180 321 ORDINANCL""NUMBER 180 OF THE CITY OF' CLEARWATEk, FLORIDA . x } AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED ?r AN ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE THE PAY- MENT OF ANKVAL OCCUPATION TAXES BY PERSONS ENGAGED IN TRE BUSINESSES OR OCCUPATIONS HEREIN SPECIFIED AND TO PRESCRIBE A PENALTY FOR ENGAGING IN THE BUSINESSES OR OCCUPATIONS SPECIFIED WITHOUT FIRST 'PAYING THE OCCUPATION TAX HEREBY RE:QUIhED". i BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: --? Section 1.Every person , firm or corporation engaged in the City of Clearwater inithe business of reparing motoo vehicles,' sel'ling motor -vehicles supplies and motor-vehicles,shall having a permanent place of business within said City pay,an annual occup- ation tax of $25.00 Dollars; Provided, that every person selling or offering to sell within the City of Clearwater automobiles or other motor-vehicles as the representive of any automobile sales-agency or manufacturer not having a permanent place of business in the City of Clearwater, shall pay an annual, occupation tax of Two Hundred, ($200.00).Dollars. Section 2. Every person, firm or corporation operating in the City of Clearwater an automobile Par the carrying of passengers for hire which automobile has a capacity of five passengers or less shall pay an annual occupation tax of Five,($5.00). Dollars for each automobile.of the capacity aforesaid so operated; and for each outombbile having a,.capbc?ty of_mord than five and not more than ten passengers, an annual occupation tax of Seven and onehalf, ($7.50), Dollars shall be paid; Provided, that if the owner or operator of ,such automobile for hire shall not have been an actual resident of the City of Clearwater, for the period of Aix months next preceeding or applicatlion"for a license, or the firm,/corporation so applying > not for a license sha11,/ hove had a permanent place of business or head- F , quarters in' thej City of Clearwater for a period of six months next % '•''' i=:.v .",i, ri ' 1preceedizg'-such application,, be the or it as the case msy{rbe aball p.iy an annual occupation tax of One Hundred Dollars for each ,r .. i'I. ,::?;. •:.,, with a C ac t of five a? i -.. automobile ap i y passengers or leas , and an annual ?; n`nu?rm'ny .'-,4a:3`a'Y`,i ,1',ri. i'. ?f•7?i°'=, r4 - ' occu ati.on tax of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars for each automobile ???'?.'ff???atF ?,:?'?[''?`?f...tYI ?L ..•; I `i I 1 +I 322 3 } with a capacity of more than five and not more than ten passengers. k Section 3a Every person, firm or dorporation operating fob i hire inn the City of Clearwater a motor-truck with a ccppacity of one ton or less , shall pay an annual occupation tax of Five Dollars for bioh motor-truck so operated, and fdr each motov-truck so operated for ": A hire in the City of Clearwater with a capacity of more than one ton and not more then 3 tons, an annual occupation tax of Seven Dollars i shall be paid; Provided, that if the owner or operator of such motor- truck has not been an actual resident of the City of Clearwater for the period of six months next preceeding his application for a license, or the firm or corporation owning such motor-truck shall not have 13ad r a permanent place of business or head-quarters in the City of Clear- wgter for the period of six months next preceeding application for a license, he, they or It, as the case may be, shall pay an annual occupation tax of One Hundred Dollars dor each motor-truck of a cap- acity of one ton or less so operated for hire, and an annual occupa- , 14 tion tax of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars for each motor-itruck having a capacity of more than one ton and not more than 3 tons so operated for hire, j Section 4 . Every person, firm or corporation operating in the City of Clearwater any motor -vehicle that is commonly known as a I "Jitney-bus" for the carrying of passengers for hire, shall pay an annual occupation tax of $ 7,50 Dollars for each and every "jitney- bus of a capacity of 10 passengers or less, and an annual occupation tax of 10.00 Dollars for each and every "jitney-bus of a capacity of more than 10 passengers and not more than 20 passengers; Provided, that if such" jitney-bus" is owned or operated by a person who has not been an actual resident of the City of Clearwater for the period of six months nett preceeding his application for a license, or said "jitney-bus" is owned by a f12m or corporation which has not had..aa permanent place of business or head quarters inn the City of Clear- water for the period of six months next preceeding the-application for a license, an annual occupation tax of $ 25.00 Dollars shall be paid by such person, firm or corporation for each"jitney-bus" having a cap- acity of not mor6 than 20 passengers, and an annual occupation tax j of. ? t30._OO 'Do_l,l.ars for each "jitney-bus" having a cape city of more ti A .. .. . a e r • r. w r . rrr . S y.? ?-..'..?.. ., -. w.. ti.... •t n•W.."vn ,I l"?- . . 323 i ' than 20 jaaaeng0rs and not mor© than 30 passengers. Section 5. Every person selling, or offering to sell, any goods, wares-or merchandise within the City of Clearwater who has not a permanent place of businesse in said City , shall pay an annum. ' occupation tax of $200.00 Dollars; Prov dad, that this section shall i . not be construed to abrogate or alter in any way Article 3b of Chapbex 13.1 of the Revised Code of the City of Clearwater regulating the sale of goods by hawkers and peddlers, or be construed to apply to traveling salesman representing wholesale houses and selling goods to merchants only. i Section 6. The license year for which licenses are hereby required shall be as defined in Section 80 of the Revised Code of the City of Clearwater, and fractional licenses may be issued, as provided ' in said Section 80 of the Revised Code, Licenses required hereunder shall be obtsihed in the manner set forth in Section 81 of the Revised " Code of the City of Clearwater. a., . Section 7 Any person , firm or corporation which:: • shall cIrry on or conduct any of the businesses or occupations enumeratdd r+ in this ordinance without first having paid the occupation tax herein ' required to be paid, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this t. ?. ?. ' ordinance, and , upon conviction , shall be punished by a fine of not # less than double the amount of such license. Provided,thot in no case ?. ! shall the fine imposed excedd the sum of 400. i 1 " ? 00 Dollars; or by ? • imprisonment in the City "ail or at labor upon the public streets <• or, other public work od sAid city for a period of not more than ninety clays; or by both such fine ad iprisonment, at the discretion ' of the Mayor., Section 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances or parts fj of the City Code in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance (f are hereby repealed. }; . Section 9. This ordinance , after its passage, and approval b? the Mayor, it shall become effective on the first day of October 'S ~ • ?? r ?'' ?. 1917* Passed by the City, Council this 15th dey of August 1917 `. ',?i t irf•.rys' :..`,,i.r'..•h: ?(?r:' •"';?.°a if f .,i" ., ° ', ? ,j, • ? I -'x;y Y ,t. ` .}: F<a. j .`.F..: v 4E- 4..?{?'4??i{; ?. ???.''s`,. `t•F'??: `,1 i ' , , • A `f} ., ,J ;1 ' ,4 n= F ti _ "rte ii ,i a .. s .-?.c .,: .,. - • :.?'? S•• r.. .6: - .1'?r:?a•?'?'i°,:iTrs4??.".rZ: ? '? , ?. , 1 1 „ 324 ,r •, r. Vii. ' TA "; '?F? .:CT` ',r ` " .. . a ?? • ' ! ? ? "3; _- .'yb,'o, 'x `i ? ? p• .. 4 4 _. e ,. .tip'' •. Attest: ' W S Gregory City Clerk By ' A J Brghdon F ` Deputy Clerk Approved-by me this 22nd dajr ?? • t ; om. . r . 4 t • ' i... "::1 . •l i?:.ppp ? [„ X77 t: t ; . y - • J 1 • '"' ' } 'r : i• ie'j .• . ? • ,' iIs l `I t ay1v ALI ^ .4 • l R ? r ? . . I s 1 , ' . ? S ?< Y'•-; " Y . ." . J . R . Thomas May or JWm F. Rehbaum Jr ^ } President of City Council, -'Protem of August 1917 F',' V'S.n's.'•? x ^t1 ?., `i'N .?.'rti'iiS',`` ??;'; :: ? r ,,.tr?1'?aaLt[S?{? ' _`f: ?`.'3S•• 1kJ*'. ,•, ; i .Y^ . ILI. • 4.v c•3-v? ?.?"s. p-' T?:?v ?ri •' it