474h. j.l r?•r .:i:??."j.?:?2'.`a'?:n(Ytt`>rX:' r,'u' .. -a. T .f" ..°?, ?.?.. .. _,,. ... .. e.• x •.. ... •a v>..rr ,?? i i. 1: t.• ,?I.a';i». i 6. .''F• •'ii 'i4 '4 5.? i. k' '4-E .'.'1.. .E.' ?1., •R=4" .S?' '??!':f':=' :1. t11 ?' i; C?Y'? •tl. 1' ..s D• F.ti.. <"? • ? i?, rya:, . '? ">? .'rz. ?" ?+„-? •?+".' ?d `? '•.''i "'?? .d' ?i« -gin.. w, r:ia? ,S x -:,i'? d ..} Fed t ,re .'p..-:''?: `K •, r? ] ,s: : `,? .fir>? ri..? 1.: ;c•: } t. '.,?? 't( l '4°, 7 Vtn ' .•.Y' I? ',.7'-.r . i`3`?r'" ? f."- ? 3'^?V? -y':. { hVY ?i• ? t. p .`.: .tlf: rf.. J:: _ sL ?aS°`7a ?S ,.i ' ?}.a'? ?•,?'• war '. L • 3.'X. ? ?t • 4 ? i x arY ? 'P' ? F 'i )slv °J- ri* F ri •'tt. .` Y _ 9' ,•i -9. , 1y• Y ?i (i'.i.. ds .`t-°:?'t.ttl :i ? air ?Y w' Ew.•.tb? _s?` '?'. ?')' {' °'5,: :'-'?°` 'w ??' tit •?Y,' ?? r': ??<••_ S f; ....... +? •:?? e•i?.Ct "'? s2?. 't 'ty'}'??t' r???'{}1V.q.'a' w?,.++.-.-?i2,Atir4 y?.IA:f ?`'4?k NS .., i•..•Y??y'..?C.}S? /(: :`}. ?541?:is1?if?'CI?}. •'?';?Ld?r?Yiw°i.? .. 1' Rt?M i?? ';?{ r ??•??Ct'd. x .n ! x ?, )'7'-?li?'?'?',4 ?:' tf rI S ?(' ?+1..'r ?.:.ti.. , ?°•i ? ?"'4 '?IY`"°S? ? l,- ,?; `r 8C y (,y. 41 "WbI .'?'g?`.?.Myt--?•r.r,'\•,l.i`•.,, -tai r• '?•?"1%?t•7? :•_'r rte' SY ?-?,'. t ff ;V,:'1f 1; ...? ^• -"°"- Mr. Hendrix reported that tire'- W. E. Crown was inter- eated.in getting the permiaaion of the City Commission for the soldiers of UoDill Field'to use the City Park, adjourned to the fire atntion on Clenrwater 'Bench for recreation purposes. Moved by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Griee and carried Chet the request be granted and } that a sneoial invitation be extended to the service men to make full. use of the park for recreation purposed. Mr°Hendtix rand to the hoard'nn•Ordinance to be known as Ordinance Iio 474 providing for submission to the reg- istered voters at a a#ooinl election to be held July 15, 1941, the question of Civil Service for City employees. City Clerk Frank Cooley reported to the Board that City Commissioner Jesse G. Smith had requested him to express to the Board that he was in favor of proposed ordinance No 474. Moved by '1r. Lovrs, seconded by fir. Clark that the ordinance be adapted on its first reading, !lotion carr- ied. ''oved by 1dr. Laws, seconded by Mr. Clark that the ordinance be passed on its second reading. 'Motion Carr- ied. Moved by Mr.`Lowe, seconded by Mr. Clark that the ordinance be passed on its third and final reading. ::otion carried. The ordinance was passed on all its readings by a unanimous vote of the City Commission- all members including Mayor-Commissioner Geo. R. Seavy voting. Below and immediately following is a verbatim espy of Ordinance No 474: CRDINANCE 710 474 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIIG FOR SUMIISSION TO TH:: REGIST. tiED VOTERS OF TI1M CITY OF CLEARWATER AT :s SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE FM M IN SAID CITY ON JULY 15th,1941, T1-_ QUEST1014 AS TO ti'rIi?.ifir:. OR NOT SE::- ATE BILL 110. 583 ENACTED BY TTw FLOI:IDA LEGISLATURE AT ITS REGULAR 1941 SESSIOI7 RHICH BILL CR3ATES ;ND PROVIDES CIVIL SERVICE FOR CERTAIN CLASSIFIED EtIPLOYSTS O? THE CITY OF C1XARI"ATF4,SP.A Z TO INTO PECT;APPOIIITING IIISPECTORS SID CLEM TO HOLD SAID ELECTION; PRO'.`IDI::G FOR NOTICE OF SAID M-ECT1011; PRESCRI3=1:0 RTiE YORId OF BALLOT TO HE VOTED AT SAID ME- CTION AND PROVIDING ?OR OPEIII:iG 0? '_':iy REGISTRATIC:I nOOE.S 01' THE CITY. :S?lSPirAS, Senate Sill Wo. 583 was enacted by i the ?lorida Leglslnture nt its regular 1941 session, which bill is entitled "An Act Creati-g and.Providing Civil ler- vice for Certain Classified "mployees of the City of Clearwater, Florida, and Creating a Civil Service Co=- ission for said City, governing the Appointment, Employ- ment and Discharge of said Employees; Defining and Regu1"ting - VP_ .Y •.) ,?.'" 1'1... °Cykt''i. .?y xfi.ir..,,.r,..?.?ri-.'..r.'. ..+?•....n..-+i+o.+,.+t»t+-.....-.. .. .. 1 ,i ??? .. - ?.i':.. ,?r°•'.' I • t z`. 1 f' n fir; , - -. -.-;' _ ---.,.. ., __. ; _ .. .. - ._ ,.... ".,.. ' 1`,' • `y,.: r , f. e. ?+ .?,s:'^' {.' i*'`p.•`_1,>v..r'-s,"'' "'3.i °?-} I° ?P.. Y>[,??? i."'f' A?•:r? 'k., '-A•?.1: t7' - , ,` ? ? "'' ..??V ei'A,•s ??..6. 'Y`'"??-,?%terx ? ?.3'Fi:'?w-S•f-2 p"J •'.°Y; MC ?.f `'L •i rE'" }? .qE' . .. . ? 'S :,,N.: r°.. ? ` •• F. y Sx•: -?lM. ..i3" _ ' f%;i^.' e d:' €`'d'; °:_? 4 : ?'? i'.n?:, : x ; . a '6t w,r . ;:?? ?'?•v-$ "r,. ?°s . :v . 4`. i. 'i? - 's t ,a r .s ' t ?. ?• t;, 13-. if . `x , f" a :'};', ?: •e°'. i ,k 3 .- r>` t• ''S'ic . t. ',. S - ;t •.•„ gs, .•s ,r' r -;-r., . » w? stva, ). • y'r-? ?i` 't'1. .i' to 'i •••.t? ? ,ate -r 1 '°a ?i T! t r. an• s a? •'?s?, ?., S e t fin: i=`".. `;r"1kk F.. _ •if'' -f 7. .. r . '°l? [? h•(t3 '.2,iA, y?,.„ :,pr O,r ,; rv '•j •ts1.r C.? 4': `Y!: •.', '•S ? ry7 ,d''':^.. "??•'t r , 7 .t'ti S.. ?• f. :d '•..t';' air K?r. ? 5' °•S ,'k», 11:',??` .?° ? gyp-,, , .T, ''!. i• -E,- -?..S ?=p> ! res ,r ,vim h i? .TL a AYF "1 .. I F S ,f•..: ti- '?+€ '.?.;,.°•': :teiw?yl:s G::c, ;w' .7ati'i.[f!ri4`« than •`` ...?.:,°.;:`r.f y,>? ykf ? _ - ?? ? }S7. ? •qr?? ,?'• ?,af ? l•';..:' t' • 4: i ?. ? 7 ?? '?? ?'?•'-7 -? l A =F .y""f4r. ,r?-',"' ;r ; •.r ty t5,{?'L 't. s'` F y'? c ,1^i?::?`t'k"?' \°',' ?R?(?.hS1'?'',' •. .k.. ?•?:°i'y fF t ?«??:r _ `Siy?"::?, '++(kkk3U?4's7?ryiE[*?';??,c,1.:.:ric?p1„' °. _ _ .. - .. .. _ ».>_. ., . ,ja: y`'.°.?»'t"?2}.??•°CY..?t.r %d:c: ," .1?.,Sgia;d a '°'+^.•f b°; •'i 4.f t' '1?..ei?w+..?,?n.? ..,?'•s %''yb frs?4s t•agQ (ryr•s,r br' , t ;Z t•?rf..Y"t? ? r.E29` ,?.? 3?'c „yam.. .?,??.-......,_., „..,,.•. ? " ?.?. .,t.? , °? 1"• ae .>_ s. j.,.• , the Hembrrship, Powers W Dutles, of paid Civil Service Comm- y rt ;;9rr.'{?f ission: Desirnn tang the Lmployeee or said City of Cla^rwater ' i Thnt Come Under the Provisions of this .lot: Authorizing and _•c,. ?,.^ ?2'aE":i r ~i''i':? Empowering said Co=iosion,to Promulgate, Adopt and Establish ? i Rules and Regulations and Other Matters Rel[sting to the Bata- ' ,`rl .:. >*4 .7,_. ,•„r i ;; ,,f ,. Service in said CiEy and Providing for a , e bliahm nt of Civi 1 .1 Referendum on said Act and when said Act shall Take !'frect and Other Matters in Regard Thereto", and V.1r;..REAS said bill contains a provision that it shall become effective if and when it has been approved by a ¢ majority vote of the registered voters residing within the City of Clearwater and voting at an election that shall be held at .. ,:;¢xe' - P,:.S,'i.i i•' ., r i?'jr Y; ? ?.,.'' '}J?,. . r.,S:_:, r:•: . ?,??? . ?'.?'??.-??a?;?,?;r;L such time as shall be determined by the City of Cleaxwvater, `';,?.??€r'-,•- 'r #; ¢f<<•1r• :d..: <••e•:': :-: ":,tk;;? Florida, ,b.£i?3ay%., t' .. "1'i?.rr j'.n•,;;t,-•. . ' , N. P- i7?1`h: • ik? 's r ??;?s.?:i_f`?":;?`'•,'l?'??`:aa;.7:''t NOW, TFEREFORE, BE IT ORDAZIM BY THE CITY .,y. ?,',-,? dZ; }.1ya? y;^z?.,,.}.:,?r. sc'r':;'?`?•saso::q: lj 'r . a?'Fi`r??`.i ,.K??x;:?jr"1?:?,v, '?rtx{'??«".,.2r.;;??tra??`3,?s?•?,??i`?'"-e> ?' ?•?";`ra`;'>`';.ti~r..,. (,.'a t;' <" . . ,? 4 , • ,.#?`.,:r,:.°',''. CO:..r?:T3SIQii OF THE CITY OF CL...ARti'?ATER, FLORIDA: .,_ .,.?t ?,}.BSf_ ?r:;+}_?¢?Er'?-'+?,•..r Section 1. That a'special municipal election ':. :k? ?,{?P;; t:•' 'iti :. ? '?t3. r''i :i.'•9r ?;' ;:`w '<<: shall be held in the City of Clearwater on the 15th day of ,July, ' wa ,.ti.'-'p,; `iy,"??.' t.'." tp "k? ?Yr1?•:tl r'1???+4•°M?i.??t?wy+;1 ii •.fr .?:.as ',l<(i_5;?., ai t-}'i y?'.:' 1941. (. x?'di•t[v, v S%w. xjfE E ':;:3.'": •`•°}1\i'1.';t`ta ?r."r' 1rfJ?'1F.?';; `dC?:a;y.vrz'r y ?,s?-•3.?i1'•1': ;- ,y=Act }';rst Section 2. That at the a ecial municipal oleo-irFnf p •. f4; : '? k- t) ° Lion herein provided for there shall be submitted to the re is-,`~'= 1. 0s 301 .?•,+" y4i,ii Y? TN• kf ?54A '.:?,?"- .: '? ?!1"!v?3'UfY! ¢''rry•1"r tered,votera residing within ithim the City of Clearwater the question ,??.??•?' ?N„??'}? ??°•- r ;:!-=, . 44-". 'r?•. ' ;.. ? tis'.4u `? i!;•xk•'}¢ "Y?i 4s?tt">,ka 2r;.?,; c:; •;-'; r•s,. of whether or not said Senate $S11 2io. 583 passed by the Florida' c. -iE}'• ''..,'. ;;y ?. d ;'?;:•:as;t?'?.?;,> ?;,';??=?X:°,,.,},wi ?r#?r ??': ° r{.??ry o-1'.• _ t?:.- , i•„, i'. }'.. ? ?;?..:R??, ". a`t { .: 4;' ft,"i;,•? Legisl#•turc.et its regular 1941'session shall go into effect. '"':i' sir r?;i1., t.x',t •Sa rf ¢? ?E'•t., ?k'S: ? i??. xJwL++r????4 ``?'.i??.? ,4 •.?xe E`„,j ?•al, ?? yC,,?;?>•-S `r"• 's`+ -•„ ?Yw .."? ffP d'. 1 -?-:rs.•[ ;? "r ( _ SBCtiDIl 3. That Floyd Wallace, ti'rinnie Kilgore 3 w>F? x' 4,? ?+ •t":=:,'' and 'A. 11. Erriokson be and they are hereby appointed Inspectors, ` •+. •.?'A,;? :,r' ti?,h., -fY?? F ??:?("r` gib ?=k1?:.`>..[?`3 •c and J. D. Croiaartie be and he is hereby appointed Clerk of said 'i'?. Fri i. ':.?;[` 1.t., 'r d';rl`•tr.'--.Y (• ;?• .s :i'' -i'': _ct l7t;rl. M.?'ir'Ni.''. •'?•^;c'?es' rr ?` ?,`.5:='?;,??.'„'•+;S-. J• •=? election. .',r. 'w.'t, j.. F^°_-?:'Y" ••-.tmei :'?i`.. i?', 4rJ•Y. '.dN; "?:?':`>,::?k' ??j `r-•':',',;'.,.:;;;}_?;;j Section 4. That the following notice of election ,`4'?+'r. 2?;'"+;a'' ':?A:.li,` ::?' ?.? i•?_?~"`-'`l°'i;::;'.4i f'??.?Y?,_Sia. ?'?? , shall be published in the Clearwater Sun in the issues of said ='",:??`'`'?? *•:1 • ?`?'?'rT'==?"' ,,,T.r.r1 t. {.- ,-t' ` 5s?.t''+}'q;':`saiF`+-l? '`•`?<'_: ??,`:.'i . ,rT+4. i.;.??ik Ei?:'?'?'y': ,, per published on June E4th,duiy lot and July Eith,1991, and :'?, :1?.,"•'- ?.?-;?'i# rs r [ t 3 i ?'• 11 •..t'?•= S : .? t` V•2"4,p {i.'; 1r i4,'';:."':,??':•i .???'ry?ff?? ?.SS!`::? in the ClesrsseLe; Novrs in the issues of said newspaper publish- ed on June 27th July 4th and July 11th, 1941, to-wit: .t. •I. ,..!4[;,:V e'_i f..? .'E7',; {{ 1': ?.: R,?r^i.3Y? '7y'r.rt Zr•?Z:. i. ?l,A ?:, ,. ,. •?`. 13 M-?.' . '°?- `S p.? ; Fly. ..,%7?(.'': ? a'?¢t j..t •.i. ;s}r• iF',••:i1?;?` Af>,t':r: rt •t- IGti`i,1?, seC;1'%`•tr'?-.: •.s' r k'`f::' tioT_cE OF MECTIOtT 1 r_?,:; ?y'r t?.t 'w. rf. r,.. [. Fi n F,< 'M'*•':r?' f ?* . [• : ! [ a;,s ?'N.r The city commission of the City of Clearwater, 'i4 t, r:? f•iif ..1[ .3,,.• ;e?:?,C• #??.::i: ?:S.',"i?'s.. , .`,rFlorida has called a special municipal eleoti-n to be held in ',, c'r. ;7t'; sti?y?. ;?(, :•,, ,'-`?•, '•Y..'?F:. ,;F YI'`a`=•``':s?'G t.%. ['_:; , ti ;-?,•,??y,r ?•? t yaS.f : 1 + sold City on the 1Fth day of Suly, 1941, at the place where such c°? ? •fi''' 1" -n ?!Z `'- elections are usually held and has provided that there shall be .sc'f'''r ?-?r,;: ,ty :q: ..?.'?:,'x44 j';3E r,'..?'.¢' +.' c?. 4dcs,?=`g. ?'•?F, ?;}`, ;. submitted to tt.e registerhd voters residing within the limits of c ••°' ;s'7}}s t•}+.+r.' ,; 1S+ aid ?a ;j..:7 -'4•`:"A. •. r °;is`?l ,.. k r.,='[i. r., ,?Sr"i e;"t`,rs. sa.7:-t' .}C•, ., 9-4W the City of Clearwater the quest-.n as to whether or not Sennte '?,T.-,z•r •dee, ?y.a??'N i ?`?'a?=??;?,t'?.`ty',-f ' ,j??.-'. ?'_c:-?. ?t4sY'' p' 3?'.tf???_' -a",?'r', Si11 No. 583 enacted by the slotsdn Legislature at is regular :s°;•' ';:r`,~s.-r - : roc ;. •. ?? r„ i??,,.?y ??. ... =, .€?:r1;;• .,.e <?J,;,i:•"",,, ?k, {,?',{{{{{ .?? 3.'''`ti"„"` 1941 session, which Act-creates and provides civil service for certain classified emP1oyeea of the City of Clearwater, shall 8o ''''••k`s f'` x i' ,r. .? •k ; ? .,? ..-;:6.,?:t-: Y' ?r•` ?.r. ? " ;f??=? ?i:?:i?'??tl ,?.,• iti'; into ,r- effect. r• , )? , '?.Yi? ?- Yr- +YY/i?.yYF-•-?.?rAi-.?.w?Ml?w ?iw•? ? `?p:$I? 'f e',?t I Y•rwl,.e?tf + YR1Yr?.:4? L -?L.. f 1? x '[ ?I M • i Is? ?' i ? .,• `y:•:i."i:. st..`;:'i„°?;f?,?•' , t?,t• ?,",?.!??..???j.?r••.???i?a!'t!. ,?.5!?±?c!'.. V???ww?wwg?._., r , <,., - ,?....> -. - y- Y '''' i' ..;'i;'..a'A.??e'".l:'?'tvf.s?laC.ir :?? f,•..n.,,>.xr-- p,,, ._._ ,.- .,...?..?-•' ?• ,{.,'?..' ... ,'.'r? .°;L C-i - ixr,> - `5 _f'' 7 ''y Li, '.':ni h. ?,.-. :t.'.-..•;f.:i.s.y ,.?F.:..±.': f.p?'??.]. . ? f• .m: . c. ss ? 7, :Ay ^r ?. ?,n§,', .;;•t 'fit: v} rn .- ?`.. `? e: .";i.•? 3 iii. , '"?•:'. t, s T ? ,v .4J? ri} ? t:'r:. ,•!L` .9Y Y.' ?..F..• •?? .?l., r+r"??`0't3. .?[ `.+<.' ,'}. :9••-.+ 's''s, ,.?,i 'y: -:-i,..»•?h' r??i,i R ? ...?'a•?YN ?t ' ? .. qf.t ? '•fin ..?}S. FC• ?t Sr ??J. tc .u">r..•'.,., - °?: r ry' ...t $.- -?? lsr,'-«y.A «y ,y;?+r: 'dr i+ut' h, -S? •?§-r ? ..?.i •'a, ,>.. -:'d'< ,. •.s:'-t' . {'•. s'?:':'•ri%: :s. t:r `t .,'n',-.r L-.? 'FC ??°ca i? •:f, e '?-4. `•3cr .t. ?•?2?.:?f:: ,.T-. .: i.: .?,.::. ,.isz': r.?...°.';_?. r.-.f rl?i?, v,=d:=+`?.'.' ?''?:F•?].=S '?'as? Ch a` ?. ?°]' :as. a;.,?'" iF•, } 't..,.€'"?'.')..':'- ?1 '`!`•' rs?' ;i•:, ,{.'] .?;s•, a Lt .?? _s y,» t.?: v't'e :.,s ?-`>, L„ .?. .?.,'????: °{?,' '.?'. 'f'' ,;?t,•., '°t'Xr LiS= .t ?, ?•v '?' ?h3• ri??r ?: e?,i-t,r C'..t?i'{ .4 '?T; ,ri..^ : J.?:, .a? . L? ? - t`.S. } 'c!? :.•>•.;: =...v "'•}?;.r w.? . ?r.: 1, ?,? ' ??x +i •. ?s?5}'?1 e '? {??, .ei•:• 4 , 4 •°t ?. : x u<<. 2.t?- C,'.• °ti:' ` n li.i. Sri 1. .: •`i 7 1".•- =YF ,3 ? ! ':{? 5:^I•"t'9•C:•1i'' ! ?' '?' s??r f• f .s'-.., rs'.' ?;:< `?,:' <:.")'?'.E' ?. nom. is G Z•- i F:i:y: ±? `';`' '-r. b « K! '•3.?r }i„tr??h' ?p*:.?.{`r,•a r°{^? h'.w" .?'" ,',.?r;17`w?°-''y'1A'w?.t•'?'rijG, i -r.? .,3?,Yv?'i':.4'Ly.CS]•',sG. :a ?. ;??s.?..,.J,y.?#. .?.y???tg1, .???3'?.n71yy??X+'d'Vyl ?s ` 91' ? ? .£.,.:+S::iaaw.3:H S .'Yrv? - y, A? t,-(:h?? Co?' 1i ? ? i ?. ?' I. ?'d f? • f C ' }•., L>,? ??r ?, •r ? r r f h n ?f?:. 1. ;rk ;ssptt l Ciro : . w po11ine place for sold election will be open on the ° 47 The }; •?: ?: `v ?:,?"? < ?'•:; . '• - , `1y° i=?1<. •4 Sg.' 3`rr Si: , N ' u d r of the election from `c'. .' `!' ,..? « n 2?? ? ??R??r'?r',f;-'•ti° a f seven cloak A. M. Eastern attend-' + nrd Time to six-thirty o'clock P. U. £aatern Standard T'im^, of the aene day} and is daeignated end loacited As followDi ' 1 ?;°tF?E?E:t?y'.3?°:,,?•g;'sc?1,;?: e. I CZ'1"f FIRE 52`is'1`I011 $°? CARDr7J AVMJC'E if ?iYy'j?reK, r ;;?'•, .fJ?>~s?;g5'+•;a`?:,. •{.• ' ? `?.' ? ::.?;•1"? Yom. ?,Pi ']«r'.,t ?.: ?r?4•a •?Zi ' xr? 1, x'?itiif-1?.??4.fi?l,c's,.",11 .i'J??1''?'`ft•'6:-~tl ??Y Vi at:• ":'.i : w 1:g :b:.:.; ; 'C'r°1Jr•'.': ?r t I,3.,rvj;i,?',^Ert;?Ci?""' ti'??:;^.r},,:j';:t.'•]t?'? It r_{r,' T,•cr..? {A}k?•?i •.L'.r i:: -: r -..,t ., `H. < ,l?:d:.? .i.; .jt?'?',y1 .:>tcL}? •'s .sir ?1'?? i?. ..?if»+???r1Mir'iz:•S?']?.. -,`?k?l+C?-^rjY. r. r'y il.. .?:?. ?ic:`t S?'.`i?r?i{. y,1•.,yz rr:?'r,'r'h;'';l]?},??t.•.'ja'V:L.E¢,,iw4•rt?a`•.q(4J:_S:•:' i ..'.'1. i...:2r4C .?,,: tSiM ,%:: _4rr?i7•.rj :?'S?g 3• ,?'`','?,i.3r•:•S•C,.*.i ?y?,j,s i'.77k.- ;,.,zi '` `} p ?r'i1'?".i?s•^:??Eji`i?'' j?gs?L'f"!< r ?I G1,? •''.i ?t':?'ii'?t.?.s'.?!%F"?rh??1L'k ?.otl?ili`}f. Floyd Wallace, Winnio Kilgore and A. W. E'rriekson have beets appointed Inspectors and J. B. Cromertie has been appointed Clerk of said election. Attest. CITY COMMISSION OF V-% CITY OF CLEARI;ATER, HoRnA By Ciao. R. sePv Mayor-co ? ss oner 1, c"Ls ` a'- Y. C l!r;s two cr.-.Y .f'M M1n r z ., A t ! 1 i Y 11 f y" I 1 Frank Goole ty Auditor an er Section 8. The Ballot to be used in said election shall be in substantially the following fo=x OFFICIAL BALLOT SPECIAL Js.1, WGIRAL ACTION CITY OF CLEAR4<,-T-", FLORIDA July 15,1841. T M ,gUESTION IN i1= MECTION IS: l`.'J]FTHER OR HOT =;ATE BILL N3'[R.i E 503 ENACTED BY UM FLORIDA LE-01SL1TURE AT, ITS H:' ULAR 1441L SESSION, =109 BILL CRYJTE3 A11D PROV7DESS CIVIL S"s5{YICF. FOR CERTAIJ1 CLASSIFIED I. TLO:EES OF THE CITY OF CL..ARI ATER, 5RU.L Go INTO Z"-=T. bake a Cross hark (x) before the proposition of"your choice. FOR TIM BILL (I an in favor of Scants Bill No. 583 which-provides civil service for employees o!' the City of 01eartirater) T---r ACAIIJST THE BILL (I mm opposed to Senate Bill No. 583 which provides civil aetvioe for en;l,,yees of the City of Clearwater.). Section 8. The City Auditor and Clerk of the City of Clearwater is hereby authorizod and directed to have printeA a sufficient number of the aforesaid ballots, to be printed on white paper, and to furnish a sufficient number or such ballots to the Inspectors and Clerk of the electicn on or before the date and time for opening the polls for such election. Section 7. The City Auditor and Clerk of the City as Resistration Officer of the City is authorized and directed to open; the registration books of the City for registration of voters, as provided by law, and to allow the books to re. main open until July Fth,1441."The City Auditor and Clerk, as registration ofricer, is also Authorized and directed to ?,,. `?"`.'?a?"'-ter---.r-. ?--?-'--rr-?-?'--' ",,,r,--' -.?*-- -•..-• ter' -.r-. ?....,?;.. .-• fi<?1 'ti n r: e 1 ? -A r ,.1 a yrl.'.zry 9 1• art, I. 7 i f Y d? i'i ry Yes.'}."!.•- l r p: :'thr 40 4Mti for, k _ s6'?7r!;s.?-''-3:ix'?_y? .v +?-•• .air p.. .'- w .?-- L.:.?. ,",: •> >?y °.ti'°?... ,.t+. ..nu.,s _,.y,,;s,-'°'y!_-. ? t? 6«S-Tf'?,`3'?.°s%kt:&C'V"?-'?£4i?s Y7?Y"'?'1#Y.T7(i?f3tda.t"."' ."`J2;ta.5s ,C.".s.' ..??'?ha:?5if #-','ti lFkti?s. ?:t:i°- r': .:,i."-: '..CS-".-:" ,+®..: •it-' ;i• fr.x': ?.1; '?. ',?_t?w kY• '`fir .d - r'(' 3 A a l? Z ':!x { '? 6°!'. . 7 } <•S:.,W . .t ? l' ? `'t;a' :?•.1'' :c•.,= t! . ,L {? il' n' SfV: ? ?. 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'.T^ .2`F. ? :?:.r?:6 ??'i.t? i:.?' f':r -A ..C'?'c"? ,'e •. >; 4 1 ti3tt r. :r--':?; •?t' 6 a(:' :t .t e,.4`. .?• ?z,.r`v K e. ,r #'? r ...:??.^:(r`+ t.. t .r.. '•,l .-,. T' .?.' Y(?:'"rL.?'.°'""::',? .f•CS`.L,t^'?;:;?;?^.,,:,,-' '. s:=:.a?e :"'- .?.. .?.. n ^.'?'.?*?w35: w.?p? .,t+ M:?..'?, c„lYt,.. '.`a 't .l,J. 1 x'/? ^1 {tf' •?Y` .h ?<' ,.?C y,, ,.re ,,.,,. S,ry'a` :[r `•Y rl. '' .?.;< # .?. .j. ? u.}rr .'.aK =? }: ..L'A- ?r?'Stivfe.?lYif?'F.a.l ?':?vv?.r.K:fi1? 4rx" ?j, ?.ra?ar?:4..?.?Y't ?u .t:.c?7r?'siS? +{S? .?&1?1a:Akt,?..` '=i. i.::i.zn: ^? s ? ? *Fj ,.,• r-R ? -? r..?? .?. ?? Lira •'7•'?, "'?. ?5'r "°in `'?, i'i'7 .. r'n?'., '`• a ?' . ilt?yt rn! rr?.r.?r? I' •> ;i• 4x.;:, •" , . `.. 1 ', ;t1'; ? 1 ?r X ?p e1'•r Y...';,a: ` r..•'?'. ` 3. p4' vq? 4'i.q?? d'v 1?F»'S,+?Y? i. .> 5: ,•.!: .ra?<?ae'ay} fl •t,.f. i?'+' p'.{+' ^j•r- L f '4?, { Si" ! 45t (M i I L.ex ,t: 9.l.tiS ; make up and certify a list of the names of all registered voters appearing on the registration books of the City who are qualified NA i.,.• tt'''?' °'" a "yy`#``' ?' to vote in the election. Such list shall be made up after the alone iV'y. ,-,t;pex ?;,", 5.".- ris Sf:a '?•Q• - of the registration period, end a certifier) copy of such list shall ,. be furnished to the Inspectors and the Clerk of the election at the lace whore the votes are to be asst and a certified o0 of such p t? copy ?'E^e' Vii"-§???Fl?d+,:•?+,?^,?ati F14 -? ,1 z"w<' x s 't ' ; ' 'tt list shall be filed and preserved 'mmong the records of the City. `r Section e. This Ordinance shall become effective immed- 'sa' i4 wiY'a?,r:.'L•';+a,'',C1r;?CF+s''.S ''s':, ° ., .pis;. .. ,? ??•? intely upon Ito passage and adoption by the City Commission of the 't.;'"' ;•r.t:i' ;:•'?? #'„' `:> City of Clearwater, Florida. pA9SID AND ADOPT-M BY 'ice CITY 0MAISSIOU OF THE CITY q? crEAHr•a,?t, FT.gRIDA ?t?,,,. "=a=:a= 'i v2•, . t 3?-hot+?' ate'.:{?z`'1s%Ss'q?s???? efa`^? Passed OQ first reading June 23rd,1941. _ k?':• •? •t, ;'t%.i+, -,4 ! ' {{ ;t•t>•" is ?.:. i y, .yam: 7..t ? +, s L ?'w. ( N1. :s,',,;.?:. ???, a ,,, .??{};?.:?.«? hr yn., '.: "•i?S•?? ? .; ire "?3e Et?y. z' b r?kEFY?'•' r ?:°• ? ?? i# ?a• Passed on second reading June 23rd 4 a l1-.? ?°?'' ¢e ?? t``i• ?, t ?. "" r 119 b. ag0". r .[' ? J +t'} }?>r •tti `? { : Passed on third reading June 23rd,1941. .YN s r a 3:•t@' C ?rtj ty''t {fy} d s •F x''' t' . 4_?e''.?,?'k f; iS ???+°°i, YG?'r; '•7 . ? Geo. R. .Sent/ oyor- omm ss auer ?:-;? ?` ?;f?.??' ;??f4 q•„ Attest: ?•V??' r. 6j?,?E?..(?3?s y ??•.,Lr' r. '?a,t "?s•? f'?w}. "2?+? nCy?t.! "`3-% i Il` ,[ s'i?,t"I?a_q .Lr `? }tea h? ??ti ? asY7'3.??•?er? ?}t? t'. i 1•ci ,^11;'9 ^Fa? ?? .?'+?? fir. ? ; f?*•'-'Fq' Y ?y,r `k"-,'?'; l' t ;` Y ?' ' 6• ?,?hl??,.,•'F C 4°" i?'b"r' ?• :t Cs`'" r. i Frank Co01e ? rr,??a'?'rs ?''"'i >.• 'Lt4j -1' ,r?in4.^,f't tY Au for nu erg." 4W?l 411 c' ?4 b .ril'; 3 ` City Seal • ?' - ' ,? ;?`; ?4t 4'?'H?E:,`,fk`s??-?'(rr#?'C;,'st?' ,3s. .g;t?` F?,.?y§ ?:s •'?f '1 gds r?tt s;• .: ?h•§`a:yt?i• ','.] { tt a '4:-N [j?r,±,[t,`5:.1f?.?? 'SiFS{Ct'f• rt`+ _. ?$3?'?; ' ?'??a.. ..;,??T"?cs ??yf?'rt5?`?3 i'.I•%+4;y{ ?i ???• `=?Y?.rr, ?Y..t i'`#?? rN' Iy ?.?'?. K4i?i f.?,LKI,t°J"r'[}r€5 ! Thorn being no further business to come before the board } yy,7,, E°•` -.34-;i1'r.Xi_..'. l'''?ld'+s°Sr. 1+.i. i Lf,.,•. .i.+?la{.?Rti''; , ?• ,?c. the coating was adjourned. 14* }r ?°: i??? -"<•?? ? i^` t•, ice, w?.'4i,, .? °3' .ril';'-'`V f . 'a'?? .4 ';? ?'? ?5J 1k •E'?F?la ?S.` Sic w•?e ^i 1 y'?'r,? r"r•.ciy'R:?`?•:1 `"• 1`? ? •'-tri'g`'• ?.?ryi`'}sTi" ?F?.4??.Is,?{iy' ,'tj }l; sv rY. ra e:' ti. a3t: H1.; ?i.t.b . 3 41• °"e n,`•,? 3 5 ifcL,41 ayor- oi11w1 xsloneT 't ??'" ?'? ' t??'4 Y"•:, t;?s t '° .? ft?. ?a'`«.re'?? rYrs.?. ;f ?J '??.- v rV,k: $ ? 7S,"• 3.??., ;,S;y ?c5• t e' ;y"?k"?av' 1 I`7 a? S ys3'k'i•Fl ' •?k' 9 } ' ' F, t? 3 4;`'? s:?rfa t Auditor n Clerk '? 3 a'r t ly, r. .v. r " rs r r { ;r i` fix? t f Lys ?j; t a ?i 44 ??.. ? ? ?;L ? td 1. 4s'' ?i? ? ? 1j! !? ?? '4• t MO '. L:tti7grs/ '?'iv?st1."1'}'+Yt7'yw;A;. c ?x•, r'iA"rXly?! Mk?'.'+?(,.>?t,ts?,N(. .l a { A 'v f11 4 MZ?,.34 4•,t? S'• ^???ri 5+"?%`t .,w?t'•w.?«`t7i`f: i•?'?t,?;?"..:{'p?}.S ?'?'•(•'t?. stxr .,' }f ?;.,{[ V, '??{'??j{ i ' -' '??;"???u.[-E r?°?S.-,r.'[}1 F'".u'?,c3! ??•fk , 't'rod ^..? ??l ? 3 1 's M?? 4!• •t :??• aid ?'?'.?.`?? ??t `r'?,r???` '2 -TW 7T •i .t. :'Y'?' ^+'rr1'-a?a....nww.?r• ? .. 1 r: ,. .. +r. g.. ....,.; ,. ,Fr ra ,,,! r!'?