04/10/2003 (2)i
I ? Date_
April 10, 2003 .
Present: Whitney Gray
John Lee
Tom Jensen
Hoyt. P. Hamilton
Frank Hibbard
Nathan Hightower
John Schmalzbauer
Also Present: Joe Roseto
Scott Christiansen
Leslie Dougall-Sides
Sara DeBella
Brenda Moses
The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at City Hail.
,To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
ITEM #2 - Selection Of Chair and Vice-Chair
Member Hamilton nominated Acting Chair Gray as Chair. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
Member Schmalzbauer nominated Member Lee for-Vice-Chair. The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously.
Human Resources Director Joe Roseto said staff would confirm the terms for Chair and
ITEM #3 - Approval of Minutes of March 13, 2003
Member Jensen requested that paragraph six, page 4, sentence three read "...Mr.
Willoughby does not meet..."
Member Hibbard moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 13,
2003, as changed. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. .
ITEM #4 - Employees to be heard --- None.
ITEM #5 - Action Items:
a. Review.and Action on Employee Requests for Years of Service Pensions:
Acting Chair/Commissioner
Committee Member
Committee Member
Committee Member/Commissioner
Committee Member/Commissioner
Committee Member
Committee Member
Human Resources Director
Pension Advisory Committee Attorney
Assistant City Attorney
Human Resources Analyst
Board Reporter
1. Fred Aust, Solid Waste Department ,
2. Howard Wister, Engineering Department
Pension Advisory 2003-0410
3. Kenneth Fairchild, Police Department
4. Joseph Colbert, Fire Department
5. Samuel Garrett, Police Department
Member Schmalzbauer moved to approve Years of Service Pensions for Fred Aust,
Howard Wister, Kenneth Fairchild, Joseph Colbert, and Samuel Garrett.' The motion was duly
seconded and carried unanimously. .
b. Approval of New Hires as Plan Members:
As of March 27, 2003, the City-had 1744.01 FTEs out of 1844.9 budgeted positions.
Member Hamilton moved to accept the following employees into membership in the
Pension Plan:
Pension Elig.
Name, Job. Class, & Dept./Div. Hire Date Date
Timothy Murch, Senior Marine Lifeguard/Marine & Aviation 2/22103 2122103
Micah Maxwell, Management Intern/City Manager 3110103 3/10103
Sergo Alexandre, Firefighter/Fire 3/10/03 3110103
Michael Dellavolpe, Firefighter/Fire 3110103 3110103
Mark Eggers, Firefighter/Fire 3110103 3110103
Mark Herny, Firefighter/Fire 3110103 3110103
Gregory Record, Firefighter/Fire 3/10103 3/10103
John Savage, Firefighter/Fire 3/10103 3110103
Christian Schuele, Firefighter/Fire 3110103 3110/03
Adam Siegel, Firefighter/Fire 3110103 3110103
Steve Wilensky, Firefighter/Fire 3110103 3110103
Michele Williams, Firefighter/Fire 3110103 3110103
Floyd Thurman, Mechanic II/Solid Waste/General Services 3125103 3125103
Christopher Jenkins, Recreation Leader/Parks & Recreation 3124103 3124103
Clifford Fisher, Police Recruit/Police 3124103 3124103
Bryan Berry, Planner/Planning 3/17103 3/17103
Michael Reynolds, Senior Planner/Planning 3124103 3/24103
Ronald Gideon, Risk Management Specialist/Finance 3/24103 3124103
The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
0 discuss the merits of a particular item, which would then be forwarded to the unions and
ITEM #6 - Pending/New Business
a. Discussion of Pension Changes
Human Resources Director Joe'Roseto said at a previous meeting, Member Jensen had
requested discussion of this item.
In response to a question, Mr. Roseto said staff reviewed the proposed pension plan '
changes and placed asterisks where there might be some potential bargaining issues. The PAC
could bring forward proposals regarding changes to the employees' pension plan and could
Pension Advisory 2003-0410
management for collective bargaining discussions.
'Member Jensen expressed concern about the composition of the Investment Committee.
He said meetings are not governed by Sunshine laws and are informal. He said attendance is
inconsistent and anyone who wishes to attend meetings is welcome. He also expressed
concern about the disposition of previously proposed pension plan changes.
In response to a question, Finance Director Margie Simmons said the employees'
pension plan states the City's Finance Director is to serve as Treasurer for the Pension
Trustees. She explained how the Investment Committee was formed. She said the Investment
Committee has included a union representative from each of the unions, the Finance Director,
Assistant Finance Director, and the Cash and Investments Manager as the main participants in
Investment Committee meetings. Ms. Simmons also appoints various Finance staff to attend
meetings for training purposes. The Trustees make the final decisions regarding Investment
Committee recommendations. In response to a question, she said the Investment Committee is
not a formal subcommittee of the Trustees. There are agendas for Investment Committee
meetings. The committee meets quarterly and minutes are taken. During meetings, the
Committee reviews items such as the performance of consultants, review of investment reports,
hears presentations by money managers, discusses current and future market conditions and
the need for additional investment managers, discusses if rebalancing of funds are needed, and
other related issues.
A remark was made that it is appropriate for the three City staff members to bring the
recommendations to the PAC and Trustees. It was felt that people on the Investment
Committee would specifically need to be trained in this field if the Committee is expanded
® beyond what it is now. It was remarked that consideration should be given to whether or not
® there is a specific task the PAC or Trustees feels the Committee should be charged with, and
the focus should be on the overall performance of the Pension Plan.
In response to a question, Mr. Jensen said employee Investment Committee membership
should involve an open election to include one or two residents and an employee to represent
each group. He expressed concern about the amount of time being spent between the three
committees (Investment Committee, PAC and Trustees). He said there seems to be a'reliance
on a single person to drive the recommendations that are presented to the Trustees.
In response to a question, Mr. Roseto said staff had distributed a list of proposed pension
plan changes dated May 2002; which included a sheet of union proposals. The list included
proposals that the Pension Attorney had brought forth. The proposals in parentheses marked
"union proposal" were brought forward by the unions. He said those items were discussed in a
bargaining session. Mr. Roseto said staff attempted to develop a chart'to try to give'the PAC a
way to sift through some of the proposed changes.
In response to a question, Mr. Roseto said the PAC has the ability to bring forth
proposals to the pension plan. Mr. Roseto said Mr. Jensen's suggestion to formalize the
Investment Committee would require a change to the pertinent City ordinance. In response to a
question, Mr. Roseto said the City is in the process of bargaining with one of the bargaining units
and beginning to bargain with another unit. Human Resources staff and other members of the
City staff participate in those bargaining sessions. He did not now the timeframes for the
sessions and the ability to re-visit the pension plan changes that were proposed in May 2002.
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Pension Attorney Scott Christiansen said the former Human Resources Director and
union representatives met several times regarding revisions to the Pension Plan provisions and
developed a generally accepted draft to submit to the PAC. When the draft came before the
PAC, it was felt that a formal recommendation from the union was needed. At the same time,
the union wanted to talk about benefit improvements, therefore the draft of proposed pension
plan changes was postponed. Mr. Christiansen said apparently, there was a breakdown on the
negotiations with respect to benefit improvements. Mr. Christiansen said the draft included input
from a lot of sources, including employee unions and staff. In response to a question, Ms.
Simmons said she disagreed with some of them. She did not recall initiating any of the
It was suggested that Mr. Jensen submit a formal proposal regarding his suggestions
and expectations for discussion at the next meeting.
Mr. Schmalzbauer expressed concern that a pension policy that forces an employee to
wait until retirement to select a pension payout benefit has been an issue for several years. He
felt the employee should have the right to select their pension benefit the day the employee
becomes vested. Mr. Roseto referred to the current ordinance regarding survivorship benefits.
He said there have been some discussions and the City has no qualms about changing that
pension provision. It was remarked that even if an employee's situation changes, i.e. divorce,
etc., after the pension benefit is selected, the employee still has the ability to change it at a later
date prior to receiving the first benefit payment. It was suggested that Mr: Schmalzbauer
submit a formal proposal to the PAC regarding this matter. In response to a question, Mr.
® Christiansen said the change to this section of the pension plan has been delayed as part of the
other pending pension plan changes proposed.
ITEM #7 - Director's Reports
Mr. Roseto said forthcoming disability claims would be scheduled.
Chair Gray thanked staff for distributing pertinent materials to the PAC in a timely
manner. It was remarked that in order not to place an undue burden on employees, the PAC
generally schedules no more than two disability cases per meeting.
Cash & Investments Manager Steve Moskun said Northern Trust Bank, the Plan
custodian, has requested that the Trustees authorize by motion individuals who have the
authority to transfer funds with Northern.Trust. As an internal control function, two of the three
authorized individuals would have to approve a transfer.
Member Hightower moved to recommend that the Finance Director, Assistant Finance
Director, and the Cash & Investments Manager be authorized to transfer with Northern Trust,
the plan custodian. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM #8 - Committee Members to be heard
Mr. Lee thanked staff for sending PAC information to members' homes rather than
through interoffice mail.
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Mr. Jensen .requested the Investment Committee send the minutes of meetings out
i within two weeks of meetings. Ms. Simmons said staffing issues may prevent the completion
and mailing of minutes within that timeframe.
Member Jensen moved that Investment Committee agenda and minutes be published
on the City's web site. The motion was duly seconded.
Ms. Simmons said the Investment Committee is not an advisory board. She said
anything the committee does comes forward to the trustees, who make decisions regarding
committee recommendations. Ms. Simmons said she did not know the value of placing the
minutes on the web site due to the nature of the material discussed.
It was suggested that the PAC wait until receipt of Mr. Jensen's proposal regarding
formalization of the Investment Committee prior to posting the minutes on the web site. In
response to a question, Ms. Simmons said the annual summary plan regarding the pension is
mailed to all employees and retirees. She said minutes of meetings can be requested. It was
remarked as the pension plan meetings are considered public documents regardless of the
formality of the committee and should be made available to all employees.
Upon the vote being taken, Members Gray, Lee, Jensen, Hamilton, Hibbard, Hightower,
and Schmalzbauer voted "aye". Motion carried. .
In response to a question, Ms. Simmons said the actuary report is expected in May.
Mr. Jensen requested that an RFP (Request for Proposal) be offered for a City
consultant services for the pension plan. He said there are consultants that do not charge for
searches. He said he is concerned that employees' assets are being used for services that
could be free of charge. It was suggested that a formal agenda item and vote be considered
regarding this matter. In response to a question, Mr. Moskun said the City pension plan has
used Callan & Associates since 1982. Staff already has scheduled a timeframe for an RFP for
consultant services early this summer.
Mr. Jensen said.he would forward the names of five people interested in serving on the
PAC to the Human Resources Department.
ITEM #9 -- Adiournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:11 a.m.
Board Reporter
Pension Advisory 2003-0410
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