AGREEMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OF PINELLAS AND ADDEMDUM to." , I ;; .i~ THIS AGREDfEIIT, Made and entered into this 8th day of March 1961, by and between CITY OF CLEARWATER, norida, a municipal corporation, here- inafter called City, and THE BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter called Board, WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the state Board of Education of the State ot norida did, through its Sites and Survey Comaittee, recomaend, in July of 1959, to the Board that the Board acquire a site in upper Pinelias County for the erection of an addition to the presently existing St. Petersburg Junior College plant, said site to be used for the purpose of serving upper county junior college students now attending St. Petersburg Junior College and those expected to enroll froDl the upper county area, and WHEREAS, the St. Petersburg Junior College facility is rapidly filling to the capacity of its present caapus and the said junior college now has over six hundred students frcB the upper Pinellas County area who could be attending the St. Petersburg Junior College addition in Clearwater if such already existed, and WHEBEAS, the Board of Public Instru.ction is presently operating an extension of the St. Petersburg Junior College at Clearwater High School which serves 22 classes with 360 students enrolled in our Junior College and Adult Progras, which would be considered a part of an already-existing program in the City of Clearwater, and WHEREAS, the present enroll.Jlent in the high schools, junior high schools, and eleaentary schools of Pinellas County indicate that the St. Petersburg Junior College can over the next few years expect an increase in its student body beyond the saturation point of its present campus, and the present CUlpus cannot be expanded in the iJalaediate area because no additional adjacent or proxiJlate land is available for such expansion, and WHEBEAS, the Ci"t1' i8 desirous of having the addition to the St. Petersburg Junior College located in its co.aunity, and ~ I I ~~ ;,. ~ has been made available for acquisition by 'the Board, which said site is directly across the s'treet fral a forty-acre tract of land presently owned by the Board, which site has previously been designa'ted by the Boardaa suitable for a junior college addi'tion, and also said forty- acre tract has been approved by the Sites and SUIVey Team as appropriate for jun10r college purposes, prov1ded land in addition 'to the forty-acre tract could be acquired adJacent or in prox1m1'ty 'thereto, BOW THEREFORE In cons1deration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. If 'the Board purchases the above-descr1bed 'trac't of land for the SUll of TWO HUImRED FD'TI THOlEAlm FIVE Bl1BDRED DOLLARS ($250,500.00), the City will pay on HUImRED TWDTI-SEVD THOUSAIm DOLLARS ($121,000.00) of the purcbase price, paying TWEITY -SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($21,000.00) in cash a't the 'time of closing of the purchase, and ONE HUNDRED THOUSAWD DOLLARS ($100,000.00) in tour annual payments of TWEBTI-FIVE THOUSAKD DOLLARS ($25,000.00) each; and 'the Board will pay the balance of 'the purchase price, 1.e., on BUlIDRED TWDTI-THREE THOUSABD FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($123,500.00) in a lI&Imer to be de'tel'lllined when the con'tract for plr chase is negot1ated between the Board and the seller. 2. T.I:le Board will, upon acquis1'tion ot sa1d site, erect an addit10n to the S't. Petersburg Junior College thereon, said constl'tlct10n to c01llll8nce as SOOJlas 'the funds are made available by the Legislature of the state of Florida. 3. The City will, upon the execution of this agreement, 1mme- diately ask the C1rcui t Court tor a declaratory decree to de'tem1ne its right to enter 1nto such an agrecmen't with the Board and to expend such funds tor the acquisition of laDd for school purposes, and it 1s expressly understood and agreed 'tha't, should the Court detel1l1ne the C1'ty 1s 110't so authorized, 'then 'tMs agreeaen't shall be null and void. h ......... f"'''+'U' '"" .. of/' +h.. a .,.........___..+ of ~ 8"'1"'W"\.""""".....A lot..r .'ha f"t... 'WW'It.'II..c.... !"". ~ ,;.. "';J' I I !If w.rI'IESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. ...............' no:rt~_~,'~_ proved as to form q~~ City Attorney THE :BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OF PIlIELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA B7 C c( 4-L-, '2 Chairsan ~ Atte.t ~~..; ~~a:.J As to C Y ~~ As to Board . ~ . I I ~ ADDENDUM THIS ADDENDUM made and entered into this 1 st day of April, 1961, between the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called City, and THE BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter called Board, shall be in addition to and shall be made a part thereof of that certain Agreement between the said parties, dated March 8, 1961, WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City to give the sum of $127,000.00 in five annual installments in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in numbered paragraph 1, page 2 of said Agree- ment, and WHEREAS, there is a remote possibility that the Legislature of the State of Florida will not appropriate the monies necessary to construct the Clearwater Branch of the St. Petersburg Junior College either in the current session of the Legislature or during the 1963 session of the Florida Legislature, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Board agrees that if construction on the Clearwater Branch of the St. Petersburg Junior College has not been started on or before September 1, 1963, the monies donated the Board by the - - City, plus interest at a reasonable rate, shall be returned forthwith to ,....~.L _ r-- ____ .... r., n. I r nl ~:--' , . I I ~ . ~ .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF ~ the parties hereto have executed this Addendum the day and year first above written. Attest: ~..~~ . y G.lerk -; ,~,. .-:-- ,'---" . .. ~~.,- >-:: Approv~d 'as."to' i0r~:- and correcmess: ~~ In the presence of: ~~~ ~~ ~/~ As 0 CIty I e ~C(-./~ .~f~0::~{: ^.....L_U____.-1 CITY OF CLEAR WATER, FLORIDA Counter signed: THE BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUC TION OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA By (3{~ r 4L~ t Chairman J/ lJJf/~ ~J?d. Seer etary '/ /,1 , Attest: