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All o;i.1L"A::C P: O VILIM for, :3I;: CC.:;',li,%7 ION 07 A
.".::f.::J',G rY:'T3:3, #'UM i0 AID IN "ti.. CO.;: Oi' S.tZ3} CO:I:3TliL'4TIOZT, MOVI?Ii:O rn; 47-C
IIT t.::Gr Or C-2720000 UVIAM: c":'TI': Ie' 1M Or i11B
CI-,f W CI.'::.Ir:hTM, PA_A-LF: Uf!L:L'I 7'T02
TI Er ?3:V .:.:l: .i C::.ylYik .
??S31 E:.3• '
XF IT 0711.1I:':'D rir T11Y. CITY CC!::-'_3::1013 C:' . 1 i OP
CL :.R•.1,i:tt, 1?LLF DAI
Section 10 Pursuant to Chapter 172113, Laws of :"Merida, Acts
of 1035, it in horolrf detcr=inad to pr'ocood?v?iinth and tloro is 'ioro:,y
aixthorizzod W be conotructod, operatod and . VtmLnod a :aniuusy :;o:`roraZo
:+jato9 (heroin eallod the opro jeot") as = axtoa,aion cad LCtprovonout. to
the 3a:'lttu-f 30waraG0 37at= now csmod and oporatod b-y 1w City or
t.leandtor (such SanittW7 Sgrrera00 37Gtom and the Project baLmZ heroin
cal2ad the ' 3yatmi") for the purpose of promoti.nG the public health oral
,action 21. nkw territory- nithin and ndjacont to bho corporate
11-Its or the -:ity of Clonraator is horeLy found and deal{trod to to the
territory to be somod by the 37ateme
3action 00 The eatinated coat of construction of tho irojoet
is 440,4000
Section 4. It in ho:-oby found and declared that no a;tstc=,
;roris, project or utility of a churacter almllar to the 7ro fact heroin
nu.therinod, in L•oin;3 actually operated by any auuicipa21t7 or private
company in ':ho City of C1oninatar or tarritory L=adintoly nd jacent
thereto or in any of the torritcry to be aarvod 1:7 the _'rosoct o'Axar
than the ?"nnitnry Soanrago 37atoas now ow-.od and oporntod by SZ:1 City to
tdUch tho Project in an extennion and ias;.rovw.ont.
3oction .5. "•o obaoctiona to any of the -rcriaions oi' an
ordinanco entitled "AN 0 ?:I':S':C.. TH r, . '`,T ^"_C3T Cr A :.A:'I:''e[X
:O Al_ It, Y ..i,il Il; .t ^.^
.1. :?i~ 1 3S7A:1CIi G-1 "1711,000 '7' -iU:` 1.•1.' d!` ".f.. i.I:Y G:?
C? A.:7, :L .:.A, PA':A L- 5aL_LY 013 .13: 3 4P" ilJ ^ n:t 3AID
SA:1411":' t7t iWel:: 1C*? 3_3 F1." duly adopted Ly the Cit7 Comisaion o: the
City of Clenruntnr, 71orida on the .."'ad dal of A'.:,tiwte 1:;:3£3, 1mvo been
rondo Ln xritin,; and filed Ith the C1t7 A,ditor and CIer1: of the City or
C1.arantor, atLor the paasara of said ordinance or up to and including,
tho date hereof. It in hereby a.ac:rrtained and doolared that t::arn pro
no errors or other riattara for correction in aald ordincr:oog
section 6. :o aid in finwtcitk; t1w. coat of co:.straction of
the rroject, in oxcees of the rant, to be :-,ndo '-.o he ait7 of 11c::rwater
by the .Iritod :3tatca of Aworica, the flit7 of CZanmatcr ho--o'7 au1W;;cr1cos
Cho inaunrco of Coder ::ovw= Corti:icatoo of the +ity of Clazi ator
(1:?reia cailod t1w ".ortificatoo"j in tho ag_roj;ata pri:.cipal a.-Iount of
Ito Gcrti.ioatoa shall to tkitiod .Ictov'or 1 10:7, , a`.a11 :so in
the denomination of '1,000 each, chaU be m-mt-rod in ondo: of t::oir
raat`irit7 from 1 to 27C 1,ath inclexsivo, ahall boar interest at tho rato
of :'our per certun (4:5 pa., a==, pa;;aUo co:.i-cmnunlly on :ota,`or 1
and April I in -mch y•ar -"rc:a the :.eta th root until nzt-,rity; o',all be
Pa-mi:le na Lo :,ot:: princl. al and I nt:roat at t=:o cf: ioo o:' t:::o ''ity
°.'anxor, in :,::o City of C2a .remtar, err at the option of trio
12 Laor, at '3.e nc-nical :arils F. Co., -ev ':Q, : a:7 _=h, in ,
;• Y j
r a 1 F'
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I „>ysi G'"ysr'z tiwt,. 31'??x.,'r.: •. .'?H ? ? r"? Y ?•' .yT'v .,?' f .?•Iw •°? ti ?. ''?'. ? •Llr ??. '? "i •;y•.'`a. ": ante .. aicf,
'"; i,t".'. •tV rseit ?' a' AA, 4^ 'k ' E h'• aS '•'"?
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ouch coin or curroncy on in, on -tho roopootivo daton of pw-mont of
principal tharoor and incar oot thorcon, loLal tcridor "or the pa.7mont or
public and private debts a
t ::all bo in coupon rom, shall. be roClztorablo
as to principal only at
he option of t ho Iioldar and ahall =tur`o
aerially an [•atobar 1 in y: ors and anoints as followal
r. _`.n A:. MIT r;1%R ,0t:.10ITT
1040 "•6,000 1066 0,000
1041 M,000 11,066 10,000
1041 4,000 1,387 21,000
1043 40000 101W 12,000
2044 0,000 1050 12,000
1114$ 0,000 10GO 13,o00
1048 4,000 1301 13,000
1947 0,000 1002 1'1,000
1448 7,000 10E3 14,000
11,40 7,000 19CA 14,000
1080 71000 1006 1`5,600
1031 7, WO 1000. 16, 000
10113 8,000 1067 10, 000
1053 6, 000 1'J Csa 10,000
1084 6,000
Tho f;artifleatea nhal be executed on boi•, U of the City of
Clmxwater by Ito Cit7 Audi tor =d Clark and City ::(,.na8or wed cot:,ntor-
silrod t.7, its rayon-Cominm IOnor, and ahat3l be saalad ui.th the ccmvrat0 '
coal of oa3d City, and the intareat ocupona thoroto attachod at•nll boar
the _'acalmilo ail catvros of acid 11t7 Auditor and, Cleric and C1t7 :'nna4ior,
sac; ;'ayor-Co?inai4nar•
*,option. 7. :'ho Cortificatou anf cottpona attached thereto
ulejull be m%bstantially in tho : olloerln:;,' fours to-sit t
TtO. -1,000
MIT. ?] :.-A .rS 0:' X1 ::ICA
STATF 0^ :=L' t'1CA
C-XIT Y 0:' 21:. "LTAS
CI:Y 4:
3'7'1.7; M-Mr- C:%TI:"ICA-M,
:'!sn C11.7 of Clonr*uLor in the County of .ri,nallan, a aun.ioipol
Cornoration of the 3tate.of nor %a, for valuo ro.oivod, rorntq prom-loos
to pq to boaror or, it thlo ^ortificata be ro;-iatcrad, to tho ra:;:storod
osaior haroof, aoioly from the :'and providad thoraror us horoint
after oat forth, and not otherwise, tho principal mm or
( .1,000) on Ottolor 1, 10 =4 to pap interest oa said :triad:ml a-=,
solely ,root the Sinkln8 :1 pro7ic:o:' s::oro}or, na ::crainafter not fcrth,
and not othcrrdda, fro= the date horcuC at the rn,.e or four ror coma=
(4,43) per amm=, payatlo a=i-anmally cn October 1 and April 1 in oath
Soar upon the prooontation and aurt'ot'u?ar or the interest coupons attached
hereto an they aovesa117 bacorso duo, ant!l the t':atarity of "}:is ^crt:i'cate•
Coth tho principal of and Intorent on this Co-.,tL''icat'o :se payable at the
office of the City Treasurer In the Cite of Cloomater, 3tato of :ioriam,
or, at the option or the hollor, at the Che-;cal "or-: and :`rust co.,
^otr Yorb City, "ev York in anch coin or c.:rroncy as is, on the roaNative
dntoo of 7:a;"scnt tharoo% laC:tl tcndor for the tit of -mblia and
private -obt'o.
:'his Certificate In ouo of a duly nut: or:so•! i--auo of
Corti2lcatoo, ILlited to an air ouato 7-rinci, :_l. n.:o•;.nt of :372,000, of
11::o tonor au : orroot excopt a^ to n-.=Lc= asst:: at 'r:ry, io '_aauod
Y~ .
. .1
'-"?^F??bs•F +?ti'?7:'7?'?`Yi ?.-'ra.?:`.». .r?.. ^•3?7: j
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pursuant to and in fu11 complianoo i7ith Ow Constitution and ItntutoB
of tha State of :1orift -mrtlaularI7 the •'hnrtor o: tho City of
Clourrmtor and Chapter I7Hq Laura of rlorida, Acts of 1333, and by
virtue of an ordinance ontitiod "An Ordinanoo pro': idLar, for t1w
conatmotion of a Sanitary UovroraC* Systam, nnd, to aid in rinano:-nG ww
coat of such conntraction, providin;; „or the Saouanoo of ^1172 000 :,ovgnua
Corti:icatoa of the City of Clorrr.rator, Florida, pd nblo aolaiy :rare
the ravoiraon dorivo:: from said Sanitary 5awaraLo 37atem," rIU17 adoptod
by the City Comicaion of said City at' Clasmator on the 3rd day of
Oetotor 1'330, and said or(AM=co is heroby roferrad to, md, an to all
of its toma and provisions, in made a ;cart or Vila ,ortificato.
Mis Cortirioato and Lho isnuo or 13tich it is one are iacuod
to aid in ei.nancla, the coat ar construction of a tannery Covoraro
t;ratata, and a_tra pa ablo only frfm a Jir;sip,? Fluid in which there ahall '_o
cot aaido annually, in appro-3.7ntely equal monthly ineta7 ma"IA cut of
the revenues and ircaae dcri;grl from the oyo:atioa of said Saniruq
Covora.;a ;yaton, ai'tor provision for tha w,=ont of all opor skis„ caster,
each aunt as al:all to auffiaient for the za7=ont of the intoraat on and
principal of said Cartiricaton an t ha a=o reapocti7o17 a:'.o31 tacomi duo,
and, t..ia 1.rt111oato, toZ;oLhar with all other :.urti_icatoo of tho iouuw
of t4-.1ch thin '-ortificate in ono, ami he :ntarost thereon, are uncured
by a p.lodga of nW exclusive first lion aeon, all rovonuos ant aal,:e in
said :;Snk!xw, 1=d} a].1 an in acid orsiL=ce provided. .I'1a :'ortifioate
anti .he intoroat tharcon arc not payable from nor are a ahurZo uron any
il:nds other th= tho mv=uoa pladrod to the payment taoreaf rood shah,
not I=poao an7 tat liubilit7 upon any roal or ;so::icnal. , oparty in tho
city of Clon,=tor no•r constitute a dobt a`aiaat said City
-:his Corti_ionte and the oaupoas attaohad hereto are isauod
uren tiro follr•vln,?, terms and canditions, to all of w1iich each lioldar
and cm or horoof consents and agrese t
(a) 1tla to this CortiCicato, unloac t4ia 'artificrte be
roCiatored an harain providod, anti to tho coupons attar-hod '-orato =a7
be trar:aforrad b7 dolivory in tho come =annar as a no;-otiablo imstratraont
payaLlo to beararl and
(b) Arq parson in possession of tbia :ertifioate, unloan thin
rortifioato be mFistered as 1:oroia provided, or of the cot.r.ona attached
1:oroto, ro;,ardlesa of the ru=or in zf.:irh ho shall Laro acquired ::roaaoacion,
to l!oreby authorized to roprocent hl.=olf au tho abaoluto o7nor t'heroof,
and is harolq ;;:l:: cd j mcr to transfer title thereto b7 .:oli cry traroof
to a bona °ido zn:: chanar that in, to any ono 71,o a* all rnz: ohdaa the nama
for value (prosont or nntaoodorkt) without notice of prior defansoa or
equities or clnl= of mmarahip onforcenUo arainat iris tr:z::afaror;
ovary prior holdor or oanor of t :ia -artifioato, unlooa ttq is ;ortif icate
be ro iaterad as h4raln provided, and of the cauaona attachod i:arato
rm,iaou and ronouncoa all of his agaition or ri;}vta ttiaroin in favor of
ovary such ban= f1do riurcl=or, 0.11:1 ovar? a::ah bona fide purchazar sl•nll
acquire absolute titlo tli':roco and to all riLh;:a roproaunted tht ruby; and
(o) :'hq City of Cloarnatar :.a7 treat the bea."r of tt'.ia
jertificato, unloss thin Cortifc-jto to ;w;;intored an horain provided,
or o: '.ho coupons attached lieroto, no tha abacluto armor thor ao. i'or rLU
parpoaea without L•oin,'1 affactod L-j aM =tIco to Oho oontmry
i ` a :crtificnte shall rasa lrg ::ollvery as horoinabove p: ovir!od,
but it ..ay be mi;iatcred as to p rinci;.nl in the nr=o of the honor on
Lho books Of t;ho City of Clo:imatar, a': ch rofiatration bclni, noted an
the Lae!: horoof, after vr:ich ,a tm mfor al-all be 7alid unloss :_a to on
said b:oim the reCiatcrod atvmjr or 1•ia la,,al roproaar.t tivo and
cimuar3.7 r%Aod on 'ho back harnof, L•ut it may be diachrxr ;od fro= rc:,;intr7
by boin_- trsna_+:rred to Loaror on L1:0 basks of the Cit7 oi' ,1,:arviator
and t::,~ro"f tar nlutll. to tranafcratAo b7 .ioli. rs1 but it =7 be a. oln,
from Lasso to tuns, ro;;iatored or trmnar-rrcd to unaror as ' oforo. ':o such
rot.;l.atratien as to irincip l s: all aPfoot Lha r.oLOt1nb111t7 of the coupons
'j ?,i ??lj'„al??? r7i''???it?•:,:.j', ai
, k :
''7n "It zi„ ,??. {• •`?•':a; ,':-. ,t: - ;,x•- "^:'•--+a?, =-v' -.^... v.4i>1..1::'i:i'...ottL:?:?,
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attached horoto, Which at:oU eenti.nu0 to road .GY S;elivary o3ra276
I? I3 it"Ttr'Y G'::TIM:2, f CI:: C, AN:' ')':CLAi7;;e7 that all aeta, i
uoaditiona Auxi thiri,•e roq.•irod i7 the Constitution and 1tatutou or tile
i 3tnto or ?•'loridn, and b, the ordinancoo at ttio City of , aamator to .
exint, to :mppo:i, and to be perroraod, grocodont to axui in tho ionuanea „
of this Certificate, aunt, haVo hnppenod, and havo boon pori'oi?-:od in
due t:l=o, forte., and zrnnor as raquirod by law.
IN the City of Cloarrrator has Cauaod thin
'artifleato to be owoutod is its n=o Lf Ito City Auditor and C1erL
and City t..anaZor, ozi countarsilgwd by its "n;or-Cox:lanionor, and Its corporate Goal to to fACraunto rS=L.sad and t:ho intarcat aa.t oZa !:state
attached -o be oaocutod FiLh the faaal-mi.lo alcnaturon of said City Auditor
cnd Clerk, City ':aim.;or nnc? "a;or}.:orz?iasionor, and ti:io Cortificato oo be dated `t o first day or October, 1:.311
City of Clonruator, rlorida
'?` t,.ti??s1'+?'?' •_. rrraar rrrrr•rrr•aaaaa»?ae•.r ` i
, .,'.`, i r`r.' tr•; ':: v• .`.1. a ;,; a:ry 4'
City Auditor and ClorlC
' :,i:=?•It'? 1 ? '4?:Y? ...' CLLLl1?JS31u.Ad S?•?•?;?:,??;:.'?°:;'.ii:? ::,•. .
:t. ? p•}` .;??:'. t": t?yrrr••rr•ara?rr•raar ••rra•a•r• °'e :,:!-: .,1, F
°?'?C'`: Ci`•yi ., :'a1171or
.'i'. •'A ..f :. ?,f? ?a:."...f •r. r. s..raar /•.. /ra.ur.af..•• '''i.?'='Iri 'r C+S'',:: T.
#.; j'r?h
' +' }'. ='^f;,,.`?; c.tt, _ ^? ?,°' . ••Y. li.fay'aI-C eSS11lQ:GIIOr. !'?:;?P?•J'?i'?'"''..?i°?4,`?_;,?`:? 5,,{S^:-:.Z?.'
W ,
aT, t? A:t:
Validntad and confiraod by docroo of t1'.o Cirou.it Court of the
7izth Judicial rirae:it in and for : irel3aa County, 'Florida, r endored a;:,A'+_ rsF ¢?,; ry,X •..
p : 'i = :;°:.i- `,:; :.• s ' !;1?;. .'. ' " on tho day of 1f,3 ? •'Id:; ?Y?. ` , i';: dt7,?v t •'lCj ti ;'?;
1'. ?` _ :F. i..: ',. ., ??•.+ .•k¢!r:.li. {Cv."?:3,'. ?°•^,a1: '\ FS F. ?
r i .v d 1:T t..%.. \ k=,' F { fir. 1 5 i Y
'•;?E::It::Oi' Y have ::oretD not B,p nand and nft.:cod the
j,:i?'•?'";'t, ;.,a?'??'?'iFS' '??'"•' ?
peal of auid ^ircuit ?Ot1I't t41in 1C3 `??k=??;?`?k,•_.',,,?_,. ,?t-.+;?5? ?.•,_'
- 'i!? 3.•, ?f.(L'?: ?'. tti''?'r l ems' ''?-'1 j3?'yl?
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1o: of Cirml t court in an• r or
r,' ,'.. (?' 11L) Pinollaa County, :,lo. ca. r.}•i,.t:, ?? fit: c ?..,
3. ;a, x• _•
r n F 1'.. ti.+•7 .`t. MA}
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?;"'FF oaf ,20 a0a .;-'?"r,+'t?3`_
": Cn tbo first' day of It]?,, the vi.ty of ter: S?Ft°'' ,.t`
ri rarrrater 'sill pay to bearer, bolo y rc nu ro'; otaAao p1ocL;ad to th8
po,7-mant !moor and not otherrriao, at the orrico of the Cit'p Troaouror is
tun C: ty of Clearnator, clcrida, or at the option of the h--Idor, nt t"a
Now lnr? u in aurro: der of tlaa
Charieal rnrk +c ?ruat Co. Now York City, r P^ ;=
a a .• ...rl': !';, : ., ,: l.ka' <<ir^
coins or curter. s io o p y~ont°:,,':'
`.li•, o:,+sj:on, . L0•t'JD in ouch Cy is, cnr tho onto of
horoof 1^Zal Lon4or for the paynunt of pu lic and ,r?,ivnto dobta, oin,;
aid Montbo Interest on Its 3orror rovonno T:ortiflonto i:atod
sad nimr*are3 • `'.,.{<'r Lf! ,. s',4'Yi :-
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}? 'e: .ft '3. ::.,: t .//•••ar•rrrR•.•r./•rrr/r•r/a. ';}S`s:'.!, ????_?:}*>?t.'a?,:
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.3:. •'Lx .? •r••••a.aaar••/a•r?.a•.a tip,; ??.A,
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Late or •'ot,iot. mood o. . o?;iatorod 0=er 'iirnaturo or aG' -atray
.<.oft..•., `'3tL?; .'•,:,•?? ?f .'f''. •....•/••••rar/aarIs • .a.aa.•rrr ?. •ra•rrIs ••aa• so ••r•••aaaara. ?••...• '?'?.".'?'•" t(•- f
y} .'4'. .:{.t''r ^'j..:t ."?'? .•ra/•aa as a••••r••/• ?•/•••a•/•.. •?•I a••a•1•/ a•1a••••••..•4 1 •a••.\• i •l. ;ti•i,"?:?I"•tf,,o: ,:,: ?: :::!'-F':.°'.• .
1k+??T1ti}?:d???.'?:='t5}?; •: :.;r:a?".?"i,.; •. r•..•ra •.a aa•.a.s• 4 ?4 4. •a a.. .. •.•••...•••r •a aa.a r.•••. •••...R... ..,T• .. ?. ': : Y'; rT.,,r?:i .:?t' Y?i'?'.Fy?jr ?• z - i'•c. •,._. ;-, ?:`i,y?;,J
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F •t.Y' r?f i •l ?fL'?3"' }1f:i. T'>.Y''??' ':k t.};,4' '•!•.kr S: ..i,t: '^.:
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i. .'C'.st .;.?`?, il, j'. mil, tl •''S+ .?Sh 4d,?r'QiN:3V:.?.}>•'' .Il,;il ,',
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aaetion fl. The City of Cloamator ohall troop books for tho
registration and trnnafor or Certificntan at the africo or tha City
Treasurer of Lho City of Cluarxatar.
At the option of the holdor, any Curtiricato =ay bo rorlatorod
MB to prinoipal in tha Cortiflcato logictur of tho Cltq or Clcsan-tator,
I Lo:•ida try tho City ivaaaurer, an Curti:leat* Sogiatrnr, and truth
STor,.iricate rasp thoraaftor be trnnsforrad on said C;rtirleato "agia"or
onl7 upon an nanl?i ant In t:ritim.; of the rogiatorod onnor or of b 4o
loZal ropronontativo du27 acknoulodgod, ouch tranafor to bo andorbod
on ouch oortiri, ata tq t1w Cortificato •.ogistrar>, such ?:artificnto :,ay
be tra_;ararrod to boaror an the JovtMento -o&iotar mid tlwroi ftor
trw:arcrability by dalivory aLall La rootorod, trait ouch Cortificato stall
a4aln ::o :rubject to a::ocanaiva ro;;lotrat'ion aW tranafors as bofora% do
ouch reGlatraticn as to principal al:all affect t:ho nnrotia.bilit7 of l:o
coupons utLaw.-ca to ouch Cartirionto, st.iah shall continuo to 12&04 by
aolivory uoroly. Uo aticrgo ah l]. Do :=do to atzy holdor or ocmor or arty
Cortifluates for the priyilago or rozintration horoln grantod•
aeatiou 9. ,ho Clty Auditor and Clark City Narta:gor, and
;,arI_Co=+_ssio%%ar are horotry autborl.xotl to exocuto qt ono ti129 tho
Certificates in the n=o of tho City of ',lonrsrator, and the City Auditor
and Clark is hcroby authorL~.oti to affix the acpd of the City of CleamataZ'
to L: o :ortlrloatus. ;ho amid City Auditor and Clark, City :'nno4,or and
::a-,,or-Co=ioaioreor are haroby authorizod and directed to oauno the eoupona
attached to staid Corti:loatae to bo oxooutod t:y t:toir faculrilo alCanturoa.
:orti_'icutoo horein a.:thari'Zal to to iaaue:: ahall bo, and tbay ore
:3craby atrarded to the '.Inltod Staten of America acting ti:rou the "odor al
'_.orj;0=7 Admlnistr ntor or : ublllo torus! a.t par and aceruod atoreat and
the CiL7 Auditor and :lark is bareb7 authorized and iliroated to dolivor
tho t;ortif+_I;atoa to t:ho gawat•=or thareof at one tiro or fr= time to
time as 1:a =7 doom advisable, upon receipt of ptq ont L::orofor.
:,nation 30. The Carti:l,cates and the intar?at thorson slual be
payable from a oinking :and provided t):orofor, as ttorainaXtor cot :arth,
and not otharwiLle, earl ahmll be aacurod by a plodr o of and oxaluaivo firob
lion ulxm m1l. rovanuen sot mania In salt! 31rdting :umd. Nothin8 In thl.a
Drcd_.nanoo st:atll be dowsed to eronte an'T ano abrance mrtgaga, or othar
plodGa of or charge upon &177 nroporty' or rwida of Mo Cif of Claaivator,
larida other tha.. the revenues plodded to the pay.'ont of the Cartifiaataa
as horaia proviaod nor to Impose urp ta;t liability upon air roal or
poreowl property In said City, nor to ocnatltuto a debt a;-,fint ouch Clt;ra,
Section 214, The City Auditor dntl Clark is hardly arthorLod
and dlr cetod upon receipt or payzmont for the "ortirieatoo or tuay part
th*rvor to not oalde oM depooit in tho y3nkSna :lzrid (horoinartor provided)
tho n=.:nt or atzch pa-j=amt roproaonting tho interest accrual an asy
.ortifientan to the data of payment of the parchano lrriea thorofor nal
tho amount, if uq, of auah poy~esmt nb-ich shall be astimatod to accrue
zurin„ the period or construction of the Project and for nix mCntha
theroaftnr on tho monice bor.-mod psu+tsuant to ttlia DrdlrAnco. _he
ramainjir proceeds roooic*ad by the City Auditor and ''3or1: from t»3o sale
and '_clivcry of the Cartiricaton shall be not anldo amd. do; ooltod in n
bar-: cr bowls b7 said M7 AUdltor and Clark in a coparato account, to be
l;nozai ns tho "Costar Construction Aecouztt," tho 57 D07 in aatd Ancount to
ba unod solely for tho Fxzrpono of paw; Lho costs of construction or
tho ;rojozt, in tha .:.tumor and stbj'}ot to tho tuma m2d aont:±,tions
provided in any contract or auraoaant with tha pural'°nacr or F,urct=..,rA
ox' arq c:ortiricatOn, oxq anozpandoil balnnco r=aininttt"tar tho payment
of tho costa of ouch constr.,ation shall be sisal for tho ro-'paro3•stao of
the Co.tifloates at a price not to exceed par and aaoruod intaraat, or
shall be sot anido and dopaaitad in tho Gower 7awaratta Ci.nl:in; ituid.
Section 126• ;ha 37staa stall La oporatod on a ricaal yoar
bacia ca=:onains ; the firth t1A7 of Ceboter in each 7onr and cnd'.r&5 an
the I h day of' zoptonber rent rollovirZ. i'Y`LYY *1nal n1'tar tho data or tho
completion of, tho i Mojeot, the C1t7 of •'woar;mtor chall pal all oP tho
V-- alum
L • - -
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d !{
I 'N
ry•.s; sfltr{t' It-0-
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,`` r 4 , Ir ,y • f ,
s s 1
rovonuoe and incom dorivod and obtainod t'rm the onorntion of the
Syntam into a npooial land to be Imawn as the t'ilavar , avonuo lltnd."
In the avant that the City of 'lenroutor or arty dopartaiont, agonoy or
I=trunontal.l.ty U%oroof aliall avail ltavlf or the faoilition or aorviooa
rordarod try the ;,yst.om, the ronoonnblo value of tha faclLitios or norvieen
so rondored aaa.ll be ahargod a4aInat the City or ouch dopurt-:.ont, at;oncy
or instrumontality and ahall be raid for an ouch charCon accruer intt
rtotlttn? in thin Ordinance aba11 ba conatruod an rotpsirin1 tl]o City or any
doparttent, nConag or inatrumontality thoroof to avail itsol: of the
facilltioo or eorvicoa randorod by tha Syatoz% i'ho reveruea reooivod
from the City or any dopsrtttant, az:oncy or inatru•nontality thoroof a'-All
to doar3od to be ravonuon dorivod front tho o;.oration of the :system and
chn.11 Lo depositod in the Saner 11ovonuo '',tad. :'so City l:aroby eo•:otutnts
that oni:.t 'over --ovonuo 11tnd %11l bo adcsinlaterod, hold and appl,"ad by
it until all the Cortifleatea and tno lntoroot thoroon and Ma intoront
on any unpaid inatallmants of intorcat a:-oll havo goon Put paid and
dineharr,od only for rho purponan and in the follovirC -.armors
(a) Into a, sopnrato account to be hncvn as the "acnor
operation and ::'aintantmee Account" tharo atoll be paid
each fi.aoal ycar in approximatoly oq, al monthly
Install onto an amount auf_iciont for the ,mrposo of paying
all reasonable axponnes of o oration and maintenance of
the 35rocoo for auch year, bug the amount paid into oaid
Account during any month of-&U not to loan than an awunt
au-Mcl.ont to pay Una ronaonabla axponaos of aporatioat and
«ainta ranee of :ho :lyntata for such month. .:ho ::oniea in
paid Account aha11 be use, aololy -,'or the p:rpona of paging
the rannonablo o.±ponaoo of oporatins; and maintainine, the
Sgat=. If in any month, for any reason, the L3t7 ahall
fail to pay the above required amount into avid Account
than an a=unt equal to any doflcieneg In tho amount pa d
into said account in such =onth oholl be adc:od to the
apoant gthoraino required to to ;ut,id into :ho Account in
=a next suoceod?ng month.
(b) Into a separate account to be I=m as the "Sonar Singing
Fund" there ;shall be paid durin.; onah year in appros.L-ntol7
equal monthly instalLmonta attar MaktnC the above required
payaonts into the gporation and ;.:aintonanoo Account, ouch
a°icunt as is required to ;MW' (1) a cum ogt:al to ono
hundred par eontum (10U;a) of the principzl, or all of the
Certificates rznturin.; during the r_ext ouaaoodin,, fiocal
your (a) a aura equal to ono hundred por contum (1=a) air
the irtoreat becomia; duo in ouch next s.ccoodim4- fineal
year on all outotaudin„ .ortlfiontos, and, in raldit!on, in
order to provide and continuoualy _Intain a ronorve in
the Senor Sinking Fluid (3) a zttat at laaat equal to taonty
por month (20,'s) of the ar ;ra;;ate of the amoanta daflnod
by 1 and (8); paymaat o1' the ad-Utional amount dafinad
by ?3? nhall, be mado, contlmiod and recontinuod until l o:tt
in, and, in odor that out of all f,'nd5 avnilablo ror the
purpoao tha'•o r..aq altrayc be =a'.ntaincd, in oaks Sarver
Cinl:inj; Rmtl, an a-:cunt oq ial to the ap;ra,,ato or WA
arsounta defined in (1) and (2) plum all tho principal, and
intoroat pag:'.onta mc,turin<; and Locominr, duo ditrir.; t.ho
next two fiacia Bgoars after the f_aeal ;rear rnf7rred to
in (1) and (?.) aboval no paymont need to = do into '_he
Savor ainldnl :Mal when and no son,; as Lhn w-no:;,nt in said
rued in at least equal to the a,Zror,;ato principal, amount
or : %rtirlcatoo tl:on outatandiN;, plus tho w.-cunt of
intorcat duo and thoreaftor to bcccmo duo an avid Crrtitic'•toa$
;;ut if in ony r-ont s for any maroon, the :itg oi!all fail to
pay into said :srd the a.-ounta haroin req-;wrcd, than tut
amount ogta,l, to any .loricienc;; in the at.:.o:rat paid into said
.401; .411-
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1. ..
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rural in ouch nonth shall bo added to the anomb othorviae
roquirod to be paid into said F1snd in the rA%t emaroodi•ng
months aM noniaa at mW time paid into tho ",ow--r finlein6
Evnd shall bo held l; tho City its trust for tho brnc.fit
of the holdom frari tixw to ticso of the Cortificaten and
coupon attoo;loe. tharoto ontitlod to be paid frog ouch
money and tho oitp s!-o.U not luvo ary bonoficial -.ij ht
or intoroat in any otjah nonion. All monics in said fund
ol-all be do;.ooitod in a ban!: or baxtl:o vrlAch are ma:3be--a
of the i'odor•al i osorvo Srynt:acr and all pupa in oxoe3s of
an amount aulricioat to diaclu.rGo all principal anti
tritomat pa,mnta to booaaa duo vithIn tho next taolvo
months poriod shall be cGriU=oualy accurod by diroot
oblli;atiom or the !tnited ;itaton or AL-tarica or other
samiritias approved b3' the "odoral t:oaorvo Board ror tha
cocu*W, of trusit depoaito by rational banks, tit-itch
obliLationa or other aocnivitioe ahall be at all ti ea at
loast og'aal. in r arlmt value to tho a=unt of monies in
caid -ursl Lo to seaurod tba monloa in aatd ,o?rer ain:cing
Ad a1ia1"1 be used aola3y for the 7u--DOee of paylaa;; Lilo
TwImeipal of and Intareat on tba Cartifioataa and for no
other purpose.
..action 1.'3r Any, Arlo rosining in the Sower itoverato Arad,
u".t•ar piro':ic.lozt ..ar the roaaonablo moot of oyeretilsG and rsalAtsa1.alxrg the
:: ;^ntom, ant.: actor paJ imG tbo a^ount roquirad to bo pv4d into tho ..ovor
"Lw:>img :land, no abovo provided, t:ay be =ad lleryy the City or Cloarvater
'ar the nurcraao o_' Cortiricatoo at not oxcoodix,, the principal amount
,-haroof (ontlnulvo of accrued iatoroot)ov tar any other po-peaa permitted
by law. iI1C city of Claurrmtor horeby covartar.tn and &Crai)s frith the
aa-r :ral haldorts and oNrWra of Uartificaltem an foLlcret
(a) :hut it trill not voluntoxily create or cation to be oroated
=7 dobt, lion, char'lo or onatmbrance upon axq of the
rovanuoo plod ;od to tilo -)a-.mmt of tho Ce.-biricateo and
the intoreat thorooa oxcept such as mr7 be junior to the
liar of aald Unrtificaton, tied that It mill not sell,
:nrt8a8o, loane or othorvla'e cllapoaa of or onouibor uq
prol:a".. oaaontlal to the proper operation of the ,yatmj
(b) bat it will at all Limon proearve and protoot tl= ooour'ity
of Goo ::ortiflcatoa and the rl6hto of the Cartiflaate
::c11',orn under tiAm orrl_naraco soul blurt it pill at all t1mon
:.+ainta =t proaorvo aid keep, or owino to be .:.aintalned,
,roocrQ and Impt tho Ssaten, including all parts tltoroot
and ap:ur:anaacun t!:orato In cod repair, vorking ardor and
ooncit±on,luul vill from tim to t1mo make or eauno to be
=do all nocenanx7 and proisor repatra and ropluaomonto to
that at aL 1 t:roa tho Imainams ecrrlod an in ocnroction
t',:ernrrith tray bo prormrlT and mdvantagooualy ooa tluotod is
a -:mncr aonaintont crith prudent manaZ=art$
(c) :lust it: Trill at all Limes preanriba and oollcot rates In
connoction vith the arstem as it sag reezt roaaonobla, tshich
aaii mtoa shall to at laant a:if Iciont: aftor : aLlizz
roacona ile allovimooe for co:itiri-ancioc and for a r-nr,,Az
o_' or:-or in the •.ntLntoo to =iritain tho :Wwor riporation
ar.d :'alntanaxao Aoeo=t and tho 3error ninkinG :'tint! an
a rciridod :.y tliia ordLtanca.
(d) . mt it trill at all timoo 1--cop ;roper books of recor-Ja and
secotanta (no-arato urns aL1 othor rocortla arid accounta) in
•xi:ich comploto anZ corroet entries shall be riado of all
tr-k=actiona gelatin to tho 2`-`at=. :Uo ('ice or Cluarr.•ater
.7111 r':rninh to thv ori„Lal nuraxiaor or -, a=crasora of
aald Cortiflcatos, ana to am hol:.For or ;tvlt;ara or any of
nal:i .:orti,•lcatoa, at the a-r ttca regr.oat of ascla heldar or
holdoro, not ::ore than tY"Lt7 do a oftor t1m clo..o of oaah
stx rmntha i'iacal ?triad, comploto oporatin,t:a'» in cmo
! i
=rat.' ;,:r•.f '.'l;ri?,'•a,
fYpa ,iFyF,4,?L?t?r4y;-?}r•S?r'y.' _.1?.
;•i{7',.K?'y*,ii;?`?tl, , i!r..V,7F?Si???Zit',{y ` t
t.,4 z
+ \y, 1
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-. t
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s- 4
I s•d. `•s
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:••+?, ..r3 s',: ?, iC; ?? ,Y h_. 'ql'i 't. ,t;.. ;t, .1M?W .i.:. ,•.1,<- iri•L,..' ",L y`?'!t` ? ,
', x6j7?. •h's+?,. ?.s"t•,. `'?'' ??. ? ^' F1l?l,?• ?s wsi.?3.?' ?,a.,.3«R ??N•.;'?,?°.h1?: ..ti.: ?=?.. t,? ... Yr ? I?, y .r? ?r ?,?. ?,
;?w "i. ,^.,s,.. j' <)L, F°`s•` a°t„J'•' t4'?f .. y s' t?'? .. ,Y
Ilk '?':?rs+r?. aJ.s ,iv r. r•,9 zt .t.?. r Jh,t','A.? , s3'.•,
DIY ',FSS. ?? f•t A, ::.
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^., ;: .{t%a .yd's`. ,. .?, ^.`.ir:'•?'
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;7•f??tiNi Y:?a i?. :lf 'S P'j??'S i,.'k ;?."5yte?
.sri4, :.?,cn` a-; ;?1`•.
i.? -
stataizonta of tlio ayotam in roaaonablo doLail covorinf;
ouch nix =untha poriod arid, not Toro duos a3xt7 on"
attar t1io 01050 of onr.?i risanl Boar cenplota financial
stntononto of the a;;atom Lu rannonnho dotail covering
ouch riccnl year cortiriod b7 the auditors or the City
of Clonrmator, F?orida?
(a) ibat it Trill =Untaln inot%ranea on tho nyatara for t1w
bonefit of the holdora of Cortificaton iaauod under this
crdinanoc no lor-Z no any of ouch Cortificntoa or thn ir:Lereat
thoroon shall ro=mln outntandin,, or Lo unpaid, of a kind
an4 In an amunt which uaumI17 mould be carriod lry a private
corpcrntion orrpooratim; a aimil.tr typo of ?urrartaJ:1r?:# ':'ho
rfor loan of uao ooonntructlon, and
oacuaar:ag, or any_ be unod ooal for than
roplaoamonta or repairs, or fib) paymonta into tho 3ovor
II.n1:1nG Auxl. Ltwia,!, any pariod of loan as =a or
occupanc711 total or partial, resulti=! f r= riaua and
perils against rdzich other inauranoo is or ahould bo carried
puraunnt to t.hla aootion the procoodu or any ouch ;too and
cc:u;.ano7 insurnnoo al:M to paid to tho 3ovor navenuo ''%i d
and shall be ad--ilalotorod,hald and appliod for cho acaq
rd mmao
cmid r the ruse, disposition and P adoliant3u this
of the
.ionlos in such :t:ad; r position Dp
(f) That it will porrdt at all roaacrnable tl=cs no lcrig, as any
of the Certificates. era outatancliar., any hol.'or or holdom
of trranty per cant= (2%4) is winlpal =aunt of such
CartIfIcutea then outntandi.isd; to iiapoot tha ::ystcn and
all accounts and records theroof•
°aro of the roroL;cing oovonanta ahal.l bo oonstriod to roquire the
v:..?onditurna b7 tho C.ty of any Panda other than rovenuca rocaived or
_accivaalo 1'rom the 3ynteze
:%ation 14. 7st the avent or a default in the pa-,Mont or the
?r.ncipa2 of or intarast an any Certifloatea, which dofatilt slitzll oontiraw
:ar a ioriod of al=ty (fro) clay, tho hcidor or holders of tmonty par
rcr_Ltaa (:0,:) in prinaipal arouse of Cortitioaten thou outstarAM, a1vL11
Zo v::t_tlod as a strict mattor of ri&t to the appoint-ant of a reaolvor,
hatch =ocoi-:ar rzsy ontor upon aid take wa3conion of the C73te.::, oporato
Wd Maintain tho Basta, pronaribo rnton, and oollost, receive ar"d nonly
all rovonuan thereattor arlfliry; tlicrofroa in the same Trap an the City
Stnolf rd,ht do. ":rloas tho Court ahal. otherwise direot, ahonover all
:}'at is t'ua upon auoh Cort_flentes =d inotallU:tonta of intoroat =A to
any or the _t:n.-!a Ot ae, ounts astabli.ahod pursuant to thi3 ordinvxce of all
vr, '..nun paid and a.1 -!afaul.ta mado Uood, nuid roooivor olial-1 et:-rar"cior
::oarona_on to the :ity, and the anme rift,, to a roceiver vt.all exiat u-jm
any outsoc;uent '?oiault. Vain section shall not be eosstruod to lir;it
tt:o riL;zt of =7 hol'or or a `artlfimnta to apply for tho appoint=cit or
a rocc?-ror In tl:o dincrotion or tho Court, nor to It=it the ri,-
.,lts or
re%cdlou of any holaor of C'•1rtifieatoa or ir.Gcroat ecu,ona under tho
La= o. :''_orlda.
notion 15. Me ri=,sta and, dutioo of the Cit7 of Clears-.ator
a.:;l o: tha hol:torn or the Ccrtifiaa:aa and coupoia are,: the torso and
provisions Of Wits or Lm-ce n07 be raodifiod or altorad in any respoct
by or-0.1 r.ca or tho City Corsnienion of tho City or Cloalmntor pith the
cannon: or Lho holLicr or hol;tors of novcnty-riro par cantos (73;1) in
prinaipal anount of all tho Cartificaten than outatanding,auch consont
to to ovitlor:cod b7 an inatr=ont or inatr+monta a:ocutod 1;7 amch holder
or holders and dal,, &o1mtalcdZod or proved is the aa.r2nor of a flood to be
mcordad and such L trt=nt or inatru`rants ahn11 bo filad in Lho orfico
of .~n ^1cr:: a: tho Circuit :cltrt =d al-.all bo a pul;lic rocord.
.ryr...?? -?-•-?r• -rw.'.. -.ter` .wr- -"'.?-' ' „wr• -+r „""?. "'?'". "?",
777 ; F,
?, tl
?'^?'rf'?'w fed 3..'.'j,!°• :,.?='"°,uR', .?jRt`+k • S
.`'Y: ?T'".','4'•2s_ ,: 11?i P.".. sir ?
«j':''ri ti'a'4'?Eft,~;j;.:>.uYa.y: -r•wY; 1 1, ^a. ue•t.< , ?r<<,r,!e .A? z:., r .. ,.t.t M{._ _ ',V?{ r. - .r•'r'^ ,. °:f^'hi4?^s,'7.f: """,?`'rs r
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cF'y ??', ?y .a- r. _`F?r '.ti°.j!` , r,1" ,.G?a•: ?., t , ri ?, 7?y ".,@?` i, 1 ; Y
5? y..4 .?,« ?? 9i- p •3' ?s ,•F.. ;'y+'' .a' d';_ i,t°..: .r..,:?•r..r??` : x:.:.- , ?`-':..;xR ' a" r.'r. s
.af"r P t s r3? ,:?: ;,a. ,;:?; •. :-y.:,?, .s. "'rF t,Yk ?'• °„` {'. .,a, al..Y i.w:,
-;?' ,75t:?,? f "l?.' 4'"X"?i i •z ,z,' .:? - '?-. r ?rs:• ` t'-, a5- .?t , r : .4R? •?jm ,+ r ,r,: •. .? , a ...t
.+ i• ?tii ' •?<. `? , k?. L `+»f; .'s' S f't'..r L -•,t.d,'-_:;;?..., .>S.': !•'.V?'j: .»p? , .r a' :'%. 4?,? . :?s^ _?.?,sf .+s:
U.'.' =C.:.. :, .a,- .si., `ak,r. r^l ?'.-•T.o`7.fn~. :?„ ,'i"? ,?. ,1`F?,3 •,'..?'(.11q^ °,y4"
r• ?zY 'L.t ?'? .w t> '. r`:. G :r,' ,: ? 'f p. .F. s ...4•:._ »--.i ? ..?
zr dt. 7" SY. C :a e~a< •.]` '!,S ?"A:,s`?.'??«!%:'. i•.y`. ?t.•^t c, ..W c° .+•u,. ,d ?'t-s. i rt't'Y.'C's°' _''rt'"?i. t,.< :+ta
e d a ?! e t ?W %'S' fir F. °Li:? 'y'' °z : v• yti'r.. ;•^ti 9 <!w '" S ..fi arx
- i,i ?•w '`?r?" 7:. ? r.- ^ ::!• I .FEY.';' F ?"mss' G r
+-1" •P. 'F'? '31 'i.'< i,5 `, `. !s' •?er .? +7'?' 1 Y
wr. 1 -{'° .-,?L 'V' .4. ?R? ?. ?'?? "tv.- , T` + s t. •. 't': '', , i.•?:.i7.". ???,,,' `, ? 'fi'r ?:it'`. .?:s•,., 9 ?? .i? a- is. ? _ %4?.-rie 1.?'?s .i „+4'., i. ~
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uJC• _ t,,l •' .+>` fs T :'(rvy.., ,.r.'.,.F •^ ?!.f?.?'r^R,•MS't `YY•±?!v'Y:s 1LL?IiSh.1.r ;
_ ib R J A 4.Y^:.,.k'i •??' _',tl.: r?.a ?Y• l .1 .••???-. f5. 7 I A. • a7t.. `h ?.:.• 4: .Fy
kx.?i? ? }" w,-.e ry .-? yyK3:.^ .w i?` :t" 'Ea• .S ,!'}' .y' .i:.s ,L(7.,.;i r'?u -`§-.c .",?.e ':FiSh"r,`i•° .'s?,z.:a'E :P,:g. y, r}-
's,s l'F,. rk 'f ..x;~-,. es ?1' r •?•:. °t??r`:3'ia< ,,zz??F i•
'.;: •t° ?nW" ".r..:s'. ,tt:' t•- r Y° ,f' ejr<;;a•. Y,°,..- ?•.;-'y` S'+'a:f '?__' vr1'':,E: `•F•? •k ?;%..f •4... r
f ? c,zS ' 4 .;d 'L• :'i. ?t" :°t.'? f ,.sr,. ,`° ,''?-., ,c s• t r C?rd 7 ' ?'?
'.3?,ti :?` r: '? ?f.: r7,..;' :t :'a: •,f..S. {^.-rk,•y c? 3 Y3 ., fc?? .f
y '.*y r s t4" p? i, 'f K? 'T ?''.i'{!y" ,5+'?? -?%be":1:„•e .x ',K , C'rf, ij; at?i}3'°. . ,.mot.a n°? ..; ii..sla• -;v.: py i r;r ,,tt'm'
` ;'?)s,•'' '•ax }+ i i?t?,?"Gy"1 i?''•f1>r.n.??rzY,,yz ?, .arkc .Ai.f ..; ,,:..Sw " S;.???7"r2.a,y?.w''?'irlt?7?iy': NAt:s( sr. ,{
??t. 1. ?uYr., -' 7'••. ?7? 9`.°C r. }•"''9w,?`Wi{''fa????`Y .:?! {. '??.f "trr'i. ?Y'},•`t ?C? 1
?'.ti ?•r?.."?`? `e -*K `Ya'h' ??b„;,''? 4 ? .-_ , e;:Vin;'..!}?\'?'?'lA?"+?'?s''1?:? Q5gi?•,?'`'x
.rka????y k S?w r{ '? r - r - `tart +eyu/- ,: a'i' Y'.!'i :.:;(';`?(?,?, ('`r'te ?:'?` ' •
?:?H';i??' .s?`48??'a7?•,.3roT.- K;S???-,.??: I ` , ? 1' • ,irr.. "7 "??'?l'?S ?' ft??
'W1 :n"'t ?.4 ti ?f' := r•?c.. `.' '',
F' iV ??4CSC"?rw..lAff`^!^,?'-?eiaQ+.r•.1?P r1i,?.. ?w C •5?.. .
,?_?•t ,rr'; i;t°°`;`, art'.".i', ??: r
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ti}' Yy - 'e`?'t}4r. 1i s?_,•51 Ei? ,,'-?,.
•'„ ,f 1': ::?3 i % 5,ti ?4: F-tom
v:Z•; '+. ,ti_#,, .,tit r ry':'E...:z-rq, x:
? ;t+;:??f ?`wr?`k SK`•r??? ?._al:?_Y,'?t?t'?,I
I'y .?? -a?r3rd•?';^k ?rrffaS: . Pia ::.rLr; . S•, i
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Sootion 14• IS mm7 soctien parnCraph, clauno or provisions
or tt,ia ordinance ahall he hold invalid the invalidity of auoh noatiotli
varagrnphs olaueo or provision alma l not mffooL• arq or tho ronalning 'r
3 M%-Jnionn of this ordlrumaa• Y
aaction 2.7• An ordinanoon or parts or ordlsarcas or
reaMutiona inconoistont vith t„tia ordinanco are heroi77 rapoalodj `.?i' " r•
rooMilocl and ravokod to tho extent only of nuoh is aonaiatone-f•
.~}oation 10* Thin ordinanco io an o_mrZc=7 nonwaro and WWII
Z6 LAO offect lrL-odia.oly upon its pnoanao•
Paaoad and adoptod i tho City Cormir•nion of tho City or
ClUaznT0.tOrk Florida, thin ?'."ho d:ty of , • ,-. l0?•
? ~
• 1? .\
:a?oa?Cctiaeniomar "fir{16`?yiy., ,
4G' y, M ri' ?yi,•:,,
J. ?• 3attorriold ?.' 1 ?[ fi}:' h» ?a V•° z' C,
City Auditor and Mai% 7Wz
t .q i of yf 6rFP'y ". i
•, Z ??? f ? X73 ? ?„sV•????4r1..• 1
! •'??fi?A?':d;•tS7ry ?!':ts;e z `?3., ;1
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,a<rsip^ i,a;',.•.i, '`"'9. ••+• `+^ °? .,..•r?. . 1• is. ,`t•.7^ i3;• ,:rt?an ..:; s.w .. ..?ti't, u..Z,:, .. .. ;'?'•'.'„;. ?M.,?, w iffj ..,si>y ?lF?!t?'_ >
^,a- '?.. .i''r_t. ? :?',? .st: ,, JS •,`.: .ice •.f,• ''?am%
4".5, .r L •rct"'P
.f; 9. "••1AF r:.i.. `i?, [ ;.4 ?;• :'1•" •`,?•. '•tr?. K.,.l 'Y7:'': `;:?.'•'&l,?ai? e;'•i'.f i.? ?a t .3
,,pp ,,{? it.')1 ".f 1?' ?{I.,'2'. '?L• -'?: .'.4'.• ?'S, • Q..- -?r ?r? ,?, t A• .,y?
ide:?.• ?`fi J,•, .,.1=. ;Z•. •;: s-m. 1^k?f .-y^ N .=`<•?a.. ?•.,i". yi.i wrs>,•c. '??' ? •!?• ?.?'.?x•r,,?.. ?1a," `?1 #' •3`.?'°+ei,.
Ri?'. 'S .`Cii, ?':?•. i7:;?... ?; ',°,$'••3 .;a .a 91S:a ,, r5w'?'3,{ .C.' °.kr.. ?q. :ter:. ;'.j', ?.„{?w. :'c .S. ?(`
•. ,4p; : ?"• °-y'_ e.l.' ;t?' ,4.9.?f. '.`s. ?. ,yp.,. ir.:.,. f;,' S ri •`.'s: u, »'Slx 2.-?•??•. •S uv sti?i ?: •. ?.5 •-?`? .F? f .4?' Ay:?C R ':?'+', y? '?'? .?. ? :o • ' 3
%?f<?:?r?`', rrac?; ,}k,• ,.?i: •i?-?.. ?r^ :E ..?;.°.?,?.;:=:'kS:k rt:' ?.I?? r?° .??.. s a .? ? ?n,? r` "a; a.?.
?c, ?:. r°-•« :.te ..£v. ?.'t-s+:e•a-rS )-..x:I `•% . t'
.,r^s'1•-?,s""b,' 4? €?,:+.vw•4
1?i mG k. ;xv 2c'S.l•x ; de]:s.r:. •.re•i'ia:i?? 3'3 b• ; ?v++?ita' `.aa ;s? 1€x..5. r
e? i 4, us r si. lr.: M
£uA'.A" „' ? ,:???+?•.'.•° } , r. Sr.''"': .?5, .;! '\. ,5:,i s .sue;. S?t?tt1^ .\,? •'Y ?°}. ,9 •:S?F1? 35x6,.. ' 1 -
1. '1' , A}•? W L J y.. :1'1F? i .l? 1'.?l?r•N , V.. r..9: r>.' • 9'? •:1 `0.• ? ,. '?•• 1"C'.' S•.
???'s?' ::?Se????At , .? • .?? ,c' '? Y.r, :'rs °a?e?`?' 4?.3J'' ,`{:- t'F. rs: ..q?.?:K..,:!,:: _..Y ti: ? ?+'_? ?• `'?t;S?` ' y ?'t ,
r:??,`Cl?,,n, C9r S?5'} '`P' ?'i e _ yr? .??.. `... •"'+'?,:. ?'ra";"^i • 9..: '? 3 '• .r,t°.M .s ?`.e '? ??'`<.
s -. a. L,5 •,; ,t:;,; •.i?"• ;:,?° .i:?m- :z, kve:: r?:.r''?,. .wG.lri?rr",y.°(,.•?"` .-5 ;.. !` ??, 1.,?`•?'?[•, 'r. w'F:L? ?'?;r 'h
l.T:tAy jai •R 1Ff",^. it.:y :-?'. .,k_?• li 4r'ps,. e?.`. V'(6a.1:?,;5' + ,::?:: '.s. ,vim'. "li'.`•t,'..`. y,, i;F?:....-f ?:!••^; .;r. ?:e::?`;'.w': ? •.?tL.? Y ?` „e
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+ °:?r. ?.?? •s , :a.° _ ?`?? •" +t L+' . + a '.i.:5;`t°' ..a s.: `-i>r?, a lrr;.? .?'4' s.. `.c oa9 , !;?'
:s f'r.: • [. .;?,• - _ .ry','-,. '?k ?L ..}e, S,. .ta +. L? ??R?c
'i". ?'. ?;i c." ? t?• ?'' s'' e•1J: t.• ..r. ;?`: >< 9'=?T r,? ? ,.-.I,.. ,,.r.-,. _ s !, `t ,f ? . M.k 'i
ih• `at'•,.:J-''il.v •?}',:.?," t.•w k"' ,'q'a' '?4,f `ir'r .4 ?- '1' ??i.: `s.. "l,> ?. `?>f` L 1,;?:,
I', t t 55
• _SY,'r=:1?.•Y .. ? p _-.. _.. •'.._ }iL'. V
An i'. ?``,i °1?E' '3'cre> r"?•'v'.
1 a-•>`vr°r ? ?X 1 ? •'ry'
i • 1 i : ' ?'i , '',q a ,
An Ordinance Ito. 420 entitled,
- COST' OF S;.ID ;
SE7>~tl:.clE uYST:'i' AM TO AID Iii FINA11CII10 T11"
0011STRUCTIOII, PROM1110 FOR THE ISSUANCE of 14272,000 RF.VMRT-- t: .
1r-SNe??tie? "•.u:}C'N5•??4•..^.Vf 9Y
was introduced by Ialr. Barry, *•' ..;:;rysK=y 1.2'.:x.'
and road in lull.
After a discuaoion thereof Mr. Barr movod • said Ordinance ?' i?' ? 4 , •;+?.
be adopted as read Mr. Grice seconded the motion. Upon roll i:?
call, the follarr'inb vote was polled:
Ayes: 12r. Narsh,
t; r . Batchelor, . r
Mr. Barry,
Mr. Baker, ?$s•??,
Mr. Grice. 0
Ilaya: Hone.
Thereupon, the Uayor-Co=issionor declared Ordinance 11o. 420 duly passed upon its first reading. ,L?s v `f!i?r
Mr. Barry moVed that Ordinance Ito. 42 9be read its second time . y?4i r
by title only. Mr. Grice seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the
3 fig
following vote was polled: ,;t.,
?f. _
Ayes: Z. 1:arsh, 4i# i , , ?r}1r[{^?,t
:.:r. Batchelor, ; ; }r y
:Zr. Barry,,,
Mr. Baker,
Mx. Grice. j ;..
s F o
I1Ay3: None. ?
t 4 s x" Thereupon, the t'•ayor-Coemissioner declared the mo tion passed and
said Ordinance was road a second time by its title. ?;•?,}?` ? ?>•''?'•
Llr. Barry moved said Ordinance be adopted as road. it r. Crice seconded the motion. Upon roll calle the following veto was polled.
Agoa: 1as. Marsh, °h'.:{?»???'?; ?.???'i'?''`,•
Mr, Batchelor, ??Yk L hlch-a??';M*?
e r[ k?
Mr. Barry,
Mr. Grice.
?t x , •? ; ,":
Zia s: None.
Theroupon, the nayor-Cou=:i asioncr declarid said Ord±t •.ance duly .r LK A "r
paased upon its second reading,
:'s. Harr roved Ordinance 110.429 be road its t:`ird and final. ti=e.?1? t?'ds
U-. Grice seconded the motion. Upon roll call, t:Le folloerirt?; vote tifas
polled: ar ;tom ,
Ayea: Ur. ::arch,
L r . Batchelor, ?? fi; ?, 7.rr t
1,:r. Baker,
tt.. Barry,
Ur. Grice. 1 ,
Hays: Hone. {
r_:._ .,.°,y. - '? ?:: °'pb_ 9.yr r.? ":r"'="6 ,?; n ,..,....... ... _. t?r."'{.!^^RS'+•'...r,"'?"-»..-rS?e•?• , wl', e
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'???yy`,; q?? ?.1? ?'«„ '?rt;?:,r?`ay?' ???1'Y?_., ? t..•t''?;'°;?5;..:v`?§?•,x<z.i ?. -?;;.,?. yS.:;,?",e w?i'?,..,?f r_,?y '?.?y??i r. V ? t
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,?i? :7. M t{'•? :a; ,r t't">,:3'?`:'?.f.+'?''°'`° r.y] ,y_ + lki< w L`.t`x'i' f• •• ' ?+? ?.•":? S,TJ. •'?• ?1
ry+' _4`?;v c •.? 3,.? ?.y,!i?:, .i.'..?; •.?'?. ..?-:°<:,ti y, z'. z. -•r.
.I. Mffln
' 1? ?-?••.--"J"r Err ,:kl'.f'+.i?•17:1".3.y.'t $':?i ;•.
't'hereupon, the ldayar-Cocasiasionor declared the motion paaaod,
and the Ordinance Was read its- third and final time. ?
mr. Barry motod said Ordinance be finally adopted as road.
I:r. Orioo soeonded the =tion. Upon roll call, the rollowine vote
liras pollodt r °
Ayoa: 14r. Parch,
Ir. Batchelor,.
Ltr. Eai:or,
Mr. /Hurry,
Ur. Griee.
Hays: Mono.
od tite motion passed
eamifsa over doclar t
• Thereupon, the Mayor-C i
and Ordinance No. 429 duly adopted, and sienod said Ordinance and ., ?? r=„`.E v!-?s?'
approval thereof.,
sy ` Y
:''>,?,a-7??sr,4,?: ,h;,r,}.e.terns.rn7•"??_.:?'.'.''?.°'tE'M.'`.?`'!174uxt.?.'"?rt'':i'!}S''i'"-'.:'i•1-S": e?;rs,?ri? ?,n,'•?WCr4 r?":'i'";M?, .:}:':.s::w,-?+,7yst?t.,.;rr,y!!"?ra7'v •y ?awst, wr.?a,-•,f?°J7.!3loaf!'.'6?'.?..'<,?,y?l?w;?`.nt-: ;'%,: e5.?s:+,?;?1y"?!,!?v,r .,
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'-7 1}''1:x. ,S? r.lwt •r .cb .;?°?
i ? ?? ? lY• T - r 'T
yJ Moved by Vr. Barry, aoaondrd by Mr. Orion, and oarried, that
in aonnootion with Ordinnnoe Ito. 42 9, untitled, Ali ORDIII,,pCs '
+ TO n' ID IN FIII„t;??I::r i'i:, CO':T CF I: PROVILINO FOR
rRol! SAM SAITnLi 3YGT;::I " tho follorArlL notica be
publimhed in the Clearwater Sun, for the inauea Au&u4t 22nd, =:F ;,'' 4 ^'`A f }}
September 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th: 'i` 'f { ! 'x
'i 1s'r:;f ??+?.:?1 a'JaV:'l$nw?w?,•.r :qtr.
lti is •'ti ?,??ri .??"??'??• t'' +
r- f R4{
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