09/16/1996 (2)
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September 16. 1996
Rita Garvey
Robert Clark
Ed Hooper
Karen Seel
Elise Winters
David Stone
Kathy S. Rice
Elizabeth M. Deptula
Pamela K. Akin
Cynthia E. Goudeau
Patricia O. Sullivan
Chair/CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
CRA Trustee
Ex-Officio Trustee
Ex-Officio Trustee
Interim Director/Deputy City Manager
City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:36 a.m. at City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed
In that order.
ITEM #2. Aocroval of Minutes
t~~ Ex.Officio Trustee Elise Winters referred to page 2, paragraph 4, and requested the first
" ',.- sentence read, "Ms. Rice said the DDS may request some changes following the joint
eRA/DDS November meeting. . ."
Trustee Hooper moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 13, 1996, as
amended. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM #3 - New Business
a) Budget for Fiscal Year 1996/97
The FY (Fiscal Year) 1996/97 budget was presented. The revenue budget is based on
taxable value estimates and assumes the DDB (Downtown Development Board) pays the tax
increment. Interest income assumes the 1986 CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency)
bonds continue to be outstanding. The expenditure budgot assumes a transfer of $77.000 to
the City to staff the CRA office and assumes the 1986 CRA bonds remain outstanding and
require an additional $ 156,935 be transferred to the Debt Service Fund. Budgeted professional
services include estimated legal fees. Funding this budget requires a transfer of $156,911
from prior years working capital.
Interim Director/Deputy City Manager Kathy 5. Rice hoped a sublease of the eRA
offices could be worked out with the DDB. The issue currently is on hold. The City Manager
reported the eRA is budgeted to pay half of the litigation regarding the Garden Avenue Parking
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Trustee Johnson moved to adopt the CRA original budget for FY 1996/97 and that the
appropriate officials be authorized to execute same. The motion was duly seconded and
carried unanimously.
ITEM #4 - Executive Director Verbal Reoorts
Ms. Rice stated the new Assistant City Manager, Bob Keller, will begin work on October
7, 1996, and take over eRA duties.
ITEM #5 - Other Trustee Business
Joint eRA/DDB meeting
Ex-Officio Trustee David Stone expressed concern the proposed reconstitution was a
little "off track." He expressed concern a new date for the joint CRA/DDS had not been
scheduled. He felt County objections could be addressed politically if the organizations jointly
supported the change and requested approval. Ms. Winters noted the advantages of
establishing joint goals and recommended against delay. Chair Garvey felt it seemed
reasonable to postpone the meeting until board members elected in November took their seats
and Mr. Keller had started work. Ms. Winters said the ODS needs to resolve goal issues before
the first of the year. Newly elected board members can be invited to attend. She said the
DDB has been able to address only the basics of next year's budget. Mr. Stone suggested the
meeting should be a work session where CRA and DDB members debate the merits of
reconstitution, effective uses of funds, and ways the organizations can work together.
Trustees Seel and Hooper agreed a joint goal setting meeting should be scheduled.
A joint CRA/DDB was scheduled tentatively for November 2, 1996, from 1 2:00 noon
until 4:00 p.m.
Downtown Model
Ms. Winters stated the downtown model would be removed from Chambers on
September 19, 1996. She noted the model is a work in progress.
Changes to the model were discussed. The City Manager recommended against
relocating the Library to the vicinity of the Municipal Services Building, also called the quad
area, because of lack of parking. She recommended the City Commission hold further
discussion regarding the downtown model.
Consensus was to recommend the City Commission not rule out the Municipal Services
Building area or quad area for the library.
Promoting the Downtown Plan
Ms. Winters said the Downtown Partnership had approved promoting the Downtown
Plan to Clearwater citizens and had recommended reaching out to City neighborhoods. The
o DDS recommended promoting the Downtown Plan in conjunction with the November 9, 1996,
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The meeting adjourned at 9:56 a.m. '
Community Redevelopment Agency
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~ Saturday in the City when many activities are planned to attract people downtown. The
I, ,.1 Downtown model will be exhibited in Station Square Park.
eRA Rules
Ms. Rice recommended addressing the CRA rules after the new Assistant City Manager
is on board.
ITEM #6 ~ Adjournment
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