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LA1- r . ytTr 1•' *•.... 1%'tTIA-T'T' y Ff'"f??rr ?%dlj"4 cs S lFi °;3t.y A"I' h •0 "1:1"F^ 117 1r I r "IutATI1'T Ttt""!:0F 1 :'s,; DR IT 4E317kit1Fp nY THE CITY 40.'.'"1t2S3I0h OL' THF- CITY 01r CL7J.R,inTEit, F 0KI)A; That Ordinance 10. 618 of the City of Llearwatar, lorida, entitled "An Ordinance Amendinr Ordinnnoo No. 421-A of this City of Cl?ar'+rnter, Florida, " Entitled 'An Ordinance nerulatinc the Salo of Intoxiantinr !!evernens, Flxinr the Loral Haura of Sn1a and i'z+ovidinr Pennltiea for the Violation of this Ordinancel", be and the nn-na is haroby reponl,od in toto and that Ordinance 110.421-A cf the Cit- of :1earwnter Florida "An Ordinance , , Rerulatlnr the Salo ' of Intoxicatinr Peverares, rixinr the Loral }to:Jri of Sale and Nrovldinr Penalties for the Violation of This Ordinance" be, and the name is hereby amonded to read an follows t ;•..r,':.:; •; F: °` titre,, t;i'tt:,;,_ ",r ;'; e'• =' neation 1. ".he sale and distribution of alcoholic boverar,es within ,,.!f. `?', .?:}'',` ?:';F'?s•"•. '-`` the-city of l1eazwvtnr ^n week . days tetween tho hours of 1s00 o'clock ., and StCO o'clock and between the hnura of' 1*0000010ek A.X:. r;n 3undnp , ;rx4'?..y?.t=n•.:ry?¢•«s ?i% '. A , :x;?. ?ri?;ez:?' •' and 8500 of clock .;.... on ,onday in hereby proh.bitod. Provided , however, that the sole of boor and z;Lno shall be.get?litt,ed hetr:ecn the hours of BsCa o cloc., .? ?'?'--'•?' ,a;,;°-{i-??::`t; r ryf: i' A .y. and 12;00 o'clock '.it?niaht on Sttnda• ?., and provided Cu^ther, that iqf. lmt ?' 7 wiS "31• + r.1:•, •, 'ir ,? 1 ulcoh?' is beverames ray be sold on `:undsy between 12200 o'clock ?-loon and ?- ?•i,:r? .' ,•sfi,?fsf; 1.04 v cloc,t ".dnirht, in any',6leoe of ,humtness operatLnr as a restaurant where au:h beverovei are sold with, and consumed In' the cotirse of, a rer+Alar, r# ,? ,q {' {.' t !4# A? 3; ?•+ : ' Lull reol• fin'` I , r F ' f a Section 2. ThLs Ordinance shall became affective, Lrnrediately,upan 1 `" f `rk , ? ?5;r•s; ?„ tts :iehssr-e and.odoption by this ,1ty ^osenission of the ',It] of Clearwater, 3?p 3a ash '«rj 14 ?,}:}; section 3. ',111 ordlnarcea and.pnrt4 of ordinances in ocnfiict + , r =• _ ?'•, •,; ^Fh';rewtth be and. the sane are he:,-by repealed. ,rr??rfsf y a <;; :' :his ordinance passed and a:iof,ted by t}te Cit;, ra-; Lssian of the ^-lt•* ' 's' ?1 am # 1 T of Cleat rater, Flo-ids: rJpr. ; ;C rocs fit; ?' x?<? +? ' ? 3 f :ra t ; 2agned an _.rat rendinr ,luc,l?t 19 1c46 • ?a3sed on 9ecrrzd readtn' ?UrilS3C IG b 'n. J ro Pas led on third . eadLn? ,unt?t i t h Y a ,4 f ,.? 1?11&14 P;. ;.?, ^.eo. R. 3eavv (g!-nod) 4 • {?f•9E est.` ?°'e ' g' rY,`,' - 4 ? } ?' Ar d'; 7 ATT-TST ?rank Coolev I s1 rzed) I ??'?:?Y.,?G?e?'S•F.h"? i?... / -;? y4.y r?, {"I. ud,°?'???' rt r?r"+.??a'.*. 'RY.'_'}: 5.ryt °;.w'^`?t:':ti't'e ... ...... .... r.. .'L?i•Yi vl+.?J'Q.'U. .v?t,?fFt[. ?y-,??r'.iF 14> ?1'S'-.;;. L?i.P ?"4"A..'<r°.f?': .! ;.,????,iZ „?)T' }-,.,,?`.':y,i1?1y,?+? ,.?6ip:•' . aY S tl'1 I' ?.'. •,F"}+.b. t; S,'xf rJrty F i1„L. i nu-list 8, 1946 4 set. t ?b ,?'? 1 r{A N i, r(?( VYyntS 1 i?? t.' ? F rn sd , t sat,=. s +, Y. ° rt' K :?y i'' tt?H'`1t If, Ftt-h :iendrIx C1earonter, t •. ? ;'" '', ;`. y.'?r .Y# Sc?wr.' '=L''` Florida ;r<K• ` 5 1I::; • . tr? ,??I i L ?; `' ;: ??rtet? :;r ?'Cr' ?p? ?? ?,t•3,,. Dear. Sir wish to make an application tar a liquor 1Lcen9e. "??'- h?. ?•t: I hereby 1' L N: 1 I?F.? S { } '.'dould appreciate hearine, frCla you or ^.ur ,grl1e4t. ecT-vehlenne roaardinr carte. NrT fil • ??3-{ sfCrC }t";1;,' 7".'u="4, 1', tr'i'"f ?-L,"? ?;^r'F:?'?'?_'' ?'.-.:•.'+1 ' t ur 5lnrletary „ f t u`s 14 1? • 'rN i. •'Y' .' ?. ..m[s ?`-•"iy' '* ?G?"^li.., • b•^L.Mr' Fn+•'. -. ,L,,.. -: '.•. -". rF^ S.I•nri!.? r -.'?.? • 1 w-A %