CONSENT BY MORTGAGEES :, . . CON S E N T B Y M 0 R T GAG E E S O. R, 5 1 4 1 P A G E1 6 2 1 The undersigned Mortgagees of the following parcels herewith consent to this "Contract for Beach Erosion Control Project" and the work to be done as provided for in the Con- tract, it being specifically understood and agreed that this consent in no way obligates the Mortgagees or their Mortgages to perform or be responsible for any requirement or obligation under the aforesaid Contract or for any claim or cause of action arising from the Contract or the performance or non-performance of the Contract. 1. Mortgagee as to Parcels M & B17: I I 1 ~^~j~~ IP Ln1;Y1eLJ ;0 !tJf(l ~ Wltnesses as Bank. SOUTHEAST BANK OF PINELLAS, f/k/a SOUTHEAST FIRST BANK OF LARGO, f/k/a PINELLAS CENTRAL BANK fu~D TRUST COMPANY, BY:~~~ . T'. Attest~ ~ ~~~~.~.~:,-. )oo..L'\,........ L. , . c' '. , , .....:.... ,~ . , ........- '- -.:-~'..... ...) STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS, SS: _ BEFORE ME, personally appeared Da'\J i d \AJDu h bar and S LLs.an E R \ eha V' As ,to me we 11 known, and known to me to. be ~he individua~.s/. descR-be~ in and who executed the f ,e- gOl ng 1 ns trumen t as V, c. e.. II e.s ide rr+ and m r -+ (, Q" Ke{'" of the above named SOUTHEAST BM~K OF PINELLAS (f/ a SOUTH- EAST FIRST BANK OF LARGO, f/k/a PINELLAS CENTRAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY), a banking corporation, and severally ack- nowledged to and before me that they executed suc instru- men t as such \) ICe... ~((Js.iJ.e (\1" and lYIo l Ci.R.,.jC{J r , respectively, of said corporation, and tha e seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that said inst.r'UiTie'ijt',:,i, is the free act and deed of said corporation. . - ' ,,' ,...." ...., , WIT~ESS my hand and Off1' C~iaseal' this ;;L9:....?~1 ,gf_ ,~"',' \'Y\a.rc~ ,1980. ~'~. : .... 1.'(,' ": "Ii 'io- ... My Cormnission Expires: ~ UJ!~1!;~,:; -: ..: ~' --or...~ PlIIlI( il"IHf ~_"ltlg^ .,: u.ca Notctry Publ-~; .:-- '.. - . <-:.' MY ClDMMI5SK1N~'1fS JlIlY. f. 1911 -- _ca8A&. INS. UNom'I~lltRS [SEAL] , E S1:A~] -1- .....~ It) 5?5 0 ()- 0 ~ ~,( '- . . D.R.5 1 4 1 PAGE 1 622 2. Mortgagees as to Parcels M & B2: THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CLEARWATER, By: ~~~ Witnesses. [SEAL] ~~.~ ~. VG> 1l\-l~[L.S.J Y POWELL. STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS, SS: BEFORE ME~er~<?3tallY appeared~,&o,ct~~..t:" 4--1- and. /~::!2rP~....J v.iL,P, to me well known, an known t ml to)6e tMe lndivid l~scr~fed~in and who executed the fore- . going instrument as ~ and(!;Y~/L~~_(j#~.e.{j of the above named THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF. CLEARWATBR, a jI7-' banking corporation, and severally acknowledg ~ ~d before me that they execu~ed such instrument as such ~_~ an~~~~~~~respectively, of said cor oration, and that the ~ixed to the foregoing instrument is the cor- porate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that. said instrument is the free act and deed of said corpora- tion~."..~,~~.' .W TNESS my hand and official seal, this :L!!: day,';o"i' :.(<~/_; " ~ ' 1980. ,~ ',,-' ',' ' -,..._.'~ ...-:-::"_:,"). ',.,I', . I': ._ Myrommission Expires: /. .;J;:{'?lff.b,:";;? 04... .iJ-.'~, ",'~, '...~,.."_ .ml!a'ry Public Stat f ' L I' ,. Mv r>m ;: e 0 Florida all.AqJP Notary PublJlc ''I Q;J Be.en EJlpltes tEa, 7, 1983 [SEAL] STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS, SS: BEFORE ME, personally appeared MARY S. POWELL, to me well known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to and before me that she executed said instrument fo~e pur- poses therein expressed. ~ ~I:_~E~~my. hand and official seal, this /~ day of ~;~ ' 1980. My Conunission Expires: ~~_lr" I: ;!,~y iiublic. Slute of Florida at l4rg~ Notary pu~ i'.':V (r.mmi.,ion Expires Dec. 2. 1'131 '~,;.'nci<.lr.l t;.,. .,(_rr>uric.:'!n fire c.. CasuoIlI)' Compi!lny [S EAL] ;,'{ '::;0" '. .0.--'- - ~.:. -2- - ..~ . . o.R.5 1 4 1 PAGE 1 623 3. Mortgagee as to Parcels M & Bl-5 and M&B 1-11: ~. V; (J (iI), < ~" 7n/1 ii J? j:j . Q~.~~ tL. J~,L Witnesses. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LARGO, G~~,..;:; Attest: a . ~.. .;.~' ~(}~~V. ."'-' ' 'd~" . , ~.dr -- ~_ ~Ci STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS, SS: c. ~.[s.J;.:ALL. ... . I ' '~-"~ "~"tlr(' \ f\ B~FORE ,personally appeared ~ 'tV. ~.... and ~ 71. . ~,to me well known, and known to me to be the individuals cribed in and who exe~uted tQe fore- ~~i~~ei~~;~~~~e~sFIRST FEDERAL SAVINGSa~~D L~S~~ION OF LARGO, a corporation, and severally acknowledged ~and before me that they executed such instrument as such~~~~ __ and ~. ~. ,respectively, of said corporation, and that the seal af xed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and:.,." that said instrument is the free act and deed of saidCQr-<< ~, poration. . .:/./ ._"'; . ~. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this If~~a~df~ _ ~1J;.Ij , 1980. ...., .' ''-' My Commission Expires: /'/( 6:.J"1 c:~) (::<<;-:6'(h;~;": ',-::: 'Notary Publio ""'., ". tGIAly PUbLIC ':>1"" (~{ rWRIDA AT ...... . (OMMI))IU < t;.~Il(.';~ HII 22 "" IClNlID THiU \"It t .". ",) \JNORWII18S [SEAL] 4. Mortgagee as to Parcels M & BI-IO: , il' '... ". 4/ J)- .~. o ,Ii i ~ Il ~ ~(<. . '--,L.....~ Q~A.....~.A ;. J a. ~ Witnesses. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LARGO, c~/ Attest. . ....."."."../ . ~ '...' ,,-, U . 'IJ'" .. ., .' '4'~ I, ~ ,'~;.-. " . ....' ~;"::~r ':':-:.r:~;"I~: :,' ..;:[ SEM. p u ~ tv, 'diJ;'" \;~\.(,',::~'Z"~ ..~.;j . -',. ,"' ' . -",:', " '., ~ BEFORE personally appeared ".. '-;;, ,'.. _,~:' and ~ , to me well known, and knowntorne,,/ to _ be the individual escr.ibed in and who el}!'cut.ed ~re. ,ll,..' gOlng lnstrument as ~ and~. . ' of the above named FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCI TION OF LARGO, a corporation, and severally acknowledged ~and before me tha~ they executed such instrument as such~~ and ~. ~ respectively, of said corporation, .;; STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS, SS: -3- . . o.R.5 1 4 1 PAGE 1 62 4 and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that said instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation. (j L.' WITNESS my hand and official seal, this /$i:::L- day o:f ~~~J , 1980. My Commission Expires: /7 HOtAl' 'UllLI' Sf Ail .J! tLC,..IDA AT LAd . COMMli)IO.. 'i,~Itl.c'> tdl 22 19U .... TI'IIlLJ ,-*. .t,.".l :,'J <.INuflWll1llS . , " , ..... II . - ,'.... ......." .~< ,::~ " ,I,~ ,,", . . . <. . ~ . : ',".: ~~,. (~'" 5. Mortgagee as to Parcels M & Bl-6: ~,: ' ' rpUi: FIRf:~ UATI5U~:D BMf'H M' ~ ~'l}\~1I T N... A", By: Attest: Witnesses. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE, SS: [SEAL] BEFORE ME, personally appeared and , to me well known, and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the fore- going ins trumen t as and '. of the above named THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MIAMI, a bank- ing corporation, and severally acknowledged to and before me that they executed such instrument as such and , respectively, of said corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the cor- porate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that said instrument is the free act and deed of said corpora- tion. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this , 1980. day of My Commission Expires: Notary Public [SEAL] 6. Mortgagee as to Parcels M & Bl-3 and M & B5-5: -4- CORPORATION ,~ .J [~ /.i ' j /J ,'/ . ; ~ it l<f ...~ ; 1./ ,Q;. ,. '~. ..- : ~ ,j ~ ~ -.. t . . n.R.5 1 4 1 PAGE 1 625 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS, SS: personally appeared C'~ N V/'L<... - ) and , to me \Vell known, and k~~o me to b th 1ndivid Is described in and who executed the foregoing instrument aS~;f ~~jA(.J/ ilnd ~ ~ of the above named UNITE S A S STEEL C'OEPORATION,a Dela- ware corporation, and severally acknowledged to., 9nd be ore me th they ex cuted such instrument as such ,y/. and ' respectively, of said corporation, and xed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal 0 said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate.. authority, and that said instrument is the free act ar:'d' deed of said corporation. . _ ,/~ WI.TNESS my hand and official seal, this ~-I ," day o'f>~ ~ C ~~ ...J , 1980. --:::;-~.~. ,<;, " :ty Commission Expires: ~ NOTARY PUBLIC, State of FJori4a 4t ~ yPubllc'" ,."..,.' ~ Jil)' CO-lJdUlQG, Azplrel A.. 11, 1M. '~ :f ~ .;i' ( S EAr. ) 7. Mortgagee as to "Landmark Towers Condo" and Parcel M & B5-3: CONTINEN'J'AL ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK AND 'l'HUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO Attest: STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF Cf!:>C9P- , 55: " " BEFORE ME(1j p~rsonally appeared J}ol1ta1fP r-/ta!r nf/v:.,-r'" . and .J)f-t.U:f... c ~ ~/;Le , to me well known, and known to me to b~e . in iV1 uals desc;J;:i~m:~IDHrr and who executed the forego1ng 1nstrument as VIet and ~J r~tate Officii of the above named CONTINENTAL t~LINO~S NAT]O AI, BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO, a /1aiulfJt7t1 .6qu~corporation, and severally acknowledged to and before me tijat they executed such instrument as such VICE PRESIDENT and Real EstateOfticeJ respectively, of said corporation and that-Uw seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it waS affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that said instr\ment is the free act and deed of said corporation. ~,{ /J WI~NESS my hand and official sC'::11, this c:r day of ?I-r/ , 1980. ." ~~. '.'. . . .p. . :-1y Commission Expires: J - .......-,~'--- My COlnlPissio'1 j:'Ypir~s S~pt 4,lQR1 0-- Notary Public ..... . (SEAL) -5-