SIDEWALK AGREEMENT AND WAIVER (2) . :..., ,.. ~4. AG~EEMj1:NT . OR480'i'mEH75 THIS AGREEMENT: =ade ~'2>>~l~. ~daY of /vi IN A.D. 19--=:J.L. by and between the CITY OF CLEARjATER. FLOIUDA, a municipal oO'i4ration, bereinafter referre~ to as :'City"; and _ \( h(J.,.r.1 "SQ ~ R.. a..Jo LV ~ ' hereinafter referred to as "Owner"; . ("'._ I f ~, I, ( . j I ( ,l . · W l".tl'iESSETH: . O.R. ~ 870 PAGE 1236 ~,:.. WHEREAS, the Owner owns the follOwing described real property situated in the City of Clearwater, Pinellas CO'Cl1ty, Florida, to wit: . Lots 7-12, Block 1, of Lake Belleview Addition as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 141 of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, less and except part of said lots conveyed to Pinellas County by Fee Simple Deed f~led February 22, 1962, Record 1367, Page 277, Public Records of Pinellas County, F1orida., - and' ~ /. ~ q r ! ~ W~REAS, Section 7-6 of the Code of OrrH-n~T1ces of the City requires that all la..nd that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, com:m.ercia.1, industrial or other purposE}s, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, acros S or adjacent .thereto, and WHEREAS, the affected property owner has appealed requesting a temporary wai ver of the side-..ralk installation requirement; and . WHEREAS, the City Manager pursuant to Section 7 -6 (4) (a) has found the following conditions exist, as set out in his findings attached hereto as Exhibit A, such as warrant the granting of a temporary waiver; and WHEREAS, the owner of the property described herein understands that the waiver granted herein is only temporary in character and that this agreement must provide a. reasonable period of time for the waiver to be effective; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and valuable consideration between the parties, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. The City in light of the facts found a.s set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part herein as if fully rewritten, grants to the Owner a temporary waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement imposed by Section 7 -6 of the Code :Orciinance s of the City of Clearwater. .. ~ :II: c:: 2. The temporary ,,~:r 'granted .hall commence on /v{ CU--( I X, I q 11 Sd %'1:n until the condition or reason for granting the waiver as set out in Exhibit A if removed or otherwise changed. 3. "l"he Owner understands and agrees that the waiver granted herein is mporary'in character and that it does not excuse the Owner or successors in interest frOIn the sidewalk requirements imposed by Section 7 -6 of the Code of OrtHn:ances of Clearwater. The Owner.further agrees that should the condition set out in Exhibit A which presently exists on the property and which was sufficient .~ to warra:::1t granting the waiver be corrected during the perioci of this waiver. then '.., the Owner will immediately comply with the requirements of Section 7 -6 as it ."" relates to sidewalk installation. f" ~ ' 4. If the Owner or his heirs, personal representatives. successors or ~ ~ a.ssigns sha.ll fail to have sidewalks installed for the described real property in ~:j.. Ie'\:' accordance with City specifications and standards within niDety (90) days from the ~ ~~ notification by the City, tilen the City may have the sidewalks installed and a.ssess ~ ~~ and i.I:npo8e a lien against the described real property for the cost of the work. , ~ ,~.'\J ',," . "'- \.J ~ \.) j-i 5. This agreement is to be regarded as a covenant rnn-n;-ng with the land rega.rdless of whether it is specUically mentioned in any deeds or conveyance sub- sequently executed, and this agreement shall be binding on all ptlrties. the heirs. . '",: .' ".:D' ': personal representatives, successors or assigns. . .{~[LU: ~:-:J..f:-."dl'" ~ . ,.....".~,. -IooJ\ I''', I'^"{!:r.,.'t",,, ", C '_.' ..--"C"'O_,'IJ"...~i Vtffi-..~"" . [0' I()~'()-{(...' t ':,.(jc-Y. ,- ClER~ (:'R'. ,~ .....".,'"'" 'i::) . ' -r . (I . .,. \,i)11 1'(1"'.:::" '.' 7\.. ~cU--'\-~ v..'nl L. 'j ~-.;l.~-71 -1- Jut 19 3 5sPH~7! blol1 Ot) ',.J I . I P~GE 1 4 6. All notices pursuant to this agreement shall be furnished to the respective parties at the following addresses, .until receipt of written instructions notifying the other party of a different address: . O.R. .~ 870 P~GE 1237 CITY: City Manager PO Box 4748 Clearwater" Florida 33518 OWNER: . . . 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF" the parties hereto havec.a.usecith~se presents to be exeCuted the cia y and year last above written. ~I . :'.. dF}~; '! -'<ill' correctne s s: CoUntersigned: ~~ ~d~A V, ce- Ma yor-Co~s sioner WITNESSES: (SEA L) l&JJ',',o..:DW D'l''^ & (SEAL) OWNER STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) Mv Commission ExPires: fbtary Public, State of Florida at large 'My Cllmmission Expires Aug. 28, 1982 Bonded D'1 American fire & Casually CompanY ~ ~;c~ih2 o~~f"l\ 42 Sur 43 I;~t }rj () tl cn+- I HEREB Y CERTIFY. that on this b~e me personally appeared . aDQ,(~)f-~;ykMa:....~. respe vely City Manager, City Attorney. Cit") Clerk ~ayor_Com.mis8ioner of the City of Clearwater. a municipal corporat existing under the laws of the State of Florida. to me known to be the individuals aDd officers described in aDd who executed the foregoing Agreement aDd severa.! acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that tbe official seal of said m~c:i.~c::()rPorati01 duly affixed thereto, aDd the said Agreement is the act aDd deed'~fs~idcor,porat . . :.;ii \ Ill" 'j.. .'; , \.' . ~ I J WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater .~~i{~~:C~'10{ Pinellas and State of Florida, Cle day aDd year last above w~ef;z.~ 0/) .....\ ". l ":.: .:',~.,-\ . '; :; " ~ " : /" ?)' 0 . I....;. ~\.',-.::,.... .:/11.: .,'./~\;-\:' ,~.. I \"~',;~"",."",.'~'e;;';"/ {ir~/i:;i.H lO U 0,..\,.,-, .... ..~~lUn.)'\'. .... -2- - .. -::. . I I. -0. . .. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) O.R. q 870 PAGE 1238 .-- . i Before me perscma.lly appeared lh~ liAt, j f S--a"j w.1JJ; df,-uKJ. to me well known ~d known to' m.e to be the individuals descr ed in and who executed the foregoing agreement and acknowledged before me that they executed the same for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS ~y hand and official seal this 19 '7 9 · /x day of '--/}tJ ;;r :C~.Myc:oIDIDission EXpires: 'hi1~ ~ ~~1~. 7l . N ry blic l ' ,;:,:~,.:-':' ':..-,':,:,:_':":, _ ~\: \ '. I,H . ,,/ /. , .~c"""'fJ~!IJ!!;;~i;'i.,3, / 9 f? ,+. ...... t,'j~ .0 " OJ'' ,,',. '''$''-'~'''~o.' , - .... '. "-, -', ;:"~"...~' ,.,~~r~l:~)\,j.l'" E',,-:,:,';!.':.,. ..,(1; i'- ~'\. ~ ~ :: :, ":,, <'J'.,', \~,. .. : :. "_',\::~' '. "':_>," ~-Q .-."c,: /l,~ :. ." ." ..,,,-,, 'I. l t!) \\ " ". ,',' '. ~I'?)'~ Cil \,oJ .' \~~f..;.~?"" / .:" .." 'I', ;'-,' " - _"J,_ .''---'' I I D.R. Q 870 PAGE 1239 June 4, 1979 :::~: T:n~:: L. Shoemaker, City Managlt~ '-/ f Copi es to: Mr. Richard Meadows, 925 Lakevi ew Road Mr. Roy Ayres, Building Direct or Mr. Kei th Crawford, Traffic Direct or Mrs. Luci lle Williams, City Clerk SUBJECT: MEMO ORDER - Wai ver of Sidewal k Inst allat ion - Mr. Richard Meadows, Lot s 7 - 12, Block l, Lake Bellevi ew Addi tion, Plat Book 9, Page l41 In response to a request from Mr. Richard Meadows for a wai ver of require- ment for inst allat ion of si dewa1 k at the subj ect propert y in conjunct ion with new const ruct ion, as requi red by City Ordi nance, I have examined thi s property and the following are my findings: 1. The property has double frontage on Lakevi ew Road and Dempsey Street. The waiver request ed is for Dempsey Street. 2. There are no si dewal ks withi n 200 feet of the Dempsey Street property. 3. A si dewal k on thi s p rope rt y at thi s time woul d not fo rm a pa rt of a rout e 1eadi ng to a school. 4. The absence of such a sidewalk would not present a pedest rian hazard. In my judgement, the above findings meet the conditions prescribed ln Ordi nance l624, Sect ion 1, Pa ragraph (4)(a) and therefore" a waiver of installation of a sidewalk. at thi s time, i."g"'ted. Exhibit "A"