SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (228) ["'~~\..~,....:~A~i~j..ilJi~~:')j:.:n';XiiI.;u...'~.jjl:J':'"""""I;,:t'i'>>;;";'OlI...r-'...,'-.~ r f( f~~~'~, t,:" ,',7 " -.IMI1.V;/,~. \ ~"""L"~-' - . . ". . _...- _ - c, . ~: e,"1I'l1( CIR;:;lI~1 1,;0... ' C1iC~~_~';M...i:'~{~Z;;-.":'~'C~~-'~~'i?"Y9III~~~""\.i...~<i:l'~'~t..:~~~"..: ,.t~ I VIi. IJ .I.R.3708 PAGE 411 />:/q!/ I t,20!)S~~25 .lAIH " 25 \)~ 'll '!\CEEEJ1J:J1T 'rIlIS AGHl:I:lil=t'lT, made and cnt(~rcd into this 8th duy of Dec. ,197 1 ~ by andbeth'cen tllc CITY or CLEAR\'lNl'ER, FL01UDA, a1;~liilCipc1.1 corpO'ri:i1:.'Co11 , hel""einaftcl"' rcferred to as "City"; and ROTHMOOR' ESTATES, INC., a Florida corp., he~"'cinafter ref<irred to as "O\.mci""; HI'l'NESSE'l'H -: ,,, \<JHEREAS, tJ)e OHncr ou'ns ,the follOtvilll': described real property situLlted 1;: the City of Clear\'Jater ,Pinellas County, flo:c'idc1.: Lot 13, Block 84A, Unit 5, Replatof MANDALAY SUBDIVISION, according to the map 'or ',plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book ~O, page, 27, of. the, public records of pinellas County, Florida. (A/k/a 662 Poinsettia, . and ~. ' .' C:l,.earwater Beach, Fla.-) WHEREAS, Ordlnance No. 1219 of the Cltyrequ1res that all 1and tllat abut~ a public right, of \'W.y, \.lhich is to huve nc\.] construction on it, ei thcl" fop residential, commercial, industrial or othel" purposes, shall have side\'Jalks constructed by the owncir on~ across or adjacqnt thereto; and WHEREAS, tIle Owner is erecting" certain new construction on said property and has reouested the City at this time not to reouire the immediate installa- tion and c~nstruction of ~idewalks in connection {herewith; and HBERE^S, the O\.mcp has agreed that if in the futupe the City, in its sole . discrc'tion, dete'l:'m_\ncl.3 tl1at it is advisable and necccssary to have such sidewalks installed, that the Owner will" uJ)on notification by the City, have sidewalks immediately installed at his ex~ensc, aJld if he should fail to db sc then the City Hlc1.Y have said installa,tion mac1c and impose a lien again$jct-he descr'ihed real property for the cost thereof.; md__ NOH, 'l'HEEEfORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and otllCp goc:: and vciluable con~ideration between the p~rties, riccipt of which is hereby .. acknO\'Jledged, the pal"ties hereto covenant and' agpee' as, follo\'lS: .l~ The City will not at this time ~equire the installation and construction of sidewalks as part of the erection of the building and improvements by the Ovmer ~ri the, above d'es'cY'ibed real property. 2, The City ~~y at any time in the future notify the Ownep, his heirs, per~9n~1 representatives, successors' or as~ighs that the City in its sole discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessarv to have sidewal~: installed in connection with said described real property. 3. The Ownc~ or his heirs~ personal represenative~, successors or assi~~ shall at his expense 'vi thin ninety (90) days from the notification by the Ci -:::' have sidewalks installed for said described ,real property in accordance with City specifications and standards as established. . . 4. If the Owner or his heirs, person~l representatives, successors or assiens shall fail to have sidewalks installed f6r tlle described real propert~ in accordance with City sDccification~ and standc1.rds within ninety (90) days from the notif ica t ion by the Ci ty ~ then the City l'1c1.y have the s id~\']alk S . installed and ftSSCSS and impose a li~n against the described real p~operty fo~ the cost of the work. S.This c1.greemcnt i~ to be regar~e~ as a covenant running with tllC land~ regardless of whether it is specificc1.lly mentioned in any deeds o~ convcvance~ subsequently executed, and this ar,ree~ent shall ,he binding on all parties, i:::~' )lcirs, personul representc1.ti~es, successors or aSS1ens. .' 6. All notices purs\1<1nt to this ar;reer.lCnt shall he furnished to the rcs'Pcctive pC1rties at thc follO\.Jinr. Clddrcssc~, until receipt of \-}ritten instr.uctions. notifying the othcr party of a' differc~nt C1ddrer;~: Ci ty : O\-JJ1er: Hr. 11errctt R. S'ticr'hcim 'ROTHMOORESTATES, INC. Ci ty l1anaf',cr 1270 Rogers street P.O. Box 11711 [) Clearwater, Florida 33116 Clcr1r'Hatcr, I'lori.cla 33S10 This instrument was prepared by: .. ' HEHBERT I'll. BRO\FN. CIty Attorney City ofCleal'\vater. p~ 0, Box 4748 .clearwater, FlorIda: ''33518' ----r~ 5/99/1( (I) 07-005:"[;() (tJ I....... '<--, _.<._~~ , . TJ;" \IT'I'Jl]'PC' "}IJ]~l'J'r)l' 1-1' t. l~-l"\t)' r C' })('rntO'-""l~~'-(' 'C:'IH~~C~'(-I'-t'l' C" ~~'CR. ro3p7)"\cQ~)!lA~~4i..r~"., ~ j,... ;t.. ~ ". ~,. J ~ L).....' \ .4 j \ ~ \., 1 \.. _' d. . 4'~ \oJ _ .- c. 1 n..... t I . ,J .... . .....':1 L,~ l.. t ... . I executed tlle day and YCQr-lil~t nbove wrl'ltcn. . crr' rLO]~]!' ~.. '-'I, ~4 t'y- 1i.:i 1'.<1 r: c l~ :... .~~, ..' i t ~ ~ t J , i' .: '" ,~ _if ~ -. 1\ tte.st.':'<;, '. o. ~~ - ~ L' " ~ Dep\l~~)Z7~, Approved as to form correctness:. '~~. C.l- y '\ttOl""llCY . . r' . .' . . " ." Witnesses: ~d'~/\J C_ u ~~~ As to CJ..ty ;)' ~j . i '.- LC!-6: ...~ J?~es' ,ent .......',.. " l~~?i~: ci -;~ ,:,;- \,' (. --j. .....:.,"".., :::::; ", STNfE OF FLORIDA ) \/, ',? COUNTY or PINELLAS) . ; *Lucille Bell *1:Deputy . "-0' I HEREBY CERTIFY) that on this 21 day of January ) A. D. 19'7-2 ,,: 'before me personally, appeared 11erreFt R. St ierYieIr;;- liePDcrt !'LBro\.m, . R.C. t.1;.ii.f-hca.d and H. Everett Hougen) respec~ively 'City l1anager, City AttOl:'ney, .. City Clerk cmd Hayor-Commissioner', 'o.f the C)~ty of Clear'\.,1ater', a municipal corpol"'ation existing undcr' the 'J:a'ds of the StClte of F1Ql"i-::cla;----To I me knb~,m to be the individuals and officers' described in and \\1))0 executed th,;: . foregoing Agreement and severally ackno'\-lledgedthe execution thereof to be their.free act and deed as such officer's thereunto duly authorized; and that . the official seal of sa.id municipal cOl"'1)ol"'ation is c1ulv affixed thepcto, and 'the said agreement is the act and deed, of said corporation. . . WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater in the County ,of Pinellas and State of Florida~ the day and year ~ast above written. .,~ ........}). .' .-'. (i' .' . . . ,..\' '. -\' .. ' /1 . ...... -,.\ \ '", i..---I:!:_ ,,",, ~"\../' ...A}!-C ~carv 'cirY,"Pub.D-c', : ,;'':) \ -I CJ t) 4 . . -.-,.-. -- ---- "J"J I n . -.~ " ).: .I . ~::. '., '\ U \,I. I "; '.,. <\,:>~~'."...:' . "C.- .. 1'1 ~ , /1;"'1,"; " ~ , , -1- STATE OF FLORIDA )' COUNTY OF PINELLAS) .... :: .Before m~' personally appeared MAX ROTHFIELD, p'resident of ROTHMOOR '. . .' ....u ESTATES, INC. to me well known and ~nown to me to be the 'individuals describ~din and who executed the foreGoinf, agreeRcnt and (l~kr.0'.'11edred before me tha.t they executed the same for the purposes the~ein e~pressed. WITHI:SS my hand arid official seal this 8th' day of Dec. ~ u ',' --- , . .My Commission Expires: /~ I"r-c / 7 .L f . , ~,' .,. ....