05/20/1996 (2)
: ,
City Manager
Deputy City Manager
Assistant City Manager
Budget Director
Assistant City Clerk
Board Reporter
May 20, 1 996
Rita Garvey
J. B. Johnson
Robert Clark
Ed Hooper
Karen Seel
Elizabeth M. Deptula
Kathy S. Rice
William C. Baker
Tina Wilson
Mary K. Diana
Patricia O. Sullivan
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. at City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily
discussed in that order.
f~ Budget Director Tina Wilson reviewed the 6-year CIP (Capital Improvement Budget)
tr::"~' and summaries. All documented projects have funding available. She said next year's CIP
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is within $50,000 of the financial forecast. In answer to a question, she said only
$100,000 for preliminary engineering studies is tied to the downtown lake project. The
$22-million project cost is not included'in the $217-million total. Part of the cost of the
new Memorial Causeway bridge project will need to be borrowed. The City Manager stated
the City Commission had concurred the bridge project is apriority. She stated the City
may need to front money for the project and apply to the State for reimbursement. In
answer to a question, Ms. Wilson said the City had received approximately $31-million
from Penny for Pinellas funding by the end of 1995.
Police Department
In answer to a question, Chief Sid Klein said the Mobile Command Operations
Center is needed as the current vehicles are not designed for taking command in a
dangerous situation. The City Manager said CIP funds are budgeted for improvements to
the Memorial Civic Center and for the beach substation's possible relocation. City-owned
property will be discussed by the Commission in June starting on the west side of the'
beach. The City will be holding the money budgeted for the substation until a decision is
reached regarding its location. The City Manager noted the decision process regarding
Memorial Civic Center will need to be started shortly. She said the Countryside substation
needs additional space and proposed expanding its current location. The Old Clearwater
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Bay substation also has been outgrown. The Chief and Deputy City Manager Kathy Rice
are working on alternatives. The Chief recommended finding a permanent location in Old
Clearwater Bay. The City does not own property in that area but hopes to receive
cooperation from the School Board or other groups in that area. It was suggested the
project will cost more than the $125,000 budgeted.
The status of the joint proposal with Safety Harbor for a driving facility close to the
Countryside station was requested. Bob Lockwood indicated this project has fallen
through. The City Manager said a project is included in Penny for Pinellas for a defensive
driving course at the Fire Department's Belcher Road station training facility. Chief Klein
said a course could be a revenue generating facility partnering with other government
agencies and the private sector. He noted the need to locate it on the right property.
Referring to the Old Clearwater Bay substation, it was felt the $125,000 budgeted
was on the conservative side. In answer to a question, the City Manager stated the City's
#1 goal is public safety and money could be moved from lower priority projects. It was
noted this project is in the 1997/98 budget and could be flagged for City Commission
review next year.
Fire Department
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Administrative Support Manager Bob Lockwood indicated the proposed fire engine
replaces a 1 973 truck that will be retained for wastewater treatment use. In response to a
question, it was indicated the residual value of these vehicles is around $3,000. The City
Manager commended the Fire Department for keeping their vehicles in excellent shape for
years. The City Manager reported due to the lead time to order, there will be no debt
service impact in 1996/97.
It was questioned why the Fire Department handles emergency operations. Mr.
Lockwood said the function of emergency management was transferred to the Fire
Department from the Police Department. He noted funding accompanied the function. As
those operations are categorized "Public Safety," the Fire Marshall will handle them as part
of the City's Emergency Management.
The City Manager said if Penny for Pinel/as is not approved, the fire training facility
and tower upgrades will need another funding source. In answer to a question, Mr.
Lockwood said the training facility and tower provide revenue. As they were built with
grant dollars, the City cannot charge for depreciation but can charge user fees. In response
to a question, Mr. Lockwood said jf City money is used for the training facility, the City
could charge more for classroom space.
Discussion ensued regarding the training tower listed in the CIP and a
recommendation was made to combine the training facility and tower for a total of
$544,000. It was noted there are no other fire training towers in Nortt1 County.
The City Manager said an extensive upgrade is being made to the Police
Department's emergency center. Fire Marshall James Goodloe said staff is working to
In answer to a question, Mr. Baier said the Hampton Road widening is complete.
Ms. Wilson said the project cost a little more than $1-million. The developer, as part of the
Park Place DRI, paid $604,300 and provided a set of plans. City funding came from
infrastructure taxes.
upgrade the TV system, studying the cost of an amateur radio system, and looking to ,
provide a lap top computer system for field inspectors dedicated for emergencies. The City
Manager said the City is waiting to hear if they have been accepted for emergency
operations training in Emitsburg.
Engineering Department
Engineering Director Rich Baier reported the Highland Avenue widening project will
begin construction this summer. In answer to a question, he indicated the County's project
on Drew Street will begin in mid-summer. Concern was expressed regarding linking 3-lane
Highland Avenue with 4-lane Patricia Avenue. Mr. Baier said staff will address that issue,
noting the difficulty of redesigning the entire project now. Discussion ensued regarding
road designs for future projects be coordinated with adjoining municipalities. Assistant City
Manager Bill Baker indicated interplay with other agencies causes the design changes. An
opinion was expressed 3-lane and 5-fane roads are more practical. Mr. Baker said the
road's design was affected by the County delaying their plans to extend Keene Road.
Highland Avenue can be widened to 5-lanes if the Keene Road extension is not built. The
City Manager said, according to City Commission policy, Highland Avenue will be bicycle
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Discussion ensued regarding bicycle paths and it was indicated the Clearwater Pass
Bridge does not have receiving lanes for bicycle traffic. Concern was expressed about
dangerous conditions on bicycle paths that stop suddenly at sewer drains and other
In answer to a question, Mr. Baier said Pinellas County is responsible for the Drew
Street project from NE Coachman to US 19N which includes an interchange project. The
City is studying Drew Street between NE Coachman and Highland Avenue. In response to
a question, he indicated Drew Street is a state road and projects that have completed plans
have a better chance of receiving extra state and federal funds.
In answer to a question, Mr. Baler said the MPO (Metropolitan Planning
Organization) has reviewed traffic signals at the Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard intersections of Sky
Harbor Drive and Hampton Road. There are no current plans to remove either light.
In answer to a question, Mr. Baier said the widening of Druid Road has been planned
for many years and originally was envisioned as a multi-lane project. A major study was
conducted 15 years ago and $8-million was set aside. Money from this project was
diverted to fund a PD&E (Project Development & Environmental) Study for the Memorial
Causeway Bridge. Residents had opposed widening the road to 5-lanes. It was noted
traffic has not increased substantially since that time.
In answer to a question, the City Manager said the 500-space capacity of the
parking garage for the Municipal Services building will meet employee needs only. She
indicated the Police Department is very security conscious. In answer to a question, Mr.
Baker said the garage is projected to cost $2.75-million. The City Manager said more
frequent Jolly Trolley service to the beach could use additional downtown parking. It was
suggested with proper security methods, the public could use two floors of the Municipal
Services building parking garage on weekends.
Mr. Baier said staff is proposing, without Penny for Pinellas, to improve several
intersections. There is $1.5 million available in the CIP for this purpose. Mr. Baier believed
Druid Road traffic would move more smoothly with 3-lanes. Mr. Baker suggested Drew
Street and Druid Road be the East/West alternatives to Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard. Mr. Baier
said the Druid Road project is important and needs Penny for Pinellas funding.
It was recommended that staff use portable location maps when discussing City
projects with the Commission.
In was indicated the City's street maintenance and resurfacing projects are
scheduled over 10-years. The City Manager said the millage rate has remained level
although labor costs have increased and indicated the millage rate may need to be
increased. She reported a traffic calming program is being considered. Mr. Baier explained
traffic is calmed or slowed by altering a road's design to help pedestrian crossings and aid
residential neighborhoods with cut-through traffic. He felt the project could be designed in-
The City Manager said many complaints have been received regarding the crosswalk
between the Marina and Memorial Civic Center. Mr. Baier said staff is working with FOOT
(Florida Department of Transportation). Plans are for FOOT to paint the striping and the
City to install overhead signage at a cost of approximately $15,000. Illuminated
crosswalks have been well accepted on the beach. It was suggested a device alert drivers
of the crosswalk. Mr. Wilson indicated this project will be done at mid year. The City
Manager asked the project be defined as all the area around the Memorial Civic Center.
. The City Manager said no beach parking structures are listed, noting that need will
be determined. In answer to a question, Mr. Baier said adding two floors to the Garden
Avenue garage is being studied and estimated the project to cost $1-million. The parking
system would fund construction. In answer to a question, Mr. Baier said the parking garage
averages 85 % occupancy. He believed it is paying for itself. He will provide the City
Commission specifics regarding the facility, including its capacity. Clearwater Towers has
requested additional parking. The City Manager noted the project is planned for FY
1998/99 but can be moved forward if a downtown economic boom occurs. The $100,000
for the study was moved up a year to FY 1997/98.
Concern was expressed regarding the miscellaneous engineering budget amount.
The City Manager said funding for the Memorial Causeway bridge replacement may have to
be a bond issue if it becomes a City project. In answer to a question, Mr. Baier said staff
will be prepared to start the bridge's design in 1997. The City will ask FOOT to pledge
In answer to a question regarding the proposed Penny for Pinellas Infrastructure Tax
Project List FY 2000-1 a, the City Manager said the planned project to improve the Myrtle
Avenue/South Fort Harrison intersection was eliminated as it is not feasible and the cost
benefit ratio is low.
matching funds. It was questioned if the City will bond a large percentage of the bridgels
cost. The City Manager indicated that depends on whether or not the Penny for Pinellas
tax extension is approved. If approved, the County indicated they will give the City $10
million towards the bridge. In answer to a question,' the City Manager said $1.7-million is
budgeted toward the bridgels actual design after the PD&E study is completed.
The color of the proposed signal mast arms was questioned. Mr. Baier said
aluminum surfaces are planned. Black and dark brown signal mast arms blend well into the
background and are used in some communities. That standard could be adopted but would
cost more. An earlier Commission suggestion to mount signal lights horizontally was
noted. It was felt the mounting would result in a high tech look. Consensus was to
change signal light mountings only when change out is required based on staff decision. It
was suggested mountings throughout the City should be changed if the result is more
pleasing and costs are the same. Mr. Baier said mast arms meet FOOT standards for
coastal design and are easier to maintain. City policy is to install mast arms as signal
conversions are needed. It was recommended staff move ahead with this project as
1;.(~'.;,'1i The City Manager noted the Airpark Master Plan Improvement listing assumes the
:r Airpark will continue in the general fund. It was questioned if the Airpark can break even
or make money with new hangars. Mr. Baier suggested the FRC (Fiscal Review
Committee) review the responses for the fixed base operator RFP and make a
recommendation as to whether the Airpark should be an enterprise fund. It was noted the
enterprise fund issue can be addressed annually.
Proposed Stevenson's Creek improvements were questioned. Mr. Baier said data is
being prepared regarding core samples. Listed funding is for Phase II, the section between
St. Thomas and Pierce including a culvert under Druid Road. Improvements will address
Betty Lane flooding. The recommended purchase of a mobile home park was questioned.
Mr. Baier said regional ponds are being considered. Purchasing the Kapok Mobile Home
Park would be expensive. Plans are not to purchase land everywhere it floods but to
concentrate on in-house flooding and other serious flooding issues.
The City Manager said the pollutant storage tank at the City Annex must be
removed if the City wants to sell the property. Mr. Baier said the site was polluted by its
former use as a Montgomery Wards service center. The project is estimated to cost
$301,000 but could be more depending on the pollution level. He said the new technology
to be used could result in a savings.
The City Manager said only $91,000 is available for the proposed downtown lake.
It was noted this project would impact many downtown groups, such as the CHA
(Clearwater Housing Authority). In answer to a question, Mr. Baier said Clearwater has
It was questioned if plans have been made to bury power lines. Mr. Baier said staff
is reviewing major arterials and thoroughfares with Florida Power. Mr. Baker reported a
new legislative rule allows Florida Power to charge customers a surcharge for underground
materials. He recommended addressing main roads before residential neighborhoods. Staff
will bring forward recommendations regarding this issue once'they know how much can be
collected and the number of years the project will take. The City Manager indicated Island
Estates' residents have requested burying the power Jines when reclaimed water pipes are
installed and funding the project through an assessment. She predicted power lines will
not be buried in residential streets for generations. She recommended the Island Estates'
neighborhood decide this issue.
applied for a Brownfield grant and no answer has been received. The City Manager said
money and a design would not be available before 1 998. In response to a question, it was
indicated the study Is completed and will be presented to the Commission. The $17 million
is to be moved to FY 1997/98 at mid year. It will be reviewed before then.
The City Manager referred to the second phase of expansion for reclaimed water.
Mr. Baier stated Safety Harbor may be brought into the utility. Concern was expressed
funding cannot wait for future Penny for Pinellas monies and the NE plant should be listed
as a CIP project within the next four years. Both reclaimed water projects will be moved
into the CIP at mid year. It was suggested after work on the Marshall Street plant is
complete in late 1997 the NE project should follow. Both reclaimed projects listed in
Penny for Pine lias will be moved into the CIP budget at mid year.
. Including funding of $4 million for a beach parking garage was questioned as a need
has not been established. He estimated future development and redevelopment will result
in a 10% increase in need. He stated the Memorial Civic Center project will affect parking
needs. In answer to a question, Mr. Baier said the projected $6.5 million cost includes a
parking garage and renovations to the Memorial Causeway Civic Center.
The City Manager stated the City is working with Pinellas County to develop a GIS.
The City has funded positions working with the County on this project. In answer to a
question, the City Manager said she is comfortable with its funding schedule.
6J~ Mr. Baier expressed concern the proposed project on Island Way and Memorial
t"t;)" Causeway Bridge for tidal.flushing to improve water quality would not work because the
culverts would not remain open due to silting. Funding is not included in Penny for
The Commission recessed from 11 :49 a.m. to 1 :06 p.m.
Public Works Department
Public Works Director Gardner Smith said an additional mechanical street sweeper is
needed to sweep downtown one more time each week. Residential areas will be swept as
needed. It was questioned if stormwater fees had been used for this issue. Mr. Smith
stated Fall is the time of greatest concern because falling leaves block drains.
Clearwater Gas System
In reference to meter/backflow prevention devices, Mr. Smith indicated restoration
costs increased. Additional funding will come from "System Renewal & Replacement
Capitalized," which comes from water system income.
In reference to the Water Supply & Treatment Project, Mr. Smith said before 1989,
the City planned to locate and drill three new wells. One well produced clay and the other
two are marginal, producing drinkable water high in chlorides. A consultant has
recommended not capping another well recently shut down. Mr. Smith stated a critical
water situation exists. The well, no longer in production, has resulted in a daily loss of
300,000 gallons of water. The City Manager indicated the Commission will need to decide
within the year if the City should be in the water business or buy all its water from the
County. The City would still be responsible for testing it. It was reported the City
eventually will be forced to use a different and costlier method of treating water which will
, require one to three treatment plants.
The City Manager indicated water costs will be increasing. A staff report is to be
distributed in about two months. Discussion ensued in regard to eliminating some water
tanks. In answer to a question, it was indicated these type tanks are too small to use for
holding reclaimed water. The City Manager noted Gardner Smith's department has now
taken over the reclaimed water operation.
Discussion ensued in regard to gas heat pumps and CGS Managing Director Chuck
Warrington said a fund was established several years ago offering incentives. Thought has
been given to closing the program. In response to a question, he stated CGS does their
marketing plan in-house and past year revenues funded the heat pump program. CGS
funds all their own projects. She noted the Commission will review all bond issues.
Community Redevelopment Agency'
The City Manager reviewed the CRA projects and indicated citizens have been
inquiring regarding the City's seriousness in doing the projects and their time frames. The
$4.2 million listed in Penny for Pinellas for the Harbor Bluff Waterfront Park includes
developing a marina and Coachman Park. The Harborview Center Expans!on project listed
at $12.5 million would include a 500-parking garage. It was noted the
Missouri/Greenwood road improvement project is not being pursued any longer and,
therefore, has no value.
The City Manager questioned whether the Commission wanted to have a Special
CRA Work Session to discuss the projects and their funding. Concern was expressed
Harborview Park would take away from Coachman Park and parking would be a problem.
Discussion returned to connecting the Missouri arterial diagonally and it was felt the
current design is adequate.
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Information Management
Consensus was to remove the Harborvlew Center Expansion and
Missouri/Greenwood projects from the proposed Penny for Pinellas project list.
In answer to a question, the City Manager said the proposed Penny for Pinellas
project for the Harbor Bluff Waterfront Park would require a referendum. It was suggested
the new economic development director review this issue. It was noted major dredging
would be needed for large boats to dock. The City Manager indicated the area is
environmentally sensitive and the water is not very deep. Separating the marina complex
from the waterfront park was suggested. The City Manager suggested the $2.25-milllon
marina could be deleted. It was recommended the marina remain in the 15-year plan as it
would encourage walk-in traffic to a redeveloped downtown. It was questioned if
constructing marina slips should be a government function. Consensus was to separate
the Harbor Bluff Waterfront Park into Marina ($ 2.4 million) and Park Redevelopment 1$2
million) .
. '. ", ~
Information Management Director Jeff Harper said the enterprise network/WAN
connections' is the cable installation for next phase of establishing a City computer
network. Plans are to connect the Hercules Avenue Departments, Library, and Gas
Department with the Municipal Services Building. Departments will be charged back the
cost of connection. He said $185,000 is budgeted in the CIP for next year. The total cost
proposed through 2002 is $974,000. Mr. Harper noted fiber optics cabling is expensive
but permits the transfer of GIS (Geographic Information System) data. The City Manager
said the cost of cabling to the Hercules Avenue sites is approximately $900,000. She said
the City Commission needs to decide if the information sent to those sites is worth
$900,000. In answer to a question, Mr. Harper said the next best cabling is frame relay,
which can send a limited amount of data. He said the cabling may be inadequate if the
City has a Citywide GIS. Frame relay works over telephone lines. The City Manager said
staff does not have a final recommendation regarding the value of upgrading to fiber optics.
In answer to a question, Mr. Harper said the City needs direct fiber optics connections.
Cable companies are building hybrid rings with fiber optics and coaxial cable around the
City. The City Manager said the City hopes to eventually get off the telephone company's
system if fiber optics are installed. Offsetting savings would result. In answer to a
question, Assistant Information Services Manager George Denty said the system would not
be the same as the one GTE is installing. This project would run fiber all the way to the
site. Before investing money, staff will explore riding GTE's fiber optic cable to the closest
point to the site.
Mr. Harper said the Information Services UPS (Uninterrupted Power Source) System
is battery based and allows the computer systems to shut down without losing data. The
system will replace an 8-year old UPS system and will support all computers in the
Municipal Services Building. The old system currently is being used. The system will be
purchased during the first quarter of next year.
Mr. Harper said outlying departments will be served by the Telephone System
Replacements and be part of the unified telephone system. The Library and Gas
Departr:nents will be on the PBX. In answer to a question, Mr. Harper said this cost is in
addition to funds already spent on the telephone system. He said when the City's
Centranet contract with GTE expires in 1997, the City will need fewer telephone lines and
experience an ove~all cost savings. The system replaces one installed in 1979. In answer
to a question, Telecommunications Supervisor Kelly Legg said the new system's life cycle
is between 10 and 12 years but can be upgraded continually. The Northstar system is
modular and upgradeable. The new PBX will last between 10 and 15 years. The PBX
system is modular, expandable, and will last approximately 20 years.
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Mr. Harper explained the Enterprise Network - Phase II will connect the remainder of
City departments onto the computer network. City-wide, staff will have E-Mail capabilities
and be able to share files and data. In answer to a question, Mr. Harper estimated
computers will not need to be upgraded for 5 years. The City Manager said the budget
provides an overview of City computerization needs for the next five years. In answer to a
question, Mr. Harper predicted the computer systems will need to be replaced every 5
years. The City Manager noted software needs to be replaced approximately every 5
years. Mr. Harper said the software performs a large number of tasks. The cost of
replacing the City's computer hardware and software every 5 years was questioned. The
City Manager indicated Citywide figures are not available. Mr. Harper said some things,
such as fiber optics, will last approximately 20 years. Software continues to change. The
City must stay abreast of upgrades or the systems cannot be supported.
A computer plan that includes upgrades and maintenance was requested. Mr.
,<;;tirv\ Harper said the budget reflects the City's five year plan. Future needs are reviewed
!. !'.((t' continually.
Mr. Harper said the color copier and digital interface will enable departments to
produce small print jobs in color. He said it would be fairly expensive to have these items
produced outside. The high speed copy machine will replace an a-year old model.
In reference to video conferencing, Mr. Harper said staff reviewed different
possibilities. The original concept was to do video conferencing by groups in conference
rooms over closed circuit TV. Staff reviewed video conferencing via computers but felt the
technology is not advanced enough to be cost effective. No money has been budgeted for
this item.
In answer to a question, the City Manager said City utility bills are mailed to a lock
box handled by Barnett Bank who sends the City the tapes for loading into the computer
, system to update accounts. The new equipment will be able to interpret the tapes. The
City is credited with the funds immediately. The service is part of the City's contract with
Barnett for banking services. The cost is minimal, less than the service offered by Florida
Power. It was suggested the City redesign the envelopes.
Reference was made to the $19.4-million increase in the CIP from FY 1995/96
noting the future of the Penny for Pinellas is uncertain. The City Manager agreed current
Penny for Pinellas funding has benefited the City. The City has a finite number of funding
sources. Concern was expressed in maintaining the same millage rate. A request was
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, made to present an estimate o~ the impact projects' may have on staffing levels before .the
, CitY Commission approves the budget. '
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. Concern was expressed the approach to the beach is changed every year while
, ,other parts of the City do not receive the same attention. It was questioned why 'the City
does not have a similar entrance to Clearwater from the East, ;5outh, and North as from the
West. The City' Manager said several years the City received a grant to beautify the
'western end of the Courtney, Campbell Causeway. The proposed Penny for Pinellas
funding includes money to beautify commercial corridor of SR 60 from the Bayside Bridga
to:US 19N. She said Tourism Director Jean Sherry is working on a banner program to
improve several entrances.
The Commissioners thanked staff for making the process run smoothly. The City
Manager complimented the Budget Department staff for a great job in organizing the
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The meeting ,adjourned at.2:20 p.m.
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