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That from and after the 4th day of April A. D. 1911;
SECTION 1. Tho owner, agent or occupant of any lot or
alley in which thero is a public sewer, shall connect the
drainage of said lot or premises with such sevrer, and shall
fill up and destroy any cess pool, privy, privy--vault, or
other arrcuigement on said premises for the receiption of
drainage or fecal matter.
SECTION 2. Upon the service of any order or direction,
or a copy thereof, made by the Water and PILunbing Inspector of
the Town of Clearwater, upon tho ovrner, agent or occupant of
such lot or premises so to do, the said owner, agent or occupant
shall within thirty days after such service, fill up and destroy
any cess pool, privy, privy-vault, or other arrangement for the
reception of drainage oa, fecal. matter, on said premises, and,
connect all closets and drainage from such premises with the
said public sewer.
SECTION 3. All closets, privies, privies-vaults, cess-
pools, and other arrangements for the receiption of, drainage and
.fecal, matter kept or maintained on such premises after the
expiration of the time specified in said notice are herepy declar-
ed to be nuisances, and may be abated and destroyed by the Town
14arshall of the Torun of Clearwater.
SECTION 4. 11o person shall, proceed with any portion of
any plumbing, drainage or sewerage work, extend or alter old or
new work (except necessary repairs), until they have filed with the
Torun Clerk an application for a peru,iit, giving a complete descrip--
tion of the plumbing and fixtures to be placed in the building,
and the location of same, the names of oviners and the street
number of buildings.
SECTION S. No waste or back air pipe shall be tapped
into.a soil'pipe,.but.shall be inserted with-proper fittings.
is Via.
- 2 -
All joints on lead soil, waste, vent or supply pipes
' shall be wiped joints properly mado.
i' All joints on cast iron pipe shall be packed with
oakum and molten load properly caulked.
All joints between lead and cast iron pipo shall be
made with brass or combination ferules properly wiped on
? the lead pipe.
All lead waste, vent and supply pipes shall be firmly
€ secured to the.walls by nieans of screws and lead tact€s, soldered
to the pipe not more than two feet apart.
- All waste pipes from sinks, bath-tubs, wash-basins,
wash--gays and slop-hoppers shall be provided with brass strainers.
' Cast iron pipe shall not be used between wrought irony or
terra cotta pipe or vice versa.
•' 'f = Wrought iron pipe shall not be used as a continuation of
a . the
cast iron vent or revent pipes through/roof.
All wrought iron pipes must be galvanized.
All soil and waste pipes shall be of cast iron, tarred;
or lead. No wrought iron pipe will be allowed for soil or waste
i pipe unless the Durham system with recessed fittings is used.
Revents and back air wipes shall be of lead, cast iron
i or galvanised wrought iron.
All soil pipes shall not be leas than Sour inches inside
diameter, and shall be continued sane size above the roof, and
. r .F 5.
as remote from windows as possible.
No waste, revent or back air pipes shall be less than one
and one-half inches inside diameter and when of lead shall be of
a grade known to the plumbing' trade as light.
Soil waste and vent pipes in an extension shall be extended
one foot above eave of. roof of main building, when otherwise
within fifteen feet of tt door, window or
.they. mould open
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ventilator of the main house or all. adjoining houso.
Ho holes will be allovied to be cut in any cant iron,
wrought iron or terra cotta pipe for any purpose, which can
not be properly closed with plugs. Wheve it is necessary to
open a pipo, the broken pipe to be removed and a clean-out
put in instead that it may be accessible for future use.
Cast iron, soil, wasto arml drain pipes small connect
with terra cotta pipe trio feet from building and not less than
ten inches underground.
The arrangebient of soil, waste, back' air and ventilating
pipes shall be as direct as passible.
All change in direction in horizontal, soil, waste of
drain pipes; shall be made with Y-fittings suitable bend
and clean-out.
Offsets in vertical test iron soil or lanste pipes shall
be made with eighth bends.
Sanitary T's shall be used on vertical cast iron soil and
waste pipes, and on horizontal lines a Y and eighth bend shall be
All-horizontal four irteh cast iron pipe abova or below
the ground shall have Y fittings $ the placing of theses fittings
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All cast iron soil, waste or revent pipes shall be properly
secured or supported ?;i.th wrought iron hooks or hangers;, one to
each five feet length of pipe.
Double hub fittings shall not be used on cast iron soil or
waste pipes.
All branches of soil pipe when over ten feet from main
line shall be extended same size one foot above the eave of roof.
All two inch cast iron or lead waste pipe branches, if over
seven feet' in length, shall not be reduced on end for lead pipe
or trap, but shall be continued same size one toot above eave of
roof,. ,,
f- '
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to be left to tho discretion of the Plater and Plwnbing
Inspector. The Y's to have fora -inch brass trap screws
inserted in3ido, and to be placed on the main line not over
fifty feet apart, for the purpose of cleaning tho swat when
stoppages occur.
Two-inch cast-iron pipe to have clean-outs placed
in it .
- Y fittings and clean-outs shall be placed at the
t bottom of all four and two-inch cast iron stacks.
Each fixture/ shall be separately trapped as near
?.. , ..
'• the same as possible, and each trap shall be revented by a
pipe not less than the size of the viaote pipe, except a four-
. inch trap, when a two-inch revent pipe will be sufficient.
Revent pipes t.iay be run separately or may enter the
:. soil pipe three feet above the floor on which the highest
.. fixture is located.
' Where the ,-re is only one syphon closet on a floor
:. the revent may be dispensed with; Provided, that all the other
fixtures on the sane floor are revonted and that there are not
closets or fixtures on the floors above.
?, "-/here only one closet or f ixture in connected into
' a stack of undiminished size from ground to roof, the revent
may be dispensed with, provided the said fixtures are not more
than two feet from the stack.
? ; ;, _ ` '•r'. ;
` Where a syphon closet or fixture is the highest on a
°' stack the revent may be dispensed with; Provided, that there
is no other fixture on the same floor connecting into the same
.,' ,. ;. stack, and that the said stack is of undiminished size from
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~• ground to roof
and that the said closet or fixture is
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than two feet from the stack.
Where tyre is only one syphon closet on a four-inch
: {E . soil' pipe of undiminished size from ground to roof, the revent
to',,this closet nm.y be dispensed with; provided, that there are '
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no other fixtures an the floors abovo, or no other fixtures
'on the floors above, or no other closet in the building
connected with this soil pipo.
All closets shall be flushed from a special tank,
which shall not be used for any other purpose, and shall have ? r
a capacity of not less than five gallons:
No Yrator closets or urinals shall be permitted to exist in any location or apari.-ment which is not thoroughly
lighted aril ventilated,
On new work where it is impossible to revent a trap
or on old work where there is no revent pipe, an anti-syphon
trap of approved pattern will be permitted.
Traps shall be placed as near the fixtures as
possible, and/no case shall a trap be more than two feet froze
a fixture; except a grease trap whwch may be six. feet from sink.
A I,
All bath-tubs shall have drum traps with clean-out', ,
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above floor.
Slop-hoppers sluM be enamelled iron or porcelains,
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%r and shall be provided with a three-quarter-inch water supply
4 . " .;'t. and a four-inch waste pipe,
Wooden wash-tubs or sinks shall net be placed inside
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buildin s Such shall be of novr-absorbent rsateris
„,t.,' ; _• ... Vii; a'??•'.;.•.
Urinals shall be of enamelled iron or porcelain and
the floor and wall of tY?.
an the apartment in which they are placed
shall be -lined with sheet lead, marble or slate. '!J}lea of sheet t
lead it shall not be lighter than four pounds to the uquare foot.
Waste pipes from refrigerators, safes, ice-boxes and
,: =i ;'•; , ai'' :; : beer coolers, shall not connect directly with the soil or waste
F: •f •y+ls t.J[s'?r3'.??f? .Z:. T`, `C4 5-' .'tf ' ?.'i'', `? .
pipe, but shall discharge into an open sink properly trapped.
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All drains connecting with the main sewer iri the-.
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die •;?lj",/yQS?l,.?fl'i r {(-?S', c^Ntj2=^[?y rC?,•';. ,,?q;? ?.( ?`s'?f',\`...??i'f.a: 9l Y.lr i,: .v ,.1 -, y
y ?4§+?M1 5??-1a yt{: ?\ 9J `?. ?! )IS'.LI?' "`At 3 , im /• '(., i°•"'r 1'", f r
fii? #? Ly?rr 6?,?.4k street shall not be leas than four-inch cast iron or terra cotta
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The materials of drains in otroot or underground
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yard drains, shall be salt'-gl.azod vitrified sower pipe, burned
hard ontirely through, homogronoous in texture.. free from flaws
and perfectly smooLb on the inner cido; or cast iron pipe pro-
porky treated agaInat corrosion by Limiersion Ui hot coal tar or
soma other process approved by the '.later and Plumbing Inspoctor.
All drain and horizontal soil and vianto-pipes shall
have, a grade of not leas than one- a lghth of an inch to the foo'L.
Hydraulic elevators, wator motors, floor drains,
spittoons, and other similar f ixtures not mentioned may be
connected with the sewer only as the Water and pl,tunbing Inspoe-
for may direct, the surrounding circumstances governing same.
Hain water leaders shall not corurect veith tho t•ovrn
sewers,. When connected to private sowers they shall havo cant
iron trap and cast iron pipe five feet abovo growrd,
SECTION 6. It ,shall be unlawful for any person, firm., or ,
corporation to injure any sewer, fixtures or appurtenances to the
sewer, or to deposit any garbage, offal or refuse material of any
kind in any catch basin, manhole or other fixture of tho town
SECTIOD 7. It shall be the duty of plumbers or drain
layers in the town of Clearwater, when the contract is talcen
by them, to connect any building or premises with the town
sewers, to begin vrork under such contract within ton days from
the day the such permit is issued, and to complete the viork
according to the rules and regulations herein prescribed in as
short a time as may be practicable and consistent with thorough
SECTION 8/ All closets and fixtures shall be on the
connection for the house mentioned in the permit.
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SECTIM DO No plumbing, shall be connected with any
i' sewer of the 'ravn of Clearwater until a cortif3.cate of tho
inspection of the name has boen issued by the Water and
° plumbing Insp ector and the sane delivered to tbo mourn Clerk of
f. ! r
f Passed by tho City Council of the Town of Clarwater
r c4 '
on this the nth day of Aril, A. D. 1911.
(g E A L)
President City Council.
•''' ` `.,`? : Approved by me this 5th day of ?Pril A. D. 1911.
mayor of Town of Clearwater.
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