527 ?. } L' .;? ms's j?•.?.?M]•?:, r.,'fE ?: .t,?;' ?4:" % ,c ?(t t t 4 Ai. ?: S .A' «S' q lY', ' `S ?r st ??! ?.'s.?"l;'i#{)'?',A Y't•:?E ~"'`'n•E-' ..59t•X•F7'.•ti.'."? :?I,w. 'S +?•T? "Cr '•ti ^,fi •`,'?°ks ": 1, 'Ef .?;:. a ?'r,51 . •'k', Z ' . 4.A, , ?' ::?; ??'.•?''.??:c•y :Fps '.`... S , '`. Vii'.:.;•: i•,? F Jt l.'••.ff.i?e'x ryl' u if °E•4y (,x •Sr?ip:d ...i zY? '.7' % f?. "•.t??.fii"13F.P?siiJ nr,r: ?r... . ;'a?9 S9 'i't 5 .?... •?.. as s: 1.: °r r 47 ... ..• a . .. ..- s.f'f 1'•.'.,.,1.' .c"A "?i .'r...? ?1.•, a w:J r. /s `Iks , .. . ,.v:?i? . ./:'.er,'.'ir IT F „__ ..,. N .. CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORILA ORDINANCE NO. 527 AN OhDINANCE GRANTING TO FLORILA POWER CORPCRATION, ITS LEGAL REFRESENTATIVES, SUCCESSORS ANL ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, AND PRIVILEGE OF, AND FRANCHISE FOR CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING AND OPERATING AN ELECTRIC POWER PLANT A ND LISTRIBUTION SYSTFU IN 411E CITY OF CLEARAATER, COUNTY OF PINELLAS, ANb STATE OF FLOPS DA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COf1MISS10H OF THE CITY OF CLEAMVATER, PINELLAS COrNTY, FLORICAt Section 1. That the said ',ity of Clearwater does hereby give and grant un- to Florida Power (6Iosparation, a corporation organized and exlst!ng under the lays of the-State of Florida, and to its legal representatives, successors and arraigns, the right and privilege of a franchise for constructing maintaining and operating for a period of twenty (20) years, in the said City of 6learwater, an electric power plant, substation and distribution ayatem, or other lighting; sgstem for the purpose of lighting by electricity the streets or public aquarea of said City and the dwellings, houses and places of buslneas of its inhabitanta, and for the purpose further of generating and distributing and/or transmitting electric current for the purpose of light, power and heat, or any other purpose for which electricity may be used. Section 2. That the said grantee shall have for a period of twenty (2(,) years, the privilege, franchise, power, right and authority to lay, erect and maintain in and upon the squares, streets, avenues, alleys, wharves,, viaducts, bridges, and/or other public thoroughfares and parts of said `'ity, as they non exiat or may here- after be constructed, opened, laid out or extended within the present limits of said City, or within such territory as may hereafter be added to it, all necessary poles, or other supports, conductors or appliances for the pales or other means of conveyance to be used in transmitting electric currant for the purpooe of lighting, heat or power,' or for such other purposes as alaetricity may be used, and for this purpose the authori- ty and right is hereby granted to make all.neeessary excavations in said squares, streets, avenues, alleys or other thoroughfares and pi rta of said City; and the grobtee shall bave the right) power and authority to fasten and to stretch and lay along the line of said poles or otharimeas of conveyance, all the wires or other mediums necessary for transzhitting; and conveying the electric current to be used in said business, together with all the right and privileges necessary or convenient for the full use or enjoyment thereof; including the right to trim, cut and :seep clear all trees and limbs along said lines that may in any way endanger the proper operation of the same; and shall have the right, privilege and authority to construct, erect and maintain in auidCity a power house, substation or central plant or plants, with all the engines, boilers, dynamos, machines and devices, and appliances that may be required for generating electricity, and for carrying on the business a- foreaaid; provided that in accomplishing the purpose aforesaid the streets of said City shall not be unreasonably obatructed, and that such work ahall be done and carried on in conformity with such reasonable rules and regulations with reference thereto as may be adopted by the City Commission of said City for the protection of the public; and provided, further, tta t the paid arantee shall aasume all liability for damage or peracra 1 injury caused by its negligence in doing such work. Section 3. No portion of the streets or public places shall be disturbed, nor poles located thereon, or excavations made therein., or other disturbances what- ever in or upon any street, avenue, public place, or public alley, without first applying to the City 14anagar and submitting a plan or detail of the proposed change and receiving the approval of the City +"anager for such work and the opening of the street or public place therefor. The grantee shall take precautions to secure persons and property from damage by reason of work whataver done under this grant, or the permits aforesaid, and shall likewise observe all the regoiren en to of the ordinances of the City, now or hereafter passed, governing such work or the didtur- bances a opening of the streets. Section 4. Any and all provisions canta,ned in the ordinances of the City, now existing or hereafter passed, providing for police regulation of such construc- tion and maintenance as the grantee proposes to construct and maintain, shall be and is lareby made a part of this franchise and the grantee accepts same subject thereto. ' Section 5. Any portion of thn streets and public places which the grantee disturbs or excavates in any of its construction shall be kept in repair by the grantee, and this liability shall continue during the life or exiatance of the particular pavements disturbed or broken. When such puvamenta are relaid by author- ity of the City, thin liability shall cease. Section B. The City of Clearwater shall have the rirht at any time to require the grantee, its successors or asaigns, to take down and remove all or any part of its poles, wires, and overhead construction., and place the said wires underground under such reasonable conditions as the City may require under a general ordinance applicable to similar companies. Section 7. The City reserves the right to string wires upon any poles erected and used by the grantee, said wires to be used for any mumlicipad purpose except street 11=hting. Share shall be no charge by the grantee for'ths use of r E , ' .Ee "ft ??•y.,!,??t:,?'Srl?`,?-'??r'c?:. Vi'`'i,. G:,1M? v- r ?fri},+ :a•{.t Sts:' '!?••'y`Fr 3?` 1, ,lip ;':',j,` :. r% .,p??f.?•A?„<` . .7 ,,? ,? -?-?-_..,..?- -___?? ?---- -•--- ,-- --- --"-- 'mss. 1,s :a,?ie?*?it,;,.?;;?:j, c {,?. t ?' S ::a, 4 i .•y' .?:. j;. is t. 1 a ' .;:P;= '•e' ''yr is ';v;s?; "r" .s' ct i : .-tie .. H _ {',`g° •:.; r 'rt e-?:f•: +j 1,3...x. ,F ' ^. ?'? • •1.• '.?? .? .'??..fir i??,,1.+o'F .}tl.t' - ° ..'Y:'?•cr• ??+???.?: y:.'y`f?, .",?pp,'ris9'1i+?t#?i??L?sPfltilud_°?;;,_^:, .. .,??'. .'fr•'.c .s:?.. "il-. _ -i'; `trft?slf[ t'k tiL 'tl?rT.r !' .. ...._. ,-.. _.. .- ,- .. .. .. ., '.A7. ut,. ... ,....?c'W' ' k ?tCx {?.' '?,rfi'3sark.;s:Lt:,?:' Fr! sa "' .'}.?, e .-l..'t i'•' '`'4,'^- -'il ?, ?r;l.,b.„-3 r. ';?, .';.: ij5? :" -'%? a4 V. ? j''..a+ w+,. y.. .5 .:?.:' `';`. ,,? ,. h l., 'w ?.-•-r( ' a4r'' • 0.E d `s?.'s'(> ,. ` MOB W)m Ewa 'r [' D+'( .t t. iii: j„r,'? inR?f• .. , - r •r Florida Power Franchise ordinance 627 :,;• :{'r `jl?... •,? ` Continued. amid poles by the City. khan stringing wires upon the grantee's poles, the City agrees to conform to standard electrical practices. Section B. The grantee agrees' that the materials to be used in the tilrl+:' .; constructiona'and maintenance of the system and the service to be rendered thereby " shall be in every respect equal to the average of cities and towns in thin vicinity 's -share electricity is used; and agrees that in providing service under the pro- -? vlsiona of this franchise it will conform to standard electrical practices ar.d will give to the %li ty of " laarwa ter and its Inhabitants the some favorable conalder•ation extended to any other city or town in ?lrrida of sis.ilor size nerved by the grantee under like conditions. Section 9. That the said grantee shall have the right and privilege to r t enlarge such power plant as it may construct, increase the number of polea, convey- - ancea or appliances, extend its wires, linen or conveyances, and to generally de- ValoiAW_thanga its services oi+methods to meet the growth andprogress of a!"Id-City and to conform to the scientific and mechanical advancement and discovery of the age,-and that such work shall be done and carried on in conformity with such ran- 's ? V 't4'. y' T 1. tf°i i Py':•,r k{'may,:; ?sTi§.-;.??d"d .iir cp..? it nonable rules and regulations w.tht reference thereto, as may be adopted by the ity Uormnieeion'of this said municipality. Section 10. As a further consideration of this franchise, said City of Clearwater agrees not to engage in the business of distributing and selling elec- tricity during the life of this franchise or sny extension thereof in competition with the grantee, its legal representatives, successors and assigns. Provided that the City of 4learwnter reserves the right to generate and distribute electricity for its own municipal purposes. Section 11. It in convenented and ngraed by and between the City of Clearwater and Florida Power uorporntion, its legal representattvan, successors and assigns, that the municipality reserves the right at the expiration of five (5) years after the effective date of this ordinance, and at the expiration of each and every five-year period thereafter, and at and after the expiration of this franchise, to purchase all of the property and property rights of the corporation, including the distribution system, lines, conduits and other conveyances for distributing said electric current, or property used under or in connection with the franchise, which nhali be located within the corporate Limits of the City}. The property shall include all contracts for service fairly and reasonably made in good faith by the corporation. Thn Zity of Clearwater further reserves the right to purchase such property and property rights, and ouch extenaiona thereof, or ouch part of such property as the City may desire to purchase, and the grantee desires to sell, outside tho corporate limito of the City, There are, however, excepted from this reservation other poorer plants erected outside the corporate limits, and high tension tr'anamisaion lines owned by the corpora tion•and connected with ita general aystem of transmission and distribution, and used for the pvrpoaa of serving coarmunities other than the grantor herein. In the event that the municipality exercises its right to purchase the said properties as herein provided, the priea'to be paid shall be fixed upon a valua- tion of the pr perty, which valuation shdl be determined by arbitration, as may be provided by Lai, or shall be fixed at a valuation and in the munnor as may be de- termined by the atatutory authority now or hereafter granted to muricipslitiea for the• purchase of municipal electric or gee plants. In fixing the palue of the property and prom rty rights to be purchased by the City, this franchise ahall riot under any circuastandes be considered as having any value whatsoever. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to take away, reatrlct, impair or abrogate any of the rights an granted by the general statutes of the State of 'lorldn to municipulitiea to purchase such properties at a vat uution and in the manner as may be provided by such statutes, and the City of "lea;water does reserve unto itself all a•ch rights now or hereafter granted to it by charter, general statutes, legialative acts or othorwicse; it being the sense and intention that the City of Ciearw&t er may avail itself of any such alternatives in eatnbiiahing a price for the purchase of said properties. Within ninety (9u) days after the ex irstion of the 3rd, Bth, i3th and/or 18th years of the term of this franchise, the city of Clearwater, by resolution adopted by the 61ty Cormiaaicn, shall have the right to demand and receive from the grantee a statement showing the value of all the grantee}n property and property rights in the 61ty of Clearwater. Said atatexent shall be furnished to the City by the grantee within one year from and after the waking of such request by the City, and shall be prepared in such n manner an to show the various items and assets that go to make up the valuation of%the grantee"a property and property rights In Clearwater as shown by said statement. In the evert that the City exercises its option to purchase at any period during the life of the franchise, it shall notify the grantee of its intention to to do by written notice at least aix months prior to the expiration of said period or periods of years. The grantee agrees that in the event the amity exercises the said option as herein provided, the City shall have a period not to exceed two years frcm the date of said written notice to complete.ita negotiations and purchase of the said property in accordance herewith. rrovided, however, that the said limitation of two ..i. ' a? "•? ?°,,..,JL..-..?',}...?,.....,0?."?"'•""+?.^•'•+!'r,''?,R„".-w^-'?^,•.' ?- ?n-• '?.,r.... .?,?•- -'mow^-?11r+•? ?,•••--?r- 'r^^ ?.n? ?..- t T'°' .?.. f?. i??}T :..?. ..fir r.. .. ±+ .... ........... •. .. . - 1 r , `'•r 4?: :.rya.` .,` :(?,. 'a!? e i.? ? ?'•- `-' tit `.• ?i'i epiF . l its ?M1 t'.. •v.?}F .i.jh, _ ,-??•.k. •{, stir' ?F'. ' ,$?? art'' •.?" 2:'•,: 1. 1 is .; t•' ¢4'.° i?? • s. ? "R?°' g.i ,.: ?s. r. .c? •?' ?:. c - yy Y.' •1w'•)•'r'1'' e k ¢i.' I f „tx •,?iZ?5'7 ., tl s` :. ).ef'"e?` 'F; ?:r: ° e•.. - ... ?}? , „' i>:'?..j{: ?;y`L- ,r?:.?,: ??f ?% ??h' E ?_k •'1fiy. .<+x,:_",,.:..... 4.x t ? ??.c ?; ;?n.x'; _.:' ?''-..-._..?r ?. Fri "«... ,s.v-. ?•.,s,•.. r." @•}s t ?,iew ...i.:,.? v7'^ ••e I'.:::.. :.(:.: 'J ' ,. .._ _. • .s: >, M-r•t li. rr': ? :aw%:. _ tsr• .5• ? ?-.wsuY ? i . •t:''^,_•.?.i:r'?PP`?:,'r. -15^° .J 7, .1, t , '.{1...'':'y:rt:` ,?. ..? "v.•, "r. ''? .-. ? 9:•_r!.i! i"r):??? "1%^:?i' t ?` t°i i",,*.•'.R,7+ .f,?' S r''A ,' ? .r ::?.• ..r,''rS :>•' -;...,, ?. e?.r, ..,pit:.`;°',ta.i ? .. .!: •'??',r. ?tl:. :U '.? "'.,,:.,• ,::?f.,' , - _3_ ads . Jda ' ' ii s < Florida rower Franchise Ordinance #627 Continued. t P yearn shell not apply if litigation for the purchase of the said properties ' hn 11 i ht of the ranee under this In then pending. In the event of pure ae, a r g r3 franchise shall terminate, and the grantee shall have no further right to render ; o , service except upon consent and permit of the City. l N. ; • ; t r Nothing in this section shall prevent the 4it7 from acquiring the said 4 property and property rights of the corporation within the corporate limits of ',' ` > :, ''. • the City by oondemnatien proceedinve or by any other lawful manner; and all such , _ ; . methods of acquisition shall be alternative to the power of purchne reserved in the grant or renewal thereof as herein provided. rr"' ". Section lk. That upon the annexation of any territory to the %ty, the portion or such utility that may be located within the annexed territory, or upon the public streeta, alleys, or public spaces thereof shall thereafter be subject to all the terma of the franchise as fully as though by express extension of such franchise or grant, except an hareinbefore provided. " Section 13. The grantee shall have the right to make reasonable rules r and reguia tions for the use of electric energy sold and distributed by the grantee to private parties and for municipal purposes, and the rates to be charged to the ublic shall at all times be under the auperviaion, direction and central of the ?ity Commission. rrovided that the raters charged to the public shall be sufficient !Y' to insure a reasonable return on the investment of the corporation used or useful in rendering service under this franchise. Such rates and regulations shall in no manner conflict or interfere with rulings or regulations of the State Railroad ;i Commission, or of any other State governing board or commission having jurisdiction ,;i ,;'; err,.,;,- ; in the premisea by virtue of any general State law. Upon the effective date of this , • r'' .?:'::'- "• franchise, the rates to be charged shall not exceed those set forth in schedules attached hereto and made a part of this franchs e. .:?yi''•-?''.i: ;. _ Section 14. As a further consideration for the granting of thin franchise, " ? the said grantee shall, during the term of this franchise, pay to the "ity of ' ?' ' ;,r,; :• :' Clearwater as a burden imposed by this ordinance, and an one of the expressed con- , ; ;.;;? :,::,.;; _.'.'•.-;;;.,,,l,;,,,«' ditiana and considerations for the franchise, rights and privileges granted and ' _ conferred by this ordinance, 4% of the gross receipts from the sale or electric s. , ?•'r:';4,: '`;,'. ,;^ '- '':.+` : energy to the City or Clearwater. The said grantee shall be required to keep proper books of account showing monthly groan receipts from the sale of electric energy within the corporate Limits of the City of Clearwater, and shall make a statament ' t?:;; f„-i". ;'•"T" in writing showing such receipts for each semi-annual period ending June 30th and e•'.• ,r,l'-', ; :-'r? _;;' ,' December 31st of each and every year, and based on such statements shall make payment to the City Tax Collector the amount duo. Section 15. As a further consideration for the granting of this fron- ; ;?1 chine, the Florida Power Corporation agrees to furnish electricity to the City of r} ?.; Y'.s ;'„ • °:..; :.,":" ; ',; Clearwater for all municipal purposes at a base rate not to a :geed one and one- .„ , . . ;• . per kilowatt hour said base rate to be subject to existing fuel quarter (11) cents .f . _,,?f .. ,>..',t,,,.,F,,, +; , ail adjustment:proviaians in the Company's service contract with the "Sty. =: '! -, i`'<: ' ! ' :.• - . Section 16. The grantee shall within ninety days after the and of its .'. ;:. fr. !1,; •. fiscal year, when requested by renclution of the "1 ty Commission, file with the f' '=, , v.;.`., ..: •:^, ::: %; `' City a complete financial report of its operations in the 6ity of Clearwater for . . n.' the preceding fiscal year ' shown by the books and records of the grantee, and ouch other information as the City Coaminaion may from Limo to time Fequire.'. Y'..+ It shall be the duty of the grantee to furnish such au Epiementory or special infer- "'.''•'';':: mation concerning its operations in Clearwater as the ity Cc=ission may from time to time demand. If at any time the grantee fails to furnish the City with any re- part or information so requested by the City,theh any auditor or accountant regu- larly employed by the City shall have full access to all the books, recoi?da, and papers of the grantee for the purpose of obtaining therefrom the information so requested by the City, with the privilege of taking copies of the books and records of the grantee or any part thereof. The provisions of this section ahall not apply to the operati'ons of the Florida rower Corporation in other communities not proper- ' ` ly suburban to the City of "leorwator, except insofar as an examination of the grantee's ;t;,t',;'; :,:•t'• ', s: ; ;? .'; r,I books and records pertaining to other communities hay be necessary In order to secure ::.;;; ' ; , •{; :? '.`.;' -.', ; ; the raquaated information pertaining to the operations of the grantee in the City of . , st,_, f'` '• ;!, `• Clearwater. Section 17. This franchise shall not be loosed, assigned, or otherwise " alienated except with the express consent of the City Cormiission. Section 18. In the event that the grantee herein or its legal representa- ::} ., _tivea, successors or a.isaigns_.ahall violate any of tl^a terms, prvviaiona, or condi- tions of t:is grant or franchise, and shall continue to violate such terms, pro- visions or conditions.for a period of thirty (3U) days after notice in writing gi%an by the City Commisston to desist from such vivlaticn, then the "ity Commission i may declare a forfeiture'ul said, grant or franchise, in the manner prescribed by the { statutes of the State of "lorida. ,' . "•, "' If any action shall be instituted or prosecuted directly or indirectly , ' b the grantee or its laga by 1 representatives, successors or ass..gnn of this grant 4"•.ryi f'f'r,';;:;,;'• r' ='s>,;f;r.`'':°'. ' or franchise, or by its stockholders or creditors, to not aside or have declared ,.`'s„`-?fr;i * ; `, {,: r "',•`•: ' t void any of the terms o:' this grant or franchise, the whole of such grant or fren- ?' •,I,:::y,.fn s;1?,::_. = ;',;:•.';`:°,''..':'- chine way thereupon be declared forfeited and annulled at the option of tho City Cammiaslon, in the manner as above provided. t "' F ;.;?;("N1'4,ar i 'ia •' ' * If the City CommInsicn shall prescribe the form for such reports, then the items shall be Fade in the fors from time to time prescribed a: es I ;.aye, `•7 E.`- q ,,H - .A•l.? .: it ``e'rrs 'e, F ` ' ?., =,tis •,S}f 1?.i ?1.:, '?„1'•.; .y:r?-'.tA 7' ?,, 451'(;, r '. '. ''•.f ??.. ?<^ L,??' {? ""'.?R. n•3"'.e?i: `?ri i:>5 .., :,1}i s. .":.1?.. _ _. .:_ ? i. ._. ...w.l f ...r. ., ..r I.,h .tip. r - -... - .. ? f .., .-1 .. --?-3??,.; .I?f:.. «. r.... , i-- ` d 5 . r. •. T is < :,r . l • .. . • f• w t: f 1.4 1 71 !C' J k t' ?'• - ... 'Err r? r. , H i' rr ', d r . l Fey'. +:. ?'J 'r?: -4' 't• ?:?i 1` t' r? r'rto -?f -i• ''t` .. {'y1•.°Y? ? t C" ? „' 'd ?.?. f(-ai {{ q,'1 . ° r V ..t€.' i'"ti?:. '.11`['•9 _ '?. •z?. 5? .T' ?'! t? drEr.,.,y.,"",?',i'. ,s','. .. .,. -.rS1.. ??..:,_',"...r:,:>,.:.:.w>:u.i;.;...; a...w?'.;:Yi.w?f.`?`fii S ."....L.? _.r.,..`_.'r=.rd^.>a,.. . ?~'rir..?e?,n. r't' I[ ?.{. '.? V:.?y-?Qi;•?, _qrz`. }h"-'. srirF:3yF ., ?i .std- - '.°'ir .,?,?.:. » " , . . r r^'"-§_ .Sarw E +•.•....+ s <rkr.e :ri t .:r.1i1r,??'.?.,;,r „sti"_x.,• ti ,r E - --?- -.._ ._-__-- - -r--?_._.....n_ _._. _.?..-_. _....."......??.....-,-,...,..- .. Florida rower Franchise Ordinance #527 Cor}jtinuad. i I• •{F4j?i??' 'r ' ...;. .. x-: is .._ . 1. - I ,j? w. rr f, . 4 I? ;'f:' .;r?•( 1?/,. Via,. " • "4? tai. if n'?; • ?• _'TR ?? rf: fr1° ••rf:?,?s,•• •}.L ?.9 .. s:; 73.3' "' ? ,r.. ,?§' E ••k .r*?e siti,yid„l. i•?,f', `.? :', ?•;=e•'. ?r, ...•";:'e; : ?_?? +.r=?'{?•N `, 7',ti?1 _.'???t' X1.1, :Y, ;. 3 ,its aye: `?a??aES?'?$(?; ???' E;? •• ' Seotion 19. Thin grant is made on the further and exprova condition that the grantee will, within thirty (301 dsya from the effective date or this ordinance, file with the uity Clerk of the city of Clearwater a written acceptance or this grant, which acceptance will acknowledge that the grantee is and shall be subject to trhe'aeveral sections of this ordinance and shall also be subject to all present and future ordinances at' the City of Clearwater relating to the construction, equipment, maintenance and operation of wirea, conduits, cables, poles and similar eonatructions, and also to those ordinances relating to the distribution and sale of electric current for the purpose of power, lirht, and heat. On failure of the grantee to file written acceptunce within th- time stated, then all riebt, authority, and perrIasiona granted under this ordinance shall cases and become of no benefit. Section 20. Thiu ordinance shall become effective upon the some being legally passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of 6learwater, and Up- on the acceptance of this franchise by the grantee as hereinobove provided. Section 21. All ordinances and parts of ordinances'in conflict with this ordinance be and the some are hereby repealad. Passed on first reading Oct. 10, 1946 ?- Passed on second reading Oct. 10, 1946 Passed on third reading Oct_ 10 1946 0 i ayor- orr¢aiaeoner A G R E E M E N T THIS AOREEIIENT, Made and entered into this lUth day of October, 1946, by and between the CITY OF CL AP,WATER, a municipal corporation within the State of Florida, lxrainafter called the "Lunicipality," and FLORIDA POWER CORrOlLkTION, a corporation otganized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, herein- after called the "Company"; 6f1TNFdSET111 Tha in consideration of the sum of One holler (?I.UO1 ;Did by each of the parties hereto to the other, the receipt of which In hereby acxnoww ledged; and in further consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein ccntained to be performed by the parties hereto, it is mutually covenanted and agreed; I. That the Company binds itself, its legal repro ientativea, successors and assigns, to furnish and to sell to the Municipality, and the 1unicipality hereby binds itself to buy of Florlde, rower Car oration, its legal repreaentativea, successors and assigns, all of the electric energy required by the Municipality, except for resale and as hereinafter provided, for the operation of Its water pumping plants, gas works, sewage disposal pumping stations, causeway drawbridge, for the street lighting ayatema (ovorhsad and ornamental past) and for lighting service to all miscellaneous situations now connected, and for similar situations that hereafter may be added, and not to generate such energy itself, except as hereinafter pro- vided for the supply of emergency service, or purchase it elnewhere, except as and when the Company is unable to furnish it or refuses without legal excuse to do so. II• . In consideration of the above agreement, the Municipality, during the en- ties per ad of this agreement, binds itself to pay to the Company monthly for ail electric energy used and consumed at the following rates, to-wit: RATE rER MONTH: 1. Mg per 1RYR Fuel Adjustment; Energy Charge ah 11 be increaand or decreased S.ODU15 (15/100 CC a mill) per KWH for each five cents (5¢1 above 6 1 . U b or b a 1 c w $.9U per barrel, reapectively, in the pub- l1shed price of Hunker "C" fuel ail, f.o.b. storage tanks at Port Tampa, Florida Where services can be consolidated, the Municipality will provide arch consolidations to eliminate separate metering. ` ..t i:'G°.`.^ir .GYYV, :y.'+' - f/,-1t .. .n .. .,,,.-" _. ttlnr M n. " - .a ,;• 1I f'F s 'J *•t.1 ' -?'•. • ?• ! r ._ . , + a .:pies x'1 •?14, i.ti t,`. .- 19! ,, , t:e '. 'd J??'? .:,Yd i .R,:. _ • , ... i. .I .. - .- h°. 'r.. - r . ,?1 •fts'P. ' •?. 'til. r as:, :%: x'%.t,i*•::,}:°• ' ,' r4"? rfi ?i "r•s (!: . L t fu .'i C' r ??x..-? m• 4 7 q yy T ^-•.4•< Ott' q''i :" ':.r f? r?~,?:`• `'a:..,, ?°. - t g;!,•. •r- e 't• j ..d. '. f•• .r'? .a, •'s , Y. .S.- .S !y?'???? S ?F .. «,1w.• ?: •. .. nAb.iw :ASlrYlt ?° ????}a? J:(•,?.:i' ?'rr *,'} ,• •. kl`,° •i+'.- •'?;.' ? .? 'S .?.y•_ 'i: # ,.?;x?.b.'::? ? ?[ i.,.:.a??rsi'+ »....r,lr .z? 0=•' ?3' ?. I''?'., s'. ;'. ,?''S i, r?.. ?.::?.. < ?L' a t". !,' '??.r • ?`•1i; ? '; :.1 ; `'.F• RCS -'?1 -:?+?';:'"'s??'s: ?'??; .,?...r._,_?? J t .. a. ,t';- ,' , -: tie rF, '.? i/': . , 'S.. 3?.,t ... • Agreement-Plorida Power Corporation Continued. It-la agreed that the electric energy supplied under this agreement ?. „• stall be delivered as follows$ To Water rumping Plants and Gas Works (served from 2300-volt master-metered ' service supplied at 23UU volts and delivered at function pole located 1. orkaple Street, one span west of Alden Avenue, and measured by 23U0-volt meter. ing equipment installed on polo located adjacent to gas plant engine room. r1 , r To Water Pumping rlants (Hot sorvod'from mastar-watered circuit), Sowage Lila- Ronal PmapinE Stations and Causeway Crawbridgar f.. ., service delivered at each location and measured at =r - ... °. pri=ory voltage at Company's option. The Municipality shall furnish and maintain the necessary step- down transformers and provide meter connection at each location, Street Li htina S atoms (except Clearwater Beach) At bus bar of Company's substation. Service delivered and measured at approximately 4,000 Volta, three phase. Clearwater Beach (street Lighting) , } At Island and of causeway. Service delivered and measured at approx- imately 2300 volts, single phase. &Iscellaneous Situations (par schedule attached) Service delivered and metered at each locations, single p1% so, lib or 115/23U Volta. The Company will furnish and install the necessary meters adjacent to each location, the registration of which metaros ahbll constitute the basla of computation of bills for energy consumption. IV. Bills for electric energy shall be rendered monthly by the 0ompany and shall be due and payable within ten days from date rendered; and it is further atipulated that the Company shall have the right to discontinue the delivery of electric energy to the ?aunicipality under this agreement in the :, "'•:,:;:-'.„ event the Municipality to the Company, aS herein provided, or in the event the Municipality otherwise violates this agreement .F." provided the Company obeli '`''',=_',r,,•..,,,,'s ;:.,'i give the Municipality at least sixty dayst written notice of its intention to discontinue delivery of electric energy and the reason therefor, and the - .n-•' icipality shall have such period in xhich to pay the Sum d=o or make good such violation. V. Innsmucti as the Municipality has installed a boiler in connection with its incinerator plant for the disposal of rubbish and garbage, and has installed a steam driven generating unit for the utilization of Such steam as mm y be produced by ?.': ,i j'• the said in Inerator boiler, it is hereby understood and agreed that the tlunici- pality hhall ka ve the right and privilege of connecting its wires from its generator, through suitable protective equipment to be approved by the company and with synchronizing equipment, all to be furnished by the Municipality, with the in- 4''''° coming electric service supplied by the Company to the was plant and water pumping stations for the purpose of permitting the Ltunicipality to operate its generator in ..J';u': parallel with the Company's system and to utilize to the fullest extent such enorhy as may be generated from the Steam supplied by the indinerator boiler, The Muni- ' cipluity agrees that it will operate its generator of proper excitation and that ?,:;,:'; ':`:r ,''•'' it will not use Steam from the boilers of the gas plant for the operation of acid steam engine unlaaa the Company, for any cause, is unable to supply the require- ..- ;'.{,:.,..'• .,i ments of the Municipality. The Company has installed disconnecting switches at ;,_'..t• or near its meter through which service- is supplied to the Municipality for water ,T pumping and gas plant usage so that these switches may be auunec in ti-a sent if ' the Company is unable to supply energy to the 'r:unicipallty for voter Pumping. stutlan3 fro:: l: stuoc driven E,anerator; it be.n,, understood and .,.reed, however, '`''•"' °''• tt`.} :1.:.t :vixen such interruption of service ,'•.a€ been oorrveted, the Compcny shall rkve ~s{` the right to reconneut its £ervzce to the circuits supplyint, the '. ?. ., station: end LLS plant, and the =nlcipallcy will i:i:•euit.tuly raLu=e tLt..nt, service fray the ca'-pulls ',J ?'j??: '•""-_'?";?„ :1?',• it is furthet• &,.reud &.-.d cive:lantEC tt:.r. the i7o"puny »..511 :JL oe l.aulo „•;? "'i': r dL:iL1-,e ? or }'n'urY S C to yursorE or property L•rJsIi1C1 oceurri.^4 ?: i't:M4wt{' i:. tre ),. •A't `r:fYl i ? • `'i •L ;y',i< •Wj? a^FI.` rv'i?,,t: t,:ir°'} T'e.'.t3l Viuse Jr or elootric -nerey or 7ptl:'Lt:.:.& ?I' ...f.?.r.+.1at?,ry Or t.cyl:I rl= nC ?i°; ,' ?;F: :? '• j;;":'' as Lhe ::uni+:ipLlity'3 -.tae =f the ;saints of delivtry (rsx.:npt LS ._:aiu_i'tEr prov.crd In the misconduct or reLl_tance on the part of tre l:aa?toy in t::e a;:er:t_an az:d main ar.?ace of ave:7ead street liLrt_nL ogZte=) , and tine wuul cipel! ty rt.eii of to liable tar dEi=ake or ir.j:ry to sersora of property Lr.n1nL, iccurrini or reEultinL #5?: 'I };r" ;;• '' '. ?, in the construction, neintenance and opt3:t•t.'on of the L'o:.1pLny1s Ines tnd equipment on the Company's side afthe po,nts o•' deliv•-r, ; end the Co:-_pany an4 the :;unit' polity •.r it?'i r*"'r?"'`-`+-,•;',<r'': ''4 shall held and Serve etc:. atr•ar rCr(trlass trpLiri:it sucA ass ar a"a4.e suaLi.l.:?e. on ?y'':x?ir? `'?„irflf' •L?.i :•S<', sr-'}r:`z„` . their respective aieus of ti.e yai:.ts or c i r ry. 'VAN , " ' ' t `,7' , ••• p'Yr Y. .-1'• -+1 }.? it ' \` . ^ j••?. '-• ':053 <3 to ?'?:•_ .}?':rC+'r,; ,.t:? _?.' ' a t 5 ' 4 ?«,i,'. 'ta• ,•,S l'?Y •.f}•a'; e•9 •: ',i:?,i:;,iii. •%?''r'?v. ? ,?t is .:a``a? r-`3; gin',",°•:}. ''? Y ••1'. "r' % ._ '"y ,?s.:; ..-: :??ti:.,,,• ? .. :t ' e t ? .;.'i. .1 .s, A•.r,'.x, ?t.3v I?p :C' ''»« })°;. •. k?..' - • y ,, ?. ,i.Pe . .ry..y_ ? .- ' ' ? ? : i . _ ; al ,V : 'i. _ qE "w"r,. '! ' r " • ih . :?!1 rr s: a _• ?• r-j?r.3 " .. :; oa mil l F. :L ;..qr . . j 3J• .1•:?,?;r?. •-r :t' ) .a•• tp P.. *A - qtr ..}:? 't. - , F 3' c .E i. `~yv`w.;''?'..r ,':`•`e 1•' ' I a iT.§Yi#.;a']isal•."?..iH`w°il..?..°•.'.r!.:a''=sae J.e' • +3X ?..?. rp? ?rft. >?'.?];,,,.:"t.?i.n:.wkS.j SiiiF •t.''`l. ?. v?';.:,:!:':.C.Y.ii:- «5:T .. ? ,..r:.air .;r «I ` j*V?+1..:.?..?"^?:y-. y{ ? b?: ,.+iSF:?'.ik •_S' (p, J,3Frr ! ? r•+'.... sr S' .. 4 , , ? "•', w c .n'.• 'JII It i0 further covenanted and aLreed Chet tr.u :Iunlri}Llity at arty ruLnan..i7le tia.e, upon noticf, to the Co:.ipeny, rhtl1 hive t1.e rit: '. In t:.u pr e:enao of un Officer, nttent or desiEneted e.nllloyee of the Conpeny to recd %nd chock T.I., Czr;tpuny's .':eters Ltnd/or :oterint, equ! :r,.' nt, ChaLtld it s0 tleE_ra', and c? au;d treru be -.ny dtscGreei!ient ns to the correctness or ro_dinrA.snd/or.Laauraey of the acid meters 7r r.eturin._ egt;!7r.unt, the purtles hereto shall ,lointly test BL.ild meters, but it is hGrell;* ; Lreed that t !A ELId Llete. c ar.d/or In,terirL equlpmcnt shell b•t -unsidered within the aer+^.l:L av•-rtce •-.ceurt)ey nrovlded stlibrttion is 1,tthin two !)orront (2y'Y) of accuracy. LCh0uid the r•meterr be beyond the Laid rcnta of acourucy, an ad!ustmont ahall be bared an theav?:-cte :7f tte three mor.tl)et eonr:wiptlon 1.:nr.edtataly prior to the period in ueation, '.ut no ad!ut;truant °ht,ll extend over L ;)crud of r•.are titan throe r,ontha. Vill It Is •'urther covenanted r;nLt e,,rr, sd tho.t ln,--nuuh an -he Ca:.: )any alms the ovLrhecd stroet liLhtin,. cyr..tera: and enuiaenrtt, and will awn the urnunentt l pact street lls htlnL system Lr4 eo6ti).rant' installed !;•a the ca' )-ny, t!.e -.to fir enor.,y herein stiaulated stall include the ;.L!rt.annr:Ce !::• tte st its .:ost r-n'zl ex,wrine, :a: t!-e ataErhenG street lit_l.t!1!t s;•nteL.: fan; %nd rLid crna:..er.t;:l •)ort ?-i•«et 14hrin, syr:tem rand e^u'_p:.ent 1.7 t:.Ilcri '_y thn r,o ,nry -rid rep I- -^ .ent of uulbs in its 5i.ld .%-ctens; Leal Ft is furtt.er ,,::•!evt: told tins fti.feLA tr,: t u;)an Var!ttert r?.iueet of t,%e :!unicipslity th6 ;,ar•.pdr1• will -st intf.11n tt:e arr. _ :tut aoet ..tr.-Pr li?httnh uy the SGni_i,slity 110%1 extutint,, :JI• suet, ucolt!.:ns ram l eras: t.. L ? Jc u) L,,e :G:aei?,c 11ty, JG Lhe Lt a1s 111 cUnt '.'lttn L&tl w . 'Gnat (ii-;c) . ?L ie 1111'L:.dt' ,?7H. t:._L :l:C t.aLn!?l1):Llt;. 1'e:.er'V?s La.t :i?:.? L7 "Y :C .]aC.1C ;rat.e_ of i! L;ra to !:z ur ed so to retul?-te L:^.ta ..Juts :)I I,u_ n1n,+ of said t t n St i1?lrtiL4 S t a.lan . It is ft.rthor c.,ve:.tAiiLaU adn 8,ruau ti,LL upc>r. raus:,nt:i.le r.atiue fear, trio :..%..,iCtytlity in writl..6, the Coul,f:ny ;.F.1 trznsfer uny lwap Ftrstf.Llt?tlon Ft._•LLe avL,.tut.a .treet il?t:tie6 eyste..: tlovE oxtutint or as r.eraefter .uy -is a,:Llec, and inatull tLe sa,::e In uny JtLer i_uati:n in the e%I'tLint system, Pravided, i.at:faver, tabt the :.:unici t licy All -.Aw in t..irty dLys ttfter the earal tip - a- a trsnnYar ttnd ruin: trIicti 7n of etsid _rs^^p of le.L'.;)s, rsi:.burse the ro:.Liany for tire; Lao :uLl cast, inclu..inL transfer and rei!wtellutlun or toles, cr3SSL:rr:s1 :Tres rnd fl%tures. The Co."puny furt-l ar r:crees th&t, upan •iritten notice from the .'uniclallty, it ri11 inn.tcll cdd;ti,:rt:, is^p or 1=.is to the a :FstirE; 0vf:rl.eso rtrtet littttin,, system, provided tl.:.: such sdditi-^el .:•?s a:.ll not be plcc?d more then :'our hunrrt-d (4JJ) feet apart, end r't.rtl;er -.rovided th:.? tho ,o ::j;)ry '•.i11 not =e re-uircd to :1Ui.(- . L Uit1Jt-as to tee r5E:1c .17ArLead rrrf-et llLhtiIl L Ct•f:IL'- %tiltiAn 9LX r•lanths fror the a:.plrrt+.7: mute of tin:- Dntr_ct period. It it fUrti.er LLreea tl:--t the Company %•111 use all re:aC311Z:6r,le cbre L:r.u Lrrae to cravica tY-e :;uricipclit•r %.it: tan uninterru?Led suppl.v Of electric enerE; ti.t:erL it Is required by tLe "uniulimlity, but it -ill not be rr:sGonsible far 1: terrL UUe se-vice v.riah ,ay occur front tire to t:U.e ar. uncount of tl • uLe to try port! on of itn _&4.1nery or 'equi_." ent, ar.c If re:vice Fhbll be dcfectiee or be :atzrrupted or ^11!1 by reason of acts of Ca' ar by ttte ncte :.f nc-ror? or C:rpL...,tLnnP,s a".'r .-:htc! :he hCn, no control, or by any ei:s.r encics In V-hich the Ca": arv :ray •:tr do-.pelled to pct to prdi4en.t 1r..'t:rier to life, parson or :roperty exect lipon %t.llful de_•si:lt of, t, ,.e ';a".pcr.;•, the Co.:aan:• Shall not no liable far any 1i)"S or dcmaLe recGltir.L ther:fran, tit in tte event the cu•r?iy of arerty ::hull be inter-upted, the Ctnpeny rill exerelce all reaso!i--rle 6ill,ence to r hove t!.z out:se of interruition :roLL %4,.!. tever source Lnd to rasp :a tl.e norra;l r-unpl;; of enerL;i es soon as possible. It is .'Lrt..er c07211t nte_ e.nQ LLr4ed ti,ut the .or,. rony _i,al1 aa,uiue ell lltxbility for ci&=a ,e or :5e_ sor.Ll irr,',ury CLUEC-a by its net,lltunce in cat.?tructi s.., U4_rtti:n s:.Ll Wt:l:cttst•LL.L:e Of sLld over eau st.eet 11LIAlnt syste:u, put trfi Las:..pwiy Shull not .7L! liLLFe ._ irh'_u1LacLt of ti.e I.:urLluigi-Fity or to L.ny person, firm or esrpi"L:_L1, Lay slhi.m, Ut.Lt."d, iusa or atra.Le ar rhLtsaever :Lture ar ot1LrL Qtt:r sub t0 a=• ?XLsinb .put :7f e:ay ;L llure ar interruption of liLl:tint nowise hereunder; tLat rathiuL in tLb 1:Lr_errent exp..used ar iwplled is i :terdod or shall Oe construed to confer upc;n or _iva any 11.11.LltLrit or altizen of tl.e :'%r.icip=lit;- or to any +er:-on, fir:: or aarvorction ztrer than tLe pz-.'ties hb_eta, any riCtt, remedy or claim under or by reason of iris LLree:zet.t or uny covenant, cordl:iau of stioulation hereof; sea that all aoverents, stipultitians, promites and el,raertents in t'-Is aEr_emert co::tcined for or on behalf of the ;o::;pany shE:11 bt• for the bens: it of the Pardo: hereto. tail It it feather tt_reed t!.at if by Eny lawful euthortty, Federal, Stote or ::unicipel, there shall Le imnov?d upon the Co::pLay any F:..7 teneratian, =:11135 t&X 111• brae revenue ter, In Ldditlatl to t!:aseti rov. Jr. et'-•ect, ;.Lich: shell hire-re 'he 1,uWpnny'5 Lost of !urvinc the ::unicip lity under th'i;? urreetent, t: said tax shall be a,.t:ed to the rtto Ctir)L11:tCd in ?_rCLrxph II hereunder. In the event that the "0::aan; _F;Limes st,id 147. eo imposed to to cstd n• its at ter csr?-tarners served in tt: Cit; o: Cleer*..t:ter, t-en tl.e :crlcllalit, acrees to SLSEur.e and 7^y _hs said tE:x •.h!ch hall be a,led to th' rote stInulrted, ex.:.: at %:h:ere City Fs eXali1GLe" fret tLe aaF:t tier: 07 Ln,r ouch tt:x. In tLe event the Co=pary dose not r- -jt!: e t e tnx co !:.oared to a •)n1d b.*,• its. of ner curtai%ern serrad in the Cit' or Clerr•:.L:t•r, and the ':unintJtli e' is ur:t.'1_int to n,:et:pt snob inc.ekse in ri=te tse•LSe_d L.11 such t::x i::;)ost:d, then t Le :.:uniriat:iity sMy :e:.alr.d 1 .!As cz:.trcCt -rd tLe CompLny shell ,•1ve U'.a :?ur.iu! .Llity not le::a t! ?r, at. r.%!.s' ^in Ltritini, L:efora _ 1111-tintan he supply a: eluetria erert;yyto t! a .*un.z .7L11ty. a '14W' '.?'•"W"-+ - -..r.•- -1 "-Mb""- .-QV-- ?.--? ? - - -7 %3 - 7,1 .?••.a L •, v. te? N' F t4r re , r?. a'• •5' , r Mfr ` ` r ... .,-j , 1'1111 SN t51.? S?T. Fx y?r?f<IfIF.,:l.it 41c ` a ) a i ? f 17: s4?' x.7_ 7'-?5=' •f R ..??Ty.'4k`"..,"Ya`±.r': '?. °r r'!:F?,µ t.w.^»b•. ?,. .,.. ,, ..,_ .?°,. ;,yam- -nc. ? ..•+..M.L. - •,a.. •,... £ _ ..y: .. ,.r„stir n,.. ? ~? :'1' cF °r-. ,.. ,f_ .,.1• ,. ,? .. ! ?;'u.%.••.., +`Srr....- ,: r'.' i'Y°.rrs v..,tr :`1 !r. s 1 ..lr;c?'•,'s?y+?'{'+?R';i •',€ .:.'r:?. .f; -•y r s1 ?r 't+ .r:;.r' r,.•'x:.Pa ?W ? ^?:''.n ,, rC r -y ?. ??:`:,. _ i{ • . S:- _ '?'i3 €.i .. ri= y.Y•.,.?-t`. 1•?•'t:, P, a4b?? ' P ?k' :.iw.: r'a t•.. .f `r -t,}•.:. :x t pp sa va "r' -`t .?.?, i?. b'?. ..; :`yr °ti: a,a' ?,...' ./:w•' .>? ,t1 "t .[iC, •,S ';: ]4c :• ,i+:y'+..' ss' .°2... ?1"'' r&':.:', <C'=":. •E..;. :Y dsr. '4 s?" 4; "piP 1s4'f . ,} .? ',,i'c: ' ?.«,S' :.w-`-?- _ •,? k .i t'• > S v •3s` ,rr^ 1'"c,f- .':2'"• ?.aa`:?;i-..,si t.? ..h• fy, , f.?. ?' ? J1 ?}. rfT!' '?cw?. '.:m , S ' t,. ^;.i..t:.; }.^; . ?'s'%1: '?=.Fv ,]ro • ,z7'..,}'; M'-t +" ?: '.'V ?r ;-"'S3•S, { : ? P '•A 'ti ?. °t i ?a a, ¢F'd ??,, :'3„ ra.! . 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( `,•4.f,?i`tS?s'i?11!e,r..+h:4• ?:p±'twry,.f. °k:+."Sfa:d3lsr"!}?~1" , `.a.+,"`•,`l?ay`'?;?u.'.^?"r"'?i:'. °,?? t"` xa_'+t ''••3?ia •X".?'.t" :.y,P„€'£}iL R;ti}•, tCF `.°lv' ' '. Y'•'33?{• ?I' '1.,' Y F.: V•i:t^-°,,}^° y t {, '1,?1'.c JiJi' ri,r.r,rrr.??rr? i f'"31,?s..l '?' ,?•=::, I) ?y7.zy s r,, .• ".a .. .. „-;r.•,_• 'r;':, •„?i°::; t:?. • _ € is :?i t- ??°•, , .e.' • :??=•' ? 3?,,{{ ?1 y ?,??+i: ieif':''L??`?i`kf;. - g •1., r, r ,, l,?a 1}r. , '•}, I?r`.r}•t'ir`•8Aw? :F?i a+jz q'`,a',-r s'a•:':,3? - [s• , '-o"•• • •f 01- -1-ce ,:•°;'- t ka'A CD AS.•L-AAA". ? ?.•C`;: *ai? ? ? ?L r?y&•.iA?'`cvsA?.. x.. e1 i . .. .. - . ` 4 vC.: "1C"0,?R1" rdwt ?.i>, ?u, Awe ,• 3 I 't' ;?F r?<c'jd1.i:?= ?.r ??';??} `q t."-. r,• .SIZI. f , It to fu:tl:d. Ojl'Ar.&nt:d .:d ft reed the t t.:iA lkl"1}a8l:t EtiLll LJQCOL'8 ^. ;}.' g•?r3 a'd:-'y .:;, of°eatt:e or. the 13t d +? of Cctober,•1946, and shall a In full force Lnd efVect "?• `Y'ilyy.,r" 'F'¢',i.:y;?13.•j;^?.y<;,:° for !! :luri,€f of foieyears thereafter, ar.d the-1l conttnut! autotlatlcclly t..urcai'tar for 11'r.'d perladsr and be in full force rn4 or, t1r.LII 7n- of he 9 ?1, .n Yf..,'T?;: ° ;j ?riLti;?''S, .si:?'°;•I: :F '' r tmrtler notlf ec the oti:er, in • r1tlnL1 of i.-11 int.intl7n to termInt:te this rtreo- j menL, .Mch r.7 :'"Icotiort .3=411 be 4iven nat lonr then six {b} r,tontLa hrlor to the ;;; tlGtr7 of terrir.:t'on Jr Cn;: 07 A.LCt period. i ' the -MY i.'-' 1-4 otbt.Deu its rt.' .l.B L3 fia hereunto s:tbscrt'a d ?y t::e City : ana,,ar of Gala ;Ity, aonf_r_od by the .,u;-nr of raid Cltv Fin; ett!ated by the Cit:• Clerk on the day and our first C .Dove t:rittan; and t o -1.3'R MA PO-M C.aPO:,ATUN trEa csta3-: ttis to t: QXeouted b:• I*,a 7IQe rrostdcnt and Itu oor'urEta Q=tt1 to b. hereto affixes a=d ?, . i,-.sj.st??.<:?r:i.3-?cS u`r i•Y.. ;.'..+'o: .•?,.`":i-`~ LttCSted h!' i :a A!t [ntt:r'.L arretary, ho Jr-v _nt' yenr fI. at EbOve i.ritten. 1; : ii'.e,r•,I ?r?:.3e`t?,: .:may ;lSq ? M 3, .• . , C r ".'s :?.•,I?.1 ? e ' ?' ,.r.';tir[c?l?[Y N,i ?W' E'L Oil?1Y+i ''"1•"<'y.l .?O -.a? •.lvl?.G 4U:?/i ?'It.::3 ±•:'-;i? f? - pJJ((^{,' »:r• .,t1f+.?4.`Yi s; ., `. - 'J„?'j?r iYt:r,",:'> •ii 1F?4.; <, ,; •:3•.'' +;,`r;'+ 'Yt'< ,:?s.nt 3cFacule if ...9Ir3 :,t IS':C1tG'ke¢71.a r.]':eor WtuLti:,r.c, •-aterea Se;A-LLe1; + d v of October 1, 1346. .10 i".:H son . 1, 3i:Oi1 us can- 'are`-...'..ti? ;? ?': }.'i: R;;?'y,,^'•:ra'ti",:'i sallua- ld and billd:, GL ti.e rote. r' i?' '!u..,i, ?1 '', •'J:w ... .???i?t4'C'::., ?ti7?? ?I t..:r ?:,;?' yi ??????. .:+i: . •' .3L i3r C -L ` ,ruter ?u:..a t:L ute~Liona et;rvau ir.... sLEr- -,,, i(.HL al.a ,••r'•?,;. (t, •: '." p:4a?:.t ,'y a'w. ?'ir;' .-Utert'U J:• i' L•.1•C Lit. °"T?ri ., t a ,`.'a`te . - n.,.'.,•. ,t - 'g. . a ?,,, ?y?,., }•,"iJ' •?.,„, ;.,.,ai;,.. 2. ;:Char-Pur?u-Gull' ,... ., iJJL,.av:..d Gad OLLUL'"! rnrue,. ?'"" ?{ ??•,c?i a '::Lter Pu•:.p•. .-'7:t1: Side Gulf to ?sy 3oi,16Yt:rd, :LSt of Seyview. 1?[ a r' rr; 4. "-'Ztcr Pulp- Je:•°7rds ?Lreet Gnd 7roapoet Avenue. '`'•,???^?.?':?'-<?,'?,:r?:?'??'?'`??"`=????+.??`" . ,:t:"3 +fN{4`-i«- ' £j,y.,,(?r', 1,'°•?f 3?7.: S. ""Inter •?lL ".p :tC7i$7n irZ•2:14e and Le}: RYie?. Drive. tJ ti •t>'p•5" r ..j.l;t. n^` ,i•• ?}->"}' ?.4;;'':: z„...rP?z• V. Set':c -a >i577:•91 turn- ..73CIC::n cn:i Cr3ea LCne. " S s , i; =}a ?. SrrDis)!or•r.1 ?u:::n- ?inellr.. * ^.d ?Lnrt ^bLrae % y ?(a?>tsM}r?''a: ?J <"':•„,s>l,. rv,• _ . ?9:. P. Ji :I73L1 ?u:sp- Osceola rt Nioh71c:,n. '? k4 U"f"in a, YA 9. Sev-11t, a Di'2)7sr- .:er4tall ul, Aa;: #E 1K ??`S;7§'r„f':•t??:, :'N r' 10 SO"LlLa 11E77E?i 1 Ni.:p- Lantana 1.7onue •?' ?irt , F?•' :1 PtSJv .'.L'n! • ?V a- '. ; { a:,?r??: i 17°• 4 9 I :.•.'Rrlll4 a V'? r ,.ir} {,.r?, ',+1 "?tR i'.:Fr C •)t) *, ..ti )r '?''", iJ.'}.""7 •• ;??. ?M 1Z. Se cte npozul ;t».p- 5ruce nr. .:arlouel = L? Vii: : • 'SL?? y' ' n J```'''??? F d3•: Cfr'i•`; i-i}.:^ - °•`k' ff•"t:. - 17. Vie:: t;L^_ Dis717se-1 7l,.nn- ..arshFall 3L_ _Ht ?'a 5?....d?• v` ; ?? rtl ,-? •t b ...yt ..',C • , '`i-.'.C5'•,=ra "::k'ii'Hi,rt .•• -,'' } t.r. '{}?`f?"'`r?r ^? „?_r. ,?.,'•`f?: U. )?, 377:Ly1r ru::p- ..erborh:Zl :tr5>"t at Se.i'ety [:LSC72' ':I'I??`???"{:7??, `Y3 , a ' ' '??"'i'{.? :;:,F',° ?=,: = ? ' •'C - rr ., u 1 ?i ?3';.f::?v ????... ??r s, c ^y , :i. , j;•: gsFa9!'! `_? is'': , t" :r4;3,: - .T_ `.C r' L , " i ?o S 4} ?j ' , j ?ti. s;t.. '?. ';a`• ?.'i' .?. Unedtile :i. ?M= G reut ..l•.1,LlnY aV Crf.4'.:la - { '{? , st} Ir 14 ? r ' ` °''` ,., y'y`.'T?.-`'•• x•,:' r G :€U +.'rn".trt.Lc1 :o-L1 1.,: P, .°..itLL- LiJU,S Cdtered eptixLttly C::.ru-utca Lt ?;° t r *V ilGLJb6r 1 !7"6 it.Q i.uH t i ?1 eans:,lla_tea '-ra uilieu L r ti.a .`: r '??;t;• :.'3..?r„r?':;?:?"zsit#.;1°:?:, Ld. - ? ???.?r ?,y.c yr,'?'•-•"z` _ ,-,` Z'•vy.. ....., y?:3 1 :?r': to t.eat J.i 1:Li ?. :f'?. 'I:NLE.•t.?c?t!,:=':3 r,z.p.,r" :}`_:Y ',,?•3 j• . .»e,il: , , r' L rt .Qtar for OV=_heL'Q Lltd 4r..nr.EntL1 .JSt i.lLhti:ts= r5.=trME. ; y hite 'ay. c L+ rusd:.e -L^ ,f.-n fiz .h s4ben}=,•.. 4'V"}i..,;i:. s" ' :i idt+;'+??"': .?.°:;'r?::r ,,:3: `;y ,?; ~i'r?'` 3• Lusd:'.a3• 'ridEa Lid-ts. j- L. •`::.:1lnole street ;'er. ?, r' s d?;?".>°:.-.;•s:=,t:;°:ia'-.. ::Y:ia ::itnnl sunset Dint :rive. 5?;: >'~i,? ?:?'??`?"-rA?'?•}}•.,'?r •,„? "t 4r•F.tc ,.•? C ra:L? ,, r U. :Traffi c -iLLQL - ?re:5 '.L . c Ea- .,i q'+'='?• ? :,. t.•?;€?'?'" -'(?4}?•:. ,.{ .'Son Avenue. k?4• r ?' teat Cr.O .,7rt. _ t. i?r 4t1: k :....??j.:•? ,. }'1 k: rrt 7. eL 'iLnUI'- Drt3.1, Srr -et a en F.snlle. .,• t f`•Y '- ?. +,' 't`r. Er a. ry`; T-r. i ti c ,• + s :... t':t.'t..V_ E"3,t tip' ' Ln: elw '"rive :lc' -er ._s:.Qit. C'AF', a.. oocl?s• r r, f' ,t ?} .. out,., t. G• nfric i`ral ci , _' nan ..'! f '}•. .;+;:+ ? ??;` ?:r,4,a?-J ?3•,:• ?". 1 onus. , y-r' 1 y r s'x .<? rr 1 „Ras. 10. 1'.. ..> is SI`nal _ .iruid Road Lrd rjouti. ?t i'iE 7n ..L'arlt:{t• y;'? v s" F` " t 3Ys! :. e ;rht: ,yz 4 j,` c"< r+r :: st' nF,•, 1a: 314rid1 :urntr SLr --et _n. uti.?rt. =Lr.i_X1 nad. ?'1. z 'fitiZ?tr 4" 12. ff_.; :.iLnul - -:.•:en .t:eet :.u z.- ?. iis• .san .:7:r.GU. k:?} • `tK ,• Lt' :'ie LLnn ?1cr_ ?e `trt'et 'A ,:JrL.:•: •,1'_•:uU. z "3.r, st f? n a '~ r.,f J ? ('?ys k'' 6 ?] t 1 t ..... ,?t..°i. -'3t. r y : a R.W . -f. h V?y 1.K r7Jr, ' n [^1 " ?a;uric L'. yS 'ia hit k §'?t v 14. au: r - , ! : e a }'ae a ?. .--;'n - . -z. ?• M °eIF" ?,,,,.??? i?' `+^`i r.;?,?,,. +S. "? . tl'-;4? ?: ..1 ^ ..all. C' ? • -!Z0. F'`'+??'• rii? 4' ,:l•.< L•' -..?U ,i?: ..L r'1'L':n ^I 7S L1. „}? T. "?''S",.'{_g°'?•" Y 4?. .?P- : ? ? % a5? FP :.W • luL+ l..Jt:ce ?- ?(`rCrr. ''IL7.: • ? ?•, `''?. {?'~-'fir, y 'e 1:' ,1Lr.1:iL ,7: _t.ll _.:: r1 f 5 +t ? },? 2J. 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E i' Gem -.ftlmmi 2u. w'unicipai Auc:ltarium 27. :.:unicip:l `..uditorius - :tilt t,lLCltoj 28• ' Mniuipsl .`alluia ::aurts. i 29. laity Pun- - CO-LU111ty .',,,u 3. ? ?C: Cit.+ iut°f: - 'v•t''.•i: 3ull,,it.?,. r , 31. City PL-r4. New Baulin,_ ?:a,:rt. . `, 32. Mad LLMM - Be:,..:ant 33. Fire 5tntlalE•- ::anablay !?auluv-.'rd. .- (: . 34. Calarad ?.UY ,round - ::bdlson .1vnrue. :5 . City Hall. Far '/.ilCitiorzl Lacat! ane; Y r i .e aonsw.at all :w %LL"vtiann sln;ili4r to ttia bbava, uonnectua oubsequet.t to Oet3ber 1 1946 will il d , , e cat:o l Lted cna billed Lt the rt.to. f yet s' jf"z. ys., 5 'I Am -WIN ' i - . 4f. L 1 F g\ x q.y . ' r, rya . Y j, ( F M?i E CWA&,. , :?a.?1 • CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA ORDINANCE WO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION, ITS LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, AND PRIVILEGE OF,AND FRANCHISE FOR CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING AND OPERATING AN ELECTRIC 1 POWER PLANT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, COUNTY OF PINELLAS AND STATE OF jtfir FLORIDA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, PINELLAS, COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the said City of Clearwater does hereby give and grant unto Florida Power Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, and to its legal representatives, successors and assigns, the right and privilege of a franchise for constructing, maintaining and operating for a period of twenty (20) years, iw the said City of Clearwater, an eleetrie power plant, substation and distribution system, or other lighting system for the purpose of lighting by electricity the streets or public squares of said City, and the dwellings, houses and places of business of its inhabitants, and for the purpose further of generating and distributing and/or transmitting electric current for the purpose of light, power and heat, or any other purpose for which electricity may be used. Section 2. That the said grantee shall have for a period of twenty (20) years, the privilege, franchise, power, right and authority to lay, erect and maintain in and upon the squares, streets, avenues, alleys, wharves, viaducts, bridges, and/or other public thoroughfares and parts of said City, as they noir exist or may hereafter be constructed, opened, laid out or extended within the present limits of said City, or within such territory as may hereafter be added to it, all necessary poles, or other supports, conductors or appliances for the poles or other means of . conveyance to be used in transmitting electric current for the purpose of lighting, heat or power, or for such other purposes as electricity may be used, and for this purpose the authority end right is hereby granted to make all necessary excavations in said squares, streets, awes, alleys or other thoroughfares and parts of said City; end the grantee shall have the right, power 400 ?age one authority to fasten and to st ►etch and lay along Its line of said poles or other means of conveyance, all the wires or other mediums necessary for transmitting and conveying the electric current to be used in said business, together with all the right and privileges necessary or convenient for the full use or enjoyment thereof; including the right to trim, cut and keep clear all trees and limbs along said lines that may in any way endanger the proper operation of the same; and shall have the right, privilege and authority to construct, erect and maintain in said City a power house, substation or central plant or plants, with all the engines, boilers, dynamos, machines and devices, and appliances that may be required for generating electricity, and for carrying on the business aforesaid; provided that in accomplishing the purpose aforesaid the streets of said City shall not be unreasonably ob- structed, and that such work shall be done and carried on in conformity with such reasonable rules and regulations with reference thereto as may be adopted by the City Commission of said City for the protection of the public; and provided, further, that the said grantee shall assume all liability for damage or personal injury caused by its negligence in doing such work. Section 3. No portion of the streets or public places shall be disturbed, nor poles located thereon, or excavations made therein, or other disturbances whatever in or upon any streetf avenue, public place, or public alley, without first applying to the City Manager and submitting a plan or detail of the proposed change and receiving the approval of the City Manager for such work and the opening of the street or public place therefor. The grantee shall take precautions to secure persons and property from damage by reason of work whatever done under this grant, or the permits aforesaid, and shall likewise observe all the requirements of the ordinances of the City, now or hereafter passed, governing such work or the disturbances or opening of the streets. Section 4. Any and all provisions contained in the ordinances of the City, now existing or hereafter passed, providing for police regulation of such construction and maintenance as the grantee proposes to construct and maintain, shall be and is hereby made a part of this franchise and the grantee accepts same subject thereto. . Section 5. Any portion of the streets and public pieties which the grantee disturbs or excavates in any of its construction shall be kept in repair by the grantee, and this liability shall continue during the life or existance of the particular pavements disturbed or broken. When such pavements are relaid by authority of the City, this liabaity shall cease. Section 6. The City of Clearwater shall have the right at any time to require the grantee, its successors or assigns, to take down and remove all or any part of its poles, wires, and overhead construction, and place the said wires underground under such reasonable conditions as the City may require under a general ordinance applicable to similar companies. Section 7. The City reserves the right to string wires upon any poles ereoted and used by the grantee, said wires to be used for any municipal purpose except street lighting. There shall be no charge by the grantee for the use of said poles by the City. When stringing wires upon the grantee's poles, the City agrees to conform to standard electrical practices. Section 8. The grantee agrees that the materials to be used in the constructions. and maintenance of the system and the service to be rendered thereby shall be in every respect equal to the average of cities and towns in this vicinity where eleer tricity is used; and agrees that in providing service under the provisions of this franchise it will conform to standard electrical practices and will give to the City of Clearwater and its inhabitants the same favorable consideration extended to any other eity or town in Florida of similar size served by the grantee tomer like conditions. Section 9. That the said grantee shall have the right and privilege to enlarge such power plant as it may construct, increase the number of poles, conveyances, or appliances, extend its wires, lines or conveyances, and to generally develop or change its services or methods to meet the growth and progress of said City land to conform to the scientific and mechanical advancement and discovery of the age, and that such work -shall be done and carried on in conformity w ith such reasonable rules and regulation* with reference thereto, as may be adopted by the City Commission of thislaid municipality. 4 Section 10. As a further consideration of this franchise, said City of Clearwater agrees not to engage in the business of distributing and selling electricity during the life of this franchise or any extension thereof in coripetitilon with the grantee, its legal representatives, successors and assigns. Provided that the City of Clearwater reserves the right to gene- rate ene-rate and distribute electricity for its own municipal purposes. Section 11. It is covenanted and agreed by and between the City of Clearwater and Ploridg Power Corporation, its legal representatives, successors and assigns, that the municipality reserves the right at the expiration of five (5) years after the effective date of this ordinance, and at the expiration of each and every five -•year period thereafter, and at and after the expiration of this franchise, to purchase all of the property and property rights of the corporation, including the distribution system, lines, conduits and other conveyances for distributing said electric current, or property Used under or in connection with the franchise, which shall be located within the corporate limits of the City. The property shall include all contracts for service fairly and reasonably wade in good faith by the corporation. The City of Clearwater further reserves the right to purchase such property and property rights, and such extensions thereof, or such part of such property as the City may desire to purchase, and the grantee desires to sell, outside the corporate limits of the City. There are, however, excepted from this reaelmlation other power plants erected outside the corporate limits, and high tension transmission lines owned by the corporam tion and connected with its general system of transmission and distribution, and used for the purpose of serving communities other than the grantor herein. In the event that the municipality exercises its right to purchase the said properties as herein provided, the price to be paid shall be fixed upon a valuation of the property, which valuation shall be determined by arbitration, as may be provided by law, or shall be fixed at a valuation and in the manner as may be determined by the statutory authority now or hereafter grunted to municipalities for the purchase of municipal eieetric ar gas plants. In fixing the value of the property and property rights to be purchased by the City, this franchiae shall not under any circumstances be considered as having any value what- soever. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to take away, restrict, impair or abrogate any of the rights as granted by the general statutes of the State of Florida to municipalities to purchase such properties at a valuation and in the manner as may be provided by such statutes, and the City of Clearwater does reserve unto itself all such rights now or hereafter granted to it by charter, general s tatutes, legislative acts or otherwise; it being the sense and intention that the City of Clearwater may avail itself of any such alternatives in establishing a price for the purchase of said properties. Within ninety (90) days after the expiration of the 3rd, 8th, 13th and/or 18th years of the term of this franchise, the City of Clearwater, by. resolution adopted by the City Commission, shall have the right to demand and receive from the grantee a statement showing the value of all the grantee's property and property rights in the City of Clear- water. Said statement shall be furnished to the City by the grantee within one year from and after the making of such request by the City, and shall be prepared in such a manner as to show the various items and assets that go to make up the valuation of the grantee's property and property rights in Clearwater as shown by said statement. In the event that the City exercises its option to purchase at any period during the life of the franchise, it shall notify the grantee of its intention so to do by written notice at least six months prior to the expiration of said period or perm of years. The grantee agrees that in the event the City exercises the said option as herein provided, the City shall have a period not to exceed two years from the data of said written notice to complete its negotiations and purchase of the said pro- perty in accordance herewith. Provided, however, that the said limitation of two years shall not apply if litigation for the purchase of the said properties is then pending. In the event of purchase, all right of the grantee under this franchise shall terminate, and the grantee shall have no further right to render service except upon consent and permit of the City. - - 6 - Nothing in this section shall prevent the City from acquiring the said property and property rights of the corporation within the corporate ings or ty zn; o th r• accuiii+;icn ^hall be limits of the City by condemnation proceed- larful manner ; and all such methods oy ai'6ernitive to tho powar of plircnaJe reserved in the grant or rarewal thereof as herein provi. da , Section 12. That upon the annexation of any territory to the City, the portion of such utilit2r that may ue located within the annexed territory, or upon the public streets, alleys, or public spaces thereof shall thereafter be subject to all the terms of the franchise as fully as though by express extension of such franchise or grant, except as hereinbefore provided. Section 13. The grantee shall have the right to make reasonable rules and regulations for the use of electric energy sold and distributed by the grantee to private parties municipal purposes, and the rates to be charged to the shall at all times be under the supervision, direction and for public and con- trol of the Citi Commission. Provided that the rates charged to the public s hall be sufficient to insure a reasonable return on the investment of the corperation used or useful in rendering service under this franchise. Such rates and regulations shall in no manner conflict or interfere with rulings or regulations of the State Railroad Commission, or of any other State governing board or commission having jurisdiction in the premises by virtue of any general State law, Upon the Affective date of this franchise, the rates to be charged shall not exceed those set forth in schedules attached hereto and made a prrt of this frimehi se . Section 14. of this fr^nchi$e, the this Iran'th5se, pay to by this ordinance, and As a further consideration for the granting said grantee shall, during the term of the City of Clearwater- as a burden imposed as one of the expressed condit{ors and considerations for the franchise, rights and privileges granted and conferred by this ordinance, 4% of the Bross receipts from the sale of electric energy in the City of Clearwater. The said grantee shall be required to keep ,proper books of account showing mont:h17 gross receipts from the sale of electric AmeerIgy Withir3 the corporate limits of the City of Clearwater, and shall make a statement in writing showing such receipts for each semi. -annual period ending Rune 30th and December 31st of each and every year, and based on such statements shall make payment to the City Tax Collector the amount due. Section 15. As a further consideration for the. grantinR of this franchise, the Florida Power Corporation agrees to furnish electricity to the City of Clearwater for all municipal purposes at a baee rate not to exceed one and one•quarter(flj Dents per kilowatt hour, said base rate to be subject to existing fuel oil adjustment provisions in the Company's service contract with the City. Section 16. The grantee shalloftWaninety days after the end of its fisosi year, When requested by resolution of the City Commission, file with the City a complete financial report of its operations in the City of Clearwater for the preceding fiscal year as shown by the books and records of the grantee, and such other information as the City Commission may from time to time require. If the City Commission shall prescribe the form for such reports, then the same shall be made in the form from time to time prescribed. It shall be the duty of the grantee to furnish such supplementary or special information concerning its operations in Clearwater as the City Commission may from time to time demand. 2f at any time the grantee fails to furnish the City with any report or information so requested by the City, then any auditor or accountant regularly employed by the City shall have full access to all the books, records, and papers of the grantee for the purpose of obtaining therefrom the information so requested by the City, with the privilege of taking copies of the books end reeorde of the grantee or any part thereof. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the operations of the Florida Power Corporation in other communities not properly suburban to the City of Clearwater, except insofar as an examination of the grantee's books and records pertaining to other communities may be necessary in order to secure the requested information pertaining to Vhe operations of the grantee in the City of Clearwater. Section 17. This franchise shall not be leased, assigned, or otherwise alienated except with the express con- sent of the City Commission. Section 18. In the event that the grantee herein or its legal representatives, successors or assigns shall violate any of the terms, provisions or conditions of this grant or franchise, and shall continue to violate such terms, provisions or conditions for a period of thirty (30) days after notice in writing given by the City Commission to desist from such vio- lation, then the City Commission may declare a forfeiture of said grant or franchise, in the manner prescribed by the statutes of the State of Florida. If any action shall be instituted or prosecuted directly Or indirectly by the grantee or its legal representatives, successors er assigns •f this grant or franchise, or by its stockholders or creditors, to set aside or have declared void any of the terms of this grant or franchise, the whole of such grant or franchise may thereupon be declared forfeited and annulled at the option of the City Commission, in the manner as above provided. Section 19. This grant is made on the'further and express condition that the grantee will, within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of the City of Clearwater a written acceptance of this grant, Which acceptance will acknowledge that the grantee is and shall be subject to the several sections of this ordinance and shall also be subject to all present and future ordinances of the City of Clearwater relating to the construction, equipment, maintenance and operation of wires, conduits, cables, poles and a similar constructions, and also to those ordinances relating . to the distribution and sale of electric current for the purpose of power, light, and heat. On failure of the grantee to file 'written aoceptance within the time stated, then all right, authority, and permissions granted under this ordinance shall eeaae and become of no benefit. Section 20. This ordinance shall become efteetive upon the rime being legally passed and adopted by the City Coaar- ,sai,oU of the City of Clearwater, and upon the acceptance of 1 - 9 - this franchise by the grantee as hereinabove provided. Section 21. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed on first reading Passed on second reading — Passed on third reading L./ l�0 //o f9X ATTEST: iri y Auditor and Clerk VRIMUMNPOINNIFO ayor� o ss over Form 496 10-45 FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION (NAME OF ISSUING CORPORATION) AVAILABILITY P. S. C. No ELECTRIC (KIND OF SERVICE) ORIGINAL. LEAF No REVISED LEAP No D-1 SUPERSEDING 12/1/1944 LEAF NOL1'1 3-d DOMESTIC SERVICE r Throughout the territory served. APPLICABLE To residential customers for all domestic purposes. CHARACTER OF SERVICE: 115 or 115/230 volts, single or three-phase at option of the company. RATE PER MONTH: (Net) 01.00 for first 14 IAi or less 5¢ per KIPH for next 36 " 3 It n It next 150 It ft ft next over 200 MINIMUM BILL: The minimum monthly charge shall be 01.00, except as herein specifi- oally modified.. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Service to Multiple Apartments: Service to two or more dwelling units in a single structure mey, at the Company's option, be supplied through a single meter. e9hen such multiple dwellings are supplied through a single meter, the charge and size of the first block, the sizes of the second and third blocks and the minimum monthly charge of above rate shall be increased in direct proportion to the number of apartments and/or single dwelling units served. (See following page) Date of issue January 1, 1946 Date effective Issued by A. W. Higgins (NAME OF OFFICER) January 1: 1946 Form 496 10-45 FLORIDA POWEER CORPORATION (NAME OF ISSUING CORPORATION) P. S. C. No ♦ • Y ELECTRIC (KIND OF SERVICE) ORIGINAL LEAF NO REVISED LEAF No D-1 SUPERSEDING 12/1/1944 LEAF No DOMESTIC SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL PROVISIONS: (Continued) Special Equipment: Line extensions will be made and special trans- formers installed at an additional monthly minimum charge as deter- mined by the Company and in excess of that set forth above. Incidental Power: Incidental power, not exceeding a total of 5 H.P., may be served through the same meter under this schedule. Excess Capacity CharKe for Space Heating: Tiere Service of tho customer includes air heaters requiring special wiring or use of heavy duty rocoptaclos, an excess capacity charge shall bo added to the charge for energy consumed during tho months of December to April, both inclusive, based on tho following: 01.00 per . KV for first 5 KW of connected capacity .50 per KW for excess • Service under this schedule is subject to tho currently effective "Requirements for Electric Service" on file in the Company's office. Date of issue Jtu+»A ry 1, 1946 Issued by Date effective A. W. Higgins January 1, 1946 (NAME OP OFFICER) • Form 496 10-45 FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION INANE OF ISSUING CORPORATION) P. S. C. No vlk ELECTRIC (KIND OF SERVICE) ORIGINAL LEAF NO. / REVISED LEAF NOC-Z SUPERSEDING 12/1/1944 LEAF NOC 2 COMMERCIAL LIGHT AND POWER SERVICE AVAILABILITY Throughout the territory served. APPLICABLE To energy for commercial lighting and/or power purposes, vhen all such service is taken through one meter. At Customer's option, energy for. commercial cooking, baking and refrigeration may be supplied through separate meters, and billed under schedules available and applicable to such service. Also applicable for energy requirements of small in- dustrial customers when the connected load is less than 30 h.p. CHARACTER OF SERVICE: Single or three-phase, or single and three- , phase at Company's standard voltages. RATE PER MONTH: (Net) Demand Charge: 015.00 for first 10 KW or less of billing demand 1,00 per KW for excess over 10 KW of billing demand Plus - Energy Charge: 3� per KVI for first 1,000 KWH " n n next 9;000 " next 40,000 " excess over 50,000 " Bills computed under the above rate shall not exceed an =malt greater than that computed at the rate quoted below, except by reason of the minimum charge. 01.00 for first 12 Ki11I or less 6e per KWH for next 138 " 4 " " " next 350 " 4¢ " " " excess over 500 " MINIMUM BILL: 01.00 for the first 10 KW or less of monthly billing demand, plus 02.00 per KW for each additional KW of billing demand in excess of 10 KW. (Seo following page) Date of issue June 1, 1945 Date effective June 1, 1945 Issued by A. i7. Higgins (NAME OF OFFICER) - . Form 496 10-45 FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION (NAME OF ISSUING CORPORATION) P. S. C. No • . •• ELECTRIC (KIND OP SERVICE) ORIGINAL LEAF No EVISED LEAF No C-2 SUPERSEDING 12 1 1944 LEAF NO C-2 COMMERCIAL LICIT AND POWER SERVICE (Continued) DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND: BILLING DEMANDS will bo established only where customers have had total consumptions in excess of 1,000 Ki. Where the demand is 10 KVI or more, the billing demand shall be the maximum 30 -minute measured demand established during the billing period. 7hore the demand is 10 KU or more, and until suitable demand meter is installed, the BILLING DEMAND shall be the sum of tho INDIVIDUAL DEMANDS of each service, determined in accordance m ith the follow- ing schedule: Percent Applied Connected Load for Billing Demand Lighting 100% Power: Less than 5 KU 95% 5 Kra and under 10 KW 85% 10 Ki and under 20 JCW 80% 20 KW and over 75% SPECIAL PROVISIONS: 1. Until such time as ore -meter service is established, only light- ing service will be billed at the rate. there more than one meter is installed for lighting service, the K1VII consumption on each meter shall bo billed separately at the rate. 2. Lino extensions will be mado and special transformers installed at an additional monthly minimum charge as determined by tLe Company and in excess of that sot forth above. Where load conditions require the installation of special or separate transformers, the customer will furnish, at its expense, a suitable fireproof ventilated vault, adequately protected so as to eliminate safety hazards and ingress and egress of unauthorized persons. Service under this schedule i3 subject to the currently effective "Requirements for Electric Service" on file in the Company's office. Date of issue Juno 1, 1945 Date effective June 1, 1945 Issued by A. W. Higgins (NAME OP OFFICER) • Form 496 10-45 FLOPIM PSB COBPOR*TIO T (NAME OF ISSUING CORPORATION) P. S. C. No .. • FLFCTRIC (KIND OF SERVICE) ORIGINAL LEAF No /�—/ y�EVISED LEAF No RC SUPERSEDING 10� 41 LEAF No SC 7//S B: L•7ti SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE APPLICABLE To all consumers applying for service, recognition being taken that the definition of "Consumer" may cover service under one or more schedules in any one location. In such instances this charge will be considered as applying to a Consumer. CHARGE: 01.00 for connection, reconnection or transfer of electric service. Date of issue Issued by January 1, 1944 Date effective January 1. 1944 A. W. Higgins (NAME OF OFFICER)