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FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar Cash
in hand paid to them, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and
the benefits to be derived therefrom, BERNARD F. POWELL, ROGER L. STEVENS,
and N. M. P~ABODY INVESTMENT COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, do hereby
grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a Municipal corpora-
tion, an easement over, under and across the following described land,
lying and being situate in the County of Pinellas, State of Florida, to-wit:
Legal Description
A temporary construction easement consisting
of the Northerly Forty Feet of that parcel described
in disclaimer Deed, O.R. 4370, Page 2031, Official
Records of Pinellas County, Florida.
THIS EASEMENT IS GRANTED for construction purposes for the use by the
City of Clearwater, Florida in the construction of the Sand Key Beach Re-
nourishment Project. This easement is temporary and expires automatically
after one year from date hereof or upon the completion of the project,
whichever is sooner, provided however, that this e,asement may be extended
by the City of Clearwater in 90 day increments, for not more than 3 such ex-
tensions, by explicit written notification by the City Engineer to the grantor
of this easement at least 30 days prior to expiration of this easement;
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to
b.e./~y ex.e~uted and their seal to be hereunto affixed, this 02/ day of
~ A.D. 1980.
Signed, sealed and delivered ~... Ai (-:)
in the presence~of: . .j ,)~,"'o~.i )f, (/k({(
~~~ ~ ~
-'~~ ~?1~&-. ~
i tnesses - Powell. ROGE L. STEVENS.' .
6~. /I~
[L. S . ]
'-Xn.t.-,~i...... k ':J;( XA'': , 'I..L-.
Witnesses - Peabody.
BEFORE ME, personally appeared BERNARD F. POWELL, to me well known and
known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instru-
ment and acknowledged before me that he executed the same for the purposes
therein expressed.
WITNESS my hand and official seal A.D. 1980.
![;~,'/ Cfu~~!~!}~fF~r~\ftfr4J~
.:~y (mUlII;~);~1I [";';.'('"1 O\:c. 2, 1'181
<.lnfjr:o~ !:h ~"'erit.Jn JiroJ ~ '~lJ8I1, C(\m"tlnv
at Large
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8-'FATE OF- .'~ . / / "7~..J 0'/
COUNTY (ff 0/..:f7?:Jk'" ~X (1",/ ,/;>':"'?'?'"",//c-
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BEFORE ME, personally appeared ROGER L. STEVENS, to me well known and
known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instru-
ment and acknowledged before me that he executed the same for the purposes
therein expressed. ','
WITNESS my hand and official seal thisYsYAday of A'?iJ A.D. 19M.
.-) / 'j) -/. .
/<<r;,.. /101'1( t7~.- Ie f""" / Y~':f.-
Notary Public
State of Florida at Large
My Commission Expires:
~-S"J ~~. /;:1/'1 0~/ ..' S1J"~
q I OS~ ()O~O q
ndersi this day personally appeared
and ~~ , to me well known and known
the indo idual escrib~~ and who execute. d the foregoing in-
Preside and ~: Secretary respectively, to the
Corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknowledged
to and before me that they executed said instrument on behalf of and in the
name of said corporation as such officers; that the seal affixed to said in-
strument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed
thereto by due and regular corporate authority; that they are duly authorized
by said corporation to execute said instrument and that said instrument is
the free act and deed of said corporation.
IN \!.lJN}SS WHEREOF, liaye hereunto
seal thi~ day of ~/ A.D.
set my hand and affixed my
Notary Publ'
State of Florida at Large
My Commission Expires:
:: "l!V I' ;;'JEl, Sbte of florid. it l.,oe
:~., (','11m::ii~n Eltpircs Dec. 2. 1981
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FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar Cash in
hand paid to it, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the bene-
fits to be derived therefrom, UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION, a Delaware
corporation, does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA,
a Municipal corporation, an easement over, under and across the following de-
sc.ribed land, lying and being situate in the County of Pinellas, State of
Florida, to-wit:
Legal Description
A forty-foot temporary construction easement lying
Northerly of the following described line:
From the S.E. corner, Sec. 19, Twsp 29S, Rge. 15 E,
Run N 89004'07" W, 2351.81 feet along the South section line,
to the Westerly R.O.W. line of Gulf Boulevard, thence Run N
31058'20" E, 553.24 feet along said R.O.W. line for a Point
of Beginning, Thence N 89004'07" W, 396.25 feet M.O.L. along
the South property line of M&B 1, to the Mean High Water
THIS EASEMENT IS GRANTED for construction purposes for the use by the
City of Clearwater, Florida in the construction of the Sand Key Beach Renourish-
ment Project. This easement is temporary and expires automatically after one
(1) year from date hereof or upon the completion of the project, whichever is
sooner, provided however, that this easement may be extended by the City of
Clearwater in 90 day increments, for not more than 3 such extensions, by ex-
plicit written notification by the City Engineer to the grantor of this ease-
ment at least 30 days prior to expiration of this easement.
duly executed by its proper officers
hereunto affixed, this ~ day of
hereto has caused these presents to be
thereunto authorized and its seal to be
(/~J-,1 (~{ .) A.D., 1980.
U l4 d'i!- ~ S f 41/"5 .) t~.. f C l)ll C I.: t/ 0......
By: <<i0(~N
Its ,.' I' VicE
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
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[COE...~RJl.;TE SiU\L]'
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BEFO)m ME,,~. t~e undersigned authOrity,. )thi~ day -personally appeared
C., .I:::i..... _~ c. IC{.../' and '..._ . r K:i/Lkt~ ./ , to me well
known and known to me to be the individuah/de(ilcribed in 4nd who executed the
foregoing instrument as 1.'11;; -,President and /~. -v'V.--t- .' Secretary respectively, of
the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknow-
ledged to and before me that they executed said instrument on behalf of and in
the name of said corporation as such officers; that the seal affixed to said
instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed
thereto by due and regular corporate authority; that they are duly authorized
by said corporation to execute said instrument and that said instrument is the
free act and deed of said corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,,~ have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal this ~ day of 0/DA-l'{ J A.D. I 1980.
~~_~J' L~~~cp A':<r~
./ .... /1 NbtPrY F~bHc
State af Flo~idg ~t Large
My Commission Expires:
I':OTA::'l It}BtF ;::." d ;.'l,'!'irb. At Large.
1V1y COl1lmii>siuD 1!.;...:'';,c '\'i,L::t 11, lU8~.
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FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar Cash in
hand paid to it, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the bene-
fits to be derived therefrom, UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION, a Delaware
corporation, does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA,
a Municipal corporation, an easement over, under and across the following de-
scribed land, lying and being situate in the County of Pinellas, State of
Florida, to-wit:
Legal Description
A forty-foot temporary construction easement lying
Southwesterly of the following described line:
From the Southeast corner, Section 19, TWsp 29 S,
Rge 15 E, Run N 89004'07" W, 2351.81 feet along the South
Section Line to the Westerly R.O.W. line of Gulf Boulevard,
Thence Run along said R.O.W. LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES,
N 31058'20" E, 857.04 feet, thence along a curve to the left
Radius 1859.87 ft., Arc 296.31 feet, Chord Bearing N 27024'30"
E, Chord 295.99 Ft., thence N 22050'39" E, 2580.40 ft., Thence
along a curve to the right, Radius 2914.79 feet, Arc 438.18
feet, Chord Bearing N 27009'03" E, 437.77 feet to the Point of
Beginning. Thence run N 67012'17" West, 275.25 feet M.O.L.
ALONG the Northerly property line of the parcel described in
O.R. 4649, Page 440, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida,
to the Mean High Water Line.
THIS EASEMENT IS GRANTED for construction purposes for the use by the
City of Clearwater, Florida in the construction of the Sand Key Beach Renourish-
ment Project. This easement is temporary and expires automatically after one
(1) year from date hereof or upon the completion of the project, whichever is
sooner, provided however, that this easement may be extended by the City of
, Clearwater in 90 day increments, for not more than 3 such extensions. by ex-
plicit written notification by the City Engineer to the grantor of this ease-
ment at least 30 days prior to expiration of this easement.
duly executed by its proper officers
hereunto affixed, this ~ day of
hereto has caused these presents to be
thereunto authorized and its seal to be
" / lLJ.!, ./ .J A.D., 1980.
. ,
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
S' f~ tpl
.S' fe.~ I
eerrel'" ..1,........
() fA t te ,)
STATE OF ""'!/,'/l..r.l/'< ~ ,
COUNTY OF / I J{ I (. < ,1 <L-/
BEFO~ ME, the .un.d.ersigned authority, -fhisl day .p~rson.allY appeared
(-, J....l.., Yll L L'j.( (. .' and '__I. /'. 'O/L /.. (( /....L._ ,to me well
known and known to me to be the individuals,)described in and who executed th~
foregoing instrument as 1::;'0 yresident and (" ~ v~ ... Secretary respectively, of
the corporation named in the foregoing instr'lment, and they severally acknow-
ledged to and before me that they executed said instrument on behalf of and in
the name of said corporation as such officers; that the seal affixed to said
instnunent is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed
thereto by due and regular corporate authority; that they are duly authorized
by said corporation to execute said instrument and that said instrument is the
free act and deed of said corporation.
My Commission Expires:
r\OT A11 Y l'l' l.;U (i, f; l.,' (i 1';\,1':1:.: }..t Larj~e.
l\~y CommiSSIon ~;\I,l~...S 1.~ ,- t-~l...-l. ll., 11:.'~~.
set my hand and affixed my official
A.D. ~ 1980.
~&~~d (~~1I ,," -6--W.A:. ./
,/ '" ,d'T.Notl!1'Y r...blic
. 5t~e of~lorida at Large
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto
seal this ~.J day of t:;, ."t.. .( ~
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FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar Cash in
hand paid to it, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the bene-
fits to be derived therefrom, CHEEZEM DEVELOP}ffiNT CORPORATION, a Florida
corporation, does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA,
.a Municipal corporation, an easement over, under and across the following de-
scribed land, lying and being situate in the Calmty of Pinellas, State of
Florida, to-wit:
Legal Description
A fifty-foot temporary construction easement lying
Northeasterly of the following described line:
From National Ocean Survey, Monument Harris "C",
N 1,317,536.82, E 233,249.10, run South 49042'49" W,
516.87 ft., M.O.L. to the Northeast property corner of
the Sheraton Sand Key, thence S 42013'31" W, 1150.00 feet,
along the Northwesterly R.O.W. line of Gulf Boulevard for
a Point of Beginning, thence N 47046'29" W, 480.00 feet
along the Southwesterly property line of M&B 5-3, for a
Point of Ending.
THIS EASEMENT IS GRANTED for construction purposes for the use by the
City of Clearwater, Florida in the construction of the Sand. Key Beach Renourish-
ment Project. This easement is temporary and expires automatically after one
(1) year from date hereof or upon the completion of the project, whichever is
sooner, provided however, that this easement may be extended by the City of
Clearwater in 90 day increments, fo~ not more than 3 such extensions, by ex-
plicit written notification by the City Engineer to the grantor of this ease-
ment at least 30 days prior to expiration of this easement.
duly executed by its proper officers
hereunto affixed, this ~ day of
hereto has caused these presents to be
t~ authorized and its seal to be
A.D., 1980.
c.tJeE~e" ~",oP~...rr C~ Po<<~" N
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BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared
.:r A tiL<<..l 11~",re."" and.t:! ."'1 ~ .1/ G /)e it r~"'t T.l:, to me well
known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the
foregoing instrument as VU"fPresident and A~Sf Secretary respectively, of
the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknow-
ledged to and before me that they executed said instrument on behalf of and in
the name of said corporation as such officers; that the seal affixed to said
instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed
thereto by due and regular corporate authority; that they are duly authorized
by said corporation to execute said instrument and that said instrument is the
free act and deed of said corporation.
My Comm. ission Expi~es:
~ cr-J
set my hand and affixed my official
A.D., 1980.
.~~~ 11..:;1. p~
Notary Public '
State of Florida at Large
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto
seal this~ day of ~
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FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar Cash in
hand paid to it, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the
benefits to be derived therefrom, SAND KEY ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a
Municipal corporation, an easement over, under and across the following
described land, lying and being situate in toe County of Pinellas, State
of Florida, to-wit:
Legal Description
A temporary pipeline easement providing five foot
. Westerly of the following described line for operation of a
dredge pipeline and 25 feet westerly of said line for in-
stallation, maintenance and removal of said pipeline. From
N.O.S. monument Harris "c" (N 1,317,536.82, E 233,249.10)
run S 49042'49" W, 516.87 feet M.O.L. to the Northeast
property corner of the Sheraton Sand Key; thence N 47046'
29" W, 934 feet for a P.O.B. Thence run S 20003'12" W,
539 feet M.O.L. along the seaward face of a seawall, for
a point of ending.
nus EASEMENT IS GRANTED for construction purposes for the use by the
City of Clearwater, Florida in the construction of the Sand Key Beach Re-
nourishment Project. This easement is temporary and expires automatically
after one (1) year from date hereof or upon the completion of the project,
whichever is sooner, provided however, that this easement may be extended
by the City of Clearwater in 90 day increments, for not more than 3 such ex-
tensions, by explicit written notification by the City Engineer to the grantor
of this easement at least 30 days p~ior to expiration of this easement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party hereto has caused these presents to be
du1~xecuted and its seal to be hereunto affixed, this ~ day of
V,/.J... / '/ A.D., 1980.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in t presen~e of:
Its General Manager
~ BEFORE ~ the ,nd~r~igned authority, this day personally appeared
. /l.....: /9,~..l- , to me well known to be the person who
executed the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of the Grantor, as Gen-
eral Manager of the Grantor, and acknowledged before me that he executed
the same for the purposes therein expressed and that he has full and complete
authority to do so and that said instrument is the free act and deed of the
IN WITNESS WH,!R.EQF, 1 have q~r~nto set my hand and affixed.~. -'.
official seal this~ aday of '-f'/}'l '71 ' A.D. 1980. I.... .' ..
- . ~!.a~':@~
State of Florida at La~~e
My Commission Expires:
'I~~" \.,'
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ffcltllry 'tlMlt. !Mc of I'br!~!! r.t ~..,.
Mv Commis~ir/l1 E)(;:!~c~ ::'ei'~. iT. 1',;81
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FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar Cash in
hand paid to it, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the bene-
fits to be derived therefrom, CHEEZEM DEVELOPI1ENT CORPORATION, a Florida
corporation, does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA,
a Municipal corporation, an easement over, under and across tbe following de-
scribed land, lying and being situate in the County of Pine11as, State of
Florida, to-wit:
Legal Description
A temporary pipeline easement providing 5 feet Westerly of
the following described line for operation of a dredge pipeline,
and 25 feet Westerly of said line for installation, maintenance
and removal of said pipeline. From N.O.S. monument Harris "c"
(N1, 317, 536.82, E233, 249.10) run S 49042'49" W, 516.87 feet
M.O.L. to the Northeast property corner of the Sheraton Sand Key;
thence S 42013'31" W, 500.00 feet to the Northeast corner of
M&B 5-3, thence H 47046'29" W, 730.00 feet along the Northeasterly
property line of said parcel, to the P.O.B. Thence run S 21,029'33"
W, 695.01 feet to a point of ending.
THIS EASEMENT IS GRANTED for construction purposes for the use by the
City of Clearwater, Florida in the construction of the Sand Key Beach Renourish-
ment Project. This easement is temporary and expires automatically after one
(1) year from date hereof or upon the completion of the project, whichever is
sooner, provided however, that this easement may be extended by the City of
Clearwater in 90 day increments, for not more than 3 such extensions, by ex-
plicit written notification by the City Engineer to the grantor of this ease-
ment at least 30 days prior to expiration of this easement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party hereto has caused these presents' to be
duly executed by its proper officers thereunto authorized and its seal to be
hereunto affixed, this ~ day of --&.p.... J A.D., 1980.
Signed, sealed and delivered ''''''. (. I C ~.
in t\)t(' of: _\ 11c2. \Je ()?,......-"- t\..1 .~I'f.'f\..' ~l
COUNTY OF ----pJ .... II , J
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day personally !Epeared
M I c..'" 0(1 11 ,"'')0'''''- and ~ -.s "./1 t:-. Oett ru., ,.JI.; to me well
known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the
foregoing instrument as V'e. t,lJresident and A f r t- Secretary respectively, of
the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknow-
ledged to and before me that they executed said instrument on behalf of and in
the name of said corporation as such officers; that the seal affixed to said
instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed
thereto by due and regular corporate authority; that they are duly authorized
by said corporation to execute said instrument and that said instrument is the
free act and deed of said corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal this J:L day of 4),...../ A.D., 1980.
I! ~L.-P-
Notary Pu1:{lic
State of Florida at Large
My Commission Expires:
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FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar Cash in
hand paid to it, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the bene-
fits to be derived therefrom, CHEEZEM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida
corporation, does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA,
a Municipal corporation, an easement over, under and across the following de-
scribed land, lying and being situate in the County of Pinellas, State of
Florida, to-wit:
Legal Description
A temporary pipeline easement providing 5 foot Westerly of
the following described line for operation of a dredge pipeline
and 25 feet Westerly of said line for installation, maintenance
and removal of said pipeline. From N.O.S. monument Harris "c"
(N 1, 317, 536.82, E 233, 249.10) run S 49042'49" W, 516.87 feet
to the Northeast corner of Sheraton Sand Key; thence S 42013'31"
W 1150.00 feet along the Northwesterly right-of-way line of Gulf
Boulevard to the Northeast corner of Landmark Towers Condo; thence
N 47046'29" W, 480 feet M.O.L. along the Northeast boundary of
said Condo, for a P.O.B.; thence run S 26008'01" W, 220 feet M.O.L.
along the seaward face of a seawall to the mean high water line,
for a point of ending.
THIS EASEMENT IS GRANTED for construction purposes for the use by the
City of Clearwater, Florida in the construction of the Sand Key Beach Renourish-
ment Project. This easement is temporary and expires automatically after one
(1) year from date hereof or upon the completion of the project, whichever is
sooner, provided however, that this easement may be extended by the City of
Clearwater in 90 day increments, for not more than 3 such extensibns, by e~
plicit written notification by the City Engineer to the grantor of this ease-
ment at least 30 days prior to expiration of this easement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party hereto has caused these presents to be
duly executed by its proper officers thereunto authorized and its seal to be
hereunto affixed, this ~ day of ~,~, , A.D., 1980.
, sealed and delivered
resence of:
<:"HCf:1.~ fe\ 'j)EV(\oobPMf"H'i C~ rct<<ft-.c, 0 ...
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p, "ell~ J
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day ~rSOna11Y appeared
J. ~ 1(,..1, ec.( f3~H$'D"" and ~."JI,.II C . r~1.1 J'f., to me well
known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the
foregoing instrument as L.-1ee.. President and A'Sf" -r Secretary respectively, of
the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknow-
ledged to and before me that they executed said instrument on behalf of and in
the name of said corporation as such officers; that the seal affixed to said
instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed
thereto by due and regular corporate authority; that they are duly authorized
by said corporation to execute said instrument and that said instrument is the
free act and deed of said corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have h~reunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal this 1:...L day of ~ A.D., 1980.
My Commission Expires:
Notary Public'
of Florida at Large
< C"")
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FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar Cash in
hand paid to 1. t, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the bene-
fits to be derived therefrom, CHEEZEM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida
corporation, does hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA,
a Municipal corporation, an easemen:: over, under and across the following de-
scribed land, lying and being situate in the County of Pinellas, State of
Florida, to-wit:
Legal Description
A temporary construction easement providing for place-
ment and operation of a dredge booster pump, including pro-
visions for fencing said site. From N.O.S. Monument Harris
"C", (N. 1,317,536.82, E 233,249.10), run S49042'49" W, 516.87
ft. M.O.L. to the Northeast property corner of the Sheraton
Sand Key, thence S 42013'31" W, 1150.00 feet, along the North-
westerly R.O.W. line of Gulf Blvd., thenceN 47046'29" W,
440.00 feet, along the Southwesterly property line of M&B 5-3,
for a P.O.B. Thence run N 47046'49" W, 40.00 ft., thence N
21029'33" E, 64.15 feet, thence S 47046'49" E, 62.71 feet,
thence S 42013' 31" W, 60.00 ft. to the P.O.B. Containing
3081.30 feet or 0.0707 acres M.O.L.
-rj 2
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~.: THIS EASEMENT IS GRANTED for construction purposes for the use by the
0... City of Clearwater, Florida in the construction of the Sand Key Beach Renourish-
ment Project. This easement is temporary and expires automatically after one
(1) year from date hereof or upon the completion of the project, whichever is
sooner, provided however, that this easement may be extended by the City of
Clearwater in 90 day increments, for not more than 3 such extensions, by ex-
plicit written notification by the City Engineer to the grantor of this ease-
ment at least 30 days prior to expiration of this easement.
duly executed by its proper officers
hereunto affixed, this ~ day of
hereto has caused these presents to be
thereunto authorized and its seal to be
A,,,.,' A.D., 1980.
C " .& ~ oz.l M '3>.c ".1" ~ ~ ,.. .f. c. rf' I'c.+; & ~
sealed and delivered
resence of:
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STATE OF Flo". J..
COUNTY OF Pi 1f~11, r
BEFORE ME, the undersigned a~thority, this day personally !2peared
,T, /'1,... ""-. &.1 l~ 141-"" and ~O.S' 4' l C [)~.1CJ"" . ~~ to me well
known and knoun to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the
foregoing instrument as t.-1 c. ~President and ~ f' r -,- Secretary respectively, of
the corporation named in~oregoing instrument, and they severally acknow-
ledged to and before me that they executed said instrument on behalf of and in
the name of said corporation as such officers; that the seal affixed to said
instrument is the corporate seal of said cor,oration and that it was affixed
thereto by due and regular corporate authority; that they'are duly authorized
by said corporation to execute said instrument and that said instrument is the
free act and deed of said corporation.
seal this ~ day of
I have.. hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
~ A.D., 1980.
My Commission Expires:
fr'~~ [l
Notary PublrC
of Florida at Large