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October 18, 1996
Wilbert Bacon
Dr. William Raffaniello
Thalia Kelsey
Estelle Dunn
Marshall Bennett
Christine Morris
Edward Nichols
Tom Leavy
Joanne Laurenti
Dr. Arlita Hallam
Linda Lange
Carolyn Moore
Brenda Moses
Pamela leClair
David Waddell
Member iSTrived 9:35 s.m.)
Library Director
Library Division Manager
Library Division Manager
Board Reporter
The meeting was called to order by Chair Wilbert Bacon at 9:05 a.m. at the
Main Library, third floor board room, 100 North Osceola Avenue, Clearwater,
Florida. In order to provide continuity for research, the items will be listed in agenda
order although not necessarily discussed in that order.
1 . Welcome
Chair Bacon welcomed new member Tom Leavy to the Library Advisory
Board. He noted Lucille Weiss has resigned from the Board in order to travel. She
was a great Board member, a liaison of the Friends of the Clearwater Library, and
will be sorely missed. He also thanked Pamela LeClair for her service an the Board.
She will be attending school and will not renew her appointment at the end of the
2. Approval of Minutes of September 20. 1996
Member Raffaniello moved to approve the minutes of September 20, 1996
as submitted in writing to each member. The motion was duly seconded and carried
3. Report on Video Fine Reduction Period ~ Linda Lange
Chair Bacon said at the April Board meeting video fines were reduced.
Library Division Manager Linda Lange reported all feedback was favorable from
library staff and patrons at various branches.
1 0/18/96
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Library Director's Report
Dr. Hallam distributed and reviewed handouts on 1) the revised and approved
library meeting room policy; 2) branch fact sheets listing circulation amounts, costs
of operating each branch, and transactions per staff member at each branch
location; 3) the library's 1996-97 budget; 4) a letter from Dr. Hallam to Mrs. Pamela
Wyatt regarding library policy; 5) a Public Library Data Service Statistical Report for
1996; 6) Ordinance no. 5434-93 pertaining to Board membership; 7) a suggested
selection of statements for addition to library cards and signs throughout the library;
and 8) Penny for Pinellas handout.
Dr. Hallam noted the Clearwater Public Library System ranks among the "50
best" libraries serving communities over 100,000 in 11 out of 13 categories.
A. Role of Library Board Member
Dr. Hallam encouraged Board Members to discuss any concerns and ideas
pertaining to the library system at Board meetings. It was noted members are
expected to exhibit professional, courteous behavior at all public facilities at all
times. Members who do not meet the conduct and attendance requirements of this
Board shall be considered for removal.
B. Video Policy for Children
Dr. Hallam reviewed Mrs. Pamela Wyatt's multiple requests regarding the
Clearwater Library's video policy for children. Mrs. Wyatt called Dr. Hallam on
August 19, 1996 and expressed her concern about a video her fifteen year old child
had checked out at the library. This particular video had been circulated 491 times
in a one year period, and this was the first and only complaint. Dr. Hallam explained
to Mrs. Wyatt the Library Bill of Rights and the fact that the library does not act in
the place of a parent. At that time, Mrs. Wyatt stated she was unaware the library
made the parents responsible for their children's selections. She said everyone has
the responsibility for raising children. She was not against her child checking out an
R-rated video, but was objecting to this particular video. She felt the library should
let the public know about library policy and the fact that the library does not screen
videos at check out time. Mrs. Wyatt proceeded to contact the St. Petersburg
Times and other media organizations. She then went door to door in the
Countryside area with a petition stating she was unaware of the Clearwater Public
Library's policy to allow minors to borrow R-rated videos. Her petition requested the
library implement a policy that follows the gUidelines established by the motion
picture industry. Her petition also stated she was not Implying eliminating the video
section or A-rated videos. She obtained 176 signatures, 21 of which were from
outside Clearwater. On September 5, 1996 she appeared before the City
Commission. She stated she had contacted other Pinel1as County libraries. She
implied that 8 of 13 libraries had a video screening policy. Reality is that the other
libraries in the Cooperative simply do not allow children to check out any videos.
Five of the 13 libraries, inclUding Clearwater, do not screen videos or books before
check out time. Mrs. Wyatt continued to contact the press and also requested the
librarv sign age be rewritten. Dr. Hallam called Mrs. Wyatt and asked to meet with
10/1 8/96
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It was noted library materials are purchased based upon the awards they win
and reviews they receive. All videos are clearly marked with the MPAA (Motion
Picture Association of America) rating. The library does not discriminate according
to the content of the material or the age of the patron. If materials can be checked
out to anyone, they can be checked out to everyone. This is a fairly standard library
practice. The library has a responsibility to over 100,000 people and is hearing
loudly from one person. It was noted when children apply for library cards, the
parent(s) must sign the card. Currently the following statement is on all applications
for cards: "I will be responsible for all materials checked out on this card, and I will
follow the regulations of the Clearwater Public library system. I will notify the
library if my address changes or if my card is lost. The parent or guardian must sign
for any applicant under 18 years old." It was noted video screening would prompt
book screening and Internet screening. Members agreed not to change the current
library policy, just to clarify it. Various suggested statements for signs were
reviewed. Member Leavy moved to add the following statement on the application
for library cards and posted signs: "All library cardholders have unrestricted access
to all library materials in the Clearwater Library System." The motion was duly
seconded. Upon the vote being taken, Members Bacon, Kelsey, Laurenti, Dunn,
Morris, Nichols and Leavy voted "aye." Members Raffaniello and Bennett abstained
because they felt no policies were being changed and they did not see the need for
the motion. They felt the Board was just restating current policy. The motion
her personally in an effort to discuss her concerns. The meeting was set but Mrs.
Wyatt canceled the meeting and said she would reschedule. Dr. Hallam then
received a call from the media asking for a rebuttal to Mrs. Wyatt's interview. Mrs.
Wyatt continued to contact the media and told Dr. Hallam she would never be able
to meet with her because she was a very busy woman. Mrs. Wyatt then called the
library asking when the rules had changed. It was explained to her the rules had not
changed and the library has always advocated parental responsibility. It now
appears Mrs. Wyatt is calling libraries in other counties for their policies. This issue
began as a request for signs to be changed, and has progressed to a movie rating-
type system, to no videos at all for children, and to questioning the purchasing of
videos for everyone.
C. Revised Code of Conduct
The library's Code of Conduct policy was discussed. The Code essentially
requires patrons to be respectful to other patrons. A violation of these rules would
cause the person to be trespassed from the building. The library Internet computers
are currently in full view of the reference desk in order to deter destruction of
materials and assist patrons. Patrons must sign up to use the computers, but no
screening of materials is done. The Legal Department is reviewing the Code of
Conduct to see if it covers removing violators from the library for harassing others
through objectionable materials on the computer screen or public printer.
It was noted the library now has police service technicians instead of guards.
They also monitor the park, parking lots and Harborview Center.
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Reports: Foundation. Friends. Cooperative
Mr. Shirley Hunt gave a report on the Foundation. The Clearwater
Community Women's Club will meet at 3:00 p.m. on November 18, 1996 in the
youth department to see materials they have purchased. The annual Wickman
event at the Beach library is scheduled for November 18, 1996 at 5:30 p.m. The
Dictionary of Art is expected any day. When Mrs. Gubner returns an appreciation
event will be scheduled. Mr. Hunt urged everyone to become members of the
Foundation if they have not already done so.
Member Morris gave a report on the Friends of the Clearwater Public Library.
She encouraged everyone to join. Membership dues range from $5 for an annual
individual membership to $150 for a lifetime membership. She noted there will be a
luncheon on November 16, 1996 at Cove Cay Country Club. Details can be found
in the October 1 996 edition of the FOCL Point Newsletter.
It was noted Dick Fitzgerald has been elected the new Chair of the library
Cooperative. He has done a fine job and is to be congratulated. The next
Cooperative meeting is scheduled for October 22, 1 996.
6. Board Comments
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Dr. Hallam noted the Library Advisory Board may have two vacancies next
month. Please inform Dr. Hallam of any prospective members.
The Countryside library is closed today through October 26, 1996 due to
acoustic spraying. The North Greenwood library will receive 23 additional parking
spaces, new automatic doors, a new book drop, and new carpet. The Main Library
will be carpeted this year. Lighting improvements for the East and Countryside
libraries is planned. In responst:l to a question, Dr. Hallam said some of the
renovation projects could not be done during the summer months because of
contract negotiations and bidding time frames.
At the November meeting, Dr. Hallam will present a slide show of new
libraries she has visited. It was suggesteu scheduling a Board meeting in
Tallahassee to see the new Leon County library. This issue will be discussed at the
next meeting.
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The next' meeting is scheduled for November 15, 1996 at 9:00 B.m. at the
o 'Main Library~s Adler Room.
The meeting adjourned at 10:33 a.m.
Chair, Library Advisory Board
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