SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (165) "c I , d '!.",f; il~~~_ , :: :-; '- :.:: ~ "J': -: :.' . '. '\ll~!~:. '!\G!U;EHJ:U'l' I 00.... . CJflJ.- 1110.1..pos ~E 401 j~811 ---- . ~, . ~ !-~I':'" - -.. . \lutl' :~"7;' .;. "'JrI H ,4 2S "I ~ 'rillS ^G}\1~Dj}:IIT, lllil<1(~ ilnd entercd into this 8th duy of Dec. ,1971, 11}' and beth'een the CITY OF CLJ:^I~\lNl'r;R, FLOlo:n^, aJ;~ir'iICipul corpor.:~-rm\, 11c:r'einaftcl' referred to as "City"; und ROTHMOOR' ESTATES, INC., a Florida corp., llcl"cinaftcl" ref~rred to as "O'oJnei"l"-; HI'l'lJl:SSC'l'll ~ - HJJEREAS, t~hc Ot,mcI" 0\.;n5 - the fo110\.Jinl!.' described real property si t\lated 1.: the City of Cle.:n-'\-Jater',Pincllas County, Floi"ida: " Lots 22, 23 ,and 23A', B'lock Q, HIBISCUS GARDENS, acqording to p'lat thereof r~cordeti 'i~ Plat BOOk.14. ~'~~~~ii55'to 59 inclusive, publi~ rec.oJ;'ds. o~ - a:Hd .:i?,tnellas. cOFty~, F~of~Cj1~~4~<)LCli ,_,514 ,~~~rY" ~~~~iC+~e;~~~~:r:-,~, FlorJ.~a.) Wn:RE^S, Ordinance, No. J.7.19 of the City requires that all land that abut:: a public J:'i~ht. of \-]c1.y s h'hich is to have nC\-J construction on it , either' for residelYtial, con~mcreia1, industpial or oOWl"' purposes, shall have side\'Jc11ks constructed hy the O\vncX' on) across or 'adj~cqnt ther.cto; an~ \~HERE^S, the O\,mer is erecting" certain ncVI constY'uction on said propcr't~,1 Rnd ))o.s requested the City at this time not to rec!uil"e the - immediate install2;- tion and construction of sideY1ill}~s in connection thel"cHith; and HHEnEI\S, the O,.mCl"l has agreed that if in the future the City, ).n its sol:.: .discr'ction) determines that it is c.1dvisable and necccf;sary to have f;uch side~'lalks instal1eci, that the O\.mcn-" Hill,. upon notification by" the City) have side\.Jalks imrnediiltely installed at his ex-pense, and if he should fail to db ~~': t:hen the City may have said installu,tion made -.and impose a lien again,t_;t~:=the descpibcd real property for the 'cost thereof-f-' -'~-=-J . NOH, 'l'HEl~ErOTzE, in corHdderation of the foregoing premises and - othcp r-;oc~ and vcil\lable considcration between the p~rti8~, riceipt of which is hereby , ilC.l~uo\{;te,cJged ~~the pa"tiecs ]~~~;l:o lWoyc:rna.nt. and' agree" ~s. ~ollO\'ls: . ,"-i.'. ..' " '_. - " .1. The City "1ill not at this time r:equire the ins-tallC1tion and construction of sidewalks as part of the erection of tllC building and improvements by the Owner?ri the,above de~cribed,~eal property. 2,. The City T:'.cty at any time in c the future notify the O\mer', his h(~irs) per~9n~1 representatives, successors- or as~iEi)s that the City in its sole discretion has determined that it is advisilble and llecccssarv to have sidcwal~ installed in connect_ion Hi th said described rcal property. . 3. The OHneT: or his heirs , personal reprcsenatives', successors or aSS2-' shall at his e>:penr;e Hithin ninety (90) day~) from the notification by the Ci-:- }lavesidewalks installed for said described.real property in accordance with City specifications and standards as establi~;hed.' II. If the O,,'ner or his heir~; ~ person.:1]:- l"'epre~;cntiltives, successors 01"' assigns shall fa iJ to have side\.wJ.ks ins\:uJ.l(~cl f()r the described rCc:.l pro?cY'\ in accordance \.:ith City sDccifications 2nd st(~nc1arcJs ,.,ithin ninetv (0.0) deLVs fY'oln_tJ:Lc ngi.:ifici:~tion by the City, then the: City I1c1Y have the SicJ~\}c11]:s . ).nstalled and~iissei;~r-:~'!hcJ ilnp(){i.p:i~tl!ii~Mrn :a-ga.il+&L thc_d.csGr;'Jp.QLr.Qu1. E)~)p~~rty f., the cost of the "JorK. ".'. :_~ .... ..". -. 5. ,Thi~; (lr,r(~CTi1Cnt is to be l'(~r..:lrd"ed i1~; il coven,]J)"t punnins:; \-li t11' the li1I'~! l"'cr.in.'dle~~s of \lhcther it is [;pecifica11y l~:r.nt:ioncd :Ln i\ny deeds 0)"'- con\'cY<:lnc " }~ubscqu(; n t 1 y c;.:ecu tcd) and this agrc el:1Cnt sha 11 . he bind i.ng on cJ 11 pa r-t ies) l }Icil-..ss p(:rsonal rej)rescntatives, successo:t's ell'" cl.s.si~~J).s. .' 6. All notices pursuant to -this ar:,reer:-:cn{ shall he furnished to the :r'csl)cc:tive p<11...-ties ilt th(~ follO\-Jinr... (lcldrc~3~;(:~;) until l'ece:i.pt of 'v1ritten ).J)stl"'uctions- notify.inC the othc!' piU...ty of (t' c1iffcl-"(~nt (ldclrcss: Gity: Ouncr: 11r. lkrrctt l~. S'ticr'hei.m ROTHMoOR ESTATES, INC. City l~illlilf'/'!r 1270 Rogers Street P.o. Bo>: 'I '/ '18 . Clearwater, Florida 33516 C1C;II'\-liltc'r', l'lor,ul.'l 33S10 :;"t"~r, \', '-"-~-':) 'p' .' -~. ~i-t . i'; :i~", ~ t.V,_," t.or ','.. .;:~t(',.., r't. i). J30x 4/1 ~ ~J.eiii.l_w~a~e;:'t j~'~odda 33QJ.~. "~ ,-. ->~,." .'-;0-""," ,'''':' ~ " TH \n:rlll::;~: \.,1l1l:]~J:Cll' I Ihe: !'n)~t.1J::~ hC')~(.t() 11,1'.11.' C;:cC\ltcd th ~ ,1Y i:tlld yellr' J.,:\~;t ,lbovc \~r'ittclll C' )'1 <." ("(..1 __l \ ,I _' ro.'R..37n8'PAGE~U8 t:hc:-;e pr'c~;(:nl::; 1.1) ].,- rJ,()r~.l: ." y -C'i::CyI1itll-iYf;ci;-~-~ -.-.-- .. -,,_.... I'. I . _.",,:,,".~ ;.I:I"~ Ir:(,~.//~ ^ ttcst': ...... . ","" If oj ~; -.... " ~: D~p~~)if~ , .' . './ ... .I t I. (J hpprovec1 as to for'n1 cO).-'rcctness:. ~~~. 'City h1:tol'ncy f . . > 4 ~ ~ ~~ i t n e sse s :. I ;/. ." _ 7<~"C"~ ^s~~(c1t~~~ -/E-~5~'~'~/ --- . . ~ /1.... ~/ :J; _ J ~ By ---, 0\:1118):' - ....~ ~. ' "\" .:.'". '..'<''''" ',- =.....w :---.. ~ '=. -.~.~. .::.-... .~ ~-- ~,", ::-.;,...';' ...:.. ~ ~ '~, ~,:....~ , ~' ,.., ,.. . ~ STATE Of FLORIDA ) COUNTY or PINELLAS) *Lucille Bell oJd~ Deputy . -;"~l'" . I HER1~B: CE1\T!FY~ that on this ~11._..,- day of._..l~~~.:r..Y_.___~ A I D. 197 - 2 ;'; bc::::F01:'C me per'sonally. appec.J:'ed l':errett R. Stiel'11f?J.f:\ $ lierDeI"'t ).1. Bx'm.m) ~~,ite.)lC~ Clnd H. Evel'ctt Hour:en~ rGspectiv(~J.y 'City Hanagcl', City Al:to):'ncy);h~City Cle:ck cwc1 Hayor~.Corrlmissioner,-6f the C)~ty of Clcc:n'\)ater~ a municipal corpor'ation existing under the '~;'ct'\';s of the State of rlOl:'.:,j~:da;-to m(~ knb~,.'n to be .the individuals and officers' dc~;cr'ibed in and \\'i10 executed tn, _ foregoing I\Greement and severally acknO-\'lledgecl the execu'"tion thor'Coof to be their.free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that _ i.~he official ~~ea.J. of sc:id municipal corpor'1tion is- duly affixed thc1:'8to, and tJ18 said agreemelrt is the ac.t a.nd deed - of said COI"'po):'ation. - \'JITNESS my signatupc and official seal at Clea}'\-1atei'" in the County -of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year last above written. --- .'jj.. ./I.~. .",\\~"":"../,-;:;>,, Ji.... .'.-'. - .1 ~~' 11 I,,-~" .2-_ \ ...:~... , ,..,' :/ I:j";" "';'.' , ~~ "_ ~~~". y-p-\I1~~c~ t:' I" F'.~ 1"""" . ~." . :;..... .j,. j::; /? " \/ . ~ "" { - . ./ iJ i:.: :(i~;f\.l. ,',! ~', -,.. oP( c..' ~ ) ,.,' -;'.,..>.:;." 'l:,.;" "oJ... \"'1 ':' 4 - . --- ----- Hy Commission Expires: f'lotary Pu~li~, State of Florida at La~ge ~! ~~:~~:I~:.~~~i~~~ ;~~~.~; ~~973 . ~ , ,', . ~ ':- ~ STATE or FLORIDA )' COUNTY OF PINELLAS) ~.. ~-.: _ Before m~' personally appeared MAX RO'l'HPIBLD, Presidentof.ROTHMOOR ESTATES, INC. to me ':le11 knO\lfl Clnci l;:noivn to }::C to be th(~ 'inclividualf; cJ8sCl"'ibed in Clnd i'lha cxecUl:ed the fOl'ei;oin~ {lgrcer;:<:'~Jlt tind tic;kri01..}ledr:cd hefol~e me tlwt thev executed the scune fo1' the pur~poses thc'rein expl'csscd. _ i'ly COllllair;r;ion J~ . J>:pJ.r'cs: this 8th' clay of Dec. 1\. n~., ),9 '} 1 I . ,_-- ----y!f."..l'.~., ';~I, ' - ,/ / '~ EL'--:" ~ '. :...';1/.,.... , . \ \- l .' 1/, ~ I ." '--""t::..: {;; .. ~~ _ ~___l__-, -,-------. ,- ,-. ll~ t (~Y'Y t~l~)'J. c,,: : . : ~ _" J ' - J .' ; -:-, -' : ,,-_, 'r , :, -;::". .... (/' , ~~,~;y~~..::.:,..~.~,<'.. \ HITlll::SS my hcJnd L\11d official setil , ~, " D___.---______.' NOTARY PUBLIC, STI\TE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE MY COMM:~:L..:~ L_.;;,5 DECEMBER 21 1971 E10NDED THROUGH HlE:O IN, DIES. ELHORSJ . II! ;\'.