05/22/1997 (2)
May 22, 1997
Present: Rita Garvey Mayor
J. B. Johnson City Commissioner
Bob Clark City Commissioner
Ed Hooper City Commissioner
Karen Seel City Commissioner
Betty Deptula City Manager
Kathy Rice , Deputy City Manager
Bob Keller Assistant City Manager/Economic Development
Pam Akin City Attorney
Mary K. Diana Assistant City Clerk
Brenda Moses Board Reporter
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Garvey at 10:07 a.m. at the
Clearwater Sailing Center. The purpose of the meeting was to hear City department
presentations of proposed operating reductions and enhancements for fiscal
Central Permitting
` Director of Central Permitting, Scott Shuford, noted the City has passed the
$100 million mark for new construction this fiscal year. This year Central Permitting,
anticipates surpassing the 10,000 permit threshold. Over the last 10 years, due to
technology, the department has been able to perform more in terms of permitting
with less staff. Fees from occupational licenses and building permits have returned
$500,000 to the general fund.
Mr. Shuford presented his cost savings proposal. He said his department will
continue to support the City Economic Development initiative by allowing the
transfer of a Senior Planner or CP Coordinator position to the Office of the Assistant
City Manager/Economic Development while retaining the personnel and equipment
costs associated with this position in the department budget at a cost savings of
$55,000. Sharing the Planner/Coordinator position to establish long range planning
will result in less need for outside consultants. Although not recommended, other
cost savings could be realized by elimination of the nonpermanent inspector,
customer service representatives and a vacant position.
Enhancements include two associate planners, 2 customer service
representatives and 1 accounting clerk. Also proposed is the upgrade of two
temporary inspector positions and one emergency customer service position to
permanent. Equipment upgrades were also requested.
A question was raised regarding who currently handles some of the
accounting clerk functions and it was indicated these functions are shared by
various departments. In response to a question, it was indicated the proposed
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,gyp design planner position is needed due to the heavy demand caused by the changes
in the land development code. This position would result from staffing
City Attorney Pam Akin presented the Legal Department's suggested
reductions and enhancements. Possible reductions include deletion of outside
counsel costs and eliminate the part-time attorney position. Ms. Akin noted this
position was intended for civil rights police litigation due to a number of high-cost
police cases pending. Over the past two years, the number of cases have continued
to decrease and most of the cases are being handled internally. However, the part-
time position would be utilized for a one-year period to review purchasing and
contracting procedures, revamp documents and ensure all ordinances are up to date.
Information Management
Information Management Director Jeff Harper said the department has
revolutionized how the City works with new desktop software applications and
training. Reductions were recommended in the telecommunications area. Also
recommended was the outsourcing of utility bills and bulk mail process eliminating
the courier position, a vehicle and utility bill inserter. Commission mail would also
be outsourced.
f, Enhancements include a citizen newsletter for Clearwater residents,
maintaining the public information and TV production interns, the addition of a
telecommunications analyst to improve customer service levels, contract trainers to
train employees on the upgrade of computers and new software, tidemark
maintenance for Central Permitting, a database administrator to monitor and perform
maintenance functions, network engineer to help with operational and maintenance
functions necessary for network operation, PC support technician to ease the
burden in providing service to 700+ employees and a systems programmer analyst
to support General Services new computer system.
Discussion ensued in regard to modifications to the Ross financial system to
allow it to handle the year 2000.
Human Relations
Human Relations Director Eleanor Breland stated Human Relations is a small
department and recommended no reduction. She said over the last few years
reductions have been made by eliminating two full-time positions.. She noted
possible areas of reduction include travel, memberships and subscriptions, training
and reference and advertising. She pointed out due to contractual obligations and
information and training required by HUD and the EEOC, these reductions would
greatly impact the department's operation. She noted the compliance program
would be adversely impacted.
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Organizational and Employee Development
Organizational & Employee Development Director Pam Skyrme suggested
reducing contractual services. She noted the service level would be impacted by
these reductions which include reduction in training, reduced support for
departments' efforts to improve management/employee and employee/employee
relationships, fewer interventions to improve cross-departmental problem-solving, a
reduction in assistance with work process improvement activities and a reduction in
new program design. Suggested departmental enhancements include offering on-
site college classes through USF's PACE Program for Bachelor's and Master's
degrees in business, public administration and political science.
Office of Management & Budget
Budget Director Tina Wilson noted her department is a small 3-person office.
A budget reduction would affect productivity. The department is responsible for
preparing the City's annual budget, quarterly reports for the City Manager,
documentation of the financial forecast, preparation of a bi-annual revenue manual
and other reporting functions. They also assist the Finance Department in closing
their books after the budgets have been released. She noted there is a total of
$3,230 in controllable expenses for this department. It would be difficult to offer a
reduction in staff, however, reduction of the outside intern position would be the
only alternative. Ms. Wilson suggested sharing a City-wide intern opportunity for 6-
8 week periods for 10 hours a week.
Discussion ensued regarding combining the Budget and Finance offices. It
was noted that budgets have more to do with setting policy than keeping books,
and it was not recommended the two departments be combined. A direct link is
required to the City Manager's office relative to the budget process.
City Manager's Office and Non-Departmental
City Manager Betty Deptula identified no reductions. She indicated the
management team should continue to be a part of the overall strategic planning and
policy development for the City. Priorities reflect the commission's direction in the
key areas of Public Safety, Economic Development, Tourism and citywide efforts to
remove barriers for our customers.
Ms. Deptula noted a considerable amount of time is by staff spent in various
meetings. She suggested staff reduce duplication of staff attendance at various
meetings, obtaining information from other managers, and freeing up their time to
affect other areas. She also suggested giving up the vacated Assistant City
Manager's position funding another middle management position. It was remarked
the new City Manager will want to determine what position is necessary. It was
noted, due to Ms. Deptula's departure, the City will lose some of the budget and
finance expertise.
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.=r General Fund Summar and City Mana er Recommendations
.:.Discussion ensued regarding the spreadsheet distributed by the City Manager
listing the reductions and enhancements suggested by the departments. Some of
the figures still need to be refined.
Ms. Deptula presented calculations of the revenue generated from increased
millages ranging from 1 % to 5%. She also presented information an a 10-year
comparison of the number of employees in each department. It was noted some
departments have been combined with others over the years which spew some
departmental numbers.
_.;:.. Ms. Deptula suggested the. City Commission set aside some time in August
to 'discuss the preliminary budget once it has been released. A minimum of one day
to review the remainder of the operating departments will be necessary.
The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.
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