r An Ordinance Lntitlod. An Ordinance to Provide for the Officers in
.. .°f Whom Shall be Vested the Governmot,t of the Town of Clearwater and
to prescribe their duties and to Provide for Compensation for the
Be it ordained by the Torn Council of the Town of Clearwater:
Section 1. The government and administration of the Town of
' Clearwater shall be vested in a Mayor, Seven Councilmen; Three Bond
Trustees, a Town Clerk; a Tax Assessor; a Tax Collector; provided,
that one person may hoIR the office of Town Clerk, tax assessor and
tax collector; and a marshal or chief of police, whose terms of
office and qualifications shall be as defined in the Charter of the
Town of Clearwater.
Section P. Beforn entering upon the discharge of their duties
said officers shall take before some officer qualified to administer
oaths and oath of office in substantially the following form, towit:-
is A. B. do solemnly swear(or affirm) that I will support, protect
and defend the Constitution and Government of the United Stated
and the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreign,
and that I will bear true faith, loyalty, and allegiance to the same,
and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitutioa; that I
will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of
of t'ie Town of Clearwater, upon which I am about tb enter. So help
me Clod.
k Section 3. During any vacancy in the office of Mayor, or in the
mayors absence, disability, disqualification, or suspension bg
:. .. impeachment or in the absence of the president the president pro tem
of the 'gown Council shall discharge the duties of the mayor. Should
any office other than that of Mayor becalfle vacant the Mayor shall fill
the same by appointment, subject to confirmation by a majority vote
of the Town Council.
Section 4. At the first regular meeting after the regular
?I election in June of each year the Council shall elect by ballop one
:A k '. ,;- ''` ` ' •S,; :4 F. r;; Ofthvir number President, who shall be known as "president of the
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Town Council; and who shall preside over the doliborations of the
Council,, and who during the absence, disability, disqualification
or suspension of the Mayor by impeachment, shall perform all the
duties and be vested with all the,powers of the mayor, and while so
acting shall be disqualified frora presiding over the Council; at the
same meoting they shall elect one of their number as President
Pro Tom, who shall act as President of the Town Council during his
absence, disability or disqualification.
Section 5o The president of the Council s rhdl preserve order and
decorum, appoint all committees unless otherwise directed by the
Council, and perform such other duties and exercise such other powers
as are usual., customary and required by parliamentary usages of
presiding officers.
Section 6. When sitting as such the Council shall be go',jerned
by the rules of procedure which govern the-assembly of the State
Legislature of the State of Florida, where the same can bemade to
apply and are not ineonnistent with ordinances duly passed.
Section 7. The Council shall }fold its regular meetings at the
Council. Chamber at such hour as may be determined by resolution of
the Town Council from time to time, on the first and thir&'• Tuesdays
in each and every month and at such other times as called and
designated by the Mayor for special meetings.
Section S. The Council may by, a two thirds vote,'expel members
for disorderly conduct during council `meetings, dereliction of
duty, ormalfeasanoe in office, and may on charges of official otie--
conduct or wilful neglect of duty, impeach the mayor, or any other
Town officer, by a two thirds vote of all the members of the Council
present, and after a hearing on due notice remove them from office.
Section 8. The Council at the first regular meeting after the
`i installation of new members after such general election, shall
provide by resolution for such standing committees as they shall
deem necessafy, and adopt such ruler of procedure as may be deemed
-Section 10. None but Town officers shall address the Town Council
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} During a meeting without special permission, amd all new matters
j must be submitted to the.appropriate committees before being enter-
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twined by tho Council unless otherwise ordered.
Section 11. It shall be the duty of the Mayor to see that all
E ordinances and resolutions of the Council are executed and enforced,
and give from time to time ouch information to the Council as he
may deem necessary, and he may at any time convene the Council in
y i
Special session.
Section 12. The Mayor shall.appoint persons to perform temporarily
t f the duties of disabled or suspended officers, which appointments shall
continue until the same shall be rejected or confirmed by a ma4ority
vote of the Town Council. He shall also duspend any officer except
6ouncilmen at any timo for neglect or direliction of duty or of `
disorderly conduct, at the same time notifying such officer of the
cause of suspension and giving him notice to appear at the next
y regular council meeting to answer therefor. At such meeting he shall
report such suspension and the cause thereof. If the Council shall
deem such cause sufficient for removal it shall remove the suspended .
officer and the vacancy shall be filled as provided for in this
} ordinance.
Section 13. The mayor shall when necessary or called upon issue
his mandato and have the offenders against the Town ordinances
brought before him and compel attendance of witnesses and preside in
judgement in'' all cases brought before him charged with a breech of
Town Ordinances and render judgement according to law and the evidence !
in the case: and when parties are found guilty to assess the fine or ..
punishment conformable to the Charter and ordinances of the Town of
Clearwater, provided, that when the mayor is disqualified or °..
' disabled from any cause to preside he shall refer the cause to the #
'resident of the Town Council or in his absence to the President'
pro tem of the Council to try.
Section 14. The Mayor shall cause to be kept by the Town Clark
'E ",`3`. a court Cooket in which shall be keptfair entries of all cases
brought before him and his entries"of Judgement therein including:
,', l
all finds and coats assessed and punishment ordered.
Section 15. There shall be a marshall or chief of police who
shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by a Majority vote
of the Council, whose term of office shall be coexistent with that of
the Mayor who made the appointment. Whom shall receive such
compensation as the Council may by resolution determine from time
to time.
_A.. Section 16. It shall be the duty of the Marshal or chief of
Police to attend all meetings, regular and special of the Torn
Council, to aid in enforcing order under the direction of the
presiding officer, to execute all commands of the Mayor and the Town
` Council in the line of his duty and to execute all processes issued
bv•the authority thereof, to attend the mayorla Court during its sittings
and to execute its commands, to aid in the enforcement of orders
therein under the direction of the mayor and to perform such. other
duties as may be appropriate to his office under the provisions of
law or be required under ordinance or resolution of the Town Council.
He shall have control of the police force subject to the commands
of 'the• Mayor and shall have police pourers of arrest.
Section 17. The marshal or chief of police shall have power and
authority to immediately arrest, with or without warrant and to
take into custody any person or persons who shall commit, threaten
or attempt to commit in his presence or within hie view, any offenses
prohibited by the ordinances of the Town, and he shall, without ,
unnecessary delay upon making such arrest, convey the offender or
offenders before the Mey or to be dealt with according to law.
n s Section 18. It shall be the duty of the tax collector to collect
all taxes on real and personal property in the Town, according to the
' assessment roll delivered to him by the Talc assessor of the Town.ai
required by ordinance; to collect all licenses on trades and
oocupations, provided for in the Charter and ordinances of the
i ;_'i?: t=''i° ;`' ' :'?,• "?' #, Town; receive all funds giving a receipt for the same; He shall make
daily doposits in the designated Town Depositary of all funds coming
into. hits hindsei a
a re pt therefor, He shall make
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report at
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each regular meeting of the Town Council of all receipts and toll-
w, ections made by himand paymento to tha Town Depositary. The
Collector shall perform all acts required of him in the collection
„. of taxes and licenses as stipulated by the ordinances of the Town
j and shall give such bond as the Town Council may from time to time
j de bermine.
Section IS* It shall be the duty of the Clerk to attend all
f meetings of the Council and keep a fair record of the proceedings
' thereof in a book kept for that purpose; he shall be custodian of
' the corporate seal of the Town, he shall leep and preserve all records,
papers, and documents that may come into his hands officially; he
shall attest and affix the seal to such documents, contracts and
deeds of conveyances as may require the same; he shall attest all .
ordinances passed by the council, and transcribe the same into the
oridnance record; and cause such ordinances to be published or
posted as required by the Town Charter and ordinances.
Section 209 The Clerk shall issue all licenses upon order of the
Collector in accordance with the ordinances, and perform all other
duties that may properly belong to his office, or that may be re-
quired of him by the Charter, ordinances or resolutions of the
Town Council.
Section 21. It shall be the duty of the tax assessor of the
Town of Clearwater between the first dawx of January and the first
day of June of each year to ascertain by dilligent enquiry all
taxable personal property, and all taxable real estate in the Town
of Clearwater, and 'the name ' of the person or persons, owning the
same, on the first day of January of each year, and to make an ass4-
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property. He shall visit and inspect all real
ment of all taxable
estate and fix a valuation thereon, and shall require tho owners of
personal property to return a valuation of the same under oath. The
assessor is hereby authorized to administer oaths, and any person
refusing to make such oath shall not be permitted to afterward reduce
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the'va1uation made by such assessor of his personal property
that year, That when no owner can be found, all property may be
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assessed as unknown by proper description, where the assessor, after
proper efforts fails to discover the owner of such property The
Tax Assessor shall set down to the assessment roll accordingto, the
best information he can obtain all real and personal property and
" assesse the name according to the Charter of the Town of Clearwater
and of the lams of the State of Florida providing for the assessment
of State and County Taxexo
it shall be the duty of the tax assessor to complete the assessment
on or before the first Monday in May ofes:ah year and on the third
Tuesday in MAy he shall meet with the Town Council for the purpose
of reviewing the said assessment roll and shall continue such review
as long as may be necessary for such purpose.
Section 22+ The Board bf Bond Trustees shall have care and
control of all funds arising from the sale of Bonds and of all monies
collected by taxation for the purpose of pa*ing the interest and
principal of such Bonds, and shall pay out such monies arising from
the sale of Bonds as may be ordered by written order of the Town
Council, and shall pay out of such funds as may be collected for the
purpose of paying-interest on bonds, the interest on the same as it.
shall become due and payable, and shall invest all monies raised by
taxation for a sinking fund for the purpose of paying the principal
sun of such bonds at maturity, in State or County Bonds or out-
standing Bonds of the Town of Clearwater or first--class real estate
mortgages carrying insurance to full value of loan. And shall
permorm such other duties as are provided for in the laws of the State
of Florida governing Trustees for County Bonds and the Charter of the
Town of Clearwater. They shall be required to give bond for the f
faithful discharge of their trust as may be determined by the Town
Council from time to time.
Section 23. The Town Council shall at ibs first regular meeting
in June of each year designate some bank to be the Depositary of the
funds: of said Town. The Town Council shall require such bank acting
as Town Depositary, to give such bond as they may deem proper, for
thesafe keeping of all Town' funds entrusted to their care
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Y• De asitary shall only pay out such funds upon a written order signed
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by the president of the Town Council, attested by the Town Clark under
the seal of the Town.: Snid Denn?itary shall be required to make a
true and correct statement to the Town Council at the first of each
..• ,month of all monies received and paid out.
Section 24. The Town Council shall from time to time fix by
resolution the amount of oompensation for all Town Officials.
Section 25. All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting
with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same,are hereby
Passed Council this day of May A. D. 3.910.
Pvesident of Town Council
Town Clerk.
' Approved by me this ? day of May A. D. 1910.
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