CONDUIT CABLE PLANT PROPOSAL , - , I ~"- . - -- Proposed Cable Plant Solution for the City of Clearwater Main October 4, 1995 .....a- BAY Resources, Inc. RECEIVED OCT 0 5 1995 ROV\€ AACHntClS INCORPORATED . I ) .( l 1.0 Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (City Office) 1.1 Ground Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (City Office) 1.2 Second Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (City Office) 1.3 Third Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (City Office) ~.OuHorizontal CATV Cabling (City Office) 2.1 Ground Floor Horizontat CATV Cabling (City.Office) 2.2 Second Floor Horizontal CATV Cabling (City Office) 2.3 Third Floor Horizontal CATV Cabling (City Office) 3.0 Vertical Riser Fiber Optic Data Cabling (City Office) 4.0 Vertical Riser Copper Voice Cabling (City Office) 5.0 Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (police) 5.1 Ground Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (police) 5.2 Second Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (police) 5.3 Third Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling'(police) 6.0 Horizontal CATV Cabling (police) 6.1 Ground Floor Horizontal CATV Cabling (police) 6.2 Second Floor Horizontal CATV Cabling (police) 6.3 Third Floor Horizontal CATV Cabling (police) 7.0 Vertical Riser Fiber Optic Data Cabling (police) 8.0 Vertical Riser Copper Voice Cabling (police) 9.0 City Wide Conduit S)'stem 9.1 City Fire Department 9.2 City Hall 9.3 Proposed Parking Garage 10.0 Fiber Optic Campus Network Cabling l 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 15 15 16 1 \ l J "' 1 10.1 Police Headquarters Building 10.2 City Fire Department 10.3 City Hall 10.4 Proposed Parking Garage 11.0 Fiber Optic Campus C-VIEW TV Cabling 11.1 Police Headquarters Building 11.2 City Hall _- 12.0 Warranty 13.0 Pricing Schedule l 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 . 20 21 2 j f , . I l The City of Clearwater Cable Plant Proposal October 3. 1995 The purpose of this document is to establish an understanding of the overall "Scope of Design and Implementation" for ROWE Architects Incorporated, to be provided by Bay Resources, Inc. This proposal will include, but will not be limited to, the design and installation of horizontal VoicelData/CATV, vertical riser Voice/Data, and City Wide VoicelData/CATV as specified by ROWE Architects as of October 3, 1995. The detailed infonnation provided will be specific in quantity and pricing based on the number of workstations being specified and described in the latest prints and/or literature provided to Bay Resources by ROWE Architects and/or it's associated subcontractors. This pricing will not include any materials or services not mentioned in this proposal, however, this pricing can be added to Bay's contract once the specific details are shown. Based on the stringent timeframe given to the specific requirements for the completion of this project, certain tasks may need to be addressed on a "Time. and Materials" basis. As documented in previous information provided to ROWE Architects by Bay Resources, Bay will provide a "Single Source Solution" for all pre-, in-process and post- installation design, procurement, implementation, coordination, project management and final documentation as dictated by ROWE Architects. This will include all specified low voltage communications cabling required for the implementation of the City of Clearwater's City Office Building, Police Headquarters Building, City Campus Network and any other necessary city or county facilities as outlined in our previous meetings. This information provided today will include only those specific tasks that are clearly understood and/or inclusive in nature so that Bay can give accurate pricing for those said described tasks. Any infonnation requested that is not provided will be provided at a later date when both parties have a clear understanding of the exact scope of work required to complete those specific tasks. 3 l " I I The City of Cleanvater~ City Office Building 1.0 Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (City Office) -. - . - Bay Resources "v.ill pmvideY9Jcearid data cabling as atY1?i~~L~~rkstation__ configuration of (2) Category 3 plenum voice lines and (2) Category 5 plenum data lines per workstation outlet. This will include integration of above said cabling into a single, six port wall plate utilizing a single outlet box provided by the Electrical Contractor for communication outlets. All horizontal cabling will include termination of voice cabling on category 3 IDe jacks at the workstation and on Ml-50 termination blocks in the communications room or closet. The Ml-50 (voice) termination blocks will mount on existing customer provided backboards in each closet. These backboards are currently shown as provided in ROWE Architect's current design plans. It will include termination of data cabling on category 5 IDe jacks at the workstation and in a category 5 patch panel in the communications room or closet. The (data) patch panels will mount in Bay provided 84" communication cabinets. The data lines will include wall plate and patch cable assemblies for connection to the PC/workstation on the floor and to the hub/concentrator in the communications room or closet. . All voice and data cabling will be terminated and tested for final certification. Voice cabling will be numbered accordingly and clearly labeled for cross connect to the PBX system by the system provider. Data cabling will be numbered accordingly and clearly labeled for connection to the PC/workstation and hub/concentrator by the communications hardware provider. Data cabling certification will include complete Category 5 certification through wallplate and patch cable assemblies with final written certification provided upon completion of project. Complete As-Built documentation via AutoCAD and hard copy blueprints will be provided upon completion of project. Also included for each floor will be a fully enclosed 84" smoked glass cabinet with locking front and back doors, dual fan for ventilation, and 12 outlet power strip (110 volt). This cabinet will house any required hardware, as well as, all data cabling and wire management for immediate connection to necessary data communications hardware. Final design drawings for each specific floor's cabinet and contents will also be provided upon completion of project. 4 1, I J . I I 1.1 Ground Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (City Office) Bay Resources will provide aU labor and materials for the installation of 125 standard communications outlets (2 voice, 2 data) as specified on the blueprints provided. The 84~' cOJ11!11unications c_abinet for aU wiring and hardware is also , iiicludedh ..,>,,'~ - _ ' --- Co'sf:" $ 52,450.95 ,- 1.2 Second Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (City Office) Bay Resources will provide all labor and materials for the installation of 119 standard communications outlets (2 voice, 2 data) as specified on the blueprints provided. The 84" communications cabinet for all wiring and hardware is also . . included. Cost - $ 49,960.60 .' 1.3 Third Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (City Office) Bay Resources will provide aU labor and materials for the installation of 139 standard communications outlets (2 voice, 2 data) as specified on the blueprints provided. We will install a 24 ct. Fiber Optic cable from the 3rd floor communications closet to the 3rd floor Computer Room as specified for Fiber Optic workstation connections. All fiber will be terminated for immediate use. Eight (8) duplex Fiber Optic assemblies are included for direct workstation connection from the Fiber Optic patch panel. These connections will cOnrlect directly to the 3rd floor communications hub. We will install One (1) RG- 58 A/U coax line to the 4th floor for the WaveLAN Router connection. The 84" communications cabinet for all wiring and hardware is also included. Cost - $ 63,765.85 5 I I 2.0 Horizontal CA TV Cabling (City Office) - . . - ----- ----.,-----.---- . Bay Resources will coordinate with C- VIEW. TV Channel 35 and Time Warner t9 -. ... ::_installRG~6U plenum coax workstations as specified on the prints provided by ~: ROWE Architects. AIllocations will-tenninate on existing Bay provided wall plates at the specified workstation and tenninate into an RG-6U patch panel in the ' communications room. Bay will provide all station cabling for connection to the Time Warner provided backbone system. All locations will be tenninated and tested for client approval. Complete As-Built documentation via AutoCAD and hard copy blueprints will be provided upon completion of project. All patch cable and wallplate assemblies are included. 2.1 Ground Floor Horizontal CA TV Cabling (City Office) Bay Resources will provide aU labor and materials for the installation of 13 CATV outlets as specified on the prints provided: All CATV locations will terminate in existing communication outlets at the workstation and into a 24 port RG-6U patch panel in the communications room. Coax station cabling will connect to customer provided coax backbone system. All wallplate and patch cable assemblies are included. Cost - $ 3,521.05 2.2 Second Floor Horizontal CA TV Cabling (City Office) Bay Resources will provide all labor and materials for the installation of 17 CATV outlets as specified on the prints provided. All CATV locations will tenninate in existing communication outlets at the workstation and into a 24 port RG-6U patch panel in the communications room. Coax station cabling will connect to customer provided coax backbone system. All wallplate and patch cable assemblies are included. Cost - $ 4,618.25 6 I I 2.3 Third Floor Horizontal CA TV Cabling (City Office) Bay Resourceswilrprovide'alfIabor andmate~als for the In~tallation of 30 CATV outlets as specified on the prints provided. All CATV locations will terminatc? in existing communication outlets at the workstation and into a 48 port RG-6U patch panel in the communications room. Coax station cabling will connect to customer provided coax backbone system. All wall plate and patch cable assemblies are included. Cost - $ 8,428.30 3.0 Vertical Riser Fiber Optic Data Cabling (City Office) Bay Resources will provide an FDDI Fiber Optic backbone system as specified in the design plans submitted to the City of Clearwater as of 8/25/95. This backbone will support the City's current and future.data communications needs including, but not limited to, the current FDDI design being specified. All fibers will be terminated in the Bay provided equipment cabinets for immediate connection to the City's communications hardware on each respective floor. Based on the current design being recommended, dual attachments will be made in each floors communications cabinet. Bay will install a 12 ct. 62.5/125 multimode roD! Fiber Optic cable from the first floor communications closet to the second floor communications closet, from the second floor communications closet to the third floor communications closet and from the third floor communications closet to the first floor communications closet as specified. All fibers will terminate in a rack mount Fiber Optic cabinet with "ST" style connections. All fibers will be terminated and tested for client approval with written test results provided upon completion. Two (2) duplex Fiber Optic assemblies will be provided for each floor. This will allow dual connections to the City's communications hardware. Costs - $ 6,743.70 7 4.0 I I Vertical Riser Copper Voice CabHng (City Office) Bay Resour~e~~will install voice copperf~ed-cablirtg tosupp()rt thegity's - ~ _____ maximum requirements of all active pairs feeding directly to the local PBX o~ Channel Bank System as specified in the Main Telecommunications Room located on the ground floor. This cabling quoted will support a maximum of300 phone lines per floor cross connecting 4 pairs for each phone line to the PBX or Channel Bank. This pricing does not include the necessary cross connection to the PBX or Channel Bank itself. All locations will be terminated, labeled and tested for client approval. Final documentation will be provided upon completion of project. Bay will install a 1200 pair voice riser feed cable from the first floor Main . telecommunications room to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor Telecommunications closet. Cost - $ 35,236.80 8 I I The City of Clearwater~ Police Headauarters BuiIdine: 5.0 Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (Police) ------~-_..--------. Bay Resourceswilrpiovide voice anddata cabling as a typical workstation--..- -0... configuration of (2) Category 3 plenum voice lines and (2) Category 5 plenum data lines per workstation outlet. This will include integration of above said cabling into a single, six port wallplate utilizing a single outlet box provided by the Electrical Contractor for communication outlets. All horizontal cabling will include termination of voice cabling on category 3 IDe jacks at the workstation and on Ml-50 termination blocks in the communications room or closet. The MI-50 (voice) termination blocks will mount on existing customer provided backboards in each closet. These backboards are currently shown as provided in ROWE Architect's current design plans. It will include termination of data cabling on category 5 IDe jacks at the workstation and in a category 5 patch panel in the communications room or closet. The (data) patch panels will mount in Bay provided 84" communication cabinets. The data lines will include wall plate and patch cable assemblies for connection to the PC/workstation on the floor and to the hub/concentrator in the communications room or closet. All voice and data cabling will be terminated and tested for final certification. Voice cabling will be numbered accordingly and clearly labeled for cross connect to the PBX system by the system provider. Data cabling will be numbered accordingly and clearly labeled for connection to the PC/workstation and hub/concentrator by the communications hardware provider. Data cabling certification will include complete Category 5 certification through wall plate and patch cable assemblies with final written certification provided upon completion of project. Complete As-Built documentation via AutoCAD and hardcopy blueprints will be provided upon completion of project. Also included for each floor will be a fully enclosed 84" smoked glass cabinet with locking front and back doors, dual fan for ventilation, and 12 outlet power strip (110 volt). This cabinet will house any required hardware, as well as, all data cabling and wire management for immediate connection to necessary data communications hardware. Final design drawings for each specific floor's cabinet and contents will also be provided upon completion of project. 9 I I 5.1 Ground Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (Police) Bay Resources will provide all labor and materials for the installatiQn of85 . standard commui1icationsoutlet~ (2 voIce, idata) asspecifi~d on the blueprints -- . provided. The 84" communications cabinet for all wiring and hardware is also . r included. Cost -$ 37,280.25 5.2 Second Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (Police) Bay Resources will provide all labor and materials for the installation of 10Z standard communications outlets (2 voice, 2 data) as specified on the blueprints provided. We will install a 24 ct. Fiber Optic cable from the 2nd floor communications closet to the 2nd floor Computer Room as specified for Fiber Optic workstation connections. All fiber will be terminated for immediate use. Six (6) duplex Fiber Optic assemblies are included for direct workstation connection from the Fiber Optic patch panel. These connections will connect directly to the 2nd floor communications hub. We will also install (2) 25 pair voice riser cables from the customer provided Channel Bank in the Main Telecommunications Room to the 2nd floor electronic switch in Dispatch for the Radio Tower connection. These cables will terminate on Ml-50 termination blocks. They will be labeled and tested for client approval. The 84" communications cabinet for all wiring and hardware is also included. Cost - $ 49,755.40 ; 5.3 Third Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling (Police) Bay Resources will provide all labor and materials for the installation of 159 standard communications outlets (2 voice, 2 data) as specified on the blueprints provided. The 84" communications cabinet for all wiring and hardware is also included. Cost - $ 65,669.90 10 , I 6.0 Horizontal CA TV Cabling (Police) - Bay Resources will with coordinate C-VTEW TV Channel 35 and. Time Warner to_ mstalfR9-6U plenuIn coax workstations as sp_ecified_on theppnts provided by. .- ROWE Afchiteds. All locations will terminate on existing Bay providedu--.-- _._____un wall plates at the specified workstation and terminate into an RG-6U patch panel in the communications room. Bay will provide all station cabling for connection to the Time Warner provided backbone system. All locations will be terminated and tested for client approval. Complete As-Built documentation via AutoCAD and hard copy blueprints will be provided upon completion of project. All patch cable and wall pI ate assemblies are included. 6.1 Ground Floor Horizontal CA TV Cabling (Police) Bay Resources will provide all labor and materials for the installation of 3 CATV outlets as specified on the prints provided: All CATV locations will terminate in existing communication outlets at the workstation and into a 24 port RG-6U patch panel in the communications room. Coax station cabling will connect to customer provided coax backbone system. All wall plate and patch cable assemblies are included. Cost - $ 1,454.55 6.2 Second Floor Horizontal CA TV Cabling (Police) Bay Resources will provide all labor and materials for the installation of 1 CATV outlets as specified on the prints provided. All CATV locations will terminate in existing communication outlets at the workstation and into a 24 port RG-6U patch panel in the communications room. Coax station cabling will connect to customer provided coax backbone system. All wallplate and patch cable assemblies are included. Cost - $ 653.45 11 I I 6.3 Third Floor Horizontal CA TV Cabling (Police) . --- ~'-.Bay~Res(jijrces-~lrpr()v!~~~~ la~~r_and materiafs for the installation of 9 CATV outlets as- specified on the prints provided. All CATV locations will terminat~ in existing communication outlets at the workstation and into a 24 port RG-6Upatch panel in the communications room. Coax station cabling will connect to customer provided coax backbone system. All wallplate and patch cable assemblies are included. Cost - $ 2,849.85 7.0 Vertical Riser Fiber Optic Data Cabling (Police) Bay Resources will provide an FDDI or AIM Fiber Optic backbone system as specified in the design plans received from ROWE Architects for the Police Headquarters as of 8/25/95. This backbone will support the Police Headquarter's current and future data communications needs including, but not limited to, the current AIM design being specified.. All fibers will be terminated in the Bay provided equipment cabinets for immediate connection to the Police Headquarter's communications hardware on each respective floor. Dual attachments will be made, if necessary, in each floors communications cabinet. Bay will install a 12 ct. 62.5/125 multimode FDDI Fiber Optic cable from the first floor communications closet to the second floor communications closet, from the second floor communications closet to the third floor communications closet and from the third floor communications closet to the first floor communications closet as specified. All fibers will terminate in a rack mount Fiber Optic cabinet with "ST" style connections. All fibers will be terminated and tested for client approval with written test results provided upon completion. Two (2) duplex Fiber Optic assemblies will be provided for each floor. This will allow dual connections to the Police Headquarter's communications hardware if needed. Costs - $ 6,743.70 12 1 I 8.0 Vertical Riser Copper Voice Cabling (Police) - - n_____________nu Bay Resources-will install voice copper feed cabling toCsuppoI1 the Police ~UU Headquarter's maximum requirements of all active pairs feeding directlytoUthe local PBX or Channel Bank System as specified in the Main Telecommunications Room located on the ground floor. This cabling quoted will support a maximum of 300 phone lines per floor cross connecting 4 pairs for each phone line to the PBX or Channel Bank. This pricing does not include the necessary cross connection to the PBX or Channel Bank itself. All locations will be tenninated, labeled and tested for client approval. Final documentation will be provided upon completion of project. Bay will install a 1200 pair voice riser feed cable from the first floor Main telecommunications room to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor Telecommunications closet. Cost - $ 42,586.80 13 , , ,. . I I The City of Cleanvater. City Campus Network . - 9.0 City Wide Ciiiiduit System Bay Resources will provide a complete city wide conduit system for the proposed City Campus Network. This conduit system will connect the City Office Building and Police Headquarters Building to all other specified city or county facilities. These facilities will include The City Fire Department, the Proposed Parking Garage and City Hall as specified. This conduit system will provide immediate access for all VoicelData/CATV cabling being specified in this proposal. Additional access locations can be provided upon request from the city. . . The conduit system will be all 4" conduit connected with pull vaults providing future access for additional cabling at a later date. All materials (conduit, pull vaults, etc.) are covered in Bay's Warranty section and meet all applicable local, county and state codes for underground oonstruction and road crossings. This pricing includes building entry for each facility as specified in our previous meetings. Where no specification was provided, an average costing was applied. All routes being specified are coordinated with the City of Clearwater Engineering Department and may be altered to accommodate further needs for the city at a later date. All necessary permits will also be coordinated with the City's Engineering Department and may require additional costs once final specifications and exact routes are determined. Conduit installation method will be by "directional bore" to minimize interruption and address the overall aesthetics during and after installation. This conduit does not include the conduit system being installed between the City Services Building and the Police Headquarters Building, but will tie into this system to provide complete access for all locations. Final As-Built documentation will be provided upon completion of project. 14 ! . ) I 9.1 City Fire Department - - _Baywill provide (1) 4~'conduit from the-Main conduit systemrunmrig from Myrtle. ______u_ - toOsceoHion thenoithside of Pierce Street. This Main conduit sysfemwill . include (1) 4" conduit to accommodate the primary access for all cabling on the west side of the City Services Building. The cost of this Main conduit system have been equally divided between all pertinent facilities (City Fire Department and City Hall) needing access via this route. This single 4" conduit for the Fire Department will tie into an existing city provided conduit running from the Fire Department building to the property line on the north side of the building. The exact size of this city provided conduit has not been determined. Cost - $ 12,065.85 9.2 City Hall Bay will provide (1) 4" conduit from the Main conduit system to the City Hall Building as specified. A 2" EMT conduit is included for internal routing if needed. Cost - $ 69,945.50 9.3 Proposed Parking Garage Bay will install (3) 4" conduits from the proposed Aneco installed conduit system between the City Services Building and the Police Headquarters Building :to the proposed Parking Garage as specified. These conduits will extend from the Aneco manhole located at the NW comer of East Avenue and Pierce Street to the SE comer of the proposed Parking Garage. A 2" EMT conduit is included for internal routing if needed. Cost - $ 4,255.00 15 I I 10.0 Fiber Optic Campus Network Cabling ___~~ Bay will provide 3,12 ct.--multimodeFiber Optkcl!ble (62.5/125) from-the third' -.. ._- - floor Communications Riser Closet .of the City Services Building to each specified remote facility as specified for immediate and future network connectivity. Each 12 ct. Fiber Optic cable will run directly, through Bay provided conduit system, to each facility being specified. All cabling will be installed to the specified location in each remote facility and terminate into a Fiber Optic patch panel mounted in a standard 19" stand alone rack for connection to city provided communications hardware. This rack will be mounted to the floor where needed. In the City Services Building, Bay will terminate all Fiber Optic cabling in the Bay provided communications cabinet in the third floor riser closet. This will provide immediate connection to the main hardware system or any major system located in the'third floor computer room. Bay will provide (4) duplex fiber optic assemblies for each facility connection to allow single or dual attachments to remote communications hardware. For the Police Headquarters Building, Bay will install a 48 ct. Fiber Optic cable from the third floor communications riser closet of the City Services Building to the second floor communications riser closet of the Police Headquarters Building for immediate and future connectivity between these two facilities. This will include a 12 ct. Fiber Optic cable from the Police Headquarter's second floor riser closet to the Main Telecommunications Room located on the ground floor northwest comer of the Police building and a 12 ct. Fiber Optic cable from the City Services Building's third floor riser closet to the Main Telecommunications Room located on the ground floor west side of the City Services Building. Additional Fiber Optic assemblies will be provided for these connections. If connectivity is needed to the ground floor Main Telecommunications Room of the Police Building, connectivity can be made through the Bay provided 12 ct. Fiber Optic cable between these two points. Additional Fiber Optic assemblies will be provided for these connections. 16 :.... . I I All Fiber Optic cabling will terminate with "ST" type fiber optic connectors and be certified and tested with written documentation upon completion of project. A full design layout will also be provided upon completion of project. 10.1 Police Headquarters Building - . Bay. Will instalJ.a 48 ct. YiberOptic cable (62.5/125) from the third floor - ._-..~ communiCations nsef'clcfsefofthe City Services Buildingto~the-second floor~--~~~ communications riser closet of the Police Headquarters Building as specified, All cabling will terminate in Bay provided patch panels and communications cabinets. All fiber will be terminated and tested for client approval. We will also install 12 ct. Fiber Optic cables from their respective closet to the Main Telecommunications Rooms of each building for Voice PBX connectivity. Assemblies will be provided. Cost - $ 26,627.40 10.2 City Fire Department Bay will install a 12 ct. Fiber Optic cable from the third floor communications riser closet of the City Services Building to the City Fire Department as specified. All cabling will terminate in Bay provided pai~h panels and mount on a Bay provided 19" stand alone rack. All fibers will be terminated and tested for client approval. Cost - $ 9,365.40 10.3 City Hall Bay will install a 12 ct. Fiber Optic cable from the third floor communications riser closet of the City Services Building to City Hall as specified. All cabling will terminate in Bay provided patch panels and mount on a Bay provided 19" stand alone rack. All fibers will be terminated and tested for client approval. Cost - $ 15,577.90 17 ~. I ., 10.4 Proposed Parking Garage - ~ ~ - ~ l1?y~ i.n~t~1_~12 ct. Fiber Optic cable from the~thiid floor communications riser_ ~ - closet of the City Services Buildmg to the Proposed Parking Garage as specified. Bay will also install a 12 ct. Fiber Optic Cable from the Main Telecommunications Room in the Police Headquarters Building to support the voice communications as specified. These cables will tenninate inside the building at the point of entrance and will terminate in Bay provided patch panels and mount on a Bay provided 19" stand alone rack. All fibers will be terminated and tested for client approval. Cost - $ 13,937.00 11.0 Fiber Optic Campus C-VIEW TV Cabling Bay will provide a 12 ct. (six active, six dark) single mode Fiber Optic cable from the third floor of the City Services Centen(room CE-324) to the specified locations as specified. Each 12 ct. Fiber Optic cable will run directly, through Bay provided conduit system, to each facility being specified. All cabling will be installed to the specified location in each remote facility and terminate into a Fiber Optic patch panel mounted in a standard 19" stand alone rack for connection to C- VIEW provided communications hardware. All fibers will be terminated and tested for client approval. Final documentation and As-Builts will also be provided. Necessary assemblies are not included in this proposal because specific fiber connections for the communications hardware have not been provided. Only six fibers will be terminated and the remaining six will be left available for futUre connection. All fibers can be tenninated upon request from the city. Coordination of exact locations of fiber termination in each remote facility will need to be determined prior to installation. 18 I . I I 11.1 Police Headquarters Building - - ~_ Bay will insialla12 d. (six active, six Clark) single mode Fiber Optic_cable from~~~_~_;~~:~-C"~= -~- ------the third floor Master Control Room of the City Services Building to the Police--- Headquarters Building as specified. Cabling will be terminated in a Bay provided patch panel and stand alone rack for immediate use. Only six fibers will be active at this time. All active fibers will be terminated and tested for client approval. Fiber Optic assemblies are not included in this proposal. Cost - $ 8,849.50 11.2 City Hall Bay will install a 12 ct. (six active, six dark) single mode Fiber Optic cable from the third floor Master Control Room of the City Services Building to City Hall as specified. Cabling will be terminated in a Bay provided patch panel and stand alone rack for immediate use. Only six fibers will be active at this time. All active fibers will be terminated and tested for client approval. Fiber Optic assemblies are not included in this proposal. Cost - $ 14,462.00 19 I I 12.0 Warranty .. c~. ..c ~- Bay Reso.urces ~li warrant alllab~r and materials provided in this proposal to be'" free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of (5) years from the date of acceptance and certification. Any additional warranties should be requested, in writing, by ROWE Architects to Bay Resources, Incorporated. 20 I I 13.0 Pricing Schedule The City of Cleanvater. City Office Building: . - - - - - - _~ 1.1... _.c Ground Floor Horizontal Voice aIldData Cabling,.. Cost", $ 52,450.95", - --- -------------...------..-- -----.- ,- .------ .-. -----.-.. 1.2 Second Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling Cost'" $ 49,960.60 1.3 Third Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling Cost'" $ 63,765.85 2.1 Ground Floor CATV Cabling Cost - $ 3,521.05 2.2 Second Floor CATV Cabling Cost'" $ 4,618.25 2.3 Third Floor CATV Cabling Cost'" $ 8,428.30 3.0 Vertical Riser Fiber Optic Data Cabling Cost'" $ 6,743.70 4.0 Vertical Riser Copper Voice Cabling Cost", $ 35.236.80 Subtotal $ 224,725.50 Note: This pricing does not include any applicable sales tax. 21 I I The City of Clearwater~ Police Headquarters BuiIdine: 5.1 Ground Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling 5.2 Second Floor Horizontal Voice and Data Cabling 5.3 Third Floor !forizonta! Voice and Data Cabling --. . - ~ -- .--"- -_._-~- -.--~-----.--- _.____ _H ,,_ ____ _.. .---- -- ------ 6.1 . Ground Floor CATV Cabling 6.2 Second Floor CATV Cabling 6.3 Third Floor CATV Cabling 7. 0 Vertical Riser Fiber Optic Data Cabling 8.0 Vertical Riser Copper Voice Cabling Subtotal Cost - $ 37,280.25 Cost - $ 49,755.40 Cost - $ 65,669.90 . . - Cost - $ 1,454.55 Cost - $ 653.45 Cost - $ 2,849.85 Cost- $ 6,743.70 Cost -. $ 42.586.80 $ 206,993.90 Note: This pricing does not include any applicable sales tax. 22 J I I The City of Cleanvater~ City Campus Network 9.1 City Fire Department Conduit Syste Cost - $ 12,065.85 9.2 City Hall Conduit System Cost - $ 69,945.50 9.3 Yroposed Parking Garage Conduit System. Cost - _ $ 4,255.00 - . - -.- . -, - ----- -.--,----,----~_. 10.1 - Police Headquarters Fiber Optic Network Cablirig- Cost ~ $ 26,627.40 10.2 City Fire Department Fiber Optic Network Cabling Cost - $ 9,365.40 10.4 City Hall Fiber Optic Network Cabling Cost - $ 15,577.90 10.8 Proposed Parking Garage Fiber Optic Network Cabling Cost - $ 13,937.00 11.1 Police Department CVIEW Fiber Optic Network Cabling Cost - $ 8,849.50 11.3 City Hall CVlEW Fiber Optic Network Cabling Cost - $ 14.462.00 Subtotal $175,085.55 23 ~ i ' l Cost Summary -- -- -. - -- ---- - --- ----- The City of Clearwater, City Office Building I Cost - $ 224,725.50 The City of Clearwater, Police Headquarters Bldg. Cost - $ 206,993.90 The City of Clearwater, City Campus Network Total Extended Cost (excluding applicable tax) Cost - $ 175.085.55 Total - $ 606,804.95 - - "- -~:. --~-----~---- 24 I I Bay Resources, Incorporated Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 1.1 Ground Floor Voice/Data Cabling (City Office) Presented to: AEI Engineering - ----------- -- - Ext. Price 42000 4 Pair Category 3 Plenum Cable 0.13 5,460.00 42000 4 Pair Category 5 Plenum Cable 0.34 14,280.00 125 Voice/Data Wallplate (2 Cat. 3 RJ-45, 2 Cat. 5 RJ-45 w/ Blnk) 23.50 _ 2,937.50 21 M 1-50 Voice Tennination Block w/ Bracket (Wall Mount) 9.95 208.95 3 96 Port Category 5 RJ-45 Data Patch Panel (Rack Mount) 545.00 1,635.00 4 Wire Management Panel (Rack Mount) 46.00 184.00 1 84" Smoked Glass Cabinet w/ Locking Front & Back Doors, 3,688.00 3,688.00 Removable Side Doors, Dual Fan & 12 Outlet Power Strip 250 Category 5 Data Wall plate/Patch Cable Assemblies (3' & 101 24.00 6,000.00 1 Misc. Materials 780.00 780.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 17,277.50 17,277.50 Estimated Manhours: 490 MH $ 52,450.95 Note: Labor to Add or Delete standard communication outlets will be provided at a cost of $ 130.00 per (2V, 20) outlet. Single Voice lines will be $ 30.00 per line and Single Data lines will be $ 35.00 per line. ,.~~; -: :~~:::.... 1':"7)' ~";~". ~~,t.?':'-' \\ - r. . - ~ : ,;-., ".. - --.,....~ .~l Phillip Greene, RCDD \\. --... -- // ..... ...._...., :...,:...,J ~ h~ \~ 5 Date -;.::;j - .... ,. --1 Classified and Confidential " L I r. ' I \ Bay Resources, Incorpora . ed Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 1.2 Second Floor Voice/Data Cabling (City Office) Presented to: AEI Engineering 4 Pair Category 3 Plenum Cable 4 Pair Category 5 Plenum Cable VoicelData Wallplate (2 Cat. 3 RJ-45, 2 Cat. 5 RJ-45 wi Blnk) M 1-50 Voice Tennination Block wi Bracket (Wall Mount) 96 Port Category 5 RJ-45 Data Patch Panel (Rack Mount) Wire Management Panel (Rack Mount) -- -: -, Ext. Price 0.13 5,200.00 0.34 13,600.00 23.50 2,796.50 9.95 199.00 545.00 1,635.00 46.00 184.00 3,688.00 3,688.00 24.00 5.712.00 660.00 660.00 16,286.10 16,286.10 40000 40000 119 20 3 4 1 238 1 84" Smoked Glass Cabinet wi Locking Front & Back Doors, Removable Side Doors, Dual Fan & 12 Outlet Power Strip Category 5 Data Wallplate/Patch Cable Assemblies (3' & 10) Misc. Materials .' 1 Labor and Related Expenses Estimated Manhours: 460 MH $ 49,960.60 Note: Labor to Add or Delete standard communication outlets will be provided at a cost of $ 130.00 per (2V, 2D) outlet. Single Voice lines will be $ 30.00 per line and Single Data lines will be $ 35.00 per line. E:'~:O~~.... .-'J' ~...~ , ~'{,fj:'" ....oS ~ f;/ t "--~'-'__:- . "'r; ~\' '\\. l. t,., '.' c;: ",,-.. -- "~ . "'tI.~. ~:-~~~''-' ~~ Phillip Greene, RCDD " ~"-- ,<'j 'i~.... _'~iJ" y I ;t';.~ ::.,01 <\ h\ \0.. r; Date ~"'I""""1'-' '."'- ~-..i" :-~..:.~ 4........1/;",...., k;;::;. L. ~_.;..1 Classified and Confidential , . l ' I. I Bay Resources, Incorporated Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 1.3 Third Floor Voice/Data Cabling (City Office) Presented to: AEI Engineering - .-. ----. *mmm'~'~~ ~'.~ "~"",-,,,,~"" '" ,'." , "~""".""""~' ~~. . w..... ..~oo~::::: ..~........ .......~~..~~).~... ".:~ ~~~~~.. ~~~~~~~%~~t~OO~~ ........,;' Descri tion 24 Count Plenum Fiber Optic Cable (FOOl) 4 Pair Category 3 Plenum Cable 4 Pair Category 5 Plenum Cable Voice/Data Wall plate (2 Cat. 3 RJ-45, 2 Cat. 5 RJ-45 w/ Sink) M 1-50 Voice Termination Slock w/Sracket (Wall Mount) 96 Port Category 5 RJ-45 Data Patch Panel (Rack Mount) Wire Management Panel (Rack Mount) 1 8 238 2 48 1 4 1 1 84" Smoked Glass Cabinet wI Locking Front & Back Doors, Removable Side Doors, Dual Fan & 12 Outlet Power Strip Duplex Fiber Optic Wallplate/Patch Assembly (6' & 50' PVC) Category 5 Data WallplatelPatch Cable Assemblies (3' & 101 24 Count Fiber Optic Patch Panel (Rack Mount, Loaded) "sr Fiber Optic Connector .' RG-58 Plenum Coax Cable for WaveLAN System (Installed) Fiber Optic Fanout Kit Misc. Materials Labor and Related Expenses Estimated Manhours: 625 MH Note: Labor to Add or Delete standard communication outlets will be provided at a cost of $ 130.00 per (2V, 20) outlet. Single Voice lines will be $ 30.00 per line and Single Data lines will be $ 35.00 per line. Labor to Add or Delete Fiber Optic terminations will be provided at a cost of $ 35.00 per fiber termination. All fibers will be terminated, tested and certified for client approval. Classified and Confidential Unit Price 3.89 0.13 0.34 23.50 9.95 545.00 46.00 3,688.00 . 245.00 24.00 397.50 11.85 150.00 34.00 850.00 22,144.85 Ext. Price 816.90 5,980.00 15,640.00 3,266.50 238.80 1,635.00 184.00 3,688.00 1,960.00 5,712.00 795.00 568.80 150.00 136.00 850.00 22,144.85 $ 63,765.85 ~- '('0.".. - ... .....l! .:a ~~1 : ~~..."; .,:...... ~ ~ S~~:,- .., 'r-; c: "'.:." . . Phillip Greene, RCDD Q II ~,~25~~],;i ., r. ".~.... " '~'J l""'':'~~ . .'i ..... EXPu;e:3 ."~'.".~.".- R .'. -.. ";~:!:',J ,-:';..-.~. ,_0. ...:.::....2 ~ Date B!Y Resources, Incorporaled Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 2.1 Ground Floor CATV Cabling (City Office) Presented to: AEI Engineering Ext. Price 2000 RG-6U Plenum Coax Cable (CATV) 1.03 2,060.00 26 RG-6U Coax Connector 3.65 94.90 13 RG-6U Coax Wallplate Insert for Existing Wallplates 6.85 89.05 1 24 Port RG-6U Coax Patch Panel 74.50 74.50 24 RG-6U Coax Couplers (Patch Panel) 4.20 100.80 1 Wall Mount Patch Panel Bracket 48.80 48.80 13 RG-6U Wallplate/Patch Cable Assembly (3' & 10') 21.00 273.00 1 Misc. Materials 60.00 60.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 720.00 720.00 Estimated Manhours: 20 MH $ 3,521.05 Note: Labor to Add or Delete standard RG-6U CATV outlets will be provided at a cost of $ 45.00 per CATV line. .,., uO~b~ "S.' .~.. c~ @_~,:. "t.. .... '.~ ~ ;' (:7 f.,;:;:!. <.:) L'1 \c-..::,._ :;J ~ ~c.> ~"~__~~ ,-I . -..' 'I -.-...,-, .. .~ '~ ~ --- . ~ U~'~'J t; Phillip Greene, RCDD . . ~:'J ~{.~)O 'r/rtCiJ t.;.~ EXPI:-:::3 'r:.'2"\J~5 F;:_::;. t~o. ~;';::,:;2 ~ Date Classified and Confidential I, .' I - Bay Resources, Incorpora~ed Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 2.2 Second Floor CATV Cabling (City Office) Presented to: AEI Engineering - - . - ~---,,---~,.. .'O-'---'-'"--'~-- Ext. Price 2700 RG-6U Plenum Coax Cable (CATV) 1.03 2,781.00 34 RG-6U Coax Connector 3.65 124.10 17 RG-6U Coax Wallplate Insert for Existing Wallplates 6.85 116.45 1 24 Port RG-6U Coax Patch Panel 74.50 74.50 24 RG-6U Coax Couplers (Patch paneQ 4.20 100.80 1 Wall Mount Patch Panel Bracket 48.80 48.80 17 RG-6U Wallplate/Patch Cable Assembly (3' & 10') 21.00 357.00 1 Misc. Materials 75.00 75.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 940.60 940.60 Estimated Manhours: 26 MH $ 4,618.25 Note: Labor to Add or Delete standard RG-6U CATV outlets will be provided at a cost of $ 45.00 per CATV line. r.!-' ...\)~P.!t'.. ...~"i" I.A f." /~ ~ h: /:.....'.,. ...a c:l --,',', .... J ':': "". -." r- t.3 ~ c;: ~.'.' . '.1 . . n "v.-'----,...,.) ~\..~ ~~~ ~ 'L..~~j.~ Phillip Greene, RCDD ~,,_ ~s.~/ "Vl'!tliJ ~~,) ~ Date ~~Pf~~S 1~!J1~S R:):;. f'::l. t-~;;.i2 Classified and Confidential , . I . . Bay Resources, IncorporJted Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 2.3 Third Floor CATV Cabling (City Office) Presented to: AEI Engineering C. ':._~- Ext. Price 5000 RG-6U Plenum Coax Cable (CATV) 1.03 5,150.00 60 RG-6U Coax Connector 3.65 219.00 30 RG-6U Coax Wallplate Insert for Existing Wallplates 6.85 205.50 2 24 Port RG-6U Coax Patch Panel 74.50 149.00 48 RG-6U Coax Couplers (Patch Panel) 4.20 201.60 2 Wall Mount Patch Panel Bracket 48.80 97.60 30 RG-6U Wallplate/Patch C;:able Assembly (3' & 101 21.00 630.00 1 Misc. Materials 130.00 130.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 1,645.60 1,645.60 Estimated Manhours: 46 MH $ 8,428.30 Note: Labor to Add or Delete standard RG-6U CATV outlets will be provided at a cost of $ 45.00 per CATV line. , Q.\~ ~u~.. Phillip Green , RCDD f,"CO~ iF. ",. ~~~ ~/~ '- ~ x.~.?J f1 o ~.....,..~~,.) ~~ ~.~tJ /?; .- ,.P":."l'-I .~v :trrOr! t~.. ~~P!.~::~ 1~:Z1C5 h;..,:.J. ~.~. !...:.;..;g ~ Date Classified and Confidential . I I Bay Resources, Incorporated Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 3.0 Vertical Fiber Optic Riser Cabling (City Office) Presented to: AEI Engineering 250 12 Count Fiber Optic Riser Cable (FOOl) 2.53 632.50 72 .ST" Fiber Optic Connector 11.85 853.20 3 24 Count Fiber Optic Patch Panel (Rack Mount, Loaded) 397.50 1,192.50 6 Fiber Optic Fanout Kit 34.00 204.00 6 Duplex Fiber Optic Patch Cable Assembly (61 87.00 522.00 1 Misc. Materials & Consumables 240.00 240.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 3,099.50 3,099.50 Estimated Manhours: 80 MH $ 6,743.70 Note: Labor to Add or Delete Fiber Optic terminations will be provided at a cost of $ 35.00 per fiber termination. All fibers will be terminated, tested and certified for client approval. ..."......., ~~'" "v-VA 11..>- ... .~_ .." .~.~ "Y..i : .-:-" , ...;.. ~ . R" ~ ~ ~\ ~ (~ .~.--~-m ,. ~ \..." ~~. -.. .C il · Phillip Green~~ RCDO ~ ~w...._ {l 'Z . # . ,-Jr..... ~'!j,~ .. .~'." \i'" E~::~'~;:; 1~'~'ro5 <=\ \ \<\ \t\ S Date ~'. .:- :". t:;. ~,,;,;:':72 Classified and Confidential , , I I Bay Resources, Incorporated Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 4.0 Vertical Voice Riser Cabling (City Office) Presented to: AEI Engineering 800 144 1200 Pair Voice Riser Cable (24 Gauge) M 1-50 Voice Termination Block wI Bracket (Wall Mount) 17.80 9.95 14,240.00 1,432.80 22 4 Pair Cross Connect Wire (1000' Roll) 78.00 1.716.00 1 Misc. Materials & Firestop (Putty & Ceramic) 850.00 850.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 16,998.00 16,998.00 .. Estimated Manhours: 480 MH $ 35,236.80 Note: Pricing provided is for the installation of a 1200 pair cable wired from the MDF to each of (3) IDF's located in the City Office Building. This pricing does not include necessary cross connect to the Main Telephone System. C\ \\<\ \~~ Date ,." ;::J::~"lIo: ,.",. ..' -~ r.;,. .'7\ ~ t:1 .;:'~J ~ ~ ',-: ~:-~~, ': ~ &...;..o.u~_.J f'J ~ ; -1..'rJr/o;z o~~ EXF1:.:O 12131/95 h: ;;:0;. No. \i;;~72 ~ ~~,~.. Phillip Green , RCDD Classified and Confidential , ' I I . . Bay Resources, Incorporated Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 5.1 Ground Floor Voice/Data Cabling (Police) Presented to: AEI Engineering 28000 4 Pair Category 3 Plenum Cable 0.13 3,640.00 28000 4 Pair Category 5 Plenum Cable 0.34 9,520.00 85 Voice/Data Wallplate (2 Cat. 3 RJ-45, 2 Cat. 5 RJ-45 w/ Blnk) 23.50 . 1,997.50 15 M 1-50 Voice Tennination Block w/ Bracket (Wall Mount) 9.95 149.25 2 96 Port Category 5 RJ-45 Data Patch Panel (Rack Mount) 545.00 1,090.00 4 Wire Management Panel (Rack Mount) 46.00 184.00 1 84" Smoked Glass Cabinet w/ locking Front & Back Doors, 3,688.00 3,688.00 Removable Side Doors, Dual Fan & 12 Outlet Power Strip 170 Category 5 Data WallplatelPatch Cable Assemblies (3' & 101 24.00 4,080.00 1 Misc. Materials 480.00 480.00 1 labor and Related Expenses 12,451.50 12,451.50 Estimated Manhours: 350 MH $ 37,280.25 Note: labor to Add or Delete standard communication outlets will be provided at a cost of $ 130.00 per (2V, 2D) outlet. Single Voice lines will be $ 30.00 per line and Single Data lines will be $ 35.00 per line. ~ h<\ \<\'5" Date .....~O.-4__, . ,~~,1 ~ -v.t: : ~, ... ~- ., '. ~ ~ {~ OO! '" \:,:11 ~ ; ,~:'" -:"~:~, =- \.. L.;.;.~ & -~ ~ . 4o"!Jr/C3 ,.,,,,~~ EXP!:~:::S 12;31195 F.:}:l. i~o. ~~;::;72 ~~u-.. Phillip Green ,RCDD Classified and Confidential , , BIYResources,Incorpor~ed Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 5.2 Second Floor Voice/Data Cabling (Police) Presented to: AEI Engineering Q 210 34000 34000 102 21- 3 4 450 1 6 204 2 48 . 4 1 1 Oescri tion 24 Count Plenum Fiber Optic Cable (FOOl) 4 Pair Category 3 Plenum Cable 4 Pair Category 5 Plenum Cable Voice/Data Wall plate (2 Cat. 3 RJ-45, 2 Cat. 5 RJ-45 wI Blnk) M 1-50 Voice Tennination Block wI Bracket (Wall Mount) 96 Port Category 5 RJ-45 Data Patch Panel (Rack Mount) Wire Management Panel (Rack Mount) 25 Pair Category 3 PVC Telco Cable (Radio System) 84" Smoked Glass Cabinet wI Locking Front & Back Doors, Removable Side Doors, Dual Fan & 12 Outlet Power Strip Duplex Fiber Optic WallplatelPatch Assembly (6' & 50' PVC) Category 5 Data WallplatelPatch Cable Assemblies (3' & 10) 24 Count Fiber Optic Patch Panel (Rack Mount, Loaded) "ST" Fiber Optic Connector Fiber Optic Fanout Kit Misc. Materials Labor and Related Expenses Estimated Manhours: 455 MH Note: Labor to Add or Delete standard communication outlets will be provided at a cost of $ 130.00 per (2V, 20) outlel Single Voice lines will be $ 30.00 per line and Single Data lines will be $ 35.00 per line. Labor to Add or Delete Fiber Optic tenninations will be provided at a cost of $ 35.00 per fiber tennination. All fibers will be tenninated. tested and certified for client approval. Classified and Confidential Unit Price 3.89 0.13 0.34 23.50 9.95 545.00 46.00 0.39 3,688.00 . 245.00 24.00 397.50 11.85 34.00 660.00 16,144.25 Ext. Price 816.90 4,420.00 11,560.00 2,397.00 208.95 1,635.00 184.00 175.50 3,688.00 1,470.00 4,896.00 795.00 568.80 136.00 660.00 16,144.25 $ 49,755.40 ~_.... ~ ."'\1-.....&.. .."''' ...,. ~.f~....A ~ ~ :s .:~T'1 5 ~ \k IS ~:.,.~- ~ Ill'll.......... ;,..~ a Ph' II' G RCDO ~'\ ~""'~". (')It I Ip reene, ....." . r,)' . ~JC:l Q1J' EXP!r:::S 1~1I~5 F\:j,;b. f~o. t;;;;72 " \ \0. \'\~ Date BJy Resources-, Incorpora~ed Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 5.3 Third Floor Voice/Data Cabling (Police) Presented to: AEI Engineering 52000 4 Pair Category 3 Plenum Cable 0.13 6,760.00 52000 4 Pair Category 5 Plenum Cable 0.34 17,680.00 159 Voice/Data Wallplate (2 Cat. 3 RJ-45, 2 Cat. 5 RJ-45 w/ Blnk) 23.50 3,736.50 27 M 1-50 Voice Termination Block w/ Bracket (Wall Mount) 9.95 268.65 4 96 Port Category 5 RJ-45 Data Patch Panel (Rack Mount) 545.00 2,180.00 5 Wire Management Panel (Rack Mount) 46.00 230.00 1 84" Smoked Glass Cabinet w/ Locking Front & Back Doors, 3,688.00 3,688.00 Removable Side Doors, Dual Fan & 12 Outlet Power Strip 318 Category 5 Data Wall plate/Patch Cable Assemblies (3' & 101 24.00 7,632.00 1 Misc. Materials 850.00 850.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 22,644.75 22,644.75 Estimated Manhours: 640 MH $ 65,669.90 Note: Labor to Add or Delete standard communication outlets will be provided at a cost of $130.00 per (2V, 20) outlet. Single Voice lines will be $ 30.00 per line and Single Data lines will be $ 35.00 per line. 5~;;co~"..... ,. , ~'\ .. r. . . ~ : ~'(J)' S ~ ~ C '..~-:~.. ~ \-:.Q'--.a. ~,.. ~ . 9 ~..~J ~ Phillip Greene, RCDO '\:'1 - ~ (;:I1'IC;J t,....~~ EX;-:~::::;S 1VZ1IDS ~~. ~.' :~~ E:). ~'::S72 C\ \ \~ \~"S" Date Classified and Confidential 1 I Bay Resources, Incorporated Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 6.1 Ground Floor CATV Cabling (Pollee) Presented to: AEI Engineering Ext. Price 600 RG-6U Plenum Coax Cable (CATV) 1.03 618.00 6 RG-6U Coax Connector 3.65 21.90 3 RG-6U Coax Wallplate Insert for Existing Wallplates 6.85 20.55 1 24 Port RG-6U Coax Patch Panel 74.50 74.50 24 RG-6U Coax Couplers (Patch Panel) 4.20 100.80 1 Wall Mount Patch Panel Bracket 48.80 48.80 3 RG-6U Wallplate/Patch Cable Assembly (3' & 10) 21.00 63.00 1 Misc. Materials 65.00 65.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 442.00 442.00 Estimated Manhours: 12 MH $ 1,454.55 Note: Labor to Add or Delete standard RG-SU CATV outlets will be provided at a cost of $ 45.00 per CATV line. ~\:~ Phillip Green~ RCDD '"-' CO~4flf. I;,~. ~ ..t., (.~__ . Iii:. ~ .. ~. ;:; Ii v-~ ~ ~ 'L..:~ i -'.z ~~ . ~"'1 ,.'!, .v. '" E..X:=!;:~J 1 ~'31195 .-:~:.~~;. ::~. ~:":':'j2 C\ \ \~ \~C; Date Classified and Confidential \ . B~Y Resources, IncorporJted Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 6.2 Second Floor CATV Cabling (Police) . Presented to: AEI Engineering ~- ~~~~..~. .. ".~~. .:...,~.~~1~~'1.~~~~ Unit Price Ext. Price 175 RG-6U Plenum Coax Cable (CATV) 1.03 180.25 2 RG-6U Coax Connector 3.65 7.30 1 RG-6U Coax Wallplate Insert for Existing Wallplates 6.85 6.85 1 24 Port RG-6U Coax Patch Panel 74.50 74.50 24 RG-6U Coax Couplers (Patch Panel} 4.20 100.80 1 Wall Mount Patch Panel Bracket 48.80 48.80 1 RG-6U Wallplate/Patch Cable Assembly (3' & 101 21.00 21.00 1 Misc. Materials 35.00 35.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 178.95 178.95 Estimated Manhours: 5 MH $ 653.45 Note: Labor to Add or Delete standard RG-6U CATV outlets will be provided at a cost of $ 45.00 per CATV line. C\ \\<\\~~ Date "0"'-" .,f91. -""t1. I.'./~ v.c t' J' rt_ ...;f.... ~ ~ '. .-;.. '0 r:: "'.' :% i '~-. ,..~...., ~~ a .. ", .- ~ L.....:-_J i1 -'.~ ~ . ~-.,,. ..,.c;,~ -vr,....iJ ..,.w ~P!.:::::~ 12!Z11eS f-.::.3. Lo. c.:::72 ~~ . ~o Phillip Green . RCDO Classified and Confidential BJr Resources, Incorporaled Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 6.3 Third Floor CATV Cabling (Police) Presented to: AEI Engineering 1600 RG-6U Plenum Coax Cable (CATV) 1.03 1,648.00 18 RG-6U Coax Connector 3.65 65.70 9 RG-6U Coax Wallplate Insert for Existing Wallplates 6.85 61.65 1 24 Port RG-6U Coax Patch Panel 74.50 74.50 24 RG-6U Coax Couplers (Patch Panel) 4.20 100.80 1 Wall Mount Patch Panel Bracket 48.80 48.80 9 RG-6U Wallplate/Patch Cable Assembly (3' & 10') 21.00 189.00 1 Misc. Materials 50.00 50.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 611.40 611.40 Estimated Manhours: 17 MH $ 2,849.85 Note: Labor to Add or Delete standard RG-6U CATV outlets will be provided at a cost of $ 45.00 per CATV line. ,-' CO'::tt~ ....~.. :f'~ , r.l'7)-. ~ . . is 1-:" ~ ~ ,., - ., ~ ~'\o..~ 'i .~." __ . a Phillip Greene, RCDD - 9.. ""L...~~':'j-t ~ - (. -':Jl .~~ . .....- ~~~~ "Vrl"~] t:,;.v w. E.-W:?!7:::~ 1 ~:311!l5 E::";:J. f~::. ~~;;;i2 ~ \\C\ \~S Date Classified and Confidential BLy Resources, IncorporJted Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 7.0 Vertical Fiber Optic Riser Cabling (Pollee) Presented to: AEI Engineering - -. ' - ~ . . . - ... . .. ~~*xm~~~~...w.~::::::w.;:m'":::,:"",,~,, '''~ ,,' ^.. ,..... ~::. ~ili~!C ...~~W~~:::::::: :X:::~~~::.o:=f.;::.~:::-~m~..::..~~::: .............'^......................:<$'$(;.....-:-~............::x..................:::..............::::-...0;........:::.. 250 12 Count Fiber Optic Riser Cable (FOOl) 72 liST" Fiber Optic Connector 3 24 Count Fiber Optic Patch Panel (Rack Mount, Loaded) 6 Fiber Optic Fanout Kit 6 Duplex Fiber Optic Patch Cable Assembly (61 1 Misc. Materials & Consumables 1 Labor and Related Expenses Estimated Manhours: 80 MH Note: Labor to Add or Delete Fiber Optic tenninations will be provided at a cost of $ 35.00 per fiber tennination. All fibers will be tenninated, tested and certified for client approval. Classified and Confidential Unit Price Ext. Price 2.53 632.50 11.85 853.20 397.50 1,192.50 34.00 204.00 87.00 522.00 240.00 240.00 3,099.50 3,099.50 $ 6,743.70 ~~ Phillip Gree~, RCDD ~ tO~"(I... i'r~ '\ "" \.. ,":"=J "': ~ ~:.. -~.--, 1 ~ e -... - -: ,.. .. ~"\ .....;,..,..:::,.~.:~. c'~ ....' . .~. ~~.~., ...~o;;' ":';5,) w" EXF!:~::J 12.'ZlI(;5 F;:::.. ';. i.~. ':;';':..72 ~ \\~ \C\S Date BlyResources,lncorporJted Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 8.0 Vertical Voice Riser Cabling (Police) Presented to: AEI Engineering 1200 144 1200 Pair Voice Riser Cable (24 Gauge) M 1-50 Voice Termination Block wi Bracket (Wall Mount) 17.80 9.95 21,360.00 1,432.80 22 4 Pair Cross Connect Wire (1000' Roll) 78.00 1,716.00 - 1 Misc. Materials & Firestop (Putty & Ceramic) 850.00 850.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 17,228.00 17 ,228.00 .' Estimated Manhours: 490 MH $ 42,586.80 Note: Pricing provided is for the installation of a 1200 pair cable wired from the MDF to each of (3) IDF's located in the Police Headquarters Building. This pricing does not include necessary cross connect to the Main Telephone System. ~ \\<\ \C\S" Date ..,CO~I4I' . /~:. . ",.,...,. ,'. ..) ~ <." . ~ [.:<:'-_~ U ~ '.. \;:] . ~.... ......;~~ ~ ".~, ~ "~''':1 t'!' . '...... E:"?::;:;312:'31195 ~:: ~':..l:o. !>.;S72 "~ Ph~,RCDD Classified and Confidential BAy Resources, IncorporJa:ed Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 9.1 City Fire Department Conduit System Presented to: AEI Engineering ~:::-:-(. YO........,..,.... ......~..:- .. ........~:O; ..'ttm::~t~'1S~~~~r: :" ".c-:: .....w.w...,..,.. '. ,. ".,,". " .' ."w....., ....., ....~':':..... '... ., ~". ..;>.:::~:;;:m::w.,~,,~,..~~..w. Ext. Price 200 4" Conduit System (Installed) · Fire Department 21.55 4,310.00 400 4" Conduit System (Installed). Common Area Divided 5.40 - 2,160.00 1 In-Ground Pull Vault 48" x 48" x 48" · Fire Department 1.785.00 1,785.00 1 2" EMT Conduit for Inside Access from Entry Point 375.00 375.00 1 Misc. Materials & Concrete, Asphalt, Sod, Etc. 650.00 650.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 2,785.85 2,785.85 Estimated Manhours: 80 MH (Excluding Conduit System) $ 12,065.85 '\ \ \~\~'5 Date · ,,-' cO:':oIt(f. ~, "" if''t',. !J r ~ ";:' S ,"~~., ,~ C \.. "., 0 . "'.... -r""'"1 <') 9~ "b..:......)....::.J.} ."1 r.... '.... r"~. 4l1rta;J ti,.... EX:=!?::::S 1~:11~5 F:~.;'~. to. t::;;;72 Note: The above pricing provided is to connect to the proposed Aneco conduit system being installed. The second 4" conduit earlier recommended for Pierce Street has been deleted. ~):~ ~"h~ Phillip Gree e, RCDD Classified and Confidential , ,'~ .. I - Bay Resources, Incorpora~ed Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 9.2 City Hall Conduit System Presented to: AEI Engineering 2310 4" Conduit System (Installed) * City Hall 21.55 49,780.50 5 In-Ground Pull Vault 48" x 48" x 48" * City Hall 1.785.00 8,925.00 . 1 2" EMT Conduit for Inside Access from Entry Point 375.00 375.00 1 Misc. Materials & Concrete, Asphalt, Sod, Etc. 2,600.00 2,600.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 8,265.00 8.265.00 Estimated Manhours: 235 MH (Excluding Conduit System) $ 69,945.50 Note: The above pricing provided is to connect to the proposed Fire Department conduit system. The second 4" conduit earlier recommended for Pierce Street has been deleted. ; ~\\::t ~.P'~ Phillip Gree . RCDD r:f~)::::~.\ ~} .... 7 --~ ~'1 1. . \.~.>.~.~ :.~: :)~ .. - . "" .~ ~ Date 7-::~::;... ::;: ::~.~~;~ Classified and Confidential .... I - BaYReSOUrCeS,InCOrpora~ed Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 9.3 Proposed Parking Garage Conduit System Presented to: AEI Engineering 100 4- Conduit System (Installed) · Parking Garage 21.55 2,155.00 , 1 2- EMT Conduit for Inside Access from Entry Point 600.00 600.00 1 Misc. Materials & Concrete, Asphalt, Sod, Etc. 250.00 250.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 1,250.00 1,250.00 Estimated Manhours: 35 MH (Excluding Conduit System) $ 4,255.00 Note: The above pricing provided is to connect to the proposed Aneco conduit system being installed. ;, ~;)\:~~.!l~'" Phillip Gree e, RCDD ~...,~C~b~ /:",-~ .~ iJ! ':, "~ r:: ',;~, _~~~... r: f. . ,,~ .' ,,: 't'\. ,--_,,_J ~ .':'\ ,..,"~ '....... '\~' '-~"7m.. r~,; ..".. '" EXFIP:;S 12!31JD5 R~:'J. /.:). ~:;S72 ~ Date Classified and Confidential , . .. 1- - . I Bay Resources, Incorporated Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 10.1 Police HQ Fiber Optic Cabling System Presented to: AEI Engineering 1000 48 Count Gel Filled Fiber Optic Cable (FDDI, Multimode) 9.85 9,850.00 600 12 Count Gel Filled Fiber Optic Cable (FOOl, Multimode) 2.68 1,608.00 120 "ST" Fiber Optic Connector 11.85 1,422.00 20 Fiber Optic Fanout Kit 34.00 680.00 2 96 Count Fiber Optic Patch Panel (Rack Mount, Loaded) 1,810.00 3,620.00 2 19" Stand Alone Rack (Mounted) 238.00 476.00 12 Duplex "ST" Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies 97.00 1,164.00 1 Misc. Materials & Comsumables 350.00 350.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 7,457.40 7.457.40 Estimated Manhours: 185 MH $ 26,627.40 Note: Labor to Add or Delete Fiber Optic tenninations will be provided at a cost of $ 35.00 per fiber tennination. All fibers will be tenninated, tested and certified for client approval. ~ ;;.QUIIl! .!:'. :(01:- . ~ / "')1,~ !!.I' '::1 0 ~" "\\.-~ C "'-..:__ [i \~ ~ ~ >>~~ 9 "', . .:.:7'1 r; Phillip Greene, RCDD ~ ----:...~; .?.. .,~ "i!t"1'IC:J to t'...' EX?!:::;r; 1,,'31195 ~ \\0... \~S R~:.':. r~,:). b:;;72 Date Classified and Confidential : r .,' 1,/ ,- - I Bay Resources, Incorporated Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 10.2 City Fire Dept. Fiber Optic Cabling System Presented to: AEI Engineering ---- Unit Price Ext. Price 1100 12 Count Gel Filled Fiber Optic Cable (FOOl, Multimode) 2.68 2,948.00 24 "Sr Fiber Optic Connector 11.85 284.40 4 Fiber Optic Fanout Kit 34.00 136.00 2 48 Count Fiber Optic Patch Panel (Rack Mount, Loaded) 1,085.00 2,170.00 1 19" Stand Alone Rack (Mounted) 238.00 238.00 4 Duplex "Sr Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies 97.00 388.00 1 Misc. Materials & Comsumables 150.00 150.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 3,051.00 3,051.00 Estimated Manhours: 75 MH $ 9,365.40 Note: Labor to Add or Delete Fiber Optic tenninations will be provided at a cost of $ 35.00 per fiber tennination. All fibers will be tenninated, tested and certified for client approval. ~.P ~O~b~ ....<p :e:...... , ~. . ~ ...... ~ ii ( -:;f ..... \.. . 2 : ..'-:. ~ .~~)~ b .... -~-~; .' Phillip Greene, RCDD ""'\ L-.';';'-~.'f .~ . ~ .~' "~I~.'t:"';:" ...~ '" EY.?!F'.:::~ 1,:Z1195 F\:~:3. r~;). t";Z72 1\ h<\ \<\15 Date Classified and Confidential .$ l' \' _J I ' -- B~y Resources, Incorporated Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 10.3 City Hall Fiber Optic Cabling System Presented to: AEI Engineering Unit Price Ext. Price 2850 12 Count Gel Filled Fiber Optic Cable (FOOl, Multimode) 2.68 7,638.00 24 "ST" Fiber Optic Connector 11.85 284.40 4 Fiber Optic Fanout Kit 34.00 136.00 2 48 Count Fiber Optic Patch Panel (Rack Mount. Loaded) 1,085.00 2,170.00 1 19" Stand Alone Rack (Mounted) 238.00 238.00 4 Duplex "ST" Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies 97.00 388.00 1 Misc. Materials & Comsumables .' 150.00 150.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 4,573.50 4,573.50 Estimated Manhours: 115 MH $ 15,577.90 Note: Labor to Add or Delete Fiber Optic terminations will be provided at a cost of $ 35.00 per fiber termination. All fibers will be terminated. tested and certified for client approval. ~~~ ~..,. Phillip Green . RCDD , ......,.~ ~.~~::::J "Uf~lI.;" , ,-. "J .....,,- p.",' ~ r'" ." ~ \~~--..,.., ~ . ~ . .-.: I..! -.. ~-- - _ J 1-. ..~. ,.~:-' ..i.."?~... ..~.-~"" <J, l\i:~ \i'V ~ Date EXPli:::;S 1~1!J5 R.':;!J. :,0. t':;~72 Classified and Confidential ~ ' f' ; I - Bay Resources, Incorporaled Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 10.4 Parking Garage Fiber Optic Cabling System Presented to: AEI Engineering -_. Unit Price E:xt. Price 850 12 Count Gel Filled Fiber Optic Cable (FOOl, Multimode) 2.68 2,278.00 48 "ST" Fiber Optic Connector 11.85 568.80 8 Fiber Optic Fanout Kit 34.00 272.00 < 4 48 Count Fiber Optic Patch Panel (Rack Mount, Loaded) 1,085.00 4,340.00 -2 19" Stand Alone Rack (Mounted) 238.00 476.00 8 Duplex "ST" Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies 97.00 776.00 1 Misc. Materials & Comsumables 450.00 . 450.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 4,776.20 4,776.20 Estimated Manhours: 110 MH $ 13,937.00 Note: Labor to Add or Delete Fiber Optic tenninations will be provided at a cost of $ 35.00 per fiber tennination. All fibers will be terminated, tested and certified for client approval. \)~\~ ~t\ll-' Phillip Gree e, RCDO ,.~~je':~~~ ,. .,"." ~. t.' -) ...~ " . ..", t~ - . . S ~? ,'. . := is ... ......~.'-... ~ ItJ '. :" j · ~'\ -.. .:;".;.... . .;t .,,;..-:~~. c;. ~';..:"'r." Po':,eJ" .1;".,. ., EX?!;:::::3 1 Cl:1135 R;;;::s. ;..0. t~S72 ~ Date Classified and Confidential ~ _ I' ... t," BlYReSOUrces, IncorporJted Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 11.1 Police HQ C-VIEW Fiber Optic Cabling System Presented to: AEI Engineering Unit Price Ext. Price 1150 12 Count Gel Filled Fiber Optic Cable (Single Mode) 2.25 2,587.50 12 Fiber Optic Connector (Single Mode) 37.80 453.60 2 Fiber Optic Fanout Kit 34.00 68.00 2 48 Count Fiber Optic Patch Panel (Rack Mount, Loaded) 1,085.00 2,170.00 2 19" Stand Alone Rack (Mounted) 238.00 476.00 1 Misc. Materials & Comsumables 225.00 225.00 1 Labor and Related Expenses 2,869.40 2,869.40 Estimated Manhours: 70 MH $ 8,849.50 Note: Labor to Add or Delete Fiber Optic terminations will be provided at a cost of $ 65.00 per fiber termination. All fibers will be terminated, tested and certified for client approval. . ~\~' ~ Phillip Gree~e, RCDD ~ 'O~lf~ B~ 'If. 13--_ ~ .., _ - - a -: .~I:'_"'''~' ~ 9, -.. ----' ;: ~ ,"," --:>.,,_ c.r~' "VTfC;l t..... EX!"!:- ~~:) 1 ~.-':: 1 195 R-.:~.:;;. i '~. ~';~72 ~ Date Classified and Confidential ~ J l... '1 > ,-. t '. . , . I Bay Resources, Incorporated Proposal for: The City of Clearwater Section 11.2 City Hall C-VIEW Fiber Optic Cabling System Presented to: AEI Engineering 3000 12 Count Gel Filled Fiber Optic Cable (Single Mode) 2.25 6,750.00 12 Fiber Optic Connector (Single Mode) 37.80 453.60 2 Fiber Optic Fanout Kit 34.00 68.00 2 48 Count Fiber Optic Patch Panel (Rack Mount, loaded) 1,085.00 2,170.00 1 19" Stand Alone Rack (Mounted) 238.00 238.00 1 Misc. Materials & Comsumables 225.00 225.00 1 labor and Related Expenses 4,557.40 4,557.40 Estimated Manhours: 110 MH $ 14,462.00 Note: labor to Add or Delete Fiber Optic tenninations will be provided at a cost of $ 65.00 per fiber tennination. All fibers will be tenninated, tested and certified for client approval. .-:::- ..:~; ';/:;e.~!.I.c.. ; /.'.~ ~ \) . ~ ., J .,& '~L~ ~1l..J{,.' l~ Phillip Green I RCDD ~! ....-::""'1'~ (.~~. -- ~- ~_'';.'"1 '-.'. ,,,~. ~ -'~'~:J \it"..' EX;.;;:....3 18';'11!05 Fi,:",;~. ~o. r';':'72 ~ Date Classified and Confidential " ROVVE ARCHI1ECTS [N COR f' 0 r, AT E D H. Dean F,owe, FAIA Rick Rados, AlA Thomas A. Hommer. ALA Rick Rowe, ALA Larry Wilder, AI)\, Florida Registration No. AAC002172 100 Madison Street Suite 200 Tampa, Florida 33602.4704 Fax 813.221.9154 813.221.8771 I I October 6, 1995 Mr. Bill Baker Assistant City Manager City of Clearwater 112 South Osceola Avenue Post Office Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 34618-4748 Re: Clearwater City Services Center Subj: Proposed City-Wide Conduit Cable System BILL. the attached represents a multifaceted proposal encompassing both design and construction (installation) to accomplish a complete fiber optic cable system interconnecting via both horizontal voice/data/CATV, vertical riser voice/data and city-wide voice/data/CATV, creating a complete City Services Center Conduit Cable Network. The network will interconnect the new City Office Building (Municipal Services), new Police Headquarters Building, new Graphics Department within the new City Garage, existing Fire Department Headquarters and the existing City Hall building. The design phases of this proposal will also encompass work tasks necessary to interconnect the Harborview Center project, the City Ubrary, the Pinellas County EOC/GIS Facility and the City Radio Communications Tower at Lakeview and Prospect Street. The installation of the above described extension of the city network will be accomplished at some later date when funds become available. The description of this add-on system and its estimated construction cost is enclosed in the additional attached proposal and labeled as .Optionals". The Design Phase of the proposal will be accomplished by Rowe Architects Incorporated as the prime principal with Architectural Engineering Incorporated (the project team's electrical engineer) as project manager directing Bay Resources, Inc, to provide the specialty design services required to accomplish the above outlined tasks. The professional fee proposed shall be as follows: /'/. ( / ('.J ,..- ,/ ! " J I Mr. Bill Baker City of Clearwater October 6, 1995 Page Two Professional fee is S77 .eXX). The breakdown of the fee is as follows: RAI AEI Bay Resources S15.cro S19.500 S42,5OO A modification of our base A/E contract under the additional seNices provisions will be necessary to accomplish this work. The construction (installation) of the cable network scope as briefly outlined above is enumerated in extensive detail in the attached proposal. We would recommend this be accomplished as a Change Order to the existing General Contract the City has with Creative/Beers Construction - a joint venture. Bay Resource, Inc. would be contracted by Creative/Beers as a subcontractor to construct and install the system as described in the attached proposal. Because the detail/design is not complete at this time, the construction cost outlined below, and described in detail attached, is presented as a Guaranteed Maximum Upset, the work to be performed on a time and material basis. The Guaranteed Maximum Upset for construction/installation is S712.295.00. The breakdown of the construction/installation cost is as follows: Bay Resources Construction Costs (Subcontract not to exceed) Contingency Allowance to cover any 'gaps. between current scope and actual requirements Subtotal Subcontractor's Bond 2% Subtotal General Items/Plant 5. 16% Subtotal General Contractors Bond 0.6% Subtotal liability Insurance 0.25% Subtotal Fee 3.4% Construction Grand Total GMP S606,805.oo $30.000.00 S636 ,805.00 $12.736.00 $649.541.00 S33.516.oo $683.D57.oo $4.Q98.oo $687,155.00 $1.718.00 $688,873.00 S23A22.00 $712.295.00 I I Mr. Bill Baker City of Clearwater October 6. 1995 Page Three If you have any questions regarding the above and the attached. we would be happy to answer. HDR/by Attachments cc: Jay Fortune Ron Mcilveen Bay Resources. Inc. ;". " ---.~ !- ~. . ,7 :.~ ~.~2 _' ~ -'~' I I I::II~ ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING INCORPORATED 3 4 4 2 E A S T L A K E R 0 A 0, PAL M H ARB 0 R, F LOR IDA 3 4 6 8 5 CONSULTING ENGINEERS (813)784-1472 October 5,- 1995 _ ~r. H: Dean Rowe., FAIA ,_ H._ _:.~,:..--: ROWE ARCHITECTS ,- _INC.-_~-}:~~,_c-"-_~~ ---------==~-100 Madison Street~=--Suft-e-200 Tampa, Florida 33602-4704 --. ~-'.. ----".- - --- --- ---.---.. .--.. < RE: Clearwater City Services Center RAI Project No. AEI Project No. 94137 Dear Mr. Rowe: Attached are two copies of Bay Resources cabling proposal (with backup materials). Also attached are two copies of the optional citywide calling (designed now but being built later) . Bay Resources FEE has been removed from the present proposal for Creative Beers. Mr. Phil Green (Bay Resources) reconfirmed today that the costs in this proposal are for budgeting. He will only. charge for the actual work performed (such as the cable lengths will be the actual (lower) lengths not the estimated (higher) lengths in his proposal) . As. we discussed, I recommend a contingency of $30,000 be incorporated into this budget to cover additional devices that may be required. Therefore the construction cost~ are: Construction Contingency + GC Fee $606,804.95 S 30.000.00 $636,804.95 I The FEES are: Bay Resources AEI (hourly NTE) + RAI $ 42,500.00 $ 19,500.00 I I RECEIVED neT 0 5 1995 ~ .ARCHiftcTS' Ij N <;. Q n. p. o. n. A. f.' Ei 0' ~ "of ~_ " . I Mr. Dean Rowe, AlA Clearwater City Services Center October 5, 1995 Page :2 Please contact me if you have any questions. ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING INCORPORATED ..~I/~% W. Ronald McIlveen, P.E. _Proje~t Manage~ ~~.~."'=C----=-WRM/pmli=:" -"'.. . -.-...:....-""--..-----...----- -.---.:.-. .- --. - - I - - -- --- -----=._--------- .---