AGREEMENT RE COMPUTER PROCESSING OPERATIONS -,. , I I AGREEMENT Tl:..:s J'.:J,";:';;~C;!'L., l.hd:~u,..ld.. (..u i;lvJ...lua ;)'Lututes 16.'>.01, the Florida lnterlocal Cooperation Act ?f 1969, is eIltercd into this 1 st day of January , 1976, by and between the City Qf Clearwater, Florida, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called the "City," and the District Board of Trustees, the St. Petersburg Junior College, hereinafter called SPJC. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, both the City and SP.JC have need to use an elec- tronic computer for processing information in their day-to-day activities; and WHEREAS, after a thorough examination of the problems and benefits of a shared computer operation, both the City and SPJC conclude that a shared computer operation will be m~tually advan- .tagcous; and WHEREAS, SPJC currently has contracted with Burroughs Corporation for a Burro~ghs B-3700 Computer System which lias suffjcjpnt c2l:::acity tc handle tot~!Ulc: CiLy'S aHa SP,TC:s computer needs which hay c been identified fox the foreseeable fUtUl'C; and WHEREAS, both the City and SPJC desire to establish an . agreement for computer services, whel'eby the Ci ty will be pro- vided computer services by SPJC in return for payment for said services and for provision of related datCl- input services for SPJC as' agreed upon herein: NOW 1 THEREl~ORIJ, THE P ARTIE~ AGnEE AS FOLLOWS: I. SPJC agrees to maintain at least its present computer capa- bility for a period of five years from the date of this agrce- .ment, and to process the City's electronic computer applica- tions, whether input data is pYe~arcd for batchmode processing i . I I A. The City shall have computer availability fifteen hours per day (first anu second shift) Monday through Friday, for the 2-l3 SPJC \'Jorking days each year; computer avail- ability for the purposes of this contract to mean shared access to the computer with SPJC, utilizing the computor. operations personnel of SPJC, sufficient to provide prompt response for data processing applications. It is also agreed that the SPJC computer shall be available for City use ~f necessary during third shift, weekend, and SPJC holidays provided that the City compensates SPJC for any operations personnel costs incurred. B. It is the intent of this Agreement that the SPJC com- puter processing operations will run all City computer applications promptly, generally consistent with the preliminary processing schedule attached to this Agree- ment, or as modified by the E.D.P. Control Committee established under paragraph III of this Agreement; how- ever, in circumstances which may cause a deviation from the agreed upon processing schedule, the following response or turn-around time limits are specifically established as maximum tolerances which will not be exceeded: 1. Batch Processing: Maximum turn-around time from receipt at SPJC Data Center on Clearwater Campus of computer-ready cards or tape: 24 hours, not including weekends or SPJC holidays. 2. Data Communications Terminals On-Line Responses: Maximum response time will not exceed 20 seconds. However, in case of computer system failure or Acts of God which inhibit or eliminate the computing capabilities of the SPJC Data Center, these limitfi may h~ rrrrrrlrrl I I C. The current computer capacity of SPJC is adequate to handle all present applications of both SPJC and the City, providing acceptable responses; however, it is possible that future applications of the City and/or . SPJC may cause the need to upgrade processing capacity in order to provide acceptable response times. It is agreed that acquisition of additional computer equip- ment will be in accordance with the following principles: 1. For additional computer equipment (exclusive of. central processing unit and main memory) solely for the use of either the City or SPJC, the decision to acquire such equipment shall be made at that party's discretion. 2. Where additional applications by either party shall cause the need for upgrading of the central processing unit or main memory to provide acceptable response times, said expenditures shall be shared by the City and SPJC. The decision to upgrade the central pro- cessing unit or main memory, as well as the arrange- ment for sharing the additional cost, shall be subject to. approval of the E.D.P. Committee.. 3. It is possible that inclusion of additional agencies on the SPJC computer may cause increased savings together with the need to upgrade central processing uriit or main memory capacity. Before any additional agency is included on the SPJC computer, an affirma- tive recommendation of the E.D.P. Committee, as estab- lished in paragraph III of this Agreement and final approval by the SPJC District Board of Trustees shall be necessary. The intent of requiring an affirmative ,"pr-nmnlnnM!1't-;f"'\T'l ;c +f"\ >:lCc.:l'")""A '11"'\ ~rll1;t-'..'}h'l-~ rl;ct-,....il",lr;r\n I t-h"t- {"'AC+ c'h"ll hn hA,..n~ h" C:PTr' I 3 . I I It is agreed that the purchase of computer paper, cards, magnetic tape, or printer ribbon will be made in the most cost-effective manner, to be decided by the E.D.P. Com- mittce, and that each party will pay for such supplies actually used at cost. &aid payment to be treated as an addition or deduction from tIle variable portion of the City's cost each month. 4. An important consideration of tllis Agreement relates to the assumption by the City of the SPJC data entry require- ment~, and to the provision by SPJC of secured work space for the City at the computer center on Clearwater campus of SPJC, specified as follows: 'a. The.City will provide data entry service for SPJC, guaranteeing a prompt response time (maximum tolerance of 24 hours from receipt of source documents to pro- vision of keypunched cards or tape, not including week- ends or City holidays). The response time limitation shall depend on a relatively evenly distributed load throughout the normal workweek of the City. It IS further agreed that the estimate of .9 of a data entry operator represents tIle upper limitation of commitment from the City for this service. Should more time be necessary, the City shall be allowed to deduct the appro- priate portion of the data entry cost from'its montllly payment to SPJC. Should less than .9 of a data entry operator be necessary for preparing SPJC data entry for a consistent period of 6 months (thus allowing the City to alter its staffing level of data entry tech- nicians), the full saVIngs shall be passed on to SPJC via an increase in the variable monthly payment to SPJC. b. SPJC will make available to the City a secured workroom I I In addition, SPJC will provide not less than three parking spaces for City Data Processing person- nel adjacent to the SPJC Computer Center on its Clear- water campus. III. An Electronic Data Processing Control Committee (B.D.P. Committee) will be established as follows: two representatives of the City, to be appointed annually by the City Manager; two representatives of SPJC to be appointed annually by the President; and one person~ knowledgeable in data processing, not related to either the City or SPJC, to be appointed annually by the four members. The fifth person will serve as a volunteer without pay except for any out- of-pocket costs which will be shared equally between the City and SPJC. The Committee shall meet as often as necessary but not less than once each month. The fifth member shall attend at least one meeting each quarter. It is agreed that the function of the E.D.P. Committee is to resolve problems of coordination and interpretation in matters related to this Agreement; however, the E.D.P. Committee shall not have power to alter this Agreement. Any alterations to this Agreement shall be subject to approval by the governing boards of the two parties. IV. It is agreed that selected SPJC Data Processing personnel shall have ready access to the City's Data Entry supervisor; and that selected City Data Processing personnel shall have ready access to the SPJC Data Processing facilities. In action taken pursuant to this Agreement, the City shall be liable for any damages caused by its personnel, whether authorized or unauthorized, to SPJC computer equipment or to any ether SPJC property; in actions taken pursuant to this Agreement, SPJC shall be liable for any damages caused by its personnel, whether author- I I v. There shall be at all times a written processing schedule, showing the Jlormal runs of City and SPJC applications, and the City will be provided a statement of run time by job. It IS the intent of this Agreement that application priorities will be established by both the City and SPJC and high ptiority applications from both the City and SPJC will not compete for computer time with lower priority applications. It is also the intent of this Agreement that system development computer requirements will be met within the overill priority schedule. Questions of interpretation of processing priorities shall be resolved by the E.D.P. Committee, or its designee(s), as mentioned In paragraph III of this Agree- ment. VI. It is agreed that computerized information processing IS of criti- cal consequence to both the City and'SPJC, and that an information processIng failure, beyond the tolerances provided for in this Agreement, can cause actual monetary. damages. Therefore, it is agreed that both parties shall'have right to claim actual monetary damages caused by a failure to comply with the terms of this Agree- ment. Both p ~rties shall carry insurance to cover monetary damages, Under no circumstances shall monetary damages exceed $50,000 per incident. VII. It is agreed that the SPJC will at all times maintain a back-up processing site which, in the event that the SPJC computer is inoper.ative, will guarantee the maximum response times for cri tical applications as may be defined by the E.D.P. Committee described in paragraph III of this Agreement. VIII. SPJC will provide confidentiality of computer files and security of all City data supplies and equipment kept at the SPJC Computer Center by showing proof to the E.D.P. Committee's satisfaction 1"'\+ c:.n Tr C~""'1""''; i-,y V'\,............,..I""lt,,..1,,,,...r..ro ____r1.?-...; _......"'1 ,...~._____....:1...__... ,..,.......;:] .......1........,.....: .........1 I I IX. It is agreed that any utilization of the SPJC computer for student training, either running student programs or training of student operators, will be done only during a specified time at which all City applications and files are.physically removed from the compu- ter and stored in a secured storage area, not avai lab Ie to student personnel. X. It is agreed that this Agreement shall run for five years, but it can be terminated for any reason by either party with no less than one year's written notice. However, both parties may agree to terminate this Agreement at any time. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: rhe parties hereto, being authorized to represent their respec- tive agencies, have caused this Agreement to be effective the day and year first above written. Countersigned: CITY OF CLEARWATER,FLO~IDA By ~/~'7;~/~4~i~ Mayor-Commiss ioner () ..~ C~'/jy. ,M_ ' , ~~ ~ L~J21~ v~Ci ty Clerk ZJ Approy# a.,S,.".t.o.fQ.:rm and correctness: c{fN/;(t-)~,~/~ , .' ::L ty ~ torney . ~ .. L '~~-'A~ t<~C ~ ~ as to te C y ST. PETERSBURG JUNIOR COLLEGE By%/f; "'~ Chairman, DIS,' iet Board~'ot" Trustees - By I?C~~~~ -~~_ Presl ent --'- ' Witnesses: Approved as to form and correctnc: ~~~~~\Ww"~~' '_. Attorney for Dlstrict~ or Trustees IcmlPUTERBATCII P{\OCESSING I SCIIEDULE CITY OF CLEAHvJATEH/ST. 1'1':TEltS!HmG JUNIOlt COLLEGE AS OF JANUARY 1, 1 ()7 6 /\GE~~CY JO'1 I~MlE H 'T' \,] P. F 1 ~ 125 125 125 125 125 30 30 30 30 30 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 - 275 275 275 275 275 .' 90 90 90 90 90 105 105 105 105 105 30 30 30 30 30 11 : 5~ -. - 11: 50 U:50 11: 50 11 : SO i , I 30 30 I ~--'--- I~. 5 If 5 r -- 1:15 1:15 30 30 20 120 140 60 25 90 90 12/\ lJJ_):CIIEDULE: CITY tJTJ.LlTLES PAp.nNG BUDGETAP.Y PJC UTILITIES: CYCLE A CYCLE B SPJC --- ACCOUNTING SOLAR (On-Line Reporting) DAILY HOUSEKEEPING sun TOTAL - DAILY san '.iEElCLY SCHEDULE: CITY UTILITY FINALS UTILITY RESTRUCT SUB TOTAL - SEm-\~EEKLY ill.!~5L Y SCJi.~DULE: CITY UTILITY HETEf. TAGS BUDGETARY PJC PAYROLL POLlCE ACTIVITY STonES SPJC ACCOUNTIl~G j.!El~GES SOLAR STATISTICS SOLAR - DUE [[\01-1 ? I SPJC !\DVANCED ~;T/'.N))ING CONTINUING EDUCATION ACCOUNTING TRIAL BALANCE sun TOT/.L - HEEKLY Bl..\.JFEKLY .';CllEDllLE CITY PAYROLL SPJC PAYROLL GRADE CHANGES (15th... 30th NonLh SUH TOTAL - BI \VEEl~LY Tn -HONTHLY SCHFDllLE CITY GEL (5th & 18th of mo.) TRIAL BALANCE (5th & 18th of month) SUB TOTAL - BI-l'lONTHLY NONTI1LY SCHEDULE CITY oeL (4th day of month) PJC (10th day of Qonth) :90 UTILITIES (1st day of month) :20 BUDGETARY (lath day of month) : 18 SOC. ADJ. (3rd day of month) :30 PENSION pIR (24th day of month) :60 ACCIDENTS UPDATE (10th day of month):15 ACCIDENT REPORTS (15th day of month):45 POLICE REPORT ( 10th dllY of month) :15 POLlCE REPORT (15 th day of month) :45 STORES (28th day of ;1\ontl1) : 90 CAP. PIWl'ER.TY ( 5th day of month) :45 SPJC PAYROLL ACCOUNTING SUB TOTAL - HONTIILY 15:00 I-I . 'I' \,1 It F : 30 -~...".,,-' --~--"---"-''"--- -,-...-- --...."--~--~........._...._,.,- : 105 I . 30 30 :30 3:15 2:25 1:00 '.: 00 2/.f0 150 30 -....,..-, :30 2:30 I.: 00 30 30 30 30 1:00 1:00 C C 90 360 360 360 360 360 6:00 6:00 7:30 &:00 6:00 -2 CITY CITY CITY SPJC CITY. SPJC CITY . ill'!l.'IT'~jl,:U (,!,! :n,lU :'~ I POLICE i:EPOlnING (J 0 Lh of 11lon t:h) sun TOTAL .. qUP,HTEltLY SE!H IIt::;IlIlL ~;Cl\EDULE UTILITY DEPOSITS (JAN. JULY) BUDGET 1'ltEI'AI'.A TlO:i (OCT. ~ APRIL) sun TOTAL .. SE!11 MmUAL ANNUAL SCHEDULE PAYIWLL ADJUS'nlENT PAYROLL \~-2 PAYROLL l.)()RK. COl,n"). PAYROLL EARN. ACCIDEUTS POLICE REPORT. STORES CATALOG PAYllOLL SUB TOTAL JAN. BUDGET GRADE m::PORTll~G SUB TOTAL HAY ACCOUNTING SUH TOTAL JULY oeL/ocp GRADE I\EPOItTING sun TOTAL JULY T I H I ---'-F ____-- ~ 30 : 30 JAN 100 45 30 30 45 45 30 180 8:30 ~IAY 90 720 13: 30 JULI 1.400 40~00 Aue 105 300 (, ~ l. 5 <~.. 1:30 H 60 90 90 1:00 1:00 1:30 l{ F 60 , . ..,.. . . I .SEt- I 30 300 6:30 OCT. 14LI0 2L,: 00 ~. 720 12:00 ill1 OCL DELINQ. SPJC \:EGlSTltATJm-i HEPOllTING sun TO'i'AL SEP. SP,JC COST ANALYSIS SUB TOTAL OCT. SPJC GRADE REPORTING SUB TOTAL DEC. PROCESSING REQUIRED AS NEEDED: CITY UTILITIES CROSS REFERENCE 120 OCL LIST 180 STonES INV. 30 SPJC TEST SCORING (Daily) 30 COURSE OFFERING BUILDS (3times yr) 60 - ! -4-