10/02/1996 '. " '.,' .... ..,".~ "'1':" . :~ '.~,....,....~~".....':'..' .' .' " .~. . - '. . ..........: '. "". . ,...', .'. ',' ....' ~. '. I ~ . . . .' , ~,.... , '. I. . .'. .,. .,'.... ........ .. r" ~ . . " . ....,..... - .' > ,.' ..- " :' -,.. ." C-VIEW C-View Television Advisory Task Force Minutes Date .\ I$CJ1 . .,.. .'. ,. , ..... ....u~UOF"'.... ........F ~ , ." ,..-........."'_...~....."',....".'oJ_~..... ,~_..... ...w.......... .....~.....~~~.... . . ... ..... ' . . _ ". '. ". ..... ., 'I ." . ',. ',' ,'...., ' '. \. ' ' I ' . '. '" : . 't : . . . {. . '. . . ~. . ".,-. ";.' '.', .' ",' ."....:.r~ .:.......' :.,~, ('. ' :;...... ',. ':,,'. ,'. :'~. ::<>",<: :.,'.. .;.. :':''':'~''T'''r'':''''~'I~.~n..-..:I',: :",' ....." ,.," .:. ;,'.::" :., :.,::.....,.. I'::-.'.\~. ;'.,:.:,~\,:, ' ..>~:: ',e::..',': ,,'. . ":"" ;." '..:, '::.. y ..., C-VIEW TELEVISION ADVISORY TASK FORCE CITY OF CLEARWATER October 2, 1996 Present: . Dan Hamsmith Deanna J. Bennett James Smith Rich Whitaker Empty Seat Jeff Harper Carrie Huntley Patricia O. Sullivan Acting Chairrrask Force Member Task Force Member Task Force Member Task Force Member Task Force Member Information Management Director Community Outreach Manager Board Reporter Absent: James Martin David Campbell Task Force Member Task Force Member The Acting Chair called the meeting to order at 6:04 p,m. at the Municipal Services Building. ITEM #1 - Aooroval of Minutes ~1) t, '~'>"-Ij Member Bennett moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 14. 1996, as recorded and submitted in written summation to each member, The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously, ITEM #2 - Task Force Discussion Information Management Director Jeff Harper distributed copies of the Bordner Research Inc, September 1996, survey, C-View Research: Key Findings Report, In response to a question, Mr, Harper said a kiosk featuring City information was installed at Clearwater Mall, Some system bugs are being addressed. Additional kiosks will be installed at the City Marina and Police Department, ITEM #3 - Review C-View Task Force Progress Reoart Acting Chair Hamsmith complimented Member Bennett for her draft of the Task 'Force's progress report, stating it is comprehensive and readable, The Task Force voiced appreciation for Member Bennett1s efforts. The report reviews the work of the Task Force and provides the City Commission with options to consider regarding the Task Force's future. Member Bennett indicated Member Campbell had responded to the report and was absent tonight due to a neck injury. Members Campbell and Martin will Sign the progress report document at the Municipal Services Building. The Task Force reviewed the Progress Report and made minor changes (Exhibit A). u mcvl0.96 " 10102/96 ~............-'I'--~"'" ..... .,.,.,............"'"'~!.,.'n~ . .'~, ~~ '. .' ". "'. . " ','. ... I '.'-' " -". .-'.'. '.,., ,'; ..,~. ~<.. ".', J ."'. '.' ~:,' ...~..: ,,:,,:'; :':" :.',', ":'.' .\ .' < ..... ':.",' '.: ..',.'J :. .. -,.. ..' '. ,,' ':", '.' '" I ....'.:. .(.....,. [----........' , . ., . . ~.' ' I . ' , " .' \".' " } . " .~ I u : J,:" ~: - '. . . , t '.' , ~. ~ . . ,. ~ Member Whitaker moved to submit the C-View Task Force Progress Report to the City Commission and City Manager. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Acting Chair Hamsmith recommended all Task Team members attend the City Commission meeting for the presentation of the final report. Task Force members wiU be notified of the date. . ' Member Whitaker moved for Member Bennett to represent the Task Force at the City Commission meeting to present the Progress Report and for Member Smith to be her backup, The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM #4 - Other Discussion Mr. Harper thanked the Task Team members for their service, He noted members' assessment of the chambers benefited the City. He expressed his gratitude for the members' efforts and commitment of time, Acting Chair Hamsmith said the Task Team appreciated staff cooperation, He said C-View.s operation is outstanding and that Clearwater and its residents should be proud, ITEM #5 - Adiournment The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p,m. Staff Liaison .C-View Television Advisory Task Force 0... (;..:~, ~ mcv10.96 2 10/02/96 .:. : . : '. .;".; . .- ::.' .:. .,: '..:..,.....:.:. . '.\' ........ .... '. .' . . .....: '.' '.' .,... .-..'. ,,":.:. ,", . ,"_" '..:' '.' "" 'I"'" "1"..,0".-, .....': J :..', ..... " ,.':, , . ~. , ,'..' . __ ' 12 ' t ~ . . . l .., ,',' I... ,',~. :1:. ........ :.~....:........~...~:.l~~_.~,~..., [..\' ...t~\' \" .."' ,": " ,'. '.', . " ~ . " . l~" I . . "'. / E~),,(~,t Ii October 2t 1996 i"-'" MEMORANDUM FOR: TIIE CLEARWATER CITY COMMISSION FROM: Clcnnroter Government Access Television (C-VIEW) Advisory Task Force SUBJECT: Progress Report 1. Mission: The mission directed for the task force by the Clcnnvater City Commission is as follows: To advise the Chy ManDgcr concerning tbe City of Clennvaterts government access television channel. To suggest ways oCmeeting the goals set by the City Commission to televise meetings, inform citizens about the programs and services and events provided by the City, and to market the City as a place to live and do business. 2. Task Force Activities: The C-VIEW advisory task force has met six timesl. During these meetings we lw.\'e addressed all aspects oCC-VlEWts operation. This included review of the budget, quality of broadcastt availability of schedule infonnation, programming parameters, and any other issue which might lend itself to problem analysis and problem-solving by the task force. 3, Findine.s: Our findings to date arc as follows: a. Eundin2, Funding for C-VIEW is provided out of the City of Clearwater's annual budget. . TIle station is prohibited from charging other city organizations for its serviccs, ~ I . ,~ (I) Task Force Action: The task force Jooked at possible ways ofcnhancing revenue to pny for Cunher technicnl improvements and c~'Panded staff, We considered such approaches as program sponsorship by commercial organizations (as the Public Broadcnsting System does) and charging for sCr\;ces. The task force was unable to find any menns of revenue enhancement which was not prohibited by or outside the scope of the station's charter. (2) TllSk Force Assessment: The conclusions of lhe task force arc: (a) C-VlEW must live \\ithin its budget. (b) C-VlEW management recognizes the budget as an operating constraint. (c) C-VlEW management has done an excellent job offulfilling its mission within its budget. b. Schedule Infonnation Availability, This issue was a primary concern during some early meetings. BoUl the stalion and the task force recognize that most viewers find and view the channel by channel nipping. not by dcliberate reference to any program guide, (1) Task Force Action: When we firsl started meeting, publication in the two mnjor local newspapers and broadcast on the channel iLSclfwcre the two modes of making schedule information . available. One oCthe newspapers, the Sl. Petersburg Timest had decided to only publish the schedule intenniuenlly in rOlalion with other public service and community access channel schedules. The drawbacks of both these modes was that changcs in times of meetings of various municipal organizalions could not be reflected in either. At scvernl meetings we discussed shortfalls of lhe initial situation and brainslormed some ways of giving immediacy to municipal meeting informationt e.g" via phone in or via computerize means, . \ " .., I , Meetings were held on the following dates: January 19, February 7, April lOt June 5, August 14t ....... October 2, 1996. c.>"~______._ .._....~_~.... . ". .~..u...._._>...........-,... " ',~'_.'..' . ' ~':;.~ . ..:.': '.,....... .....:,. .:.....', ','. .:.,:' '......... . :\., ..' '.. ..... ....:. .'..... :"",.:,I~ ,:.': ., .: '. ,:. . . ..' \.:. .:' " '. .., .', 'J. .... .":'~"m. .',' ..... ..;'>' .". L".. ".J... ~ . . ...,. .' .,. . \. .' JI" 1. '.'. I~ I . , ..f. .... .... I~" I + . ',H':' ':.' ," '..',.. "'." ,'. '. ", V" ...~I~_,'~. '<' .-,.,.;:........::......:_..,: ',:'..,.., .,\':', ' "'" ,":','.' .:" . 1.' .. ..~.~.. ". ' ,,: ," . ~. \ o/~\qfp Ex ~/,7 /I ,......... (2) Task Force Assessment: During our term on the task force. C-VlEW greatly expanded the menns by which schedule information is available. In addition to newspaper publication nnd broadcnst on nn impro\'cd TV bulletin bonrd system, there is n recorded meeting schedule updated daily accessible by phone, and also a World Wide Web site with schedule information. Our conclusion: C- VIEW has done an excellent job of expanding timeliness and availability of progmm schedule information. The task force can find no requirement for improvement. c, Publicity: An important part of serving the customer is leuing the customer know that C- VIEW exists, In this case. the tnsk force identified three sets of customers. The prime customer is the citizen of Clemwater for municipal meeting broadcasts nnd other civic information, Secondary customers are tourists and those visiting the town on business or even considering relocating business here for information about local events and about the city. (1) TJ1Sk Force Action: We learned from C-VIEW management that C-VIEW tent cards are placed in local hotels to inform visitors that the TV channel exists and has information about events in the local area. Also, once in the past, local utility bills had an enclosure on C-VIEW to reach Cleanvater residents. (2) Task Force Assessment: The publicity steps taken in combination with the schedule information are adequate. We did suggest to management that they have tent cards andlor flyers at the Cleanmter welcome center and that the Chamber of Commerce include a flyer in any infonnation packcts they send to businesses interested in the locnl area. Also. we recommended that periodically. perhaps once a )'ear or every 18 months, an enclosure on C-VIEW be included in utility bills to remind old residents and infornl new residents about the existence of the channel. The conclusion of the task force is: ........... I -" ".~ C- VIEW is doing an adequate job of publicizing the station and has tnken note of the task forcc's recommendntions for future action. d. Technical Quality of Brand casts: Lighting and sound deficiencies have been noticeable in brondcnsts of city council meetings. And there was no indication to stntion management (other than by human vie\\ing) if there were technical problems from the station end. (1) Task Force Action. Because of the significant broadcast technology experience of several of our tnsk force members, we were able to identify the technical sources of the problems and tnlk to a range of technical solutions. (2) Task Force Assessment: Most of the technical problems are unresolvable by C-VlEW for two reasons: either they are not under C.VlEW.s control. but under the control ofthe council staff; or they result from the condition of the facility in which the city council meets. Our conclusions are: (n) C-VIEW has improved its tcchnical monitoring ofits broadcasts (e.g., can automatically detect some conditions and can reset "ia telephone call.) (b) C-VIEW hns done all it enn at the C-VIEW end to improve broadcasts of all kinds, including creating (very economically) an excellent new broadcast studio. (e) In planning nny improvements to council chambers or other sites from which municipal meetings nre broadcast. the city should include broadcast technical ndvisors from C-VlEW or other sources to help optimize the nppearnnce ofthe facility for broadcnst. u ': '_..'." I '"..~ .",,' .',.'"",,.','.:, ", '.'..:....:'.:...... ".:.,..,......, :.'.' '..', '.;. ,.,"..,:, .. " ;. ' . < :':. '.,. .. \. '. .... " "', ~ ," '; , . ,,~ ' . .'. ~.. ' ~ . I. . . : I.' , . .' " . ~ , ' . . " . . ... I'.. [ I' . -. . , . , '~ j.., . . ~ \:, '.....-1 '. '.,' t. '. . 'j,: " .'~."'~, .;.:,:. :\1" .~..I.:;. /. l~ ....~....:. ;'~~:~:....>~.._'::"L'.....;"i."":I~'~~' ...:,/~'~:.r'" ..:.', ~ \ "'+ :'1', ',,'. [ ':',.,. .... I . ,", ,..::::, ...." " ..:,:. j J. I:":' ':.: , .......:,..:-. ~.:.,:.... /0 1~1'1~ i;<A,b,1A 1"-"" e. Ethics Issues: The C- VIEW charter contains some general wording that the task force thought might require some assessment nnd recommendation. The specific wording is that "Promotional announcements for events, charities. and organizations outside of official government interest or sponsors/,ip shall not be allowed." The issue was whether tbe station had any difficulty drawing the tine on which non-profit/rcUgiouslother institutionally sponsored events would be or wouldn't be included in notices ortoca1 events so C-VIEW's broadcast of the infonnation wouldn't appcnr to be city endorsement. (1) Task Force Actions. We discussed with C-VIEW management which notices arc included in the events bulletin board and how various programs are scheduled. (2) Task Force Assessment. Given the limited scope of the station's charter Dnd the existence of public access channels which enn handle the full range of information from the public, we determined that there was no problem and no requirement for clarification or operational guidelines. Our conclusion is: C-VIEW management has a very clear understanding of their mission, the constraints oftheir charter, and the broadcasting customers they serve. ~. Soccinl Notes: Two items which were not part of the task force's issues analysis significantly impressed the task force and deserve specinl notice. a. New Facilitv. The task force began its deliberations in the City Hall Annex on Missouri Avenue where lhe broodC<Jst facility wns Jocntcd. In May our meetings moved to the new Municipal Senices Building where the station and stnff had been relocated. The new facility is a qunntum leap improvement over the make-do earlier broadcast facility. Both the City of Clearwater and the C- VIEW management are to be congratulated for the commitment to improvement and on the planning and instnllation of the new facility, ,.'''', ',.,~' b. C-VIEW Staff. The establishment ofa task force to "help" an ongoing organization improve its performance is not always well-received by the organization in question, But in the case of C- VIEW, the task force was received by an e.xtraordinarily cooperative and competent staff, All our questions were answered; we had aU the data and assistance we desired. We especially appreciate the support from Carrie Huntley, the Community Outreach Manager, who attended aU our meetings, answered all our questions and provided updates on C-VIEW management and programming initiath'es. We are also grateful to JerrUarpcr, the C-VIEW Infonnation Manngement Director, for his support, and to Patricia S\lllh'an, Board Reporter, the faithful scribe for minutes of all our meetings. 5, Disvosition of the Advisory Task Force, The Cle:mvater Government Access Television Ad,'isory Task Force was chartered for an 18 month term. This should result in dissolulion of the task force in June 1997, The tusk force has looked at all aspects of C- VIEW manngement and operations which may benefit from our suggestions. We have seen extraordinary improvement in C-VIEW across the board during the course of our term. Our overall assessment is tbat C- VIEW manngement and operations are excellent and we can identify no remaining problems or issues requiring our nUention, Because of this fortunate situation, we suggest the City of Clearwater consider the following options regarding this task force: a. Dissol\'c the tusk force now instead of in June 1997. b. Continue the task force until June 1997, but ns nn inactive group to be called inlo session if an issue or problem arises that can benefit from our aHention during this term. C, Continue the tnsk force until June 1997, but as nn inactive group of advisors who may be called on for advice or assistance individually or ns n group as conditions warrant during this term. ,L" ,; \ ~ >...........~,.,..~~_.l........,... " ~...~..H. ._L.......~~......,.~., .~ '::\' " :,_...,. ,: '" ','~' \tf. ,:"':,,;,:', ' ,';".',"";,: ,"::.":. ',::':~....:: , ','::.:,,:<':.' ::':.:,:,~~,':~,<',,' <" ,~....,' ,,:' ',' ,',': "." .':', " .', :. " ' ',>",:,:,",;,::',::' ',' " ' " .', , . , " , , .' 1"'.--';' l' I' ',' ,,' 1, ' .. , . " '.. ,'''; ,; . ,." ,...". I' _ .',. +. . . .....