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.E .:?rl"*'''Y r.%7?4"Z. kk,r. "."? >t•?i••f 5L`?• '?'° ••? Y: t.v ;{;; .?;: J'?.,,:;. r. <!'Yr.t..:. ,+,?'> ,f. Ley .a_ r; r. f ?. c.
'4s. g P ?• ?jY 'jej'' '.:l + `?w'' SrA.i?,+•yy'yi•`i ",l.•`,?. ?a, wru t?,.y ?.rL?- `?+. 1• ?i??y? ,?y? ??4- a' ,.c. ,.-r i' ?•,
y? I(i ?M??Y??11?.4f??F?tti ?TNW ?3>?'4?1^?'???Y"45'?wl'M?''1.^".+r.?•Ai .,...'•.+r...Y?..' ..4y.r'a1R•>W?Cr?Y..Y;.?"'Y§Y'%M„".'•`Z'i?c?-i+31??'t?aFKR(?N?.l -. ,•.??@.1., a?a ??r ,? ?v !°- .1
?'r? ',i..^.F ? wZ. i - ?` , s . ? i ?wir.?:P!_(v'ss:••?? .>??'?: s?n ?..AM3.-S?it,
. ar,??l ' e' F'''' a i1.:,;,?"+' f' l •F#qt,i ' .
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':rdUT:S Q TT:. cTItM 0. 7-M CITY C014:I3i3I011
The City Commissioners of the City of Clenr'r'ntcr not in
regular session in the City !lnll at MOO o'clock on the
.iw f4r-n ,?.sr J9
evening of .'ovonber 19th, 1940, with the following members
'tr '•` ' *'" 3t;"` :;t,; :-: E. B. Ceslor, Jr., ^:ayor-Cnrsmissioner
ld. D. Norton
G. R. Seav7
yt •:'z.. .:r%',i`iYi :?' ..r i:- ,. ..bsent R. A. Dempsey
r' !;. Herbert Orios
.r C f li. Sa
. i •/
r•?,j.?..?'??;.i?ral??•??f•,?_s.,? ,??;;s nutes of the previous meetings t':ere read and approved,
Lity,jlansger reported the he had receivel nuit?claim deer.
fro:a the property cxnera an :'#est side of Osceola .o; t h from
;l:tcg `t r+, the north side of prrperty now owned by the gulf Oil Corporation
`7cj'fr y?`?°, °sya3?r? on tre corner of Cleveland St. Rnd Osceola Ave. to the south
sile of .. H Coachman's a a
,? !, }?? ?Y5t4Y ,°• ,1?'''::.. property, kn wn as 9y ..711, to n
fifteen foot strip: of land for the purpose of v.'idening
CsceQle Avenue.
City ^ttorner presented ;rdinance 'o. 467, an ORDI:TA:TCE F,5 v
`' 'xt R 7,r1TI-NG .0 JALt..3 AT PUBLIC UCTFO'T 0 ' '
r ? r rR••13 }}r,?.r?i •'.r.i r A 5 F DIA.lOiTDS 3R ;,T.rY .'i:?
'o . ?x 1, fay £ i
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I::? AT- =R
i? ftr; :ar' ? i t1 PRECIOUS CR SE:T-PR:.CIOUS 3TOMES, OR TT" `` ". ,
O::a - OF
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e'5' t 3E t OLD, 3ILI. OR PLAT M LATH . A.RZ,
C:.CCITS i;'?}^,`S_: ',•y"off??S?,rFI '
}W =TA , rT.l:i'-:AnI, :ii LIi,TH ::t .C.D5 TO IV': : Ti;. JDr Ds-
x '£Ft:'IO:,L'T:; %:a;.TM•TG AT SUCH SALE; 'I'0 "IC..,I" :OSE ^TI,I(1,'
. r•,4_ rrcr. ;r? T:T 5L'CEi 3AL»5 :.t; T E
0 FIX T:=. :1::OtI, ?' 0_ Ti= LT -C":S? TL:: TO B
?AI:: FOR ..r TFi?VIL ^i $%4 WUCTZM. S C:: 3A,L"7; TO RE t.'I:i
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7755 kl r .+
I r p?+;li>i Y t za:} ,t; ??C. =S SI_ =Tw R5 O? ,?r CITY
?? •?`?t?? •s -'?Y? 6' S'..zt.. CY:"L '^ CO= l .lI$IOi.?
OF CL7X:' 'A.T TO FIX T:- .DMUTION Or SLSC_i .:Ar:? n::0 is HOURS
• ar- r f L? ri °4'.? k <Y k 3 1'.':- DAY J'T•.I:: I ' RICc 5UrH SALES '.'.A y BE CC::7CCT?, :r~iEf I::-
•,? t`,y
:OSI?:G A _...?A.L:-: F R `_::» VIOLATION ""EM-Cu"
Moved b;r .'arton, seconded br::r..jeivy and carried
Ordinance `To. 487 be ,zassed 7n its first reading.
., ...?f•?._°. ., a ... ...:?L?'.9°._._, ,.
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ORIMIX-10w NO. 407
;i, CBDI..,: i:. :3::L , TI .G TO .',7 a L C ;I1C IG'1 l,: D ti 0. .a
CR 01MM.1 "KCIOLt~i CI; S :I-? i2?.IiCa 5;1 :'. , Oct ?:IT;,TIG:t3
T iR`OF, :ulTCIE'S, CLOG- M, ^Y, f'OLD, OR PL.%=D
CIlltt-;, OR LEAT-:_2 C0 37S 70 £RM-?i, F.1;-.)
3=0=- T1O1I MI) C:' ATI::G AT 20VOI: CAL-S; : TO LI^.1::X '_' 05M
?If3AG2:1 1:1 ` UCF G,.L":i, :.:t..' FIX :I ;?..OUIIT OF =' LI 48M
TO 1E VIR7 :':?053 III SUCH :i:AL:?S TO ?IL; ;' ;XPLIC.:TIC:'I
r ZM0 ' 7,-ZZ GIT': C0:::IZOIO:I 0: 'M CITY a TO Fix
5UCii SA=S :-JAY BE CO:NDliCTM, r::D ZTO::ZIG A 1=1hLif
c ?5tt ^w L iOL,;TI..I T:. rt-Cr.
, FMIS sales at public auction of diamond:
or any other precious or semi-precious stones, or imitations
thereof, watches, clocks, jewelry, gold, silver or plated
.were, china, glassware, or leather goods, afford peculiar
opportunity to those engaged in such sales to impose upon,
defraud And Ghent the public because the public, generally,
is unskilled in:the art of determining the purity, quality
of value of merohandise of this character, rind
'LMHEAS the ripid ante of such srtialea
at public auction, frhen purchasers must buy at a glance
and largely upon the statements and representations of the
auctioneer, and also under the stimulus and excitement of
competitive bidding, exposes many persons to deception and
unscrupulous practices,
"ER::FCRE, in the exercise of necessQr y
regulatory police power, end also in the exorcize of the
taxing potter vested in the City of Clenr:'rster in end by
its Charter,
;':AM, MCRID.1:
Sec. 1. This Ordinance shall apply to
all vales at public auetian of diamonds or any other pre-
aious o: semi-precious stones, or imitations thereof,
watches, cloc%s, jewelry, .Fold, silver or plated v'arc,
china, glassware, or leather Foods, conducted in the City
of Clearwater, 'Florida, b;r any percon, :'iris or torpor- tion,
end it shall apply, regardless of Whethor the „ocda end
?,ares,so offered for sale are in fact the pro'^erty of those
offering them for sale at public auction., or the nronerty
o; others for ' Isom the auctioneer acts is a_-ant. Provided,
77,.,..'J`, .a"` µf5'r!•',.yyl?C`?:,1, '%"`•+-^•?'•-'''.'.^.`}-"h.:--.-„+'•k t •`E-' ;. Y. ,. t. >•. ,•N:,e _
.' . _ ,,.... ? _;. IFS:.. ...
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,frja•,?•^ ,-:.,`J 5?. r,l ..,! I ,asp:,, ,: :?,.'°i,"..?: / :•sx'' ,:9i" ; s' tw?, y`
f, l ?, e.. "t'•t^ "try ?,s"'• 4? ?. -? t .
u lfa. "?' ..1' t" a .,>? : <::?'a `. ,;:! t?-.iyf. ?: .'a•k4 ^3: _5 •?, e,?::• .i;?' ,??: • a '.ti;';..•?. ° vi"'• v?' .'f+ .11:. . L
?y*???r ?},3 .mow .p . .) ?.• °„ .?.?:''t' °n:, ',i`.°c=;;?. -?'•? r ,Y°.!„`.:. -r= •y Mt ?• -?Y? i?'.
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",.t;' 7'.° .s'F.y. 3, . `tt: 1=''?' :C: 's ': `??q' .,ll.' ;??'• .:. .If.. •; ai?•':'';. :•{,: . L•,.,}•. .?vr.ry. ,{F:•:,.. ,- t, a.; ? , t °
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-, ?... t -?. r ''. Sf."} .f .al... <: ?. "_s: `g: :S's „4.: 2.,4?; ;-; .•.y;,: }"„ rF,w tyk•µ?y,< M°t?3,.. '? e d?.
p....;?, ?° ? ?.?"??•7?,?3?#?c`?iai:aa,?w+r:?•..'' .?a'?s?l?#?:?Y/?.6:?i'ec?ti'mYaq?,1p'1C1;??sL?.titi.°,;s.;:,;«,ill.?s?t,7t?iak?'Ctla?;st?i5>?2??.:?;is::;i:yt?..wS?`.u.++a.<.;-.??.;?? "G•'p?9".
.r ? '? ??'*' ,„ , ?5?19#?,t,3 ?C?Y?•,f'?y y"z??4 t1"t??•}I?1'f .'
A. t T' " L_^j'.` {'r4'ai1'}r'g;§? rt7hyitn.',` El
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,n 6 t• 1t4 ti•wwM•r..•+r+-'n."'-.'K'.?_ ?? .• ... ?.sJ ..,+-,:
s .y J iC??}'` '?py,2?rY _ `f' ';'?.`•t?'e?-?: :,•,--`t`?ilJ~'L' A?F /? tic?te +5?., ?"t .. ', t:i;:'.s 3. •.,?':.. .'„ .'ilf..fCfa3 y.?:.A t:,4k ., b•g . }.
`' ?'?`isL7^r'' -•°.y![S" i•4 ??ub+'YY..:rit_i .. '
t;?..,r„`1a;"aF however, that nothing contained in this Ordinance shall apply
to judicial sales or sales by o
? • -. fi;~??tsN`??? , any executors or ndminiatra tars, }
.': let.; % ?zs• .,, r nor the sale by the holder of pursonnl security under a can-
s .'s. :i.'s'zR'F-?*'?. x. •`}` g:.]?;; •?g'h.i+ i .. - .i F:
' • <.'??s;`:" '6 '?°? ?k%E=F treat allowing public sale in default of pn raont of debt.
Sao. 2. Before any person, fins or corporation shall
sell or be angagad in the business of selling diamonds, or any ,
'a:?? ? •, ',,,-:',?+;? other precious or semi-Precious stones, or imitations thereof, -'?•_: ? '
• `_ ;« y,' 4?°' , Yy: ,, wn tches clocks jewelry, old silver or le ted ware china
:1•??:?=A?f r?S,1 S'y?.°i?t3,:y:M1 'b`.L`'..?`..
j;'#'?k'31'r'?-?'=st+?'?,?; ?2,-?n?`rS"?};(•., _ glassware, or leather goods, at public auaticn,'such person,
'•{=..i;• ry'+'+, ?`. tip: t.`' ,?,t• g. :?s ? •• -Rii' {R',.:i,?::' : z'; ? .
i'?:'1t:». lj::?S<.:5,°? P •. ': ? ' '%
1:tJ` ?°•i?h _ "° a' ."°-' ?:::1-:
firm or corporation shall file an application -ith the City !€..,,:,_ rp>:. -
'?:? .?"t':l. ''!??•,?`?'?i..-a?c?,.:d. lrz.a??. ';.E•%.:':..?: `s'ale ai'•,i-•••,?:, "'. ?^{r:,S •
Tax Collector of the City of Clearwater, Florida, for c.iicense, ?.K°?r.,?°•??•„s,z?.?,;???':::t;:-.,>'•
?} jai}+`?,•,? ?` „•. .o`!r.' : ;5 . r,i.:' - r.•.
a?t;',# ;F°rr?'"r: ? .•S:i'Y->' ?_.,, which application shall be accompanied by.an affidavit s >! `1• Vl?4a'f ;' rsr
,R ' ''nf•?, t???j ?i4'_Ta;r:t,t3s all the facts, relating all the reasons for and character of ar ?? r.1 •?.,
such sale, and including the statement of the mesas of the ,! f?{
persons from whom the said .property proposed to be sold sues
obtained, the date of delivery to the person, firm or carp- oration applying for such license, and the place from which •. '
:alyv,`'?t.?f?'e ".1fE{*?t'd.e SF:,"y•?., ??, -
said property was last taken or bought, and all details x
'ts.?,t' ?? =r ? ?? ? Y-i?1 !: st .?tU"eyk?'"? e .• ?' . ?,?1•i' t ? ?i'a s-`'.
;t-?:Y ?';y?''S ns:,es .Nw•j.o ?at' 1 ,<? {.1,1 s??
necessary to exactly locate and fully identity the said a,
property, and shall further state that the applicant is of good moral character. There shall be attached to the , -? i '??4': •!', a.:f fir., f i? t1 !!,{, ±k'
t p;?f application a written sworn inventory showing in detail the
?r''g?t' ?'= '.; ?? f s4}. p „ t
.fir".'">-.•'N aw s". t:t " iii * '
.:?'?;€°? .?,?;;?????? ?, '•?€ quality, 4uantit kind or grade of the said property Pro- ?N? '`s4tj?. ? ?;°•
'7 . rS ?rF '"' to a art
y?5i"=c?'v •: P013
ad to be sold and btatin that no items or art. clew
dti + sf1 t s?, : Sf3 f 4
longing to any other person than the applicant are included ?? r
?`' ° "' '`^•? " i said inventory. The application hall be accompanied by
,:.I,µ. P-z. fi}r?sfysv? € '3,
a bond payable to the Governor of the State of Florida in the
al stea of Two Tho aand Dollars ($2,004.00)s conditioned ,
?J ?a =>a:,',,t 4• '? ,
.?„' ' -;'';,;..• ,.,
?N e r y- s
.?Y`` ,4`.'i...'fe `.1":.,:'l''f ,r^' ds• ' : 4t.,: # t.•5'' Y1,?1? f r.i
,,3•r? ?>?;?,^ • ???:,n:;•;?;, Lhat:the applicant shall pay all leases an,. damages which
IN «wfu11,y be claimed First th4 eppliaant, an ncscant at
z1 may la ag , rr ?,". ^'any misrepresentation of feat o^ belief or any material , eta
,w.• a'ti t} is tt'm.'.,?'t"'-r' Y:th.XA } t"
,. -p;=.g?r"' ,? ? s:t,.,• suppre$sing of feats made by the applicant or aPUSed to be ? .`?; ? w••i
made by the' applicant in the conduct of said sale concerning ;= w; '? •}?: ?5..,
' `t b*.ltrvi ,??? ? l.a-r5:, oy. ??`r ??' ??•?'' :z!H ,?k ? • ,.??_t.:- •-
}r` ^" ^! Lu° 'tS•`?'?'y? J*1i°,`5?+ ",s?'.{ ;•"s
x, •" the said property offered at such sale, or any , 1a99es or
damages which may grow out of a violation of any provisions x'tf :s ?` ;``,:r f
a3 3" ? :n s,•
€ ;'Zt
of law relating to such sale by such applicant. Such bond :
`s to be 'executed as surer b a bonding or insurance core an
fi•Ll«.. t5,. s qs ' F ',
? 1' X t' t ?t ps"'!. is
'w 1 ` y
h'A? '. K licensed to do business in the at4.te of ? lorid9. Such bond
shall be for the benefit of eny person v rho ismy sustnin any
Y ?• and authorizing in y person sustaining
loan or d8Mg0, an g Y
such loss or da_age, to bring suit or action in Pny Court of ?? t• 1.";x??' ?.r,;,. `s
I ,f
{{ '•,?-•'.?.4.•'?"'?„"„?-"?1?"'-'?R^?"'MII"_'"'alb" .rrR--?" .tiw^. _?? • ?..r?+.•'?"- , ?r "'T?' °-w-- ?,,:. ?? ??.. .? -:,•.
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. •a2V Q_?Y.,t' :r'u atst.'RL .?:, :, •.?•. ?' ti:l. •.i:,.as"'.• i;;i:.' .•..
_ ,?i'. • r•: rr`? G" `:3: :a ' ?-. ,•e,."-'£. -', '-i• - °i'a • ?,' 'tom
:r? •-:d' g !r _t, ..n. ,:` .'x; .•,a'' +,,>-°. »ri. n'4?'} ?y•? •s ;3 '?r:r• va^?". ..
VT. `•..A ?. 'rJ •, '•,? 'F':°" r'fi`• .3' rL .L Y.
•a ;+? 2 .c4 .?. Y't° ::y .c.n' '=s'r'. :?? ''•i'1 } r,.,rf '? $ ? ,tt'' ? t?
V' 9 ? fx $?` 05 y? ? i!F _ J _ „t. ,+, ?Y •: J xZ'' ??Q,?y??e• +. i?d•r
s¢. +,? a lit -rd'N• YP^ C 'SE'.
ro?? T. °r4 '.i3. .?r. -.t •+:J?'i, e'.11 ?'' >:.?• '•s: ^'c' a. '^Y ai. ,yam _S-•'r
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'*' t ,?sf, ' 7'Y'""e . ¢ ? . Ts":Y . i;'.'?e is v" :'s ."f?- '?' ;r e`Z"i' j ,!'<v..r •.? :sa.. i + '.x^ t i:±.
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F ??T Jc• :'x. F G[' i °''si !. - :r1?'3...'. • yy V'+`..`:?!S' f h .l .! ?-9,, t[ "f "r t...
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:' tar ? „?T', ;la »'}?•: ?';; cw`. ' : h y . •.r:.,; : •. a.?i.> e , r . r• c, -•.,' .,,r ,t
3: ,t. ro ?42''`'ty?'¢' .;). •{i:• »x:??l: ?: ?4'. =s` '.r.:, =,f'-,i'r+y. ..r,,.:. s. c?„". ?a, 3"a .,?'.i'i ?'+ '>t .a1: t'• ? st" ;.+.t? f'S`•?.
'-?r •4 ?'.`i'" o ?. a x .'?; <,• ? ."a z- '? •?»-'w? ? ' i ' ...3t.:?'. '. 4'; .':::•' ° s • -=;".. _ .,?; .'?:{ X,' j r.'z•.'=?;fi,''. 'x. `=;i.?'? .. h j? ?,
rs d w r•'°E?v: ?' tw°:-?. ,'t, "'i ? `i•` ?. .'L ,?T::s=?'t"...rr+'?? i. y r.? ' "!°.
G s ?:i ?:. 5.?a ..r.: ??? . e+z? ? ? 'k' 'µ • :, .. Y .,5' ,?Sr? cr6.. 7 1• ":i" 4
-s: ?? .? '< '?#';u Sr;;'?" ?i?r. .%t .[c'?ty ?i•'.?. ,??'' y.r ,.t,--.. t,u. ? Kye,...
m'S' v . ..r ?£? ' ?. s.' rya:.. .?.,. • ...i "` ? ?". , c t •.??'--?_. .i''
: ?`• .r .E:r•. ?. .??rm', •3.r;: -r f-°?;;'rs-. .'.h;,.,.,°. is w"•!? a. .,vf 3?'g'`J*8g i
•??- f b ri { j!% t:.: v.i ^ a. - ':u.'.'? •?yi!'?':lk `5 v• cry 4 G.sy
r '."3'? .c. 8', .••°e. L :t•.r"` ?!"^:[_. ??,.. 'rl' tF_ .E :>;r, <?r'• ? ?` ..a
.A ?i uts., r' a ;Si9 Ara
la 1?s..``. yYL.-.5.• •`?ti _s? ???w+i?E?,"3w"`1?k+a.s.?t`.:tuirya,..w?.'?rw.wax.SrS:'t,?"+w,?r.»..:lw?.+L.i•E"W+,.•..+°'..'Lw`ii,...r.;?`i.L?,?i[.+a'?.a.??s?.?.C.'::?14?r!?a???1r616R?.1ri?fMPi?i p,^•?ai 'ia? ±• ?{ ? :r, .
.. 3 S:sue ?`P i'k-lU 4f
competent jurisdiction to recover on avid bond.
See. 3. The applicant shall pay to the Tax Collector
as a license for the privilege of selling such property at
public auction the sume of One Thoueund Dollars (.)1,000.00},
for the duration of said sale, which ahnll not exceed fifteen
(15) days, and provided further, that no fractional part of
said license tax shall be paid for a sale of shorter duration.
See. 4. Upon the filing of such application, affidavit,
inventory and bond, and upon the payment of the said eum of
"l,Og0.00 as required in Section 3 hereof, the Tax Collector
of the City of Clearwater, Florida, shall before issuing a
license to the applicant, either personally or by tiro or more
duly licensed Jewelers, examine the said property specified in,
said inventory, which property is proposed to be sold during
said auction sale, said inspection being, for the purpose of
doter-mining whether the said inventory clearly sets forth and
describes the property proposed to be sold, and vrhether the
allegations-of the application and affidavit relating to said
property are true, and should it appear upon such inspection
and examination that such proposed sale of said property at
publi'o auction will probably result in fraud, deceit or other
imposition upon the public, or mould it otherwise appear to
the Tax Collector that the application, affidavit or inventory
is untrue the said Tax Collector is authorized and directed to
file with the City Cleric the said application, affidavit, bond,
inventory and his report and recd =endations thereon, end the
City Clerk shell thereafter submit the same to the City of
Clearwater, Florida, and said City Corsnission of the City of
Clearwater shall thereupon either set a date for a hearing
upon said application at a reguler Co=isaion meeting, or
refer the matter'to an appropriate co=ittee of Co=ission
nesters for a hearing upon said application. Provided, however,
that before a hearing shall be held by either the Cor•imission at-
a regular meeting,, or an appropriate committee thereof, two
weeks notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be
given by a publication of notice thereat' in some newspaper of
general circa'.Lion in the City of Clen:tirater, lorida, said
notice to be published one time at least two weeks prior to
the date of snid hearinr. Upon such hearing bein:. held .^.nd
reported to the Commission at a regul!=r [meeting the said
Conxission shall proceed to a determination of whether or not
the license for ap;lication is =-de should be grante",
•.?--ter--- •r---- - • ....- •?- -?..- .•,.w. • .r- Y-. ,..-
`. ?. a «' .,E 4r ,'.ttt,`1:sC ;ij lu •1'r,.rte! ???•t+?^,y #??.!r°'? r.t ? j
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and the said City Commission is hereby authorized and empowers,
to refuse to grant avid application if in the opinion of the
members of seid'Commission such action is necessary to prevent
fraud and docept ion being practiced upon the public. If, how-
ever, the City CO=ission, or a majority of a quorum thereof,
finds that seid sale will in their opinion be so conducted as
to protect the public from fraud, deception and imposition,
and if satisfied as to the truth of said application, affidavit
and inventory;-rind with the sufficiency of said bond, and as to
the good moral character of the applicant, they may direct the
Tax Collector to isauo a license to said ap7lieent for the pur-
pace of conducting ouch auction snle of said property. If, how-
ever, said Tax Collector, upon his inspection of the said pro-
perty, or upon the inspection thereof in his behalf by two or
more licensed jewelers, is satisfied that the application end
affidavit are true, and that the bond is sufficient, and that
the applicnnt is of goad moral character, he may i=ediately
upon payment of the sum of ,1,000.00 issue a license to said
applicant, ::•ithout filing the said applionticn, affidavit and
inventory with the City Cleric, or carrying cut the procedure
outlined above.
Sec. 5. ',,a license shall be issued to conduct a sole
at public auction fora longer period than fifteen days, Sundays
and legal holidays excepted, and a period of at least six (6)
months must have elapsed after the conclusion of any auction
sale conducted after the enactment of this 0r4innnce before
another license shall be issued to the same applicant, or to
any other person; firm or corporation in privity i:ith said
Sec. 6. No license shall bra issued and it sbp.ll be un-
lawful for any person, firm or corporation to conduct a sale at
public auction of dinmonds or any other precious or semi.-precious
stones, or imitations thereof, watchas, clocks, jewelry, cold,
silver or plated ware, china, glassware, or 1_ather goods, in
tho City of Clearwater betwoon the hours of 6:00 P.M., and 6:00
A. Lt.
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Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation to sell, dispose of or offer to sell or dispose of
any diamonds or any other precious or semi-precious ntcres, or
imitations thereof, watches, clocks, •',ewelry, Bold, silver or
plated ware, china, glasswnre, or leether Coode, at a sale at
public auction which have not been included and described in
the inventory filed with-the applicatior. for a license to hold
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such sale.
Sea. S. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation, to mrke a printed or oral statement concerning
the said property, which is the subject of such sale at public
auction, if such statement is false in any particular, or has
a•tendenoy to mislead any person present or to misrepresent
..the quality, quantity, character, condition, value or cost of
any such goods, tveres, mcrctandise or other personal property
which is subject of such sale at public auction.
See. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation, to act or to caise any other person to act as a
by-bidder, or what is co-m--only known an a "capper" or "booster"
at any such sale at public auction or any place uhere any such
sale shall take place or to offer or mrke any false bid or to
pretend to bid for or buy any article sold or offered for sale
at any such euetion; or for any one directly or indirectly in
the employ of the person, firm or corporation to whom a license
has.been issued under the Ordinance to bid for or buy any such
Sea. 10. If any section of this Ordinance, or any part
thereof, shall be adjudged by any Court of,eompetent jurisdiction
to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or in-
validate the remainder or any other section or part hereof, And
it is further expressly doclared that itis the intention of the
said City Commission of the City of Clear.';ater to enact such
remaining portions or section hereof without including herein
such invalid or unconstitutional sections or portions.
Sec. 11. Any person, firm or corporation -who shall
violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be liable
to punishment by a fine of not exceeding Three Hundred and no/100
(13CO.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment for not exceeding sixty
(60) nays, or by both, such fine and imprisonment in the dis-
orotion of the Mnicipal Tudge, and each day that said person,
firm or corporation shell fail to pay the license tax herein
required shell constitute a separate and distinct offense
and shall be punishable as such, and like;ise any person, firs
or corporation shell be deemed to have violated this Ordinance
by conducting auction sales of said property at more then one
location without obtaining a separate license for each location,
and shell be punishable as for a se,)srate anal distinct offense
for each end ever;; location not seprrstely licensed under the
•torzas of this Ordinance.
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Sec. 12. All Ordinances, or pnrts of ordinances in
conflict herewith.nre hereby repealed.
Soo. 13. This Ordinance shall become effective
immediately upon its passage and adoption b7 the City
Commission of the City of Clearwater, ilorida.
Sea. 14. This Ordinance shall be published as re-
quired by law one (1) day in some newspaper published in
r the City of Clearwater, Florida, within five (5) days after
its passage and approval by the 11AR or-Co=lsaioner, and by
posting a copy thereof for ten (10) days on the Bulletin
Hoard located at the City Hall, Clearwater, Florida.
Passed on first reading
Passed on second reading 01 1? w G
Passed on third reading J,? .?Q
-Mayor - ss oner
r ty Aud for an Clerk
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