119`, • :.... ? : 113
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An ordinance regulating the sale of intoxicating
spiritous, vinous or malt liquors, wines or beers in the Town
of Clearwater, Flobida:, and fixing and proscribing the licenses
therefor and prescribing a penalty for a violatiori thereof.
f •
Section 1. Tbnt no person, or persona, firm or
corporation, shall sell any intoxicating, spiritous, vinous
or malt liquors, wines or beers, without first having procured
' . a Town license therefor, which said license shall be issued to
each person, firm or corporation applying therefor upon payment
of the amount hereinafter provided for the same to the Tom
Tax Collector and the production of his receipt. The Town
Clerk shall issue such license and the same shall be signed
by the Town Clerk and the Mayor of said Town. No license
shall be issued for a period of longer than one year and
4 shall expire on the 30th., day of September of each year
F hereafter, provided no fractional license shall be issued,`
" and provided also that no license issued under the provision
of this ordinance shall be transferable. In addition to the '
sum hereinafter mentioned the Tovrn Clerk shall be entitled to
collect a fee of twenty-five cents each for license issued p{y
hereunder. ?g
:. , . Section 2. Any person, or parsons, firm or
corporation selling intoxicating, spiritous, vinous or ?.
malt liquors, `tines or beers in the town of Clearviater shall.
pay a license tax of Ten Thousand Dollars for each place of
business and each bar or place where liquor is sold shall i
constitute a separate place of business and shall, require.a g..
'E : separate license, provided that any club selling liquors to
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its. members and nonresident guests only, whether incorporated
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?>?i.:«??''??.11'n .L?y", :?,'}?%L'Z%, r"5•.j''e? +, S' !_' :F "t?`??;? '
or not Corporated, incl ding social clubs incorpordtQd by
F?L ?r i to rE :; :i'?•? ??•:. a - '.5f ''<,"r": ',?:' C t IN,
orders ,lof „ Circuit Judges as provided, for by law shall pay a
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license taut as follows- if composed, of less than seventy-
five members the sum of ' ive Hundred dollars, if oomponed
of soventy-five members or more the sum of Hundred and
Fifty dollars.
Section 3. No person or persons, firm or
corporation shall sell intoxicating, spi.ritous, vinous or,
` malt liquors or wines or beers to any drunken person or to {{? .
any person under the age of twenty--one years.
Section 4. No person or persons, firm or
corporation small sell, intoxicating, spiritous ` , vinous or , .
malt liquors, wines or beers between the hours of midnight
on Saturday night and midnight of the following Sunday night. 111 " 1:? f
Section S. NO person or parsons, firm or corporation .
shall sell intoxicating, spiritous, vinous or malt liquors, .?
wines or beers on any election day either of the Tovm of
` F Clearvater, County of Pinellas., State of Florida or i.k^5`e,<• F'
United States of America*
Section 6. Any person, persons, firm or
corporation guilty of the violation of any of the foregoing
provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof'
,.". be fined not exceeding tyro hundred dollars or imprison in the
! ``r'? -,i?'-<<;j'. , ', 5. .} i•:' ;rte';,. ',
:•s. Town Jail not exceeding sixty days, or by both such fine and
imprisonment in the dese r$tion of the mayor and each sale
prohibited by this chapter shall be deemed a separato offense.
Section 7. All. ordinance or parts ' of ordinances ra; r .
conflicting with the provision or this ordinance are hereby 7770 Qs,' f
,, r ,t-?,,,; ,,?. eg. ? ;)` ??' ' ? •r.,r,' ? ; ? ? .
Passed by the Town LAiiTici ? l of the Town of I F
Clearwater Florida, this 2ld da !L lfll3 1 ?'
} y of October, ,,.D,
'???' I ,f' ';'y.?''?%Yfiir?.lt'-.Y',v';.,, r:,<`?,?='4 '.?--...^?-+++e ,P i ? •'t.
;,.FN.'??i Y?fi?i'ti?.F:`l?.: r.. ,-:l'{11"y'?'vP,'?`i. Y, l ? ? ; .. 'Z'• '?: ,?? '
ATTFs'ST President of Town Council
'"'N "???? Z v`=• $elf 4F:'y R r ". s '! : ' ^•r''?' `1 '?? ,
23.6 t day of
tZ'F}!? e K. T. Djx71,. Approved by me this"
o October A:. D„' 191.3r
_?, 'n?;,,}3,7.?•t4-?V;;:'T?4'? ?d' -7. '"E; i ,ASS. i. ?, ," ?`?"u?1t' .i `?,'.tai??;
Chas» ii. Evansr {,o. ;.' i;•'3;? ;,y:
fS, .a'y. ,.. 1` ?•s, ?'i"i .k ?i''.?;......._ ?w.• r ldayar!
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