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I I -44.Mr=, n large portion or the aorl•i is en;;aLad in war
at this time, ani it is necoesary for the-Unitod 3tntcs to do
everything possible to proteot'itself in the avant that it also
becomes involved in year; and
.1-:MMIS recent evonts in Euroue have s%ow-i 'that most
serious dammne has been suffered by some nations on account
of subversive elements and so-nulled Fifth Colwr v:tlvities;
,..i t
rr ! t
r' ?t
1 _ 1 'l
si:: v. t. -t!, 3 :.f fine
zyc„.d on i ^7`n7
Sda:Gnd re•-1 . :?_ ?.,, ?:
' itssed on tl.ird reams=:{1 C/1111'43
.. _.
. Attest.
CSW u or-zit
wnyor- asra sr? oner
. • .'.:.
pamphlets, circulars, and other *rinted ma=ter
is beinC distributed nmonC the aitizann of Cl!:nr7atar ',s,
certain orenni_stions uhoso lo;;alty to the Unite' Stites is
questionable, particularly those whose.ma„hers refuse-to
salute the flage or the United States; and
' E:.. it in the earnest desire of the of Clear-
wnter to cooperate uitii the federal ^•overnient in awprehanfline
any and all subversive elements tshc sne% to overth.rr.'r or
injure the Covern,_ent of the United 3tntcs of America;
IT CLIMA ::7D 31: i-. 1=7 0?
1. That from and after the pPssa--e cr this ordine^ee
it shall be unInwful for any person to ttistrihute p^mnphlets,
circulars, or othcr similar 7,rinted or ty; et:ritten :matter
Lunon•; citizens cf the City, of Clenranter ,vitbolit first securing
a permit from the ''•hief of ?olive.
2. 3efore 3ssuin;; any permit filer th,c rr1 nnnct , the
J,'hi^f of =olive shall Lava the right to .:sec s full _ni co°rl^_to
irvestit?,ation of the p:rso_I or persons nrplyn far a :wernit.
:e C:.iaf Of Tolica 3'h%ll h^.ve the ri^::t to fist; . int Ouch
a;:)licants ttnd to ronuire then to aur:..it a ..'.:ern statement
s==aris; their maces of residonce a^.d occunation,n t.-.o
;,roaodi^ , ten ;errs; and lie call have the r irht to c
full i nvesti.at-on of all facts states: in rsich c::o_a
atntev.ent before ia:suin the per:nit.
3. ^,rson ho viol: t^_s nn; of t:.n ^rnvinic-1s o:
thta ._'i{-nanTn' ahnll, LYC : n onvict,:')n• tor' n: in the
-5f the Ci"r Or .leer. *:„, :o a•.s ?'1 '=:'
a fine no'. :i7-7 or by
?T"'' • '1?.,• ?...• '?"' ••?..• '.T^ '».711Y.' - 11w•' ?Tr"- '-?..• "y,f_ ti.^" T• „w.• A .?