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"?•: c•i-• ,'s , t'. , K?-: ' : a n, t •.,,:;< .rrf)) AY' -?• . t t f •'f { i :r^ .?3'?' .'r i•l•. ..:',;r `i>.; .Y.y;:?.. ,t}^.y". 9a i 'l.' i a: i , {. .:,,. - x"? .. a i < ?':J3; t ? : • s r: ?f '? ". ` ? f ? w•.\ ?'i; :?: ,.C If :r .y h' , ;. •-n:• -t k.i ,' :•7 'r.- %7 :s' S?..r ,.?k -a...?{`ii+ .,{:f t?;f. f .r. ir.? .y'; ?. 6f .?•'.En ?i :' •sV4J '>S'. L 41- 1. J,, _ - '9'iT l t err. . ?• , z: ?:1 ; .,.L• ys,a ,k'w ff.?Fr?).'.'s..F`r ,re.S,t.L^.wk?,t..a,w`?.r•..?z..r?J«..,::..'.??...,•t•N:?.?'.''•?•. ?t".c.r. r,`: ' •?1 1"", P?.y?Y' fty •'?w". '1• .•3 r±:E:.? fir'.'.' ,4.. ,y?, i':Y.! 777777-7 07 City Commission 1:inutes (Cont'd) Feb. 10, 1940 ORDINANCE No. 618 l.) AN OIIGINAHCE GUNTIVO TO CLEARWATLh TRA!:SIT, IEC. THE AUTEORITY, RIGHT AND M IVILEOE TO ESTABLISH, MAINTAIN ANL OIL RATE A SUS TRANSFORTATICN SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF CLEArMATMi, FLOh1LA, FOR TM - TRANSPORTATION FOR HIRE OF FAS3EWEE5 ANL rIX1110 TI!E TI aIS AND CJNDITIONS OF SUCH ORAVT. BE IT 'ORDAINED BY THE CITY COV.WhSION OF THE CITY OF CLEAI:SIATLR, FLORID. i Section I DEFINITIONS "TRANSIT", whenever uned in this ordinance shall be doemed`to mean Clearwater Transit Inc., a Florida corporation, with its principal place of business in Clear- water, horida, to whom is herein granted the franchise, authority, right or pri- vilege to establish maintain and operate a bus transportation system in the C!ty of Cloarrlater, Florida, for the transportation for hire of passengers. "CITY", whenever used in this ordinance shall be deemed to mean the "ity of Clearwater, Florida, a municipal corporation, and whon used in reference to area shall include not only the present corporate limits of said City, but such corporate limits as they ma, be hereafter extended, and such adjacent territory as may, for the purpose of this ordincn ce, come under the jurisdiction of said "City". "STREETS", whenever used in this ordinance shall be deer.ed to mean and include all the public highways, streets, alleys, bridges public traveled areas and other pub- lic ways included in the corporate limits of the 61ty of Clearwater, xlorida, as the some now exist, and as they may be hereafter extended, together with such adjacent territory an may, for the purpose of this ordinance core under the jurisdiction of said "city". Section II NATURE OF GRANT The authority, right and privilege is hereby granted to Clearwater Transit, Inc., for and in consideration of, and subject to, the conditions agreements and privileges hereinafter set forth, to establish, naintain and oparate over and upon the streets cf the City of ulearwater, Florida, a motor bus transportation syeten for the transportation of passengers for hire for a period of fourteen (14) years commencing on the effective data of this ordinance. Section Ill S Regular motor bun transportation service pursuant to the grant aforesaid shall be established, operated and rFgularly maintained over and upon definite routes in the "Cite" so no to adequately serve the traveling public of the "City " as the Public con- venience and necessity ma; require, and "Transit" and the "City", prior to the com- mencement of operations under tris ordinance, shall acres as to the routes over which said motor bus transporation service shall, be established. 11mransit" shall establish new routes and provide additional erpipment as the same may be needed in order to maintain safe, adequate and efficient transportation service for the "City", subject to the provisions hereof. "Transit" may, upon its onr initiative from time to time, provide safe and reasonable experimental routes over which it may operate its tua transportation service for a period of time not to exceed ninety (00) days upon ten tIO) da;rs written notioe given the "City", such notice to apec:fy the route to be operated, the ti=e of the commencement and termination of such experimental service. If from the experience of any such route or routes serves the public convenience and necessity of the citizens of the "City" in the area affected, and that the continued operation over such route or routes will afford a reasonbele return to "Transit", therefor, the operation of such route or tcutea shall be considered as establiahed routes and uubject to a- bandonment, modification or alteration only as provided herein in respect to establisr.- od rotten. The determination of whether or not any such route or touted shall serve the public convenience and necessity of the citizens of the "City" in the area affect- ed, and afford such a reasonable return to "Transit", will be made by the mutual ccn- sent of "Transit"'and the "City". Any estantisied route may be changed, modified or abandoned by mutual consent of the City Commission and "Transit", and additional establli ed rcutee may from time to t!=a be provided by like mutual consent. "Transit" may charge, modify or abandon any established route, provided that a written notice of its intention to do sc, cen- ta=ping a description of such proposed change, modification or abandonxent, shall be served by "Transit" on the "Cit;" at least twenty-one (21) dnysprior tc the day on which such change, modification or abandonment is proposed to be made effective and published in o ,newspaper reFilarly publidied and in general circulr.tirn in the ?,Cit;" once a week for two consecutive weeks rrior to said proposed effective date. And such action an taken by "Transit" shall be valid, proper and effective, snd U.,e "City" shall be presamed to have concurred therein, unless the City Corr»_ssion shall, after rece,pt of such notice and prior to the date on xhich said proposed change would be effective .s: 54!• % F ' y A ..ftr l:'?]fit i';F:.+Sµ'i??•;4-r''?tV`calts+? ??i`r }r,fti",-': w,;r •1 ;? e "Ig ch ? t } F?. ? ?Jt .-r,-.r-.,.•, era -..°:.-.1. ?. .c?.?.. rr ;Ir S nh .7{s''.Y+^,. a:i:. .. .,-...??,--..?'t :F...... '?3t. Y.\ rc:? p3:•.4. h "I,w `??? T 5 1 ? ,-k• % T E i W'" },. s Ar , .. ? - , -t { ?.?' 'r ?" is ''z • } .S.r t ?. ?3L 'i's' .. JY.Y. .i ? 't. .I ': S; , t.... :«;.•. '?. C.°'.', :en" ..{,,: ,p p _ .lv, x.y• % rr ..1,„ •7 yyyy iN` . •V l I S Z y ?- t? ? Y' '1 mot. t7` Sir }.Y { '•?. 'k''• A,`. '•f• 3i 44 '!°• WU" 'r N ,z ,.?, ? •.r.4" ;.?;.- t.. psi, , { e !li ?( m t t ? y del' i ,. ,}.'.txc 44; •l t.•?"ems. .4 ?? ' ,[°.- ...u. , ,,....r.? i-?1;:•? u ,.,..fir » »s?:.. ,s+r'r. ?': ?.W.u'+ {• Dili `'z?n ,. 1t?{41.*'?, ',5??,' {.'?.`?_7?-'. S'I, l'^, j?j Y b ?t?j(f,L-..Y?,>y ?ti °?° 'SIf .y?"'.h f'.;`?n-??yt T: ?? 'p Yli' ? N 3: .: ; 's ?? rT'f,Y: !d, .? #?C7-??jS? ??.'?, .?? Et +, }•'} ? ' ? ? irf ?? '?;?? ?,, ?;.'?•7 I?:• Y ?? '? r vt:s?aa4?3 s'?pit«'r';x r, 7 - 777 7 -77 7 -7777 -.7-777 % .IF y r 1• ,.P •t?• '. % ., a r.Y }' ??:, •+? :?fi? , _?• ,.,,. "l '..`-# :'•?'' Ir Yom.:.l.?`` "' "k.•."' ?, ?. ?S;M1?a}}Yy?,`,;'?i :ynyt,??`•i-V'i`i[-wi?',?.:; t=. •,?.`. City Cppmrissior, Minutes (Contid) ORDINANCE NO. 516 (Cont'd) Feb. 18, 1948 notify "Transit" in writing that it disapproves of such proposed action. "Transit," ahe11 not be required to operate over any eetnbliih ed route urlons all of the operntiona of "Transit" in the "City" shall afford, or show a reasonable prospect of affording, a fair and reaecnnble return on the coat of much operations. If the "City" and "Trnnait" cannot agree as to whether or not said oparntiens will at that time or within a reasonable period of time produce a fair return upon the investment necessar-,; for the oar ration thereof, the same shall be submitted to arbitra- tion as provided in Section XVII hereof, and the said board of,Arbitration in making its findings and decision of the question in dispute so submitted to them for datar- mination simll cnnsiunr (1) the effect that such operation has or may have upon-the 'eafe- tg of the traveling public and the citizens or the locality affected, (2) the nature and condition of the atreota of such route, (3) the effect that such operation has upon the needs of the traveling public and the locality of the pity a ffected, and (4) the length of time that "Transit" has exercised its rights and operated its buainess under this franchise, giving due weight to the probability of a natural loss to "Transit" from its operations during the inital years of this franchise. "Transit" may at any time provide for the transp,oration of special ehsrter par- ties nr excursions between any two points in the "City' without being required to fol- low such astablinhed route or routes. Section IV SE-PAPATiON OF TRACES "Transit" shall malce and enforce reasonable r'alce end regulations providing for the segregation of the human race when more than one race is transported on the some bus; unleae mak!nc and enforcing the came are declared illegal, by a court of competent jurisdiction. Section V SC EDUL S Schedules of operation shall be such as may be required to accomodate the rea- sonable needs of the traveling public over the respective routes established. Definite schedules shall be agreed upon by "Transit" and the "City", and may be changed at any time by rrutual consent. Section VI E QUIPME:1T All buses to to operated under this grant and authority shall be kept in good Wec°rarical order and attractive in appearance. "Transit" ahal l st all times during the operation of said motor bus transportation system, under this franchise, use a suffi- cient number of buses to carry out its agreed schedules. All buses shall be properl°, eouipped with nodern safety appliances. If "Transit" desires to commence regular opera- tions on sched•les before buses are available, it may temporarily operate private cars or taxi cats in lieu of buses. However, any private cars or taxi cabs so operated shall be distinctly marked to sherr that they a re running on regular schedules ir lieu of buses, and the use of private cars and taxi cabs shall be discontinued as soon as buaes are available in aafficient number. Section. VII FARES The fares to be charged by "Transit" shall be uniform, juat and reasonabla, and shall be such na will provide a fair and reasonable return on "Trarait"311 investment. All fares shall be subject to approval and regulation by the "City", and no schedules cf fares shall to effective untii ap-,roved in writing by the City ?Manager. Hoxaver, "Transit" mny at any time by special agreement or contract provide for the transpor- tation of special charter parties for excursions at such rates and charges as it may deem advisable and without the approval of the "City". All police officers and firemen in uniform shall be furnished free transportation. Section VIII UAIL ANIL NEWSPAPERS If it so desires, "Transit" may carry =oil for the Government of the United State: in and upon its tuaea, as well qs newapaners to be delivered at any point on its routes, rut such deliver, service shall in no wine interfere with proper and adequate ;nsaen- ger service. Section IX STOP ZCNES A:.-L !:us STOPS The "City" shell posit the eatabl!shement of reasonbble stop -ones along the established routa9 of "Transit", for the purpose of enabling "Transit" to take on and discharge passengers with safety and dispatch; such zones to be on the right of the course in which buses of "Transit" are operated and adjacent to the street intersection at the far end of the designated blocks. Any marking of such stop zones chall to done C ;771 Z .•4b j r .a•,. .•i. I .i • `b'3?.7 ?' 'C.'lsr. <? rts•,a YI' t ,` da . __I ex ".•`-A,r ar..?sp.s.N'-J'.•V. ;YN 'ra'+rn- .v ..- ?_ - ' ... - ?-i •'• ,. . , G „ ..,.,, J•. .,,..a..arsoIDi 1.,.>, r . v •F_s.+.a: r. „a . i... r 1. .'r. , :- ' r , J . . s, "a`'.'r-."""°'°'"^"' .:.,.a:_. ?.:;..=-r ..-.-?:..-,. `..•,;...tr r='rJ.•_•-?- `•-%??•n, .......--.::.?.` .`..r.Jx,...:`.:..`.: a.. `.Y,. .•c.:.. s 4..:vv:. i w i $sa 9; 3' '.r ' a 3 . ,r t ' :•%?t s. r. 777777 r. 777-,77 • -,J - •? ,. Wr rrs kSi .a R.F -rU r.,.,. &. .? r .r rl? ;,!'` .'. f...4 '?' x ?•k.. •-f ti+x r• ; f:: I,19 ei Y bt'i "t.i '•4: !'i '1'•Y, 'ti';c^4. ? to •r:'-r% '1'°?. ,t . t .a' f th ./- 4 F -t=r Vii.: i1. `•k n ?'• 3'??sr r ; , • ??' ':?,'.. .? ,- '.s sty'' •?` cr i V ' 1E 3 yt s9i M' L;. ?. ?;'!-• h. ? '?'?'`;??•: S'S."". ? Y, "'? --?' 9Atir.«.. ' -,.'u. 4':. _ i ?yq? ?'? ..i.,.GSYat.° :?.rcr.ss..•c«:«.'w.Hr,?Yr v'• ?x !j'y . s 3 ?' + w?, {...u..? n' ,. 4 rrt t t. .; e. ,P'?? ? ?, ?. '??• r. 5'?,? >:'?. i'.. •? ?? P, 7. •fi ?? ta '..r•?r t ' k+ ' r r .t'- , r t•. I' P;;. .le s G `J?k: +?,) ba. te` ? :?!' ''?'t ` ?- ' ,. r 'e? i ! 5..•. ;:r. rah ,, •(N @s,itt: L s ..?. , • s. ,y°, I l "X =ti'v?' ;• ? City Commission Minutes (Ccnt'd) Feb. le, 1946 ORDINANCE 110. 516 (font' d) d "? ,? ?:,,;, , •?t;.r:•. j by the "City" but any pedestal or other si.;na :rssignoting such atop tonne or bus stops ;; ~ ,, ,,:',;' Cdr,, '?f,•'•k';` -•,';'•'. ' ? shall be made or erected and rrnintnined by "Transit", the "City" shall prohibit °, '.:.`,i": ' ; rr: • ` ?f:; s ' other vehicles from obstructing any ayes -one or interfering `Kith the operations of '''' . ': n `"as;;:..`.x;f; .`":;k•:= `: "Transit" therein or at any bus stop. .+11 regulu tlors under this aection,shall be un- n ,:;-r ,= t1 der the absolute control of the "City". , , Section X ' PRIVILEGE CHIALGE ` ~_ :, •'`°. a ,::r, For the privilege of operating the service provided herein "Transit" agrees to pay to the "City" s stun equal to two per sent (2,5 ) of its gross receipts derived :` I' 'y '';'_•.r -' from such operations, regardless of the sotsce of such receipts or for what service ' : r " ; t ' ~ rendered, such charge to be in lieu of all other city taxes of whatsoever kind or ? , ? r .. .•', • , : ",•_ . ,,:, :::.,t:y.,:: •,r::;r•:' nature, except that nothing herein shall'be construed to prohibit the "City" free . ?• `:-''_'•°':" ' levying any general ad valorem tax upon the property oP "Transit" not otherwise pro- - hibited by law. The said charge shall be parable on or before the 30th day of each , month for the previous month's operations. 'transit'! shall keep a special set of °` '=•'`'1' ' books showing all revenues derived from operation of bus lines under this franchise, t ` r and the "City" shall have access to its books and records at all times for the purpose ' '==: ' ='' Y -°'•>' :- -, -:, . of detez'inging the gross receipts Srd the charges to be paid the "City" based thereon. The beta "gross rece'pta" shall include all revenue derived from "Transit's" operations t-.;:''`=•-';'_ •-:`,'•"`•?'.;r'•, :•<.-':':'" within the corporate limits of the "City" ant: shall not be considered to refer to any , ' of ' : '`°:, < 'z•:.'at',:':, earnings by virtue of operations be end the city limits. In computing gross receipts, all revenue that ori6inates in the 'City" shall be considered as derived from Its ' 'v ' ' ' % ' ' I = ,•d` operation therein. Any revenues that originate outside the "City" ahnll not be N , i';•-, .. k. ' :;yi F'.fF ' ' considered. _ iJ • i a Section XI i . ' OFFICE .. ' ° ' " " r, i-'=..)-". . yt"...c•+:;s ' Transit shall keep At all times during the continuance of this frynohwse, ', .•r: ?r 1.;:?};:: t.; >>? •: ; ;. ;; an office in the City of Clearwater, Florida, and its books and records relating to gross "' 'r,?t ,"t ° °:':'•'°' `' receipts shall be kept in such office. Providing further that "Transit" will, upon ten (10) days notice served upon it by the "City produce for examination b; the "City" any additional records kept by "Transit_in an;, way dealing with its tus opera- 4.:• tions in the y". Section XII LALAGE TO STRIETS :;:,r..{;.::', ,' :...,•f5". "Transit" further agrees to promptly make pay=ants to the "City" for all damages . ,„ ,t cY f ;S. done or caused to the streets and other property of the "City" caused by the opeza- ' ion of "Trans1t,3" vehicles, reasonable wear and tear excepted. ' ' ' ' r .;, le; , _- ; . ,; =s, p? i s• Section XIII [ + PROTECTION ;;;.. ,."~.'s-.'•'•.:'. ;.', ; ...,':' The "City" shall not compete with "Transit" in its operations heraunder and . : ; - ",.•',t_.,r., shall insofar as its corporate powers exist, by ordinance duly enacted, prohibit inter- , Terence and competition from motor bus lines, 2itney operations and taxi cabs not S operated from regular stnnda, or other competing types of public transporation vMch •`'' r'' -culd teEd to interfere with the efficient nrd sooner=le operation as a whole of the trnnsporation system herein provided for. Section XIV z'`'s` :'e sly:i•i;;: _ s?; ''.p MiFLIANCE WITH G%1,'EML ORDINANCES t`r rr: "Transit" in its operations shall be required to comply with all general 'y:' x;' = ;: ,d;• ;' :..•;°.', ordinances of the "City" now in effect or hereafter adopted for the regu'k tion and 4, centrol of motor vehicle traffic. Section XV NOTICES 17henever by terms of this ordinance notice is required or pe= itted to be given either by the "City" or by "Transit", it mny be given by registered mail addressed to, or b; personal deliverg at the office of "Transit" in the C!ty of Clearem ter, rlc:da, or the office of the City `lark in the City Ball, Clearwater, rlorids, and to each City Cc:rr..issioner at his business addr-ss, as the case may be. Section XvI 1::S URV: C E "Transit" shall at the time of the cors::encement of its operations hereunder and continuously during such operations: 1. At its awn expense, carry and -alntain insurance apainot public liability and property 4amage with reasonable and ade;aate ii-its in responsible insurance companies } v 4.1 ti 4 y Y• ;,.."k . •. Jo- r ?. a ? r 1Y, ?1 t'" "fry. t i , F t t ,TS s• .',.; CAL;` '. i°. P?:::jt?. ??: NNIP I. `? f? fy si:?r agkr;,i6rr•.• t,• t ,i i ll•y .Ls: h ,t, n 1 J- 2 Ik;r ` rli. r; e .g. a ?r1 ! , v k, ;{ '•r',.{.. try; ??'..?...b .w_ .. `rcq..,c..>:,:}' ., ... , -' `- -- .. ? r .t. ..,. - -. :£" r+ ._ ..rpy>LL{,.. ?R.,? • rigid "-?a° = L ` j' ii ? •.;i/` r:i: ;.?'?'rv'?` •e.:i?': .: ytn .J t?`?.1 ,: •x,•. w't °'-??.•F..S',':aYn? »-taR ?'?+<$a, "i• c s ;id.?.?.;?:>Yd:?i.sis:' i' ?,."b Jr. .,., ;,la'.'..f c;c','r ?•...?.''• rids.::d?:rs?i??r.L?1a?..?vt,#'?Lu•>?i:>avi'.>. 4K.-... oak.-?:.-Z`.t ???::5f?i,s :r:. ,.-,.i. .??s. .-a a:L"? .?•L?L..tJ.?yFr?k?.sYE:.: -e .-?..•--....T,r,-....,.??... ?-- ..•.+ ......• ?.,--:T,•,-- 7777, --... ?_•..-•*?••,?.?----.•; r;-•?m ..•?•r.•n.+ :-?--"i? `S? •?.', ^? 7!S+;:r±-,•^ mv= + ?'," ?.,1',y'f , s . xis , t :e- , t °, t: - c., ..a`?•'r?:''^.''ys »?i.z ' -!. ?-,,, 77 -S•Y,:7v i§ 3H. ':4..i- ' : - (•' r'`i _ .. t:+:{"'o;•+;;7;•- '?a-'?F:> ..t.". 's"• s.F,: i:;, ,.r'? l ',7.rL _ E.L;.• ::J ..s tr.. .c 54 a•.t:..t.`"z Y 3 .71`?S'• a e'fr:l:aS! ..L.. '?. .i' :JD. "2?'?.': ;. "P'D.,• S +'l? ^.t?•-`.?1".. h w"'MA:IfiEl ." 5 . ?',: • .+,° .:?,,...'S.- `k`ey'; .«-i-, ?, K?. FC ? 1 b ?Y: S q ?5 ,j a? 'Y Gf:: j¦}}F?w?..r`.Sd•t .-s:?r?-' .•t'x `i% •1,'? .d. 's`r'` " `•ix .4'".:' ?i?: ':a .t`.". ,4 ??.`r::' =;t'.^,..-` vtit ?. ?'w. 3: r7 z ??k` •i:'+ pal. u ?° ?. .f 1r tiF ?'3 '1 ?•:?c6' .;.tx'• «'SY .}•. }• .,?. +R• ^Rv L+hsr•` :E t •? '. ?> ,'{ :t' 4• :'. ?P.:'A?•. ?tA 3"r'c ui '? i ? ?t ?jtt ^1' -?' 6 1 f.. L ry.. . f. :.. X 'eQ :7 :'l' "W 'r .->-. „?.5,, ::•j: tit''° ? l"''4?E'q;,l'--" .? J ',. ?F' . 7 Is .:?" i+>?t}rL,•3,"wRSti7 •.ySM..•.r3 ' A+ce:., ,t,?:d3ysii::...i1:3::'?.e: ?. ,.>:.' ,:,h' :.z?.z. .'s.. • . `at. .... .C i.••n y.Cr?.7i-[S.-R rcwii•ii,`:'.«.....«.L.,.......•??., y ..?.,>^t'..•^-Yx.. . a 't° ? ))..?? u? •f,-' :l ,.. , ?j" 111: •?:"i. ''; . ', '' a'. • : 5 .•?,' 431,1, .ti•. ,?'.','4f ,•. i, ri?f?rt?r??'•?VI?''?F L7?1?{?[: jrzFi. -, [ ,,; '?'[.tLi•r'1; ???I?r?4E?iek#?S?•4.,gc?f?.o :?t,fi'. •j"i>•'r?h??'-''?9 • il`f ?''a't'SP?iyfy'',L ??°??•;.?:•. City Commission Minutes (Conttd) Feb. 10, 1946 ORDINANCE NO. 516 Oontld) authorized to transact bualnuac in the State of Florida, to be mutually agreed upon be- tween "Transit" and the "City". (a) With the consent of the City Commisa_on of the "City" furnish a aurc% >.cnd in the form and with surety or surbties to be approved by the said City Cermiaslon, con- ditioned to make oprompt pa-ymont of all cnlir.a for personal injuries or property damage caused by "Transit''a" operations and for which "Transit" may be liable; or (b) With the consent of the City Commiasion of the "City" act as a self-insurer against such hazards, in which event "Transit" shall furnish the "City" antisfactory evidence of its.ability to meet all claims far injuries to persons and property ran- sonabl, anticipated in the ordinary course of business, for which it may be legally liable. Section XVII ARSITRATI011 In the event that'Clty" and "Transit" shall be unable to agree in respect bo any natter arising hereunder, the subject of disagreement shall be referred to a Board of Arbitration to be selected in the following manner; The "City" shall select a person in no way connected with the government of the "City" and "Transit" shell select a person in no way connected with it and these two shall select n third person in con- nected with the government of the r'City" or with "Transit", such three (3) persons to conpose the Bald Board of Arbitration.. It is hereby expressly agreed that the finding of the said Loard of Arbitration shall to final upon all issues of :act so submitted to the ooaid and' thet the expenses of an id arbitration, including the expenses of the Board, shall tie certified by it to both parties and shall be paid by "Transit", Such expenses shall not include any allowance for fees for attorneys or experts for either part-,. Section X7111 t'ORIPEITURE3 The authority and privileges granted hereunder shall at the option of the "City" be subjec`. to forfeiture upon the failure and refusal of "Trar.sit" to comply with any of the terms hereof, and shall particularly be subject to forfeiture in the a;ent that regular bus service under this franchise is discontinued for a period of sixty (60) days or more. Provided, however, that the "City " shall give ":.-halt" not less than thirty (30) days notice of its intention to exercise its Enid option, such notice to.specify the default cctkplainod of, during which time "Transit" shall :,e allowed to correct such d.pfa lt, in which event no forfeiture mny be declared. section XI7 OPTION TO PURCF..ASE At the expiration of the term of Chia franchise, or uun a forfeiture under the provisions of the preceding section, then and thereupon the City". shall have the right and option to purchase all of "Transit+s" equipment and property used under or in con- nection with the franchise or right herein and hereby granted, or such pRrt of such equipment and property as the "City" may desire to purchase; and in the event that the "City It exercises its option herein granted, then the valuation of the property and equipment that the "City" desires to varchase shall be fixed by arbitration as ,pro- vided by law. Section XJX 11? ENINIT° "Transit" shall hold the "City" ha.=.lens asainat anv and all liability, less, cost, damage or expense which may accrue to tale said "City' by reason of the neglect, default or niscenduct of "Transit" in connection with its rights hereunder. Nothing in this ordinance shall be considered to make the "City" liable for damages on account of any negligent act of emission or commsiasion by the servants, agents or e=ployoes of "Transit" daring its operation of its transportation services, either in respect to persona or with respect to any property damage which may be aubstained. Section XXI ACCEP7ANCE .his grant and authority is made upon. `_h: condition that. ":rnnsit" shall ^13e with the City Clerk of the City of C1'_arwater, written retice of the acceptance of the cams within thrity (301 days after the e,'fective dtste of the passage of thiv Ord- inance, and 'r,her. such notice of scceptarce _a ::led, this ordinarce and the accept- arse aha'.1 constitute a contract between the "City" ind "'transit" for all the uses, services, and purposes act forth herein. Section XXII °} 0.'AL Or" ';?LiY?LEI?T LYON EXPIR&TION Upon the expiration of the ta=x of tLi_ franchise or upon, a forfeiture thereof es provided in Section XVIII of this ordinance "Tranait" agrees that it ,vill tremptl;; cease its operat.`ans under this franchiae and will r.-cmptly rer_o':e from the streets of the "City" all. of its property and ecp lpment u-less the '[City" shall exercise the opt:w}n and kght reserved herein to purchase said propert; and ega;pxent as :zere!natove provided in Section XIX hereof. L .i1 .f .41 :l.tti'?$°s,:??. `.ti l X1.1 ?3?'j-?•p ?,`, 1 , ri-.'1 ? ?• ? ?::5 :+c?l',; :: i" u.>??'. 5.'5.1 a'Fij:;,? ?,?r?r• «.k F, ,Ew?.r a;e;f." ... ?•;?;?i}9.".:t3?.1 `l ^i ?L?. a 1D }'F_ s 'yR'?"..-?.^ •??--- -+„- ?.---. •,?-•. .?.-' . _? _,?,... .,ham, . ..?, ..,-- ? ?. ti, i ,. i`Y M1 i*?S' , 11/'?i, A 1• ,.• 3 'S?`''; y+hjY.`'r?i.?,^„ Ft'.,. T -e.'°r«v : ?;.. F yp,: ;S•i?'; , ^:'•!,; '"h:? :.rL n??- .?.yw ...xY,,.r?,•:3:-,..,;,,P; .,:?., eHw.i,.. ^a;,.?b°',. '.t4,.r `Cy F?Y• •X.Sd-' ry` ,'ts-; ,r: ?' . },:, r :rf . t,. .-e,;?t, ?.."''.J',ip.:.?'.?,' Sa. ,?. fit.: •,?' .{., D--` ,'F, ? S. ' t r ..r. .. f.:. ? ?, ?"tf' ?:.,.t.`;. `?? ,r-... ..,.,., ,vs.. .. •. ,. s r?'- .:? ?. ., w. ?:.r..i?=`'.^i 4 rv ;d P.ast aar?;•,. _? .2W+??, M5 4'-f R-}a ;-'"F' t• rN. City Conmiasion-kinutes (Cont'd) Feb 18, 1996 1a h . 4 :K. ORDIMNCE NO. 516 tCont'd) t } a " ? q ?t =? `,tkw Section XXIII r t}r.?}ir rSsS?, •t:_?i: ?? e?i"??" ?f9t?i ?3.` ? , ^ .?- 4°tLk t':: i;s Wvl+? Zt ALIL1TY i I,,. :, P. 4f;kk ;,?t;"a. >• :. Encr eect!on of this ordinance and encl. pert of each section i•n hereby detlared a separable section, or part of section and the holding of any section or party there- , . "'' of, to be mconstitutional, told, illegal, inoperativo, or contrsry to the larva of tho Stote of rlorida for any • reason n}all not affect ony other section or pert of f"at ' ?'. 7 xI ?,?si = '•t• : S 4 :'"•„•= s=,' ,E ± '` ti,la ordinance, it teing the express :ntentton of the Litt' Cortriiaaion of the City s of Clsarrrn ter in passing tl,la ordinance that each part, section or provision hr+reot ai ;`??` ? tr' • ?` *??`.u? r: ahal? to given full force and affect inde evident of any 'other art section or i r k} provision. Section XXIV ; .. REPEAL Trot ordinance ?J 498 is hereby full,; repealed and all other ordinance or parts ell' ordinances in conflict r8revcith are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. '`?' `?t,'}!'?r? a,L:'"`:r.'r?:• ?. ? t r."'??? ???,..' .4:,,.:•. Z- V? I?;'.'t"•i?p?;Ke ?;?.:.?;3'S':..;?:?°Fq?;: p?v+?:.: i; ('?''.^;; f<•?..;'tri°a.:, y 'tSection XiCV ,t,, kx{?4, ?• .k,4 '?•a=:3''3? ,° s.•a.`4`,s??.? a '?: ,'•c°?t `•'f ?•t':' ' ?>??? ?-•- • - s ordinance steal] taire erred 1.:=riediat e1y??:pen its N easg. and adopLon tT L' ion . j ,It y •:: ?"'-. ;;, r.?; ?,' , ;the itJ ccrr..ise the Y of Clearwater, r1 ? N". ar.?a. 's=?`?.?? aw5?,?'" d1.? 5 ??'YY••+. } '•k,. i c' w •ONC..[•.rA d/ t.J^?'re'1? ?>,.?n. k?,;,; F'•,,??,uw y`, , I# . :>.4.•1'•..S'• fi.? ',? S:: 4 ?'.?'. .4?•i I Y,:,:Lr k?'ax,{,'?' „,'??;:. er ' i, ,3;1•" f? a :ayor-Comm aatoner -u..-°.??-y j i?'si?4'.ttt'°?t.'?R?r?•',s7~ .'?'; .r??,??'?f? 3 g { If,3':%t:?? ins ,••• s'!". ?.t'e'=+ ATT:ST: Q /? j 4 v. F• r '? ? "G ? J?x%?,71?,a? ?7.h'r?,7 t . , . ;y yL' ! :. -2V ?,-. t? w fi'.A d f 555555 r' • '':?,J. rr;` y?i'SL? 'f-''"'= '"w sr•?tik': tmt- C.t;; ror an vlork i L'..i?s?.?:ia, •jrle?3y t??,:?' Jrd.•.R ;,ky?'-;?;:'?; .'. 3 4?' ? y.?•=*, .. " r,2k5?r?r. s?'`r: fgra?.:j` Gr; e Ssu"?+i 1 04i 51 fl y 'Lv: fe .3 4 `F lS'" t s ? r4`?s3. "w Y i?Ir'a, 4`.'.i??:` ' ' J; ?4'?•• "'e, >v-. . :f a>°t? .S ? 3 •.?i?'s .d ?jw.rv .t. ?.!o i F'`Y-,°'?e?6°. 1` r?.''??.?,'2?1s ?'.',f' t'?{':js_:.: t•' ?,?t r';`'?$??5??} , r-r t r. 'F't ,•f ?. ,.. 's"sti ?3'x.?.3.i;3ij?'".??`?,,rf i.S `,rj?3 ??yy.' ???' i '' 7 I??,.Si r4??`,r.S'"`?'t•i S; ?5.;. .??ja•'f?n;? ??'•'i `5."•ti 54•? •. fly ?a .''''?•.<•'.'i ,r ?, 'Z:`s'. r•°irti'ts" f 7?'i i1'eal.. TIM ' °- .??h,rr k ^<??f'-Visa i t '?`• ' .?i.?,?.??r Y y? .i "'.t^ t 's.?3?v;4 Fy'y [ ,> ` !•s xy'S. . { ;, NN'?i:?? ?T?i'w• S?:S',{'l%??zs?hc..????¢•_,;•?L° ' - ?'1Fi?. :'??. A,r , !t 11 4 , 0 77 7t t ,