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This agreement is enacted between the DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF ST.
PETERSBURG JUNIOR COLLEGE, FLORIDA, P. O. Box 13489, St. Petersburg, Florida,
33733, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," and the CITY OF CLEARWATER,
CLEARWATER POLICE DEPARTMENT, 644 Pierce Street, Clearwater, Florida 33756,
hereinafter referred to as "CPD."
Whereas, the Board's Southeastern Public Safety Institute has received a grant from the
Corporation for National and Community Service through the Florida Commission on
Community Service for the AmeriCorps Pinellas Program, and;
I) CPD has agreed to support the AmeriCorps Program in Pinellas County through the
implementation of program objectives to promote public safety, community involvement
and AmeriCorps member development;
2) The Corporation for National and Community Service requires a cash match from the
grantee on certain budget categories. This includes costs associated with AmeriCorps
members' living allowances, FICA contributions, mandated health and liability insurance
and worker's compensation contributions. (15 of the 26 full time, and 4 of the 8 part time
AmeriCorps members will be assigned to the Clearwater component of the project.) The
total cost for these budget categories is $272,372. CPD has made a commitment to
provide $39,000 toward the cash match requirement for FY 2001 (January I, 2001 _
December 31, 2001). See attached letter of commitment, attached hereto as Exhibit A.
Under the terms of this agreement, in addition to providing $39,000 in cash match, the CPD will
donate office space and furniture for the Project Activities Specialist, a Board grant-funded
employee; the use of departmental vehicles for accomplishing program tasks, and will allow for a
minimum of three hours per week of mentoring by police officers per AmeriCorps member for
the duration of this project.
The Board will be responsible for the overall administration and fiscal responsibility of the
AmeriCorps project and will provide, through grant funds, one full-time AmeriCorps Project
Activities Specialist to be housed at the CPD to act as liaison between the AmeriCorps members,
police department staff and the Board's AmeriCorps project staff. Further, the Board agrees to
provide the CPD with the use of computer equipment for grant-related activities. Disposition of
said equipment at the termination of this project will be guided by the stipulations outlined by the
grant funder, the Florida Commission of Community Service.
The cash match must be provided to the Board within 30 days of the full execution of this
Neither party will discriminate in its employment practices or its admission or treatment of
students on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, marital status or national origin nor will
," "
either discriminate against any qualified individual with a disability. CPD and the Board
recognize that sexual harassment constitutes discrimination on the basis of sex.
This agreement is contingent upon federal funding and is subject to the terms and provisions of
the AmeriCorps Florida, Sub-grant contract between the Board and Tallahassee Community
College (fiscal Agent for) Florida Commission on Community Service, effective January I,
200 I, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B. The parties hereto agree to be bound by
and comply with the terms and provisions of said Contract in the performance of their respective
duties hereunder.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of
the dates hereinafter stated.
~esses as to the B?Jrd..
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Witnesses as to the City of Clearwater
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BY: ........f1~(e, ~
Sid Klein
Chief of Police
Date: -YV'~/
Approved as to form:
PHONE NO. : 813 562 4198
Jan. 25 2001 08:53AM P2
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exhibit p,
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POST OFfICE Box 4748, CL.Eh.l\WATER, FLORIDA 33758-4748
TELEPHONE (727) 562-4336
December 7,2000
Mr. JamesC. Brock
So'Utheastem Public Safety Institute
St. Petersburg Junior College
P.O. Bo~ 13489
St. Petersburg, Florida 33733
Dear Mr. Brock:
This letter is written to express the City of C1eanvater's support for and commitment to the
continuation of the AmeriCorps Pinellas Project in Cleanvater.
The AmeriCorps program has had a very positive impact in Clearwater, as well as in the lives of
the Clearwater AmeriCorps participants. Through the efforts of the program, several
neighborhood c1ean.up days have been coordinated. Security surveys by participants also led
to the installation of locks and house numbers on many community homes. AmeriCorps
members also deliver and install many smoke alarms throughout their assigned
neighborhoods, and act as mentors and assistants in an intergenerational program at
Clearwater's community policing substations_
This program is a win-win for all involved. The targeted ndghborhoods receive over 20,000
hours annually of direct public-safety related services while the program helps to develop a
cadre of educationally and experientially qualified police applicants. The AmeriCorps members,
by virtue of their term of service working with community policing , officers, become familiar
with neighborhood residents and their problems and needs. '
To participate in this program, the City of Clearwater Police Department commits to a matching
share of $39,000 for the AmeriCorps project for FY 2001. The department also commits to .
assisting in the development of recnritment strategies to employ interested participants and to I
give consideration to hiring participants who, at the completion of theA1:neriCorps program, are
certifiable as law enforcement officers, as openings occur_ The department will also continue
its efforts for AmeriCorps members in training and mentoring.
: The Cle~ater Police Department is looking forward to a seventh rewarding year in this
,e~i~g AmeriCorps program.
Chief of Police
Oi'lE em, ONE Ft.TURE.
E t.h;bi+ B ftLr-- I ~;LJ
Florida Commission on Community Service
This agreement is made BETWEEN
The Florida Commission on Community Service
444 Appleyard Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32304-2895
referred to herein as the "Commission",
St. Petersburg Junior College
3200 34th Street South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33721
referred to herein as the "Provider".
In consideration of the initial or continued contracted services by the Commission and of the advantages and
benefits received by the Provider by virtue of such relationship, the receipt and adequacy of all of which con-
siderations are hereby acknowledged, now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set
forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:
A. Compliance. The Provider is responsible to comply with the compliance requirements applicable to the
CFDA # 94.006 Federal Program.
B. Services. The Provider agrees to provide services according to the conditions specified in Attachment I.
C. Quality Assurance.
1. The Provider agrees to provide progress reports as required by the Florida Commission on Com-
munity Service and the Corporation for National Service.
2. The Provider agrees to permit persons duly authorized by the Commission to inspect any records,
papers, documents, facilities, goods and services of the Provider that are relevant to this contract,
and/or to interview any clients, employees, volunteers, or any other parties affiliated with the Pro-
vider to be assured of satisfactory performance of the terms and conditions of this contract.
3. The Provider agrees to implement and participate in technical assistance, external and self as-
sessment quality assurance reviews, and other continuous improvement activities related to the
services specified in this contract as required by the Commission. Following any quality assur-
ance/continuous improvement review the Commission will deliver in a timely fashion to the provider
a written report with comments and recommendations regarding the manner in which services are
being provided. The provider will rectify all noted deficiencies within the time period set forth in the
written report or provide an acceptable justification for not correcting the noted deficiencies. The
Provider's failure to correct or justify within a reasonable period of time as specified by the Com-
mission may result in the withholding of payments.
4. The Provider agrees to facilitate technical assistance and quality assurance visits by Commission
staff or consultants and to attend periodic meetings and trainings related to this grant.
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D. Audits and Records.
1. The Provider agrees to maintain books, records, and documents (including electronic storage media) in
accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly
reflect all revenues and expenditures of funds relating to this grant.
2. The Provider agrees to assure that these records will be subject at all reasonable times to inspec-
tion, review, or audit by Commission personnel and/or individuals authorized by the Commission.
3. The Provider agrees to maintain and file with the Commission such progress, fiscal and inventory
reports and other reports the Commission may rea-
sonably require within the period of this contract.
4. The Provider agrees to provide to the Commission fi-
nancial and compliance audits of the Provider, with the management letter, within ninety (90) days
of the end of the Provider's fiscal year and to ensure that all related party transactions are dis-
closed to the auditor.
5. The Provider agrees to include these aforementioned audit and record keeping requirements in all
approved agreements entered into by the Provider for any other subcontracted services in the
amount of $25,000 or greater. The Provider further agrees that any and all subcontracts will be ap-
proved in writing by the Commission prior to execution of such subcontract(s).
E. Documentation.
1. The Provider agrees to maintain financial records of fees or other compensation for services or ex-
penses in sufficient detail for a proper audit.
2~ The Provider agrees to maintain records of deliverables, including reports and program and partici-
pant data.
3. The Provider agrees to comply with the criteria and final date by which such criteria must be met for
completion of this contract.
4. The Provider agrees to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other materials sub-
ject to the provisions of chapter 119, FS, and made or received by the Provider in conjunction with
this contract. The Provider's refusal to comply with this provision will constitute a breach of contract.
F. Retention of Records.
1. The Provider agrees to retain all client records, financial records, supporting documents, statistical
records, and any other documents (including electronic storage media) pertinent to this contract for
a period of five (5) years after termination of this contract, or if an audit has been initiated and the
audit findings have not been resolved at the end of five (5) years, the records shall be retained until
resolution of the audit findings.
2. The Provider agrees to provide full access and the right to examine any and all of the records and
documents to Commission staff or persons duly authorized by the Commission during the retention
period or as long as records are retained, whicQever is later.
G. Participant Information. To submit management, program and participant identifiable data as may be
required by the Commission.
H. Safeguarding Information. The Provider agrees not to use or disclose information concerning a re-
cipient of services under this contract for any purpose not in conformity with the state regulations and
federal regulations (45 CFR, Part 205.50), except upon written consent of the recipient, or the recipi-
ent's responsible parent or guardian when authorized by law
Budget. A budget and budget narrative for the delivery of services described in this contract are pro-
vided in Attachment I
J. Budget Revisions. The Provider must obtain prior written approval of the Commission before deviating
from the approved budget in any of the following ways:
a. Any revision in excess of ten percent (10%) of the original contract amount
b. Revisions to Category A, any changes must comply with AmeriCorps Provisions
Filename: H:\98-99 AmeriCorps Programs\Contract
DocumentslStandard Contract Template - 98 worl<ing revision. dot
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P~r 3 ~ 21
c. Reduction in "Training and Education" provided to members
d. Purchases of equipment over $500 unless specified in the approved application and budget
e. Specific Costs requiring prior approval before inccurence as stated in OMB Circulars A-21, A-8?
or A-122.
f. Notification to Commission. Any budget revisions not listed above do not require prior written
approval. The Commission must be notified of all changes and purposes of changes. The Com-
mission reserves the right to disallow any revisions.
g. Budget Amendments. Budgetary changes that exceed ten percent (10%) of the original contract
amount require an executed formal contract amendment prior to the change, using Attachment III.
K. Matching Requirements. The Provider agrees to obtain matching funds and "in-kind" matching re-
sources and assume program cost consistent with the guidelines specified by the Commission and
described in Attachment I.
L. Financial Reports.
1. The Provider agrees to submit to the Commission monthly financial reports as requested by the
Commission. In the event that the Provider or its auditor discovers an overpayment has been
made, the Provider will repay the overpayment within thirty (30) calendar days without prior notifi-
cation from the Commission. In the event that the Commission first discovers an overpayment has
been made, the Commission will notify the Provider in writing of such finding and will request re-
payment of the overpayment within reasonable period of time - generally thirty (30) calendar days
unless extenuating circumstances are deemed by the Commission to exist.
2. The Provider agrees to disclose on an individual basis the exact amount of contract funding used
to compensate each employee or other individuals associated with this contract.
M. Final Invoice. To submit a FINAL REPORT OF EXPENDITURES and a final invoice for payment
within forty-five (45) calendar days after the ending date of this contract or the date of contract ter-
mination, whichever is earlier. The final report will include expenditures for all line items specified in
this contract (Attachment II). If the Provider fails to submit the final invoice and final report of ex-
penditures within the specified time all rights to payment are forfeited.
N. Evaluation. The Provider agrees to participate in evaluation or research activities as requested by
the Commission. As a part of ongoing cooperation with the Commission to evaluate and continu-
ously improve the services to be delivered by the Provider, the provider will:
1. Make available upon request by the Commission or its consultant any and all records, docu-
ments, staff, and participants;
2. Utilize any uniform data collection system developed by the Commission or its consultant;
3. Collect participant and program data - including, at a minimum, demographic, service utilization,
outcome and follow-up information - as requested by the Commission or its consultant and pro
vide it in a timely fashion in a format specified by the Commission or its consultant;
4. Facilitate contact with community agencies and/or individuals for the Commission or its consult-
5. Participate in work groups designing the evaluation and research strategy(ies) and instruments;
and Participate in training activities related to the evaluation activities.
O. Assignments and Subcontracts. The Provider agrees not to assign responsibility of this contract to
another party or to subcontract any portion of the work contemplated under this contract without prior
written approval of the Commission. No such approval by the Commission will be deemed in any
manner to provide for the incurrence of any obligation of the Commission in addition to the total dollar
amount agreed upon in this contract. All such assignments or subcontracts will be subject to the terms
and conditions of this contract and to any conditions of approval that the Commission may deem nec-
P. Indemnification. The following applies to all contracts unless otherwise provided by Florida law. *:" -
, p, .'!'-Each Party hereto agrees that it shall be solely responsible for the wro~gful acts of i~s employ~e and
. agents. However, nothing contained here shall constitute a waiver by either party of Its sovereIgn Im-
p. X- mL:lnity or the provision of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes.
he Provider agrees to be liable for all claims, suits, judgments, and/or damages, incl ~
co costs and attorney's fees, arising out of the negligent or intentional acts or omi . n of the
Provi and it agents, subcontractors, and employees, in the course of the eration of this
2. The Provider a es to indemnify the Commission against all c1ai ,suits, judgments, and/or
damages, including urt costs and attorney's fees, arising 0 of the negligent or intentional
acts or omissions of th rovider and/or its agents, su ontractors, and employees, in the
course of the operation of thl ontract.
3. The Provider agrees to defend th ommissio, pon receiving timely written notification from
the Commission, against all claims, s . s . dgments, and/or damages, including court costs
and attorney's fees, arising out of the .....g I t or intentional acts or omissions of the Provider
and/or its agents, subcontractor , and employe in the course of the operation of this con-
4. Where the Provider a he Commission commit joint neg nt acts, the Provider will not be li-
able for nor hav y obligation to defend the Commission.
5. In no eve III the Provider be liable for or have any obligation to de the Commission
agai such claims, suits, judgments, or damages, including court costs an
. Ing out of the sole negligent acts of the Commission.
Q. Insurance. The Provider agrees to provide adequate liability insurance coverage on a comprehensive
basis and to hold such liability insurance at all times during the existence of this contract. The Provider
accepts full responsibility for identifying and determining the type(s) and extent of liability insurance
necessary to provide reasonable financial protections for the Provider and the clients to be served un-
der this contract. Upon execution of the contract, the Provider will furnish the Commission with written
verification supporting both the determination and existence of such liability insurance coverage.
R. Property. The Provider agrees to submit a current inventory list of all property (Le., equipment and fur-
niture) with a purchase price of $500.00 or more bought with funds provided through this contract. This
property listing must include a description of the property, model number, serial number, date of acqui-
sition, cost, inventory number, and information on the location, condition, transfer, replacement or dis-
position of the property. The Commission reserves the right to retrieve, upon termination of this con-
tract, any and all equipment and furniture purchased with funds provided through this contract, or to re-
ceive repayment for funds provided through this contract used in the purchase of any portion of such
equipment or furniture.
S. Incident Reporting. In compliance with Chapter 415, FS, an employee or agent of the Provider who
knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child, elder, or adult with a disability is or has been
abused, neglected, or exploited, shall immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the abuse
registry operated by the Florida Department of Children and Families on the single statewide toll-free
telephone number 1-800-96-ABUSE (800-962-2873).
T. Civil Rights Requirements. The Provider herewith provides assurances of compliance with all state
and federal statutes, regulations, guidelines, and standards that promote the inclusion of individuals
with disabilities by advancing program accessibility and prohibit discrimination on the basis of race,
color, creed, national origin, sex, age, disability, political affiliation, or beliefs. The Provider agrees that
compliance with this assurance constitutes a condition of continued receipt of or benefit from funds
provided through this contract and that it is binding upon the Provider, its successors, transferees~ and
assignees for the period during which services are provided. The Provider further assures that all sub-
contractors or others with whom it arranges to provide services or benefits to participants or employees
in connections with any of its programs and activities are not discriminating against those participants
or employees in violation of the aforementioned statutes, regulations, guidelines, and standards.
U. Lobbying. 'J
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1. The Provider agrees to comply with the provisions of s. 216.347, FS, which prohibits the expendi-
ture of these contract funds for the purpose of lobbying the Legislature, Congress, judicial branch,
or a state agency.
2. The Provider shall comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act (5 USA 1501-1508 and 7324-7328)
which limits the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in
whole or in part with Federal funds.
V. Sponsorship
1. The Provider agrees to, in publicizing, advertising, or describing the sponsorship of a program
funded wholly or in part by the Commission, state, "Sponsored by (Provider's name) and the Flor-
ida Commission on Community Service." If the sponsorship reference is in written material, the
words "Florida Commission on Community Service" shall appear in the same size letter or type as
the name of the Provider.
2. The Provider agrees to incorporate the Commission logo on all letterhead, brochures, newsletters,
business cards, stationary, posters, flyers, and other written and pictorial communication media for
all programs funded wholly or in part by the Commission.
W. Purchasing, Procurement of Materials with Recycled Content. The Provider agrees that any prod-
ucts or materials which are the subject of, or are required to carry out this contract, shall be procured in
accordance with the provisions of s.403.7065, and 287.045, FS.
X. Conflict of Interest. The contractor shall affirm that neither the contractor nor any of its directors, offi-
cers, members, or employees has any interest nor shall acquire any interest, directly or indirectly,
which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the service hereunder. The con-
tractor further agrees that in the performance of the service, no person having such interest shall be
employed by the contractor.
Y. Nepotism. No person may hold a job or position with the contractor over which a member of his/her
immediate family exercises supervisory authority. A member of an immediate family includes: hus-
band, wife, father, father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law,
son, son-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, and separated spouses.
A. Contract Funding Amount The maximum amount payable under this agreement $347.550.00.
B. Type of Contract. This will be a cost reimbursement contract. Payment for the contracted services will
be contingent upon the documented allowable expenditures for the specified contract period. The
Commission's performance and obligation to pay for services rendered under this contract is contin-
gent upon available funding from the Corporation for National Service and the State of Florida.
C. Reimbursements. Reimbursement requests (FSR, WBRS Periodic Expenditure Report) should be re-
ceived the following month after expenses are incurred. Reports received after the 20th of the month
will not be processed till the following month. If circumstances occur delaying the reimbursement re-
quest to the explanation should be sent to the Commission before the end of the month that the reim-
bursement request is due.
D. Technical Assistance. The Commission agrees to provide or assist the Provider in obtaining technical
assistance and training as might be from time to time required or needed by the Provider for this contract.
A. Effective and Ending Dates. The contract shall begin on January 1. 2000 or on the date on which the:J!.!!""J~y
contract has been signed by both parties, whichever is later, and end December 31,-2000. ~
B. Termination. ;;LCXJ/,
1. Termination at Will. This contract may be terminated by either party upon no less than thirty (30)
calendar days notice in writing, without cause, unless a lesser time is mutually agreed upon by both'
Ex /7/ '6/1- g rfJa. :r- & tfjd/
parties. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return' receipt requested, or in person with
proof of delivery.
2. Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event funds to finance this contract become un-
available, the Commission may terminate the contract upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours no-
tice in writing to the Provider. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt re-
quested, or in person with proof of delivery. The Commission shall be the final authority as to the
availability of funds.
3. Termination for Breach. This contract may be terminated for non-performance by the Provider
upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours notice. If applicable, the Commission may employ the
default provisions in Chapter 60A-1.006(3), FAC. Waiver of breach of any provisions of this con-
tract shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach and shall not be construed to be a
modification of the terms of this contract. The provisions herein do not limit the Commission's right
to remedies at law or to damages.
Exhrb/-I- 6 PC?7-' 7 ~ 2/
C. Notice and Contact
The name, address, and telephone number of the program consultant for the Commission for the con-
tract is:
Vera M. Jones
444 Appleyard Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32304-2895
(850) 921-5172
2. The name, address, and telephone number of the representative for the Provider responsible for
" the administration of the program under this contract is:
Lawrence Moose
3200 34th Street South
St. Petersburg, Florida 32972
3. In the event that different representatives are designated by either party after execution of this
contract, notice of the name and address of the new representative will be rendered in writing to the
other party and said notification attached to originals of this contract.
D. Copyrights and Right to Data. Where activities supported by this contract produce original writing,
sound recordings, pictorial reproductions, drawings or other graphic representation and works of any
similar nature, the Commission has the right to use, duplicate and disclose such materials in whole or
in part, in any manner, for any purpose whatsoever and to have others acting on behalf of the Com-
mission to do so. If the materials so developed are subject to copyright, trademark, or patent, legal title
and every right, interest, claim, or demand of any kind in and to any patent, trademark or copyright, or
application for the same, will vest in the Florida Commission on Community Service for the exclusive
use and benefit of the state. No person, firm or corporation, including the Provider, shall be entitled to
use the copyright, patent, or trademark without the prior written consent of the Commission.
E. All Terms and Conditions Included. This contract and its attachments as referenced below contain
all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties.
Attachments (I, II, III, etc.)
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 21 page contract to be executed by their under-
signed officials as dulv authorized.
Di~~rict Board of Trustees of the St. PctcrsL:!.lr:; Junior Collc2:c. FIo,;.: .
Provider Florida Commission on
Community Service
Signed by:
Signed by:
C:#.:^- \ ~
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S~cr~r:;I; t~'thS. Di$~:'iciCC_; j orT.ustees
Colle,m r-r."'''': -:'~'"'t ::>, C;::PC-"""ry to
0.... ~ ....._~... '..4.. t"..._ ...... . 1\..~14
the Di::;Li-icl 0C:;-j afTru:;t~es
Tallahassee Community College,
(as fiscal agent for the Commission)
Signed by:
Fred Sanguiliano
Executive Director
Appro','cd by D:l; on
\ '
? xh/b/I- 13
Pcu~ g tJ-,,;2)-
2000-2001 Attachment I
St. Petersburg Junior College
3200 34th Street South
St. Petersburg, Florida 32972
I. Overview
A. The Provider, to be commonly referenced as AmeriCorps Pinellas, will provide
An increase in public safety by fostering citizen responsibility and building neighbor-
hood unity while providing, educational opportunities for members.
II. Planning
A. Terms and Definitions. The following terms ,and definitions apply to this con-
tra ct:
1. Act. The National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended.
2. AmeriCorps. The combination of all AmeriCorps programs and Members.
3. AmeriCorps Member. Any individual who is serving in: (1) an AmeriCorps
program; (2) an approved AmeriCorps position; or (3) bbth.
4. AmeriCorps program. Any program that receives approved AmeriCorps po-
5. Approved AmeriCorps position. An AmeriCorps position for which the Corpo-
ration has approved the provision of an AmeriCorps education awards one of the
benefits to be provided for successful service in the position.
6. Community-based agency. A private nonprofit organization (including a
church or other religious entity) that: (1) is representative of a community or a
significant segment of a community; and (2) is engaged in 'meeting human,
education, environment, or public safety community needs.
7. Consortium. A group of organizations eligible for Commission/Corporation
assistance under this application, or a nonprofit organization created or iden-
tified by such a group, whose purpose is to facilitate and support the work of
member organizations in ways that add material and human resources (e.g.,
subgrants and technical assistance) beyond those available to each member
8. Eligible Members. Members who: (1) are 17 years of age or older at the com-
mencement of service, unless the individual is in a youth corps program or in a
program for certain economically disadvantaged youth, in which case the Mem-
ber must be between the ages of 16 and 25; (2) either have received a high
school diploma or its equivalency, including an altemative diploma or certificate
for those individuals with mental and physical disabilities for whom such altema-
tive diploma or certificate is appropriate,' or agree to obtain a high school diploma
Fil.nam.:A:lAllacnmenll Am.riCorps Pin.lles,doc
.. '
Eth/b/f !3 Par 9 tf 2/
or its equivalent. However. if the program conducts an independent evaluation
demonstrating that the potential Member is incapable of obtaining a high school
diploma or its equivalent, the Corporation may waive this requirement; (3) have
not have dropped out of elementary or secondary school in order to enroll as a
national service Member, unless the Member is enrolled in an institution of
higher education on an ability to benefit basis and is considered eligible for funds
under section 484 of the Higher Education Act of 1965; (4) are citizens of the
United States or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States; and (5)
meet the task-related eligibility requirements established by the program.
9. Partnership. A joint arrangement among a group of organizations eligible for
Commission/Corporation assistance under this application, or a nonprofit organi-
zation created or identified by such a group, whose purpose is to carry out com-
mon objectives that are specific and well-defined, and in which the responsibili-
ties of each partner are clearly defined and mutually understood.
10. Program. A planned and coordinated group of activities, procedures, etc. linked
by common elements such as recruitment and selection of Members, training for
Members and staff, regular group of activities, and assignment to projects: (1) or-
ganized for the purpose of achieving the mission and goals of national service,
and (2) carried out with the assistance provided under the Act.
11. Program sponsor. An entity responsible for recruiting, selecting, and training
Members, providing them benefits and support services, engaging them in
regular group activities, and placing them in projects. .
12. Project. An activity, or a set of activities, carried out through a program that
receives assistance under the Act, that results in a specific identifiable service
or improvement that otherwise would not be done with existing funds, and
that does not duplicate the routine services of functions of the employer to
whom Members are assigned.
13. Project Sponsor. An organization, or other entity, that has been selected to
provide a placement for a Member.
14. Service-learning. A method under which students or Members learn and de-
velop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service that: (1) is
conducted in and meets the needs of an community and is coordinated with an
elementary school, secondary school, institution of higher education, or commu-
nity service program, and with the community; (2) helps foster civic responsibility;
(3) is integrated into and enhances the academic curriculum of the students or
the education component of the community service program in which the Mem-
bers are enrolled; and (4) includes structured time for the students and Members
to reflect on the service experience.
B. Needs Assessment
1. The Provider will update, as needed and appropriate, the community needs
assessment conducted for this program. The updated community needs as-
sessment will be used to modify, as needed and appropriate, the services
specified herein. Any and all proposed modifications must be submitted in
writing to the Commission contract manager for prior approval. Unless such
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modifications shall result in budgetary changes, a written description of the
modifications, including a rationale for the proposed modifications and revised
objectives, with the signature of approval of both parties shall be attached to
the original contract and shall be sufficient evidence of agreement for the
modifications without further amendment to this contract.
C. Staff and Volunteer Recruitment and Responsibilities
1. All staff and volunteers working under this contract must pass a background
check from, at a minimum, local law enforcement prior to direct service in-
volvement, as appropriate or required by law.
2. The Provider will recruit and maintain one (1) Program Coordinator position,
to be responsible for the supervision of all aspects of the program.
3. The Provider will hire and maintain two (2) Project Activity Specialist, to be re-
sponsible for providing supervision for member activities.
4. The Provider will hire and maintain, one (1) part-time Secretary to be responsible
for providing administrative support to the program coordinator.
5. The Provider will recruit' over the period of thi's contract a
minimum of two hundred (200) volunteers from the targeted communities.
6. Staff positions, duties, responsibilities, and the number of staff working in this
program may be revised if requested in writing by the provider and approved
in writing by the Commission, provided such revisions do not exceed original
budgeted amounts for staff as described in Attachment II. Revisions which
necessitate an increase in the funds budgeted for staff require a duly exe-
cuted contract amendment.
D. AmeriCorps Member Recruitment
1. All AmeriCorps Members working under this contract must pass a background
check from, at minimum, local law enforcement prior to direct service involve-
ment, as appropriate or required by law.
2. Recruit a maximum of twenty-six (26) AmeriCorps Members into full-time service
within sixty (60) days of implementation of this contract. Such Members may be
recruited locally, statewide, or nationally, as needed and appropriate. The Pro-
vider will recruit Members that are representative the racial, ethnic, religious,
political and disability diversity of the community. Members will be provided
with a living allowance not to exceed $9,000 per term of service.
3. Recruit eight (8) AmeriCorps Members for Educational Awards Only into part-
time service within Sixty (60) days of implementation of this contract. Such
Members may be recruited locally, statewide or nationally, as needed and ap-
propriate. The provider will recruit Members that are representative of the racial,
ethnic, religious, political, and disability diversity of the community. Members will
be provided with an Educational Award.
4. AmeriCorps Member position descriptions, duties, responsibilities will be de-
lineated in writing outlining the essential and marginal functions of Member
position(s) before recruitment begins. The positions, position descriptions, and
FiI.nam.:A:IAUacnm.nt I AmeriCorpl Pin.lles,doc
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number of Members (including the number of full-time and part-time Members)
working in this program may be revised if requested in writing by the provider
and approved in writing by the Commission, provided such revisions do not ex-
ceed original budgeted amounts for Members as described in Attachment II.
Revisions which necessitate an increase in the funds budgeted for Members re-
quire a duly executed contract amendment.
5. A National Service Enrollment Form must be completed via WBRS for all-
Members within two weeks of enrollment of the Member. The program
should keep a hard copy of the member enrollment form in the member file
and forward a hard copy to the Commission.
6. A Member Change of Status Form must be completed via WBRS for each
Member for the following conditions within one week of the occurrence of
such condition:
a) Suspension;
b) Ending service early;
c) Reinstated to service;
d) Family Medical Leave Act; or
e) Transfer to another AmeriCorps program.
7. The Member Change of Status Form must be received in the Commission of-
fice within two weeks of the occurrence of a change in a Member's
8. A National Service Trust End of Term of ServicelExit Form must be com-
pleted via WBRS for each Member upon completion of her/his term of service
within two weeks of the Member's completion of a term of service. The pro-
gram must keep a hard copy in the member file and forward a hard copy to
the Commission office.
E. Partnership Development
1. The Provider may enter into agreements with other private and public organi-
zations in the targeted communities to cooperate and coordinate the provision
of services under the terms of this contract.
2. Such partnerships may include, but are not limited to, the following agreements:
a) contributions of cash support for the services provided under the terms of
this contract;
b) contributions of in-kind support for the services provided under the terms
of this contract;
c) coordination of service activities to prevent duplication of effort;
d) evaluation of service activities, Member development, etc.;
e) fundraising; and
f) promotions or public relations.
3. The Provider shall include a list of its partner organizations on such materials
as may reasonably accommodate such lists, including:
Filanama:A:lAllacnmanll AmariCorps Pinall."doc
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\ '
E Ij}l6/~ [5 p~ /A ~.'d-/ .
a) brochures;
b) flyers;
c) posters; and
d) public service announcements.
F. Training and Technical Assistance
Training and/or technical assistance provided to staff and/or AmeriCorps Members un-
der this contract must be designed to facilitate the improvement of the services,
strengthen the development of the staff and the AmeriCorps Members, and
strengthen the communities in which 'services are provided. Training and/or techni-
calassistance may be provided directly by the Provider, requested from the Com-
mission, or coordinated through the Commission to be provided by one or more na-
tional training and technical assistance providers funded by the Corporation for Na-
tional Service, National Service Resource Center.
1. Staff
a) The Provider will ensure the provision of training and/or technical assis-
tance on the following topics, on an as needed basis, to the Program:
(1) Supervisory Techniques;
(2) AmeriCorps Member Evaluation;
(3) Working with the media;
(4) AmeriCorps Member Motivation;
(5) Report Writing;
(6) Making Programs Accessible: Recruitment and Inclusion of People
with Disabilities in Florida's AmeriCorps Program; and
(7) Other training as identified during the contract period.
2. AmeriCorps Members
a) The AmeriCorps Members will attend training sessions as requested by
the Commission.
b) The Provider will ensure the provision of training and/or technical assis-
tance on the following topics, on an as needed basis, to all AmeriCorps
Members working under this contract:
(1) National American Red Cross certified or comparable CPR and First
Aid training;
(2) Cultural diversity;
(3) Demystifying Disability; and
(4) Other training as identified during the contract period.
A. National Volunteer Service Week Activities
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The Provider will:
1. Schedule and conduct a minimum of one (1) direct service activity designed
for and conducted during National Volunteer Service Week during the con-
tract period.
2. Participate in National Volunteer Service Week Activities as may be reasona-
bly requested by the Commission.
B. Action Plan
1. The Provider will have in place, upon implementation of this contract, an ac-
tion plan approved in writing by the Commission which describes in detail the
first three months of program activity. The action plan should describe in de-
tail recruitment strategies to enroll Members that represent the racial, relig-
ious, political and disability diversity of the Program's community; and how the
training plans for both staff and Members and how each of the deliverables in
this contract will be accomplished (for example, objectives for Community
Service, Community Strengthening, and Member Development; staff and
Member training; and evaluation). Programs will assure, through planning,
that recruiting, facilities utilized and program content are accessible to poten-
tial Members with disabilities. Each phase of the planning and development
will need to address program accessibility for potential Members and service
beneficiaries with disabilities. The action plan must include the following in-
formation for each deliverable:
a) Activity to be conducted;
b) Person(s) responsible for the activity;
c) Timeline for the activity (scheduled beginning and completion dates); and
d) How the activity will be documented for program records.
II. Community Service
A. AmeriCorps Pinellas Members will increase residents/student participation in crime
watch programs throughout target communities resulting in the establishment or re-
vitalization of 8 crime watches and the participation of 150 new residents or stu-
~. All members will improve the physical conditions of targeted neighborhoods by cor-
recting at least 500 code violations as demonstrated by reports from local code
C. All members will enhance the participation and positive experiences of 400 at-risk
youth in neighborhood programs though tutoring, mentoring, supervision, and other
socially supportive activities resulting in 325 of 400 youth benefiting from greater
levels of support as measured by ISSB's administered at 3 intervals during the year,
or focus groups.
D. Six members will tutor 3 classes of Boot Camp Juvenile detainees (Approximately
100 young men) for at least 2 sessions per week resulting in an average improve-
ment in their reading and math levels of one grade as evidenced by teacher reports.
Filename:A:lAllachmonll AmeriCorps Pinallas,doc
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E. Members will implement 6 volunteer safety patrols of area parks and other public
spaces which will result in a reduction of 20% in the public calls for service in those
areas for the times patrolled.
F. All members will organize a total of 18 safety/crime prevention workshops/trainings
for 400residents (250 of whom will be children). 325 of 400 will report an increase
in their safety knowledge after the session through testing or self-evaluation.
Community service objectives may be revised only with a formal contract
I. Community Strengthening
A. All members will help organize a total of 6 sponsored events/projects program-wide,
bringing together 2000 residents as evidenced by attendance rosters media atten-
tion, pictures, and partner support letters.
B. All members will help organize a total of 8 community beautification projects
throughout the year to benefit thousands of residents, as evidenced by photographs
and volunteer logs.
C. All members will recruit a total of 200 community volunteers who will contribute a
total of 1000 hours of their time through AmeriCorps activities as evidenced by vol-
unteer logs.
Community strengthening objectives may be revised only with a formal contract
I. Member Development
A. All 34 members will receive education so that 90% will be able to identify available
social service agencies in their target communities as shown by questionnaires ad-
ministered at mid-year and make appropriate referrals to community residents.
B. All 34 member will receive weekly mentoring by community policing officers and
detention deputies with 90% showing a resultant in their community policing knowl-
edge on mid-surveys.
C. All 34 members will reach at least one personal goal listed on their individual Devel-
opment Plan in cooperation with staff by year's end.
Member development objectives may be revised only with a formal contract
II. Evaluation
A. The Provider will participate in evaluation and research activities as might be
reasonably requested by the Commission.
B. The Provider will track and document on a monthly basis progress made toward
accomplishing the deliverables of this contract.
C. The Provider will conduct a formative evaluation to examine primary stakeholder
Filanamo:A:lAllachmant I AmeriCorps Pinallas,doc
EY)J/'IJ1f g ff:ly !C)~ c2/
satisfaction with the program s.ervices, including, at a minimum:
1. AmeriCorps Members;
2. Service recipients; and
3. Community residents.
D. Technical Assistance
The Commission will provide technical assistance to the Provider in conducting
this evaluation.
III. Documentation
A. The Provider will maintain documentation of all contract deliverables and pro-
gram services. These files will be made available for review by Commission staff
or its duly appointed representative upon request.
B. The Provider will maintain a database of descriptive and demographic data on all
current AmeriCorps Members.
IV. Reporting
A. Program
1. All first-year AmeriCorps programs are required to complete a monthly report
by the tenth calendar day of each month during the contract period. Programs
in the second year or beyond of AmeriCorps operation are not required to
complete the monthly report. The Commission reserves the right to request
monthly reports be submitted by any Provider which it deems to be perform-
ing below expectations according to the terms of this contract.
2. The Provider will submit progress reports (via WBRS) in accordance with the
requirements of the Florida Commission on Community Service and Corpora-
tion for National Service.
B. Budget
1. The provider will submit monthly reports of each month following the month in
which expenses were incurred during the contract period.
V. Cost Presentation
A. Matching Funds and In-Kind Contributions
1. The Provider must provide the Commission with verification of matching funds
(cash) totaling a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the total for Member
Support costs. Actual percentage specified in Attachment II
2. The Provider must provide the Commission with verification of matching funds
(cash) and/or in-kind contributions totaling a minimum of thirty-three percent
(33%) of the total for all other Member Support costs. Actual percentage
specified in Attachment II.
3. The Provider must provide the Commission with verification of matching funds
(cash) and/or in-kind contributions totaling a minimum of 50% of the total for all
other costs. Actual percentage specified in Attachment II. .
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8. Allowable Costs
1. The Office of Management and Budget Circular A-122 (Cost Principles for
Non-Profit Organizations) or Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87
(Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments) and A-102,
Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with State
and Local Governments as adopted by the Corporation for National and
Community Service in CFR part 2541, is used as a guideline to determine the
allowability of costs:
a) Salaries and Benefits.
b) Travel.
c) Operating Capital Outlay (OCO).
d) Other Direct Costs (supplies, postage, copying, telephone, etc.).
e) Subscriptions and applicable periodicals, not to exceed $250. Prior ap-
proval by the contract manager is required for each item.
f) Costs associated with Providing Reasonable Accommodation for People
with Disabilities.
C. Costs Not Allowed
1. The following are not allowable expenses for Commission funds:
a) Cash award to employees or ceremony expenditur~s;
b) Penalty on borrowed funds or statutory violations (or penalty for late pay-
ment of taxes);
c) Organizational affiliations;
d) Fund raising;
e) Deferred payments to employees as fringe benefit package;
f) Severance pay and unearned leave; and
g) Staff overtime.
D. Documentation Needed for Specific Charges Incurred Under a Cost-
Reimbursement Contract
1. The following is a list of fees and compensation for services and expenses
frequently included on invoices. The following backup documentation is
required to be kept on file by the Provider. This documentation must be
submitted to the Commission immediately upon request by the Commission
for verification of expenditures.
a) Personnel costs - salary reimbursement requests for employees paid on a
time/rate basis must be documented by a time sheet(s) that at a minimum
include(s) the following:
(1) time period worked,
(2) actual hours worked or on approved leave,
(3) type of leave used,
(4) method of payment (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.),
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(5) rate of pay for the pay period,
(6) number of hours approved for payment per pay period by the contract,.
(7) total salary cost, and
(8) signature of the employee and supervisor.
Individual time sheets must be kept for each employee.
b} Payroll registers must at a minimum include:
(1) the payroll check number used for this expenditure,
(2) the date payment was made, and
(3) a list of fringe benefits. Fringe benefits must have the following docu-
(a) requests for reimbursement of federal payroll taxes (FICA) are to be
documented by copies of receipts of deposit from the bank or a copy of
the Federal Quarterly Payroll Tax Form (U.S. 941) plus copies of front
and back of the canceled check( s) for the payment,
(b) other fringe benefits require the invoice, list of participants and cost for
participants paid under this contract (e.g., Worker's Compensation, Un-
employment Compensation, Health Insurance), and copies of both
sides of the canceled check(s) for the payment
c} Postage and Reproduction Expenses
(1) Invoices or receipts must support purchases made from outside ven-
(2) Purchases for all in-house postage (Le., metered) and reproduction
expenses must be supported by usage logs or similar documentation.
d} Expenses. (Office supplies, printing, long distance telephone calls, etc.) A
receipt is required for all expenses of this nature. If rent or lease of space
is included, a copy of the lease will be required as well as the total square
footage being charged to the contract.
I. Special Provisions
A. Contract Renewals
1. This contract may be renewed on a yearly basis not to exceed two (2) years
beyond the initial contract. Such renewal shall be contingent upon satisfac-
tory performance evaluations and compliance with prior contracts as de-
termined by the Commission and shall be subject to the availability of funds.
2. The dollar amount and the manner in which the costs for the second and/or
third year renewals will be used, must be approved by the Commission prior
to execution or implementation of such renewals.
3. Renewals will require increased matching funds from the Provider according
to the schedule of increasing matching funds requirements determined by the
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Commission. The Commission reserves the right to reduce or waive required
increases in matching funds if it determines, in its sole judgment, that doing
so is in the best interest of the state of Florida and the programs funded by
the Commission.
4. The Provider is responsible for providing a revised AmeriCorps proposal (ap-
plication) prior to the signing of a renewal contract. The Commission will for-
mally notify the Provider of the submission due dates for the renewal pro-
posal, which will include, at a minimum:
a) documentation of satisfactory performance under this contract;
b) an updated community needs assessment that clearly demonstrates con-
tinuing need for the services to be contracted;
c) documentation of continuing community support for the program;
d) a revised or updated program plan;
e) a revised or updated budget and budget narrative.
5. Each renewal shall be confirmed in writing with a new contract and shall be
subject to the same terms and conditions set forth in the original contract, un-
less modified and agreed upon by both parties.
8. AmeriCorps Provisions
The Provider agrees to conduct all program activities in compliance with the National
and Community Service Trust Act of 1993, the Corporation for National Service
AmeriCorps Provisions, the provisions of the Florida Commission on Community
Service Request for Proposals, and the policies and procedures established by the
Commission for the management of Florida's AmeriCorps Programs.
The Commission will provide a copy of these documents.
C. Program Name
The Provider may not change the program name as listed in Section I of this contract
without the prior written approval of the .Commission.
D. Contact Protocol
The primary contact for all matters relating to this program shall be the Commission
staff listed in Section III.C of the Standard Contract, unless otherwise specified in
writing by the Commission. The Commission's primary contact person will notify the
Provider in writing of alternative contacts should he/she not be available.
E. Appeal Process
The Provider agrees to comply with the appeal policy and procedure stated in the
Florida AmeriCorps Program Directors Handbook.
F. Sustainability
It is understood that the funding provided by the Commission for this program is
"seed money" to be used by the Provider to initiate a program, with the assis-
tance of the Commission, that will eventually be funded and managed locally,
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with minimal federal funds or responsibility for the program. To this purpose the
Provider agrees to make a good faith effort to develop resources that will be ap-
plied to the future operation of this program. Resources that are acquired during
the course of this contract will be reported to the Commission.
G. Disaster Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and/or Mitigation
The Corporation for National Service (under agreement with the Federal Emergency
Management Agency) and the Commission (under agreement with the Florida De-
partment of Community Affairs Division of Emergency Management) requires the
availability of AmeriCorps Members to be assigned to provide assistance in dis-
aster preparedness, response, recovery, and/or mitigation activities.
As part of its commitment to community service, the provider agrees to train its mem-
bers, volunteers, and staff to assist in disaster preparedness, response, recovery
and mitigation activities. The types of events that could impact Florida include hurri-
canes, tornadoes, floods, other weather related events and man-made events, such
as hazardous materials accidents. Program members, volunteers, and staff, based
on the nature of the program, will be trained to assist with any of the following activi-
ties: community preparedness education, shelter operations, mass feeding, debris
removal, community outreach, and other disaster recovery related activities. Pro-
gram members and volunteers may be requested to provide assistance anywhere in
the state of Florida. Provider staff and AmeriCorps Members shall work under the di-
rection and control of the Provider and shall not be considered volunteers to FEMA,
DCA or OEM for purposes of Chapter 11 O(IV) F.S. .
Requests for disaster preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation assistance will
be made on behalf of the Florida Govemor's State Coordinating Officer through
the Commission's Director of Emergency Management Operations after consulting
with the state Corporation for National Service office disaster coordinator. All re-
lated activities undertaken by a program will be done in cooperation with the local
office of emergency management. Expenses incurred as a result of provider activi-
ties related to disaster preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation will be
reimbursed according to State of Florida and Federal regulations. Non-profit enti-
ties responding in times of disaster may request reimbursement from the Federal
Emergency Management Agency. Up to 75% of eligible expenses may be reim-
bursed. The State of Florida, on a disaster specific basis, may cover the remaining
25% of eligible expenses for private non-profit entities. Providers responding at the
request of the State Coordinating Officer would be eligible for reimbursement of
disaster related expenses. The Commission will fumish the provider with additional
information about expenditure reimbursement.
Training costs will not be reimbursable unless arrangements are made in advance.
The Commission is in the process of identifying low and no cost training opportu-
nities statewide and will provide this information to the Providers.
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Ex A ;,jJl '-I- g Pap dO 1 ;;;L /
Attachment II
2000-20001 AmeriCorps Budget and Budget
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(eNS mu. 67%)
~j. hlb/ f- D /JtLp- ;1/ 'l v'll
....... ~~...
Budget FY lJu/O1 Attachment II
Period Covered: 01/01/01 12/31/01
Commission Recipient Recipient Total Outlays
Federal Funds Cash In-Kind
Match Match
168.480.00 65.520.00 0.00 234,000.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
168.480.00 65,520.00 0.00 234,000.00
12,889.00 5.012.00 0.00 17,901.00
7.65% 7.65% #OIVIOI
4.760.00 1,851.00 0,00 6,611.00
0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00
9,979.00 3.881.00 0,00 13,860.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
196,108.00 I 76,264.00 I 0.00 I 272,372.00 I
72"/. 28"/. DY.
(max.85%) (min,15"/.)
0.00 0.00 6,560.00 6,560.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 6,560.00 6,560.00
0"1. 0"1. 100"/.
(max.67%) (min.33"1.)
102.543.00 0.00 97.226.00 199.769.00
29.737.00 0.00 1,618,00 31,355.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00
132,280.00 0.00 98,844.00 231,124.00
57% 0"1. 4J%
250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00
2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00
1.772.00 500.00 6,400,00 8,672.00
1,750.00 1,000.00 4,524.00 7,274.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3,267,00 1,187.00 15,500.00 19,954.00
9,039.00 2,687.00 26,424.00 38.150.00
24"1. 7Y. 69%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
141,319.00 I 2,687.00 I 131.828.00 I 275,834.00 I
10,123.00 0.00 29,826.00 39,949.00
10,123.00 0.00 29.826.00 39,949.00
25"1. 0% 75%
151,442.00 I 2,687.00 I 155,094.00 I 309,223.00 J
49"1. 1% 50%
(mal<. SO%) (min. SO"/.)
151,442.00 I 2.687,00 I 161,654.00 I 315,783.00 I
48% 1./. 51%
347,550.00 I 78,951.00 I 161,654.00 I 588,155.00 I
~ I ('
FY 00/01
Grantee Agency: 5t Pete Junior College
Site ID: 00ASCFL0101001
A. Member Support Costs:
# of Members-FT ~6
# of Members-PT8
# of Members-2yr PT 0
# of Members-Summer 0
FICA (7.65%)
Worker's Compensation
Altemative Health Care
AmeriCorps Health Care
Other (Specify in Budget Narrative)
(eNS max. 85%)
B. Other Member Support Costs:
Training & Education
Other (Specify in Budget Narrative)
C. Staff:
Other (Specify in Budget Narrative)
D. Operational:
Corporation Sponsored Meeting
Supplies (including Service Gear)
Local Transporation
Other (Specify in Budget Narrative)
E. Internal Evaluation I Monitoring:
Subtotal B-E (in dollar amounts)
F. Administration:
Program may not exceed 4% of CNS funds
Total C-F (in dollar amounts)
Porconl'gos: (CNS max. 50"/.)
Total B-F (in dollar amounts)
Total A-F (in dollar amounts)