l.3 IT ORD..I:k.:J 8Y TIS:: C117 CJi : ISuIJ:i Or TIU 3171. 3. CL:«.it:i.4T lt, ?I I.t1iill)::: Section 1. That Ordinance Now 4089 being an Ordinance regulating water bervice of tao City of Clearwater, be and the acme in herauy amended by oub- sxituting the following provisions in the place of the present Seation 2 of suid Ordinance: "Section 2. (a) VAT kt ZUPIM F.ru"' ..IiD S.:?VICE 0011,X7TIONS: Tapping of all mains and service can iactions rr= the mains to the property line will be installed by the City :!titer Department. Title to all services Pram the rmin to the property line, meters, and umter installations, is vestod in the :Lty, find the some shall at all times be the sole property of the City, end shall. not be trespassed upon or interferred with in tiny respect. -This ?roparty shall us muintaina& by tree Oity ;later :)apartment and a.:a;' be removed or changed by it at any ti.-,e. The City ;.Inter ;)opartmont will l'urnish and install i'or }tesidentt,l, 03=meralal and iiuciness Purposes the Following equiomoat: 3/4" tap, corporation stop, 3/4" Inside dioneter 3ervi:a pipe to the :roperty line, curb stop, box and 518" water nater inoludinr, all necessary settings and all side-walk and pavament realuce•- :aents. Tho City 'later Department -;till imke a charge for such service ut cast for labor, materials and overhand expense necessary to corapletu the work. The City ',:ntor Bepurtmint will require a ritninum deposit or „25.00 to apply on the cost of the work:, of the time of tae application for service is rcde. Upon th= comple- tion of the work, upplicant ,ahull pay the total amount, if tinir, by which the cost 7P:y exceed tii3 deposit, or be refunded the ouzunt, if any, by which tae deposit rsai• exceed the cost. If u larger service _ ine, and meeter is required, the Oity dater 0apnrtnsnt will install these tit cost for labor, materials, and over- head ax?ensa, upon receipt of a de'sasit tc cover the estimated cost. Billing ,.nd/or refund to be made s miliur to that required ror 3/411 service end 518" mater. ..11 Charges for services, pipe and rasters outside of the City Limits shall be 25;: additional.. 4very servit:e pips must be provided by the customer vrith n stop and caste cook on the outside of the roundation wall where the pipe posses through'it, easily accessible and fully protected. Hereurter, in all future installations or re-installations of service lines, only one ?re::lab 3 ba-saplAAe augh?oue-srervloar3r cos- n=p one -hre iecr will be supplied through orie service'pipe. Than more than one pre:.ise its now supplied through one service pipe and under the control of one curb cook, any violation of the rules of the City ',later Department by either or any of the customers ,)Be .atop?died, shall be deemed a violation by,all and the City nay take such action as could oe tar:en against any single customer, except that such Leti3n shell not be tjr:an until the innocent customer tdho is not in violation of the City :cater Department rules hun been given o reasonable opportunity to attach his 71ge to a separately controlled %erVice installation. The ward '3Customerer us used herein shall msen Line household or business. The fiord "premise" as used hcrsin shall be restricted to the follawLag: a. ., building under-one roof owned or leased by one customer and occupied as one residence or one place of buainass. b. .. combination of buildings atoned or leased by one custamsr, in one oo_ on enzlosure, or occupied b; one fatally, or one corporation or rim 'es U residence or- p1Lce of bt]sinoos. a. Each unit of c multiple house or auilding separated by a solid vertical pt.rtition wall, occupied by one household, or one firm, es a residence or piuce of business. d. n building owned or lec.3ed by one customer having L. runbar of e77:rt :ent3, offinus, or lofts which L- o rented to tancnts, and uning in co.nan one h',11 and one or more entrances. The City shall not la uny event be responsible for :::.i.itenenca of or for dasr3be dare by ureter os.suai:tr, fr:7:. the service _ii•e or e.n;; otter lips or °iwture on the outlet side of the %ruter%aeter. ??i I • t ?.t • y Y'Y1'. • ,ll. , . v ff 1 ..-t awy.?..vVM/..i /•:rj? .F n .. r . t. ` N :').' ? .. s I CJ ? cif ?,'?» a r4:rd . Vil '42 z is aY . F w Y SS} I tf ' A v .: t ':?} •. K""?.a?t ?<)•'ti::i' a±•.+, ..: i;•t„ < ,r. ..,.. r.,, .t..: ?°- t;.. •:a= 7 r i wt3.. .:.a sa m.L .??t?tN:'!,Md,+<?? 7? e^. 44 '1t. `- Y• , 3,..,_I- 1 a , '?>:v?''•'Fr'? - ,si.?:t. 'r;. -? -?t?=:.?'.'r:' ;?-?'°'' 77..'•'i?ii;)le???'4.3°ae}a:.i.i.- ..te ?. .,.'?- -Y',?1 --i^a.;' :t"- ,rte.' tF .%L' "'3. y,, ? "Ik •. %?Ss'. ,.% ,Rn"I t'-? •w•' ,Z` a, ` i sa,,:.' ` ^Zr3'. ?{r•9;.•::.i gg':jr lL; k 'r? it ?i?'r"'z '•ts '`iy'; y •'a'.'e . t ^, •. k: t b ^:.r..?!e... , {_ F.. % . fit. •f ?' .t. .t'7 ^ 5 ":::" ':i ' .,PA r,, r•i •.7.:,r t.t.: 'y' . _ aA:'r"' i.Ct `'t` : :1.. •.y '..t^. e.Y, ie :.T:. ? 4 r q ry f V S". 7 ~}' !k-'' ^u?•. Je: '„'{i` .`I •' J •mi. .1:,•w s1`., ei,l NlS-"+i;:." ,rJ.' tic,. WD i? i'.:•' :'?i` 'J' ?'...-?S•'Y''i` - .i?rt' 7.2,5'.,•.'-=' ••?:. p.'# >,:.« •' Y rWY •'G. :;5:' it s .[ +n• ?I.;' +C .;t-`.S°•. ,. y:: h ,7t" . •i• (..?' S a"1 ?'1.y .?' •C l- +1! fi..? «?'.?v, .N:i-v .YI}i.. •?rji e. ffi T" ?} .? . ?. ?b;. ,.i' .6 ''N ' {. .1 , q iii •xJ.-'ri, 4 ??`. ..?M ,t . .,r ? '?y i„ +'S.'r71." `''r. .:a.. ,,?'?• , .?^ .r. x i «}J F. r 1 J •L. ..2" i r, T. .rte..:..- "(-`''.? •!„ h?, 5p 77 ,''few 1 +.o-a } •I •t t 'r'7 ?a'?, '#Fq .`.a?.`.'..5`?esretix, ,aa a.:w. ,.+"?s....'.t:i:,,':rl;.t;;-,'u+?,,..-. b>K?v;;r•yy ??,?, 1.'?+t`is.3' ?.:':` .:'iv:l'- 3d1??tt a.A rz1'•- a.. t' °-'?';' < ? (?.e??,?.."? ?1»k , r<•*'""-•;1. .? .".r i ram '?"'tr^'• ¢'?•••r! qp;}3'; = V ?, ,,.,•" NCt., ;?'. dsB Sr r., ,,Jl? .? ? a'?..t., yy{??p i? a "wS, 5"t), aLi, 1 ' ?iy,,f ,,??;i r A r lX t ? t t Y S• a ' d^S ?•; t?•- t.r ?~prl,•?'tt+F""? ?t?,t! r t ??`?,. I? A•y ?.?? ^.J : t: ay'tal: -'?'1 >ii 9R'.` t Lf;-»+? - ; :n •r?? at1.?1''? tf:>c'k+ ? 1! a ?'e?'?-u:t r ?.C,? e ,b,, b"A?,i? ` •--?+1 .- ... i'hJ•. rJ, -•- fib +•?=, ,,,fLs l{ ,l . P?' y ??iy ' ..?i?t. • k ' l '.'?r.?f.Jl a#k4g'!FL,tt:;"'??'},??z. ,,=A?'S-M: 'e /'•" -•------"--.•,.?......?..,.,.-..,,? , ',jP..' ,. k?Y ' CpA L t 7 , t'+ t r , si /7' 4Y '?r'. Iw?{1I'V. •;y i' v 5,gj,+.+! f}t•#y``' t+y7r ?? it5`?i _f?i' Cy a?: ii'???iJ?"'ttt.,iD?.:-: 4.: t'rrl`. •..-: No aross aanneatton botwoen t;lo City rater Supply SYatQCI and any other avatar -?F iF=' 1:'.y ;ti sV?''i;, ; ? ;`_;::• supply will be ullo2'0d unlaua proporly protected. 1:0 aoznootian on7F.010 of ; ??_ °a .= rt .P g ' :: causin back 1'l3lr arott:con the Cit ;tutor supply u steel :nd on ralwabin fixture, „ "r„ •;:, ;.4..<d7>. _? ra ,; ; ;<:v;:-;;;t::- devioe, or p.r7liunoe, or any „unto outlet or pipo for dirout ao:lnaativn rrusto i'r?=,:'+-•tr .: •t, e.>2i??,..-. drains 1ii11 be ;ar:.iit`all ult$r by n . 24 hour written notice by the City ;toter Dop urt font. i ' :t. If the consumer jr owner or the connection folio or rafuaau to break or proporly "''? • •>;".'^'? protect the oonaoction within the time linit1 the City shall diacantinua aerYiof) by making c definite brook In the service pipa until the connection hha boon „ pro ?orly broken or r y ,'.5??= ''? r?,?,:'?' 4, • .??: ?' , ; rotoated. ny aroma aonnactians nett installed or hereafter .;r'1 ::.. gTiM . ; ; ;• installed nuat be s.),)roved by the City 'later DupartL ent and/or the health ?.: • ?.""? tc??>• " . Department. (b) F,: sT it.? JZ%VIC:s: Tile City Wuter Dapurt-,Qnt reserves the right to motor ugly and all cuatanar3. The City ;lutor Do;wrtnent ulone reserves the right ' to atii7u1uta tile size and tqt? ; 7e of meter and toYae La be used as well us the ,.? : W;.?, ;•,4.,:; .?. -r_x_...•., laeutiou Una the tyre of raster setting. 11 meters shall be naintpined by and a,;{'r.•:+ '-";<.",` "; !''' <!°" - „>;: - r,t the ex enne of the City, insofar us ordinary wear and tear is concerned. The }^ " `;r:' '• )r5,-...':: ` r,:•:". •, ' customer brill be :,old resaonsiblo for damage us a result of hot water, or other external euuses vrnen such dunaga results directly or indirectly 1'rvla ' a°$ ;::•`l,?< neglierenae or the customers. When such dumugo oacura, the City will furnish and set unathar mater and ronuir the one damaged and the oast of such ropuirs including i ;r..'?. is '"' e''s:.?•>'' 'z" t== `} !?:; tw `:t; :..,?F},",r:-:: replacement purt3, labor, trurlsportution chLrges, shall be puid for by the i•` "' ;.ta'; austaclar. ,. .,; ,;a??>w:=• .. ,.i=.:rya:.:.'?:..?,.,. u >i?•3. 5'` )1:14,•, ?.: :.S j.r;i.i.: 3.<'l'-,.',':.E:?:" q..'•. . , oh austziaer will be ra uired to 1, atoll suitab yy :=i?•;, ,:,r??F.:..'??' ' lp check valve _nd relict' '.. s:; J,,a..i•.<, vales in the service line on the cutlet side of the r.eter In such u :acluler as to ;Y,?'S•t-.,s,ai:.?.-•=,•F ' .. Y.:'.. iEf x;. •'k'.r'?.;,y:,*'''•C :t. :?:y, k k `.•' ,,';: •, prevent t13 return o. not caratr to the meter, and s,lull pay the cost of all y ?? ;,,,';±5 = renmirs naceaaitated by the failure to do so. The City will not au,al water } b'1~<•t•'F ":•: .a- to preraines where direct pressure hot water tanks or un liwnoes ure used except +i. f „ •• . e-``3 tee e, , a,',.: '} ?`, • :.t,? 'u:;frf 'i .F?•if' :.. ? i. ? at the =i:ak'af • the customer. Y,.?.? zgt•?. , .. ?.--':z s -?'.,}J.,`:_'?;f "E .. •''?'•• S =i('S2 fSy?.!-' wu'•+`: 'E c ''t "?•r?,`'^' q' The ?ulintity recorded by the motor shall be token to be the amount of Plater IN, Ike sassing ttrour;it tna meter milich amount Shull be acco=Eted is conclusive by both " f. ?3y4 ';A •?f y .?,;,` ry r.''r,?! : the customer and the C-t,, except when the motor in foaad to co re Lste'ring Inaccurately or has ceased to register. In such oases the quantity may ba ,?,r: determined by the :average registration of the ivetar in a aorreoponding past 'RA :.- "• :4,, eriai when in order or by the average regl_,trutton of the new :rotor, whichever Raw } n,, `t. _ „ 1rY;'* ? J • aetily@ 13, in tile opinion of the City, i' i , i' s, ?re.entctive of the aond tLons existing 4ti? „during the pariad in question. the City Watur De7urtment reserves the right to remove or test any meter at ;?'4`^; a_' ?. ryy ;=4e43,.:, C4'Si' "(?S _ ?•. • r.?`?I:-it •_• 'z ... } fi _iI an ti-e and to substitute enotaer meter in its 'ilace. In case of P. disputed ¢¢ aooaunt involving the question of accuracy at the :rnter, such raster will be' [f?';''• r ? yy?;?•? }` y ` '?. ar k? ° ?; tested by the City upon :•rritten request of tale n? ? ilicuns• ?' rovldiu nowever, ?? 1 ?r .? !•t •^'C'tw' (? ?g.4:,?y that the :.later in cuestian has not been tented by the City within the pest two " v ,: - .,;t• r _af+', f,__ 3;a ;?i,`. rrovious years to such request. The vD',lioLnt :.trees to oauept tha results of ?1s;:.•,;., f,s., ¢ -.?? r: :r u'. ? the test ilcde by the City and determine the basis Vor settlink; the difference 'y# 4;: clsilsed. In %lie event the mater so tasted -:f;? ,•.;::??w, `,f,: ? F? is found to lave Dn ar.ar in registra- tion, in era i" 4.`•,.?.,° ;:.??,°:, `v:#``•Y's:,k^,-: *?"^,y,,,?:• ass of 4j,'? as bused upon the arithme iota, uvercgQ of 1/4 :Load and full t^.a : land of the Hater, to the prejudice of the customer, thare will be no ah-rge for ??.??°•,tr,??,t?„?? Vii,: ?: ` ; `:?''Y• -t== ":r`k the testis but should the test Show error in registration 1-3s3 than ?' -'''??'-°•;',?` ^ K .. 'r,' , F' r;= •,,.. fit." g / 4c,;, there _ r .?t et? •. will be u aY_, r a Of $2.00 for testa meters 1° and s>muller and 0 {?' 4 "'? •* 8 tls 45. 0 for 1'ar er r' t 7; ? r;.c`,•,, 4 s',,,.f:, '';: meters. payment in advance of the test g 3'.? 53•-' ?..[a? t+ xy °' i '• .'?_'.:.?•e^.?°'^t` 7-.,ice:Y?{ ?' ?.r,+:'.,'.s4 Tile Customer shall permit no one not an agent of the City or Otherwise r "'t=f { ,, . r., 04. :'(rt':?A ,,,?'.g;-' ;.y'•s,..71 fir,#; ?uthorined to do so, to remove, inspect, or tumper with the meter or other ' PrePert,,•• a t:.e City an li:l a i:;i?'.??=z? ;?.-r'°R'?,:....,•3: . r,:.-aiSea. The customer shall notary the City es ~;.cad:3?..;;;L:"???.•ts?ty?'?=?,?i?`• soon us it comes to his ,:aa1'r1QdE;e of any Injury to, or any aB3sajLi3n in ra(18tra- xk;:y 3 '•`?.4'•L'='? :'2?'Y 1 h'"tM1 ,"{,? ,Ff ?.,5 Msi,'`.:•"^, L.`n'' ':. `; .a'?,?.j ' •J?r?'?}' ttx }?..• ti on, an at the meter. Section 2 ,.11 Urdinunoes or ;lcrts of . Or r,•r'i'"' `:?:,. •??:,+.-r},.>t ...?-r'._„ „?`zy,;.> damp ass in conflict herelvittl rata ? ,?„•.: r•J;:?. ?%k5::=ti<;.1 y;{ '?t`-°'A?T'?'?` •`'°s?'j•`-; .ferebr repealed. • y,? ?'.''.a, .,.? 1,?r;-.?.j±? ? .fit:.. a ?^;'?? ?,*? i; .J?j '??'i.;a.e t ;?,,`.f" 1;},` C??'<'t?'n i.:::;•a -_5t?• ??•?I?r'.:. ? ,,? L serf'=tS'•?'?..,? Station s s? 3• This Ordinance shall become ePreotive immediately upon passage. ' r s to t ,_?: F in FS,ID ..f[a ..J:7i 1ZD by the City..,ozalission or the City of C1tarvater, F ? ,F -h?'+?,-;r`;?,-.'a ?';g?.`•f ?:: `...?•• t a??r ? ?? ?t ??'?.. larida. _:.., :' .,•:r, i ?.'.s'°"'. : `' S Y;zxPrc ? sit aya.JS an - irst Readin- 9/214 7 `y , ryS r•x?IL r rr Z''; ( ftV'f? "`=ray°_^F T,?', •Ls: Y `t jF`",'Ra'.?' ,? ?: ON pti "•. ,ir?k /'!'Y:b:-:up-.. G." ..... . }; cr , :'r e;,3-3::i) J'i .ec;nd :3eadin n- -1 ? {i? clr ' 7".f:?i .± ?srg rid:z' •a'•r';?s;??`Yr1i? R?`ri'?:' i an Third Freudln,;; 10-6-47. i ?^ 7 5:" . .55k t,. +• rt '?.-^-? y ?5. plt;.-_ r+. u ar-vacs: su an t?=?;.` rfi?i:•^?;. ?cijj:. r k- 9t.?;t3 U ! :5;.:lie ??•?..taa.{x%y',:"' ,,^,%?.'- ? ?i4i'' ?; ` ??' -,?.:i • kr''ik-'''^s.''+Pti''';,ri?$,aR ' Q ty ..u• tar aria j w ?'?{ ??;f??``a:?•??t,;2z?;:'. , - 3 t ?' Tg •Y'., x S y? i?yF"fli'.?.g Sig" -. '1 F¢ N ? ' '?.'•<'-'?,,"'.`.•??. "T. "!?-' 'law.. ?•.W l-'i..?r - •?.•-- '+?? „•.Pr" ?+. ?}`.,.. ? ,[r 5 t r4EHaN Tvs?.>yt,..,, .M.4w. m,.R.y.`. ,. r =#:i;, 15-'d,.... .... .. rF, JI -l. ... ?.. ,... , -.. •1. ,C f?':. 3'?4