469s?-`}:?yrS,r'.•S°5?.?'wSrv^MYI:•1Y5G.??t..,:rt,-.^?.`?.T!•. ve,?•z. .6..- •}.. t?.r.. , ? S.-.^ Yp ^t...: .,=;.F .5<5.v ? .,. , , .. -. ,.fL<r: F• .`A r... 1J.. s:V :'t ?+.pi}. Rr ?; `mot.' .C § _ 9 ` •t r[.'tr^ ?. Vii' t ?t--•- ':w' b. .ter. .? •'I .t ! • fix: • t5' `? .'.R.`' .[b:t? ::'r. $.. r .fy 1 -thy: ..>" ?'f'- 'r •` e?G.•°or, ':?.;... if' ?`'?'': t3 n ? .: ?' , ;!t`? 4??i£'-' `°'a' .?" ^t'vr it'"=• y"? k .•C' +r•?,,. ?.Y= `?, ?. '?"•r t¢Y ,'?.` .i f. r.';• ..y r. .. t .A`<`i ,yaty;5 $},", t -ti,' .? I?. S.. .. i..'t ?e'i .'Y: b • J. .t. , _ , 11 .?'.% ?°•`•'i:': {"r;' v=S' xS,'='.? , T?f. i-l ?1 °N; °)u i>,: .= :i'. -:' 1 ? ..r 35 k 1 . 'It . 3 ? 0 ':''?1•••. . r >.. ,.C' ? ?t?i -fC i, : ° j. , "s7? ..t , t.. :•Z : 'sA-. tl» .•y^:-s'i x«'i^_' ? y-r .<? .ts• ?: ??' r'' s5: '=r: ?: y :gib F'" ..?,:`' '.h'," "t" ..'r ..,.. .{a.'^•J . ??Srs w...c,? '4 ,. ea,.. J ='a,Y 8' t-e. yr' ?'? ?1..:' .F .•, ".s. '°t i, .?=rF ? r-...i.....' .f•. ,44'w.. •f?' :Z `+:C • 3 ?,?Y. 4?' _.,^hs 'f:, •,' 'a4 t5' S°'ac .#-c :a° j4':' ,}?., ,:a } ?i'. a' ?. .1• p .i?r ?r +'ES?:''+b +t. .2. ?; t. ;?,. _ 't;= ':;x r' ••4, ,>b;=a'"`:'s:.r .h:i:!?:S:at'' ,»8S't ?? --33??,, rSil:e' ?S.F". s• .'S• ...?,•.•?, .tii• r t:v rd5. :\ -.4 ?•y, "nD?: k •'eS" h; <.?i ?_ : ?.. 'x'' `'r• : :'s y' ,ri .§"'` at'PL .'z+a. i' s" ml ct , 'y?r 5 F % =i• 5 £'f ?s4v .x!' r'te' _. . Gp. d'v - y . , • ?? _.» N ZK .,rc s'."' .» s...M . n «i, .. a ` J .... .. .- .,. r :. '?:;', II . ?? .. °. ??s? '(,1? ?r?.}'?f° ? - ..-..<, .g?!_,r-;`=-?r.r. r;•.'?'S'.(k s•er, sr•?''.•?" i'u ?t c a..?'i, ?,v.'•_::. _ ,.b-.: ?i ,4.-.. ..s ,. •. .. toy+Pt-.>r4? ?: ?? «'?a?' x.:;11} ? r,"?t,'5???1! ?`- - ' t ..++ -- - - , ?? ? • ` `'•?'??, ??Ff r 13 t,A?t•%•"??i?o+e'4..='.•?"wn , . ? tiiF,: ,? ; ' ,; sr?? -app ,l t." 25 Gulflube Motor Oil SAE 20 thru GO 49 in 5 qt onna q `jk;'s`'t'ti• fdi4 s?A^? ?•f?rt'.'4":<i:F?.-. t r.T:??,:..`r?t??i t '?1"'=fi;•..:.d Cie.,'-,j1y:. 200 Gulf Extreme Pressure Lubricant at"E 00-1.10 04 in 13-gel IMSD ,:` '4 « Frfs' '? ';' +.;'' `'art ,`f•4 300 Oulf Chassie Lubricant 3 or S7 9ipr lb. in 100.1 NRSD ?:i tj 't`'et ?' : f .?,- ti:• :r..,. .,?sr?, 100 0ulfax Wheal Beovin Y,,. 7YP't f, y 'P ?••ir . $ Greasy 10jPr.lb , in 25f f _ a_ *?; :.?:- ?;°',;.',? ?•' ;r• ?f?E," •:?t;'.'?.;:: ? ones 50 Gulf •, .-? f. ?? in..°s. •;?.,,; :i:•?.??.?. SuProme Cup Granse 43 qpr. Ib i a 254 •, .?s .a>? T„ R' `€ , •A_„r; 50 Gulf Hypoid rlenr Lubricant #90 13jpr.lb.in25# oana •.` ?:i'i' ,,: :y b:., The above prices are f.o.b. for truck delivery from Cleerwnter,Florida- ° TILfE-'--6atwean March 1st 1941 and February 98th.1942 h'.?::`'?`?• '; unless this contract is sooner terminated as herein pro- m ` F +. w lnLe.. a..• •'. ? -:.t:."k 3?r?.SrY? t.re: S f.,? :,f:`, . ' vided. Shipment ---Five Days r g "' r,sz=• written notice to he given representative ,`•,4,-_ h"- 'AC;?;vYi:1???,? of Seller at %?',,tR:W?•?IY`'F -1.s:::'::._ ?`-z'. ?:?r?u ? 4?;,,,,;.}i?'.• •f:?:: ;ti?-..l??r before each Shipment is required. ,y¢w..._,, '.''.';?: "';, 1`,.;•,.•? • ;:- ,? ?•?,: e?y,}r'"v.?.,3??irtJ>c',:? .ar,.}?:..?_ ir?ay ?P.t??::?t^:.'.' ?•??•+`i,-.•..:f?•jy? L; F ,?. ??ay ?d? ?'y `T 1T •'1?.? .. -----....--------------------------------------------------------- ':e• .^'?' ., 1.1 n?4'I` +e• ??;w•?.• ''?d' _ <:r rt,,. a`y }';!Y,it;Q?! 5' Y • t < :,1'Y:+;?K"','.? ` . . r; LH la i ti. ?: ;z'4 ' r';;' y, iif:,,;'i :•f,; tSr F. es;drix, city t,neger read to the Commission the rem- J.` igpation of Alfre s '_: •r. :;. '"t ,aJ' d P:Uarshall, Lucius 3.Ruder, t 4a L.Alley and 1,1 f„"Y 'ty' `L# ?t .4? ;fiJstu t?"a}?' z?F,rw fir' e t> ti7.G.Dlnir as members of the City zoning do Planning Hoard. Rea- ? i ,? 4f= ? tp ? 2xs1 'ts ti: i y {--:.;sa"7 il'• t"`°(:6 i it`" 7';I'?r ?;:'?'J;°!.Ci'-,5±4'La° i,.h?- rj,,t'?• ?yq::'?„ r ` _ s _ F: i ignations to be effective as of Feb 5, 19410 the date of the ;''x' ?k 7?,t?.?`k 'S j''I-i';.,yy s.3.; ?y •ti. =,_ j7< ! resignation paper. ,oailt `'w? F t '}„ v •q`t' ti•' '; : 'e? "',% ?., ', , 4y" •y4? v r,' f.,y_,j`?e. a-. Y?r?-?•• t',. Cloned b Ur Clerk seconded b r Lowe that Ordinance t7o ?• r??rA; !? a•z; ?, by ? Y b+ ,469 r.i:t?'• ,i'y?a<;•??'? `:???i?Y'?{?',,'i;T.?- ?.i?.,?rii?<';'7#{fh'?:,LSr?r4?? 1, ! relative to disposition of g ,'rbRSa a trash and mnteriel9 be passed ;•..s.;? t`••>? e`r.y?+t"u•s?? t s•P`Fr` .?;.,?? -•j„cFAia .?F. ?,.t..,h-1: s+ kx. !•r•` ;,??*,.f:t on its third and final rending, motion carried. ':'',?':;.,;{ ?` ",• . ?. 'L?. Below and immediately ,allowing is a 'varbatium copy of Fri' '•? ..t. ? ? u:: a '? '.' ..;1.??`i yY?3.: in.' ."?i'?t?" ? k ?,?`s'.- ?:¢+'• .: ii`: '-. ;, `;.:1 'm, .r }4Et +n',;, yf? l.. , r :;w: ,• r;r,•''-T'.: Ordinance No. 469: {.: ,i :.Ak+ _ r is i X CE ORDI:iA.IGE SS'R 4G9 ^;+., y+.?.'w •.'.k. .:_Itij LN i, ,i q - j,,•F.' , f 'R„ r4" i? r a%,7'.:: ,':?'i'":?i.' ? y?.-.akka ' •' .Y PROZ 'IDLNG FOR TH D1.11POSITION '?a• ,? . p '_::. " ,», r?F t: A.l ORDINANCE ti ?, a?:s at ;.?,',, ?r: •i3?? .,r? ", "' :,.. ,.r ar :i':, I OF GARBAGE, TEi.SH, :.i7D :asTE t;'tLws, tti t•, ,;rt ;JAY ? t.a eA ZrF T ? ??S. ?, I..t•i ss? '[?• k P. 1 ?', _^.?~ •? PRESCRII3I: G THE cO:dTA= s IN t;Zxifli C..1:t9Ar,. }. 5:35' `#f ??E, .S, 1''.,p '.•? 1, •• ' 3 r`•;'?':?:3''S`:Jp?q?i? TRASH AND 1. a??='? k? ? ?•iL'c l " s A5TE MATERIALS .'?i! U B" =Ta AND ,??'t;??t; 3?.? ?-. ;•'? ?,k'?.: ?s??tv..,:r. 'T.,LTIv iPROVIDING P'.t .S FOR THE VIOLA2il iIMMt?EO?. °:.'is??r?r'"+ tFix jj} ? p•.f4f ?' y,. '{, jinn.. fA., l y,3! t7 of ti s',rY`•: i•.:t r, M1:? 13E IT ORD FED BY CITY C?1.-. r-k u1,aTER, ;a?•?;. ?>t.,:?F?;,;,,P x.. • .?,?a ?:~? :•? ?'°_?•?;' _ Azt Ttw .zsaiot'f n: THE GzTr or GL^ FLORIDA: ,r?ir "; !•`:.i ;;i s• 7C^'E :.. Section 1. DEFINITIONS: The following words, terms ?.<.'}..y ., r.,a•;S' and phrases when used in this-ordinance shall be construed to ';i '?? •. ?> .?N +'P.t { :?< ,i ,k µr. .$ ,i.l•` _,'Y!.,..?,.'I./??? ?v.r +?``'.'-. ?" ?'1 have the same meaning as hereinafter defined: iv a Moist Garbage: The term moist gorbs$o shall be ?.` i'rts 1! } construed to men n n d a ?JJ":,??,? ?`? ????:.??,r?'?;1'::?. n any n all animal, fruit nd vegetable refuse 'Cf.i 11T :1: ,• h Sit - ?kI- ?? ? ?' ?I. ?i, +E., C:. •.. ,r ri z'+`t , ,Pm r matter .?. i, ?f ? .,?r-•P?;,?, ?whether cooked or raw, or any = x a ,,,' 1. tgn ; can, container, or other ? '??aai ? ? ?'s.f? r ?`tii% '??. ?'t„,t? ?; ?,< -. -,,:.. i• ?.'r r material from which any animml, fruit or t'egetable matter has 'y* been removed which might become flour, spoiled, rotten or putrid £ i?'-:•?, 1• '; ti •?rCf,.??+e;Y'"?? %•L• 1 ?'(f S, d,. 3x'*3»'?i'T. ?Y a:'. L t'^;: ?.:. . and from which obnoxious odors are liable to be emitted or to which flies or other insects are liable to be attracted. 3 ?[? 4>y Mt T a:q,ra (b) Dr Garbage: The Y term dry garbage shall he con- R y, ,i it 'A ,fib ' t` k. Y Y iy. ' r "r.. ?.-4 ?.. '+a.^t' .w"•M•bhrh:se.*•Y.>.,.?" •v.o ,. .F.., 't'r :.Y..P <. `•^t;. - ., f:. ':l.? .;r. ,<;'Ss .. •r,..-"ei ._... .... ,. , ^s.._,9 ,,,y,?,.. ?• .t_" .. •?v'z•" •s.--h';,e,.Mw,r_3ct,. 1 t _ ` PA i td MP• , ,?,. ?•4 ? N?.1, Y, ,4,• fl • ,f.' "yr L',fA °::,y' , j' tea. .d`"..? `[`a- ( ' •i+- -e<°: H??e'. y +^,3t. ')E:. sit ? n. y?,Y .. 4M 1'S•" .•sr fie. ,•? ..el" 'n. -tj r ,f '•?'i."` 4c .. dt i "' is ::}'rsr F ?!' e<r, fa •? Yr.'. t •C' -4' i:?-. F.. ?T t.l` •.i' .l'?l ?0' C:'-1. .••.fC'rt 1 .?"-'!.' ?p {??.,? R r ':"r - .2 .W- _?, ti-i: s } •tY' :: i '.:•i,,. ..{',. ?..t. r4' z.,. cs,::. •t. !`i. -,... eDTCS s! x: ' s z ' x , r s r •??'? /?i zz'e .? a?•x :::. 5 _ - ,v = w • ti : ')4 v-' . • e' ` : r •`? r' ?. t, :S"` ,'J, :?i'• ?'+':...••`Cr es ,f .,•d., fry. ?k Y vi' rF?:S'. :`i'.`. arFf.i 1 '?f i;'`::. „u...'tr:.' .»=,..a .r•.}N, ?.? ?-.?'- 3: ?} C L"? S .s: "{ y.S.a f?<5. ,'i •?:'?. .-a• ':4 , ? '.??. ,t+:'?5 ;; •0?.' ^ ?";, •''f '5..; . L,',:°'::Y L^i?,!. y?° : }} .' S `7'• w s?"' ae, a =1 •; j a+ o 'r - of e . .r' , _ C• :'¢; ., 7' . i-' !' ' . /•, i ;:'Yd;'S`.. ..t `:s "€.2.:31rf;_'Y. S'f., R :r: ;y' n`# ` '?' ?F-? 'Sr•, :/ ; ': It Y'`:I"Y .4 c'• `.3`?. `:Yt. '. ?'r :ik'-'? .. r rX•n ti: i d '? '.7d' ? tTS. .,s« •"1.. ;?' r i:'?'.:?^; ,? . A': 7 y 7. ?.< v s?.t?`rutFv ` ?I 1e ?`f ? ! 4 '?t'?` 1 L 3 •? •. •n ?' '.4s •.. ", ?" ,? -? des #rt?' ,.?T ??t'•' ( SY 1 .1.. =}.:y: `.5 .. .c• °A'?.iv t r? !e - -u+p+•„-.' } A a tai' ,'.ts {{ ?.s'• ±?''yy ? '?.. .r, i ay;st? ^'?::i,?. i'1i, 4?N.Y . kr 't' ` ?•f: ?!'. ,:s ;y •i' ;i •. ?.:';'• k :.?? `,?::-j: :cc r. .'.?::-1 {?' "n. iF ' l..,x. ?, 54. 4'• ,4 `P tt nJ .L.t ?"2? •'C'. - yy •'1 'f".'ta' 'Y;:. f .# .--f[Y ?..a. YZ.. 55???? 2 L 1'. w">? , S ? a 4. f ' _ ??' rw t' i` ..l . ~ d •' ham' } '^Y2 J? ?-•-.. • 7i }£ '3' ^? t • „ 'T..^'•:!9 'fi'r •" ? rer.W 7 M'=€ i . ?"' S ? S ? r ?rViifR•1 e '? 4 s 3 `'2 ' r evC,.a. ?' IL`?ia7`$*.?2'isxYrG• • .,<+..v '.-a:.3i".:?.r..r>+? , Ir "' ' ? Ts , .si.a f,,, 'x..E,? o•„f?S? ... :•ru wr• ,,, ..?•:w:'• .up•. 1 vai+'3ws: i .a .s. 1 " t7 7 `G?s.?t, t.Y,?5.'S p?? ? ???.?r`t??LY'uetsaa.Y..f.r+aas:37r_`?. ??:4L'YY+..KnnR. 45,»"-;c • fi'.w" •?r..,,, +vY.'", C. . . ! , . );, is ?, ?. .3.ibv} ..?raLvf; .?;3.?• 2: ;;•x' t' ,="srY-s??,?? .2 ?'{•? r»:r,:?k?.s.," - ? r. ,. s$<'r•.-w,M rr?i- ?.5n.,.< ,? r'r,: t?fs}.yfY Yti ,.t 4. .1 1 ?,'y` T, W:.s 6-- f:iIt.' I J, .4 J r, 1fr 'I.t? y' ti` •.vtt}}`j.=r=?:?`Jj't' ?rJ..-r.i:°t,''r'.;t- i.y . % ?' '•r?? Vii. :: ? .',r{,'1;z"?,'-''. 71 • atrued to moan any and all papers, beige seeks, cartons, aon- tainera end boxes.whioh have not Coco Into Contact with animal, fruit and vegetable matter or from whioh obnoxious odors can- not be emitted and to which flies and other insects will not be attracted. (a) Trash: The word trasn is hereby defined to mean and include- yard clippings, grass cuttings, leaves and such other small rubbish (other than that as defined in the terms "moist garbage" and "dry garbage") as ordinarily acc- umulates about a residential premises. , (d) Waste Materials: The torm waste mnterials is hereby defined to mean and include sand, wood, stone, brick, cement, concrete, roofing and other refuse building mnterials usually left over from a construction or re-modeling project. Also, trees, tree limos, tree trunxa add tree stumps. (el narbago Can: The term garbage can shall be construed to mean only en impervioiis, cylindric; metallic can, constructed of not leas titan gouge material %Yhich has a permanent metailie bottom constructed as a part thereof, and which hae a removable metallic lid so designed as to not as close fitting hood and which further has two handles placed on opposite sides near top to faciliate the lifting and hand- ling thereof. No can shall be of more tnnn thirty-two (32) gallon capacity, nor shall it be lised for other than a moist or dry garbage container. (f) Garbage Box: Any :rooden or metallic box con- structed so that the contents will be kept dry and intact therein-and in which dry garbnce only shall be deposited. The size, design and loontion or all garnnre bores shall be app- roved by thn City 1:anager of tho City of Clenn.-iater or his authorized Pgent. Section 2. It is herdoy declared unlawful and a violotiin of this ordinance for any parson, firm or corpor- ation to do or permit to be done any of the following; acts or practices: (a) To deposit on or tuxy in, or cause to be de- " posited on or buried in, any land, public square, street, alley, vacant lot or unoecu7ied lot, the vm ters of Claar%vnter Ray, Stevenson Creek, or any other creek, hater course or ditch with In the City Limits of the City of C1asrivater, any garbFre or other noxious, malodorous or offensive matter. (b) To deposit or place in or cruse to be deposited or placed in a garber=e can any materials oche. than those de- fined in this ordinance as moist garbage or dry garbage. (c) To deposit or place in or cause to be deposited or placed in a garbage box any materials other than those de- fined in this ordinence'as dry'garbage. ?w Y 4 1 ?Yd rb M, tl r x- c ,f .•SSit ,?rf,` r ?, '•e ;???' 50-11 % ?-' trN• { 5oJ}r ' f tai ?•? :??????°?f?°'1 ? 'S r ,ems tY s: rk' 3 b?e"s 9'S?s. ?o-ac ^a:.,?•? •..a_r,•., +•!"v= .. , ? ;n,.,- .r -''a:":'r. ': ^}'r rs - ,i .a., .,J•}..,. ...n„S. a..i;,,..5 6,Z.. •arr. }r'»rr?r?.' , •?' E %:T?:`. Fs?' , t°:l„ . w.', '.', k1 :'t' : t' ` ?:, ' ... -yr„a' ' a ?! - : `,?''`.}`.. ?'?` t ?.7 :t,. }- `,1 a. p:la?: •, - .. ?.` •. .. •«,r. r11i ; wj. ,'i, .,4'i a• €? .R,if'r' i'v?' 1 r.':, ` , y, . r ' f.,'T? n. •,? t=' .x.13 +:'.?4`.'ti f,^} ? A'vr'.! p"-. Y- .i `t ,i,. .tc ,'1.}, ,?vr :'7:. `•i-' 'Y.L=i?`• ? wtsI 'fti'. v, °:L? ,«"7j `«ta !' k ,S ,rk 1 'Ze`%• ,ji ,k.r, _,?{;i ?y , ?'•j `_ >•t: Y`" •?', °4"?? .S? °??'t?:?: 4•'4..,.2 rq :? ;k,A `,'s; •:i.,.:?s1 ,` - v,-.te .?-, - r '>43, ?' ,U "?. i. f ? axi .Y3^• ':•t• S'' •?. .:1i'<'-`.` +,'r;?i-..Y'.. 41b' {69.4^ML,• b ] . '?f rh =. s•. ! , ,v'.Ii_+.. -i 1 .'3'r. v' err ?-,a!. i•1- - '? °'??•K's'' "] ' .?."} . ,cwt, ro[ ?v rd •?r +' ` 1 . '?.' .t..?'f W i {€ •rS rr '. ?..+`'. r0 ??. :a, ':r''_ 3 .5? .ql. ..L . .?.. 9 i .t._-?°' 1S «. "a -d.a•.... ....l1. .i? ?• t.i?t+'? j t-" ys.. .A ` .•,"`r - 3 ., 6• : , .'t' ? . M,!, •K• a ,..T' 3' ,t f t p es..:k' . 1,` ]??.. ,. ?,.;` •.f" '•?i'v : is +l. _ :Y''+x= ,1:.... `. 9 '14"i:.i f4 T 3?? S D';,."v '?` Y 1 ?}' ?.. e e,' i' '.rx ''t'!? '`'' '•f' v `s('?e i .??'-. ''r? t. Y"• a".." .'.i4 , t ?? 3 ° :?'r'°. _ .,,,• .P. . a w.'..w- ..7? .';.=w.: ,...,u:•fs°:''`.3 ,?:a1M? ? 1? X>1 ?i [' ,? %i J,' .4. •-,` ! "Est _ ,n ..k': i. .r 'Y .,- •,4 `z sip: i'• -s .-. ' F'"r 'a ?,"` 'i-,?, '.° .fit-. r:°.% }iY?.. ,?. `. [.' .:, r;S ?.•' yf? 1 ?$?f ,.• S' .`la dM1„ •'?.. `•S, i .'f' ',i e: 1°, 5a i ?,.'.''. ?« -1 ?' =d ,'fi?i`'' r.' ? '€`' .?;• ;?:'` 1.;-` '?" «t,. .S,^, t xc ?? ? .'' } ,€t?1 ,. ?.., . r'h:. ? ? • . ? ,-?... .rte ,, i i. rY.. ^tli: °-•.J .:5, .=h' •rt,. .f... '.1. fai°i' 1 :J .•.y •'?" € 'H ±a?.n .1 -05 '€; :4`i,4:r. 'tit .`cs -!, ,•• t^° '?.. }•? ??`"???s??, .i ?/.'anW;fi:?3JtT.?e'k".',?..s.?.,,,.rr..?it..,?"3t'+'iyw'71Et'v'>'?': i' 1:#.`E: wlsbruwY. ??,*•,: n,.;.ai'c:S7 siC"'"? ftrL`.3. 4 `"it=tlt?C .?,Meri.:ai«?,1., ,?_ 1",.'.': .t''PY ? ? ???'?? ?,', '-'s ti,...±' ?•r?'Ai ga. '.+ 5.'? a ?'{? r ? a,F:? ??P'. a?'f•?a `r.?%,ire.v??rf?,"`'i?C?;ar?dt??r`??. 7?+f'T?1 .Y°. ?4????!d??'$ "'ifs^?.L:?r?:ww - - - t ,`.!,° .2: `. ;'?;. ;,. ' -r,i r•,? , F. • •-r.?fFt,tlARf, .Fe:3r^.F:` :`?.st?^e+•r;? .. ..t.-a To fail or neglect to keep or cause to be ?r kept Olean and sanitary one tightly covered and in goad atete of repair all garbrige cans and garbage boxes. F'•,? [. -'n,':: '.-..1:. ]??'l?.r(,r?t?'••.?,_. i (a) To fail or neglect to use or suP''1Y garbage § r cans and garbage boxes other than those defined and provided e• '.s.i•`'•j <?Si ?lt ?{a.f_hay+[si.•,'.. Y'T? ? " i _ . for in this ordinance. (f) To place or allow to be placed upon the streets, fi r'", alleys, curbinge or side walks of the City of Clearwate- any rubbish, sweepings, debris, trash or waste materials of pny t;,ay?: ,, sr kind which might be a menace to traffic both v ehicular and ped- estrian or which might dndanger the proper operation of the City's sayer or drainage system. ', {.. (g) To collect or permit to be collected by any one +, ???: t: ak"?!;,y,'€. !a `?7,Y ., f„},??€Yy.• "}!, ., `•?'}'; rjr?f? the garbage from any 8erb `.;•'r;?:?i;?•"'{,'..?t:=uCC?,?': r,{Y-''»??: nge can or garbage box ether than by 4i•x°,=v,.> i_::;: :-. ?... r' y4"•? persons regularly employed by the City of Clenrvrator for that '' ' f ?'F?i;.,???N? `? ?i S.,r.i'{i P:•Y f <t T'''' .Y SU?'iy`y. `... c 4-S it , t . ?rf`•4?/'!?;;',' purpose or by persons working under contract v,ith•,the City of'rift? ;.4F'' :, ?a-r ?` ??,. i::,?M'.,.°?.I..r...:.., •. -,; i t, t rF 4Y:s p yt 1 rS,t>:. C, leartvater or by speciel written permit from the City 24anarrer •t?;x'i •?.,'.:?i.k;,t>?,"' e of the City of Clearwater or his authorized ?•;;{:° ``» . •.?' „? .? ?[.?rj ; agent. .1= ?i'.{!r?,-, }: 1?'?':;.,;.r:r?{:=",,;; •?; a •isit ;Y.?%}?"r*i?w.?$+r f"s 3i ?:. i?..:t?-7al/r?..,l,..j_:':, ?;•-r °i:.Fi?•'::.-'-??. f ?.' 00 To violate any of the provisions i >x: •°? ??:?'4 ,,,< .iy . .. or sections % , , i,,.'. ? ? j-•4 Y' •??. ?i .?. ?-f- ". ?s rh'a', t''. ?"r`I, , Y.?•t-a-''e ??:};"C.•?.?;rf. •,: k'.'? ' .''':°' of L ordinance or anf 1?' ,? reasonable 1 `r, < ii•F?;'iyf?;%`k;J?•?Ip'*a'"Z`t?,,:,,::??tg1}t?°??I {?s y interpretation as the Sa7lle• l,1it,r, .?4,.•r?•,j?•` r ,3?3 ? ? Yj yy 1r? l ??h Section 3 If any • section ' , provision, or clause of Ea - lt.c E 'Fa z' ;' •? 1 .v ?,. .i ll be declared invalid i y.' t, r•.. ?` ' j,'si Of unOOIIStitllti^nal this ordinance sha+?y z r f,ilf ^,l { ?.`. •t°'x°'i, ''i?` a ,`+k"°. '? r' _' t , or if this ordinance as applied to any circumstances shall be •: declared invalid or unconstitutional such invalidity s r6A;? 4 'r q"?,v??'{ .??,yp•a;1?rs?.pFi?;„,?y',i., j,i' ?r 1 1 hHll r}i'* ss??)•,.;?v?3rS".?'?'?,r, f ??? J?• '`„r'?'i5 {• ?.: 'Sy,-q 'y',?.at,•a:Af?.. :.? €3??+{tru? ?`,}i Y•+ j not be ?`°:•.?`? construed to effect the portions of this ordinance not .???ir:?`•:.?a S*?-?t'?•`?. ? . ?`- i :. V .` ; z.ilc: 30 hold to be invalid ;: '` F €u F s ?i A , or the application o .? • ,tom it ,: ?,,.,,?; . Wit`. ,=-.;,s{,; f this ordinance ..i•?'f -?'•? .k _ ''?','" t0 other circumstances net 8o held to be invalid. ?'. •)s{ ..?.t4 ?; ; `,° ; ?yfr " `?-: :r1 tt> Section 4. An person violating 'j? .. :?s : i ? •F:.':d, J; 3• ,.? any of the prow- '????• ? ?.t??.;.ey??„ R isiene of this ordinance shall, upon conviction in Municipal ;t?,:?);i'l`'°'?t ;i? ? ? '?..6? •:%.":,;-r'?': ;kt?iw:yJ;j?^i'St."i? a{'i-3?'1+?t i?i.?F?:. 1 Co rtr be fined ina sum not exceedin 8 $200.00, or be sentenced ?.? =n':..'+??.?. ?,. ?•,. ? -•i:?.`" a.?k's? r...#.;-_sF:a:?:, <S"?,.erf,i;r;?.., ?;r{7• J,.,.€rvi .f •;:i..: ?.y Y,'w„ '.' v3t_?1„ Y, ..,Yrsv_??`?!,f`?i,. } to the City Jail for a term not exceeding thirty (30) days, or'. ••.p.:. ?? ?.? ,; i??.,'?, T?1?-„! . .:; :..? r--. i A .Y"?• - J;?}y' ' ?L?.},i: . y l?S:'s'i? i •' -'j' "` may punished b both fine and im riearment in the d ?,.,,...,. Y P ? iscretion ??. ! •''-t°zY?? i';i?;.. ;k1;? }'n':i+,=1'?4'- ', ?sr: •"•;.?YR. .?',? M Y 1 of the Court. :r.;?:•?.., 1 ,_ This ordinance passed and adopted by • the City Co; mWis s- 1€?'YS€; i'?lls ti t'• ?:«+: t?,,?{r.?. ., y?. ?s.t•?'?`7`i;?-%'${`r°6`,_`"?,' ?" ': '1 ion, of the city of Clearwater, Florida: =? 44 .'?" °,::•?;dW .>~ Y= J7?? °'; E. Passed on, first readin.Lf' • 2'y ?., •`tt Passed on scao.. -dam readins' .?.L? ? , / ? ?l Y?°+'''? ?"u ??• ?J? r_ ? 9 t v ass 97L/ >_ : 3. t•5•' Y t?_ ?"• # ?f' ed on third reading{ r / 7,• / _ ?9 ^ '. !z° Passed :'14.F ?} r "E["" €?, t,<. a •r€ ?`.,;rw?r .'?.r q i•tF,?ic??3 ""j 4'f;,?'a,? °? Z??.r`S t ? ?rc?:,Y'w'!'?t? ? ? ?xL a?`'l?i'???''t?.:`1t`r",??E` ,i•CS;;rd :.•_ 'I ''Rarjy?! ?S"?,t1`?y )Ae 4a"'?r ?r'E' -TX' +1h-ti a:5. ,??;:,'y+???`>•d t€, {ar ,' VIN, f, W i' J , 'F',9 ya r-Cis a32 10 •?••,,-• ?N[ R1;.'`'T!€- 'R.• ,??t >, c? nor ?',? ? ?:-` ?1? ??i:sx?'•'.{?:• . Attest: ry,?d?"':s.a w?t`?"I" Frank Coo lef?,,r . ,-.?'{ke> Ulty Auditor aII Clark MAN "«'i',.!?9`,t'; ??'-"?'•i J..'x"'4.,'4• nil' ?~"+_'.' `w.,,?K$s ,.;l??--•; r?+?r? .. .. .., .. :. .... ,.q- •,. .. ,.. .- ?f ,•Rr.'