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CITY J01r2.:233I01f 1',XM r:3 OF W:s:"Cw Fl ?l 2, 1947
» ?- «._». O1tiJIIfr,1IC3 IIU. - 51,7
..fl 00111,310:; 1'iLZC;M1I:1G .'I C::.:-MIOU AY .1iiI011 L'5.--'-13'-0K.Jt.;, JUiM
LOU3::3 .%;;D 3i: WD-,.i1D !3::,,L :.I:3 :iii..LL 03'1',.I11 i iC.:IT:3 TU 11. T11:! T.:X?-S ..:;D JUNUITro:f:3 U1ii: i W11I:11 ji:.il [u1..LL J,.c.:tY 3:I a4:1:} 0,1,ID1:JT
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Hill OF Tlld Tatl:„3 M UU:;JITIU;;3 :'U., T1fi• j0:T3UJT OF 1,ID ;uU:3I1r;:ai.:,:•1.
3.x. IT OhM.I:It.,[' HY TM CII CJi3,:I33I0:1 OF T11.r, CoIT'Y OF 'rLaaa.:
Section 1. That no person, firm or corporation shall conduct an auction noune or
engage in ouninenn us u puwnbrokar, fuz:l: or aeeond-hand dealer until aftur receiving
o permit from the City of Clerem'inter,City Jotmission in the manner hereinafter prescribed.
section 2. „ny person, Arm or corporation desiring to obtain u Hermit under tha
provisions of 3eatlan 1 of ttlia ordinance Shull 1'118 bn cpplioutian viith the City Clark,
who mull submit the surge to the City Commisolan ut its next regulur meetlnr„ and sail r:ppllcutiO
shill eontLin the name and uqe of the upplioant, or, it a co-purtnersnip, then the nLmes
and Lcen or tae 'Jersons Woo constitute such oopartnershttl, and if u corporation, the
names and Ggas 31' its Directors or Trustees and President or ml,nugi Lg officer, and the
locution of the proposed business. If the City Commission finds that there is no 1,-gal
anuse why the permit shouid not be granted kind that the applicant, or its members or
3,fflCars, is or are saner, law-abiaing ,.arsons of rood ch.:racter, and is or are over the
°a of twenty-ona (21) years, glen a permit shall be issued to such applicant by the
Jity `3o misaioa; but suou permit shall not extend beyond midnight on the 30th day of September
next, except when the aernit is grunted during the month of 3eptcnb,2r,..6nd,then and in
that event, if grunted, it shall extend utitil midnight of the next succeeding 3Oth
duy of September; and when any upplieution is presented to the City Commission under tha
provisions or tats ordinunce and the City Cocmlaslon is in doubt as to whether or not such
permit shell be granted, action upon said application ray ba deferred, but for not longer
than two beaks.
Section 3. (a) .n auction house is uny room, booth, place or shelter v.hare goods
or chattels or articles or personal property of others bra sold, or where goods or chattels
or urticlris of pessonul property arm sold at public Outcry, or any roam, boot]]., plcca or
shelter where goods or chattels or articles of personal property are sold to the nissr.est
(b) .,ny person, firm or corporation vihose business is to t,:kv ox receive
by wuy of pledge, sash or exonange any goods, wares or merchondise, or tiny article of
personal ?roperty whatsoever as security for :coney loaned thereon, •is to reby del. lured
to be a peunaroxer. I
(o) Lny person, firm or corporation azu-ugud in the business or buvin4,
selling or deeling in old funk, metals, nettles, syphoru, booP.s or Other articles bad
having a store, stand or place of business, is hereby'deolsred to be a ,)ut:.? d'.uler; and
any person, rirm or corporation anasged in-the business of purchuulag and sellini,- goods
of any "Sind or description uLving once aeon used or transferred from t::e =LnufLcturer to
tha dealer and than ;eoeivad into tna possession or third parties whether sL:o ocasists
of clothes, carpets, clothing, rugs, iron or Otter metals, furniture or articles of
household utensils, of articles of personal use, Or male or female wearing apparel, or of
,)ewalry or any kind or description or Of aid gold end silver, be ani they are .:erehy daclcred to
be second-hand dealers.
c:ection 4. ..ny Jerson, firm or corporation conducting an auction house or engyt;ed in
ouainess us n p_vinbrokor, ,)unl: Or second-ilend dealer shall peep, a rtisinter in ca.>_'teetion
';riot suoh business, and ut the close of business On er_nh day or not 1:iter tnL-a B O'clock
of the suecaading day, shall enter or outlea to be catered tnerein un aaeureto description
Oi the person from wr.:om Lay crticle of _.ersonul proparty is jurehrsed or received, or to villa=
any loan is prude u.-:on pe.•sonul property, and shell include in such description the nu u,
L901 sex, color, nationulity and place of residence of such person, and in slid register
shall also be entered kin accurate description of any crticle of rersOnsl pro7nrty so
_jurohused or received, or upon which a loan is etude, and said description shall contain any
mark, number, brLnd, monogram, words or letters blo;:n, stamped,, etched or other;'lise
parinrnently marked upon suun urticle, and ell urtieles so r;urehased or rmaelved ehc11 be
so urranged in stoc a:: to enable the acme to be inspected by the Police Department or any
other ;ersaa in autnarity; and the said register ahc;Il ut all times i:a kept op-in for the
inspectio:: kin: exL urination of the Chief of 2alica or any .:arson ULtneriaed b tLe Chief of
police to ins Sect tale Ou.:.a .
Section 5. .it uo%,nbrakers, junk or sucand-hued de::lors and -anions cOnductia auction
houses shall, :tot 1Ltor t:.a:i lti o'clook :loon of each day, furnish tO tLe Chief of roll-ac u
full red cOalplate eany or transcri1lt or the rcristar in v.n1c.. La entered the trunsuctiOn.-
oz Lie preceding day as ratiuired ay the .)rovisious of this or. ia:_:ce.
Section o. It Shull be unluwrui far any {Susan c-nductiag un auction ::Ouse, Or .Or any
pL;untrolter, juLt or saeoni».:a 1? dealer to buy, or to receive in pavan or for a:,le any c,,,3;.1ds or
chattels Or other article of pe_snnul. ',r3;lerty from tac 3--fiver of bay vagon, cart or Other
ve.licle or tae City of Cleurwutar or of cny lloansed contractor or transfer car:?pbny, wituout
h:Jvia,, first received the written consent of suoh.aobtrootor or:Lhe owner or manuger of such
transfer company or chief or head or the City nepurt-font in waic.h suca vragon,o_rt or venlale
is used, and such )4ritten consent Mall be :ilasl for inspectian far not lass thLn three (3)
_ Fab, :7h+-'':,? •8;5.•? ?'j,; ,'? .
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Section q. It is iteraby muds unlavirul for urt peroon aanduotl bn fiuotion hause
?)`•'a,+Y?+;g '::is`s'=' puwnorokar, junk or uaoond-itt+nd datler to 1oLa ,,,znay lto or buy or reueivo from uny tninsr
?$?,,Y `•;:i uny goods, ottuLtala or other article of ??ercanul ;)raparty; provided, ttov,a.nr, t1t?.t this
Section shall not apply to tiny rinor who ntin in his poasnsaian the written cono'Int to
tae nrodaued tranuootion signed by u purant or guardipn, nor shall it apply to tiny
?s ^yr € a , ;j; tttinar whom disi -Alitles of non-uge huva ooan rnnovod us pr3vl,dnd by ltttr.
jeotion 2. No F;aods or o1w;tela or urtioles of ;arnonal prnJort;; of ony kind or
t, vy yV t; chLrueter sliall be r,ald or Otherwise disp osad of by uny person o aiduuting ca auction
house, or by any pLtvnbrokor, f uttlc or seoond-nund deuler until Tan (10) days J1Lve
elupsod rrota the ti..e tna Chief of i'olioo two boon furnished rfith u copy or LrLnsoript
or the rar,;utter in w,ti.jh sold goods or ahuttoln or urtiules of p-irtional property ure
,:!.tr }=y entered.
Saatiari y. This ordinance u11u11 not relieve arty person, firm or corporation from
the paymant of any license tux uhon the swaa is now or iwy horeuftax we, exuotud by 6ny
t.•t w.. h 4: ordlLnenoe, and the Tux Collector uhull not issue to any person, rirm Or oOr4orutlon c
license to conduct un uuotlon mouse or to ourr;• an the business of L ptnrnbroker, or
;:a t ?tL ;.,,,;.,4•:•. j unl: or seoond-hand doular unt11 ne hoe received 1'rom the City tlommission Lnd File. Ath
all Tux Collector the ounuul panalt required by the torms of this Ordincace.
Section 1a. .11 the ltrrrisions noroin sr3vided far racaitiinU, rej;istori tt, ropartin:;,
ttaldinr, cn3 313 :ast,lr of ?ersanul property gcuerully ShL11 sfrooiVioe,ily a>>ly to ristalS,
.;u1,3 [, 13 Pire..us or _il inda.
?. 3aotion 11. .ny person violating tatty of the :[revisions of this Ordinance ali_,ll u-'=
i ' c3nvictian Chare3r itl the 1.:urioipt:3 ::curt ba fined not more than i`Cra riundrod (:°200.0;1)
Dollars or iwsr1e3n3d In L-3 l.utlleipcl J_ far not ::tare taLr..ilaUty (`),)1 days, or by
? w both fine anu i:ajrlsart:'oat, and arty person, first a. corporutian in the vialution Of tttl.s
? ? f:cr>=? Qrdln::noe 3aull ::s mnisaod in t110 stunner and to the ex-ant herein prov!dad.
?,rt J Section 11. ?.ll ordin:,noe3s sad ,arts of ordinanoss in conflict tam irovisions
be :.ta t4i4 e:zie urc lta?lory repooled.
Saotion 33. This Ordinuncc :Thull bocone of:ootive iruedl<_tel• upon ?G33Lg3.
by the City Go,-r:iusian of tae City of C1,icrwutor, Flori:L:
=' ^ y ? "us3gd an rust
tat dinr,, , t z n
{:.rs iiY'w:s i sussed an :;oaond .:HUdirLa .,SL'L1' l?t•?
resoud on Third ctaL3ltt 1 ., 17
?,? ? z;•?. 1..cyer-LAC ~ti:..t_ane i
. ? to r?.f . ,...
Clay wdltor unn Dlar
} 4 4e 1}itlr? :3n3r,,ble City Co:'utissioners
Jl:ar:rutur, Vlarida .
,s _ruotcas of tbr: sit; of Cloui-wrter w^tal?Jers? -2nsi.n und, you are 'wroby
n3tif1_d t,.-st Irvin uf,:,:,:1, a:' ti:a :,uglia aervtce :)d?L) rtn'o!lt :tt:a he-:n duly e::c.:-:Ined :tar t
?Y r loosl :yet-1L.: :n3 ! s ;ut,llfiad to baa3..e a ==bor o: th a . enc-lo n _'IL n.
' Y *. ?tifi Irvin iu:'1':Gn is Llso elig bla, subjact to tl:o : :r3vul of t,.e Board of
T r ? .rustooh, %3 to largth Of sor,•ino t',tth the ;.it;, etc. It is the '
sb; taco: .:ended b•
..dvisor; dau_d t::ct :t: b . Lcce-Aad 'into. Mb3.3^ to.
of t::a
+t r vi'; :u:td
Td (:fignud) Lea :.e:.utlen, ,Ihul: u; a
?S.• '! .5""";"'-?Y??„>t{.? f s N.t'XyVw+i.',lna'!?`i•u" `I ?r..- i•o -.. its.., ..V ..L V'•Y O»w+r.r Nr,+
r'Y "o5.'-:-r. 'inn
'3.. .. -gf:i5:a. *`j.l t"'. :;.. • -. f fr •. -"f, 1.i .? ,. - -? ?3.{: ',? "
!' 71
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