SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION - 5 I I PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION AlA DOCUMENT C604 (Instructions on reverse side) NUMBER FIVE In accordance with the written Agreement dated as of Seventh day of April, 1994 between the parties designated below for THE PROJECT: Harborview Center (Maas Brothers Renovation) Phase II work consisting of completion of the Upper Floor Level to accommodate a Conference Center and Future Restaurant Lease Space, Lower Level for a Community Center, Exhibit Hall Space and future Restaurant Space and an Atrium entrance lobby containing escalators and an additional elevator to serve all three building levels. The City of Clearwater hereby authorizes the Architect to: . Proceed with Additional Services . Proceed with revised scope of services o Incur Reimbursable Expenses o as follows: Additional services involving tasks as approved at the Commission Meeting of June 20, 1996. Significant changes approved at June 20. 1996 Commission Meeting was to modify the Upper Level Plan by the Future Restaurant Lease Space to a Banquet Hall (Clearwater Room) and Banquet Kitchen to serve the entire floor. Compensation shall be adjusted as follows: (Here insert provisions in ~cco,dance wirh the Ag,eement. 0' as olherwise all'eed by the parries.) See attached detail for additions to Article 12, Time for performance shall be adjusted as follows: (He,e insert p,ovisions covering lime 01 commencement "ncJ completion 01 authorized services as app(icable,) N.A. Upon return of a fully executed authorization, this service shall become a part of the Agreement identified above. APPROVED BY: ROWE ARCHITECTS ~I~CORPORATED ::%~ APPROVED BY: See attached signature sheet NAME ------ BY TITLE H. Dean Rowe. FAIA August 5, 1996 TITLE DATE DATE AlA DOCUMENT G604 . PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION. MARCH 1979 EDITION. AlAe @1979 . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTF. OF ARCHITECTS, 17.H NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 G604-1979 t I I I Attachment to PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION NUMBER FIVE Dated August 5, 1996 Article 11: Basic Services - Revised Scope 11.2,1 Add the following lump sum fees to the Basic Services for Increased revised scope as approved by Commission at the noted dates: e) Design Dell Infra-Structure (See C.1 attached - approved by Commission on June 20,1996) $10,900,00 f) Additional Rehab of Upper Level Southwest Men's Room (See D attached- approved by Commission on June 20, 1996) $230.00 Article 12: Add the following Additional Services Fees 11) Re-configure hall. doors, etc, to achieve added $1.978,00 room needed on third floor for Banquet Kitchen (from $150.000 for Catering Kitchen approved by Commission July 20.1995) 12) Kitchen Consultant and Rowe Architects evaluation $5.000.00 of used Kitchen Equipment (from $150.000 for Catering Kitchen approved by Commission on July 20, 1995) 13) Expand third floor women's lavatory to replace toilets $2.519.00 lost due to kitchen expansion (from $150.000 for Catering Kitchen approved by Commission on July 20.1995.) 14) Design Clearwater Room (See A.3 attached- $25,140,00 approved by Commission on June 20,1996) 15) Design Banquet Kitchen (See B.1 attached $22.231,00 approved by Commission on June 20,1996) 16) Design New Fixed Kitchen Equipment - Kitchen Consultant Fee $12.000.00 Plus Architect/Engineer Fee $3.574.00 (See B,2 attached - approved by Commission on June 20.1996) 17) Convert portion of Lower Level Floor ~back of houseN $1.971.00 Catering Area to Food and Drink Storage to supplement Banquet Kitchen, (See D. attached - approved by Commission on June 20,1996) I I Signature attachment to Professional Services Supplemental Authorization dated November 10, 1994 to Agreement between City of Clearwater and Rowe Architects Incorporated, dated 16 June 1994, for Project Management Consultant Countersigned: CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA it:eh Mayor-Commissioner Eliz Cit By: Approved as to form Attest: J1/LA~ City Attorney r.~~~, .}L..4l:~". ~City Clerk ~- --- ,.- . II I I HARBORVIEW CENTER A.3. Clearwater Room Base Price $225.334 Plus Partial Upgrade (not including chandeliers. birch wood trim or two level ceiling) $47.245 Plus General Contractor Overhead and Profit (15) $272~79 $41 .666 Sub Total Sub Total $314.245 Plus Architectural/Engineering Fee (8) $25,140 Plus 10% Contingency $339.385 $33,939 Sub Total Rounded $373.324 $374.fXX) Sub Total Balance of Upgrade Chandeliers, birch wood trim and two level ceiling $21.666 General Contractor Overhead and Profit $3.250 Sub Total $24,916 Rounded $25.000 . i I I HARBORVIEW CENTER B.1. Banquet Kitchen Bid Plus General Contractor Overhead and Profit (15) $241.637 $36.246 $277 .883 $22.231 $300.114 $30.012 Sub Total Plus Architectural/Engineering Fee (8) Sub Total Plus 10% Contingency Sub Total Rounded $330,126 $331o::JJ I I HARBORVIEW CENTER B,2, Fixed new Kitchen Equipment Bids (attached) after Value Engineering Kitchen Consultant Fee (Fixed) $ 166.706- $12.000 Rounded $178.706 $3.574 $182280 $ 182.(XX) Sub Total Plus Architectural/Engineering Fee (2%) Sub Total . I I I HARBORVIEW CENTER B,3, Other used kitchen equipment See attached from Jay Ravins Item 550400 Clearwater on Bluff (kitchen equipment) Item 564OCO Clearwater on Bluff (furniture) $37.7'2JJ $24.940 Plus Kitchen Consultant Fee for appraisal and examinaiton of conditions $62.670 $5.000 Sub Total Total $67.670 Rounded $68.000 . . I I HARBORVIEW CENTER B.4, Re-configure hall. doors. etc. to achieve added room needed on third floor for Banquet Kitchen. Construction Change Directive # One $17 A64 $4.G35 Construction Change Directive # Two Sub Total $21A99 $3225 Plus General Contractor Overhead and Profit (15) . Sub Total $24,724 $1.978 $26,7Cf2 Plus Architectural/Engineering Fee (8) Sub Total Rounded $27.000 I I HARBORVIEW CENTER B,5, Replace toilets lost due to Banquet Kitchen expansion, Construction Change Directive #41 (attached) Pius General Contractor Overhead and Profit (15) $27 :376 S4.1CX> Rounded $31A82 $2.519 $34 ,(01 $34.000 Sub Total Plus Architectural/Engineering Fee (8) Sub Total . I I I HARBORVIEW CENTER C.1 Construction bids for "shell" work Deli Infra Structure Bid Bid (see attached) Plus General Contractor Overhead and Profit $127 A23 $9200 $136.623 $10.900 $147.523 $ 14.752 $162275 $163.0::0 Sub Total Plus .Architectural/Engineering Fee Sub Total Plus 10% Contingency Sub Total Rounded . r I I HARBORVIEW CENTER D, Upgrades worthy of consideration Convert portion of Lower Level Floor "back of house" Catering Area to Food and Drink Storage to supplement Banquet Kitchen. Bid Price $26.124 Minus work included in Phase Two - A portion of ceiling/drywall/electrical/mechanical and painting ($4.700) Plus General Contractor Overhead and Profit $21 A24 $3214 Sub Total Plus Architectural/Engineering Fee $24.638 $1.971 Sub Total Sub Total $26fm Rounded $27 JXJJ . r I I HARBORVIEW CENTER D. Upgrades worthy of consideration . Additional Rehab of Upper Level Southwest Men's Room See attached $2.504 Plus General Contractor Overhead and Profit (15) $375 Sub Total $2.880 ~ 2. 30 $3.!& Plus Architectural/Engineering Fee (8) Total $3.110 Rounded $3.000 , '. l' ., ,,-..-,.-- ,'" t " ../' HARBotVIEW CENTER FINANCIAL OtERVIE\V Description Architect Contrnctof Construction OLher Costs Fees Fees Cosls Phase 1 (Ste.in Mart) A pprove.d on 04/01/94 5285,000 $160,605 $2,000,000 Change in Scope , 1) Phase lA Approved on 06/14/94 110,000 157,000 825 I 000 , 2) Full Coverage of Exterior 400,000 Phase '- 379,000 390,000 ".., . Third Floor. Completion., . ~ . . ' . ". 4,227,000 . , -' . '. - 0" , . .,':.." ..:: First 'Floor Co'mpl~tion '. , ' ' ' . " " . .. . , . . ' ' ,- - :-.,,' ....~ ._....-.:..__...:.-~. " . , ." ::.' .~... . .. .. .,'.. o ._" , " .' - . . " ' .. ...... .. .. ',', . - .. ...... _.. oj' ,. ....- ., ElevatorlEs'caliior'fEntrance .... .. ....0... ........ " " " Column Removal 12,000 9,000 154,000 Restaurant Shell - First floor 5,900 4,200 70,500 ~ Restaurant Shell - Third Floor 7,000 I~,()D~ "'fo1'''t, IUClU'~* K 10,000 . .1:MtjGGe ,..e "'1~a. ~ Establish Cat~ring I\,itchen 20,000 7,500 122,500 Finish Restaurant - First Floor 15,000 5,000 80,000 " Partial Furnishings, Fixtures ?Jid $196,890 Equipping of Center Parking Lot Improvements - 25,400 ' Purchase of Property .' 1,900,000 TOTAL TO DATE (8/31/95) S&36,900 S740,305 57,998,000 $2,122,290 . '1- -- ~ It --. _' __-,", . ~ "/ .....,... .. , ---. , . . :J . . FURTKER CONSIDERATIONS Description Architect Con tractor Construction Other Costs Fees Fees Cosls Finish Restaurant - Third Floor 527,000 530,000 J S243,OOO Scope Change Costs ., Addt'l Escalator 14,400 8,000 137,600 Sc.ope Change Addt'} 7,500 square feet - 17,500 15,000 317.500 Scope Change Addt'l Contingency 4,500 2,500 43,000 Possible Upgrades 15,000 15,000 270,000 Complete Fumirure. Fixtures, 5299,516 Equipment Purchases TOTAL FURTIIER CONSIDERA TIONS $78,400 570,500 SI,O 11 , 1 00 $299.516 ",., '. , . Commentary funding for Catering Kitchen I Budget approved by the Commission 7/20/95 Less costs for work already completed: Re-configure hall, doors etc. to achieve added room needed on third floor for Banquet Kitchen Construction Change Directives January 9, 1996 and February 5, 1996 A I ~ 'F:':.cc,. ~ I .~ 7 ('J ) I 0, \ ( ~ I--~ ~. + -~ '44 D-vh c.d .) Purchased used equipment from "Clearwater-on-the-Bluff" Payments total ~ ~ 0, 7? ,-7 {2 o (:1l-IIIJ ,,~,l (.:c'f'o--." r~_ ~ ~I I .~.2...... c ) Kitchen ConsuItan~:...etained to .~valuate... u~ed eq.uipl}1e, ~t, ~~ ~ C:f~ r' ,#-.-.. 0. ., -;t<d<-f- ~'f:Y , (' t.) Expand third floor women's lavatory to replace toilets lost due to kitchen expansion Construction Change Directive March 27, 1996 J>... I ~ f-~.c::.<G oj. ~ I ~ f "'f ( ., .' " )- 'f ~ 1;"';". S; "'~.~\ .~._- ,~- ":':>"1);. ) Balance available $150,000 27,000 63,000 5,000 34,000 J21.000