SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (229) . liico'UlED 4 :~LA'~~,",ri.ORI DI< !:.._~, /'"u....~. CLIRK CIACLCII COURT I " ':'- - - ,- . .'" .,... - . ".: t72D08924 I (fJ:.~~ pm 409 " /J./8(1/ e . - JAil 21 4 25 t)H '1Z hCJ~LEIlrl!T TllIS ^Gln:UiJ:IJT, milc1(~ and Cl1t(~:r.'cd into this 8th c1<:lY of Dec. ,1971, by and bct\,.'ccn the CJ'j'Y or CLr;^I~\J!lTI:R, FLOln:D^) 21~~lril<.~ipal corJ5(mi:-tTc~li, - j)c).-..einaftcl"' refcr'f'cd tor.W "City"; and RO~OO~:.ES~A~ES, INC., a Fl~rida corp., llcY'cini:Lftcl" :rcf~l'TCcl to as IIChmCl:'''; "JITN1:SSETll-: \'lIlEJ~r.^s ~ iJ)C Oimcr' m'}'l1s 'tllC fo110\.611f.T. dC'~,cribed real propcrty situated l" the City of Clea:r'\-Ju tel" ,Pinellu s County) FJ.o:c.ida: . Lot 14, Block 84A,'pnit 5, Replatof MANDALAY SUBDIYISION, acc6rding to the map'or'plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 20, page 27, .o.f the. public records of Pinellas Coun~y, Flo~ida. (A/kia 658 Poinsettia, . and \ ~ ~. I .' Clearwater Beach" Flor.i.dal } 4 'JHLRL^S,OrdJ.nanee. No. J.7.19 of the C:ltyrequlres -rllat ,:!.J,J, .Lane! -rlh:l't cl)Ul:C a public righ'l~ of \'~uY, 1',1)) ich is to h(1 ve nei.] constr'uct .ion on i t ~ ei thcl" for' residential, cOlnmerci~l, indust]~i~l or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the o\ync~):' on, acrO:3S or adjacqn-t they'eto; anc~ \'.1HERE^S, the Oi.mer is erecting' certain ne\'7 constr'uction on said py'opey't:.r and )1aS rcouestcd the Citv at this tirne not to reCluir'e the. immediate instaJ.J.:::.- tion and c~nstruction of s ide1i}ulks in connection i:hepc\.lith; and W-JEnEI\S ~ the O"mC:;T' has agreed tllat if in t)l(~ future the City ~ in its sole: ,d i scpc.t ion ~ det e~:'nl.\nc:~~ that .it is <_lc1v isab1e imd necce:; ~3ary to ha vc f;uch sidc'\-}i'llks instaLLed, that the O,.nw:c \-.Jill,. upon notification by.tlJe City, have sic1e\'laJ:ks :lTf!medi2tcly installed at his eX})Cn~3c, and if he should fa:i.1 to db :3/_- }. ". 1 ~. l' 'J l\ t len the C),ty may have S,L'l.d lnstal1a.tlon TndC,CanCl llllPO:;C a . lcn ag"nn,~):R:~c-Jle descr':lbed real p:copepty for' the cost thereof,(- '--- NOH) TI-JEJzE1'0 RF.: ) in con~d_de):'a,tion of t11c foregoing pr'eJflises and' otl1C.p goe:: 2nd vil\lable conSideru.tion between the p0rtics, receipt of which is hereby __ ac]~no\}ledged ~ the pa:c,ties hel'cto covenant and' agpee' as. fol10\'ls: .1. The City will not at this time ~eQuire the installation and construction of side\-}21ks as part of the erection of thc building and improvements by the Owner ?ri the. above d~~cribed ~eal property. . 2_. The City j:1ay at any time in the futU:CB notify the O\.mer) his heii."s) per~9n~l representatives, successors or as~iEjls that the City in its sole discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessary to have sidewal~ installed in connect,ion \-lith said described real prope:r.'ty. 3. The aHner' or hi~, heirs, }Jer'soTwl rc~ pi_'C selvlt i ve s', f; uece s sors or as s l::O-: sllal1 at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the Ci~: 1lave,sidewalks installed for said describedr~al property in accordance with Ci ty specifications and s'tandarc1:, as cstabLL::iled. . . It. If tJ1e O\,'ner or J1is heil~~;, per'soni':ll ;'C}J:('c;c;cntativGs, SUccessorf~ or assigns shall fail to helve sidc\-1aJ.ks i.nstaJ.Jc;c] f(Jl' the c1G:,:ci':Lbcd rCell prol)c:n"c:. in accord2.nce ,.:itn City ~:;Decification;, and ~;I(:nclar'cL \,.:~thin ninctv (~!O) cJews fl"olnthcnot if icc~ t ion iJY thc~ City, then the: City T'lD.y have thG S :i.d~\.JaJk;:; , installed and .assess 2nd impose a l:lf:::nagainstthcdcSCl":Lbcdreal P}~o~)cr.ty f-~): the cost of the \-1Ork. [,. This agrcerilcn~ i~ to be .l'~~r.:c'1rcl.e8 a:; ':l COVeJ,lcJll't punninf:, \."i th 1:hl2 1a1'e: l-"cr.<:n,,'dlc~~s of \-J})ethcr J_t ),~; [;})Gc.lfJcally r.\Cnl:Loncd }n ,-:n:.; deed:; or" convC'y(lnc:~ ~;ubsequcntly executed, (lncl thi:::; Zl;::['eer~eJ1t :;hall.be binding on all pal"ties, \.-::~ ) lei r s, p e):' son a 1 r cpr c S C II tat i II G s, :; u c C G ~; S 0 r S CJ).-' Cl~; ::; .1 i; J) [; . G · ^ 11 not:i. c c s pUT' c, \l ant tot}) i. s a [iJ' C (; !': c: n t ~ h il 1:1. 1) c f \l r' n i. ~; l1C cJ tot 11 e l"Csj)cctive pal,tics at the: fol10\-Jinrr, <lclr:1r'(~~3:;C~;} u;ltiJ f'cccipt of vJPi t'i:r211 5.1)~;tJ.;uc:tion::;. notifying the otlle!' p~ll'ty of it' d:iffe)'c~nt acJc1r'c~;f): City: (J\.nlep: Hr'. 11c rrc t t }~. S't i c l'll c im C 5. t Y 11,1 n it r~ 01' 1) . O. D () ): ! I '; II n Clen l'l,'liltm', rJ.cH'.;.d;1 :-~ ~ .' ROTHMOOR ESTATES, INC. 1270 Rogers Street 33"1~El<D~..1' "., ", "Clea~:ter. Flor~da),:3~~ (j Clty of Cleanv"",., P, 0, Box 4748, , -' /0 :)'1, 00 ~ .Qle!J,rw.ater, FlorIda 33518 . ThIS Instrument was prepared by:' ........ T-rf1"pl.~PD""" 1\./f" Ttn. r'o.',,"",'T'''''' _a. '. ' - '-'-. ",-,'--, ' .'L ro.R: 3708 PAGE410 t)1 C :; (~ f> r' C' f: (~ n L :: i '.I ) '" '~" ,1-1: \Fl:Tl:)::;~;. \n,:L:I~L:~:~,'.) ~1)1::.y;!:,ti:~f~ h(:l'('to J1;1'/(' cI111:;Ccl c...cclILLd Lhc <.1.1/ ..lld .Ie.d1 .lct.,t (11)0.(. \.Jr'ittCll. _ 1.-". err' rLO)~J! ) ~:0! 0 l.' cTi.:i-Man<l r:ci;------ I\pproved cIS to [0 & coprcctncss:. ~~ Clt:Y ~ttor'ncy , , . , ^ttest:' . J, . ~ . ~.. j." ~""'" "....;1:. ~ 4/7 -...,.'''' -',-':"- "-- -"'.' ..' .~ Deputy . C;~ty .'l.e).'.~ , (?~ J~ STNfE or FL01UDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) *Lucille Bell ** Deouty 40. . :~." . I }JEREB: CEETIFY ~ thcJ.t on this._l1.stdcJ.Y of._J~~_~'y______~ A.D. 197- 2 be.fiore me pcpsonaJ.1y, appea.r'cd 11cl'rctt R. St iedH~u:l, licrl.)(~r't 1'1. Br'o\'!l1, * ---K.C.-' \JL';' ~~Le,ud and H. LverC'tt Hou.r;en) :r.Gspeci::~v(UyCity Hanager, City Attorney, City Clerk and M(lyor-Commissione:r.,~f the C~ty of Clearwater, a municipal cOl:'poration e;d_sting under' tile ).("1'\'1S of the State of rlO~:');{:l<l;-..-to me knb~,m to be the individuals and o.fficcY\s' dc(;cpibed in and \\1ho executed th.~ 'fol'cgoing J\greement 2nd [;0\'e1'211y i1ckno',..:ledgccl the e>:ecu.tion t11C'(,80f to be -theil-' ,free a.ct and deed as such officers thel.-'C:'.unto duJy i1uthorL>;cc}; ond that . t:he official se21 of said municipal cOl'por.:.ttion is duly affixed thcI'eto~ and -the said agreement is -1:1-IC act a,nd c1ec~c1. of said corpm:,ation. ~~~ .:"i, ::....' ~ ;..; By Commission Expires: Nliltary Public, State of Florida af Large My Commission Expire, Sept. 29, 1973 . .. /lonaoa ~y. ,/\.mO'I<O!i1'j(.&' .(;;o,.olly. .cs. - vlITi'lESS my signatur'c and official seal at Clea}'\'lcltei... in the County ,of PineI1a~; and State of Florida, the day and year l,ast above \lri tten~, ,,' \./ . -:--t1/';/'4~. :..l;:.:-:: )-J&4 /lc/~~,.) . l/ --\ N opi ~J-V~j;JJlc..~. ~ J -i~ , . '- .. / t"-~ i _~ _ ',:. '\~~; .~, I ~~, " 1(;'1 . " .... ~ I~.,. .. ': ~ ~.. '..) ~ ; '",;".~..,>.:. ~ . . -'- ------ ----- - I;.';, ~ ":" ,. STATE OF FLORIDA )' COUNTY or PINELLAS) -.. ~.: .. ,dBe:fore--m~'-pcpsonally appeal"ed MAX R9~HFIELo, p'resident of ROTHMOOR E5TATES,-INC; .. ....... -. to me \-1cl1 r:no',.m and ~no\.Jn to ):~8 to be the 'incl.-i.vicluClJ~j clescr.ibccl in and \'1110 executed t~)C forc0oin~ agrcer.:cnt and ackr:o':llcdf'ed hefo~~e Ine tl1<J.t thev c>:ecutcd the same for' - th(~ pUr'})OSCS thc'rein cXP1'cssccl. . WITll[SS my hand and official ~Je<11 this_ 8thc1<1Y of , ." P 1Ft or\ Aii i.MtlJE NOTARY t"U::;UC. STAfE Or '::~~';I'lE~ 1. I, '. "i~1 MY COMMISSION EXFPflf!5 ~ Ul<.Slt:LHORSh BONOEO THROU~H .. . 19'/ -L' " . ,Hy COJnmi*;~:;iofl J~>:pi)~cs: ~ ,.' . , .--- iJ /"