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I i' ORDINANCE NO 134 OF THE TOWN OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. -` i63' An Ordinance Entitled s' An Ordinance To Prescribe health And Sanitary Rules and Regulations For The Town Of Clearwater , And To Pro- vide For.The Carrying Into Effect Of The Provisions Of This Ordiw nonce." Be It Ordained Bjr The Town Council Of The Town Of Clearwater; ; Section 1 . It Shall be unlawful for any person to oppose, :r hinder or delay the health Officer , Board of He0"t?,Moyor or any ' Mice Officer of said Town in the exercise of the powers conferred upon them by law and the ordinances of the Town of Clearwater. Section S . It shall be unlawful for the occupant,. or if there be no occupant, then the owner $f:• any house, yard, stable, store or lot of land to omit to keep the same clean , or to permit any trash, weeds or any offensive matter of any kind tp accumulate in or upon such premises. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person controlling or occupying any lot, parcel of land or premises in the Town of Clear- water, or for the agent, servant, representive or employee of any such person , to allow any cistern, tank, reservoir, vessel, tin can or receptacel of any kind whatsoever containing water or any other open body of standing water in which the larvae of the mosquito may exist, to be or remain snywhere upon such lot, parcel of land or premises, unless the some is properly oiled, screened or.covered. It shall be the duty of all persons controlling or occupying any lot, parcel of land or premises in the Town of Clearwater to cover or screen with wire netting not larger than number elghteerr!iMe1h, all cisterns, tanks, reservoirs, or other open bodies of standing water upon the premises. Whenever it is not practicable to screen or cover any cistern, tank, reservoir or opQn bodies of water as fegred by this Section, it shall be the duty of the person controlling or ? occupying the lot , parcel of land or premises to oil with kerosene ?•' :.;,• t'( - ! Y ?•i oil such cisterns, tank, reservoirs or other open bodies of standing .4 water at least every. seven days, using not less than eight ounces of ' lf< kerosene to every fifteen square feet of surface oiled. ` ,f;S. ::7,-?rs?('•.: ; :.... .: ;<..• ys;rz .,,Jt . [l?? gyp. 'zl .. I - 2 - 111!!! Section 4 It shall be.unlawful for aV person residing in y the corporaterlimits of the Town of Clearwater to fail to empty at least every seven days all kegs, barrels, boxes, jars or other ves- eels or receptacles of whatsoever kind upon their premises which contain water, unless the same shall be kept securely covered, y screened or piled; and all persons or their agents who may own or cont- rol any lot or premises within the corporate limits of the Town of Clearwater, shill, cause to be removed therefrom all barrels, ? kegs; glass or crockery, tin or woodenware, boxes, jars, or any other I` vessel or receptacle which may contemn water, unless the some shall be kept securely covered, screened or oiled. Section 5,, It shall be unlawful for any person who shall awn f control or occupy any lot, ,parcel of land or premises in the Town of Clearwater, or for any agent , servant, representi.ve or employee of any such person to allow weeds to grow 1,.j on such lot, parcel of " land or premises to a height exceeding twelve inches. Section 8 . It shall be unlawful for any person, occupant or y owner of premises, lot or parcels of land in the Town of Clearwater : or for the agent, servant, representive or employee of any sytch t, J person after being notified by the, Health Officer or any Police Of- ficer of said Town to place the some in proper sanitary condition, 4.• = " to refuse or neglect to remove the cause of the improper sanitary condition within seventy-two hours after receiving such notice. Section 7 It shall be unlawful for the owner or agent r ; of suchowner of av dead animal, to omit to cause the some to be removed r to such place as shall be designated by the Health Officer or Police f , officer of said Town within twelve hours after the death of such ., II # an ima 1. ? { J - section 8 It shall be unlawful for any person rrho shall t } `r have knowledge of any epidemic or contagious disease existing in the • ;? VIES; [[ '. ..r. corporate limits of the Town of Clearwater to fail to report the same ta.the Health Officer or some member of the Board of Health , of twelve hours. of said Town for the 4 space a`PSection 9 It shall be unlawful for any person, to originate I! r e,J.':.}f f:S ti?t?1dvS+'-..•:. ,u f. ;.-ti•r? , -1 .. j`Yr:' (61b, ive, circulation to.any fMBe rumor of.aic3rness: or. epidemic in t. 11 Vie I .i ti=:???`??tt _?dr ?'? :.r ,:g?F,}fit.:#'. s. ?&• ? ,'ti t ,I!`. f ? ? ??•' ,•.; :?"`•;?.i 'A r. 111 r .a3%?';r ??t'E. •... ti r F!? ,. . ,?F '1 '1 '1 'f?:?t? y`'s,,=si° the ..YawnF:o?`?clesrnater. S t`M,,:?rtL ?, trs='t•"r•F.a.,A•N. n.?.rt ,tf:;1i.z rr- ?.f .'•? Vii; ..! }i?L F ! 4 !,.-° f: ?f !.R',•?`nY, .tii :i3°?"3a." _ t ' • F 1'' - l.'. .. 'at Section 10. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health of the Town of Clearwater whenever it shall be ascertained that any epi- demic or contagious disease exists in any building or premises of acid Town which they shall consider dangerous to the public health, they shall cause the some to be isolated, and trhhre??einmatew restrained the same and from porsonal poiu.unicaifon witoftt?o ? Officer of from leaving/without the written I Bald Town. It shall, be unlawful. for any parent, guardian or teacher to knowingly allow any child to attend or be present at the public ecbcio.1s or any public gathering in said Town, who shall at the I? l ?SW$( L?4',.h s',tlsr.Y•;.', time have any contagious disease, and it shall be unlawful for any person to violate any order made by the Town Board of Health, the Health officer or any Police official , made for the purpose of carrying into efgoct any of the provisions of this Section. Section 11. It shall be unlawful for any person to place any., offensive matter, dead animal, fish or other offal in the bay along' the water front of the Town of Clearwater, or in any other place than that designated by the Health officer or some Police Officer of said Town. Section 12 It shall. be unlawful for the owner or' any person having in his control any animal afflicted with any contagious dis- ease to suffer or allow such animal to be or remain upon any of the streets or highways of the Town of Clearwater. ? Section 13 . It shall be unlawful for any person firm or corporation, or the agent, servant or representive of such, to offer I?I • I for sale in the Town of Clearwater any unwholesome , decayed or c tainted meats, provisions, fruits vegetables, fish, oysters, or other articles intended for human food , and each day the same are : offered for sale shall constitute a distinct and separate offense; r y and it shall be unlawful forany person, firm or corporation or the agent, servant or representive of such to fai 1. or refuse to remove f from its premises any unwholesome, decayed or tainted meats, provisions, fruits, vegetables, fish, oysters, or other artiicleB, within three hours aster notice from the City Health OffiQer or an order, rm the City Board of Health that the same has been condemned. C Provided' tLat upon 3o6ndemnstion of any .such provisions meats ' r f Fr'ruita, otc., no aforesaid by the City 119LAlth Officer, and notice frohl sszeh Offioor an aforo,snid, the person, firm or corporation no notifiod rshnll haV4 the right within three hours after such ? notice to appeal to tho City Board of Health, and in the event of such appoul, ouch offense shall not be deemed to have been S ,. ? committed until the decision of the City #lealth Officer Has ? been confirmed by the City Board of Health and their order issued and served in accordance therewith, and tY)e failure or refusal to remove the same within three hours after the receipt of such + order from the City Board of Health, and each day the same shall i be kept by such person, firm or corporation thereafter shall constitute a distinct and separate offense, and the Health ""•`.. ::.: ,. officer is authorized to cause the seizure of all such articles, and to prosecute the offender in the Mayor's Court, and upon the Conviction of the offender he shall destroy all such ?1 ^ ?j ya6e. • ` condomed articles._ :.: °' :, .•.¢?'s` SEC. 14. It shall be unlawful for ths' caner of or agent for any lot upon which a pool of water exists or is likely to F' exist, to refuse or neglect to fill up the said lot, or, t ) properly drain the same within the time specified by the notice given b the Health Officer in accordance with the ordinances ` of the Town of Clearwater. ' See. 16. It shall be unlawful for any person to sp&t upon :. i any paved sidewalk or upon any floor or any other part of any public building in the Town of Clearwater. '. Sec 160That every person, firm or oorporati.bn owning, i t,'1 y:1 f „ operuting or using any place of business or room or yard where- ,'- in garbage shall accumulate, shall cause such garbage to be collected and placed in a receptacle of sufficient strength and i; size to hold all the garbage placed therein, so as to prevent ? .i' .,!' -` '., 'art,' S ;,L•r ai? . :`' , same from spilling through or wasting therefrom, and such receptacles shall be provided with a top securelyfastened ','J- :` cr ;;'.=g. •j tliereon so as to prevent, odors from ascaping froze such recep- tacle, `+)x ?•`'t', €_., or the ingress or egress of flies or other insects. •'? ?u'`'r'tG` )1.?5 {„,A ? ;? d. s'z.; tt.i `,. ''• : ` 1 .t, ,-:, • a ?5 `,',• f. Sea. 17. All stores, meat markets, fruit stands, and al places where provisions, fruits and foodstuffs intended for { .?*,.*'i.:j??,??F .7`1 F'`...'?; :trx,? 5 •;t i,t ?r..1,P;??.;.:.1, ?? ."?;?.,.-,ti Ar' 3 S ? 9v.. .. wn ?rww:.+wY?+.i,i' „rn -___?w7?rwww?.`+?. ,1 I 1 •. l•?}r :4'•.^x 1. ?•'.rS.°?#'?, 1 . ,j. r human o?.iuenption are offered for naln must be on, ced with 167 r. bins or ohowoasen not loss than eighteen inohos above the floor, and completely covered and enclosed no that all duet, flies and other insects shall be excluded from much provisions, moats, fruits and foodstuffs. Sec. 1B. All bakery goods and enndios count be kept in glass cases and not handled by customers. All bakery goods, meats, ,.. _.,.' . fruits and vegetables not in condition or suitable for human consumption by reason of being decayed or unwholesome must not be allowed to remain in, the shops or stores 14tt must be taken to some suitable place and placed in a securely covered receptacle which will prevent odors from escaping or prevent the ingress of flies or other insects until the same can be carted away. Sec. 19. That no article of food except live articles 'such as, chickens, etc., shrall be kept on the outside of any market, rest- i` is i ?Kt• ??.. i:• •, `;:: ??<`?:,•f-?,':'.?F'?tlr,,, i rr.. ?r? tljf (i l' ?i?" ?y}}?i..- r.•,-. •x• `'i ?1.!!'Sk'?'s?X i 'C R; ?fe?:?s?i?,4;?i, •??'?:i. F.?;vo. a. aurant, bakery, store, or othor place where food is sold 'or offered for sale, on the sidewalks in front of such places, for the purpose of display or for the purpose of advertisement, except that the same shall be protected by glass cases or containers which shall prevent dust, fliers, or any other insects from access to such articles. Sao 20. That it shall be unlawful for any person to run or operate a bakery or deal in bread, or any employee of such bakery or dealer in bread to carry or cause to be carried bread, cakes or pies, and like articles of food through the streets unless transported in a fly-proof and dust-proof receptacle. All wagons used for transporting broad, cakes and pies and like articles .of food shall be fuvni.shed with a fly--proof and dust-proof com- partment that shall contain shelves on which tho bread shall be placed and such shelves shall be covered with clean paper and this paper shall be changed at least once every twenty-four hours. Furthermore, all bread, cakes, pies, and like articles of food offered for sale or kept; on hand for the purpose of sale in grocery stores, bakeries, or other retail distributors of bread, etc., shall be kept in fly-proof and dust-proof showcases or liko roaoptaolns. " F. W-it- 61 , f t i f i 3 F F. ", , , " . - "' 89c. 21. It shall be unlawful for any person owning or in possession of or controlling the use of any-'stables pen, shed, stall or similiar place within the 't'own of Clearwater wherein animals are kept for any purpose, for any length of time, to keep such stables or other place above mentioned or allow same to become filthy, noises me or unsanitary. Sec. 22. That every person owning, operating or controlling the use of any building or part of building or any Place within . ? the limits of said Town, who have one ore more horses, mules, caws, or other like animals kept in same, shall maintain in connection therewith a bin or pit in which the manure from such 1 '• ' } *\' '.1'° ? mot' may'' '?y• .y Yr.t ?•6 ,l t i? q < _y 10, y ? frt? ft? ?t . 1. f. 3 C:...f'I?.r". i animals shall be placed pending removal. Such bin or pit to be provided with cover of suitable) strength and close-fitting to prevent the ingregsand egress of flies. Such bin or pit shall be located at a point most remote from any dwelling or other structure owned or occupied by other than the owner of the prem- ises'above mentioned, and shall likewise be placed at a point' most remote on the premises from any public highway. Sec, 23. It shall be unlawful for any person to hold such manure on said premises in said bins or pits after same shall have become noisesome or unsanitary) provided, however, any of the purpose of inriching the ground or for said persons may use said manure upon their premises for/any other use to which manure chn properly be put, when the same is not offensive or unsanitary. And provided further that any person may remove manure from bins, pits or other places where deposited as required by ordinance, for any purpose, where such manure has not become offensive or unsanitary. Sec. 24. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to in- speot such bins or pits and require same to be emptied as required by this Ordinance, All wggons or other 'Vehicle used for the removal of such manure, shall be so-constructed as to prevent the same from being dropped or spilled along the streets or otherwise being dropped, scattered or spilled on the streets or pthblic places within said Town. Sea. 25. All vehicles which shall be used either by the Town of Clearwater or by any person, firm or corporation for .. .. - ''till?{TILYw',h"?ww-?i7.,`....[:,vw:.i..:...r.e..w....r+.-.:.....?+. ?.,.?...-.?.. e.........??...-..r.r «.,....??...-Y+..,..e«<?..,....«. ....,.?....•.? .•,....•.-,+...-....-. ', ,. .. ., .169 the purpose of haul.iAg or removing any garbage or other filth within the Town limits shall be so constructed as to prevent such garbage or filth from being dropped, spilled or leaking along the streets or public places'within said Town.'• Sea. 26. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or # deposit in any,.toilot or water closet connected with the public ' newer of the Town of Clearwater, and kind or quality of paper other than thin tissue, toilet paper, or any other substance that is not soluble in water. Sec 27. Any person, firm or corporation, or the agents, t 1 t ti f h • f . Y?. '?;.}"11` '.`S'•? YrJ'?' icy, E:. :'r-P•'S?C,'y4`?4 j;;iarr. +, t,. .. s©rvan 0, emp oy©e9 or rspresen a vex o 8uC person, rm or corporation who violates or fails to comply with any of,tbe provisions of this Ordinance or any Sections thereof, shall, upon trial and conviction, be punishod by a fine not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars or imprisonment in the Town Jail or at labor upon the streets or other public works of said Town-not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretioncf the Mayor. Passed by the Town Council of the Town of Cleanvater, Florida, this 4 day of November A. D. 1914. J. R. Thomas President, Town Council,. Attest: R. T. Dani&l Town Clerk. Approved by me this 5 day of November,A. D. 1914, J. R, Sef,ferds Mayor. I 1 L • r f }s art $' .<j.., ?'` ..f " ? l } ' ' f ' ?1 'Y . of E; •: