Item "
Meeting Date:
A II Clearwater City Commission
C M ..J- Agenda Cover Memorandum
Municipal Services complex - Addition to Scope and Amount of Contract
Approve an amendment to the existing contract with Rowe ArChitects, Inc. to
provide architectural services associated with telephone, data and TV cabling
interconnecting the new Municipal Services building, the new Police
Headquarters building, the new garage building, the existing Fire Department
Headquarters and the existing City Hall building in the amount of $77,000; and
an amendment to the existing contract with Creative-Beers contractors calling
for the construction/installation of the interconnecting network in an amount
of $712,295 resulting in an increase to the existing guaranteed maximum price
from $15,875,000 to $16,587,295.
H and that the appropriate officials be authorized to execute same.
The new Municipal Services building, Police Headquarters Building and parking
garage (within which the graphics shop will be located) are currently scheduled
for completion on March 21, 1996 - excepting the garage building which
construction will not begin until the completion of the Police Headquarters
building and the demolition of the existing police facility. These buildings
will be delivered to us, as is the typical case, with all electrical wiring but
with only chases and runs for the accommodation of whatever voice/data/tv
cabling is determined necessary for our purposes.
The City'S operations are complex to the extent that the vertical and
horizontal cabling within the buildings and the interconnection between
buildings will require considerable time for completion and if accomplished
subsequent to our receipt of the building will delay our move-in time for
several weeks. On the other hand, the work is of such volume that our building
contractor will, as is the usual case, not allow the accomplishment of this
cabling work on top of, and in interference with, his finishing the building.
Because of the time-frames involved, as well as the desirable simplicity of
having our building contractor responsible for the cabling work, it is in our
best interests to accomplish the work by way of an amendment to the contracts
Reviewed by: iliA Originating Dept: Costs: S 789.295 C~ission Action:
legal Adninistration Total 0 Approved
Budget ~ 0 Approved w/conditions
Purchasing S
Risle Mgrot. User Dept: Current Fiscal Yr. 0 Denied
CIS N/AbJUJ 0 Continued to:
ACM Adninistration Flnfillll Source:
Other H Capital I~.
Advertised: 0 Operating A ttac:hlllents:
Date: 0 Other
/~ Paper:
I!lI Not Requi red
Slbuitted by: Affected Parties H None
City ~F 0 Notified Appropriation Code:
H Not Required
- 2 -
with our existing architect and builder.
In addition to the work which will take place within each new building, the
three new buildings will be interconnected with the Fire Department
Headquarters located adjacent to the Police Headquarters building and the
existing City Hall building on Osceola AVenue. Further, this work will be
designed to successfully interconnect, in a future year, with the Harborview
Center, the City Library, the Pinellas County Emergency Operations, the
Pinellas County Geographical Information System, and the City radio
communication tower at Lakeview and Prospect Streets.
Funding in the amount of $360,409 is available in capital improvement project
315-94603, Municipal Services Complex Technology, for these contract costs.
The balance of $$351,886 will be provided by a first quarter budget amendment
transferring these funds from the unappropriated retained earnings of the
General Fund representing operating budget savings in the 1994/95 budget year.
Re :: /1
Mayor and Commissioners
J"- '.c.~
William C. Baker, Assistant City Manager
Betty Deptula, City Manager
Kathy S. Rice, Deputy City Manager
Cyndie Goudeau, City Clerk
Additional Infonnation Regarding Municipal Service Complex -
Addition to Scope and Amount of Contract
November 2, 1995
In response to the request by Commissioner Berfield at the Monday Work Session, I am
preparing a further explanation of the various costs associated with the subject item.
The amount of new work to be performed by Creative Beers Contractors as an
addendum to the existing contract is $712,295. This will accomplish the following items
of construction:
* Horizontal voice cabling of 3 floors Municipal Services Building and
Police Headquarters Building.
* Horizontal data cabling of 3 floors Municipal Services Building and
Police Headquarters Building.
* Horizontal CATV cabling of 3 floors Municipal Services Building and
Police Headquarters Building.
* Vertical Fiber Optic data cabling for Municipal Services Building and
Police Headquarters Building.
* Vertical copper voice cabling for Municipal Services Building and Police
Headquarters Building.
* Fiber Optic interconnection between the l\funicipal Services Building,
new City garage, Police Headquarters Building, main FIre Station and the
City HalVOsceola.
Page 1
* A stub-out for future connection with Pinellas County Emergency
Operations Center, Pinellas County Geographical Infonnation S}'stem,
City radio tower at Lakeview and Prospect Streets, the Harborview Center
and the main City library.
In addition to the construction costs which will, of course, be paid to Creative-Beers,
Inc., a professional fee of $75,000 is associated with the work. The professional fee is
divided in the following manner:
* $41,500 will be paid to Bay Resources Communications Consultants for
the cabling design. Each of the hundreds of work stations located in the
various building must be individually cabled in accordance with the
specific activities occurring at the station.
* $19,500 will be paid to Architectural Engineering, Inc., our electrical
subcontractor, already serving our project. AEI will interface all cabling
with the buildings' electrical system as well as take part in tbe design of
tbe cross-country fiber optic interconnections.
* Rowe Architects, Inc., will be paid $15,000 to administer and manage
the work's progression, to inspect all work, authorize payments and to
stand responsible for the adequacy and perfonnance of the entire project.