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ORDINA CZ NO.. 53& AN O;tDINIat#CE =ZIDIVO ORDnimuz 110. 404, ar3II?3 TIM MJFIO ORDIN41402 OF TliP CITY ? • ?, OF CLEWIATLR BY ESTABUM11 D A SPEED /=r MAIT 07 FIFTilil 6.51 MLES ru ilDUR I.; SCHOOL zOMS. ; BE IT ORDAI21E1) 13Y THE CITY CiYbWSSIOf; OF THE CITY OF C2.El. MATER, i :• FLORIDA 9 Sao. 1. That Ordinance No. 404, being the City Traffic , Ordinance, as amended, oa ube and tho stme is hereby further amended b Y adding o sabaeuti nor Sao. 60.(b), t providing speed re- striations in sohoal manes, as follows: ' ,(6) Fifteen miles per hots. in Pe any school zone." _,'s`..;?, C?r. ,';'``;"<,`•y:'.,". • Seo. 2. All Ordinances and rte":? Pa s of Ordinances is con- ? ??'; w' a'?? ;:`t°' i.?:?'g•'?;» ^'' :,:.,?,?{?; a.5? i=,,'; :'',• flict herewith are hereby repealed. Z?r ?- Sea. 3. This Ordintinae ohdl take afraot immodietelY N. r r i !? Yw upon passage. ` PASSED ;>.T.fiD l143I!PED by the city Commission or the City ,>,-- of Clearwater, Florida. PASSED an First Reading 11 1947- :PASSED an Second Reading _ M8V 5. 1947 e PASSED on Third Reading May ?. S Houz v ; 'a o ea asst ,, ", 4 Fr h • f 3 W Tftw%v-s a far t"r bttaine" to `yy? , • , ,E? 1 5";'S•'f`...t:°r-Lk"j•?'2V1?S?'^}[p'1y+? •?, er IV, 41 ts _ ..,1??-f-f• '? :sew F;?'- t' t?• ??r , {5r k`"j.3T 9't?! rr}L5•,.•i'A"?^y'Y?•?l?' ,S?Y'ii•.i' .1. •T=' 1.•'.' •. , r I " 'd4«'+N .,. ?LsT"'•! r-?>+S"? ,l p.. ..'e?Y.' A??•S':'?A '.'C, ?_ Y,. ..