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~f AGREE:--rENT I "'t u. R.4160 PAGE1945
'o~',_': :: '. THIS AGREEI\IEN' made and cnt<'rc~ int?this L day of ~ .
OJ 19 YJct by and between the CITY OF C EARWATER, FLORIDA, a muni ipal corporation,
r he~er referred to as "CHy"; and' C - l / 1l1V~ 11-1 fbc.)VL-?l/'
lP hereina.1:~er referred to as l"Owner";
WHEREAS, the: Ovner owns the following described real property situated in the
City of Clearwater, Pil1"l'rd~as County, Florida, to wit:
,.-, ," ,-" j/J .., C~ /2'
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;J?o f q &-e, J2 ttAV I~ ad d~t .
WHEREAS, Section 7 -6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City req~ires that all land
that abuts a public right-of-way, is to have new construction on it, either for resi-
dential, cOlnnlercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by
the owner on, across or adjacent thereto; and
WHEREAS:. -.fuc Owner is erecting certain new construction on said prope rty and has
reqpested the City ~A3t this time not trD require the irm:n.ediate installation and construction
of !ridewalks in c~.dD.ection therew:i!tlb; and
WHEREAS" the Owner haS' :agreed that if in the future the City, in its sole discretion,
determines that :i!it IS advisable and necessary to have such sidewalks installed, that the
Owner will, upon notification by.tfu:e City, have sidev.ralks immediately installed at his ex-
pense, and if he should fail to dcrl $(() then the City may have said installation made and impos E
a lien/against the described real property for the cost hereof;
NOW, THEREFORE, iI~ consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and
valuable consideration between 1'lh<e parties, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the
parties hereto covenant and agre',e <B.S follows:
1. The City will not at trhi.!, time require the installation and construction of
sidewalks as part of the erection' 0'1 the building and improvements by the Owner on the
above described re~ill property.
2. The Ci't.'1"may at any t:a:m:e in the future notify the Owner, his heirs, personal
representatives, successors or :ls.s:igns that the City in its sole discretion has determined
that it is advisabl'C and necessarj~ to have sidewalks installed in connection with said
described real property.
3. The Owner or his hei::;s., personal representatives, successors or assigns shaH
at hi:i expense within ninety (90) clays from the notification by the City have sidewalks in-
stalle,d for said described real property in accordance with City specifications and standarcis
as es'jablished.
4. If the Owner or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall
fail to have sid~walks installed for the described real propext'f in accordance with City
specifications and standards within ninety (90) days from the Tcotification by the City,
then tbe City may havE~ the sidewalks installed and assess and impose a lien against the
described real property for the CI,st of the work.
5~ This agreement is to be regarded as a covenant ru;.ning with the land. regardles s
of whether it is specifically mentioned in any deeds or conveyance subsequently executed,
and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, the heirs, personal representatives~
successors or assigns. ;:, ~ ~
~' :: [-
...;; ~
't ,p IlO
00 6. All notices pur.~uant to this agreement shall be fur:r-ished to the respectiv<fpa~t~s
at ~e following addresses, until receipt of written instruction::> notifying the other pa!~~ ~
of cl"diffc:rent addrcss: ,",::.J__ ~
.......,ClO. p...-o
-0 ~ ~ .-r, u: Z ~ 'C
,.,...- , Rf.t':R[;E~' ~ ;;;. c
Ii-o fJ ~ rz Cit~: PINEL-US CO, ftJ:illOt Ownc:'": I ~ - ~ ~
~c5~tz::' CitY' Manager ~\ .....t("'~t-. .~f3;;-Y7.....- tJ i/{)c-v!j)~,N,~~..:
~ t ~ ~ PO Box 4748 CLERIf CIRCUn COURT 7l' (/ ~,.. / ~:Q :: Co;
III ~ Od j! 7 {I J c,/J/{.~{':-O J1vt~'~ ~ 1 ~
1:1I; t,)... ~ / Clca:Twater, Florida 335 J.a,,-'- ',1,7' 3 511 fH '1~ V" v /,.1 '--z ---cij E-- (j c:
- ... .. .. ) --z:-r.u1,) - /-r' ~ /~ 0.") "-;> " 2 ..... ~
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Co>. . 1_ . Ql91 i\ d.(l'
~ IN WI'J NESS \VIIE;R'~F. the parti," I",r"'o
i.xccU'l:cd the day ~nc1 year last above written.
V. H.4160 PAGE1946
hi1ve ci.l\lcd thcse pre:;\.'llt,:d to lH'
Ci Y Attorne
~/;.t rI (',m/JJRA!.
fi:~ <:, . !hL
As to City
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0:mu;,;..}... / ;'-"'"x:'cc} C{ 1_ \..)(SEAL)
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I J~ER.ElBY CERTIFW, tha1 on this /1d
before n:cle :;per:3,;~cmally appe..2ured ~ ;g.
and I-! ~ I~ , r'espectively Cit a ager, City Attorney, City llerk
and Mayor-Cornm.i~sio~e~ of th,e City of Clearwater, a municipai corporation existing under
the la'\vsD5 1:h~. Srate of Fl'!i:l'ida. to me known to be the individuals and officers described in
and who executed the foregoing Agreen:rent and severally ar;knowledged the execution thereof
to be their free act and dced as suC;h officer s thereunto duly a'\.1,thorized; and that the official
seal of said municipal corporation is duly affixed thE:reto, and the said the
act and deed of said corporation.
WI'JLNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater in the
and State ('/~ l"~lorida, the day and year last above written.
'1~ C-
Notal' Pubiic
County of "Pin ell as
_ :~'~GV(I'("
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My Commi~;'sion Expires:
Notary Public, State of F10rlda ot larp
My CollUlllsdon Expires Sept. 29. 1977
I\IIlM Iq "'....ricoll fl.. . Cel..?I~ Ca.
. b' -" d I
Before mc personally appeared M.f;L~?r tJ A-1-:'P I/? 77lL,f::~' ,;r/I /C;)vJj).t~
to rnc well known and known to mc to be the individuals described in and who executed the
foregoing agrecment; and acknowlcdged before Inc that thcy executed the same for -fne
purposes therein expressed.
,)'.""'" .:~'
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/ day of p ,19 7<7-
WITNESS my hand and official seal this
. .
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