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January 2, 1996
Rita Garvey
Sue A. Berfield
Fred A. Thomas
J. B. Johnson
Robert Clark
Elizabeth M. Deptula
William C. Baker
Kathy S. Rice
Pamela K. Akin
Cynthia E. Goudeau'
Patricia O. Sullivan
City Manager
Assistant City Manager
Deputy City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
Board Reporter
Prior to the Work Session, the City Commission toured the Municipal Services
complex which is under construction.
The meeting was called to order at 10:25 a.m. at City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items ,are in agenda order although not necessarily
discussed in that order.
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Service Award!$, - None.
Contract for moving services to Suddath Relocation SYstems, St. Petersburg, FL, at an
estimated $79,908
The new Municipal Services complex, scheduled for completion in March/f\pril
1996, will consolidate numerous City departmental activities. Moving services will
relocate furniture, equipment and contents to the new facilities. An "after moven will
relocate obsolete or excess furniture to other City departments or to a central storage area.
The City requested proposals from firms experienced in moving large corporations/
companies. The Move Coordination Committee selected Suddath Relocation Systems as
the most capable firm based on criteria established in the RFP (Request for Proposals) that
includes: 1) corporate and local agent experience; 2) size and capabilities; 3) available
equipment; 4) litigation history; 5) move plan and recommendations; 6) scheduling
recommendations; 7) time estimates; 8) fee schedules; 9) company brochures; and 10)
suggestions and reference responses.
Except for rigging equipment, Suddath has sufficient equipment and personnel to
complete all phases of the moves without additional assistance. Rodgers Brothers'
mws01 a.9~&
Services will provide rigging equipment. At no additional cost, Suddath will offer
employees move training.
Staff recommends a $20,000 contingency fund to cover unidentified add-ons.
Accurate furniture and content inventories are not available. Including the contingency,
the total move is estimated to cost $79,908. Throe firms submitted lower estimates than
Suddath Relocation Systems. The committee evaluated cost as one factor but considered
services that were the least disruptive to citizens and employees to be most important.
In answer to a question, Purchasing Manager George McKibben said an accurate
account of everything that will be moved was not available. He said the contingency fund
was to cover costs to move items not included in the bid. The amount of each bid was
Contract for installation of Dolvethvlene gas main on US 19. from SR 54 to 1/2 mile N of
Ridge Rd.. to A & L Underaround. Inc., Tallahassee, FL, for Pasco County Gas Expansion - '
Phase II, at an estimated $752,657
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eGs's (Clearwater Gas System) Strategic Plan calls for expanding natural gas mains
into Pasco County in phases; the second phase is approximately 5 % miles. Staff proposes
a contract with A&L Underground, Inc., to install 6-inch polyethylene gas mains and other
associated materials along US 19 from SR 54 to % mile north of Ridge Road. rneluded is a
12-inch directional drill of the Pithlachascotee River. As construction is completed,
commercial accounts will be connected in approximately one-mile segments.
The contractor will supply all labor, equipment, sod, asphalt, concrete, and curb
replacements. CGS will supply gas~related materials, e.g., polyethylene pipe, fittings, and
valves worth approximately $143,500. The bid was opened on November 14, 1995.
A&L Underground's bid was the second lowest received and was the most responsive and
responsible bid that met specifications. The low bidder is not a licensed Underground
Utility Contractor and cannot work legally in the State.
Contract for installation of Dolvethvlene mains and services to Jasco CorD., Fort Myers, FL,
at an estimated $411,350
To provide timely installation of new gas mains and services without increasing
staff, CGS (Clearwater Gas System) proposes to contract with Jasco Corp. to instaff
polyethylene gas mains and services at various locations throughout CGS' service area.
Heuer Utilities, Clearwater, Florida, currently provides CGS services and installs
polyethylene gas mains. Multiple contractors are necessary because the amount of
required construction work has increased. Jasco Corp. will supply all labor, equipment,
mwsO 1 a.9,Ct
sod, asphalt, concrete, and curb replacements. eGS will supply gas-related materials such
as the polyethyleno pipe, fittings, and valves.
Jasco Corporation's bid was the second lowest one received. The lowest bidder's
past performance and history wero evaluated as unsatisfactory. Staff recommends
awarding the contract to Jasco Corp.
A brief summary of progress with CGS' expansion and the state of the bond issue
were requested for Thursday night.
Purchase of 24 automobiles for Police DeDortment: Maroone Oldsmobile, Inc., Pembroke
Pines, FL, Nine 1996 4-door midsize sedans, for $126,495 and Six 1996 2-door midsize
sedans, for $100,848; Bill Currie Ford, Tampa, FL, Three 1996 sports vehicles, for
$55,992; Kaiser Pontiac Buick GMC Truck, Deland, FL, Two 1996 sports vehicles, for
$43,060.70; Garber Chevrolet-GEO, Green Cove Springs, FL, One 1996 compact sedan,
for $12,603.50; Plaza Jeep Eagle Isuzu, Leesburg, FL, Three 1996 4-door full size sedans.
for $49,387.65; award an administrative fee of $150 or $50/vehicle to Florida Sheriff's
Association; for a total cost not to exceed $388,536.85; funding to be provided under
City's master lease-purchase agreement
Staff recommends replacing the 24 confiscated vehicles the Police Department has
incorporated into their treet during the last several years. This proposed purchase will
consist of mixed sizes and colors to meet the Police Department's surveillance needs. The
cost for premium warranties was not included in the bid solicitation and $14,220 was
added to the bid price.
It was noted the City Commission had directed staff to standardize vehicle
purchases. The City Manager said this item purposely requests a variety of vehicles as
they will be used for surveillance and the Police Department does not want them to be
similar. The City's cost reflects the State contract price. In answer to a question, General
Services Director Bill Baird said the sports vehicles are small sedans.
Public Hearina & First Reading Ord. #5960-96 - Vacatina full east/west riQht-of-wav of
Pinolles Street. Ivinn between Waters Ave. & Bav Ave., subject to it being retained full
width as a drainage, utility, ingress & egress and sidewalk easement (Morton Plant
Hospital, V95-14)
The applicant requests vacating the Pinollas Street right~of-way between Waters
and Bay AvenuBs. The applicant owns the adjacent properties and wants to incorporate
the street into the Morton PJant campust jnternal street network. This portion of Pinellas
Street is a paved, dead-end street used by Marton Plant Hospital for vehicular traffic and
parking. Vacation of the right-at-way will alleviate the City from maintenance
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The applicant requests vacating the West eight feet of the easterly 10-foot drainage
and utility easement and the South three feet of the northerly five-foot drainage and utility
easement. In February 1976, a swimming pool and deck were constructed in these
easements. The decking encroaches 6.8 feet into the 10-foot easement and 3.9 feet into
the five-foot easement. The applicant's vacation request is inclusive of the decking. Prior
to closing on the property, the title company requires the vacation of the portion of the
easement where the pool structure encroaches.
responsibilities for a roadway that serves Morton Plant campus motorists only. The City's
utilities within the right-at-way will not be affected by this request.
Local utilities reviewed this request and have no objections provided the right-of-
way is retained full width as a utility easement. Appropriate City departments have
reviewed this petition. Engineering Services has no objection provided the right-of-way is
retained full width as a drainage, utility, ingress & egress, and sidewalk easement. Other
City departments have no objection. The City Engineer reviewed this request and
recommends its approval.
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It was recommended that staff review the area as other vicinity streets may have
similar uses and could be vacated. Concern was expressed that streets with residents not
be vacated. It was questioned if the hospital plans to encompass the entire area. Rich
Baier. Director ot Engineering. noted the City Commission had approved the hospital's
Master Plan.
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Public Hearing &- First Readina Ord. #5965-96 - Vacatina East 2.5' of 7.5' Drainaae and
Utility Easement Iyina alona West side of Lot 406. Morninaside Estates Unit 4 (Olson, V95-
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The applicant requests vacating the East 2.5 feet of the 7.5-foot drainage and
utility easement lying along the West side of Lot 406. Morningside Estates, Unit 4. The
applicant wants to replace the existing screen enclosure around the pool and deck. Only
the deck encroaches into the easement and violates the set-back requirements. This
vacation. if approved, does not relieve the applicant from obtaining a variance to the set.
back requirements.
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The City Manager noted this item is to vacate more land than originally requested.
Staff wants to be certain the utility companies do not object to the increased size of the
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Public Hearing - Reouest to vacate West 8' of easterly 1 0' Drainaae & Utilitv Easement
and South 3' of northerlv 5' Drainaae & Utilitv Easement: staff recommendation to vacate
portion of easterlv 1 0' Drainage &- Utilitv Easement occuoied bv 0001 structure Ivina in Lot
~, Woodgate of Countryside Unit One; direction for ordinance at next meeting for
recommended vacation (Rubin J Jacobs, V95-16)
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Florida Power objects to the request becCluse they have facilities in the easement
and would not have adequate space to maintain them. Florida Power does not object to
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Appropriate City departments reviewed this petition. The City has no existing
utilities within the easement. Engineering Services supports Florida Power's concerns and
recommends vacating only the portion of the easterly 10-foot drainage and utility
easement occupied by the pool structure. All other City departments/divisions have no
objections. The City Engineer has reviewed this request and recommends vacating only
the portion of the easement occupied by the pool structure.
, '
, vacating only the portion of the Basement encroached by the pool. GTE and Time Warner
Cable reviewed this request and have no objections.
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In answer to a question, the City Attorney indicated the request was made because
the property is being sold. Mr. Baier said he will come back to the Commission with an
alternative method to clear up encroachments.
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Water Main ReD'acement Contract - Phases 13 & 14 and Morninoside Underdrain
Reolacement to All American Concrete. Inc.. St. Petersburgt FL, for $2,826t554
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This contract is to replace water mains in Phases 13 and 14 of the Water UtUity
Bond Programt replace water mains and subdrains in the Morningside Subdivision, and
replace a stormwater force main on Clearwater beach. Phase 13 replaces water mains on
Clearwater beach. Phase 14 addresses the area bound by Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard, Belleair
Roadt Highland Avenue, and Belcher Road. The project includes approximately 18 miles of
water main replacement. The water main and underdrain replacement in the Morningside
Subdivision were combined in this contract to minimize disruption to the area. The
stormwater force main replacement on Clearwater beach was included due to the similar
nature of the work.
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The City Manager said a map of the affected areas will be provided. In answer to a
Question, Mr. Baier said residents are notified three to four weeks in advance of the project
with door hangers and via C-View TV. The City Manager indicated staff erects signs in
construction areas that explain the project and provide a contact name and telephone
number for questions.
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1996 Street Resurfacing Contract to Golden Triangle Asohalt Pavina Comoanv.
Clearwater, FLt for $927,720
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The City's annual street resurfacing program is designed to restore roadway
surfaces, provide protective coatingst and maintain the structural integrity of road
substructures throughout the City street system. Work includes utility adjustments,
asphalt milling, asphalt patching. and miscellaneous curb, street, and drainage work.
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It was recommended that C-View TV broadcast maps of areas to be addressed
during discussion of this item on Thursday night.
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A report regarding the State's scheduled resurfacing of Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard was
requested. Mr. Baier reported the State has completed interim patching on most of the
road's length. A portion east of Belcher Road was not done. .
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Contract for Pier 60 Park inclusive of Concession Building. Pavilion. Covered Plavground
and Park amenities
Mr. Baier said the only bid received for this project was 35% over budget. Staff
contactod the bidder to verify the bid addressed contemplated plans. Staff decided to
advartise for a new bid as this bidding process had occurred over the holiday season. The
City Manager noted the project will be delayed slightly. Completion of the concession
building will be 8 priority.
Public Hearinll & First Readin(1 Ord. #5889~95 w tOCA amendina oermitted and conditional
~ (LDCA 95w12)
Central Permitting Director Scott Shuford requested continuing this item for two
weeks to address changes recommended by the Planning & Zoning Board. A graph of the
proposed changes was requested.
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Concern was expressed that serving alcohol within 200 feet of a church would be
permitted as a conditional use. Mr. Shuford said restaurants are allowed as permitted uses
within some districts while tho sale of alcoholic beverages is permitted elsewhere as a
conditional use. In answer to a question, Mr. Shuford said sales of alcoholic beverages
could be permitted within 50 feet of a church jf specific standards are met. He said the
regulations allow the Planning & Zoning Board to consider all issues. He indicated the
changes to the alcoholic beverage code are working well.
Prooertv Purchase Process w WSO
In a memorandum, the City Manager indicated the City often is approached with
offers to lease, sell or buy property. Staff requests City Commission clarification regarding
when it would be appropriate to bring forward the information to the Commission.
It was suggested when projects such as the downtown lake are proposed, the City
Commission first must establish jf they support the idea before staff takes further action.
It was noted a report is due regarding the City1s recent acquisition of property on North
Greenwood Avenue.
The City Manager noted current leaseholders of City property have indicated an
unwillingness to invest in the properties unless the City commits to extending their leases.
She reported staff initially turned down the Civil Air Patrol's request for an essentially free
lease of a portion of the Airpark. With support from the Airport Authority, the Civil Air
Patrol wishes the City Commission to consider their request.
mwsO 1 a.9K(q
It was noted the City owns a great deal of land. A Work Session devoted to
examining ways the City could return some land to the tax rolls was suggested. It was
suggested that this issue be addressed during a session on redevelopment. It was
suggested that staff define City property needs before the City Commission meets on the
Listing the Cityts land holdings, identifying plans for the property, and providing
suggestions for returning properties to the tax rolls was recommended. It was felt if the
City Commission does not wish to pursue the downtown lake, the project should be
dismissed. The City Attorney recommended the City Commission address restrictions in
the Charter regarding the sale of City property.
Consensus was to have a Work Session to address this issue shortly after the '
Spring erection. rn the meantime, in the weekry foHow-up memorandum, the City Manager
will advise the City Commission of all contacts regarding purchase or sale of property and
staff's response.
Reauests from Jollev Trollev
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The City Manager indicated a year remains in the Cityts agreement to fund the
Jolley Trolley. The Jolley Trolley will be requesting a fare increase from $0.25 to $0.50
per person. A question was raised regarding the inability of the Jolley Trolley to operate
charters beyond its designated routes. It was noted attempts are being made to agenda
this issue before the PST A (Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority). It was noted Jolley
Trolley charters will be important once the Harborview Center opens. Jolley Trolley
Director AI Sakey will make a presentation Thursday night.
City Marketina Plan
The City Manager noted the City Commission approved a $150,000 budget for a
marketing Plan. rnformation Management Director Jeff Harper reviewed the plan
developed by Pearson, Thomas/LKW for a promotional program on a test basis, inclusive of
an 800 number for direct response leads and to formulate benchmark information. He said
the pJan ;s to target Chicago via cable advertising. The City Manager said the strategy fits
well with the Chamber of Commerce's pran to blitz the Chicago market. Staff will provide
information Thursday defining the size of the Chicago market. The City Manager said the
, $5,000 contribution by the CVB (Convention and Visitorts Bureau) wiU be used for this
, campaign. It was noted a report of who calls will be available to hotels to market
themselves. The City Manager said this is not a full program but felt the City needs to
begin a promotional effort somewhere. She noted this proposal is within the budget the
City Commission approved.
It was felt a system was needed to rate the quality level of Clearwater hotel/motel
properties. The City Manager suggested starting with the Superior Small Hotel program
that lists many local properties. It was felt a rule should be established not to recommend
an unrated property. Mr. Harper said staff will try to contact each hoter. The City
Manager noted aU hotels in the City will be included.
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The CPM (cost per thousand) for advertising on CNN was questioned. It was noted
the audience west of the Mississippi River is of little use to local tourism efforts.
Advertising on Chicago's channel WGN was suggested. Staff will report on that cost.
The Commission recessed from 12: 17 to 12:28 p.m.
First Reading Ordinances
Ord. # 5968w96 w Amending Art. III of Ch. 2: desianatina an official Citv seal: establishing
general restrictions on the use of said seal
Concern was expressed regarding the restrictive nature of the proposed ordinance.
The City Attorney said if the City adopts the City Seal by ordinance, State law requires the
City to give permission for its use. It was questioned if the ordinance would prohibit lapel
, pins featuring the seal. The City Attorney said that would not be the case as the City
Commission already authorized their production for distribution purposes. It was noted the
pins have been given to many people who do not live in the City. Concern was expressed
that individuals should be able to use the seal.
It was noted the City Seal belongs to the City and it was felt those who want to
use it should receive permission first. In answer to a question, the City Attorney said
candidates for the City Commission could not use the seal if this ordinance is adopted.
With adoption of the ordinance, it was noted the City can use State law to prosecute
those who use the Seal improperly. The City Attorney said the City Commission could
establish limits under which its use would be permitted administratively. It was suggested
the City Commission adopt the ordinance and then establish guidelines. The City Attorney
reported State law makes it a misdemeanor to use the Seal without approval if the
Commission passes the ordinance to adopt the City Seal.
It was felt citizens should have the right to use the Seal as long as they use it
properly. A suggestion was made that this was the best way,to protect the Seal. A
recommendation was made the ordinance include language that its use for City
Commission campaigns be permitted. It was suggested the Seal's commercial use not be
allowed and the City Commission establish rules regarding its proper use. The City
Attorney said the State law can be used to grant permission for uses the Commission
deems proper. She suggested people not be allowed to use the Seal to appear as if they
represent the City when they do not.
In answer to a question, the City Attorney said the City Commission can consent to
allow the Seal to emboss cups. It was felt the ordinance should ensure protection for
everyone and that candidates for the City Commission could wear the seal and use it on
campaign materials.
mws01 a.9.B'~
City Manager Verbal Reports
Pinelles Troll interlopel egreeme.n1 - WSO
The City Attorney indicated no tentative agreement hes been roached between the
City find Pinelles County regarding extending the Pinenas Trail through downtown
Clearwater. Which entity shell maintain this portion of the Trail has not been decided.
Pinelles County has indicated they do not want to accept personal injury liability for the
portion of the trail located along the railroad right-of-way within the railroad crossing
~ 1-..
The City Attorney noted an additional concern regarding a business property that
abuts the right-of-way and loads and unloads materials across the right-of-way. The
property owner has notified the City they will sue for inverse condemnation. In answer to
a question, she said staff is researching if a suit based on the City denying the business
use of their property would have merit. Mr. Baier did not think the business has a permit
or license to use the right-of-way. The City Attorney said no sidewalk currently exists in
that location. Should the City install a sidewalk, the business would not be permitted to
back trucks over it. She said other businesses may also make claim regarding diminution
of their property. Mr. Baier noted this part of the Trail is unique because it is in an urban
area and does not follow an abandoned roUline.
The' City Manager said Pinellas County's position is that the City chose the route
through downtown Clearwater and should be responsible for any liability in that area.
They feel they may have selected a different way. It was noted the City Commission
addressed these concerns when they chose this route. It was suggested the County
should be responsible for maintenance and the City responsible for liability.
It was Questioned why the portion of the Trail through Clearwater has been
delayed. Mr. Baier said Pinellas County had to acquire some properties for the route.
Additional research information will be obtained to determine potentialliabiJity on this
portion of the Trail.
Restricing of Drew Street West from NE Cleveland to Ft. Harrison Avenue
Engineering Director Rich Baier said FOOT (Florida Department of Transportation) is
preparing design plans for a project for SR 590 (Drew Street) between NE Cleveland Street
and Ft. Harrison Avenue. FOOT's safety study, completed as part of this project, revealed
lane widths of less than 10 feet. The accident report on this segment of SR 590 shows a
significant problem with side swipe accidents resulting from narrow lane widths. FOOT
indicated the best solution to the problem without purchasing right-of-way is to convert the
four-lane section from Alternate US 19 (N. Ft. Harrison Avenue) to NE Cleveland to three-
lanes. One lane of traffic would flow in each direction with a continuous left turn in the
center. FOOT's Traffic Department has studied this option and feels the three-lane section
adequately will handle projected capacity for approximately 10 years. By then, a project
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Consensus was not to change the ordinance.
will be, in the work program to reconstruct Drew Street with funding for construction and
, Mr. Baler said he concurred with FOOT's decision and suggested extending the
project one additional block to Osceola Avenue as the three-lane cross section west of
Osceola Avenue would coincide with the proposed changes.
Adamant opposition to the proposal was indicated. Another opinion was that the
proposal was a good Idea If the traffic flows as smoothly as It does on Cleveland Street
East of Highland Avenue. It was felt traffic on Drew Street Is different from traffic on
Cleveland. Mr. Baier reported In 1994, 28 accidents occurred on the section of Drew
Street being addressed. Twelve of the accidents (43%) related to turning vehicles,
sideswipes, and rear end collisions. Thirty-three accidents occurred in 1993 with the
same percentage related to the road's design. Mr. Baier said the proponed design would
separate turning vehicles from through traffic. The turning-lane would provide a buffer
between oncoming traffic. It was felt that 14,000 cars a day was too much for two lanes
to handle. Mr. Baier noted the volume Is similar to that on Cleveland Street downtown. It
was suggested the proposal may prove to be an improvement to traffic on Drew Street. It
was felt the State would not do anything for 10 years to improve the road if this minor
change was made. It was felt the current road design is adequate.
In answer to a question, the City Attorney noted the City has no liability regarding
this matter as Drew Street is a State Road. The decision to make changes is up to the
. ",'
Consensus was the City Commission is neutral regarding this Issue and changes are
up to the State. Mr. Baier will draft a letter stating this position for the Mayor's signature.
Citv board members - residencv reauirement
Concerning Art Shand's letter indicating he had moved outside the City's limits, the
City Attorney reported Mr. Shand cannot complete his termon the Design Review Board
unless the relevant ordinance is changed.
Hiah Speed Rail
The City Manager reported Hillsborough County Commissioner Ed Turanchik will
make a presentation to the City Commission on January 18, 1996, regarding High-Speed
Marina Building Lease
Lev Doktorsky sent a letter December 7, 1995, requesting a change of his business
In room #8 of the Marina building. He said the public had shown a lack of interest in his
art gallery. He requested permission to serve clients "fancy" gourmet Items such as
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The City Manager said Harbormaster Bill Held had advised Mr. Doktorsky that his
lease could not be changed due to a conflict with the restaurant. She noted Mr. Doktorsky
was the only bidder for the dessert kiosk on the Marina's roof. It was noted the art gallery
often is closed. It was felt that selling these items for off premise consumption should be
permitted. The City Manager noted Mr. Doktorsky's proposed food services would be
directly across from the current restaurant. It was felt that sales of packaged food items
would not be competitive with the restaurant. The City Manager will advise Mr. Doktorsky
that selling packaged food items for off premises consumption and coffee beans would be
packaged exotic teas, coffees, and other "designer" foods. He said he would not compete
with the Marina restaurant.
It was felt staff should be aggressive in finding a dessert stand tenant for the
Marina roof. It was suggested that vendors at Pier 60 and Station Square Park be given
the opportunity to bid. Concern was expressed one Station Square Park vendor has moved
his operation onto the sidewalk.
Legal Advertising - Beach View~
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.Assistant City Clerk Sue Diana's December 21, 1995, memorandum indicated the
City spent $16,299.69 in the Tampa Tribune and $11,478.52 in the Beach Views for legal
advertising between December 14, 1994, and September 30, 1995. The difference in
expenditures was due to affidavit charges, non-legal ads, publication schedules, time
conflicts, failure to print an advertisement, Legal Department advertisements not placed,
and the difference in size of column widths.
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It was felt that staff had followed City Commission direction regarding this issue.
The error by Legal staff because of a prolonged absence was noted. Satisfaction that
staff did their best was noted.
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US 19N at Drew Street
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Mr. Baier said FOOT is reviewing options regarding the US 19N and Drew Street
interchange and will advise the City of their plans in mid-January. Construction may begin
in 2000.
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Commission Discussion Items
Direction re 50 Year Celebration for Philadelohia Phillies
The Philadelphia Phil lies will arrive in January 1996, for their 50th year of Spring
training in Clearwater. Staff feels this longevity is significant and deserves special
recognition. Staff recommends the City sponsor an "Official Dinner" and an event,
"Clearwater Celebrates 50 Years of the Phillies," free to the public.
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The event, co~sponsored and organized by Clearwater Festivals, would be held on
February 27, 1996, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Harborview Center and include: 1)
music: 2) strolling entertainment; 3) free ball park foods: 4) free Phillies souvenirs; 5) 10
players signing up to 200 autographs ($3 each with revenue equally distributed to the
Cityts three Little League programs); 6) traditional speeches and recognition from City and
Phillies officials; and 7) family activities. SGnior Recreation Supervisor Terry Schmidt met
with Philliest representatives regarding the concept and date. The City is requested to
allocate a maximum of $5,000 for these activities. Clearwater Festivals will solicit
sponsors to cover costs. Should a short~fall occur, the City will be asked to contribute an
amount not to exceed $5,000.
. Conversations were held with Bill Giles, Phillies President, and other Phillies
personnel regarding the official dinner. It appears everyone enjoyed last year's informal
dinner. It is recommended to hold this yearts dinner at the Sailing Center and have it
catered by "The Stuffed Mushroom." The event is scheduled for Monday, March 25,
1996, with social hour at 6:30 and dinner at 7:30 p.m. Invitees will include Phillies front
office personnel, elected City officials and management staff, and officers of the Greater
Clearwater Chamber of Commerce. A $2,000 budget was established. Preliminary
discussions with the caterer indicate the menu would be similar to last year's and
budgeted funds are sufficient. Approximately 50 people are expected to attend.
It was questioned if the pennants displayed downtown will reflect the 50th
anniversary. Parks & Recreation Director Ream Wilson said the Phillies pennants will be
displayed. The pennants were designed to be used for more than one year. Mr. Wilson
said the souvenirs will sport the Philliest new logo. It was questioned if the City could
make the event more exciting and the importance of keeping the Phillies Spring Training
camp in Clearwater was noted. Mr. Wilson said Mr. Giles is happy with the large number
of improvements the City has made to Carpenter Field and Jack Russell Stadium He said
they are pleased with these two events and noted the team will be busy with the business
of spring training. Mr. Schmidt said the Phillies proposed the planned events. It was noted
community groups can back other events although they may not involve the team.
The recommended placement of the City Seal in the Phillies' home stadium was
questioned. Mr. Wilson said he would report on progress regarding that issue. It was
suggested that the Seal be a permanent fixture in the Philadelphia stadium. In answer to a
question, it was noted the Chamber of Commerce coordinates the opening day ceremony.
One Caterer at Harborview Center
Mich Sauers, President of GFS (Globe Facility Services), reviewed their philosophy
regarding food and beverage service. He stressed the importance of quality, service
reputation, profitability and asset management. He said the Harborview Center is a
convention facility, not a civic center. Food service provides 35% of the facilityts revenue.
A cost is involved every time the facility is used, even if donated items are served. He
said between 95% and 99% of the country's convention centers have contracted services
run their catering departments. Contractors are held accountable for their product and
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The City Manager recommended appeals to GFS decisions be first to the City
management before the City Commission would be approached. Mr. Sauers reported he
will issue a RFP (Request for Proposals) by January 5, 1996. Mr. Strafacci predicted the
catering kitchen will be completed by April 1996.
. level of service. He warned against setting 8 precedent that would be difficult to manage
and recommended limiting free events to a small number.
It was questioned if organizations would be able to provide their own caterers. Mr.
Sauers said problems would occur regarding the management of the center's assets and
the quality of the product served. GFS General Manager Barry Strafacci expressed
concern regarding loss of control of the facility. He said an organization staff contracted
for banquet production would be trained to use the Harborview Center. He recommended
exceptions only in the case of special and unique events.
Mr. Sauers said when open catering is allowed, contract issues often are not
resolved until the last minute and communication between all involved parties generally
suffers. Mr. Strafacci said two caterers using the kitchen facility simultaneously would be
It was noted quality food presentation and good food are critically important.
Concern for charity needs was noted and a small number of exceptions was
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Concern was expressed an event, attracting between 600 and 700 people, may be
lost if the facility cannot accommodate food donations. Mr. Strafacci said each request
would be analyzed to determine what services would be needed and establish a cost per
person. He said if a request is reasonable and within the established number of
exceptions, GFS would try to accomplish it. It was noted an organization with this type of
request should approach GFS. Mr. Strafacci indicated events with donated alcohol would
be charged a specified amount per person for services required to serve the product. Mr.
Sauers recommended contracting an exclusive caterer for the Harborview Center and
limiting the number of exceptions to requiring the use of that caterer's services. It was
suggested that no mor'e than five exceptions be permitted annually. Mr. Strafacci said
management will use common sense in choosing the exceptions.
The consensus of the Commission was to contract one caterer to manage catering
needs at the Harborview Center and to limit to five the number of events where exceptions
would be made.
Concern was expressed that Ruth Eckerd Hall allows multiple caterers. It was
noted Ruth Eckerd Hall does not have a catering kitchen.
Commissioner Thomas' concern re Mavor's 12/11/95 letter to ReDresentative Ginorich
Commissioner Thoma~ felt letters signed by the Mayor have the power of the City
behind them and recommended the Mayor secure City Commission support before
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advocating a position. The Mayor said she followed City Commission direction regarding
this matter and did not state in any lotters she spoke for the Commission. It was felt that
Commissioners should be able to express their opinions as elected officials. For lobbying
purposes, Commissioner Thomas felt the title "Mayor" carries more weight than the title
"Commissioner." It was suggested Mayor Garvey could use the title Mayor/Commissioner.
The Mayor said she has the right to free speech and to use her title as Mayor when
writing letters. Concern was expressed that no Commissioner could write a letter if
Commissioner Thomas' position was adopted. It was suggested the Commission and
Mayor make an effort to distinguish correspondence representing the Commission's view
from personal opinions by using terms such as "my personal feelings." etc. Commissioner
Thomas said the Mayor should not be able to write political letters. Concern was
expressed that Commissioners should not lose their right to write letters because they are
elected officials.
Solid Waste Dsoartment disci cline
The City Manager referred to Commissioner Thomas' concerns regarding the City's
drug testing program and noted the City's policy is very stringent. Employees are
terminated jf they test positive for controlled substance use. She said between 4% and
5% of the worl< force have tested positive but no Solid Waste employees have tested
positive for drug Use. Unlike private business, the City is constrained from random drug
testing of all employees.
Commissioner Thomas said he had met with the City Manager regarding the Solid
Waste Department and concerns regarding drug testing procedures. He expressed concern
supervisors know when testing will occur and may allow employees to go home to avoid
testing positive. The City Manager indicated that rumor was based on allegations made by
a single employee. She agreed employees may have been signaled inadvertently that
random testing would occur. Staff investigated every allegation but no problems were
uncovered. Commissioner Thomas recommended the City do all it can to be a drug free
work place. He noted Solid Waste has a high number of worker's compensation claims
and expressed concern they may be the result of illegal drug use. He said every employee
who is injured should be tested immediately for illegal drug use.
The City Attorney said the City is self-insured. The City follows guidelines outlined
by the State permitting drug testing based on reasonable suspicion. Only certain
employees can be tested randomly. The City can perform drug testing on accident victims
only if reasonable suspicion exists. City employees are covered by the 4th amendment
which protects them from search and seizure by the government. The City Attorney will
issue a memorandum addressing this issue.
Deputy City Manager Kathy Rice said staff believes the City has the most stringent
drug testing policy allowed by law. Few employees have tested positive. In answer to a
question, the City Manager said changes have been made administratively so employees
are less likely to know when random drug testing will occur.
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The City Manager referred to the rocent arrest of a Solid Waste employee. He was
disciplined with a four-day suspension for leaving work without permission. Concern was
expressod that the City Manager was not aware of his arrest. The City Manager seid she
was advised of the arrest but had not been aware when the employee returned to work.
Ms. Rice said Solid Waste Director Robert Brumback advised the City Manager's office of
the arrest while the City Manager was out. Concern was expressed time had elapsed
between the time the employee returned to work and when the City Manager was aware
of that happening.
Mr. Brumback indicated a disciplinary investigation began when the employee
returned to work. A four-day suspension was approved within seven days of his return. In
answer to a question, he said employees are terminated if they are incarcerated more than
30 days. Ms. Rice said if anger and offensive behavior occur on the job, the employee will
be evaluated. It was suggested that employees should be demoted if they are convicted
of a crime. Ms. Rice said the City cannot always regulate employees' behavior off the job.
Concern was expressed that an employee with a police record has a supervisory position.
Clearwater Pass Bridge
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The City Manager referred to the newly completed bridge and indicated the State
has not turned it over to the City. A reference was made to an optical illusion that looks
like a flaw and it was questioned if the bridge was designed properly. Mr. Baier said the
bridge could have been designed to look differently. It was suggested the City Engineer
carefully review all plans for the proposed Memorial Causeway bridge.
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It was que3tioned if the speed limit on the Clearwater Pass Bridge can be increased.
Mr. Baier recommended the speed limit remain at 30 mph.
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A video was aired with examples of dramatic bridge lighting in other cities. It was
believed citizens support lighting the Clearwater ,Pass Bridge. It was noted some telephone
calls indicated concern spending money for this purpose would be wasteful. Mr. Baier
estimated lighting the Clearwater Pass Bridge could cost $250,000. He said the minimum
expense would be $100,000. It was suggested to include this in a future CIP budget. It
was felt that architectural lighting would beautify the City.
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The high cost of the proposed project was questioned. Mr. Baier said the expense
is related to conduits and lights. It was recommended the project be placed in abeyance
because the expense was not justified at this time. In answer to a question, Mr. Baier said
lighting the structure was not considered during construction because the State does not
fund dramatic lighting.
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The majority of the City Commission indicated they did not wish to move forward
with this project.
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The City Manager noted questions raised regarding the size of the City's reserve.
She said the current reserve is approximately 17% of the General Fund. She referred to a
recent article in the Beach Views and said she did not know the source of their figures. It
was noted most of the budget once was based on the General Fund. User fees and other
revenues now make up a significant part of the City's budget. It was questioned if the
Commission policy regarding the reserve should be reviewed. The City Manager said the
fund was established as a rainy day reserve to cover expenses should there be a shortfall
in tax collection. It was noted a former City Commission had increased the reserve from
5% to 10%. It was suggested this issue be discussed during the budget process following
the Spring election. The City Manager said she would not respond to the Beach Views.
Harborview Center Pre-Grand Ooenina
The City Manager said invitations have been sent for the pre-grand opening of the
Harborview Center scheduled for January 12, 1996. A public Grand-Opening is scheduled
for the afternoon of January 14, 1996.
Other Commission Action
Commissioner Johnson Questioned how much of the Municipal Services complex
was bonded. The City Manager indicated only the Police Department building was built
with bond monies.
Commissioner Johnson Questioned the size of the incentive paid Hardaway
Construction to finish the Clearwater Pass Bridge ahead of schedule. Assistant City
Manager William Baker said they received $600,000, the maximum for which they
qualified. It was noted the State, not the City, paid this bonus.
Commissioner Johnson questioned if handicapped persons can park for free. The
City Engineer will prepare a reply. The City Manager noted cars that designate the driver is
handicapped do not have to pay metered parking but must pay for attendant parking.
Commissioner Johnson questioned what steps residents can take to stop
newspapers from being thrown into their yards. It was indicated residents can call the
newspaper and request they stop delivery. The City Manager said staff received minimal
response to a study regarding this issue indicating residents do not perceive it as a great
problem. Concern was expressed that advertisements and newspapers thrown in yards
often end up in the streets.
Commissioner Johnson referred to David Grice.s request for the City to close
streets in the Plaza Park neighborhood. As it is not in the City.s interest to do this, he
opposed the request. It was noted some streets in that area are already closed. The City
Manager said Mr. Grice's request to eliminate commercial traffic from the neighborhood
would affect negatively the Parks & Recreation Department and a nearby commercial area.
Staff will make certain that Mr. Grice is advised regarding why the City will not block
commercial traffic.
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Commissioner Johnson questioned if the City has any rosponslblllty regarding Time
Warner's increase of cable rates. It was Indicated the City has no say tn the matter. Ms.
Rice reported competition will occur soon without any action by the City.
Commissioner Berfie\d commended Terry Schmidt and noted he had attracted
participants In the recent Outb~ck Bowl to Clearwater beach.
Commissioner Serfieh;! requested staff reply to a recent letter complaining about the
terrible time visitors had on the Empress Cruise Line.
Commissioner Berfield commended the Jolley Trolley staff for going out of thair
way to he\p a tourist and returning her lost purse Intact.
Comrtlis~ioner Clark referred to a letter from the Paralyzed Veterans regarding the
dock at the Soiling Center. The City Manager said the dock was built with 8 temporary
permit. Staff will come back to the City Commission regarding a permanent permit.
Commissioner Clark referred to a request for more aggressive enforcement of
handicapped parking spaces. Staff will bring back something regarding this issue.
Commissioner Thoma~ requested that the issue of registration of lobbyists be
addressed at the January ~ 6, 1996, Work Session.
Mavor Garvey reported the "Saturday in the City" did not usa all the money
appropriated by the City for the events. She questioned if the remaining funds can be
used for a third event.
Consensus was for the City to help fund a third "Saturday in the City" as long as
the City's total donation to the events does not exceed $10,000.
Mavor Garvev ref~rred to 0 request to start a farmer's market on Saturdays in front
of City Hall. She will approach the Special Events committee regarding this issue.
, Mavor Garvev reported C-View TV will be seen on Channel 15 beginning January 4,
The Commission adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
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