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.. , •-', . ;,:- ''SS"C'u': ao;arw?•.i.riir,`. . ,.. •. .. .. .. .. „ r ' r • - ,`,. .y ,Y ? k. - • nx tx1 k .,g 01MI AIWE NO. 414. ,11J Oltl)IIdAIICE RELATING TO Tlild-'FIC ATID REGULATIIIG TILE USE OF PUBLIC STREETS iuID IL1Glik'TA4 S OF THE CITY OF CLl<It,10ATER,FLOCCCDA; ` PROVIDIHG FOR THE INSTALLATION, REGULATION An CONTROL OF THE ' USE OF PARR-O-METH}RS; 1t1AUIRYNG DEPOSIT OF COINS FOR THE USE Or- PARK-0-METERS AUD PARKIIIG DIETER 'LOIIES; PROVIDING PMTALTY poll 1111E VIRLATI011S THL I-L, OF; AI1D PROVIDING THAT INVALIDITY Or, PART HEREOF SALL NOT AFFECT VALIDITY OP 10JAII;i Ell. 13L IT Ol-d)AINED BY THE CITY COM -IISSIOIJ OF, 'T11E CITY OF CLEA (VIATi!"It, FLOHIDA: Section 1. The word "vehicle" as used herein shall mean any device in, upon or by vibich any person or property is or may be transported upon a highway, except those operated on rails or tracks. Section 2. That those certain described pai,ts of streets in the City of Clearwater, Florida, as may from time to time be designat- .r ed by resolution of the City Commission, are hereby established as ,. a. parking meter zones, and the City Lranager shall cause to be installed parking meters. and shall cause parking meter spaces to be designated in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. .. ,. .? '. .. '; 1•<,, 1, , ., I. ',' . j, Section 3. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to #.: install or place pe?x=]tin; motors in such parlcing meter zones as may be created by resolution of the City Commission. Such parking meters et- .v , ., .'k.; .1. . shall be placed upon the curb alongside of or next to individual parking spaces to be designated as provided by such resolut lone,, and each said parking treter, shall be so set as to show or display a Signal that the parking space alongside of same is or is not in use. ? The City Manager shall provide for the installation, re&ilation, control, operation and use of the parking rooters provided for in 'F •Y'.'i' t'I •. ', ( "•4 this ordinance and shall maintain said meters in good workable .t condition and each said parking meter shall be so set as to display a signal showing legal parking upon the deposit of a f ive cent coin of t .• the United States therein for a period of time cor}form3ng to the q parking limit now or hereafter provided by ordinances, resolutions, _ ; regulations of the City of Clearwater for the part of the or police •K''. ?'?>l£,?'li`nt?Y}re ''.?]• ?4Z``''., ''?I,.':l'. r?')•'. 'd1•, 'i t. street upon which said meter is- placed; each ineter shall by its )„" ? t;,I x'•?? '. 'NC?1, p, ,. '. by fit... f',r",?Crr 1? .SS's. .k' .. ''3]:.` i device clearly set out And continua in operation from the time of ?i;?! x ?>'•r??„? "r'9! .. -`'.? _'?.":[ r' : •Y,?,i, zt-? ?: .'.i it ', j':.?.; F €}es, 4 h- ? wi7?:?fgJ'; Q' Yk. ' ": "'tii. i''` "'i i-'"' x"?°EZ '?•?,????t?k??f?t. S' • 1 ,. ?'.1 .. `^.? is ?Etf' ?.,'I ' i t F. r .yc•??°p:??`..?ly'r(???`cr'?'..'Irw'?????.. ??t.`If .. r 2 .+ I depositing such coin until the oxpirntion of tho time fixod by said ordinancoa, rosolutions or police rogulations as the park- . i.ngr 11mit for the part of the street upon which ould meter is plaeod. Lacli riot motor shall also be so drranged that upon the oxpiration of caid parking limit it 4rill indicate by a mechanical oporntion and the dropping of propor signal that the lwwful parlc- ing period as fixod by ordinances, resolutions or police regulations of the City of Clearwater has expired. Section 4. 1.7hon any vehicle shall be parked in any space alongside of or next to which there is located, wider this • ordinance,"a panting meter, the owner, operator, manager, or driver of said vehicle shall upon entering the Said parking space immediate i" ly doponit a five cent coin of the United States in the parking meter alongside of' or next to, said parkinL; since mid the said parking apace may then bo,used by such,vehicle during the parking limit provided by the ordinances, resolutions and police regulations of the City of 01axvrater for the pvl t of the stroot in which said parkaig space is located. If said vehicle shall remain parked in any such pa:oking space beyond t-Ile parkljig limit fixed by the .ordinances, resolutions and police vogulations of the City of Clear-' water for such parl:ii-xg space, the parking motor Shull display a sign sho';ri.ng illegal -parkin;, and in that evozt, such vehicle shall be considered as parked overtime and beyond the t Lue f i;xed by the ordinancas, resolutions and police regltlati.ons of the City of Clear-- orator, and the parkin of a vehicle ovartirle or beyond the period of tirto 'fixed now or hereafter by the ordinaziees, resolutions and police regulateions. of the City of Cloarvrater i.n any such part of a street t where any'sucll'imeter is located shall be a violation of this ordiri.anee and punished as hereinafter set out. It skull be unlaw- ful for any person to cause, allo'tl, peri:iit or suffer any such vehicle registered in his name to be parked overtime or beyond the 7X-; a1?1`s 4?r' f lawful period of t'3me as above doscrlbed. " 77, x,..4.•1• r2 .?, ?t.'?? •.ri •?1i +i. 1% f It - .T } !; 1 r i- A 4", Section b. It shall be unlawful and an offonso for any poxson to deposit or cause to be deposited in a I3axl.lat?; matc?x a 7 five cent coin for the purpose of ortandLig the pnrkixig time be- yond the time f iced by tho ordinances, ro s olut ions and police ' regulations of the City of' Cloaraa?• oer: for I3arkila?, -? in the parking y : space alongside of or next to which, said parlcing m©tar is placed'. : Section G. It shall be tulZawf'ul. and an offonsa for any t person to pez'mit u vehicle to remain or be placed in any parking plats alongside of or ne-r.G to :'fl:ich any parking meter is placed { ' t while said inetcr is d1splaying a signal :showing that such vehicle r shall have already parked beyond the period of time f i..d . by the ordinances, resolutions and police regulations of the City of p ,r j'.- '• t: Clearna for for such parking space. f } Section 'l. It shall be the duty of each traffic 1 ' patrolman or such ofher officer as shall be sip i,lst;ructed by the '{< • Chief of Police in his beat or disc sic t,' to take the number of any over f` y nio:Ger at which any vehicle is/parked as piavi.d.ed in this ordinance, and tI-e stets vehicle tag nutnt,Qr of each vehicle and report tIao ' save to the police department and make complalait for any violation ;`r IaY the Ltunicipal. Court of zald City. Section C. Any vehicle parked in any pua-Ititxg space ira any ',i ' .`k'. ` • :?, .I.c?` parking meter cone aball be parked with the hood of such ve)hlcle al.ongsid© of cv next to the pa3,king weter alongside of such larking space In parallel parking spaces, and with the radiator directed at :, `''•''-: ?.::.; ,'- the said meter in'cliragronal parking :ipracos, and in either event shall be parked r: ithin the lines inarl.ecl on the streof for such park ng, space as provided hereafter: Section The City I,iunziF;or, ' oz. such officers or employees of the City as he shall select, shall place lines or marlcs on the otu-1b ow on the . stroet about or along, ide of each parking meter to :? 1=° rt `, `-. %` k r b. ;: :'•:? j: designate the parking --pace for r which as •;' .? ':n ,_.;•.?-..:'• id meter is to be used and ? "i 4°?'?r`?d Epp?1.? ?'??j???_ ..?11••wi'=?'',`??" ,. .. r - - k?7-" t rt •?i: ,} ??<??,??'`? ''fit r 'ilk % }:. .7..-i[: '.3`;• ??. .?i?'°s?'?+Lt'?.i'1?+4?i'j4?^? j .}•; ,•7?: '°. .,fi??• .-??. as?r t`?r'..Y, o: f.. it ', t-...ry? '.i il•`L 'k.'?.??}".. ;,"?. a S?F?g? r 5?- f r each vehicle asked a" o s of .. _ ? n ?. ng ,Ide 0 or next to any parking ,meter shall park within the 'Lines oi, markings so established. It } shall be unlawful cued an offense to park any vehicle across any such line or mark or to park said vehicle in such ',gay that GI?e same shall not be within rho area so deaigaZatod by such linos or markings. Section 10. It shall be unlawful and an offense to f. deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any slag, device, or metallic substitute for a five cant coin of the United States. Section 1l. It shall be unlawful and an offense for 4, ',' J 3? .!! any person to deface, in juve, tamper with,, open or wilfully. break, destroy, or :impair the usefullness of any parking taster Installed under the for?ns of this ordinance. Section 12. The five cent coins required to be deposited as provided herein are hereby levied as police regulation and inspection fees to cover the cost of inspection and regulation. ..7 •-??, •'' involved In the inspection, installation, operation, control and use of 'the parkin( spaces a,nd parking teeters described herein and V' } involged in checking up and regulating the parkL,.g of vehicles in the parklilg water zones created Ile_ eby. -r. 'fie' .1.;'I • ; •+t ^,} f Section 13. Any parson who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction in the 'Municipal Court be doemad guilty of an offense and fined not to exceed -the suns of 100.00 or Imprisoned not exceeding thirty day s3 oz b both such f3.ne and im risownent in the discretion of Z '47 the rhinicipal Judge. Any person -who shall abet or assist in the violr?t3.on of any provisions of this ordinance shall be of an offense ai s is •:: •+;;; • :;: '?: z .?, guilty xt 1 ll be fined not to exceed 100.00 or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days or by both such fine 9! f ti and in?prisonrnent in the discretion of the Municipal Judge. 44 % t a.1•. ,.?rt6 ti t' ' =Er 1 I Section 14. If any section or'prov'ision or part, thereof in this ordinance shall be adjudged.-invalid or unconatitutional by a court of competent-jurisdiction., such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or of any section, provision or ' I4{ part thereof, not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional.. Section 15. This ordinance is hereby, declared to' i; be an emergency moasure on the ground of urgent public "'V7 .•i need for the preservation of peace,, health., safety and :'4 ryl ' property. J. c ' _ - a.. ''?., -.J?.. s, ir: t?t?.?• 4.• °^ ? , Y - . { Section J.B. This ordinance shell take effect iniiiediatel upon its passage, 7 f:' •'?Y„ ?. Ali Passed and' adopted by the City Cornnission of the.. City of. Clearwater thin 23rd dayof September, 1938: (Si ed) Ha E. Greer_ Mayor-Commissioner, Atte`Qt. . r5?1 •`.?I ,;k1*y'}''r:?t ';. ??. rf; ir.'• .• r a' rd ,. ?. f. _ 1 _ •P I :[Its t .'?, :???, 4..`)r,, i/'.'°11-:. I ;F (SiEned) S. E._ Satterfield 'q rr J{i City Auditor snd• ClF-jrk. iQ . u"fY?• ?}`t ,?".t..-t]' _!._ y ._ ;. ..).. 74,q ".#'#f "'i; ?i,:.?r _?e;-',?p .. 'r 'ins: ' .ry°; '; _ ,: ,1 '•' ' •-7?s.. ;? ? . .. .I ..j! r; {f, . 5 "1. %?'?. •?" '?',: '`I ...l.:.jje?e ? t ?j` i il.; -i 1 .1:? . 21 ?,#•, `9?>' a"tfi ".':t , , ., !?; •: a.'1 'f a ?;.?i? ? tz#?:?< v3.'s '?:.r:. •r ?:,,? ' - ?,wi "r."r':?'' -!- ;e? (q,t4 j':•y?wy44Y ?4y lYj,/fl•..F-',j? p??•"?.?': l:e .} t - ' .. rr ,.I `? r. ?r ?•1 •.???.', - :i1r.rr.'VrcSs;S94•7 E? .. A [{[ff ??2.°^ °F•;'e?, {??????.a ?.S:i!Ry"??".??7!!?e .?,,?i/Yir?e, ? , , ? .::1G .?fi :><; !;;,' t,';•r7. r IY?S#5? j -. .Y s Ic•: ,, ?^, et'???!'rs. '?' ,i'? U?'+3.. .1,??' .. i "'.`• -t .. ;'J::,1° wll,'?,:e'•? ,?? .:C;F j` ?'.a .*7f ••Y° - ? ?, .rp,. r `'?' `Ig,'' .a.?:yl;?: :I? ?} ! ? `•i' s tyr.?:1• tl .('_ ,. ?P?k .. is S ?`