TRANSFER 40 RESDENTAL DWELLNG UNTS- ULTIMAR 3 I I C I T Y o F CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR IDA 3 4 6 1 8 - 4 7 4 8 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (813) 462-6880 May 5, 1992 Mr. Ted Cobb, President Sea Towers Construction Company 1520 Gulf Boulevard Clearwater, Florida 34630 RE: "Assignment" Between Sand Key Investment Program I, Ltd. and American Design and Development corporation of Sand Key dated January 23, 1987 Dear Mr. Cobb: The city of Clearwater is in receipt of your letter dated April 23, 19~2 to Michael Wright, City Manager, with regard to the Ultimar Three transfer of forty (40) residential dwelling units pursuant to the Settlement Stipulation dated October 17, 1986. The City is also in receipt of your most recent letter dated May 4, 1992 with the clear copy; of the "Assignment" which has been filed with the Office of the Clearwater city Clerk and with the Public Records of Pinellas County on February 2, 1987 in Official Records Book 6418, page 1098. In reference to your original request regarding the request of an alternative site plan modification to the proposed Tower Building footprint, the City is not opposed to the proposed alternative building footprint as submitted on March 19, 1992 with the understanding that the proposed site plan meet all applicable site plan review and Development Review Committee criteria. If I can be of further assistance to you, please contact me at 462- 6880, and thank you for your interest in the City of Clearwater. ~ uis R. Hilton planner II LRH/lrh I"cc: Michael Wright, City be-\ C(,J1\GOtA~~:''f;J<,-rJ- Manager o 'I I '.. ,'-" C' '~l / j Ur J.-. 6 u' 0- /..,,' f , J.. fT.'. C/' I' ). f . , E qual E m p joy In e n tan d A t fir m at i v e Act ion E In pi 0 Y e r ' , ~'- -~---... ) I ~ I ..,:.,"'~ i .'.;~ ;.'i..--.~;f'! "':';71';-.::1 F> . I -.::......:... <S U :J t~ ill; I ;: Ii '---"~-'~:j .,1 ~ ULi.. APR 23 1992 ,HJ I ~.-. '". j { CITY Ct:ERK OF-PT. i Sea Towers Construction Company, Inc. VIA HAND DELIVERY April 23, 1992 Mr. Michael Wright, City Manager City of Clearwater 112 Osceola Avenue S. Clearwater, FL 34615 RE: Ultimar Three 1560 Gulf Boulevard Sand Key, Clearwater, Florida SUBJECT: Transfer of Forty (40) Residential Dwelling Units Pursuant to Settlement Stipulation dated October 17, 1986 Dear Mr. Wright: We are in receipt of the City of Clearwater's "Interdepartment Correspondence" dated March 25, 1992 (copy enclosed) which indicates the City's approval of the "tower building footprint only" for Ultimar Three as requested in our letter of March 19, 1992. We thank the City for its timely consideration of our request. We note, however, that the last paragraph of the "Interdepartment Correspondence" of March 25, 1992 indicates an apparent discrepancy that exists in the City's records with respect to the transfer of forty (40) residential units from Parcel IV to the Ultimar project (Parcel II) as provided for in the Settlement Stipulation dated October 17, 1986. More specifically, the forty (40) residential dwelling units were transferred by virtue of a document entitled "Assignment" dated January 23, 1987 between the land owners at the time, Sand Key Investment Program I, Ltd. and American Design and Development Corporation of Sand Key. This "Assignment" was recorded in the Public Records of Pinellas County on February 2, 1987 in Official Records Book 6418, at page 1098, a copy of which is enclosed. It is our understanding that a copy of this "Assignment" was also provided to the City Clerk's office at that time. We are hopeful that this letter will clarify and substantiate that the developer of the Ultimar project has the right to construct up to four hundred (400) residential dwelling units. As stated in our letter of March 19, 1992, our architect is proceeding with the design of Ultimar Three based on this understanding. Should the City not be in agreement with the foregoing, please notify us in writing as soon as possible. 1520 Gulf Boulevard - Clearwater, Florida 34630 - 813-595-89:5 ~ 59~-8928 FAX 4. . ) / /..)' I. \' J ) /\ .'- J c::< L.. -....' (-.,.: rJ I.J ..~-_... ,~ I I Mr. Michael Wright; Cit;y of Clearwat;er April 23, 1992 Page 2 Again, ye t;hank the City for it;s cooperat;ion and assistance in processing our plans for Ultimar Three. Sincerely, - ;'5,/~ Ted Cobb, President; TC/dk Enclosures cc: City of Clearwat;er Att;n: Mr. James M. Polat;ty, Jr., Planning and Development Director (Yith enclosures) Mr. Milt;on A. Galbrait;h, City Attorney (with enclosures) _ Ms. Cyndie Goudeau, CHy Clerk (Yith enclosures) _.... j:ffi-03-1992 15: J2 FRD1 C JTY OF ,.., I . ... ........... Ei'Gll'EERl~ TO --.-..-..... ~... _." " 955lS8:fcre P.01 FAX MESSAGE . . . .. CITY OF CLEARWATER PUBLIC WORKS nEPARTMENTIENGlNEERING SENDING lOCATION FAX NUMBER: (813) 462-6641 OFFiCE TElEPHONE NUMBER: (813) Q62-6970 . TO:' )l\R~.~ , LOCATION:-Ll.l.-Tt~ J1L: FAX NUMBER: 59~ B1Ze fROM: Loc.A U'l.--r3.v DATE: 'Apel'- 3. 111 Z. . MESSAGE: . NUMBER OF ,PAGES THIS MESSAGE (INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE) Z- FROM K.a. RRSENRULT P.R. ~. , ., . . .~.~ '';'''If.,~",., ,:.." ;.' . . - ..' :.' .. ... .. :. . "', \~ ,.",,,,,, <i';'~ ....,; _. .. .. . ..e. '0.". .., : :.. . ~.~. "f~",,'.ft!-~~""?:['~~ .... :: >:i~' .:, ,. ;. '"I ,.... ' , ..," ".... :.";~': ~ ~"r' .- -""''''' '7' .-". " .~". ,... , - '. . ...., :-.~. .' " )1/:,'.-.......... ~,~~~.~)r l!....~.!... .' t.,";:," .. .-" ~... .",' ."..,i'-/.'.,: 'II : . ",~:", ~{l;( ... ~'. ..,,:., ;., '.' ,..' .'l' . '.' ~l ;.. 'J?\'-~" · ...: ':I" , ' ',' "Ff! '.' .;.,. . ..~.~.....~ '''o'''t.;,.i''~'' . ~_" ,.:0 to ". 's'" .. s ....... . ' . .,. ",. .,..' _AI ,,1\ . . .~, ' '8rJl:~'i~'9";' :~.(. .:~. ~:..\:r ';'~" . .:........ ..r....:' ., r.,,~.'- , . . . '. .. ....,...... " ", . . , ~' _.'."" .' ." , ."",' .. ..' "." _.f' . . . ,. . .. ,', ,. .' , " .. 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""e a11OC&t:..s ~.;1:I>e.:p~n.y 4.....1I>..s 011 JlXh1l>1t: "A" .ttach"" ba"ato an4 ....4e ._~. .,:t....~~:1>a"""f ("p_1 A") psnuant: t:o 1:1>. cJ.\:y of Cl."""at.a"'. I ~t1 ,&~~!. ~ laD4 u.. ordinances. ~ i':,ifr.,;; .;.~.,;~;.;, .....:: ,. '. 1I,___O;f;,<::".;:"ojo,BAVS aIID 'l'O BOLD \:be afo"..a1d ..nlt:.. ..t: forth abOve ln .~i,~_eotlOft d1:l>. an4 onlY 11\ connaction with tha "..1 ..tat. . . ..u,dtI.",,>>>-4 on ZXh1I>lt .s. at1:llch..s ba"at.o and by thi. ".f_nea ~:~.:!~~~~t.d 1Ia",,11\ ("PUCal II.)' Iti'~'rA::t":c.";'Y'l'he. ..t:1111a\:101\ of 1:1>. unl1:11 d..""ib..s -- &ball b. '!?-:.; .;,~'..:. Uldt:..s \:0 PaxC.l D. and upon "....p1.t:lon of ""el.9". '. 3'.:;'\:'.' davalopaant of 1'."",.1 II, aU unlta not .0 ..tili.ad .hall b. .,',' . . ... "..."""ay..s l:o "".191'0" for tha "anafit of P..rc.1 A within fiva ..:'.. .' (S) csay. at J:.qu..~ >>y A1181qnor. ~" '. .r' : .. 'l'hU ,...l_""t 1. \liven ln accoJ:danc. vl1:1> l'ua91<aph 11 of {;. 1:1>. sattl...nt stipulation in 1lftlt..s stat.. st..l COJ:PO".t:lon ".. .1 ._ ci\:y of Cl...."".""", ci,..,..it: clv11 1<<>. 18-4165-1, plnaU". ccnsnty, . . 7101:1da. .- . , po ... .n ~ C"') .. 00 ~ ... o r4 =r- ,... .. roC tot M~ J! . . O. .~ ...u ... Wl~SS WHEREOF. "".lqno" baa a~.cu~ad thi. A..lgn..n~ a. o~ ~. 4ay and y.ar ~1~.t w~ltt.n above. 1f1"f1{ESSES I SAND 1<EY INVES'l'KENT PROG~ 1, L'rD., a Flori-da 1.l,m1tac1 pa.r~narBhlp By 1 ~ LAND CORP. By: ~~L~C~ ice-rt'ealdent Ita GanQral Rartne~ :~ 2~n6'H 70 ~u 10Y'-\' S'1'A'l'!: or coONT'i or Flodda 'indin ) , Th. fo".going In.~,,,,...nt v.a ac:l<nowl.dgad befo"a me ~hla ~4 clay of J._"', 1961. bY ..,ber" H. \)0..10 ... Gan."al _ _____ __" _-----.-.------ __' _ ___ _.__ -r-" -. .. .. \ t 1, o~na7 13,OG 13 .99 Qile ~ ~f~~11~:.14" J "Partn.r.or~ BAHD KEY, XNVES'l'HBH'l' . . . partnership, on 1eh.It o~ said ~40.2-120J6 ~.. -- PROGRAK X, LTD., a FLor1C1a U.JU~.cS part:nerahip. I ",,:"~':~."'."':.. ' ~~.""a:-~ No a Pu c:. -,.. I ~" :: 1 !':. .... Iff cOJllmission' .xpil'G.:. Ie i\ .. . ..-"'V .."." I'Wtle lur( 01 ;le'l&4 .It CO'-IS"" U,. lOt ..;.." lII.,lO relll W'UI' liS.. u.~. . ...........:,.... .'\ .- .. FROI'I . '.-" . . .1 ....',..... -___of... .... ....._. ...~--... of .._......, .~... r. ._ --.j/IIIIt ~ -- . ". ' FRO" .j \. '. .........~ -.. r i I I , I I. \ , I r ~ I i ,', ........--...1 ,'-, ~ f' ~,~~,.( . ..,:'.':; )~; ~t~w j09t):~' :lr ---~--9.l, ..llIsI day ot January - , I, LTD., a FLorida 1981, by limited ("Assignee"). WIT N B S S B T H: .", "ol:';;Jl;",'ASs:lgnor in consideration ot the SUID of Ten Dollars '[~X~:W~<"'($10.()O)'.,and' other valuable consideration, the receipt and ;~'l\'! 'sutticiency ot which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, ;t:~'i:' barqain; sell, convey, and assign to Assignee a total residential living unit count of forty (40) units, which units are allocated to the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Parcel A") pursuant to the City of Clearwater's zoning and land use ordinances. ..; '" . d 110 g; 1'4 .e 1'4 o :.l o ,... oQ ~ '" .... t.LI .... 110 o 110 ., ." - ~ >< ... 8~~ 3.... - oQ~'" .. -I('" :z: 0" glQ~ ~o: o .~ ~p.,u o f-' ~ :> f-' ~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid units set forth above in connection with, and only in connection with the real estate described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein ("Parcel B"). The utilization of the units described above shall be limited to Parcel B, and upon completion of Assignee's development of Parcel B, all units not so utilized shall be reconveyed to Assignor for the benefit of Parcel A within five (5) days of request by Assignor. This Assignment is given in accordance with paragraph 11 of the Settlement Stipulation in United states Steel corporation vs. City of Clearwater, circuit civil NO. 78-4765-7, Pine11as County, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor has executed this Assignment as of the day and year first written above. WITNESSES: I, ~~~ -~ p~rtner By: STATE OF =~ :47=6971 70 4\) 1 02f1l87 13 00 13 . GO O1k COUNTY OF Florida Pinella" ; ,)1 I.\!... The foregoing instrument was' acknow1edyed ~d day of January, 1987, by Roberta H. Denn s Partner of SAND KEY INVESTMENT PROGRAM I, LTD., a partnership, on behalf of said partnership. before me this , as General FLorida 11mi ted RE40.2-12036 ~.: , ~ J ~. cJ: ~t1" ~ ) NO~~C ....,~ My commission oxpit.cs.:,'.''; ,I' WOIlRY puellc SIAIl 01 flORID( AI COA.IS~IOI (lP, 10Y 19',1l!7 80llOl0 II:RU t('(RAI US. u~, 4~,)fP! 41 DS 43 Inl --- TOl=Z~' . " . ,'" ..';.."".... '.' . . ' , · '~\~'il:f[nt;i~iiil~l ~ ;.; .:: :~,,:,'",'...''' .,:.' . . ''''''; '. I I EXHIBIT A ""'~~:~.t"ii.:~,t,';~:;-,:~.. -, - C"".-. !;~- ."", .'ri-'" ..' . '. .....,. . . ,"'T~.. j'" af'';''':P1Jlc::L IV:'-<^,,:."6!!~,? )~~O.".;;~~~~~~' '~;'~:;:~". _ ~ -;..-, .....~~; . _.._."...,..7~'~- ",,,.,,,,.. """,.- ';0 ...:",;" ~:~t.-.-. . .- ;8i.;""?;""7'~';~:_!i-"'~~"~!..I:.".;~:~n;i'--~-~:P.'" , :1IF.~: . _, e".' . ",,,.,.i.-~ .. ..,...., . - . ~.'. .., ",..,..~' !"~r .d. .. ~ ,.....';uiv.:;; 'of PARCO.. also known~ a.~ 51 'i~" V Sand' b. ,/1, ~,;:"." -~:-:. -;~o~:.~:;...;:;~~~, ,. 8 . 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". ..0 20. .. ,.,. ..' .... ..ii ... ...c. 0 f ..,." to...o .n:r ...r ooe11 0.' .. .h' .h. ,,;.~-.:~ .',. ,;:;;,~ "E~ .li'.~....rU.' of Gulf Boulevard .15"" "".d .0.. 20.' ..,.. ;,. .."'... . -..". . .0" ....b".hed .. . 100-foo' "9h.-of-w,y: .h..c' ru.' ..... -" .,.,. ~. ,,'11' 31" v 010.' . .,. ....or ".i. .. ... U.C. of 263- ".. .. ';;'~j..;:; '>.'. '~:.~':", .... to . 00"': .h..... run . .,~ ..' 2" v," d.....c. oL'.. j...,. '!~h';50.00 .... '0 th' po1.' of .....;....: ."e.ce run . . . ; ,..., 'c:: .. . . ..'13')1' E, 010.' .h. .orth.....rlY. r..ht-of-.'Y U... ~; of aforesaid Gulf Boulevard, a distance of 650.00 fee~: thence run Y ~7.46.29. W, a distance of (116.S feet ~r. or le.. deed) (1169.69' ~re or lesS field) to the aean h19h water line {elevation 1.29 feet W.O.V.D. of the Gulf of MexiCO: thence run southerly al~n9 ..1d aean h19h water line, a d~stance of {690 f.e~ .ore or le.a deed) (724.1' DOre or leas fieldl to a point that 11ea , . .'....2.. v, ... '5'0 f." .or. or "" deed' ,."_21' .' IDore or le.. fieldl cu.tant frolD the point of &e910n11\9 . thence run S ~1'46'29. E, . distance of (540 feet aor. ..,.". .. or le" ..... ,.... n' on" Dr le" H.l.' to .he Po'.' ~..,~....,~,: I)f 88;10n1n;- ( - "\.t~diti:~i;,j;i,t~~1~~1?;:?'" ".:' . , 1~V.'V :":"~'1.:-;,.\,.,l';~<"'''''"'"''' I . 4"'~"'''''''~ff''''.r~,'", "j-I '-" ~>~~J:~~;~{.,i::;:; ";' '~:r~'~~~t1~i~p';;~~~". 'W!l'~"""~""' ,"' !:: ~. ~t~:,,~fliti7' .....i.:.,; :' ^.:rr:U1: 'i"I'~~~'.~Il..'l~""Jj.A'~,~~:;.f._~:-,'...:,.:--, :' " '~. .~f:{f3f~:r""{:'" ' ~; j.tlo..;ot'seect.on\9. TOWl'lllhll' :!'J ~u,h. bn,;C! U Euc, rind1.. ~.aij~l,'.~lorJd:a~ bc:lnt 11II"" I'MI klll:nly dl:lIuJhd 311 10110v.: ~4_. ~~~,:~~~:~~f::.,~~.r;:1:~"+~'" .~' \\j!H.c;f~to1IiIIenuac th. Southn:tat corn,'r nr ulcl Section 19, thence M. 89004'01"' v.. ~;~1I::": 23St. aD rut 810nl the !'o,I&." line oC 'u lei Section to a ro'nt on the \~:'j.~::,,;',"uur17 rilht-ot-v.1)' I1nf' or r.ulf ~ouhvncl (l00' "IV. O.P.. 1766. 'c. . .; , "'293-295); thcnc:e alonl; !':tleS \J~"terly rJl:ht-o'-\I:\1 Hnll N. '310S8'20" t,. ....~:., 5S3~31 ftu to the rolnt nr ftc-s;lnnJnl:: th.nre N. 11900"0'" -'1., 383.00 f.et. .ore or 1e.. to a ~Int on the me~n h1l:h water lln~ oT the Cull of "caito: I~ld point hr.r~ln~rl~r rererrreS to ~. ro1nl "^.. r~r ton- venlo!nce: thene.. fro. th.. rn Int or ftrr.lnn lnr. rnn alnns; t lu: . r ore..ent J_cd ~e.te'l, ~1Iht-ol-~a1 1lnr nr r.ulr B~ulev~reS the fol1nwlnl tour.es and curve.; N. 310S8'20" t.. 103.73 r~ct to a poJnt or curve: thene. ~rt~ ,'.'_' "esterl, alonit uleS tllt'VC: "ith a r:uHul oC 18~9.86 het throulh a un- tul anile ol 09007'_'1'" an Art dht.1nce of 296.30 reet (C.~. N. 2702"30" t., 295".99 Cert): thencc~. nO~0.)9" t.. 108.90 het; _ thence 1uvlnl saieS \/clIlcrJy rJl;ht-or-w.:sy lInc. N. 670'09'21'. \I.. 39S ,--. ~'l.et, IIlOre o~ less to thet ..r:'\n hl~h "':Ilcr line or r.ull or Mexico; thence Southwesterly alons; s~ld ..e.3n hi!;h vater line and blndinl thctrevlthto the ;)rOrc.Ift(.nt inll..,1 r., Illl "A". .~f.~i~!t.;,: ,:.;::>>r;~~;~i"J~:. I ;,~~\\~..lLu.18IiOO;;...' :F " ..., 0:'- "iC ",'!'l'.'ti2~;i: ",'~ t'\ fl, ~ \t~. "'2. '.J~';' , ".~:',;. ., ~ . - ' , ..':~. i:~ :'~h:, :~T.;~:,::'" :,;"-.!/~~'.:.'~;- ':..";