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AIT CRDI':A:'CW MrC1M1.T:"G SOLIC3=13 41':. C i::V1 5 .'t $
11: 71" CiT'J.' OF CLZAr1---_:: , e1Oii?:ifa, A':D FRCL',b'1.0
A P7i?ALT'L FC'b T12 ViGL:,:iOr CP VM TT_"R::S OF T:-713
Section 1. SOLICITORS Al'.: CZVASSIB,S: It mall be unlawful for
any person, ._r.-Ior corporaticr. to go in or upon an, private
rosideneo, apartmort or Frenizea in tha Gity of Clearwater for
the purpose of soliciting from the occupants: thereof, or to
carvasa for orders for Scoria, .`area, rnercPandise or services
of any character or description, or for tl:e purpose of offering
to give or to furnish or giving or furnishing any goods, warea,
r,.erchandiso or services to any such occppants to induce or invito
such orders, without first having applied for and received from
the Chief of Police a solicitor's _rornit so to do.
An„ person desiring to socuro such a solicitcrts permit
shall apply tl'erofor in writing over his or her signature to the
Chief of Police on fortis provided by the City, and such appli-
cation shall state (1) the name and address of the applicant,
(2) the name and address of the nerscn, firm nr corporation by
whom employed, (3) the length of services of ouch appl-'catn :with
such eaployer, (4) the place of rosidenco and nature of t=107-
mant of t:'e applicant during the last precedin- Tear, (5) the
nature or character of the goods tt raroa, =e:ohandise cr services
to be offered bK the applicant, t6) tl•e perscnal description of
the applicant. Such applicant shall be accompanied by the
photograph of the applicant and ouch c_odentiala ar_?' other evi.-
denee of the good moral character and identity of the applicant,
an may be reasonable required by the Ch4of of Police.
If the Chief of Police shall dotermire after reasonable
investigation that the applicant is of ;ood moral character
and proposes to engage in a lawful and loriti-.ate cov:ercial
or professional enterprise, he shall then issue the permit
appliod for, which permit shall aspire or the 30tii day of
September of the ;ear in which such Lermit shall have been
Such nernits shall be carried at all tries by Vna applicant
to whom issued, when soliciting or carvassinr, in the Cit•,,, and
shall be o:t'.L!bitod b, any such applicant vhenovor i*o or slue shall
be requested so to do by ary police officer or any parccn solicited.
Any such permit may be r,?vokod by the Chief of Police for
violation by the holder thereof of any, of the ordinancos of the
City of Clearwater, oz' of any State or Federal Law, or whenever
the holder of such perrsit shall In the fud£rent of the Chief of
Police coaae to possess the character and quallficat_cna required
t; this Section for the'iasuance of such permit.
Section 2. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any
of Mo proviaions of this Ordirance shall upon conviction i:: the
V nicipal Co-art of the City-of Clearwater be fined not Iona than
;5.00 or acre than .',IOO.CO, for each offense. :ve,, da- upon ::inch
violation shall occur, or upon which such violation shall continue,
shall constitute a separate offense.
Section 3. All Crdinanoes or parts of Ordinances in conflict
ores'-7r. bo and the ::arse are hereby repealod.
Section d. This Ordirance "shall tale effect it-odistoly upon
_cta aasnce.
PASSSD AILM AM PM by the City, Co=issicn of the City of
Clcan'rator, Florida, this 22nd day of August, A. fJ. 1033.
City ?Audit rfrndLblorl:. '
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