CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (07) t. _.: ., . r , ) j '~''':':' l 'f~"J ..., \; '" r. 'r ~1 "~' : ~)k'" ~ l\. ' ,- """'-. . " . . ,;-.Ii tJ:l., ,~l:''',1~,~~..,",).':,(.J,,~~,il_:~J~t.~I.' .."..""''''< No, :- .j.fl....:;,:;j;H,'. . . '1:i.'I"tJ.jl"I;!I'.b~i1_f \ -'~t,' " .'.. I ;l!...' ""'!,' ~ .,..\ ':",!.~ '.04" "I. "~...~.;J .. ,I"'" .,.. '>" ,. 264 s.'. i".~'1 "; ':.." e::.' .~.. .l.li t. ..,,~. tV,i't';'\.. ~~! J l, . .. -:~. . . ':;j "l"'P.:l. ~. --.:t.t:r.):; ,), . .,', .. . . . J ''''''0' ",' _' ," ~__" - , ,'::' 'l'....~~~~..: ._,'- . .,.'\..' .~ '" ~,_7'" ~ ;.:,~._;)J~;L'in;_~~:; ", -~ ~_"_ """",", . J/IIoOi'--. .... ~.~-! . ".... 'ij,,~. -"'1"" '~.' ~. ",.~"~~.~..!lf,.,...t ;iI.""..,.,.r..:;;"";itL.l.i.1' , .~, ..~;;;. ,".; ...' .;. ,- -.t' 0I..IIli'':'' ....d,-;',M .-1';';1;..,0' " ':iI..,~~" ...-'.HIIiill...AM"" -... ~ .~;;... ,. '-""~ 't,'. COMPANY .i _:..... :,..;,..,,,,,,,,,,,..~,"_.. - ',AME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY o National Insurance Associates, Inc. 5136 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, FL. 33707 National Indemnit Co. of Florida Effective 12:00 pm 01-31-86 ,19 Expires 0 12:01 am 0 Noon 03-03 ~'. 86 D This binder is issued to extend coverage ~~ the above named comp_ny per expiring policy" (except as noted below) ~ h ~. NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF INSURED Step'n Out Limosine Service, 8190 66th Street North Pinellas Park, Florida 33565 Ine. Description of Operation/Vehicles/Property 985 Lineoln lLVB96FOFY624280 (1) 982 Cadillac IG6AF3395C911576l $31,000 (2) $14,000 Type and Location of Property Coverage/Peril sl Forms Amt of Insurance Oed.' eo.:-. Type of Insurance Coveragel Forms Limits of Liability Each Occurrence Bodily Injury $ P R o P E R T Y L I A B I L I T Y D Scheduled Form 0 Comprehensive Form D Premises/Operations D Products/Completed Operations D Contractual D Other (specify below) D Mec!. Pay. $ D Personal Injury Aggregate $ Per Person $ Per Accident DAD B Dc Property Damage $ Bodily Injury & Property Damage $ Combined Personal Injury Limits of Liability Bodily Injury (Each Person) $ Bodily Injury (Each Accident) $ $ $ $ A GJ Liability D N.on-owned V [X] CeRlF/reRensi.8 Deductible 3 >lXI Collision-Deductible o [X] Medical Payments , [X] Uninsured Motorist L ~ No Fault (specify): Basie E D Other (specify): D WORKERS' COMPENSATION - Statutory Limits (specify states below) o Hired $ 500 $ 500. $ 5,000 $ 300,000 (as required Property Damage $ by law Bodily Injury & Property Damage 300,000 Combined $ D EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY - Limit $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS/OTHER CO\lERAGES . tl SPECIFIED PERILS Comprehensi ve is replaeed Wl. I Collision $500.00 deductible $500.00 ded per oeeurrenee NAME AND ADDRESS OF 0 MORTGAGEE o LOSS PAYEE D ADD'L INSURED LOAN NUMBER ~~