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The City. Cam:atinnion of the pity of Clearwater, llorida tuot in
re6ular nuoaion February 2, 1942, 7:30 11. V• in the -auditorium of the
City Hull. 'she following; members were present:
George R. Seavy, Unyor-Commissioner
Sesse G. bith, domninsioner
Liuranor R. Lowe, Commissioner
Dan L. Stoutamire, Commissioner
D. Stith, Ooiuiiasioner
Absent:- Hone
I ?
Gozra no7earod baforet t'he Board on behalf of the Clearwater
:Nerehants Association relative to tho.op6ning of Hendrix Street from.
Garden avenue cant across the railroads. I:r. Gaza was told that the
Comnlselon would take the matter under consideration.
41. r. Schoech, pastor of the Lutheran Church in Clearwater,
was told by the Board that Zoning Regulations would not restrict the
building of a dhuroh on South Garden Avenue in the Block east of the
:,,asonic Duildine;, beinb in vourt Srluaro Subdivision.
Juick nuta Dealor, appeared before the Hoard
with the request that tho City 4omnission reduce the auto :)aulers
Occupational License froza 450.00 to X25.00. Mayor !;eavy explained to
,.Ir. Pruitt that if any ohanfles were rsnde In the License Ordinance,
the auto Dealors would got piloper conn_.liravion.
11. Jones, Attorney, presented fL written petition to vacate
plats of Shores Acres Inc.; and Shore Aorea Inc., Addition No. 2 also
a Resolution vacating Subdivision Plats, streets, eta., In sual:
5uhdidisions. i:oved by Jesse G. :isith, seconded by Sumner -t. Lowe
and aarried that the :lecolution be gitanterl subject t- the a;»:roval of
"the City attorney. late above Petition 'tote: Resolution boin6 wroni; as
to description, the sume are not beinb aet out in full in these tainutes.
loved by 1-ir.?Love, • syeondeh by Jesse G. Svith and carried that
OWL ww 7-
470J0.00 transfer?gfron Gas Watur Fund-to General Fund be apprZvtid.
4ity -ttorney Ralph Riahnrls, now read to the'Dosard an
,lirdinanco to be ;hown an urdinance #486 and relating; to Dlael:outa
in war time.
::o'vu'd by Ur. Lowe, seaanded by Jesse G. Smith and carrieid
that the tlydititznra Na. 486 be paasetl an its first rekdint., :,,pvVd
by sense C+. tlt, seiuondo.i L:: Stautunire Uld e1 mad that
gr'linanae 1.0. 406 be pnsned on its secLand rending. I:oved b:r 'Ir.
Stoutamire and carried that Grdi intic , 'io. 486 be passed on itK third
and final rending. Below In sot out ordinance I,o. 486:
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-• ._ ,,t,•. ?., ,s. w w. _ ORDIILINCE N0. 408
MMREAS, the United States of America, in now engaged
in war with foreign posers, and the defense of our nation is in the
hands of our military and naval forces; and
WHEREAS in modern warfare, no city, however distant
from the enemy, is free from danger of attack; and
MMRFAS lights at night time are a definite aid to
the ena=y in reaching military or other objectives; and
YfHEHBAS bleak-outs, when ordered by the proper author-
ity, are esaential to the preservation of life and property in the City
of Clearwater, and it is imperative that this city aid the armed forces
by all possible cooperation and assistance;
Section 1. In order to protect lives and property in
the City of Clearwater from enemy action, the Hayor-Commissioner is here-
by authorized and directed to proclaim rules and regulations, in addition
to. those hereinafter contained, which shall have the force and effect of
law, for.tho conduct of citizens during black-euta, air raids, or other
emergencies in this city, at such times and for such periods as are
necessary or as ordered by the military or naval forces of the United
States of America. The Hayor-Commiasloner is authorized and directed
to proscribe such orders, rules and regulations in advance of such
emergencies, to be in effect when such emergencies exist, in order to
protect life and property during such periods.
Section $. The Kayor-Cammisaioner may appoint, for a
apeaifled term or for specified emergencies, as many special police,
without pay, from among the residents ce the City of Clearwater or fro=
defense organizationa,'as may be deemed advisable for service in con-
naotion with any blaok.•out, air raid or other war emergency. During the
f term of service of such special police, they shall possess all the power
and privileges, and
perform all the duties of patrolmen of the standing
police force of the City of Clearwater. Such special police must wear such
identifying emblem as may be prescribed by the Mayor-Commisaioner, and it
shall be unlawful for any special policeman to attempt to carry cut any
order, rule, or regulation promulgated under the authority conferred
hereby when he is not wearing such identifying emblem.
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Section 3. When deemed noceacary in order to protect
life or property during blxok-outs, the police or the special police
authorized herein are authorized and directed to enter upon any promisee
within the City of Clearwater and extinguish lights or take other
neaosaary action to make effective any order, rule or regulation pro-
mulgatod under the authority hereof. Luring any such emergencies, the
police or special police heroin designated shall have power to regulate
and prohibit the movement of vshicul:a,r traffic on highways and lights
on such vehicles.
Section 4. It shall be unlawful willfully to refuse
or neglect to obey any such rules and regulations as proclaimed by the
Mayor-Commissioner in connection therewith, or any call made upon any
citizen for aid in enforcing the Banda.
Section S. Maenever'any official signal shall be given
warning of any enemy attack frost the air or otherwise, and until a sub-
sequent signal shall be given indicating the passing of danger from such
(a) It shall be the duty of every person who is in
charge of an automobile or other motor vehicle imrmadlately to pull over,
to the curb or road aide and atop said vehicle and turn off all lights
upon said vehicle, and also to out off the' motor leaving the key in said
vehicle. In complying with the above provision, it shall be the duty
of every person in charge of Bald vehicle not to park the some in front
of a fire exit, fire plug, or at a Btroet'interaection, or to attempt to
drive said vehicle while the lights are out. Provided, however, that
the provisions of this section shall tact apply to emergency vehicles
which shall be designated as such by proper authority.
(b) It shall be the duty of every person in a dwelling
of any kind iamtediatoly to turn out all external lights used in connection
therewith and to obscure all windows with dark material of same kind so
that no light from said building will be visible from outside;, and, if
this oannot bo done, then it shall be the duty of every such person to
turn off all lights, but not to use the main switch for this purpose.
The managers of hotels and apartment houses shall be held responsible
for fulleempliance with this nection with reference to exterior lighting.
(a) It shall be the duty of every person in charge of
any store, iranufacturing, industrial plant or advertising diaplas to
have some one on duty during the black-cut and to extinguish all ex-
ternal lights, Including signs of allkinda, and to prevent all internal
lights from being visible fromm outside or to extinguish the same.
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( d ) All persons shall pronptl7 comply with orders
::,°` ": tiw.,r='ii•a -e,::'="' °,.f, f given by persona duly authorized to give such orders and who shall wear i
a distinguishing uniform, badge, or other insignia indicative of such
?}.• `_';' ," t° (e) All persona, except duly authorized persons, shall
leave all streets, parks, and open spaces and ahall proceed to the nearest
(f) All persona, except duly authorized persona, ahn11
refrain from uttering, publishing, or otherwise almulating any official
signal or warning of an enemy attack from the air, or otherwise.
,t 1:. r; •_' ;y,i 13:. , °3. Section 8 This
' enactment shall constitute an exar- '
;;;_ E' . "its ;,•, •'• :. , Oise b the City
} by of Clearwater of its governmental functions for the pro-
); . `6?&?•'f tactic t}s°
r :,;i(za ';:Ak =r ?
.ir.:f;r',- 4 n of public peace, health and earaty; and neither the City of
legrwater nor any individual responding to the regulations heroin eon-
,? att'r>` •e?,r:?7,(.?,?1•. i?"?.y. Slf }'?;}.1, r' i`•tJ?'l^2 `r?r"'?'L'r:?-,'y'.?':'``••'
tained or lawfully proclaimed and promulgated by the Mayor-C- iissioner ;:
.??iri• •yiyti.it iI? {'µ??,r '( ~r shall be liable for damages sustained by persons or property
in connection ?- '>-< ra ?•r ? r,,;
?;Y,I•'. i.!'^ ?_`.?-. ,r. c , f.!'!?•, fbv J :?,.` yam, ? ?? ?
,S, .:? •?..;.; t?•?,,}?,?,•F, therewith, or as a result of an authorized b1n }rte:Q?kf,, ,??kj.,r. , := Y:- ?.`?• 1
,•, ;.: '. nk'-cut or emergency.
';uy.?a, diva;?>1?,; '; ,?. ?? r,-:.•' Section 7. This ordinance is tuareb declared to be '_::,??! ??ts'.•`, ?'`?-F.'. '.'?
;s , ek s (, ..', .fir FF s. d,tY • '?.
'??,p ?7,?+ q ?::i^??:' d :=f. :??:i ••?S s?,,,.a ?•y.tft ?ti...ri)(?r c'`.
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an emer8eno7 measure and shall take affect l.tsauediately upon its passage. '? ;,?7N?, ?•u'
,,r; .kqr ' : I,?t?; ?l`•.,.:-`;'.if.:s.tt'' S. If any provision of this ordinance or the
S-rA;_ ?• I?.r{'i: .e,rl ?`, ff ..e't' +'ti Y't j cgs°[?
nPPlioation thereof to any person are -?-?-r• ?lr ?;: x' a r,
the 'q;
circumstance is held Invalid,
t???: .tr •:r•'k: 1?:`r:. ..'.' ?'' '•-',?(tiA %t„'S{?i" `:??3. ?t`'My-,r F.
Si .'?" .?'tg ,. Y•;YC a`).,ji; tti,r '"??1? yF%1..46x. t.? L.f 4:1
r?'?E.t wY';f.,-- ;, ,3?'st?_°•:. -?'' remainder of the ordinance and the application of
- •sa J -,, such provision to
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Parsons or circumstances other than those a :rf r' t4="t fF az4 a
•,?.,a. ...,?,=„?',y. a to which it is held invalid
;,?,?• ''?I1!'f`:`a :?-s.l':.°" ? .?-`?•F[T?,?'r.':4?„`•?.;Yy+;,ti? g 3?,yj.
shall not be affected thereby.
Scot ^?=`r??- ,- •w'^a;'7. e'' ?
'd•t'= _ ion 9. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in s. _ , f A tit s
conflict herow1th be'''
'' .e,•; ',ta_ .s'' r a ?"I =.;. t and the same are hereby repealed. ,k. ?.I;,ditr?•..:?;a fY:,°?,= i
' ;- 'c? `.i '"-?+??; t'1: •???", ?.s' ?t?A'!? i f,i.; .n,:.i'''?°F ':?•' Ir.J '' rr"t?1s
??. .°*:- • t. ';1i'r; ;°r,.,:?`w z' Section 10. Any person, firm or corporation who shall "' crr .a?5:,:3•; y- Y?•`? ?,
4°•,'i,:: erg:.-r=. ?, ?: -' .,r '?. =p< w•?:'."4:F r!'.iR?a d
%p. :.f•:`: .1.,?;!•ii.t a}= .yi?-.•,x`,s' refuse or neBlact to oomp17 with an •'•''..:[ '.;s: ,
y of the provisions of this ordinance,
or whoa
hall violate or fail to aam:plq with any rules and regulations
proclaimed b the Ma or-Conm23aai
;,•,,,, by q over in connection therewith shall be -rw• ,,,A.,r= .A r'
.!f..r;:.1ii:?.:A'?•,i, K.??.t€:'?is,... ? Js;?'%'°? ,t?1Y?',''g?i`?=,,I?Ms,'z''t-•? z,
:T• #. ?.
punished by n
fine not exceeding $500.00 or by imprisonment in the City °'r' :?? •r•'"?;?;;-•:.-';' ?'' ;
??.??2;,t.;ir A2?7J.{,r??3'i?s?:}; ?j{•'.:ify:° rj.<'.:?;` ? i"..?`?` 4?r'F>w;Y-, ,", a
Jail not exceeds
days, orb both such fine and Imprisonment in the r'. ?., .• f= '"?s?.?:?'"?<,r
-;',t•., ;;,,.`:?:-;J-; ';. }. ..?,?Fi-:?• discretion of the Municipal Judge. •.,r'.::-((r.r? i?•3';`:?!-
'1 •;Er`:,f'?'3• fk g•i?,..:. "',d aA?f), i, .?:, ?_?a, ?p? •:?-: n'- rc,',,, 1` - r
1 '.k t.? ':\G :=t? .: ??'f.•?f?'.L< Si"`',f;?S'.1 '.. it r i
Thin ordinance passed and ado}y ited by the C1t7 -1ti'':` 3 "
Co=isaion of the City of Clearwater, Florida ' x. r 1Yr ??.' '' r
r;?c;' r k},? •.ti:ra?.?.?y,,.Y?';'i:,: q? „?: i"? •-ti.,. °h?+ t.
Paaaed on first reading
•'t' : •." a•- Paaaed on second reading
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?.t? d'" ",r:?r•As-S'=Fair}"'"r''`'
Mr. Hendrix now opened and road to the Board bids on
lubricating Oil for the period May Into 1942 thru April 90th, ,1943.
I The following Companleo bubmitted bidot Texan Company, Uulf Oil
Corporation, Amorican Oil Companyo Standard Oil Company, Orange
State Oil Company, $*aboard oil Company, shell oil Company,
Sinclair Refining Company.
Loved by 11r. Stoutamire, seconded by D. C. Smith and
carried that the contract for lubricating oil be awarded to the
Standard Oil Company. Below is net out ouch accepted bid:
Taokoonville, Florida
April 6, 1942
City of Clearwater
Clearwater, rlorida
Attn: Mr. F. L. Hendrix, City wanaber
Referring to your letter of April 2, requesting bid on a year's
supply of lubricating oil and grease for the City of Clearwater.
We are pleased to quote you as follows:
Rssoluba Motor Oil SAE 20, 34, and 50 - $ .42 gal
Standard Transmission Oil SAE 90 and 144 - 42 "
Standard Pressure Gun Grease, 100# drum •• .0863E lb.
Standard Universal Grease, 25# cans - (each) 3.21
` Arctic Cup Grease Nos. 2 and 3, 25# cans - " 2.25
We trust you can see your way clear to favoring us with this
business during; the ensuing year.
Yours very truly,
4 -
BY D. G. Hubert
P.S. The prices quoted on r^.9solube Motor Oil and Standard Transmission
011 are for delivery in barrels to remain the property of the Seller.
City Manager Hendrix now presented to the Board an agreement
to be entered into between the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company,
of the first part and the City of Clearwater, party of the second part.
This agreement being relative to layin6 a two inch gas pipe lino under
the right-of-way on North aide of Wilson Boulevard, ihinedin, Florida.
Moved by Mr. Stoutat:tirs, seconded by D. C. South and carried that the
Agreement be approved and that the following resolution be adopted.
R 3 S 0 L U T I 0 N
Be it resolved by the City Commissioners of the City of
Clearwater, Florida in meetini; assembled,,that the Uayor-Commissioner
be, and he hereby is, authorized to enter into an agreement with the
ATLANTIC COAST LI14H RAILROAD C014PANY, and to sign sacra on behalf of
said City, whereby the said Railroad Company given and grants unto the
said City the right and privilege to lay and maintain, for the purpose
of conducting gas, a line of 2-inoh galvanized iron pipe across the
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